Kartikey Acharya MD
Kartikey Acharya MD
Associate Professor
Department of Medicine
Division of Infectious Disease
Department of Medicine
Division of Infectious Disease
Froedtert Hospital |
9200 W Wisconsin Ave |
Milwaukee, WI 53226 |
10/2000 - 03/2006 M.B.B.S. (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery, Government Medical College |
08/2006 - 12/2008 M.P.H. (Master of Public Health), University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL |
07/2009 - 06/2012 Resident, Internal Medicine, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR |
07/2012 - 06/2013 Chief Resident, Internal Medicine, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Llittle Rock, AR |
07/2013 - 06/2015 Postdoctoral Fellow, Infectious Diseases, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI |
07/2012 - 06/2013 Clinical Instructor, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR |
07/2015 - Present Assistant Professor, Department of Population Health, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI |
07/2015 - Present Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI |
04/2016 - Present Medical Director, Froedtert Hospital Infectious Diseases Clinic, Milwaukee, WI |
07/2016 - Present Associate Program Director, Infectious Diseases Fellowship, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI |
04/2016 - Present Medical Director, Froedtert Hospital Infectious Diseases Clinic, Milwaukee, WI |
07/2016 - Present Associate Program Director, Infectious Diseases Fellowship, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI |
07/2012 - 06/2013 University Hospital, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, 4301 W Markham Street, Little Rock, AZ |
07/2015 - Present Froedtert Hospital, 9200 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI |
Board Certified | Issue Date | Expiration |
Internal Medicine | 10/2012 | 10/2022 |
Infectious Diseases | 12/2015 | None |
Licensure | Number | Issue Date | Expiration |
Arkansas License E-7415 | 01/2012 | 01/2016 | |
Wisconsin License 60912-20 | 06/2013 | 10/2017 | |
2006 Inductee - Golden Key International Honour Society, University of Alabama at |
2007 Isaac E. Capilouto Endowed Scholarship, The School of Public Health, University of Alabama at Birmingham |
2007 International Bookstore Scholarship, International Scholars and Student, University of Alabama at Birmingham |
2008 Inductee - Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges, University of Alabama at Birmingham |
2008 Academic Excellence Award and Outstanding Achievement Award, International, University of Alabama at Birmingham |
2009 Delta Omega National Public Health Honorary Society, (Upsilon Chapter), University of Alabama at Birmingham |
2011 The George Ackerman Award for Outstanding Resident in Internal Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences |
2012 Inductee – Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society, Arkansas Chapter, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences |
2015 Best Teaching Fellow of the Academic Year, Department of Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin |
2015 IDWeek 2015 Trainee Travel Grant Award, IDWeek, October 7-11, 2015, IDWeek San Diego, CA |
2008 - Present Delta Omega National Public Health Honorary Society |
2009 - 2013 American College of Physicians |
2012 - Present Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society |
2013 - Present American Society of Microbiology |
2013 - Present Infectious Diseases Society of America |
Journal Review |
06/2012 - 06/2013 American Journal of Medicine |
07/2015 - Present Wisconsin Medical Journal |
Regional |
ACHARYA K., HIV Associated Neurocognitive Disorders, Presented at Midwest AIDS Training & Education Center - Wisconsin Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 01/27/2014 |
ACHARYA K., Update on newer antiretrovirals, Presented at Midwest AIDS Training & Education Center - Wisconsin Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 03/12/2015 |
ACHARYA K., Challenging cases of HIV & update on newer antiretrovirals, Presented at Midwest AIDS Training & Education Center – Wisconsin Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 09/10/2015 |
ACHARYA K., Preexposure Prophylaxis for HIV – Basics for Primary Care Clinics, Presented at Midwest AIDS Training & Education Center – Wisconsin,, Milwaukee, WI, 05/09/2016 |
ACHARYA K., Preconception Counseling for Serodifferent Couples in Times of PrEP, Presented at Midwest AIDS Training & Education Center – Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 09/26/2016 |
Local |
ACHARYA K., Infections in Heart Transplant Recipients, Presented at Cardiovascular Lecture Series Conference– Department of Anesthesiology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 09/16/2014 |
ACHARYA K., Approach to brain abscess, Presented at Clinical Pathological Conference - Department of Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 09/03/2015 |
National |
ACHARYA K, Sohnle PS, Persistent fevers: Revisiting an old foe (Case of Disseminated TB and secondary HLH)., Presented at 11th Annual Infectious Diseases Fellows Forum, Rochester, MN, 04/25/ - 04/25/Present |
Medical College of Wisconsin |
07/2014 - Present Member, Fellowship Program Evaluation Committee, Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin |
10/2015 - Present Member, Intern Selection Committee, Department of Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin |
01/2016 - Present Member, Internal Medicine Residency Program Evaluation Committee, Department of Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin |
Hospital |
07/2011 - 06/2013 Member, Residency Development Committee, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences |
Graduate Student Education |
01/2015 - Present Co-Instructor, Infectious Diseases Course 18215B, Master’s in Public Health Program |
Resident and Fellow Education |
10/2015 - Present Academic Half Day Teaching Session ‘Opportunistic Infections in HIV/ AIDS’ and ‘PEP/PrEP for IM Trainee’ for Internal Medicine Residents |
Medical Student Education |
06/2011 - 06/2013 University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, M2 Internal Medicine Clerkship Mentor |
Resident and Fellow Education |
06/2012 - 06/2013 University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Internal Medicine Board Review for Residents, Department of Medicine |
08/2015 - Present Department of Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Faculty Mentor for Resident Monthly Journal Club – Infectious Diseases |
11/2015 - Present Division of Infectious Diseases, Medical College of Wisconsin, Annual IDWeek Update for Fellows and Faculty |
12/2015 - Present Department of Dermatology, Medical College of Wisconsin, ‘HIV/ STIs and Skin’, Infectious Diseases Lecture Series |
04/2016 - Present Department of Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, IM 301 Course – Infectious Diseases Board Review |
08/2016 - Present Department of Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, ‘Infectious Diseases for Interns – Top 5 Things To Know’ |
11/2016 - Present Department of Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, ‘Mycobacterial Infections’ |
Medical Students |
12/2015 - Present Halle E Foss, M1 Scholarly Pathway Advisor – Global Health Track, Medical College of Wisconsin |
01/2016 - Present John Idso, M1 Clinical Apprenticeship Course Preceptor, Medical College of Wisconsin |
Educational Programs |
Fellow |
10/2016 Developed Infectious Diseases Fellowship Didactic Curriculum for Infectious Diseases Fellows |
Faculty |
09/2016 Developed Sexually Transmitted Infections Protocol for Froedtert Infectious Diseases Clinic for clinic nursing staff to facilitate triage and early care for patients and their partners |
Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers |
1. ACHARYA KB, Young DR, Wells MA, Quick CM, Lamps L, Bariola JR. A vicious cycle. Am J Med. 2012 Apr; 125(4):350-2 |
2. Silkey, J, Ludtke S, ACHARYA K. Orthopaedic Infections. Manuscript accepted for publication in Physician Assistant Clinics (Infectious Diseases). |
Editorials, Letters To Editor, Other |
1. Yang, JD, ACHARYA K, Evans M, Marsh JD, Beland S. Beriberi disease: is it still present in the United States? (Letter to the editor). Am J Med. 2012 Oct; 125(10):e5 |
Abstracts |
1. ACHARYA K. Impact of health education on incidence of Malaria cases in urban slums of Surat, India. International Conference on Urban Health Initiatives, Surat, India, Feb 2006 |
2. Johnson D, Ogundeji O, ACHARYA K, Bachmann L, Sturdevant M, Kempf M.
Preterm delivery in HIV positive pregnant women on protease inhibitors. International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology and Therapeutic Risk Management, Providence, Rhode Island, Aug 2009 |
3. Yang, JD, ACHARYA K, Evans M, Beland S. Beriberi still presents in the United States. 6th Annual Arkansas American College of Physicians/University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Internal Medicine Poster Competition, October 2011 |
4. Dholaria B, Kasula S, ACHARYA K, Lavender R. Psychosis that responded to penicillin. 6th Annual Arkansas American College of Physicians/University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Internal Medicine Poster Competition, October 2011 |
5. Alexander AP, ACHARYA K, Steelman SC, Thrush CR, Kennedy RL, Hopkins RH. An Interprofessional Collaboration on a Journal Club Blog to Improve Residents’ Knowledge of Evidence-Based Medicine: An Interim Report. The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), Southern Group on Educational Affairs (SGEA)/Southern Group on Student Affairs SGEA/SGSA) Meeting, April 18-20, 2013, Savannah, GA. |
6. Alexander AP, ACHARYA K, Steelman SC, Thrush CR, Kennedy RL, Hopkins RH. A Collaborative Online Journal Club Blog to Optimize Residents’ Evidence-Based Medicine Knowledge and Skills. Academic Internal Medicine Week (AIMW), October 2-6, 2013, New Orleans, LA. |
7. ACHARYA K, Ledeboer N, Graham MB. Analysis of CMV Testing and Treatment Thresholds. 54th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC), September 5-9, 2014, Washington, DC. |
8. ACHARYA K, Ledeboer N, Graham MB. Utility of Qualitative NAAT for
Cytomegalovirus from Bronchoalveolar Lavage. 115th General Meeting of American Society of Microbiology (ASM), May 30 – June 2, 2015, New Orleans, LA |
9. ACHARYA K, Graham MB, Ledeboer N. Qualitative Cytomegalovirus PCR from
Gastrointestinal Specimens for Diagnosis of Tissue Invasive Disease. ID week 2015, October 7-11, 2015. San Diego, CA |
10. Foss, H, ACHARYA K. Hepatitis B co-infection in patients with HIV: Review of quality of care at a safety-net HIV clinic in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Accepted at Medical College of Wisconsin Research Day 2016. Milwaukee, WI. |