Medical College of Wisconsin
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Andreas M. Beyer PhD
Department of Medicine
Division of Cardiology

MCW Cardiovascular Center
8701 Watertown Plank Rd
Milwaukee, WI 53226
Phone: 414-456-7514

09/01/1996 - 03/31/2001 Dipl. of Biotechnology, University of Applied Science Giessen Friedberg, Giessen - Germany
05/01/2001 - 08/31/2007 Ph.D., University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA

09/01/2007 - 08/31/2009 Postdoctoral fellow, Internal Medicine, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
09/01/2009 - 01/31/2011 Postdoctoral fellow, Physiology, MCW, 8701 Watertown Plank Rd, Milwaukee, WI 53226

08/01/1995 - 08/01/1996 Social Service - EMT Malteser Hilfsdienst

02/01/2011 - 06/30/2012 Instructor, Medicine, Cardiology, MCW, 8701 Watertown Plank Rd, Milwaukee, WI 53226
07/01/2012 - Present Assistant Professor, Medicine, Cardiology, MCW, 8701 Watertown Plank Rd, Milwaukee, WI 53226

2012 - 2016 Research Program Director of Basic Science Training Program For Cardiothoracic Surgery Residence, Cardiothoracic Surgery, MCW, 8701 Watertown Plank Rd, Milwaukee, WI 53226
2013 - 2017 Organizer Cardiovascular Center Seminar Series, MCW, 8701 Watertown Plank Rd, Milwaukee, WI 53226

2015 - Present Peer Review Committee: Vascular Endothelial Biology 2, American Heart Association

2003 - 2005 Predoctoral Fellowship, American Heart Association - Heartland Affiliate
2005 Pfizer Education Scholarship, Keystone Symposia PPAR LXR
2006 Merck New Investigator Award, AHA - Council of High Blood Pressure
2006 Merck New Investigator Award, AHA - Council of High Blood Pressure
2007 - 2009 Cardiovascular Research Fellowship, University of Iowa
2008 Travel Grant, International Society of Hypertension
2011 New Investigators Symposium Poster Award, Council of High Blood Pressure/ISH
2014 Outstanding Young Investigator Award, Microcirculatory Society
2015 Outstanding Poster Award Early Career Faculty Basic or Translational Research, MCW - Department of Medicine
2016 International Travel award for Young Investigators , APS-TPS
2016 Top 3 Reviewer Journal of the American Heart Association (JAHA), American Heart Asisoation
2016 - Present Fellow of the American Heart Association (FAHA), American Heart Association

2003 - Present American Heart Association - Council for High Blood Pressure Research (Member)
2005 - Present The American Physiological Society (Member)
2011 - Present The Microcirculatory Society (Member)
2011 - Present American Heart Association - Council for Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology (Member)
2017 - Present North American Vascular Biology Organization (Member)

Editorial Board
2016 - Present Reactive Oxygen Species
Journal Review
2010 - Present Hypertension
2011 - Present Journals of American Physiological Society
2011 - Present Circulation Research
2012 - Present FASEB Journals
2012 - Present American Journal of Nephrology
2012 - Present Journal of the American Heart Association
2012 - Present Circulation
2013 - Present Nature Publishing Group
2013 - Present PLOSone
2014 - Present Journal of Nephrology & Therapeutics
2015 - Present Vascular Pharmacology

2012 - Present Chair, Microvascular Affinity Group, MCW
2013 - 2016 Member, Diversity and Inclusion Committee, MCW

2012 - 2015 Member, Society Programs and Meetings Committee, The Microcirculatory Society
2014 - 2016 Member, Conference Committee, The American Physiological Society
2016 - 2019 Member, Translational Physiology Interest Group Steering Committee, The American Physiological Society
2017 - 2019 Member, International Committee, The American Physiological Society
2017 - 2019 Member, Cardiovascular Section Trainee Committee, The American Physiological Society

Peer Review
Mechanism Of Flow-Induced Dilation In The Human Microcirculation
Role & Effort:
02/01/2013 - 01/31/2017
Differentiation of mitochondrial vs. nuclear function of telomerase
NIH/Office of Director
Role & Effort:
08/01/2014 - 07/31/2016
Differential role of mitochondrial and nuclear telomerase activity in regulation of mitochondria and cardiovascular function
Role & Effort:
01/01/2016 - 12/31/2018
Novel Regulatory Mechanisms in the Human Microcirculation
Role & Effort:
12/12/2016 - 11/30/2020
Pivotal Role of Mitochondrial Telomerase in Regulation of Vascular Tone and Redox Homeostasis
Role & Effort:
03/01/2017 - 02/28/2022
Peer Review
Telomerase mediated cardiovascular side effects of BCRable TKIs
Role & Effort:
01/01/2017 - 12/31/2019
Endothelin signaling and novel regulators of vascular tone
Role & Effort:
01/01/2017 - 12/31/2022
Role of mitochondrial dysfunction in hyperoxia-induced pulmonary vascular endothelial injury
Role & Effort:
E. Jabobs
06/01/2017 - 05/31/2022
Non-Peer Review
Cardio Protective Effects of Novel Telomerase activator
B.G.Negev Technologies Ltd
Role & Effort:
01/01/2017 - 12/31/2017
Peer Review
Role of Endothelial Telomerase Activity as a Novel Regulator of Redox Hemostasis
MCW - Redox Biology Program Award
Role & Effort:
01/01/2014 - 12/31/2014

Activation of PPARγ Converts the Mechanism of Flow-Mediated Dilation in Human Microvessels from H2O2 to NO by a Telomerase Dependent Mechanism, AHA Scientific Session, 2012
Mitochondrial telomerase regulates flow mediated dilation by suppressing mitochondrial derived free radical production, Experimental Biology, 2014
Novel insights into Vasodilation in health and Diseases, what can human vasculature teach us, AHA Scientific Session, 2014
Role of Telomerase in the Vascular Mitochondria - Implications in Human Heart Disease, AHA Scientific Session, 2016
Autophagy is a Novel Regulatory Mechanism in the Human Microcirculation, Experimental Biology, 2017
Mitochondrial Telomerase and Vasodilation, APS Conference on 2015 Physiological Bioenergetics: From Bench to Bedside, 2015
Cardiovascular Aging, New Frontiers and Old Friends, APS Conference:, Westminster, CO, 2017
Novel role of telomerase in regulation of mitochondrial reactive Oxygen species and influence on vasodilation, Cardiovascular Redox Signaling Symposium - Medical College of Wisconsin, 2014
Extra‐nuclear Telomerase Activity: Novel Role and Contribution to the Development of Coronary Heart Disease, Invited Seminar - University of Calgary, 2015
Regulation of coronary blood flow in health and disease: Vascular adaption to acute and chronic stress, Invited Seminar - University of Western Ontario March, 2015
Non-canonical role of Telomerase in the Human Heart - implications for the therapy of cardiovascular disease and cancer, Invited Seminar - University of Essen, 2016

