Medical College of Wisconsin
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Dave Lal MD, MPH
Chief, Professor
Department of Surgery
Division of Pediatric Surgery

Children’s Wisconsin - Milwaukee Hospital
8915 W Connell Court
Milwaukee, WI 53226

1990 - 1994 B.S., Creighton University, Omaha, NE
1994 - 1998 M.D., Creighton University School of Medicine, Omaha, NE
2008 - 2012 Masters in Public Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD

1998 - 2003 Resident, General Surgery, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
2003 - 2004 Fellow, Pediatric Surgical Oncology, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY
2004 - 2005 Acting Instructor and Senior Fellow, Advanced Minimally Invasive Gastrointestinal Surgery, Center for Videoendoscopic Surgery, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
2005 - 2007 Fellow, Pediatric Surgery, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

2007 - 2013 Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, Division of Pediatric Surgery, The Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
2013 - 2018 Associate Professor, Surgery, Pediatric Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI 53226
2018 - Present Professor, Surgery, Pediatric Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI 53226

2017 - 2019 President-Elect, Medical Staff, Children's Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI 53226
2019 - 2021 President, Medical Staff, Children's Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI 53226

2012 - 2018 Pediatric Surgery Service Chief, General Surgery, Residency Program, Medical College of Wisconsin
2012 - 2018 Associate Program Directory, General Surgery Residency Program, Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin
2014 - 2018 Committee Member, General Surgery Residency, Clinical Competency, Medical College of Wisconsin
2014 - 2018 Committee Member, General Surgery Residency, Program Evaluation, Medical College of Wisconsin
2018 - Present Chair, Committee, Pediatric Surgery, Fellowship Program Evaluation Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
2019 - Present Associate Program Director, Pediatric Surgery, Fellowship Program, Medical College of Wisconsin

1992 - 1993 Student Researcher, Eppley Institute for Research in Cancer and Allied Disease, University of Nebraska Medial Center, under the direction of Dr. Robert Lewis, on cloning of the IGF-1 receptor, Omaha, NE
1992 Summer fellowship in cancer research, College of Medicine, Cancer Center, University of Illinois at Chicago, under the direction of Dr. Tapas Das Gupta, on producing pedigrees of patients with malignant melanoma, Chicago, IL
1993 FBI Honors Intern, Forensic Science Research and Training Academy, Federal Bureau of Investigation, on extraction of DNA from hair recovered at crime scenes, Quantico, VA

2007 - Present Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, 9000 W Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53226
2007 - Present Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital, 9200 W. Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53226
2007 - Present Marshfield Ministry, Marshfield, WI 54449
2007 - Present Aurora Sinai and West Allis, Milwaukee, WI 53233
2007 - Present Ascension Columbia St Marys and St Joseph, Milwaukee, WI 53211

Board Certified
Issue DateExpiration
Diplomate, American Board of Surgery, Certificate in General Surgery
Diplomate, American Board of Surgery, Certificate in Pediatric Surgery
Issued By Issue DateExpiration
Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)
Da Vinci Robotic Certification Intuitive Surgical
Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS)
Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)

Number Issue DateExpiration
United States Medical Licensing Examination, Step 1, passed
United States Medical Licensing Examination, Step 2, passed
United States Medical Licensing Examination, Step 3, passed
License to Practice Medicine and Surgery, State of Wisconsin
Controlled Substance Registration Certificate, DEA license
License to Practice Medicine and Surgery, State of New York
License to Practice Medicine and Surgery, State of Washington

1990 - 1994 Creighton Scholarship for Achievement
1992 - 1994 Arts and Science Deans Honor Role
1994 Cum Laude, Creighton University
1997 - 1998 Nominated as Medical Student Senior to Alpha Omega Alpha
2002 Best trauma paper award, State of Wisconsin trauma paper competition
2011 Best Doctors in America 2011-2012
2014 - Present Top Doctor, Castle and Connolly Medical Ltd
2014 - 2017 Outstanding Medical Student Teachers, Medical College of Wisconsin
2020 - Present Notable Hero in Health Care, Children's Wisconsin
2022 - Present Honorary Pediatrician in Chief, Department of Pediatrics, Children's Wisconsin

American Pediatric Surgical Association
American Academy of Pediatrics (Fellow)
American Medical Association
Wisconsin Chapter-American College of Surgeons
American College of Surgeons (Fellow)
Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons
Children's Oncology Group (COG)
Milwaukee Academy of Surgery
International Pediatric Endosurgery Group
Central Surgical Association
Association of Program Directors in Surgery
Society of Asian Academic Surgeons
Society of University Surgeons
Association for Academic Surgery

Ad-Hoc Reviewer
2007 - Present Journal of Surgical Research
2008 - Present Journal of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
2008 - Present Journal of Pediatric Surgery
2010 - Present Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques
2012 - Present Surgical Endoscopy
2014 - Present Annals of Surgical Oncology
2017 - Present Journal of Pediatric Surgery, Case Reports
2017 - Present British Medical Journal, Case Reports

2011 - 2020 Member, Wisconsin District #1 Committees on Applicants, American College of Surgeons
2012 - 2015 Member, Nominating Committee, Children's Wisconsin
2012 - 2015 Member, Professional Development Committee, Children's Specialty Group
2017 - 2019 President-Elect, Medical Staff, Children's Wisconsin
2018 - Present Chair, Pediatric Surgery Fellowship Program Education Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
2019 - Present Associate Program Director, Pediatric Surgery Fellowship Program, Medical College of Wisconsin
2019 - 2021 President, Medical Staff, Children's Wisconsin
2019 Member, Search Committee for Chair of Pathology, Children's Wisconsin
2021 - Present Chair, Affiliate Implementation Operating Structure Revision Committee, Children's Specialty Group
2021 - Present Member, Finance & Operations Committee, Children's Specialty Group
2021 - Present Member, Search Committee for Chief of Oncology, Children's Wisconsin
2021 - Present Member, Clinical Committee of the Faculty Council, Medical College of Wisconsin
2021 - Present Member, Search Committee Organ Transplant Chief, Medical College of Wisconsin
- 2022 Chair, Search Committee for Surgeon in Chief, Children's Wisconsin

2007 - 2009 Member, Committee on Information and Technology, Association for Academic Surgery
2009 - 2015 Member, Cancer Committee, American Pediatric Surgical Association
2010 - 2012 Member, Membership Committee, Association for Academic Surgery
2011 - 2015 Member, Publication Committee, Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons
2013 - 2014 Program Chair, Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium
2013 - Present Founding Member, Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium
2015 - 2019 Member, Outcomes and Evidence-Based Practice Committee, American Pediatric Surgical Association
2016 - 2019 Vice Chair, Survey Subcommittee, American Pediatric Surgical Association
2018 - 2021 Member, Program Committee, American Pediatric Surgical Association
2020 - Present Secretary, Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium
2020 - 2021 Chair, Nominating Committee, American Pediatric Surgical Association
2021 Member, Daily Host, American Pediatric Surgical Association
2021 - 2024 Member, Education Committee, American Pediatric Surgical Association
2021 - 2024 Member, Cancer Committee, American Pediatric Surgical Association
2021 Member, Surgery Representative, Children's Oncology Group
09/2022 - Present Chair Elect, Midwest Pediatric Surgical Consortium
10/2022 - 2022 Moderator, Section on Surgery Scientific Sessions, American Academy of Pediatrics, National Conference
2023 - Present Editorial Board Member, Case Reports, Journal of Pediatric Surgery

2011 - 2018 Member, Education Committee, International Pediatric Endosurgery Group
2011 - Present Member, Research Committee, International Pediatric Endosurgery Group
2018 - Present Member, Program Committee, International Pediatric Endosurgery Group
2020 - Present Member, New Innovative Spaces, International Pediatric Endosurgery Group

Peer Review
Nogo – B/NgBR in Pediatric Tumors
Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin
Role & Effort:
Principle Investigator
10/01/2009 - 10/01/2019
Direct Funds:
Multi-Institutional Trial of Non-operative Management of Uncomplicated Pediatric Appendicitis
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute
Role & Effort:
Subrecipient PI
08/01/2016 - 07/01/2019
Direct Funds:
$2,875,543 (All Sites)
Reducing unnecessary oophorectomies for benign neoplasms in girls
A multi-institutional study
Role & Effort:
Subrecipient PI
02/01/2019 - 05/31/2021
Direct Funds:
$394,000 (All Sites)

