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Amy Van Hecke PhD
Department of Psychology

PO Box 1881
604 N. 16th St., Rm 328A
Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881

08/1994 - 05/1998 B.A., Smith College, Northampton, MA
08/1999 - 12/2001 M.S., University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL
12/2001 - 08/2004 Ph.D., University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL

08/2004 - 08/2007 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Psychiatry, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL

01/1999 - 05/1999 Part-time Lecturer, Department of Psychology, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, UK
08/2007 - Present Assistant Professor of Psychology, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI

08/2007 - Present Director, Department of Psychology, Center for Psychological Services, Marquette Autism Clinic, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI

08/2007 - Present Director, Marquette Autism Project, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI
08/2010 - Present Director, Marquette PEERS Project, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI

1994 - 1998 Smith College Dean's List
1996 - Present and 1998 Smith College First Group Scholar
1998 - Present Graduated Cum Laude, Smith College
1999 - 2004 Commendations for excellence in research and academics, University of Miami Psychology Department
2003 - Present University of Miami Danhour Award for excellence in research in child psychology
2004 - Present University of Miami Graduate Student Appreciation Bertha Weber Award, for excellence in service to the Department of Psychology
2010 - Present Way Klingler Young Scholar Award, Marquette University
2011 - Present Research featured as one of the "Big Ideas of 2011" by the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel newspaper
2012 - Present Milwaukee Business Times, Healthcare Hero Award for Innovations in Healthcare

1994 - 1998 Psi Chi (National Honor Society for Psychology)
1997 - Present Sigma Xi
1998 - Present Phi Beta Kappa
1998 - Present Sigma Xi (the Scientific Honor Society)
1999 - 2000 Autism Society of America
2000 - Present American Psychological Association (Member)
2000 - 2001 International Society for Infant Studies
2006 - Present Society for Research in Child Development (Member)
2008 - Present Society for Neuroscience (Member)
2008 - 2009 International Society for Autism Research (Member)
2012 - Present Society for Psychophysiological Research (Member)
2012 - Present Marquette University (Integrative Neuroscience Research Consortium)

Journal Review
2006 - Present Invited Reviewer, Psychophysiology
2007 - Present Invited Reviewer, Prentice Hall Publishers
2010 - Present Invited Reviewer, Developmental Psychology
2011 - Present Invited Reviewer, Early Childhood Research Quarterly
2011 - Present Invited Reviewer, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
2011 - Present Invited Reviewer, European Journal of Developmental Psychology
2011 - Present Invited Reviewer, Developmental Psychobiology
2011 - Present Invited Reviewer, Infant and Child Development
2012 - Present Invited Reviewer, Biological Psychology
2012 - Present Invited Reviewer, Physiology and Behavior
2012 - Present Invited Reviewer, Cognition and Emotion
2012 - Present Invited Reviewer, British Journal of Developmental Psychology
2012 - Present Invited Reviewer, Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities
2013 - Present Invited Reviewer, Molecular Autism
2013 - Present Invited Reviewer, Autism Research
2013 - Present Invited Reviewer, Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology

04/2012 - Present Invited member, Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnostics Statewide Workgroup, Community of Practice on Autism
10/2012 - Present Invited member, Autism Spectrum Disorder Higher Education Workgroup, Community of Practice on Autism
12/2012 - Present Member, Board of Directors, Autism Society of Southeastern

05/2009 - Present Invited Grant Reviewer, Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)UK
04/2011 - Present Invited Grant Reviewer, National Science Foundation (NSF)
02/2013 - Present Invited Grant Reviewer, Azraeli Neurodevelopmental Grants, Brain Canada
03/2013 - 05/2013 Early Career Grant Reviewer, Child psychopathology and DD; Cognitive and Perceptual Processes, NIH
01/2014 - Present Invited Ad Hoc Grant Reviewer, Child Psychopathology and Developmental Disabilities Section, NIH