Medical College of Wisconsin
2013 - 2015 Member, Diversity and Inclusion Committee, MCW

High School Students
2012 - 2014 Isabell Gil, Mentor, MCW
2015 - Present Nabeel Quryshi, Mentor, MCW, 1. Intel International Science and Engineering Fair Finalist (ISEF): 2016 2. Siemens Competition in Math, Science, and Technology National Semi-Finalist: 2016 3. Junior Science and Humanities Symposium National Finalist: 2017 4. Presidential Scholar Award (National semifinalist (pending finalist status)): 2017 5. Best of Fair (1st Place): University School of Milwaukee ISEF Regional Fair 6. Intel International Science and Engineering Fair Finalist (ISEF): 2017
Undergraduate Students
2014 Peter Schuman, Mentor, MCW, Accepted to Chemical Biology Program UW Madison
2015 Jakayla Dills, DSHREP Mentor, MCW
Medical Students
2013 Jack Trellborn, Mentor, MCW
2015 Katie Car, Mentor, MCW
2016 - Present Matthew Rappelt, Research Mentor, MCW
2016 - Present Scott C Blaszak, Mentor, MCW, APS Medical Student Travel Award
Graduate Students
PhD Committees
2012 - 2016 Johnathan Daniel Ebben, Development and Strategic Use of Novel Peptides to Address Chronic Diseases: A Role in Immunoprevention of Cancer and Management of Endothelial Dysfunction, MCW
PhD Students Advised
2014 - Present Dawid Chabowski, Contribution of LPA signaling to development of CAD, MCW, AHA predoctoral grant
2014 - Present Andrew O Kadlec, Role of PGc1A in regulation of Microvascular Tone, MCW, AHA predoctoral grant
Postdoctoral Researchers
2015 - Present Karima Ait-Aissa, Mentor, MCW
2012 - Present Matt D. Durand, Mentor/Collaborator, MCW
2015 - Present Jaqueline Kulinski, Mentor/Collaborator, MCW
2016 - Present Jennifer McIntosh, Mentor/Collaborator, MCW

Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. Levi-Rosenzvig, R., Beyer, A. M., Hockenberry, J., Ben-Shushan, R. S., Chuyun, D., Atiya, S., ... & Szuchman-Sapir, A. (2017). 5, 6-δ-DHTL, a stable metabolite of arachidonic acid, is a potential EDHF that mediates microvascular dilation. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 103, 87-94.
2. Beyer AM, Zinkevich N, Miller B, Liu Y, Wittenburg AL, Mitchell M, Galdieri R, Sorokin A, Gutterman DD. Transition in the mechanism of flow-mediated dilation with aging and development of coronary artery disease. Basic Res Cardiol. 2017 Jan;112(1):5. PMCID: PMC6758541
3. Durand MJ, Zinkevich NS, Riedel M, Gutterman DD, Nasci VL, Salato VK, Hijjawi JB, Reuben CF, North PE, Beyer AM Vascular Actions of Angiotensin 1-7 in the Human Microcirculation: Novel Role for Telomerase. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2016 Jun;36(6):1254-62 PMCID: PMC4882242
4. Beyer AM, Freed JK, Durand MJ, Riedel M, Ait-Aissa K, Green P, Hockenberry JC, Morgan RG, Donato AJ, Peleg R, Gasparri M, Rokkas CK, Santos JH, Priel E, Gutterman DD Critical Role for Telomerase in the Mechanism of Flow-Mediated Dilation in the Human Microcirculation. Circ Res. 2016 Mar 4;118(5):856-66 PMCID: PMC4772813
5. Starks RD, Beyer AM, Guo DF, Boland L, Zhang Q, Sheffield VC, Rahmouni K Regulation of Insulin Receptor Trafficking by Bardet Biedl Syndrome Proteins. PLoS Genet. 2015 Jun;11(6):e1005311 PMCID: PMC4478011
6. Beyer AM, Durand MJ, Hockenberry J, Gamblin TC, Phillips SA, Gutterman DD An acute rise in intraluminal pressure shifts the mediator of flow-mediated dilation from nitric oxide to hydrogen peroxide in human arterioles. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2014 Dec 1;307(11):H1587-93 PMCID: PMC4255007
7. Freed JK, Beyer AM, LoGiudice JA, Hockenberry JC, Gutterman DD Ceramide changes the mediator of flow-induced vasodilation from nitric oxide to hydrogen peroxide in the human microcirculation. Circ Res. 2014 Aug 15;115(5):525-32 PMCID: PMC4640193
8. Beyer AM, Raffai G, Weinberg BD, Fredrich K, Rodgers MS, Geurts AM, Jacob HJ, Dwinell MR, Lombard JH. Amelioration of salt-induced vascular dysfunction in mesenteric arteries of Dahl salt-sensitive rats by missense mutation of extracellular superoxide dismutase. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2014 Feb;306(3):H339-47. PMCID: PMC3920146
9. Beyer AM, Fredrich K, Lombard JH. AT1 receptors prevent salt-induced vascular dysfunction in isolated middle cerebral arteries of 2 kidney-1 clip hypertensive rats. Am J Hypertens. 2013 Dec;26(12):1398-404. PMCID: PMC3816625
10. Peng Y, Yu D, Gregorich Z, Chen X, Beyer AM, Gutterman DD, Ge Y. In-depth proteomic analysis of human tropomyosin by top-down mass spectrometry. J Muscle Res Cell Motil. 2013 Aug;34(3-4):199-210. PMCID: PMC3849107
11. Beyer AM, Guo DF, Rahmouni K. Prolonged treatment with angiotensin 1-7 improves endothelial function in diet-induced obesity. J Hypertens. 2013 Apr;31(4):730-8. PMCID: PMC5684878
12. Beyer AM, Raffai G, Weinberg B, Fredrich K, Lombard JH. Dahl salt-sensitive rats are protected against vascular defects related to diet-induced obesity. Hypertension. 2012 Aug;60(2):404-10. PMCID: PMC3444144
13. Guo DF, Beyer AM, Yang B, Nishimura DY, Sheffield VC, Rahmouni K. Inactivation of Bardet-Biedl syndrome genes causes kidney defects. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2011 Feb;300(2):F574-80. PMCID: PMC3043995
14. Beyer AM, Guo DF, Sheffield VC, Rahmouni K. Contrasting vascular effects caused by loss of Bardet-Biedl syndrome genes. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2010 Dec;299(6):H1902-7. PMCID: PMC3006278
15. Keen HL, Halabi CM, Beyer AM, de Lange WJ, Liu X, Maeda N, Faraci FM, Casavant TL, Sigmund CD. Bioinformatic analysis of gene sets regulated by ligand-activated and dominant-negative peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma in mouse aorta. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2010 Mar;30(3):518-25. PMCID: PMC2850258
16. Beyer AM, de Lange WJ, Halabi CM, Modrick ML, Keen HL, Faraci FM, Sigmund CD. Endothelium-specific interference with peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma causes cerebral vascular dysfunction in response to a high-fat diet. Circ Res. 2008 Sep 12;103(6):654-61. PMCID: PMC2583077
17. de Lange WJ, Halabi CM, Beyer AM, Sigmund CD. Germ line activation of the Tie2 and SMMHC promoters causes noncell-specific deletion of floxed alleles. Physiol Genomics. 2008 Sep 17;35(1):1-4. PMCID: PMC2574738
18. Halabi CM, Beyer AM, de Lange WJ, Keen HL, Baumbach GL, Faraci FM, Sigmund CD. Interference with PPAR gamma function in smooth muscle causes vascular dysfunction and hypertension. Cell Metab. 2008 Mar;7(3):215-26. PMCID: PMC2275166
19. Beyer AM, Baumbach GL, Halabi CM, Modrick ML, Lynch CM, Gerhold TD, Ghoneim SM, de Lange WJ, Keen HL, Tsai YS, Maeda N, Sigmund CD, Faraci FM. Interference with PPARgamma signaling causes cerebral vascular dysfunction, hypertrophy, and remodeling. Hypertension. 2008 Apr;51(4):867-71. PMCID: PMC2408877
Editorials, Letters To Editor, Other
1. Ait-Aissa K, Ebben JD, Kadlec AO, Beyer AM. Friend or foe? Telomerase as a pharmacological target in cancer and cardiovascular disease. Pharmacol Res. 2016 Sep;111:422-433. PMCID: PMC5026584
2. Kadlec AO, Beyer AM, Ait-Aissa K, Gutterman DD. Mitochondrial signaling in the vascular endothelium: beyond reactive oxygen species. Basic Res Cardiol. 2016 May;111(3):26. PMCID: PMC6749826
3. Gutterman DD, Chabowski DS, Kadlec AO, Durand MJ, Freed JK, Ait-Aissa K, Beyer AM. The Human Microcirculation: Regulation of Flow and Beyond. Circ Res. 2016 Jan 08;118(1):157-72. PMCID: PMC4742348