Masterclass in Oesophageal Atresia, 88th Annual Scientific, Royal Australian College of Surgeons, Bangkok, Thailand, 05/2019
Running Multicenter Collaborations, Keynote Lecture, 88th Annual Scientific Congress, Royal Australian College of Surgeons, Bangkok, Thailand, 05/2019
Neonatal Surgery Discussion Chair, 88th Annual Scientific Congress, Royal Australian College of Surgeons, Bangkok, Thailand, 05/2019
Neuroblastoma, II International Workshop of Pediatric Oncology and Minimally Invasive Surgery, Urubamba, Cusco-Peru, 09/11/2022
Rhabdomyosarcoma, Pediatric Surgery Congress, Vidawasi-San Isidro, Peru, - 2019
Criteria for liver transplantation in biliary atresia, Simposio Internacional de Cirugia Pediatrica, Piura, Peru, - 2014
Choledocal cyst:hepatic jejunostomy vs hepatic duodenostomy, , Simposio Internacional de Cirugia Pediatrica, Piura, Peru, - 2014
Hepatoblastoma, Pediatric Surgery Congress, Vidawasi-San Isidro, Peru, - 2019
Liver and Biliary Tract, Simposio Internacional de Cirugia Pediatrica, Piura, Peru,, - 2014
Endoscopic Technique to Re-establish Small Intestinal Continuity in a Pediatric Patient Treated with Pyloric Exclusion, WCPGHAN, Montreal, Canada, - 2016
Management of Complex Pediatric Thoracic Pathology, 42nd Annual Scientific Congress of the Royal College of Surgeons of Thailand, Pattaya, Thailand, - 2017
Decision Making in Hepatic Tumors, II International Workshop of Pediatric Oncology and Minimally Invasive Surgery, Urubamba, Cusco-Peru, - 09/12/2022
Current Patterns of Practice and Technique in the Repair of Esophageal Atresia and Tracheoesophageal Fistula, Beijing, China, - 2013
Medium Invasive Surgery in Management of Abdominal Tumors, II International Workshop of Pediatric Oncology and Minimally Ivasive Surgery, Urubamba, Cusco-Peru, - 09/13/2022
Esophageal Atresia and Tracheoesophageal Fistula Findings from the Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium, 42nd Annual Scientific Congress of the Royal College of Surgeons of Thailand, Pattaya, Thailand, - 2017
Liver and Biliary Tract, Simposio Internacional de Cirugia Pediatrica, Cuzco, Peru, - 2011
Laparoscopic Liver Resection for Localized Caroli’s Disease in a Pediatric Patient, Washington, DC, - 2010
Long-Term Outcome of Laparoscopic Redo Fundoplications for the Treatment of GERD, Fort Lauderdale, FL, - 2005
Laparoscopic Transhiatal Gastric Transposition for Long Gap Esophageal Atresia in an Infant, Washington, DC, - 2010
Challenging Surgical Dogma in the Management of Esophageal Atresia with Tracheoesophageal Fistula: Outcomes from the Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium, San Diego, CA, - 2016
Long Term Outcomes of Esophageal Atresia Repair, American Pediatric Surgical Association, Hollywood, FL, - 2017
Results of Multimodal Treatment for Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor, Ponte Verdi Beach, FL, - 2004
Laparoscopic Marsupialization of a Large Hepatic Cyst in a Child, Washington, DC, - 2010
Health Disparities analysis of Pediatric Trauma Patients Admitted to A High Volume Level 1 Pediatric Trauma Hospital, Chicago, IL, - 2012
Perioperative Management and Outcomes of Esophageal Atresia and Tracheoesophageal Fistula Repair: Results from the Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium, Washington DC, - 2015
Characteristics and Outcomes of Infants with Esophageal Atresia and a Right Sided Aortic Arch: Outcomes from the Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium, San Francisco, CA, - 2016
Oncology Session; Sarcoma and Renal Tumors, Oncology Session; Sarcoma and Renal Tumors, Virtual, - 2020
Update on Non-Operative Management of Appendicitis, Best Practices in Pediatrics, Winter 2019 Conference, Wisconsin Dells, WI, - 2019
Peritoneal Malignancies HIPEC, Kohler, WI, - 2017
Non-operative Management of Early Uncomplicated Appendicitis- Worthwhile or Delaying the Inevitable?, Milwaukee Academy of Surgery, Milwaukee WI, - 2019

Medical Student Education
11/2012 M1 Foundations of Clinical Medicine Session
09/2016 A Day in the Life of a Pediatric Surgeon
10/2016 Children’s Oncology Group Update
01/2019 Introduction to Pediatric Surgery
General surgical house staff, third and fourth year medical students on Pediatric Surgery Journal Club
General surgical house staff, third and fourth year medical students on Pediatric Surgical Service
Resident and Fellow Education
2007 - 2008 General Surgery Resident Board Review Conference, Monthly
08/2008 General Surgery Basic Science Lecture: Critical Care
09/2008 - Present General Surgery Basic Science Lecture
2008 General Surgery Mock Oral Boards
2008 - Present Fellows Conference Lectures
2010 - Present PGY 1 & 2 Curriculum Conference
02/2012 General Surgery Case Presentation
2014 - Present Basic Science Surgery/GI Conference
2016 Neonatology Physiology Conference - TEF
2017 Department of Surgery Grand Rounds

Medical Student Education
08/2004 University of Washington, Proctored Course: Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass
09/2004 University of Washington, Proctored Course: Laparoscopic-Assisted Colectomy
11/2004 University of Washington, Proctored Course: Laparoscopic Ventral Hernia Repair
11/2004 University of Washington, Proctored Course: Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass
11/2004 University of Washington, Proctored Course: Laparoscopic Entrectomy & Colectomy
03/2005 University of Washington, Proctored Course: Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass
05/2005 University of Washington, Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass
05/2005 University of Washington, Proctored Course: Laparoscopic-Assisted Colectomy
06/2005 University of Washington, Proctored Course: Laparoscopic Antireflux Surgery, Adrenalectomy and Splenectomy

Medical Students
2008 - 2009 Richard Lee, student mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
2009 - 2010 Matthew Thompson, student mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
2009 - 2010 John Miura, Research Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
2009 - 2010 Ryan Juza, Research Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
2010 - 2011 Michael LaPointe, student mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
2011 - 2012 Tyler Boschuetz, student mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
2014 - 2018 Cooper Rapp, Student Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
2017 Jerry Xiao, Research Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
2017 - 2019 Zoe Lake, Student Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
Clinical/Research Fellows
2006 - 2008 Craig Egan, MD, Clinical Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
2007 - 2009 John Densmore, MD, Clinical Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
2007 - 2008 Pradeep Nazarey, MD, Clinical Critical Care mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
2008 - 2009 Nicole Bernal, MD, Clinical Critical Care Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
2008 - 2010 Li Ern Chen, MD, Clinical Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
2009 - 2010 Jennifer Curtis, MD, Clinical Critical Care Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
2009 - 2011 Amy Wagner, MD, Clinical Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
2010 - 2015 Henry Chang, MD, Clinical Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
2010 - 2012 Ramin Jamshidi, MD, Clinical Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
2010 - 2011 Anthony Savo, MD, Clinical Critical Care Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
2012 - 2014 Jill Whitehouse, MD, Clinical Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
2012 - 2014 Abdulhafeez Abdulhafeez, MD, Clinical Critical Care Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
2012 - 2014 Kathleen Dominguez, MD, Clinical Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
2014 - 2016 Kendra Bowman, MD MPH PhD, Clinical Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
2014 - 2016 Sarah Walker, MD, Clinical Critical Care Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
2015 - 2017 Elizabeth Berdan, MD, Clinical Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
2016 - 2018 Ruchi Amin, MD, Clinical Critical Care Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
2016 - 2018 Veronica Sullins, MD, Clinical Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
2017 - 2019 Shannon Koehler, MD, Clinical Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
2018 - 2019 Alysandra Landmann, MD, Clinical Critical Care Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin

Medical Students
2011 Daphne Lambropoulous, Research Mentor, University of Michigan
Clinical/Research Fellows
2017 - 2021 Jose Salazar Osuna, MD, Clinical, Critical Care, The Medical College of Wisconsin, Current Faculty
2019 - 2021 Katherine Flynn-O'Brien, MD, Clinical Mentor, The Medical College of Wisconsin, Current Faculty
2019 - 2020 Ali Mokdad, MD, Critical Care, The Medical College of Wisconsin
2020 - 2022 Ali Mejaddam, MD, Critical Care, The Medical College of Wisconsin
2021 - 2023 Carolyn Maloney, MD, Clinical, The Medical College of Wisconsin

Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. Lal D, Weiland S, Newton M, Flaten A, Schurr, M. Prospective Analysis of Prehospital and Early Hospital Hyperventilation of Brain Injury Patient. Journal of Prehospital and Disaster Medicine 2003 Jan; 18(1):20-23.
2. Lal D, Nichol P, Harms B, Go L, Lund D. Ileo-Anal S-Pouch Reconstruction in Patients with Total Colonic Aganglionosis after Failed Pull-through Procedure. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 2004 Jul; 39(7):7-9.
3. Lal D, Pellegrini C, Oelschlager B. Laparoscopic Repair of Paraesophageal Hernias. Surgical Clinics of North America 2005 Feb; 85(1):105-118.
4. Lal D, Clark I, Shaklow J, Downey R, Shorter N, Klimstra D, La Quaglia M. Primary Epithelial Lung Malignancies in the Pediatric Population. Pediatric Blood and Cancer 2005 Oct; 45(5):683-686.
5. Lal D, Su W, Wolden S, Loh K, Modak S, La Quaglia M. Results of Multimodal Treatment for Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumors. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 2005 Jan; 40(1):251-255.
6. Kaufman J, Lal D, Upton M, Pelligrini C, Oelschlager B. Gastric Mass. Medscape General Medicine 2005 Apr; 7(2):22.
7. Lal D, Foroutan H, Su W, Wolden S, Bouland F, La Quaglia M. The Management of Treatment-Related Esophageal Complications in Children and Adolescents with Cancer. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 2006 Mar; 41(3):495-499.
8. Flores R, Su W, Lal D, Rusch V, La Quaglia M. Extrapleural Pneumonectomy in Children. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 2006 Oct; 41(10):1738-1742.
9. Oelschlager B, Lal D, Jensen E, Cahill M, Quiroga E, Pellegrini C. Medium-and Long-term Outcome of Laparoscopic Redo Fundoplication. Surgical Endoscopy 2006 Dec(20):1817-1823.
10. Lal DR, Lal A. Two-Surgeon Couple. Journal of Surgical Education 2009 Sept - Oct; 66 (5): 302.
11. Gourlay DM, Cassidy LD, Sato TT, Lal DR, Arca MD. Beyond feasibility: a comparison of newborns undergoing thoracoscopic and open repair of congenital diaphragmatic hernias. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 2009 Sept; 44(9): 1702-1707.
12. Lal A, Lal DR. Limitations of the SEER Database for Demonstrating Causal Relationships Between Treatments and Outcomes in Pediatric Intestinal Tumors. Journal of Surgical Research 2010 Jun(161): 237-239.
13. Juza RM, Arca M, Densmore JC, Aiken JJ, Lal DR. Laparoscopic Assisted Transhiatal Gastric Transposition for Long Gap Esophageal Atresia in an Infant. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 2010 Jul; 45(7): 1534-1537.
14. Lal A, Lal DR, Hereditary pancreatitis. Pediatric Surgery International. 2010 Aug; 26(12): 1193-1199.
15. Jamshidi R, Weitzel N, Grocott HP, Lal DR, Taylor SP, Woods RK, Mediastinal Mass with Superior Vena Cava Syndrome. Seminars in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia. 2011 Sept; 15(3): 105-111.
16. Scott JP, Troshynski T, Clarke, RK, Woods R, Lal DR, Berens R, Tower R. Case Report: Giant Cardiac Malignancy in a Nine Year Old Female. Canadian Journal of Anesthesia. November 2012; 59(11):1048-1051. PMID:22936572
17. Dua A, Jamshidi R, Lal DR. Labial Hair Tourniquet: Unusual Complication of An Unrepaired Genital Laceration. Pediatric Emergency Care. July 2013; 29(7):829-30. PMID:23823263
18. Lal D, Miyano G, Juang G, Sharp NE, St Peter SD. Current Patterns of Practice and Technique in the Repair of Esophageal Atresia and Tracheoesophageal Fistua: An IPEG Survey. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. July 2013; 23(7):635-8 PMID:23758564
19. Lal DR, Oldham KT. Recurrent Tracheosophageal Fistula. Eur J Pediatr Surg. June 2013; 23(3):214-8 PMID:23720208
20. Cassidy LD, Lambropoulos D, Enters J, Gourlay D, Farahzhad M, Lal DR. Health Disparities Analysis of Critically III Pediatric Trauma Patients in Milwaukee, WI. J Am Coll Surg. August 2013. 217(2):233-9. PMID:23664140
21. Collins CL, Bartz PJ, Lal DR, Segura AD, Woods RK, Tower R; Significant Response to Oral Etoposide ion the Treatment of an Unresectable Cardiac Sarcoma, L 2nd.J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. May 2014; 36 (4): e237-40 PMID:23652877
22. Alemayehu H, Clifton M, Santore M, Diesen D, Kane T, Petrosyan M, Franklin A, Lal D, Ponsky T, Nalugo M, Holcomb GW 3rd, St Peter SD. Minimally invasive surgery for pediatric trauma-a multicenter review J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. March 2015. PMID: 25545146
23. Jancelewicz T, Lopez ME, Downard CD, Islam S, Baird R, Rangel SJ, Williams RF, Arnold MA, Lal D, Renaud E, Grabowski J, Dasgupta R, Austin M, Shelton J, Cameron D, Goldin AB. Surgical Management of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) in Children: A Systematic Review. J Pediatr Surg. October 2016. PMID: 27823773
24. Wesson D, Fallon S, Langer J, St Peter S, Tsao K, Kellagher C, Lal D, et al. Congenital H-Type Tracheoesophageal Fistula: A Multicenter Review of Outcomes in a Rare Disease. Submitted to the Journal of Pediatric Surgery. November 2016.PMID 28528013
25. Hirschl RB, Minneci P, Gadepalli SK, Saito JM; Askegard-Giesmann J, Deans K, Downard C, Fallat M, Finnell M, Helmrath M, Kabre, R, Lal D, Leys C, Mak G, Ostlie D, Rescorla F, Sato T, St. Peter S, von Allmen D, Warner BW. On behalf of the Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium (MWPSC) Development of a Multi-Institutional Clinical Research Consortium for Pediatric Surgery. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. December 2016. PMID: 28081853
26. Max R Langham, MD, Megan Durham, MD, Ankush Gosain, MD, PhD, Lal D, Grier Arthur, III, MD, Israel Fernandez-Pineda, MD, Rebecka L Meyers, MD, “Hepatoblastoma”; Pediatric Surgery Na T APSA and Unbound Medicine 2017.
27. Gregory S, Chun, RH, Parakininkas D, Amos L, Fons R, Lerner DG,Lal D,Sulman C, Endoscopic esophageal and tracheal cauterization for closure of recurrent tracheoesophageal fistula: A case report and review of the literature. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. July 2017. PEDOT8534 PMID 28583493
28. Landisch RM, Foster S, Gregg D, Chelius T, Cassidy LD, Lerner D, Lal DR, Utilizing stricture indices to predict dilation of strictures after esophageal atresia repair. Journal of Surgical Research, August 2017. PMID 28807203
29. Lal DR, Gadepalli Sk, Downard CD, Ostlie DJ, Minneci PC, et al. Perioperative Management and Outcomes of Esophageal Atresia and Tracheoesophageal Fistula. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. August 2017 PMID: 27993359
