Medical College of Wisconsin
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Jessica A. Brundage PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine

VA Medical Center, Mental Health Division
5000 W National Ave
Milwaukee, WI 53295

THULL, J., Facilitating adjustment in adults with visual impairment: The four tasks of rehabilitation., 12 State Vision Midwest Conference, Madison, WI, 10/2010
BRUNDAGE, J., Providing Sexual Health Care in SCI: Be (ex)PLISSIT., VA SCI Hub & Spoke Conference, Zablocki VA Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI, 06/2013
BRUNDAGE, J. & Sepahpanah, F., Providing Sexual and Reproductive Health Care in SCI., VA SCI Hub & Spoke Conference, Zablocki VA Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI, 07/2014
BRUNDAGE, J., Casey, J., Lanouette, M. & Lee, K., Milwaukee VAMC Spinal Cord Injury Community Health & Wellness Program., Webinar for multidisciplinary SCI staff at the Minneapolis and Hines VA Medical Centers, Zablocki VA Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI, 01/2015
BRUNDAGE, J., Floore-Guetschow, L., Fife, E., Matthews, K., & Williams, R. D., Expanding the Reach of Peer Support in Spinal Cord Injury., Annual Midwest Spinal Cord Injury Conference, Zablocki VA Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI, 06/2018
THULL, J., Improving Communication and Care at the End of Life., Presentation to staff on the long-term care unit, Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center, Cleveland, OH, 05/2009
THULL, J., Assessing and Addressing Pain in Palliative/Hospice Care Patients., Presentation to staff on the long-term care unit, Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center, Cleveland, OH, 07/2009
THULL, J., Thoughts, Behaviors, and Environmental Factors that Contribute to Obesity., Presentation to Veterans enrolled in the VA’s national weight management program (MOVE), Hines VA Medical Center, Hines, IL, 10/2009
THULL, J., Emotions, Stress, & Eating., Presentation to Veterans enrolled in the VA’s national weight management program (MOVE), Chillicothe VA Medical Center, Chillicothe, OH, 12/2010 - 06/2011
THULL, J., Thoughts, Behavior, & Eating., Presentation to Veterans enrolled in the VA’s national weight management program (MOVE), Chillicothe VA Medical Center, Chillicothe, OH, 12/2010 - 06/2011
THULL, J., Facilitating Adjustment after Spinal Cord Injury., Presentation to physical therapy students from Concordia University, Zablocki VA Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI, 05/2012
BRUNDAGE, J. & Williams, R.D., Difficult Patient Encounters., Presentation to nursing staff on SCI unit, Zablocki VA Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI, 12/2012
BRUNDAGE, J. & Williams, R.D., Assessing & Documenting Orientation and Alertness., Presentation to nursing staff on SCI unit, Zablocki VA Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI, 01/2013
BRUNDAGE, J., PTSD: What SCI Providers Need to Know., Presentation to SCI staff at Lunch and Learn seminar, Zablocki VA Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI, 06/2014
Coppolillo, C. & BRUNDAGE, J., The Long Road Home: Helping Our Newest War Veterans Readjust and Reengage., Presentation to graduate students in the Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology program, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, 09/2014
BRUNDAGE, J., Professional Development as an SCI Provider., Presentation to SCI staff at Lunch and Learn seminar, Zablocki VA Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI, 12/2014
BRUNDAGE, J., Fife, E., Matthews, K., & Williams, R.D., Spinal Cord Injury., Presentation to peer support providers, Zablocki VA Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI, 04/2015
BRUNDAGE, J., Mindfulness., Presentation to Clinical Nurse Specialists, Zablocki VA Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI, 01/2017
BRUNDAGE, J., Building Resilience: Mindfulness in Medicine., Presentation to SCI Fellows, Zablocki VA Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI, 09/2017
BRUNDAGE, J., Building Resilience: Mindfulness at Work., Presentation to SCI Fellows, Zablocki VA Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI, 04/2018
BRUNDAGE, J. & Fedele, K., From Burnout to Resilience: Building Up Your Bounceback., Presentation to Charge Nurses at the Charge Nurse Leader Workshop, Zablocki VA Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI, 06/2018
BRUNDAGE, J., From Burnout to Resilience: Building Up Your Bounceback., Presentation to Charge Nurses at the Charge Nurse Leader Workshop, Zablocki VA Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI, 08/2018 - 10/2018
BRUNDAGE, J. & Womble, B., From Burnout to Resilience: Building Up Your Bounceback., Presentation to Charge Nurses at the Charge Nurse Leader Workshop, Zablocki VA Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI, 12/2018
BRUNDAGE, J. & Harfenist, S., From Burnout to Resilience: Building Up Your Bounceback., Presentation to Charge Nurses at the Charge Nurse Leader Workshop, Zablocki VA Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI, 02/2019
BRUNDAGE, J. & Midden, A., From Burnout to Resilience: Building Up Your Bounceback., Presentation to Charge Nurses at the Charge Nurse Leader Workshop, Zablocki VA Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI, 04/2019

