Grzegorz W. Telega MD
Grzegorz W. Telega MD
Department of Pediatrics
Division of Gastroenterology
Department of Pediatrics
Division of Gastroenterology
Children’s Wisconsin - Specialty Clinics Building |
8915 W Connell Court |
Milwaukee, WI 53226 |
1979 - 1983 Liceum, Rymanow, Poland |
1983 - 1989 Doctor of Medicine, Jagiellonian University, Krakow |
2004 - Present Masters of Business and Administration, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI |
08/1989 - 09/1989 Internship. Department of Pediatrics, University Hospital in Gottingen, Germany |
10/1989 - 10/1990 Internship. Regional Hospital in Kolbuszowa, Poland |
10/1990 - 02/1993 Residency in Ophthalmology, Department of Ophthalmology, Rzeszow County Medical Center, Poland |
03/1994 - 07/1997 Residency Training Program in Pediatrics, Schneider Children's Hospital, Long Island Jewish Medical Center Pediatrics, NY |
07/1997 - 07/2000 Fellowship in Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, PA |
09/2004 - Present Masters of Business and Administration, Postgraduate Program. Marquettte University, Milwaukee, WI |
07/2000 - 07/2008 Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI |
07/2008 - 07/2016 Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Medical College of Wisconsin,, Milwaukee, WI |
07/2016 - Present Professor of Pediatrics, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI |
07/2018 - Present CHW Section Chief, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI |
09/2001 - Present Medical Director of Pediatric Liver Disease Program, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin/Medical College of Wisconsin, Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Milwaukee, WI |
09/2001 - Present Medical Director of Pediatric Liver Transplant Program, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin/Medical College of Wisconsin, Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Milwaukee, WI |
07/2003 - 2019 Medical Director of Celiac Disease Program, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin/Medical College of Wisconsin, Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Milwaukee, WI |
07/2009 - Present Associate Chief, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin/Medical College of Wisconsin, Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Milwaukee, WI |
07/1997 - 07/2000 The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, 34th & Civic Center Blvd, Philadelphia, PA 19104 |
07/2000 - Present Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, 9000 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53226 |
Board Certified | Issue Date | Expiration |
ECFMG | 10/1994 | None |
American Board of Pediatrics | 10/1997 | None |
Sub-board of Gastroenterology | 10/2001 | None |
Pediatric Transplant, Hepatology | 10/2007 | None |
Licensure | Number | Issue Date | Expiration |
Pennsylvania License(inactive) | 61135-L | 06/1997 | None |
Wisconsin License | 42281-020 | 06/2000 | 10/2005 |
1989 "Primus Inter Pares" award, Poland |
2000 2nd place award in Basic Research category at Komarow Competition, Philadelphia |
2000 Poster Distinction Award, Digestive Disease Week, San Diego |
2004 Young Investigator Award, World Congress of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, Paris |
2005 Poster of Distinction, Salt Lake City, UT, NASPHGAN |
North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition (NASPGHN) |
American Association for Study of the Liver Disease (AASLD) |
American Gastroenterological Association (AGA) |
Editorship |
2006 - Present Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology & Nutrition |
2006 - Present Pediatrics |
2008 - Present Journal of Pediatrics |
2010 - Present Pediatria Polska |
2006 - 2008 Solid Organ Transplant Electronic Medical records and Database -Steering Committee |
2006 - 2008 Children's Specialty Group Finance Committee |