30. Dasgupta R, Renaud E, Goldin AB, Baird R, Cameron DB, Arnold MA, Diefenbach KA, Gosain A, Grabowski J, Guner YS, Jancelewicz T, Kawaguchi A, Lal DR, Oyetunji TA, Ricca RL, Shelton J, Somme S, Williams RF, Downard CD, Ovarian torsion in pediatric and adolescent patients: A systematic review. Journal of Pediatric Surgery, July 2018. PMID 29153467
31. Cameron DB, Williams R, Geng Y, Gosain A, Arnold MA, Guner YS, Blakely ML, Downard CD, Goldin AB, Grabowski J, Lal DR, Dasgupta R, Baird R, Gates RL, Shelton J, Jancelewicz T, Rangel SJ, Austin MT, Time to appendectomy for acute appendicitis: A systematic review, Journal of Pediatric Surgery, March 2018. PMID 29241958
32. Walker SK, Lal DR, Boyd KP, Sato TT, Management of Pediatric ovarian torsion: evidence of follicular development after ovarian preservation, Surgery, March 2018. PMID 29329768
33. Baird R, Pandya K, Lal DR, Calkins CM, Oldham KT, Tsai A, Naik-Mathuria B, St-Louis E, Luc MK, LaRusso K, Petroze R, Lofberg KM, Biller CK, Villalona GA, Gourlay DM, Klein M, DeUgarte D, Cleary M, Berdan EA, Siddiqui S, Lo A, Langer M, Duffy D, Blair G, Beres A, Laberge JM, Berdan EA, Radulescu A, Holterman A, Hoover JD, Fitzgerald T, Ganey M, Krishnaswami S, Ozgediz D, Regarding global pediatric surgery training opportunites, Journal of Pediatric Surgery, June 2018 PMID 29605263
34. Lal DR, Gadepalli SK, Downard CD, Ostlie DJ, Minneci PC, Swedler RM, Chelius TH, Cassidy L, Rapp CT, Billmire D, Bruch S, Burns RC, Deans KJ, Fallat ME, Fraser JD, Grabowski J, Hebel F, Helmrath MA, Hirschl RB, Kabre R, Kohler J, Landman MP, Leys CM, Mak GZ, Raque J, Rymeski B, Saito JM, St Peter SD, vonAllmen D, Warner BW, Sato TT, Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium, Challenging surgical dogma in the management of proximal esophageal atresia with distal tracheoesophageal fistula” Outcomes from the Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium. Journal of Pediatric Surgery, July 2018. PMID: 28599967
35. Lal DR, Gadepalli SK, Downard CD, Minneci PC, Knezevich M, Chelius TH, Rapp CT, Billmire D, Bruch S, Carland Burns R, Deans KJ, Fallat ME, Fraser JD, Grabowski J, Hebel F, Helmrath MA, Hirschl RB, Kabre R, Kohler J, Landman MP, Leys CM, Mak GZ, Ostlie DJ, Raque J, Rymeski B, Saito JM, St Peter SD, von Allmen D, Warner BW, Sato TT, Infants with esophageal atresia and right aortic arch: Characteristics and outcomes from the Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium. Journal of Pediatric Surgery, April 2019 PMID 30224238
36. Renaud EJ, Sømme S, Islam S, Cameron DB, Gates RL, Williams RF, Jancelewicz T, Oyetunji TA, Grabowski J, Diefenbach KA, Baird R, Arnold MA, Lal DR, Shelton J, Guner YS, Gosain A, Kawaguchi AL, Ricca RL, Goldin AB, Dasgupta R, Ovarian masses in the child and adolescent: An American Pediatric Surgical Association Outcomes and Evidence-Based Practice Committee systematic review. Journal of Pediatric Surgery, March 2019 PMID 30220452
37. Wright TN, Grant C, Hirschl RB, Lal DR, Minneci PC, Fallat M, Neural monitoring during H-type Tracheoesophageal Fistula Division: A way to decrease recurrent laryngeal nerve injury?. Journal of Pediatric Surgery, August 2019. PMID 30594308
38. Gates RL, Price M, Cameron DB, Somme S, Ricca R, Oyetunji TA, Guner YS, Gosain A, Baird R, Lal DR, Jancelewicz T, Shelton J, Diefenbach KA, Grabowski J, Kawaguchi A, Dasgupta R, Downard C, Goldin A, Petty JK, Stylianos S, Williams R. Non-operative management of solid organ injuries in children: An American Pediatric Surgical Association Outcomes and Evidence Based Practice Committee systematic review. Journal of Pediatric Surgery, August 2019 PMID:30773395
39. Baird R, Lal DR, Ricca RL, Diefenbach KA, Downard CD, Shelton J, Sømme S, Grabowski J, Oyetunji TA, Williams RF, Jancelewicz T, Dasgupta R, Arthur LG, Kawaguchi AL, Guner YS, Gosain A, Gates RL, Sola JE, Kelley-Quon LI, St Peter SD, Goldin A. Management of long gap esophageal atresia: A systematic review and evidence-based guidelines from the APSA Outcomes and Evidence Based Practice Committee. Journal of Pediatric Surgery, April 2019 PMID:30853248
40. Kunisaki SM, Saito JM, Fallat ME, St Peter SD, Lal DR, Johnson KN, Mon RA, Adams C, Aladegbami B, Bence C, Burns RC, Corkum KS, Deans KJ, Downard CD, Fraser JD, Gadepalli SK, Helmrath MA, Kabre R, Landman MP, Leys CM, Linden AF, Lopez JJ, Mak GZ, Minneci PC, Rademacher BL, Shaaban A, Walker SK, Wright TN, Hirschl RB; Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium. Development of a multi-institutional registry for children with operative congenital lung malformations. Journal of Pediatric Surgery February 2019. PMID:30879756
41. Shaun Kunisaki, MD, Jacqueline M Saito, MD, MSCI, FAAP; Mary E Fallat, MD, FAAP; Shawn D St. Peter, MD, FAAP; Aimee G Kim, MD; Kevin N Johnson, MD; Rodrigo A Mon, MD; Cheryl Adams; Bola Aladegbami, MD; Christina Bence, MD; R. Cartland Burns, MD, FAAP; Kristine S Corkum, MD; Katherine J Deans, MD, MHSc, FAAP; Cynthia D Downard, MD, FAAP; Jason D Fraser, MD, FAAP; Samir K Gadepalli, MD, MBA, FAAP; Michael A Helmrath, MD, FAAP; Rashmi Kabre, MD, FAAP; Dave R Lal, MD, MPH, FAAP; Matthew P Landman, MD, MPH, FAAP; Charles M Leys, MD, FAAP; Allison F Linden, MD, MPH; Joseph J Lopez, MD; Grace Z Mack, MD, FAAP; Peter C Minneci, MD, MHSc, FAAP; Brooks L Rademacher, MD; Aimen Shaaban, MD, FAAP; Sarah K Walker, MD; Tiffany N Wright, MD; Ronald B Hirschl, MD, FAAP, Current Operative Management of Congenital Lobar Emphysema in Children: A Report from the Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium. Journal of Pediatric Surgery – American Academy of Pediatrics, June 2019 PMID 30898401
42. Grabowski J, Oyetunji TA, Goldin AB, Baird R, Gosain A, Lal DR, Kawaguchi A, Downard C, Sola JE, Arthur LG, Shelton J, Diefenbach KA, Kelley-Quon LI, Williams RF, Ricca RL, Dasgupta R, St Peter SD, Sømme S, Guner YS, Jancelewicz The management of pilonidal disease: A systematic review. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. March 2019 PMID:30948198
43. Lawrence AE, Gonzalez DO, Fallat ME, Aldrink JH, Hewitt GD, Hertweck SP, Onwuka A, Bence C, Burns RC, Dillon PA, Ehrlich PF, Fraser JD, Grabowski JE, Hirschl RB, Kabre R, Kohler JE, Lal DR, Landman MP, Leys CM, Mak GZ, Sato TT, Scannell M, Sujka JA, Minneci PC, Deans KJ. Factors Associated With Management of Pediatric Ovarian Neoplasms Pediatrics. July 2019. PMID:31164439
44. Minneci PC, Hade EM, Lawrence AE, Saito JM, Mak GZ, Hirschl RB, Gadepalli S, Helmrath MA, Leys CM, Sato TT, Lal DR, Landman MP, Kabre R, Fallat ME, Fischer BA, Cooper JN, Deans KJ; Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium Multi-institutional trial of non-operative management and surgery for uncomplicated appendicitis in children: Design and rationale. Contemporary Clinical Trials. August 2019.PMID:31254670
