Heidi F. Christianson PhD
Heidi F. Christianson PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine
Tosa Center |
1155 N Mayfair Rd |
Milwaukee, WI 53226 |
09/1998 - 05/2002 B.S., University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin |
09/2002 - 08/2004 M.S., University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin |
09/2004 - 05/2007 Gerontology Graduate Certificate, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin |
09/2004 - 08/2009 Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin |
08/2008 - 08/2009 Psychology Intern, Mental Health, Zablocki VA Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI |
09/2007 - 09/2008 Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Social Welfare, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI |
09/2009 - 10/2010 Instructor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine, The Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI |
10/2010 - Present Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine, The Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI |
07/2010 - Present Clinical Director of Resident and Student Mental Health, MCW, WI |
02/2010 - Present Psychologist, Bone Marrow Transplant Team, MCW, WI |
09/2009 - Present Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital, 9200 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53226 |
Licensure | Number | Issue Date | Expiration |
Wisconsin Licensed Psychologist | 2901-57 | 10/07/2010 | 09/30/2011 |
09/2003 - Present Writing Intensive Course Teaching Assistant Fellow, University of Wisconsin-Madison |
09/2004 - Present Helen Bader Endowed Scholarship for Gerontology |
09/2005 - Present Helen Bader Endowed Scholarship for Gerontology |
09/2006 - Present Helen Bader Endowed Scholarship for Gerontology |
05/2001 - Present Psi Chi Psychology Honor's Society |
09/2004 - Present American Psychological Association Division 17: The Society for Counseling Psychology |
09/2004 - Present American Psychological Association |
08/2005 - Present The Society for Counseling Psychology (Division 17) Aging Special Interest Group |
08/2005 - Present The Society for Counseling Psychology (Division 17) Counseling Health Psychology Special Interest Group |
08/2007 - Present Psychologists in Long Term Care |
08/2009 - Present Milwaukee Area Psychological Association |
09/2009 - Present Secretary, Milwaukee Area Psychological Association |
10/2009 - Present Counseling Health Psychology Special Interest Group Newsletter Editor |
10/2009 - Present Behavioral and Social Science Volunteer, Cancer Health Disparities, American Psychological Association |
Local |
Rowe, J. M. & Fowell, H. L. Impact of arts based activities in an adult day center. Presentation at 2006 Wisconsin Adult Day Services Association, Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, 10/2006 - Present |
Christianson, Heidi F., Mediation and relaxation. Women's Fair sponsored by Community Memorial Hospital, St. Joseph's Hospital, and West Bend Clinic, West Bend, Wisconsin, 03/2010 - Present |
Christianson, Heidi F., Sleep disturbance and cancer. Gilda's Club of Southeastern Wisconsin, Shorewood, Wisconsin, 03/2010 - Present |
Christianson, Heidi F., Coping and cancer. EMPOWER Program. Froedtert Hospital and Wisconsin Athletic Club, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 04/2010 - Present |
Christianson, Heidi F., Post-traumatic growth: Finding meaning in traumatic health experiences. EMPOWER Program. Froedtert Hospital and Wisconsin Athletic Club, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 05/2011 - Present |
Christianson, Heidi F., Dealing with Difficult Patients. Bone Marrow Transplant Nursing Staff Meeting. Froedtert Hospital, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 07/2011 - Present |
International |
Marr, L., Weis, J. M., & Fowell, H. L. Supervision training for oncology and palliative medicine fellows. Poster presented at 16th International Congress on Care of the Terminally Ill, Montreal, Canada, 09/2006 - Present |
National |
Fowell, H. L., Wester, S. R., Vogel, D.L., & Wei, M. Gender role conflict and psychological distress: The role of social support. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association 114th Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, 08/2006 - Present |