2006 - 2008 Innovation Task Force - Patient Care Committee |
2006 - 2008 Committee for Review of Fellowship in Pediatric Surgery |
2008 - Present Organizing Director. Co-Chair, Polish-American Pediatric Meeting |
2010 - Present Member of Hepatology Committee, North American Society for Pediatric Gastroeterology, Hepatology and Nutrition. |
2010 - Present Vice-Chair of Registry. Study of Pediatric Liver Transplant (SPLIT) - National Registry. |
01/2011 Member of international expert team to develop applications for non-invasive diagnostic MRI techniques for GE-Medical |
International |
Necrotic and Apoptotic Intestinal Epithelial Cells Induce Maturation of Dendritic Cells - Young Investigator Award. World Congress of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. Paris, France, 07/05/2004 |
Liver Transplantation in Children. Invited speaker, Renjin Hospital. Shanghai, China, 04/24/2006 |
Pathophysiology of Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis. European Conference on Pediatric Obesity, Invited speaker, Session moderator. Rzeszow, Poland, 06/01/2006 |
Liver Profile - Hepatology for Pediatricians. Liver Transplant in Metabolic Disease. I Polish-American Pediatric Meeting, Editors Choice Conference, Conference Co-chair and Organizing Director, Invited speaker, Session moderator. Rzeszow, Poland, 06/13/2008 - 06/14/2008 |
NASH - Is It a Serious Problem in Pediatrics. II Polish-American Pediatric Meeting, Conference Co-chair and Organizing Director, Invited speaker, Session moderator. Rzeszow, Poland, 05/28/2010 - 05/29/2010 |
National |
Update on Celiac Disease.Invited speaker, Annual update in Pediatrics.St. Paul, MN, 10/29/2006 |
Evaluating neonatal liver failure.NASPGHAN Conference. Moderator, Clinical Challenge - interactive seminar. San Diego, CA, 11/15/2008 |
SPLIT Governance Structure. Vice-Chair, Annual SPLIT update. Atlanta, GA, 10/15/2010 |
Regional |
Food Allergies.Starkey Davis Conference, Medical College of Wisconsin. Milwaukee, WI, 11/10/2000 |
"Liver Lego." Grand Rounds, Dept of Pediatrics, Medical College of Wisconsin. Milwaukee, WI, 11/07/2002 |
Celiac disease - news in the old affliction.Grand Rounds, Dept of Pediatrics, Medical College of Wisconsin. Milwaukee, WI, 12/17/2003 |
Why Did You Need Liver transplant? Wisconsin Chapter, Liver Fundation. Meeting of patient support group. Milwaukee, WI, 04/21/2004 |
Liver Profile. Evaluation of Pediatric Liver Disease.Grand Rounds, Dept of Pediatrics, Medical College of Wisconsin.Milwaukee, WI, 12/16/2005 |
Transplant Option.Grand Rounds. Gray Lake, IL, 09/08/2006 |
Evaluation of Pediatric Liver Disease.Pediatric Update.Deerfield, IL, 09/26/2006 |
Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.Grand Rounds, Dept of Pediatrics, Medical College of Wisconsin. Milwaukee, WI, 12/01/2006 |
Fighting Dragons. Metabolic Liver Disease.Grand Rounds, Dept of Pediatrics, Medical College of Wisconsin.Milwaukee, WI, 12/21/2007 |
Liver Failure and Transplant Outcomes-Lecture. Grand Rounds, Condell Medical Center-Libertyville, IL, 02/19/2008 |
Celiac Disease-Workshop.Annual Conference. Wisconsin Nurse Association. Waukesha, WI, 04/23/2008 |
The Third Annual Diabetes Symposium of Wisconsin.Annual Conference. Waukesha, WI, 05/21/2010 |
Medical College of Wisconsin |
Medical Informatics Interest Group |
Children's Specialty Group - Finance Committee |
Pediatric Surgery Residency - Internal Review |
Innovation Task Force - Patient Care Group |
Medical Student Education |
11/2003 - Present Liver Physiology. Yearly lecture; Junior Medical Student Lecture, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI |
Resident and Fellow Education |
07/2000 - Present Participation in weekly Pediatric Professor Rounds. |
07/2000 - Present Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition Service attending, responsible for education of Pediatric GI fellows, Adult GI Fellows, UWM Clinical Campus (Sinai Samaritan) Adult GI fellows. |