45. Jamshidi R, Densmore JC, Gourlay DM, Lal DR, Calkins CM. Esophagojejunal Anastomosis by Circular Stapler in Pediatric Patients: Size Minima Defined by Experience and Geometry. Journal of Laparoendoscopic Adv Surg Tech A. October 2019 PMID: 31549898.
46. Lawrence AE, Fallat ME, Hewitt G, Hertweck P, Onwuka A, Afrazi A, Bence C, Burns RC, Corkum KS, Dillon PA, Ehrlich PF, Fraser JD, Gonzalez DO, Grabowski JE, Kabre R, Lal DR, Landman MP, Leys CM, Mak GZ, Overman RE, Rademacher BL, Raiji MT, Sato TT, Scannell M, Sujka JA, Wright T, Minneci PC, Deans KJ, Aldrink JH; Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium. Understanding the Value of Tumor Markers in Pediatric Ovarian Neoplasms. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. October 2019. PMID: 31677824.
47. Leys CM, Hirschl RB, Kohler JE, Cherney-Stafford L, Marka N, Fallat ME, Gadepalli SK, Fraser JD, Grabowski J, Burns RC, Downard CD, Foley DS, Halleran DR, Helmrath MA, Kabre R, Knezevich MS, Lal DR, Landman MP, Lawrence AE, Mak GZ, Minneci PC, Musili N, Rymeski B, Saito JM, Sato TT, St Peter SD, Warner BW, Ostlie DJ; Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium MWPSC. Changing the Paradigm for Management of Pediatric Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax: A Simple Aspiration Test Predicts Need for Operation. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. October 2019, PMID 31706614.
48. Overman RE, Kartal TT, Cunningham AJ, Fialkowski EA, Naik-Mathuria BJ, Vasudevan SA, Malek MM, Kalsi R, Le HD, Stafford LC, Lautz TB, Many BT Jones RE, Bütter A, Davidson J, Williams A, Dasgupta R, Lewis J, Troutt M, Aldrink JH, Mansfield SA, Lal DR, Xiao J, Meyers RL, Short SS, Newman EA. Optimization of percutaneous biopsy for diagnosis and pretreatment risk assessment of neuroblastoma. Pediatric Blood Cancer. February 2020, PMID 32072730.
49. Polites SF, Heaton TE, LaQuaglia MP, Kim ES, Barry WE, Goodhue CJ, Murphy AJ, Davidoff AM, Langham MR, Meyers RL, Short SS, Lautz TB, Glick RD, Vasudevan SA, Bence CM, Lal DR, Baertschiger RM, Emr B, Malek MM, Dasgupta R. Pneumonectomy for Pediatric Tumors-a Pediatric Surgical Oncology Research Collaborative Study. Ann Surgical. March 2020, PMID 32209902.
50. Xiao J, Browning MB, Boyd KP, Suchi M, Turaga KK, Firat SY, Mortland LJ, Lal DR. Multimodal Therapy Including Cytoreductive Surgery and Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy Can Result in Long-term Disease-free Survival in Pediatric Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor With Extraperitoneal Disease. Journal Pediatric Hematology Oncology. June 2020, PMID 32555030.
51. Vasudevan SA, Huirong Zhu, T, Heaton T, LaQuaglia M, Murphy J, Barry W, Goodhue C, Kim E, Aldrink J, Polites S, Leraas H, Rice H, Tracy E, Lautz T, Superina R, Davidoff, A, Langham Jr M, Murphy A,Butter A, Davidson J, Glick R, Grijalva J, Gow K, Ehrlich P, Newman E, Lal D, etal; Pancreaticoduodenectomy for the treatment of pancreatic neoplasms in children: A Pediatric Surgical Oncology Research Collaborative study. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. July 2020, PMID 32658372.
52. Minneci PC, Hade EM, Lawrence AE, Sebastião YV, Saito JM, Mak GZ, Fox C, Hirschl RB, Gadepalli S, Helmrath MA, Kohler JE, Leys CM, Sato TT, Lal DR, Landman MP, Kabre R, Fallat ME, Cooper JN, Deans KJ; Association of Nonoperative Management Using Antibiotic Therapy vs Laparoscopic Appendectomy With Treatment Success and Disability Days in Children With Uncomplicated Appendicitis. Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium. JAMA July 2020, PMID 32730561
53. Claffey AJ, Lal DR, Lautz TB, Rokitka DA, Rothstein DH; Appendectomy in pediatric patients with synchronous oncologic diagnosis is safe: an analysis using the national surgical quality improvement project, pediatric. Pediatric Surgery International. September 2020, PMID 32915275
54. Bence CM, Rymeski B, Gadepalli S, Sato TT, Minneci PC, Downard C, Hirschl RB, Amin RA, Burns RC, Cherney-Stafford L, Courtney CM, Deans KJ, Fallat ME, Fraser JD, Grabowski JE, Helmrath MA, Kabre RD, Kohler JE, Landman MP, Lawrence AE, Leys CM, Mak GZ, Port E, Saito JM, Silverberg J, Slidell MB, St Peter SD, Troutt M, Walker S, Wright T, Lal DR; Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium. Clinical outcomes following implementation of a management bundle for esophageal atresia with distal tracheoesophageal fistula. J Pediatr Surg. October 2020. PMID: 33131776.
55. Wong J, Lal D, Schneider J, Mejaddam A, Manfredi M, Lerner D. Novel placement of an esophageal wound vacuum for a persistent anastomotic leak. Endoscopy. December 2020. PMID: 33336342.
56. Kunisaki SM, Saito JM, Fallat ME, St Peter SD, Lal DR, Karmakar M, Deans KJ, Gadepalli SK, Hirschl RB, Minneci PC, Helmrath MA; Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium. Fetal Risk Stratification and Outcomes in Children with Prenatally Diagnosed Lung Malformations: Results from a Multi-Institutional Research Collaborative. Ann Surg. November 2020. PMID: 33214447.
57. Many BT, Lautz TB, Dobrozsi S, Wilkinson KH, Rossoff J, Le-Nguyen A, Dakhallah N, Piche N, Weinschenk W, Cooke-Barker J, Goodhue C, Zamora A, Kim ES, Talbot LJ, Quevedo OG, Murphy AJ, Commander SJ, Tracy ET, Short SS, Meyers RL, Rinehardt HN, Aldrink JH, Heaton TE, Ortiz MV, Baertschiger R, Wong KE, Lapidus-Krol E, Butter A, Davidson J, Stark R, Ramaraj A, Malek M, Mastropolo R, Morgan K, Murphy JT, Janek K, Le HD, Dasgupta R, Lal DR, Pediatric Surgical Oncology Research Collaborative, Appendectomy Versus Observation for Appendicitis in Neutropenic Children With Cancer. Pediatrics. February 2021. PMID 33504609.
58. Lawrence AE, Fallat ME, Hewitt G, Hertweck P, Onwuka A, Afrazi A, Aldrink JH, Bence C, Burns RC, Corkum KS, Dillon PA, Ehrlich PF, Fraser JD, Gonzalez DO, Grabowski JE, Kabre R, Lal DR, Landman MP, Leys CM, Mak GZ, Rademacher BL, Raiji MT, Sato TT, Scannell M, Sujka JA, Wright TN, Minneci PC, Deans KJ, Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium. Factors Associated with Torsion in Pediatric Patients with Ovarian Masses. J Surg Res. March 2021. PMID 33647800
59. Kunisaki SM, Lal DR, Saito JM, Fallat ME, St Peter SD, Fox ZD, Heider A, Chan SS, Boyd KP, Burns RC, Deans KJ, Gadepalli SK, Hirschl RB, Kabre R, Landman MP, Leys CM, Mak GZ, Minneci PC, Wright TN, Helmrath MA, MIDWEST PEDIATRIC SURGERY CONSORTIUM. Pleuropulmonary Blastoma in Pediatric Lung Lesions. Pediatrics. March 2021. PMID 33762310
60. Lawrence AE, Saito J, Onwuka A, Port E, Bowder A, Courtney C, Deans KJ, Downard CD, Duran YK, Fallat ME, Fraser JD, Gadepalli S, Kabre R, Kalbfell EL, Knaus ME, Kohler J, Lal D, Landman MP, Leys CM, Lu P, Mak GZ, Markel T, Merchant N, Nguyen T, Pilkington M, Rymeski B, Sato TT, St Peter SD, Wright T, Minneci PC, Grabowski JE. Management of Pediatric Breast Massess: A Multi-Institutional Retrospective Cohort Study. J Surg Res. April 2021. PMID 33845414.
