Medical College of Wisconsin
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Anna C. Purdy NP
APP Outpatient
Department of Surgery
Division of Surgical Oncology

Hub for Collaborative Medicine
8701 Watertown Plank Road
Milwaukee, WI 53226

1992 - Present 1992- present
1995 - Present 1995
1997 - Present 1997
1999 - Present 1999
1999 - Present 1999 - present
2000 - 2001 2000-2001
2001 - Present 2001
2007 - Present to present
2008 - Present to 2010
2008 - Present to present
2011 - 2014 2011-2014
"Breast Cancer Overview"
"Breast Cancer Overview"
"Breast Cancer Overview"
"Breast Cancer Overview"
"Breast Cancer"
"Making Strides Against Breast Cancer"
1st Semester Clinical WCTC Community Nursing Clinic
2nd Semester Clinical Lincoln Avenue Clinic
3rd Semester Clinical Moorland Family Practice Clinic
Abstracts, Presentations, Poster Presentations, Publications:
Accepted Abstract
Adult Nurse Practitioner August 1, 2004 to
Advanced Oncology Certified 05/07/2008 -
After Breast Cancer Diagnosis-ABCD
American Academy of Nurse Practitioners
American Cancer Society
American Nurses Credentialing Center July 31, 2009
- 2006 April, 2006
BSN University of Wisconsin- 1983-1987
Basic Oncology Course
Breast Cancer Showhouse
Breast Cancer Symposium
Breast Cancer Symposium
Breast Cancer Symposium
Breast Care Center
Breast Care Center
Breast Examination
Breast SIG -Professional Development Committee
CBCN Role Delineation Task Force
CPR Present
Care of the Oncology Patient
Care of the Oncology Patient
Certifications: Oncology Certified Nurse 1991
Certified Breast Cancer Nurse 2/2009 to present
Chair- Test Development Committee for Certification of Breast Care Nurses
Clinical Advisory Board
Clinical Assistant Professor
Co-Chair & Founder
Co-Investigator open to accrual 2-12-02
College of Health Science
Community Education Program
Community Education Program
Community Educational Program
Community Educational Program
Community Service: Breast Cancer Symposium
Day Captain 2000 to present
- 1 December 1-2, 2011
Department of Physician Assistant Studies
Departments of Surgery and Pathology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI.
Ductal Lavage for Women at High-Risk for Breast Cancer
February 28, 2007
Froedtert & Community Health
Froedtert & Community Health
Froedtert & Community Health
Froedtert Lutheran Memorial Hospital
Graduate Training:
Grant Committee
Grant Review Committee
Hink, C.E., Redlich, P.N.
Instructor: Introduction to Clinical Examination
Internal Medicine Clinic
Investigational Studies: "A Feasibility Study of Ductal Lavage In Patients at Increased Risk for Bre
June 19, 2008
Khanna, A.K., Hewitt, H.E.
MSN Marquette University 1991-1999
Marquette, University
Medical College of Wisconsin
Medical College of Wisconsin
Medical College of Wisconsin
Medical College of Wisconsin
Medical College of Wisconsin
Medical Surgical/Telemetry Unit
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Milwaukee Metro Nurse Practitioners
Mount Mary College
NSABP DMP-1 A study to evaluate different decision-making approaches used by women known to be at in
Nurse Manager Froedtert Lutheran Memorial Hospital 1997-2007
Nurse Practitioner 12/31/2012
Nurse Practitioner Froedtert Lutheran Memorial Hospital 1999-Present
Nurse Specialist Breast Care Center 1990-1999
Nursing Staff Inservice
October 15, 2010
October 18, 2006
October 20, 2011
October 23, 2009
Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation
Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation
Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation
Oncology core curriculum of nursing
Podium Presentation
Poster Presentation
Professional Committees Oncology Nursing Society
Purdy, A, et al (2013). Benign Breast Disease. Surgical Clinics of North America. 93 (2): 299-308
Purdy, A & Mattingly, J. (2010). Nipple Sparing Mastectomy. Breast SIG Newsletter. February 10, 2010.
Purdy, A (2004). Breast problems when to worry. Wisconsin Nurses Association. Pharmacology Update. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Purdy, A (2009). Biomarkers in Breast Cancer. Institutes of Learning: Oncology Nursing Society, Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale
Purdy, A (2009). Nipple Discharge: Implications for Practice, has been accepted for a paper (podium) presentation at the AANP's 2009 National Conference at the Gaylord Opryland in Nashville, TN (June 17-21).
Purdy, A (2011). Cancer Survivorship. Southeastern Wisconsin Breast Clinician's Network Meeting, January 26, 2011.
Purdy, A (2011). Clinical Breast examination: Didactic and supervised practicum for nurse clinicians. Froedtert Hospital Breast Care Center, June 4, 2011
Purdy, A. & J. Griffie (2007). High risk breast cancer screeing: The APN Role. Advanced Practice Nursing Conference, Oncology Nursing Society, in Chicago
Purdy, A. & Tinari, M . (2011). Inflammatory Breast Cancer: What nurses need to know. Institues of Learning: Oncology Nursing Society, Annual Meeting
Purdy, A. & Willman, M. (2008). Breast Clinicians of Southeastern Wisconsin Network. 33nd Oncology Nursing Society, Annual Congress in Philadelphi
Purdy, A. (1996). Breast Cancer Overview. OBGYN Nurse Practitioner Annual Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Purdy, A. (2001). Identification and Management of benign breast diseases. NPACE: Midwest National Primary Care Concference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Purdy, A. (2005). Feasibility of Ductal Lavage as Performed by an Advanced Practice Nurse. American Academy of Nurse Practitioners 20th Annual National Conference Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
Purdy, A. (2009). Nipple Discharge: Implications for clinical practice. American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennesse.
Race For the Cure
Race For the Cure
Redlich, P.N., Purdy, A.
School of Nursing
Shidham, V.B, Purdy, A.
Shidham, V.B, Redlich, P.
Shidham, V.B, Susnik, B.
Sigma Theta Tau - National Nursing Honor Society
Society Memberships: Oncology Nursing Society
Sophomore Medical Students
South Division High School
Southeastern Wisconsin Breast Clinician Network
Southeastern Wisconsin Breast Nurse Coordinators Group
Staff Nurse Froedtert Lutheran Memorial Hospital 1988-1999
Study of Raloxifene versus Tamoxifen in the prevention of breast cancer.
Susan G. Komen
Susan G. Komen
Test Development Committee for Certification of Breast Care Nurses
Waukesha, Wisconsin
Waukesha, Wisconsin
Work Experience:
Wyndam Hotel Milwaukee