01/01/2001 - Present Weekly Pediatric GI academic conference, Division of pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition. Weekly, 2hr. |
01/01/2001 - 05/2009 Moderator. 3rd year resident journal club. Monthly meeting. 1 hour of medical publication analysis and discussion |
03/22/2001 Liver failure and liver transplantation. PICU teaching seminar |
10/2001 - Present Function of the liver and liver failure. Teaching seminars for GI fellows and liver transplant coordinator. Once year. 4 weekly seminars 1 hour each. |
06/2002 - 2007 Ward Attending, Responsible for teaching team residents and four medical students. Month per year. 1.5 hours a day. |
11/2003 Residents Noon Lecture, Liver failure in children |
01/2004 - Present Crossroads of Law, Ethics and Medicine - MDEP Course - 8-10 sessions a year, 3 hr each |
05/2005 Residents Noon Lecture, Liver failure in children |
01/2007 - Present Liver Lunch - monthly 2 hour seminar including interactive case presentation and narrow topic review. |
01/2007 - Present Hepatology Attending - responsible for education of Pediatric GI fellows, pediatric residents and medical students, 2 hr a day 26 weeks a year. |
01/2007 Residents Noon Lecture, Liver failure in children |
01/2007 - Present Liver Pathology Meeting - weekly 1 hour teaching session for GI fellows |
Medical Students |
09/2001 - 06/2002 Samantha Adkins, MCW |
06/2002 - 07/2002 Eric Matthew Shamansky, MCW |
Clinical/Research Fellows |
07/2000 - 12/2000 Atiye Nur Aktay, MD, MCW |
07/2001 - 07/2004 Adrian Miranda, MD, MCW |
07/2002 - 07/2005 Daryl Fish, DO, MCW |
07/2003 - 07/2006 Dorota Walkiewicz, MD, MCW |
07/2003 - 07/2006 Joseph Skelton, MD, MCW |
07/2004 - 07/2007 Cass Smith, MD, MCW |
07/2004 - 07/2007 Vincent Biank, MD, MCW |
07/2005 - 07/2008 Narajanan Venkatsubramani, MD, MCW |
07/2005 - 07/2008 Karen Francolla, MD, MCW |
07/2006 - 07/2009 Muhammad Altaf, MD, MCW |
07/2006 - 07/2009 Tonya Adamiak, MD, MCW |
07/2007 - 01/2009 Mehul Sheht, MD, MCW |
07/2007 - 07/2010 Kyle Jensen, MD, research mentorship, MCW |
07/2008 - Present Mutaz Sultan, MD, research mentorship, MCW |
07/2008 - Present Tom Ciecierega, MD, MCW |
07/2008 - Present Jon Ramprasad, MCW |
07/2009 - Present Khalil El-Chammas, MCW |
07/2009 - Present Vi Goh, MD, MCW |
07/2010 - Present Diana Lerner, MCW |
07/2010 - Present Bhaskar Gurram, MCW |
Clinical Programs |
09/2001 - Present Medical Director of Pediatric Liver Disease& Liver Transplant Program Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI |
07/2003 - 07/2010 Medical Director of Celiac Disease Program, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin |
2007 Collaborated with Dr. Ellis Avner to establish the Polycystic Kidney Disorders Program |
07/2009 - 06/2011 Associate Chief, Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition: Initiated structural change in NEW Kids (Obesity) Program. Introduced NEW Kids triage clinic |
Creator of integrated Pediatric Celiac Disease Clinic |
Initiated Pediatric Liver Disease Database |
Created Pediatric Liver Disease Clinic |
Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers |
1. Telega D, Telega G, Wisniowska R, Pniak E, Przybycien J, Przybycien B, Wojcik B, Reichardt K. Endemic goiter in the area of Mielec. J. Przegl. Epid. 1992, 3 |
2. Kader HA. Wenner WJ Jr. Telega GW. Maller ES. Baldassano RN. Normal thiopurine methyltransferase levels do not eliminate 6-MP or azathioprine toxicity in children with IBD, Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology. 30(4):409-13, 2000 |
3. Telega G, Baumgard D, Carding S.. Antigen uptake by the primary intestinal epithelial cells - the first step in the process of antigen presentation. Gastroenterology. 119(6):1548-59, 2000 |
4. Mamula P. Telega GW. Markowitz JE. Brown KA. Russo PA. Piccoli DA. Baldassano RN.. Inflammatory bowel disease in children 5 years of age and younger. American Journal of Gastroenterology. 97(8):2005-10, 2002 |