61. Weller JH, Peter SDS, Fallat ME, Saito JM, Burns CR, Deans KJ, Fraser JD, Gadepalli SK, Helmrath MA, Hirschl RB, Kabre R, Lal DR, Landman MP, Leys CM, Mak GZ, Minneci PC, Wright TN, Kunisaki SM, Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium. Thoracoscopic versus open lobectomy in infants with congenital lung malformations: A multi-institutional propensity score analysis. J Pediatr Surg. April 2021 PMID: 34030879
62. Minneci PC, Hade EM, Lal D, Metzger GA, Saito JM, Mak GZ, Deans KJ, Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium. Association of Initial Treatment With Antibiotics vs Surgery With Treatment Success and Disability in Subgroups of Children With Uncomplicated Appendicitis. JAMA June 2021 PMID: 34156416
63. Bowder AN, Lal DR, Advances in the Surgical Management of Esophageal Atresia. Advances in Pediatrics August 2021 PMID: 34243856
64. Glait, Megan BS. Wong, Jonathan DO, Krasaelap, Amornluck MD, Wagner, Amy MD, Lal, Dave MD, MPH, Schneider, John MD, Lerner, Diana MD, Esophageal Wound Vacuum Placement for Anastomotic Leak: Lessons Learned From First Time Use at a Tertiary Care Center, Journal of Pediatrics Gastroenterology and Nutrition, August 2021.
65. Knaus ME, Onwuka AJ, Afrazi A, Breech L, Corkum KS, Dillon PA, Ehrlich PF, Fallat ME, Fraser JD, Gadepalli SK, Grabowski JE, Hertweck SP, Kabre R, Lal DR, Landman MP, Lawrence AE, Leys CM, Mak GZ, Markel TA, Merchan N, Overman RE, Rademacher BL, Raiji MT, Rymeski B, Sato TT, Scannel M, Schikler AG, Sujka JA, Wright T, Aldrink JH, Hewitt GD, Minneci PC, Deans KJ, Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium, Multi-Institutional Review of the Preoperative Diagnostic Accuracy for Pediatric Ovarian Mature Cystic Teratomas. J Pediatric Adolesc Gynecol. February 2022, PMID 35124214.
66. Knaus ME, Onwuka AJ, Afrazi A, Breech L, Corkum KS, Dillon PA, Ehrlich PF, Fallat ME, Fraser JD, Gadepalli SK, Grabowski JE, Hertweck SP, Kabre R, Lal DR, Landman MP, Lawrence AE, Leys CM, Mak GZ, Markel TA, Merchant N, Elliott Overman R, Rademacher BL, Raiji MT, Rymeski B, Sato TT, Scannell M, Schikler AG, Sujka JA, Wright T, Aldrink JH, Hewitt GD, Minneci PC, Deans KJ, Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium) Laparoscopy versus laparotomy for pediatric ovarian dermoids. J Pediatr Surg. June 2022, PMID 35292164.
67. Bowder AN, Bence CM, Rymeski BA, Gadepalli SK, Sato TT, Szabo A, Arendonk KV, Minneci PC, Downard CD, Hirschl RB, Markel T, Courtney CM, Deans KJ, Fallat ME, Fraser JD, Grabowski JE, Helmrath MA, Kabre RD, Kohler JE, Landman MP, Lawrence AE, Leys CM, Mak G, Port E, Saito J, Silverberg J, Slidell MB, St Peter SD, Troutt M, Wright TN, Lal DR, Midwest Pediatric Consortium. Acid Suppression Duration does not Alter Anastomotic Stricture Rates after Esophageal Atresia with Distal Tracheoesophageal fistula repair: A Prospective Multi-Institutional Cohort Study. J Pediatr Surg, June 2022, PMID 35304025
68. Morgan KM, Anderson KT, Johnston ME, Dasgupta R, Crowley JJ, Fahy AS, Lapidus-Krol E, Baertschiger RM, Lautz TB, Many BT, Marquart JP, Gainer H, Lal DR, Rich BS, Glick RD, MacArthur TA, Polites SF, Kastenberg ZJ, Short SS, Meyers RL, Talbot L, Abdelhafeez A, Prajapati H, Davidoff AM, Rubaclava N, Newman E, Ehrlich PF, Rothstein DH, Roach JP, Ladd P, Janek KC, Le HD, Leraas HJ, Tracy ET, Bisset L, Mora MC, Warren P, Aldrink JH, Malek MM Interhospital variability in localization techniques for small pulmonary nodules in children: A pediatric surgical oncology research collaborative study. J Pediatr Surg, June 2022. PMID 35307194
69. Minneci PC, Hade EM, Gil LA, Metzger GA, Saito JM, Mak GZ, Hirschl RB, Gadepalli S, Helmrath MA, Leys CM, Sato TT, Lal DR, Landman MP, Kabre R, Fallat ME, Cooper JN, Deans KJ, Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium Demographic and Clinical Characteristics Associated With the Failure of Nonoperative Management of Uncomplicated Appendicitis in Children: Secondary Analysis of a Nonrandomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Netw Open.. May 2022. PMID 35499827
70. Short SS, Kastenberg ZJ, Wei G, Bondoc A, Dasgupta R, Tiao GM, Watters E, Heaton TE, Lotakis D, La Quaglia MP, Murphy AJ, Davidoff AM, Mansfield SA, Langham MR, Lautz TB, Superina RA, Ott KC, Malek MM, Morgan KM, Kim ES, Zamora A, Lascano D, Roach J, Murphy JT, Rothstein DH, Vasudevan SA, Whitlock R, Lal DR, Hallis B, Bütter A, Baertschiger RM, Lapidus-Krol E, Putra J, Tracy ER, Aldrink JH, Apfeld J, Le HD, Park KY, Rich BS, Glick RD, Fialkowski EA, Utria AF, Meyers RL, Riehle KJ, Histologic type predicts disparate outcomes in pediatric hepatocellular neoplasms: A Pediatric Surgical Oncology Research Collaborative study. Cancer. July 2022 PMID 35561331.
71. Rich BS, Fishbein J, Lautz T, Rubalcava NS, Kartal T, Newman E, Wok PE, Romao RLP, Whitlock R, Naik-Mathuria B, Polites SF, Løfberg K, Lascano D, Kim E, Davidson J, Bütter A, Kastenberg ZJ, Short SS, Meyers RL, Mastropolo R, Malek MM, Weller J, Irfan A, Rhee DS, Utria AF, Rothstein DH, Riehle K, Commander SJ, Tracy E, Becktell K, Hallis B, Lal D, Li O, Dal-Soglio DB, Piché N, Quevedo OG, Murphy AJ, Davidoff AM, Barber JC, Watters E, Dasgupta R, Glick RD, Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor: A multi-institutional study from the Pediatric Surgical Oncology Research Collaborative. Int J Cancer, May 2022 PMID 35604778.
72. Al-Hadidi A, Rinehardt HN, Sutthatarn P, Talbot LJ, Murphy AJ, Whitlock R, Condon S, Naik-Mathuria B, Utria AF, Rothstein DH, Chen SY, Wong-Michalak S, Kim ES, Short SS, Meyers RL, Kastenberg ZJ, Johnston ME 2nd, Zens T, Dasgupta R, Malek MM, Calabro K, Piché N, Callas H, Lautz TB, McKay K, Lovvorn HN, Commander SJ, Tracy ET, Lund SB, Polites SF, Davidson J, Dhooma J, Seemann NM, Marquart JP, Gainer H, Lal DR, Rich BS, Glick RD, Maloney L, Radu S, Fialkowski EA, Kwok PE, Romao RL, Rubalcava N, Ehrlich PF, Newman E, Diehl T, Le HD, Polcz V, Petroze RT, Stanek J, Aldrink JH. Incidence and Management of Pleural Effusions in Patients with Wilms Tumor: A Pediatric Surgical Oncology Research Collaborative Study. Int J Cancer, June 2022. PMID 35748343.
73. Abigail J Engwall-Gill , Sherwin S Chan , Kevin P Boyd , Jacqueline M Saito , Mary E Fallat , Shawn D St Peter , Stephanie Bolger-Theut , Eric J Crotty , Jared R Green , Rebecca L Hulett Bowling , Sachin S Kumbhar , Mantosh S Rattan , Cody M Young , Joseph K Canner , Katherine J Deans , Samir K Gadepalli , Michael A Helmrath , Ronald B Hirschl , Rashmi Kabre , Dave R Lal , Matthew P Landman , Charles M Leys , Grace Z Mak , Peter C Minneci , Tiffany N Wright , Shaun M Kunisaki , Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium, Accuracy of Chest Computed Tomography in Distinguishing Cystic Pleuropulmonary Blastoma From Benign Congenital Lung Malformations in Children. Jama Netw Open. June 2022. PMID 35771571.
74. Norah Cowley, Mohit Maheshwari, Diana G Lerner, Sean Lew, Dave Lal, Michelle Knezevich, Melissa Lingongo, David Gourlay, Assessment of MRI and US Screening for Tethered Cord Syndrom in Patients Diagnosed with Esophageal Atresia/Tracheoesophageal Fistula, J Surg Res. June 2022. PMID 35779449.