Fowell, H. L., Vacha-Haase, T., & Wampold, B.E. Does psychotherapy work for older adults with depression? A meta-analysis of recent research of psychosocial interventions. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association, 114th Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, 08/2006 - Present |
Wester, S.R., Fowell, H. L., Fouad, N.A., & Santiago-Rivera, A. An information-processing model for faculty dealing with problematic students. Symposium presentation at the American Psychological Association 114th Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, 08/2006 - Present |
Marr, L., Weis, J. M., Weissman, D., & Fowell, H. L. Psychosocial and communication skills training for oncology fellow education. Workshop presented at 40th American Association for Cancer Education Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, 10/2006 - Present |
Bastings, A. D., Rowe, J. M. & Fowell, H. L. How to lasso the moon: Creativity and dementia research. Symposium presented at The Gerontological Society of American's 59th Annual Scientific Meeting 'Education and the Gerontological Imagination, ' Dallas, Texas, 11/2006 - Present |
Smothers, M. K., Christianson, H. F., Hains, A. A., Fleischman, K., & Carter, L. Adherence and disease-status disclosure in adolescents transitioning from middle to high school: A qualitative inquiry. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association, 115th Annual Convention, San Francisco, California, 08/2007 - Present |
Kantamneni, N., Wester, S. R., Smothers, M., Christianson, H. F., & Fouad, N. The use of role induction to overcome men's reluctance to seek psychological help. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association 115th Annual Convention, San Francisco, 08/2007 - Present |
Vacha-Haase, T., Wester, S.R., Christianson, H.F. Older Men: Increasing Understanding for Researchers and Practitioners. Continuing education workshop presented at the International Counseling Psychology Conference, Chicago, Illinois, 03/2008 - Present |
Vacha-Haase, T., Wester, S.R., Christianson, H.F. Older Men: Psychological Distress and Treatment. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association 116th Annual Convention, Boston, 08/2008 - Present |
Christianson, H.F., Weis, J.M., Fouad, N.A. Late-stage Cancer Patients: Psychological and Physical Quality of Life. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association 117th Annual Convention, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 08/2009 - Present |
Medical College of Wisconsin |
02/2010 - Present Member, Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) Program QI Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin |
07/2010 - Present Suicide Interest Group, Injury Research Center, Medical College of Wisconsin |
07/2010 - Present Graduate Medical Education Council, Medical College of Wisconsin Affiliated Hospitals |
07/2010 - Present Housestaff Health and Welfare Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin |
02/2011 - Present Schwartz Rounds Planning Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin |
Medical Student Education |
02/2010 - 04/2010 M-1 Foundations of Human Behavior, Small Group Instructor |
01/2011 - 02/2011 M-1 Foundations of Human Behavior, Small Group Instructor |
Graduate Student Education |
04/2010 Christianson, Heidi F., Physician depression and anxiety. Internal medicine academic half-day |
07/2010 Christianson, Heidi F., Physician fatigue and substance abuse. Family Practice Residency Program. Waukesha Memorial Hospital and MCW Affiliated Hospitals, Inc |
08/2010 Christianson, Heidi F., Physician fatigue and substance abuse. Sports Medicine Fellowship Seminar |
08/2010 Christianson, Heidi F., Physician fatigue and substance abuse. Department of Dermatology Resident Seminar |
01/2011 Christianson, Heidi F., Identifying and coping with impaired residents. Department of Pediatric Medicine Advanced Residents |
01/2011 Christianson, Heidi F., Physician fatigue and substance abuse. Internal medicine intern academic half-day |
01/2011 Christianson, Heidi F., Physician fatigue and substance abuse. Department of Ophthalmology Seminar |