4. Nishijima, Y Beyer, AM. H2S in the Vasculature: Controversy of Mechanisms in Physiology, Pathology and Beyond Cardiol Pharmacol 4.135 (2015): 24-26.
5. Beyer AM, Fredrich K, Lombard JH Response to "Does angiotensin-dependent superoxide production help to prevent salt-induced endothelial dysfunction in 2 kidney-1 clip hypertensive rats?". Am J Hypertens. 2014 Apr;27(4):640 PMCID: PMC4542814
6. Beyer AM, Gutterman DD. Regulation of the human coronary microcirculation. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2012 Apr;52(4):814-21. PMCID: PMC3306504
7. Beyer AM, Weihrauch D. Hexosamine pathway activation and O-linked-N-acetylglucosamine: novel mediators of endothelial dysfunction in hyperglycemia and diabetes. Vascul Pharmacol. 2012;56(3-4):113-4.
8. Kadlec AO, Chabowski DS, Ait-Aissa K, Hockenberry JC, Otterson MF, Durand MJ, Freed JK, Beyer AM, Gutterman DD. PGC-1α (Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor γ Coactivator 1-α) Overexpression in Coronary Artery Disease Recruits NO and Hydrogen Peroxide During Flow-Mediated Dilation and Protects Against Increased Intraluminal Pressure. Hypertension. 2017 Jul;70(1):166-173. PMCID: PMC5485836
9. Quryshi N, Norwood Toro LE, Ait-Aissa K, Kong A, Beyer AM. Chemotherapeutic-Induced Cardiovascular Dysfunction: Physiological Effects, Early Detection-The Role of Telomerase to Counteract Mitochondrial Defects and Oxidative Stress. Int J Mol Sci. 2018 Mar 10;19(3). PMCID: PMC5877658
10. Ma C, Beyer AM, Durand M, Clough AV, Zhu D, Norwood Toro L, Terashvili M, Ebben JD, Hill RB, Audi SH, Medhora M, Jacobs ER. Hyperoxia Causes Mitochondrial Fragmentation in Pulmonary Endothelial Cells by Increasing Expression of Pro-Fission Proteins. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2018 Mar;38(3):622-635. PMCID: PMC5823793
11. Ait-Aissa K, Kadlec AO, Hockenberry J, Gutterman DD, Beyer AM. Telomerase reverse transcriptase protects against angiotensin II-induced microvascular endothelial dysfunction. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2018 May 01;314(5):H1053-H1060. PMCID: PMC6008150
12. Beyer AM, Norwood Toro LE. Telomerase: Location, Location, Location? Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2018 Jun;38(6):1247-1249. PMCID: PMC6028234
13. Audi SH, Friedly N, Dash RK, Beyer AM, Clough AV, Jacobs ER. Detection of hydrogen peroxide production in the isolated rat lung using Amplex red. Free Radic Res. 2018 Sep;52(9):1052-1062. PMCID: PMC6298832
14. Chabowski DS, Kadlec AO, Ait-Aissa K, Hockenberry JC, Pearson PJ, Beyer AM, Gutterman DD. Lysophosphatidic acid acts on LPA<sub>1</sub> receptor to increase H<sub>2</sub> O<sub>2</sub> during flow-induced dilation in human adipose arterioles. Br J Pharmacol. 2018 Nov;175(22):4266-4280. PMCID: PMC6193883
15. Beyer AM, Fredrich K, Lombard JH. Response to "Does angiotensin-dependent superoxide production help to prevent salt-induced endothelial dysfunction in 2 kidney-1 clip hypertensive rats?". Am J Hypertens. 2014 Apr;27(4):640. PMCID: PMC4542814
16. Freed JK, Beyer AM, LoGiudice JA, Hockenberry JC, Gutterman DD. Ceramide changes the mediator of flow-induced vasodilation from nitric oxide to hydrogen peroxide in the human microcirculation. Circ Res. 2014 Aug 15;115(5):525-32. PMCID: PMC4640193
17. Beyer AM, Durand MJ, Hockenberry J, Gamblin TC, Phillips SA, Gutterman DD. An acute rise in intraluminal pressure shifts the mediator of flow-mediated dilation from nitric oxide to hydrogen peroxide in human arterioles. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2014 Dec 01;307(11):H1587-93. PMCID: PMC4255007
18. Nishijima, Y Beyer, AM. H2S in the Vasculature: Controversy of Mechanisms in Physiology, Pathology and Beyond Cardiol Pharmacol. Nishijima, Y., and A. M. Beyer. "H2S in the Vasculature: Controversy of Mechanisms in Physiology, Pathology and Beyond." Cardiol Pharmacol 4.135 (2015): 24-26..
19. Starks RD, Beyer AM, Guo DF, Boland L, Zhang Q, Sheffield VC, Rahmouni K. Regulation of Insulin Receptor Trafficking by Bardet Biedl Syndrome Proteins. PLoS Genet. 2015 Jun;11(6):e1005311. PMCID: PMC4478011
20. Johnathan D. Ebben, Andreas M. Beyer. Peptide inhibitors of Telomerase nuclear translocation and therapeutic uses thereof . US Provisional Patent App- 62/211,524.
21. Beyer AM, Freed JK, Durand MJ, Riedel M, Ait-Aissa K, Green P, Hockenberry JC, Morgan RG, Donato AJ, Peleg R, Gasparri M, Rokkas CK, Santos JH, Priel E, Gutterman DD. Critical Role for Telomerase in the Mechanism of Flow-Mediated Dilation in the Human Microcirculation. Circ Res. 2016 Mar 04;118(5):856-66. PMCID: PMC4772813
22. Durand MJ, Zinkevich NS, Riedel M, Gutterman DD, Nasci VL, Salato VK, Hijjawi JB, Reuben CF, North PE, Beyer AM. Vascular Actions of Angiotensin 1-7 in the Human Microcirculation: Novel Role for Telomerase. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2016 Jun;36(6):1254-62. PMCID: PMC4882242
23. Levi-Rosenzvig R, Beyer AM, Hockenberry J, Ben-Shushan RS, Chuyun D, Atiya S, Tamir S, Gutterman DD, Szuchman-Sapir A. 5,6-δ-DHTL, a stable metabolite of arachidonic acid, is a potential EDHF that mediates microvascular dilation. Free Radic Biol Med. 2017 Feb;103:87-94.
24. Durand MJ, Ait-Aissa K, Levchenko V, Staruschenko A, Gutterman DD, Beyer AM. Visualization and quantification of mitochondrial structure in the endothelium of intact arteries. Cardiovasc Res. 2019 Aug 01;115(10):1546-1556. PMCID: PMC6648341
25. Hughes WE, Beyer AM. Vascular autophagy in physiology and pathology. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2019 Jan 01;316(1):H183-H185. PMCID: PMC6383357
26. Ait-Aissa K, Heisner JS, Norwood Toro LE, Bruemmer D, Doyon G, Harmann L, Geurts A, Camara AKS, Beyer AM. Telomerase Deficiency Predisposes to Heart Failure and Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury. Front Cardiovasc Med. 2019;6:31. PMCID: PMC6454001