75. Ameer Al-Hadidi, Hannah N. Rinehardt, Pattamon Sutthatarn, Lindsay J. Talbot, Andrew J. Murphy, Richard Whitlock, Sienna Condon, Bindi Naik-Mathuria, Alan F. Utria, David H. Rothstein, Stephanie Y. Chen, Shannon Wong-Michalak, Eugene S. Kim, Scott S. Short, Rebecka L. Meyers, Zachary J. Kastenberg, Michael E. Johnston II, Tiffany Zens, Roshni Dasgupta, Marcus M. Malek, Kristen Calabro, Nelson Piché, Hannah Callas, Timothy B. Lautz, Katlyn McKay, Harold N. Lovvorn 3rd, Sarah Jane Commander, Elisabeth T. Tracy, Sarah B. Lund, Stephanie F. Polites, Jacob Davidson, Janel Dhooma, Natashia M. Seemann, John P. Marquart, Haley Gainer, Dave R. Lal, Barrie S. Rich, Richard D. Glick, Lauren Maloney, Stephani Radu, Elizabeth A. Fialkowski, Pei En Kwok, Rodrigo L. P. Romao, Nathan Rubalcava, Peter F. Ehrlich, Erika Newman, Thomas Diehl, Hau D. Le, Valerie Polcz, Robin T. Petroze, Joseph Stanek, Jennifer H. Incidence and management of pleural effusions in patients with Wilms tumor: A Pediatric Surgical Oncology Research Collaborative study. International Journal of Cancer. June 2022
Books, Chapters, and Reviews
1. Lal D, La Quaglia M. Rhabdomyosarcoma and Nonrhabdomyomatous Sarcoma. Principles and Practice of Pediatric Surgery 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkens, 2004.
2. Lal D, La Quaglia M. Rhabdomyosarcoma. Pediatric Surgery and Urology Long-Term Outcomes 2nd ed. Cambridge University Press, 2006.
3. Kaufman JA, Lal DR, Oelschlager BK. Surgical treatment for achalasia. Goyal and Shaker's GI Motility Online. R. Nature Publishing Group: New York, 2006.
4. Lal, D, Oelschlager B, Surgical Therapy of Barrett's Esophagus and Cancer. Barrett's Esophagus and Esophageal Adenocarcinoma 2nd ed. Blackwell Publishing, 2006.
5. Lal D, Oelschlager B. Laparoscopic Esophageal Myotomy: Techniques and Results. Shackelford's Surgery of the Alimentary Tract 6th ed. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Company, 2007.
6. Densmore J, Lal D. Intussusception. Rudolph's Pediatrics 22nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Medical Publishing Division, 2008.
7. Lal D. Anatomic Disorders of the Esophagus. Rudolph's Pediatrics 22nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Medical Publishing Division, 2008.
8. CM Bence, DR Lal. Esophageal Atresia with or without Tracheoesophageal Fistula. Pearls and Tricks in Pediatric Surgery. M Lacher, S St Peter, A Zani, Springer 2020.
9. Lal, D.R., Davidoff, A.M. (2023). Neuroblastoma. In: Lakhoo, K., Abdelhafeez, A.H., Abib, S. (eds) Pediatric Surgical Oncology. Springer, Cham. January 2023.
Editorials, Letters To Editor, Other
1. Lal DR, et al. Response to letter to the editor by Mahomed and Islam. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. March 2011, PMID 21376223
2. Jarzembowski J, Lal DR, Shimada H. Letter to Editor: Needle Core vs Open Biopsy for Diagnosis of Intermediate- and High-Risk Neuroblastoma in Children. Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 2012 Nov; 47(11): 2162-2163. PMID:23164019
3. Lal DR. Multidisciplinary Treatment of Congenital Esophageal Atresia. Medical College of Wisconsin Department of Surgery Winter 2016 Newsletter –Leading the Way. Volume 8, Number 1, 2016
4. Baird R, Pandya K, Lal DR, Calkins CM, Oldham KT, Tsai A, Naik-Mathuria B, St-Louis E, Luc MK, LaRusso K, Petroze R, Lofberg KM, Biller CK, Villalona GA, Gourlay DM, Klein M, DeUgarte D, Cleary M, Berdan EA, Siddiqui S, etal. Regarding global pediatric surgery training opportunities. Pediatric Surgery. 2018 Jun;53(6): 1256-1258. PMID:29605263
1. Lal D, Weiland S, Newton M, Flaten A, Schurr, M. Prospective Analysis of Prehospital and Early Hospital Hyperventilation of the Brain Injury Patient. American Association for the Surgery of Trauma poster presentation September 2001.
2. Lal D, Hoch J, Maloney J, Wesley J, Wynn M, Acher C. Repair of Acute Blunt Traumatic Disruption of the Thoracic Aorta: Use of a Spinal Cord Protection Protocol to Reduce the Incidence of Paraplegia. International Society of Cardiovascular Surgery poster presentation December 2002.
3. Lal D, Nichol P, Harms B, Go L, Lund D. Ileo-Anal S-Pouch for Salvage in Patients with Total Colonic Agangliosis after Failed Pull-Through Procedure. American Pediatric Surgical Association poster presentation May 2003.
4. Su W, Gholizadeh M, Lal D, La Quaglia M. Hepatic Metastectomy in Children. International Pediatric Surgical Oncologists poster presentation May 2004.
5. La Quaglia M, Su W, Kushner B, Lal D, Kramer K, Cheung N. Outcome with Primary Surgical Management of Localized Neuroblastoma. American Pediatric Surgical Association poster presentation May 2004.
6. Lal D, Su W, Clark I, Downey R, Klimstra D, La Quaglia M. Primary Lung Malignancies in the Pediatric Population. American Pediatric Surgical Association poster presentation May 2004.
7. Lal D, Su W, Loh K, Rusch V, La Quaglia M. Benign Esophageal Fistulas in Children with Pediatric Malignancy. American Pediatric Surgical Association poster presentation May 2004.
8. Lal D, Su W, Loh K, La Quaglia M. Results of Multimodal Treatment for Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor. American Pediatric Surgical Association oral presentation May 2004.
9. Lal D, Jensen E, Pellegrini C, Cahill M, Quiroga E, Oelschlager B. Long-Term Outcome of Laparoscopic Redo Fundoplications for the Treatment of GERD. Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons oral presentation April 2005.
10. Juza R, Arca M, Lal D. Laparoscopic Assisted Transhiatal Gastric Transposition for Long Gap Esophageal Atresia in a Neonate. International Pediatric Endosurgery Group video presentation June 2010.
11. Juza R, Arca M, Lal D. Laparoscopic Transhiatal Gastric Transposition for Long Gap Esophageal Atresia in an Infant. American College of Surgeons video presentation October 2010.
12. Miura J, Shames B, Lal D. Laparoscopic Marsupialization of a Large Hepatic Cyst in a Child. American College of Surgeons video presentation October 2010.
13. Miura J, Chen L, Lal D. Laparoscopic Liver Resection for Localized Caroli's Disease in a Pediatric Patient. American College of Surgeons video presentation Ocotober 2010.
14. Lal A, Cassidy L, Evans D, Lal DR. Resident Preferences for Surgical Practice: A New Paradigm for Surgeons. American College of Surgeons poster presentation October 2010.
15. Lambropoulos D, Cassidy L, Enters J, Gourlay D, Lal DR. Health Disparities Analysis of Pediatric Trauma Patients Admitted to A High Volume Level 1 Pediatric Trauma Hospital. American College of Surgeons, October 2012. Podium Presentation
16. Lal DR, Cassidy L, Enters J, Gourlay D. Health Disparities of Pediatric Trauma Patients Admitted to a High Volume Level 1 Pediatric Trauma Hospital. Wisconsin Surgical, November 2012. Podium Presentation
17. Rentea RM, Somers KK, Sato TT, Calkins CM, Gourlay DM, Wagner AJ, Aiken JJ, Lal DR, Densmore JC, Oldham KT, Enters J, Arca MJ. Complications In The Use of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy In Pediatric Patients. Academic Surgical Congress, February 2013. Poster Presentation