Campbell, T.C., Hegerty, S.G., THULL, J., Silva, M., & Adrians, N., Graduate training finds a home in a homeless shelter., Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, San Francisco, CA, 08/2007
BRUNDAGE, J., Development, implementation and impact of an interdisciplinary health and wellness program for Veterans with spinal cord injury., Poster presented at the 16th Annual Rehabilitation Psychology Conference, San Antonio, TX, 02/2014
Lee, K. & BRUNDAGE, J., Setting up a health and wellness clinic and meeting CARF environment., Lecture presented at Paralyzed Veterans of America Summit, Las Vegas, NV, 08/2014
BRUNDAGE, J., Castillo, D., Crow-Pan, J., & Lanouette, M., Development of an interdisciplinary health and wellness program for Veterans with spinal cord injury., Poster presented at Academy of Spinal Cord Injury Professionals Educational Conference and Expo, St. Louis, MO, 09/2014
DeRango, M., BRUNDAGE, J., & Williams, R.D., Implementing an interdisciplinary approach to smoking cessation for Veterans with spinal cord injury., Poster presented at Academy of Spinal Cord Injury Professionals Educational Conference and Expo, New Orleans, LA, 09/2015
Mayor, R. C., Batie Mueller, J., & BRUNDAGE, J., Cognitive-behavioral therapy and Tai Chi: Developing an integrated program for Veterans with chronic pain., Poster presented at the 18th Annual Rehabilitation Psychology Conference, Atlanta, GA, 02/2016
BRUNDAGE, J. & Williams, R.D., Garnering the power of peers: Development of a peer support program in SCI., Lecture presented at the Paralyzed Veterans of America’s Summit, Orlando, FL, 08/2016
BRUNDAGE, J., Powell, K., & Hough, S., Early career and trainee support committee (ECATS): Making strides., Poster presented at Academy of Spinal Cord Injury Professionals Educational Conference and Expo, Nashville, TN, 09/2016
BRUNDAGE, J. & Williams, R.D., Garnering the power of peers: Development of a peer support program in SCI., Poster presented at Academy of Spinal Cord Injury Professionals Educational Conference and Expo, Nashville, TN, 09/2016
O’Neil, J., BRUNDAGE, J., Jahn, A., Schmitz, T., Nazem, S., & Patel, A., Development and implementation of the AVAPL early career mentoring program., Poster presented at at Association of VA Psychologist Leaders Conference, San Antonio, TX, 05/2017
BRUNDAGE, J., Williams, R.D., Powell, K., Jones, J., & Sepahpanah, F., Development of an interdisciplinary sexual health rehabilitation program for Veterans with spinal cord injury., Poster presented at Academy of Spinal Cord Injury Professionals Educational Conference and Expo, Denver, CO, 09/2017
BRUNDAGE, J., & Wilson, C., Early career and trainee support committee (ECATS): Full steam ahead., Poster presented at Academy of Spinal Cord Injury Professionals Educational Conference and Expo, Denver, CO, 09/2017
BRUNDAGE, J., Sudo, V., & Williams, R.D., Difficult families + difficult decisions = difficult discharge planning and moral distress., Poster presented at Academy of Spinal Cord Injury Professionals Educational Conference and Expo, New Orleans, LA, 09/2018
THULL, J. & Kiehnau, E., Judgement of emotion from face in context: A replication., Paper presented at the Psi Chi Undergraduate Psychology Research Symposium, University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI, 04/2002
THULL, J., Ingroup favoritism among American and Australian undergraduates., Poster presented at the Tri-State Undergraduate Research Symposium, Loras College, Dubuque, IA, 11/2002
Campbell, T.C., THULL, J., & Fuller, S., Standardized screening and assessment., Symposium presented at the Wisconsin Association of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Spring Conference, Madison, WI, 05/2006
BRUNDAGE, J., Williams, E.B., & Russell, R., The power of peer support., Lecture presented at the National Association of Social Workers Wisconsin Chapter Annual Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 10/2016
THULL, J., Client characteristics and treatment retention in an outpatient drug-free chemical dependency program: A dissertation proposal., Paper presented at the Counseling and Educational Psychology Department’s 8th Annual Mini-Conference and Research Exchange, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, 03/2008
THULL, J., Substance abuse treatment and retention: A research proposal., Paper presented at the Counseling and Educational Psychology Department’s 8th Annual Mini-Conference and Research Exchange, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, 03/2016

2010 - 2011 Member, Psychology Training Task Force, Chillicothe VA Medical Center
2013 - Present Member, Psychologist Advancement Workgroup, Zablocki VA Medical Center
2015 - 2016 Member, Continuous Protective Observation (CPO) Process Improvement Workgroup, Zablocki VA Medical Center
2016 - 2017 Member, Healthcare Failure Mode Effects and Analysis (HFMEA) - Detecting and Treating Suicide in all Settings Workgroup, Zablocki VA Medical Center
2017 - Present Member, Tobacco Use Cessation Workgroup, Zablocki VA Medical Center