5. Kugathasan S, Halabi I, Telega G, Werlin SL. Pancreatitis as a presenting manifestation of pediatric Crohn' disease. J Peds Gatroenterol Nutr 2002;35:96-98. |
6. Kugathasan S , Judd R, Hoffmann R, Heikenen J, Telega G, Khan F, Weisdorf-Schindele S, San Pablo, Jr W, Perroult J, Park R, Yaffe M, Brown C, Rivera-Bennett MT, Halabi I, G, Martinez A, Blank E, Werlin SL, Rudolph C, Binion DG for the Wisconsin Pediatric IBD Alliance. Epidemiologic and clinical characteristics of children with newly diagnosed pediatric inflammatory bowel disease in Wisconsin: A statewide population-based study. Journal of Pediatrics. 143(4):525-31, 2003 |
7. Telega G. Biliary dyskinesia in pediatrics. Current Gastroenterology Reports. 8(2):172-6, 2006 |
8. Mazur A, Grzywa M, Malecka-Tendera E, Telega G. Prevalence of glucose intolerance in school age children. Population based cross-sectional study. Acta Paediatrica. 96(12):1799-802, 2007 |
9. Telega G, Bennet TR, Werlin S. Emerging new clinical patterns in the presentation of celiac disease. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine. 162(2):164-8, 2008 |
10. Mazur A, Telega G, Kotowicz A, Malek H, Jarochowicz S, Gierczak B, Mazurkiewicz M, Pop T, Zajkiewicz K, Dobrucki M and Mazur D. Impact of food advertising on food purchases by students in primary and secondary schools in south-eastern Poland. Public Health Nutrition. 11(9):978-81, 2008 |
11. Danner EJ, Werlin SL, Telega G. Nutritional nanagement of Celiac Disease: Western Perspective. Indian Journal of Pediatrics 75:S133-S137, 2008 |
12. Altaf MA. Goday PS. Telega G. Allergic enterocolitis and protein-losing enteropathy as the presentations of manganese leak from an ingested disk battery: A case report. Journal of Medical Case Reports 2:286, 2008. |
13. Mazur A, Klimek K, Telega G, Hejda G, Wdowiak L, Małecka-Tendera E. Risk Factors for Obesity Development in School Children from South-Eastern Poland. Ann Agric Environ Med, 15:99-103, 2008 |
14. Mazur A, Ostanski M, Telega G, Malecka-Tendera E. Is epicardial fat tissue a marker of metabolic syndrome in obese children? Atherosclerosis. 211(2):596-600, 2010 Aug. |
15. Venkatasubramani N. Telega G. Werlin SL. Obesity in Pediatric Celia Disease. JPGN 51(3):295-7 |
16. Sultan M, Biank VF, Telega G, Successful Treatment of Autoimmune Hepatitis with Methotrexate, JPGN 52(4):492-4, 2011 |
17. Telega G. Biliary dyskinesia in pediatrics. Current Gastroenterology Reports. 8(2):172-6, 2006 Apr. |
18. Telega G. The Clinical Presentation of Celiac Disease in Children. Journal Watch Audio. Journal Watch Online. 2008 |
Books, Chapters, and Reviews |
1. Telega G "Perianal Abscess" A. Mulberg et al. "Five minute pediatric consult" Baltimore : Williams & Wilkins. 2002. |
2. Telega G "Ano-rectal malformations" A. Mulberg et al. "Five minute pediatric consult" Baltimore : Williams & Wilkins. 2002 |
3. Telega G "Ano-rectal malformations" A. Mulberg et al. "Five minute pediatric consult" Baltimore : Williams & Wilkins. 2005 |
4. Telega G "Perianal anomalies" Liacouras CH, Picolli DA. "Pediatric Gastroenterology - The Requisites in Pediatrics" Mosby. 2008 |
5. Telega G "Pneumatosis Intestinalis" in "Rudolph's Pediatrics" , 22nd edition, McGraw-Hill. 2011 |
6. Telega G "Bowel Vascular Disorders" in ""Rudolph's Pediatrics" , 22nd edition, McGraw-Hill. 2011 |
7. Telega G "Bowel Amyloidosis" in "Rudolph's Pediatrics" , 22nd edition, McGraw-Hill. 2011 |
8. Telega G "Radiation Enteritis" in "Rudolph's Pediatrics" , 22nd edition, McGraw-Hill. 2011 |
9. Telega G "Chronic Appendiceal Pain" in "Rudolph's Pediatrics" , 22nd edition, McGraw-Hill. 2011 |
10. Jensen K, Telega G "Liver infections" in "Rudolph's Pediatrics" , 22nd edition, McGraw-Hill. 2011 |
Abstracts |
1. Telega GW, Baumgart DC, Carding S. MHC II restricted antigen presentation by primary colonic epithelial cells. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 1999, 29(10), Suppl 2, 506 |