Peer Review
Robotically‐enhanced neuroimaging of memory and prediction in
Role & Effort:
Robert Scheidt, Ph.D.
01/01/2014 - 01/01/2017
Direct Funds:
Non-Peer Review
PEERS Research at Marquette University
Green Bay Packers Foundation
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
12/2013 - 12/2014
Direct Funds:
Peer Review
Infant Joint Attention and Developmental Outcomes
Role & Effort:
Graduate Research Assistant
Peter Mundy, Ph.D.
08/1999 - 07/2001
Mental Retardation/Developmental Disabilities
Role & Effort:
Peter Mundy, Ph.D.
08/2001 - 08/2004
Neural Regulation of Social Engagement in Autism, Postdoctoral NRSA
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
08/2004 - 08/2007
Regular Research Grant
Marquette University
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
01/2008 - 07/2008
Direct Funds:
Graduate Research Training Award
Organization for Autism Research
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator, Mentor for trainee Jeffrey Karst, MS
10/2012 - 05/2013
Direct Funds:
Non-Peer Review
Summer Faculty Fellowship
Marquette University
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
2008 - 2012
Direct Funds:
Research Development Program
Marquette University
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
09/2009 - 05/2010
Direct Funds:
Forward Thinking Colloquy Award
Marquette University
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
2011 - 2013
Direct Funds:
Faculty Development Award
Marquette University
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
04/2013 - Present
Direct Funds:

Vaughan, Language interventions for children at risk for developmental disorders., Invited lecture for the University of PortsmouthDepartment of Psychology Research Seminar Series, Portsmouth, UK
Vaughan Van Hecke, A., & Bal, E, Foundations of social behavior: Interactions between the brain and the body in students with autism spectrum disorders, Invited lecture for the North Suburban Special Education District (NSSE, Northfield, Illinois
Van Hecke, AV, Autism research at Marquette: Student involvement and new insights, resented to the Marquette University Alumni Reunion, Milwaukee, WI
Van Hecke, AV, Autism research and services at Marquette: Proven results and
Van Hecke, Autism in young children: New insights for diagnosis and treatment, Invited keynote speaker, Milwaukee Association for the Education of Young Children (MAEYC) annual conference
Van Hecke, AV, Autism research at Marquette: Student involvement and new insights., Presented to the Marquette University National Alumni Board
Van Hecke, AV, Remembering our roots, growing into our future, Invited Faculty Panelist: Mt. Mary College All-College Workshop, Milwaukee, WI
Van Hecke, A.V., A second critical period: Intervention strategies for teenagers with autism spectrum disorders., Invited Grand Rounds lecture given to the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral MedicineMedical College of Wisconsin, Wauwatosa, WI
Van Hecke, A.V., Social disabilities and intervention strategies for teenagers with autism spectrum disorders., Invited Grand Rounds lecture given to the Department of PediatricsMedical College of Wisconsin, Wauwatosa, WI
Van Hecke, A.V., When friends are paramount: Relationship-building intervention for teenagers with autism spectrum disorders., Invited Grand Rounds lecture given to the Department of Child PsychiatryMedical College of Wisconsin, Wauwatosa, WI
Van Hecke, AV, Post waiver: Now what?, Invited presentation given to the Community of Practice focus group on Autism and Developmental Disabilities, Milwaukee, WI
Van Hecke, A.V., Building social skills, Parenting Series Workshop, Autism Society of Southeastern Wisconsin
Van Hecke, AV, College students with autism spectrum disorders, Presented to the Marquette Department of Student Affairs, Milwaukee, WI
Van Hecke, AV, Diagnosis and treatment of college-age adults with autism., Presented to Marquette Counseling Center, Milwaukee, WI
Van Hecke, AV, Diagnosis of children and adults with autism: Specific contributions of speech and social interaction behavior., Presented to Marquette Department of Speech Pathology, Milwaukee, WI
Vaughan, A., Using tactile stimulation to decrease self-injurious behavior, nvited lecture for Hudspeth Regional Center, Whitfield, MS
Vaughan Van Hecke, A., Johnson, N., & McDonald, G., The Urban Autism Diagnostic Initiative, Diversity Open House, Milwaukee, WI
Van Hecke, AV, ommunity discussion: ASD and DSM-V, Invited presentation given to the Community of Practice workgroup on Autism and Developmental Disabilities, Milwaukee, WI
Van Hecke, AV, Plasticity of EEG asymmetry in adolescents with autism spectrum disorders., Marquette University Integrative Neuroscience Research Consortium meeting, Milwaukee, Wi
Van Hecke, College students with autism spectrum disorders.
Van Hecke, A.V., Building friendships in individuals with autism spectrum disorders. Invited keynote presenter, American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD) WI chapter annual conference, WI Dells, WI
Van Hecke, A.V., Barthel, R., Johnson, N., & Klein-Tasman, B., Autism and DSM-V: A Panel Discussion. Invited Grand Rounds lecture given to the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Wauwatosa, WI