27. Ait-Aissa K, Blaszak SC, Beutner G, Tsaih SW, Morgan G, Santos JH, Flister MJ, Joyce DL, Camara AKS, Gutterman DD, Donato AJ, Porter GA Jr, Beyer AM. Mitochondrial Oxidative Phosphorylation defect in the Heart of Subjects with Coronary Artery Disease. Sci Rep. 2019 May 20;9(1):7623. PMCID: PMC6527853
28. Beyer AM, Bonini MG, Moslehi J. Cancer therapy-induced cardiovascular toxicity: old/new problems and old drugs. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2019 Jul 01;317(1):H164-H167. PMCID: PMC6692734
29. Hader SN, Zinkevich N, Norwood Toro LE, Kriegel AJ, Kong A, Freed JK, Gutterman DD, Beyer AM. Detrimental effects of chemotherapy on human coronary microvascular function. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2019 Oct 01;317(4):H705-H710. PMCID: PMC6843017
30. Beyer AM, Baumbach GL, Halabi CM, Modrick ML, Lynch CM, Gerhold TD, Ghoneim SM, De Lange WJ, Keen HL, Tsai YS, Maeda N, Sigmund CD, Faraci FM. Interference with PPARγ signaling causes cerebral vascular dysfunction, hypertrophy, and remodeling (Hypertension (2008) 51, (867-871)) Hypertension. April 2008;51(4).
31. Keen HL, Ryan MJ, Beyer A, Mathur S, Scheetz TE, Gackle BD, Faraci FM, Casavant TL, Sigmund CD. Gene expression profiling of potential PPARgamma target genes in mouse aorta. Physiol Genomics. 2004 Jun 17;18(1):33-42.
32. Hughes WE, Beyer AM, Gutterman DD. Vascular autophagy in health and disease Basic Research in Cardiology. 1 July 2020;115(4).
33. Durand MJ, Hader SN, Derayunan A, Zinkevich N, McIntosh JJ, Beyer AM. BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase inhibitors promote pathological changes in dilator phenotype in the human microvasculature. Microcirculation. 2020 Oct;27(7):e12625. PMCID: PMC7606774
34. Hughes WE, Beyer AM, Gutterman DD. Vascular autophagy in health and disease. Basic Res Cardiol. 2020 Jun 06;115(4):41.
35. Viereck J, Bührke A, Foinquinos A, Chatterjee S, Kleeberger JA, Xiao K, Janssen-Peters H, Batkai S, Ramanujam D, Kraft T, Cebotari S, Gueler F, Beyer AM, Schmitz J, Bräsen JH, Schmitto JD, Gyöngyösi M, Löser A, Hirt MN, Eschenhagen T, Engelhardt S, Bär C, Thum T. Targeting muscle-enriched long non-coding RNA H19 reverses pathological cardiac hypertrophy. Eur Heart J. 2020 Sep 21;41(36):3462-3474. PMCID: PMC8482849
36. Hughes WE, Chabowski DS, Ait-Aissa K, Fetterman JL, Hockenberry J, Beyer AM, Gutterman DD. Critical Interaction Between Telomerase and Autophagy in Mediating Flow-Induced Human Arteriolar Vasodilation. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2021 Jan;41(1):446-457. PMCID: PMC7770118
37. Katunaric B, Cohen KE, Beyer AM, Gutterman DD, Freed JK. Sweat the small stuff: The human microvasculature and heart disease. Microcirculation. 2021 Apr;28(3):e12658. PMCID: PMC7960576
38. Hughes WE, Zinkevich N, Gutterman DD, Beyer AM. Hypertension preserves the magnitude of microvascular flow-mediated dilation following transient elevation in intraluminal pressure. Physiol Rep. 2021 Feb;9(3):e14507. PMCID: PMC7883808
39. Kidambi S, Pan X, Yang C, Liu P, Roberts ML, Li Y, Wang T, Laud PW, Liu Y, Rubens M, Thomas R, Widlansky ME, Beyer AM, Liu Y, Cowley AW Jr, Kotchen TA, Munyura Y, Moosreiner A, Mattson DL, Liang M. Dietary Sodium Restriction Results in Tissue-Specific Changes in DNA Methylation in Humans. Hypertension. 2021 Aug;78(2):434-446. PMCID: PMC9299531
40. Asnani A, Moslehi JJ, Adhikari BB, Baik AH, Beyer AM, de Boer RA, Ghigo A, Grumbach IM, Jain S, Zhu H, American Heart Association Council on Basic Cardiovascular Sciences; Cardio-Oncology Science Subcommittee of Council on Genomic and Precision Medicine and Council on Clinical Cardiology; Council on Peripheral Vascular Disease; and Council on Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology. Preclinical Models of Cancer Therapy-Associated Cardiovascular Toxicity: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association. Circ Res. 2021 Jun 25;129(1):e21-e34. PMCID: PMC8423100
41. Tracy EP, Hughes W, Beare JE, Rowe G, Beyer A, LeBlanc AJ. Aging-Induced Impairment of Vascular Function: Mitochondrial Redox Contributions and Physiological/Clinical Implications. Antioxid Redox Signal. 2021 Oct 20;35(12):974-1015. PMCID: PMC8905248
42. Brandt L, Terwoord JD, Beyer AM, Gutterman DD. Pulling back the curtain on anthracycline cardiotoxicity: the hidden role of the microcirculation. Cardiovasc Res. 2022 Jan 29;118(2):347-349.
43. Reho JJ, Guo DF, Beyer AM, Wegman-Points L, Pierce GL, Rahmouni K. Vascular effects of disrupting endothelial mTORC1 signaling in obesity. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2021 Aug 01;321(2):R228-R237. PMCID: PMC8409911
44. Ortiz de Choudens S, Sparapani R, Narayanan J, Lohr N, Gao F, Fish BL, Zielonka M, Gasperetti T, Veley D, Beyer A, Olson J, Jacobs ER, Medhora M. Lisinopril Mitigates Radiation-Induced Mitochondrial Defects in Rat Heart and Blood Cells. Front Oncol. 2022;12:828177. PMCID: PMC8924663
45. Bikomeye JC, Beyer AM, Kwarteng JL, Beyer KMM. Greenspace, Inflammation, Cardiovascular Health, and Cancer: A Review and Conceptual Framework for Greenspace in Cardio-Oncology Research International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. February-2 2022;19(4).
46. Terwoord JD, Beyer AM, Gutterman DD. Endothelial dysfunction as a complication of anti-cancer therapy. Pharmacol Ther. 2022 Sep;237:108116. PMCID: PMC9294076
47. Nishijima Y, Hader SN, Hanson AJ, Zhang DX, Sparapani R, Gutterman DD, Beyer AM. Prolonged endothelial-dysfunction in human arterioles following infection with SARS-CoV-2. Cardiovasc Res. 2022 Jan 07;118(1):18-19. PMCID: PMC8689948