2. Christian AE, Telega GW, Mamula P, Markowitz JE, Piccoli DA, Baldassano RN. Inflammatory Bowel disease in Children five years of age and younger. Diagnostic Dilema. Gastroenterology 2000 April; 118(9) Suppl2, S59. |
3. Markowitz JE, Baldassano RN, Mamula P, Telega GW, Draft HR, Morris M, Piccoli DA,. Diagnostic Testing for Clostridium Difficile in Pediatric Inflammatory Disease Should Include Toxin A and Toxin B. Gastroenterology 2000 April; 118(9) Suppl2. |
4. Mamula P, Christian AE, Telega GW, Markowitz JE, Piccoli DA, Baldassano RN. Inflammatory Bowel disease in Children five years of age and younger. Diagnostic Dilema. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2000 April; 31, Suppl2. |
5. Kugathasan S , Judd R, Khan FN, Gurley G, Heikenen J, Werlin SL, Brown CW, Martinez A, Blank E, Perroult J, Yaffe M, Park R, Rivera-Bennett MT, Telega G, Halabi I. Wisconsin Statewide Survey of Pediatric IBD Diagnosis in the year 2000. Changing patterns of Crohns Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. Gastroenterology 2001 May; 119 (5) Suppl. |
6. Fish D, Werlin SL, Rudolph C, Martinez A, Halabi I, Telega G, Blank E, Khan FN, Judd R, Brown CW, Heikenen J, Kugathasan S. A Population Based Prospective Study of Clinical Patterns, Natural History of Progression of Pediatric Ulcerative Colitis in Wisconsin. Gastroenterology 2001 May; 119 (5) Suppl. |
7. Kugathasan S, Telega G, Werlin SL, Martinez A, Blank E, Raash C, Rudolph C, Binion D. Infliximab treatment of pediatric Crohn's Disease. Children's Hospital of Wisconsin Experience. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2001, 33(3), Suppl 2, 375 |
8. Kugathasan S, Werlin SL, Telega G, Halabi I, Rivera-Bennett MT, Raash C, Wells R, Rudolph C. Bone mineral density in children with inflammatory bowel disease at the time of the diagnosis. Journal of Pediatric Gaastroenterology and Nutrition 2001, 33(3), Suppl 2, 377 |
9. Kugathasan S, Halabi I, Telega G, Raash C, Werlin SL, Pancreatitis as a presenting manifestation of pediatric Crohn's disease. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2001, 33(3), Suppl 2, 408 |
10. Telega GW, Ying R. Necrotic and Apoptotic Intestinal Epithelial Cells Induce Maturation of Dendritic Cells. Gastroenterology 2003 May; 124 (4) Suppl 1. |
11. Lerret S, Skelton J, Kilway D, Telega G. Predictors of Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH) in Overweight Children. NASPGHAN, 2005, Salt Lake City, UT |
12. Telega G, Lerret S, Kilway D, Skelton J. Epidemiology of Abnormal Transaminases in Obese children. NASPGHAN, 2005, Salt Lake City, UT |
13. Lerret S, Skelton JA, Kilway D, Noel RJ, Telega G. Large Reduction in Serum Alanine Aminotransferase Level with Slight Decrease in Body Mass Index after Participation in Lifestyle Modification Program, NASPGHAN, 2006, Orlando, FL |
14. Telega G Long-Term Use of Methotrexate As a Steroid Sparing Agent in Type I Autoimmune Hepatitis, NASPGHAN, 2007, Salt Lake City, UT |
15. Venkatasubramani N, Telega G, Werlin S. Obesity in Pediatric Celiac Disease, NASPGHAN, 2007, Salt Lake City, UT |
16. Telega GW, Mazur A, Ostanski M, Malecka-Tendera E, Epicardial Fat Is Not an Independent Predictor of Metabolic Syndrome in Overweight Children. NASPGHAN, 2008, San Diego, CA |
17. Lerret S, Banda J, Biank V, Telega G. Respiratory Syncytial Virus and Pediatric Chronic Liver Disease. NASPGHAN, 2008, San Diego, CA |
18. Banda J, Lerret S, Biank V, Telega G Congenital Intrahepatic Arterioportal Fistulas: Indication for Liver Transplant. NASPGHAN, 2008, San Diego, CA |
19. Sood MR, Thapa N, Telega G, Hyman P. Abdominal Pain - Does it Disapear After Cholecystectomy? NASPGHAN, 2008, San Diego, CA |
20. M.K. Jensen, G. Telega, V. Biank, Efficacy Of Percutaneous Cholangiogram in Excluding Biliary Atresia NASPGHAN, 2009, Washington, DC |