Vaughan, A., & Block, Temperament and infant joint attention, Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Minneapolis, MN, USA, 2001 - Present
Vaughan, A., Block, J., Gomez, Y., Neal, R., Pomares, Y., Meyer, J., & Mundy, Temperament and joint attention., Poster presented at the biennial meeting of International Conference on Infant Studies, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2002 - Present
Vaughan, A., & Mundy, P. (Chairs), Joint attention and social competence in typical and atypical samples., Paper symposium held at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Tampa, Florida, 2003 - Present
Vaughan, A. & Gomez, Joint attention and social-emotional outcome in normally developing children., Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Tampa, Florida, 2003 - Present
Vaughan Van Hecke, A., Lebow, J., Bal, E., Bazhenova, O., Denver, J., Harden, E., Kramer, A., Lamb, D., Marczyk, K., McCool, M., Padilla, W., Plaut, A., Wrzosek, M. & Porges, S., EEG and heart rate responses to familiar and unfamiliar people in children with autism., Poster presented at the 4th International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR), Seattle, WA, 2007 - Present
Vaughan Van Hecke, A., Lebow, J., Harden, E.R., McCool, M., Kramer, A., Bazhenova, O., Marczyk, K.D., Bal, E., Lamb, D. & Porges, S., Heart rate regulation in response to familiar and unfamiliar people in children with autism., Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development biannual conference, Boston, MA, 2007 - Present
Vaughan Van Hecke, A., Chair, Cardiovascular regulation and social behavior in typically developing and at-risk infants and children, Paper symposium held at the annual meeting of the International Conference on Infant Studies, Minneapolis, MN, USA., 06/2012 - Present
Vaughan Van Hecke, A., Meyer, A., Stevens, S., Dolan, B., Karst, J., Schohl, K., Brockman, S., Remmel, R., Fritz, N., Gasaway, C. & McDonald, EG indices and respiratory sinus arrhythmia as biomarkers of treatment response in adolescents with ASD, Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, New Orleans, LA., 2012 - Present
Vaughan Van Hecke, A., Meyer, A., Stevens, S., Dolan, B., Karst, J., Schohl, K., Brockman, S., Remmel, R., Fritz, N., Gasaway, C. & McDonald, PEERS Treatment leads to increased neural activity in adolescents with ASD, Poster presented at the 9th International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR), Toronto, Canada., 2012 - Present
Van Hecke, A. V., Stevens, S., Wasisco, J., Carson, A., Karst, J., Schohl, K., Dolan, B., Remmel, R., Fritz, N., McDonald, G., Reveles, A., & Kahne, J., Neural plasticity and intervention: Effects of the PEERS program on EEG activity and respiratory sinus arrhythmia, Paper presented at the 10th International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR), San Sebastian, Spain, 05/2013 - Present
Vaughan Van Hecke, A., Lamb, D., Harden, E., Bal, E., Heilman, K., Bazhenova, O., Denver, J., Marczyk, K., Wrzosek, M. I., Padilla, W., Plaut, A. & Porges, EEG alpha activity during postural changes, Poster presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association (MPA) conference, Chicago, IL, 2006 - Present
Vaughan Van Hecke & Meyer, A., Neural responses to people in children with autism: Pre- and post-intervention measures, Poster presented at Marquette Forward Thinking Colloquy, Milwaukee, Wi, 11/2007 - Present
Vaughan Van Hecke, A. & Karst, J., Parent and family outcomes of PEERS Intervention, Poster presented at the Marquette Forward Thinking Colloquy, Milwaukee, Wi, 11/2011 - Present