48. Hughes WE, Hockenberry J, Miller B, Sorokin A, Beyer AM. Modulation of p66Shc impairs cerebrovascular myogenic tone in low renin but not low nitric oxide models of systemic hypertension. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2021 Dec 01;321(6):H1096-H1102. PMCID: PMC8834231
49. Beyer AM, Norwood Toro LE, Hughes WE, Young M, Clough AV, Gao F, Medhora M, Audi SH, Jacobs ER. Autophagy, TERT, and mitochondrial dysfunction in hyperoxia. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2021 Nov 01;321(5):H985-H1003. PMCID: PMC8616608
50. Bikomeye JC, Terwoord JD, Santos JH, Beyer AM. Emerging mitochondrial signaling mechanisms in cardio-oncology: beyond oxidative stress. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2022 Oct 01;323(4):H702-H720. PMCID: PMC9529263
51. Bikomeye JC, Beyer AM, Kwarteng JL, Beyer KMM. Greenspace, Inflammation, Cardiovascular Health, and Cancer: A Review and Conceptual Framework for Greenspace in Cardio-Oncology Research. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Feb 19;19(4). PMCID: PMC8872601
52. Ait-Aissa K, Norwood-Toro LE, Terwoord J, Young M, Paniagua LA, Hader SN, Hughes WE, Hockenberry JC, Beare JE, Linn J, Kohmoto T, Kim J, Betts DH, LeBlanc AJ, Gutterman DD, Beyer AM. Noncanonical Role of Telomerase in Regulation of Microvascular Redox Environment With Implications for Coronary Artery Disease. Function (Oxf). 2022;3(5):zqac043. PMCID: PMC9508843
53. Tracy EP, Nair R, Rowe G, Beare JE, Beyer A, LeBlanc AJ. Adipose stromal vascular fraction reverses mitochondrial dysfunction and hyperfission in aging-induced coronary microvascular disease. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2022 Oct 01;323(4):H749-H762. PMCID: PMC9529257
54. Bikomeye JC, Balza JS, Kwarteng JL, Beyer AM, Beyer KMM. The impact of greenspace or nature-based interventions on cardiovascular health or cancer-related outcomes: A systematic review of experimental studies. PLoS One. 2022;17(11):e0276517. PMCID: PMC9683573
55. SenthilKumar G, Gutierrez-Huerta CA, Freed JK, Beyer AM, Fancher IS, LeBlanc AJ. New developments in translational microcirculatory research. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2022 Dec 01;323(6):H1167-H1175. PMCID: PMC9678417
56. Chabowski DS, Hughes WE, Hockenberry JC, LoGiudice J, Beyer AM, Gutterman DD. Lipid phosphate phosphatase 3 maintains NO-mediated flow-mediated dilatation in human adipose resistance arterioles. J Physiol. 2023 Feb;601(3):469-481. PMCID: PMC10979460
57. Nishijima Y, Hader SN, Beyer AM. Differential impacts of COVID-19 variants on human microvascular function. Cardiovasc Res. 2023 Mar 17;119(1):e115-e117. PMCID: PMC10236003
58. Mohammed M, Ogunlade B, Elgazzaz M, Berdasco C, Lakkappa N, Ghita I, Guidry JJ, Sriramula S, Xu J, Restivo L, Mendiola Plá MA, Bowles DE, Beyer AM, Yue X, Lazartigues E, Filipeanu CM. Nedd4-2 up-regulation is associated with ACE2 ubiquitination in hypertension. Cardiovasc Res. 2023 Sep 05;119(11):2130-2141. PMCID: PMC10478751
59. Bikomeye JC, Awoyinka I, Kwarteng JL, Beyer AM, Rine S, Beyer KMM. Disparities in Cardiovascular Disease-Related Outcomes Among Cancer Survivors in the United States: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Heart Lung Circ. 2024 May;33(5):576-604. PMCID: PMC11144115
60. Asulin M, Gorodetzer N, Fridman R, Shelly Ben-Shushan R, Cohen Z, Beyer AM, Chuyun D, Gutterman DD, Szuchman-Sapir A. 5,6-diHETE lactone (EPA-L) mediates hypertensive microvascular dilation by activating the endothelial GPR-PLC-IP<sub>3</sub> signaling pathway. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2024 Mar 12;700:149585.
61. Aljadah M, Khan N, Beyer AM, Chen Y, Blanker A, Widlansky ME. Clinical Implications of COVID-19-Related Endothelial Dysfunction JACC: Advances. August 2024;3(8).
62. SenthilKumar G, Hammond ST, Zirgibel Z, Cohen KE, Beyer AM, Freed JK. Is the peripheral microcirculation a window into the human coronary microvasculature? J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2024 Aug;193:67-77. PMCID: PMC11260236
63. Jahan J, Joshi S, Oca IM, Toelle A, Lopez-Yang C, Chacon CV, Beyer AM, Garcia CA, Jarajapu YP. The role of telomerase reverse transcriptase in the mitochondrial protective functions of Angiotensin-(1-7) in diabetic CD34<sup>+</sup> cells. Biochem Pharmacol. 2024 Apr;222:116109. PMCID: PMC11007670
64. Hasan P, Berezhnaya E, Rodríguez-Prados M, Weaver D, Bekeova C, Cartes-Saavedra B, Birch E, Beyer AM, Santos JH, Seifert EL, Elrod JW, Hajnóczky G. MICU1 and MICU2 control mitochondrial calcium signaling in the mammalian heart. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2024 Aug 27;121(35):e2402491121. PMCID: PMC11363308
65. Elgazzaz M, Lakkappa N, Berdasco C, Mohan UP, Nuzzo A, Restivo L, Martinez A, Scarborough A, Guidry JJ, Sriramula S, Xu J, Daoud H, Mendiola Plá MA, Bowles DE, Beyer AM, Mauvais-Jarvis F, Yue X, Filipeanu CM, Lazartigues E. UBR1 Promotes Sex-Dependent ACE2 Ubiquitination in Hypertension. medRxiv. 2024 May 25. PMCID: PMC11142264
66. Abe JI, Allen BG, Beyer AM, Lewandowski D, Mapuskar KA, Subramanian V, Tamplin MR, Grumbach IM. Radiation-Induced Macrovessel/Microvessel Disease. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2024 Dec;44(12):2407-2415.
67. Aljadah M, Khan N, Beyer AM, Chen Y, Blanker A, Widlansky ME. Clinical Implications of COVID-19-Related Endothelial Dysfunction. JACC Adv. 2024 Aug;3(8):101070. PMCID: PMC11269277
68. Elgazzaz M, Lakkappa N, Berdasco C, Mohan UP, Nuzzo A, Restivo L, Martinez A, Scarborough A, Guidry JJ, Sriramula S, Xu J, Daoud H, Mendiola Plá MA, Bowles DE, Beyer AM, Mauvais-Jarvis F, Yue X, Filipeanu CM, Lazartigues E. UBR1 Promotes Sex-Dependent ACE2 Ubiquitination in Hypertension. Hypertension. 2025 Jan;82(1):84-95. PMCID: PMC11655255
69. Gutierrez-Huerta CA, Quiroz-Delfi G, Faleel FDM, Beyer AM. Impaired endothelial function contributes to cardiac dysfunction: role of mitochondrial dynamics. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2025 Jan 01;328(1):H29-H36.