Graduate Student Education
01/2005 - 10/2006 Roger’s Memorial Hospital, Research Specialist & Coordinator; Supervised 8-10 master’s and doctoral students who were administering a standardized intake assessment protocol for an intensive outpatient chemical dependency program
01/2006 - 07/2007 7Cs Counseling Center, Intake Assessment Coordinator; supervised 12-18 master’s and doctoral students who were administering a standardized intake assessment protocol for a substance abuse treatment program serving residents of an urban homeless shelter for men
08/2006 - 12/2006 Marquette University, Teaching Assistant for Cognitive Assessment Course
08/2007 - 05/2008 Marquette University, Instructor for Counseling Practicum Seminar for master's students
02/2008 - 04/2008 Marquette University, Small Group Dialogue Facilitator for Multicultural Counseling Course
10/2009 - 04/2010 Edward Hines, Jr. VA Hospital, Provided weekly individual supervision to predoctoral intern
02/2010 Edward Hines, Jr. VA Hospital, Rehabilitation Psychology Seminar presented to predoctoral psychology interns
04/2010 Edward Hines, Jr. VA Hospital, Spinal Cord Injury Seminar presented to predoctoral psychology interns
01/2012 - Present Zablocki VA Medical Center, Spinal Cord Injury Seminar presented to predoctoral psychology interns yearly
01/2012 - Present Zablocki VA Medical Center, Rehabilitation Psychology Seminar presented to predoctoral psychology interns yearly
03/2012 - Present Zablocki VA Medical Center, Blind Rehabilitation Seminar presented to predoctoral psychology interns yearly
06/2012 - Present Zablocki VA Medical Center, Provide weekly individual supervision for psychology trainees 2-6 hours per week (1-6 predoctoral interns and 1 practicum student per year)
06/2012 - Present Zablocki VA Medical Center, Caregiving Seminar presented to predoctoral psychology interns
08/2016 - Present Zablocki VA Medical Center, VA Peer Support Seminar presented to predoctoral psychology interns yearly

Educational Programs
04/2013 - Present Facilitation of Association of VA Psychologist Leaders Early Career Mentoring Program.
Clinical Programs
03/2013 - 03/2017 Coordination of interdisciplinary Spinal Cord Injury/Disorders Community Health & Wellness Program.
01/2017 - Present Development and implementation of interdisciplinary Spinal Cord Injury Sexual Health Rehabilitation Program.

01/2010 - Present Scholarship Committee Chair, Leon G. Thull Scholarship Foundation
01/2018 - Present Scholarship Committee Chair, Lois M. Thull Scholarship Foundation

Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. Knox, S., Virginia, S. G., THULL, J., & Lombardo, J. P. (2005). Depression and contributors of vocational satisfaction in Roman Catholic secular clergy. Pastoral Psychology, 54, 139-155.
Non-Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. BRUNDAGE, J.,* Drewniak, T.,* Larsen, S. E.,* Larson, E.,* Mayor, R.,* Smith, H.,* Walker, K.,* Williams, E.,* & Williams, R.D. * equal first authorship. Formation of the Milwaukee VAMC Psychology Advancement Workgroup. Association of VA Psychologist Leaders Newsletter, June 2015; 3 (2): p. 9.
2. BRUNDAGE, J.,* Drewniak, T.,* Larsen, S. E.,* Larson, E.,* Mayor, R.,* Smith, H.,* Tucker, K.,* Williams, E.,* & Williams, R.D. * equal first authorship. Milwaukee VAMC Psychology Advancement Workgroup Activities (part 2 of 2). Association of VA Psychologist Leaders Newsletter, January 2016; 4 (1): p. 3.
3. BRUNDAGE, J., Jahn, A., O’Neil, J., Patel, A., & Schmitz, T. (2016, January). AVAPL Early Career Mentorship Program, Take 3! Association of VA Psychologist Leaders Newsletter, January 2016; 4 (1): p. 9.
4. BRUNDAGE, J.A. (2016, December 30). Making (and sticking to!) your New Year’s resolutions. [Blog post]. Retrieved from
5. BRUNDAGE, J., Williams, E., & Williams, R.D. Milwaukee Spinal Cord Injury: The Power of the Peer Provider. Association of VA Psychologist Leaders Newsletter, February 2017; 5 (1): p. 8-9.
6. BRUNDAGE, J. & Jahn, A. AVAPL Early Career Mentorship Program. Association of VA Psychologist Leaders Newsletter, April 2018; 6 (1): p. 14.
7. Jahn, A. & BRUNDAGE, J. AVAPL Early Career Mentorship Program. Association of VA Psychologist Leaders Newsletter, October 2018; 6 (2): p. 10.