Graduate Student Education
01/2007 - 05/2007 Professor, Psy 418, Multivariate Statistics (DePaul Univ)
08/2009 - Present Professor, Psyc 8101, Introduction to Graduate Statistics (MU)
01/2013 - Present Professor, Psyc 8640, Graduate Developmental Psychology (MU)
Community/Lay Public
01/2002 - 05/2002 Professor, Undergaduate Psy 204, Introduction to Biobehavioral Statistics (University of Miami)
08/2007 - Present Professor, Undergraduate Psyc 2001, Introduction to Statistics (MU)
08/2007 - Present Professor, Undergraduate Psyc 3101, Developmental Psychology (MU)
08/2007 - Present Professor, Undergraduate Psyc 4956, Independent Study (MU)
01/2014 - Present Professor, Undergraduate Psyc 4961, Autism Spectrum Disorders (MU)

Undergraduate Students
Have mentored over 25 undergraduates working in our Marquette Autism Project., Marquette University
Graduate Students
PhD Committees
Have been a reader on 11 Dissertations and Qualifying Exams, Marquette University
Have chaired 5 Master's thesis committees, Marquette University
MS Committees
Have been a reader on 7 thesis committees, Marquette University
Have Chaired 4 Dissertation Committees, Marquette University

2003 - 2008 Treasurer, Class of 1998, Smith College
2005 - 2007 Young Alumnae Representative, Smith College Alumnae Club of Chicago
01/2008 - 08/2011 Member, Education Committee, Milwaukee Betty Brinn Children's Museum
02/2008 - Present Contributor, Babytalk Magazine
2008 - Present Member, Classes Committee, Alumnae Association of Smith College
2009 - 2013 Book Award Coordinator, Milwaukee Smith College Alumnae Club
09/2010 - 09/2011 9/2012, 9/2013: Team Captain, Marquette University Department of Psychology Autism Clinic Team, Dylan's Run to Support Autism Research, Autism Society of Southeastern Wisconsin

Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. Carson, A.M., Gregor, N., Scheidt, R., & Vaughan Van Hecke, A. (2013). EEG Coherence in children with and without autism spectrum disorders: Decreased inter-hemispheric connectivity in autism. Manuscript in press, Autism Research.
2. Schohl, K., Karst, J., Dolan, B., Stevens, S., Carson, A.M., & Vaughan Van Hecke, A. (2013). A replication and extension of the PEERS intervention: Examining effects on social skills and social anxiety in adolescents with autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, DOI: 10.1007/s10803-013-1900-1
3. Vaughan Van Hecke, A., Stevens, S., Carson, A.M., Dolan, B., Karst, J., Schohl, K., McKindles, R., Remmel, R., & Brockman, S. (2013). Measuring the plasticity of social approach: A randomized controlled trial of the effects of the PEERS intervention on EEG asymmetry in adolescents with autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, DOI 10.1007/s10803-013-1883-y
4. Salowitz, N., Karst, J., Meyer, A., Schohl, K., Stevens, S., Vaughan Van Hecke, A., & Scheidt, R. (2012). Visuo-spatial guidance of movement during gesture imitation and mirror drawing in children with autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, DOI: 10.1007/s10803-012-1631-8
5. Karst, J., & Vaughan Van Hecke, A. (2012). Parent and family impact of autism spectrum disorders: A review and proposed model for intervention evaluation. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, DOI: 10.1007/s10567-012-0119-6
6. Vaughan Van Hecke, A., Mundy, P. C., Block, J., Delgado, C., Parlade, M.V., Pomares, Y., & Hobson, J. (2012). Infant responding to joint attention, executive processes, and attention regulation in preschool children. Infant Behavior and Development, 35, 303-311. DOI: 10.1016/j.infbeh.2011.12.001
7. Bal, E., Harden, E., Lamb, D., Vaughan Van Hecke, A., Denver, J., & Porges, S.W. (2009). Emotion recognition in children with autism spectrum disorders: Relations to eye gaze and autonomic state. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 40, 358-370
8. Venezia Parlade, M., Messinger, D., Delgado, C., Yale Kaiser, M., Vaughan Van Hecke, A., & Mundy, P. (2009). Anticipatory smiling: Early affective communication predicts social competence. Infant Behavior and Development, 32, 33-43
9. Vaughan Van Hecke, A., Lebow, J., Bal, E., Lamb, D. Harden, E., Kramer, A., Denver, J., Bazhenova, O., & Porges, S. (2009). EEG and heart rate regulation to familiar and unfamiliar people in children with autism spectrum disorders. Child Development, 80, 1118-33
10. Mundy, P., Block, J., Delgado, C., Pomares, Y., Van Hecke, A.V., & Parlade, M.V. (2007). Individual differences and the development of joint attention in infancy. Child Development, 78, 938-954.
11. Vaughan Van Hecke, A., Mundy, P. C., Acra, C. F., Block, J., Gomez, Y., Delgado, C., Venezia, M., Meyer, J., Neal, R., & Pomares, Y. (2007). Infant joint attention, temperament, and social competence in preschool children. Child Development, 78, 53-69
12. Meyer, J. A., Mundy, P., Van Hecke, A.V., & Durocher, J. S. (2006). Social-attribution processes and comorbid psychiatric symptoms in children with Asperger syndrome. Autism, 10, 383-402
13. Sutton, S., Burnette, C., Mundy, P., Meyer, J., Vaughan, A., Sanders, C., & Yale, M. (2005). Resting cortical brain activity, social impairments, and comorbidity in high functioning children with autism. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 46, 211-222
14. Burnette, C. P., Mundy, P. C., Meyer, J. A., Sutton, S. K., Vaughan, A. E., & Charak, D. (2005). Weak central coherence and its relations to theory of mind and anxiety in autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 35, 63-73
15. Vaughan, A., Mundy, P., Block, J., Burnette, C., Delgado, C., Gomez, Y., Meyer, J., Neal, R., & Pomares, Y. (2003). Child, caregiver, and temperament contributions to infant joint attention. Infancy, 4, 603-616
16. Mundy, P., & Vaughan, A. (2002). Joint attention and its role in the diagnostic assessment of children with autism. Assessment for Effective Intervention, 27, 57-60
17. Reddy, V., Williams, E., & Vaughan, A. (2002). Sharing humour and laughter in autism and Down's Syndrome. British Journal of Psychology, 93, 219-242
18. Reddy, V., Williams, E., & Vaughan, A. (2001). Sharing laughter: The humour of pre-school children with Down Syndrome. Down Syndrome: Research and Practice, 7, 125-128
Books, Chapters, and Reviews
1. Vaughan Van Hecke, A., Mundy, P., & Oswald, T. (submitted, publication expected 2015). Joint attention, social competence, and developmental psychopathology. To be in D. Cicchetti and D. Cohen (Eds.), Developmental Psychopathology, 3rd Edition. New Jersey: Wiley.
2. Mundy, P., & Van Hecke, A.V. (2008). Neural systems, gaze following, and the development of joint attention. In C. Nelson & M. Luciana (Eds.), Handbook of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 2nd edition (pp. 819-838). Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press
3. Vaughan Van Hecke, A., & Mundy, P. (2007). Neural systems and the development of gaze following and related joint attention skills. In R. Flom, K. Lee, & D. Muir (Eds.), Gaze Following: Its Development and Significance (pp.17-51). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
1. Stevens, S., Van Hecke, A.V., McKindles, R., et al (2013). Condition-dependent neural responses in adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders suggest modified continuous EEG protocols in autism experiments investigating social behavior. Clinical Neuropsychologist, 27, 641-641.
2. Remmel, R., Van Hecke, A.V., Stevens, S., et al. (2013). An EEG study of Mu frequency band activity in autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Supplement, 159.
3. Vaughan Van Hecke, A., Meyer, A., Stevens, S., et al. (2012). EEG indices and respiratory sinus arrhythmia as biomarkers of treatment response in adolescents with ASD. Psychophysiology, 49, S7.