1. Ait-Aissa K.,Hockenberry J. Gutterman DD. Beyer AM. Dominant Negative Splice Variant of Telomerase Contributes to Development of Coronary Artery Disease by Promoting Mitochondrial DNA Damage and Oxidative stress. - Keystone meeting: Angiogenesis and Vascular Disease (Z3) joint with on Mitochondria, Metabolism and Heart
2. Karima Ait-Aissa, James S Heisner, Jennifer L Strande, Leanne Harmann, Amadou K.S. Camara, Andreas M Beyer. Telomerase deficiency predisposes to heart failure and ischemia-reperfusion Injury - The FASEB Journal Experimental Biology 2017 Oral Presentation and travel award
3. Scott Blaszak, Karima Ait-Aissa; David D. Gutterman, Andreas M. Beyer. Coronary Artery Disease Associated Correlation with Decreased Electron Transport Chain Complex Activity - The FASEB Journal Experimental Biology 2017 - Travel Award
4. Chabowski D, Ait-Aissa K, Kadlec A, Hockenberry J, Beyer A, Gutterman D. Shear-Sensitive Lipid Phosphate Phosphatase 3 Maintains Nitric Oxide-Mediated Flow-Induced Dilation In Healthy Human Arterioles. Circulation. 2016 Nov 11;134(Suppl 1):A20097
5. Kadlec A, Chabowski D, Beyer A, Gutterman D. PGC-1Alpha Upregulation With Alpha-Lipoic Acid Confers Plasticity in the Mediator of Dilation in Healthy and Diseased Human Arterioles. Circulation. 2016 Nov 11;134(Suppl 1):A20521 - Travel award
6. Kadlec AO, Hockenberry JC, Beyer AM and Gutterman DD. Does PGC-1α Play a Master Role in Regulating Plasticity of the Mediator of Dilation in Healthy and Diseased Human Arterioles. J Vasc Res 2016;53(suppl 1):1-70.
7. Chabowski DS, Durand MJ, Kadlec AO, Ait-Aissa K, Hockenberry JC, Beyer AM and Gutterman DD. Lysophosphatidic Acid Induces Mitochondrial Hydrogen Peroxide Production with Sustained Suppression of NO-Mediated Flow-Induced Dilatation. J Vasc Res 2016;53(suppl 1):1-70.
8. Andrew Kadlec, Joseph C. Hockenberry, Andreas M. Beyer and David D. Gutterman. PGC-1α Activation Confers Plasticity in the Mediator of Dilation in Healthy and Diseased Human Arterioles - The FASEB Journal Experimental Biology 2016 Travel Award
9. Dawid S. Chabowski, Andrew O. Kadlec, Karima Ait-Aissa, Joseph C. Hockenberry, Andreas M. Beyer and David D. Gutterman. Lysophosphatidic Acid Promotes a Switch from Nitric Oxide to Hydrogen Peroxide as the Mediator of Flow-Induced Dilation in Human Arterioles - The FASEB Journal Experimental Biology 2016.
10. Ait-Aissa K., Chabowski, D, Hockenberry, J. Gutterman D.D., , Beyer A.M. Role of Autophagy in Regulation of Flow Mediated Dilation In The Human Microcirculation - Physiology 2016 Physiological Society Travel Award
11. Andreas M. Beyer, Karima Ait-Aissa, Bradley Miller, Andrey Sorokin. p66 Shc Contributes to Susceptibility to Cerebrovascular Injury and Intracerebral Hemorrhages Journal Experimental Biology 2016
12. Ait-Aissa K., Hockenberry, J. Gutterman D.D., Aron Geurts, Beyer A.M. Critical role of telomerase in regulating cerebral vascular function and redox environment. International Society of Hypertension - Seoul 2016 Oral Presentation
13. Andreas M. Beyer, Karima Ait-Aissa , Bradley Miller, Andrey Sorokin. p66 Shc Contributes to Susceptibility to Cerebrovascular Injury and Intracerebral Hemorrhages Journal Experimental Biology 2016
14. Ait-Aissa K., Hockenberry, J. Gutterman D.D., Aron Geurts, Beyer A.M. Critical role of telomerase in regulating cerebral vascular function and redox environment. The FASEB Journal Experimental Biology 2016 Oral Presnetation
15. Ebben JD, Hockenberry J, You M, Beyer AM. Abstract p121: Vascular protective effects of telomerase activity are independent of nuclear function. Hypertension. 2015;66:AP121-AP121 - Poster Award
16. Durand M, Gutterman D, Beyer A Vasodilator and Vasoprotective Actions of Angiotensin 1-7 in the Human Microcirculation–Role of Telomerase. The FASEB Journal (2015). 29(1 Supplement): 789.783.
17. Hockenberry J, Zinkevitch N, Beyer A, Gutterman D Acute and Chronic Inhibition of NOS Causes a Switch in Vasodilator Mechanism from Nitric Oxide to Hydrogen Peroxide in the Human Microcirculation. The FASEB Journal (2015). 29(1 Supplement): 794.792.
18. Ait-Aissa K, Kim J, Morgan G, Santos JH, Camara AK, Gutterman DD, Betts DH, Donato T, Beyer AM. Abstract p005: Mitochondrial dysfunction in heart of coronary artery disease: Correlation with telomerase activity. Hypertension. 2015;66:AP005-AP005
19. Hockenberry J, Gutterman DD, Beyer AM Overexpression of the Catalytic Subunit of Telomerase Protects Against Ang II Induced Vascular Dysfunction. Hypertension (2014). 64(Suppl 1): A538-A538.
20. Bradley Miller, David D. Gutterman, Andrey Sorokin and Andreas M. Beyer Telomerase suppresses mitochondrial ROS formation in the vascular endothelium by inhibiting phosphorylation of p66Shc. Gordon Research Conference on Endothelial Cell Phenotypes in Health & Disease July 2014
21. Janine H Santos David D. Gutterman and Andreas M. Beyer Mitochondrial telomerase regulates flow mediated dilation by suppressing mitochondrial derived free radical production April 1; 28 (1_Supplement) : 9.1 - LB858 Oral and poster presentation
22. Andreas M. Beyer and David D. Gutterman ANG 1-7 Restores NO Mediated Dilation in Response to Flow in Human Microvessels from Subjects with CAD. Proceedings of The Physiological Society Proc 37th IUPS (2013)
23. Andreas M. Beyer, Joseph C. Hockenberry and David D. Gutterman Decreased Extranuclear Telomerase Activity Predisposes the Resistant Vasculature to Stress Induced Endothelial Dysfunction. The FASEB Journal April 1; 27 (Meeting Abstracts) : 14.1 - lb895.
24. Beyer AM, Gutterman DD. Activation of PPARγ Converts the Mechanism of Flow-Mediated Dilation in Human Microvessels from H2O2 to NO by a Telomerase Dependent Mechanism. Circulation. 2012 Nov 20;126(Suppl 21):A9240 Oral Presentation and Travel Award