18. Dave R Lal, MD, MPH, Go Miyano, MD, David Juang, MD, Nicole E Sharp, MD, Shawn D St Peter, MD, MD Research Committee, International Pediatric Endosurgery Group (IPEG).Current Patterns of Practice and Technique in the Repair of Esophageal Atresia and Tracheoesophageal Fistula: An IPEG Survey, June 2013. Oral Presentation
19. Paul M Jeziorczak MD MPH, Ramin Jamshidi MD, Dave R Lal MD, Casey M Calkins MD. “Laparoscopic Splenopexy Into The Preperitoneal Space As Treatment For “Wandering” Spleen.” American College of Surgeons, Washington D.C., October 9, 2013. Video
20. Alemayehu Hanna, Clifton Matthew, Santore Matthew, Diesen Diana, Kane Timothy, Petrosyan Mikael, Franklin Ashanti, Lal Dave, Ponsky Todd, Nalugo Margaret, Holcomb George W. III, and St. Peter Shawn D. Minimally Invasive Surgery for Pediatric Trauma—A Multicenter Review Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques. March 2015, 25(3): 243-247
21. Lal,D, Perioperative Management and Outcomes of Esophageal Atresia and Tracheoesophageal Fistula Repair: Results from the Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium, Washington DC, October 2015
22. Koehler SM, Zimmerman L, Cassidy L, Gregg D, Arca M, Calkins C, Gourlay D, Lal D, Oldham K, Sato TT. The Effect of Insurance Status on Diagnostic and Transfer Strategies in Childhood Appendicitis. American Academy of Pediatrics. Washington, D.C., October 2015
23. Koehler SM, Zimmerman L, Cassidy L, Gregg D, Arca M, Calkins C, Gourlay D, Lal D, Oldham K, Sato TT. The Effect of Insurance Status on Diagnostic and Transfer Strategies in Childhood Appendicitis. The Wisconsin Surgical Society. Kohler, WI, November 2015
24. Koehler SM, Zimmerman L, Cassidy L, Gregg D, Arca M, Calkins C, Gourlay D, Lal D, Oldham K, Sato TT. The Effect of Insurance Status on Diagnostic and Transfer Strategies in Childhood Appendicitis. American Pediatric Surgical Nurse Association. San Diego, CA, May 2016. Invited Presentation
25. Lal DR, Samir K. Gadepalli, MD MBA, Cynthia Downard MD MMSc, Daniel J. Ostlie MD, Ruth Swedler MS, Tom Chelius MS, Thomas Sato MD, on behalf of the Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium. “Challenging Surgical Dogma in the Management of Esophageal Atresia with Tracheoesophageal Fistula: Outcomes from the Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium.” American Pediatric Surgical Association, San Diego, CA, May 16, 2016. Oral Presentation
26. Lerner DG, M. Arca, A. Martinez, D.R. Lal "Endoscopic Technique to Re-Establish Small Intestinal Continuity in a Pediatric Patient with a Penetrating Duodenal Injury Treated by Pyloric Exclusion". DDW Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 2016. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, Vol. 83, Issue 5, AB309, May 2016. Poster Presentation
27. Lerner D G, Martinez A, Arca M, Lal D; Endoscopic Technique to Re-Establish Small Intestinal Continuity in a Pediatric Patient with a Penetrating Duodenal Injury Treated in Pyloric Exclusion. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Journal. 2016 July; 83(5S)
28. Lerner DG, M. Arca, A. Martinez, D.R. Lal. Endoscopic Technique to Re-Establish Small Intestinal Continuity in a Pediatric Patient Treated with Pyloric Exclusion. WCPGHAN held in Montreal, Canada, October 2016. Accepted Video Presentation
29. Koehler SM, Zimmerman L, Cassidy L, Gregg DM, Arca M, Calkins C, Gourlay D, Lal D, Oldham KT, Sato TT. Radiation Exposure in the Diagnosis of Childhood Appendicitis: an Opportunity for Statewide Improvement. World Federation of Associations of Pediatric Surgeons. Washington, D.C. October 2016. Oral Presentation
30. Landisch R, Foster SM, Gregg DC, Chelius TH, Cassidy LD, Lerner D, Lal D. Utilizing stricture indices to predict the need for dilation of anastomotic strictures in infants after esophageal atresia repair. Wisconsin Surgical Meeting, Kohler, WI, November 2016. Oral Presentation
31. Lal DR, Samir K. Gadepalli, MD MBA, Cynthia Downard MD MMSc, Peter Minneci MD MMSc , Ruth Swedler MS, Tom Chelius MS, Thomas Sato MD, on behalf of the Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium. Characteristics and Outcomes of Infants with Esophageal Atresia and a Right Sided Aortic Arch: Outcomes from the Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium. American Academy of Pediatrics, San Francisco, CA, October 2016
32. Arvedson, J., Chun, RH. Densmore, J., Lal, D., Lerner, D., McCormick, ME., Mitchell, ME., Parakininkas, D., Sulman, CG. Clinical Dilemmas with Complicated Tracheo Esophageal Fistula Patients. 4th Annual Management of Aerodigestive Disease in Children, Nashville, TN, November 2016. Poster Presentation
33. Lal, D, Long Term Outcomes of Esophageal Atresia Repair, American Pediatric Surgical Association 2017 Annual Meeting, Hollywood, FL, May 2017. Oral Presentation and Panel Discussant
34. Walker SK, Lal DR, Boyd KP, Sato T, Management of Pediatric Ovarian Torsion: Evidence of Follicular Development after Ovarian Preservation, Central Surgical Association, Chicago, IL, July 2017. Oral Presentation
35. Lal D, Peritoneal Malignancies HIPEC, 2017 Fall GI Symposium, Kohler, WI, August 2017. Invited Speaker and Moderator
36. Lal D, Endoscopically Crossing the Long Gap, International Pediatric Endosurgery Group, Seattle Washington, April 2018. Expert Panel
37. Lal D, Calkins C, Kovacic K, Martin, T, Sullins V, Bence C, Xiao J, Thoracoscopic Repair of Proximal H-Type Tracheoesophageal Fistula, International Pediatric Endosurgery Group, Santiago, Chile, March 2019, Video Session
38. Silverberg J, Diaz-Miron, J, Jarboe, M, Lal D, Fraser J, Hirschl, R, Gadepalli, S, Gap Esophageal Atresia, Journal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques & Part B, June 2019, Videoscopy.
39. Lal D, ICG for Cortical sparing adrenalectomy, VonHippelLindau Syndrome, Children’s Oncology Group, Atlanta, GA, September 2019, Oral Education Session.
40. Lal D, Rhabdomyosarcoma, Pediatric Surgery Congress, Vidawasi-San Isidro, Peru, September 2019, Oral Presentation.
41. Lal D, Hepatoblastoma, Pediatric Surgery Congress, Vidawasi-San Isidro, Peru, September 2019, Oral Presentation.
42. Lal D, Gadepalli S, Downard C, et al. on behalf of the Midwest Pediatric Consortium, Challanging Surgical Dogma in the Management of Esophageal Atresia with Distal Tracheoesophageal Fistula: Outcomes from the Midwest Pediatric Surgery Consortium, Orlando, FL, February 2020. Poster Presentation.
43. Lal D, Oncology Session; Sarcoma and Renal Tumors, American Pediatric Surgery Association 2020 Annual Meeting, June 2020, Moderator.
44. Bence C, Lal D, Indocyanine Green for Cortical-Sparing Adrenalectomy in a Pediatric Patient: International Pediatric Endosurgery Group, Vienna, Austria, July 2020. Video Presentation.
45. Lal D, Pediatric Surgical Oncology, Association of Operative Registered Nurses (AORN), Surgical Oncology: An Answer for Cancer, Brookfield, WI, November 2020, Oral Presentation.