02/2011 Christianson, Heidi F., Physician fatigue and substance abuse. Internal medicine resident academic half-day. Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin |
03/2011 Christianson, Heidi F., Physician fatigue and substance abuse. Medical College of Wisconsin Affiliated Hospitals, Inc. Hospital-wide presentation |
03/2011 Christianson, Heidi F., Physician depression and anxiety. Internal medicine academic half-day (Interns) |
03/2011 Christianson, Heidi F., Physician fatigue and substance abuse. Department of Pediatric Hematology and The Blood Center of Wisconsin Seminar. MCW and The Blood Center of Wisconsin |
04/2011 Christianson, Heidi F., Physician depression. Internal medicine academic half-day (Residents) |
05/2011 Christianson, Heidi F., Physician fatigue and substance abuse. Pediatric Neurology Program |
05/2011 Christianson, Heidi F., Impaired physician. Department of Medicine Fellows |
06/2011 Christianson, Heidi F., Physician fatigue and substance abuse. Department of Family Medicine- St. Joseph's Hospital, Milwaukee, Wisconsin |
Continuing Medical Education |
08/2010 Physician fatigue and substance abuse. Coroner's Office and Forensic Pathology Program Grand Rounds, Milwaukee, Wisconsin |
08/2010 Physician fatigue and substance abuse. Department of Surgery Grand Rounds |
12/2010 Physician fatigue and substance abuse. Department of Urology Grand Rounds |
01/2011 Physician fatigue and substance abuse. Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine Grand Rounds |
01/2011 Physician fatigue and substance abuse. Department of Pediatrics Grand Rounds |
02/2011 Physician fatigue and substance abuse. Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Grand Rounds |
02/2011 Physician fatigue and substance abuse. Department of Radiation Oncology |
03/2011 Physician fatigue and substance abuse. Cardiovascular Medicine Grand Rounds. Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin |
05/2011 Resident impairment and psychiatric illness. Transitional Year Program, St. Joseph's Hospital Grand Rounds, Milwaukee, Wisconsin |
07/2011 Physician fatigue and burnout. Coroner's Office and Forensic Pathology Program Grand Rounds, Milwaukee, Wisconsin |
Medical Student Education |
09/2002 - 08/2004 University of Wisconsin- Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, Teaching Assistant, Experimental Psychology, Department of Psychology |
01/2006 - 05/2006 University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Instructor and Clinical Supervisor, Counseling Practicum, Department of Educational Psychology |
05/2007 - 09/2008 Helen Bader School of Social Welfare, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Adjunct Lecturer, Research Methodology |
Graduate Students |
MS Students Advised |
09/2011 - 08/2012 Olivia Fallon, MCW |
Residents |
07/2010 - 06/2011 Michelle Bentle, MD, Clinical Supervisor, MCW |
07/2010 - Present Kristi Estabrook, MD, Research Mentor, MCW |
07/2011 - Present Anna Berg, MD, Clinical Supervisor, MCW |
07/2011 - Present Rebecca Krill, MD, Clinical Supervisor, MCW |
Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers |
1. Fleischman, K., Smothers, M. K., Christianson, H. F., Carter, L., Hains, A. A., & Davies, W. H. (2011). Experiences of adolescents with T1DM as they transition from middle to high school. Journal of School Counseling. |
2. Kantamneni, N., Christianson, H.F., Wester, S.R., & Smothers, M.K. (2011). Role Induction: A Potential Method for Improving Men's Perceptions of Career Counseling. Career Development Quarterly. |
3. Vacha-Haase, T., Wester, S.R., & Christianson, H.F. (August, 2010). Psychotherapy with Older Men. Routledge, New York, New York. |
4. Wester, S. R., Christianson, H. F., Fouad, N. A., & Santiago-Rivera, A. (2008). Information processing and collaborative problem solving in the face of problematic students. Professional Psychology Supervision and Training. |
5. Grunert, B. K., Weis, J. M., Smucker, M. R., & Christianson, H. F. (2007). Imagery rescripting and reprocessing therapy after failed prolonged exposure for posttraumatic stress disorder following industrial injury. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry. |
6. Wester, S.R., Christianson, H. F., Vogel, D.L., & Wei, M. (2007). Gender role conflict and psychological distress. The role of social support. Psychology of Men and Masculinity. |