25. Freed J, Beyer A, Gutterman D. Transition in Mechanism of Flow-Mediated Dilation During Stress in Humans: Role of Ceramide. Circulation. 2012 Nov 20;12 6(Suppl 21):A13659. Oral Presentation and Travel Award
26. Beyer, A. M., Halabi, C. M., Keen, H. L., Modrick, M. L., Faraci, F. M., & Sigmund, C. D. Endothelial PPARgamma is Required to Protect Cerebral Arterioles from High Fat Diet-Induced Vascular Dysfunction. Hypertension 2007a. 50(4): e126.
27. Andreas M. Beyer and David D. Gutterman Arterial Pressure Elevates ROS and Converts the Mechanism of FMD in Human Arterioles from NO to H2O2, Proceedings of the 65th High Blood Pressure Research Conference. 2011 October Issue Hypertension.
28. Beyer, A. M. and J. H. Lombard (2011). "2 Kidney-1 Clip Hypertension Restores Impaired Vascular Relaxation in Dahl Salt Sensitive Rats." The FASEB Journal 25(1_MeetingAbstracts): 640.623.
29. Andreas M. Beyer, Aron Geurts, Katherine Fredrich and Julian H. Lombard Missense Mutation of Extracellular Superoxide Dismutase (ecSOD) in Dahl Salt-Sensitive Rats Protects against Microvascular Dysfunction, Proceedings of the 64rd High Blood Pressure Research Conference. Hypertension. 2010;56:e50-e166.
30. Andreas M. Beyer, Gabor Raffai, Brian Weinberg and Julian H. Lombard, Dahl Salt Sensitive Rats are Protected against Vascular Defects Related to Diet-Induced Obesity, Proceedings of the 64rd High Blood Pressure Research Conference. Hypertension. 2010;56:e50-e166.
31. Andreas M. Beyer, Mary Pat Kunert, and Julian H. Lombard: Potential Role of the Renin-Angiotensin System in Maintaining Cerebral Vascular Relaxation in 2 Kidney/1 Clip Hypertension. Journal of Hypertension September 2010, proceedings of the international society of hypertension meeting.
32. Beyer, A.M., Guo, D.-F., and Rahmouni, K. 2009: Angiotensin 1-7 Protects Against Vascular Dysfunction Associated With Diet-induced Obesity In Mice. Hypertension. 2009; 54:e26-e127. Oral presentation
33. Beyer, A.M., Guo, D.-F., Didion, S.P., Sheffield, V.C., and Rahmouni, K. 2008. Bardet-Biedl Syndrome Genes Are Involved In The Control Of Vascular Function. Hypertension 52. Oral presentation
34. Beyer, A. M., Didion, S., Sheffield, V. C., & Rahmouni, K. Altered vascular function in mouse models of Bardet-Biedl syndrome. Journal of Hypertension 2008c. 21(Suppl 1): S224.
35. de Lange, W. J., Beyer, A. M., Halabi, C. M., Gonzalez, F. J., & Sigmund, C. D. Vascular Hypercontractility to Endothelin-1 in Mice Lacking Endothelial PPAR gamma. Hypertension 52. Oral presentation
36. de Lange, W. J., Beyer, A. M., Halabi, C. M., & Sigmund, C. D. Vascular hypercontractility to endothelin 1 in mice lacking endothelial PPAR gamma. FASEB J. 2008. 22(1): 968.912
37. Baumbach, G. L., Halabi, C. M., Beyer, A. M., Sigmund, C. D., & Faraci, F. M. Proliferator-activated Receptor Gamma Signaling Causes Cerebral Vascular Hypertrophy and Remodeling. Stroke 2008. 39(2).
38. Beyer, A. M., Trantow, C., Anderson, M. G., & Rahmouni, K. Vascular defects in mice with mutation in the Lysosomal Trafficking Regulator gene. FASEB J. 2008e. 22(1): 1148.1114.
39. Halabi, C. M., Beyer, A. M., Keen, H. L., Lange, W. J. d., Faraci, F. M., & Sigmund C. D. Vascular Smooth Muscle PPAR gamma is Required to Mediate the Vasodilator Effects of NO/cGMP and to Antagonize ET-1-Dependent Vasoconstriction. Hypertension 2007b. 50 (4): e85.
40. Keen, H. L., Halabi, C. M., Beyer, A. M., Lange, W. J. d., Maeda, N., Faraci, F. M., & Sigmund, C. D. Patterns of Gene Expression in Aorta from Mice Expressing Dominant Negative Mutations in PPARgamma. Hypertension 2007. 50(4): e138.
41. Beyer, A. M., Lynch, C., Modrick, M. L., Halabi, C. M., Tsai, Y.-S., Maeda, N., Sigmund, C. D., & Faraci, F. M. Protective effect of PPAR gamma in the vascular wall: Insight from mice expressing the P465L dominant negative mutation in PPAR gamma. FASEB J. 2007b. 21(6): 893.818. Oral presentation
42. Halabi, C. M., Beyer, A. M., Keen, H. L., Lange, W. J. D., Faraci, F. M., & Sigmund, C. D. Impaired vascular function in transgenic mice with smooth muscle cell specific dominant negative hPPAR gamma expression. FASEB J. 2007a. 21(6): 745.720. Oral presentation
43. Faraci, F. M., Lynch, C., Modrick, M. L., Halabi, C., Beyer, A., Tsai, Y.-S., Maeda, N., & Sigmund, C. D. Insight From Mice Expressing a Human Dominant Negative Mutation in PPAR gamma. Stroke 2007. 38(2): 470.
44. Beyer, A. M., Halabi, C. M., Keen, H. L., Modrick, M. L., Faraci, F. M., & Sigmund, C. D. Vascular Dysfunction in Transgenic Mice Expressing a Dominant Negative Mutant of PPAR gamma. Hypertension 2006. 48(4): e39. Oral presentation
45. Halabi, C. M., Beyer, A. M., Keen, H. L., Lange, W. J. d., Faraci, F. M., & Sigmund, C. D. Pivotal Role of Smooth Muscle-Specific PPAR gamma in the Regulation of Vascular Function. Hypertension 2006. 48(4): e97. Oral presentation
46. Andreas M. Beyer, Carmen M. Halabi, Satya Mathur, Henry L. Keen and Curt D. Sigmund.Experimental Biology 2005: Generation of Transgenic Mice with Tissue Specific Expression of PPAR Gamma in the Vascular Endothelium.
47. Andreas M. Beyer, Carmen M. Halabi, Henry L. Keen, Satya Mathur, Yau-Sheng Tsai, Nobuyo Maeda and Curt D. Sigmund Keystone Symposia PPAR LXR 2005: Physiological Significance and Identification of PPAR gamma Target Genes in the Vascular Endothelium.
48. Keen, H. L., Ryan, M. J. Beyer, A., & Sigmund, C. D. Microarray Analysis of Gene Expression Changes in Mouse Aorta During Chronic Treatment with a PPAR gamma Agonist. Hypertension 2003. 42(3): 387.
1. Johnathan D. Ebben, Andreas M. Beyer Peptide inhibitors of Telomerase nuclear translocation and therapeutic uses thereof. US Provisional Patent App- 62/211,524