Lynn M. Rusy MD
Lynn M. Rusy MD
Department of Anesthesiology
Division of Pediatric Anesthesiology
Department of Anesthesiology
Division of Pediatric Anesthesiology
Children’s Wisconsin - Specialty Clinics Building |
8915 W Connell Court |
Milwaukee, WI 53226 |
Phone: 414-266-2507 |
07/01/1978 - 05/1982 Microbiology, University Wisconsin, Madison, WI |
06/1982 - 06/1983 Research Specialist, Research lab, University Wisconsin School of Veterninary Medicine, Madison, WI |
08/1983 - 07/1987 MD, University Wisconsin, Madison, WI |
07/1987 - 07/1992 Anesthesia Residency, Anesthesia, University Wsconsin, Madison, WI |
07/1990 - 02/1991 Registrar, Anesthesia, Gloucester Royal Hospital, Gloucester England |
07/1992 - 07/1993 Pediatric Anesthesia Fellowship, Pediatric Anesthesia, Boston Children's, Harvard, Boston, MA |
07/1993 - 12/1993 Research Fellowship, Anesthesia, Boston Children's, Boston, MA |
05/1998 - 11/1999 Medical Acupuncture, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA |
none |
01/1994 - 09/2000 Assistant Professor Anesthesia, Anesthesia, Children's Hospital Wisconsin, MCW, Milwaukee, WI |
09/2000 - 06/2011 Associate Professor Anesthesia, Anesthesia, Children's Hospital WI, MCW, Milwaukee, WI |
07/2011 - Present Professor Anesthesia, MCW, Children's Hospital of WI, MCW, Milwaukee, WI |
01/1998 - Present Associate Director Jane B Pettit Comprehensive Pediatric Pain Program, Children's Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI |
05/1999 - Present Introduction and Continuation of Acupuncture in Pediatric Pain, Children's Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI |
01/1994 - Present Co Director, Comprehensive Pediatric Pain Clinic, Children's Hospital WI, Milwaukee, WI |
01/1994 - 10/1996 Courtesy Staff Children's Hospital WI, Anesthesia, Milwaukee, WI |
01/1996 - Present Active staff, Anesthesia, Children's Wisconisn, Milwaukee, WI |
05/1998 - 01/2002 Associate Anesthesia Staff, Anesthesia, St josephs, Milwaukee, WI |
01/2001 - Present Active Staff, Anesthesia, Surgi Center Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI |
Board Certified | Issue Date | Expiration |
American Board Anesthesia | 04/1994 | 2009 |
Medicine and Surgery | 05/1999 | 10/2021 |
Proficiency Examination | 11/1999 | None |
American Board Medical Acupuncture | 06/2001 | 06/2000 |
Anesthesia Re certification | 08/2009 | None |
Recertification Medical Acupuncture | 2009 | None |
Pediatric Anesthesia | 10/2013 | None |
Certificates | Issued By | Issue Date | Expiration |
ABA Recertification | ABA | 08/2009 | 2020 |
Diplomat | ABMA | 2011 | None |
Licensure | Number | Issue Date | Expiration |
DEA | BR1782780 | 04/2000 | 02/2021 |
05/1980 Sigma Epsilon Sigma honor Society, UW |
05/1982 Theta Eta Sigma, UW |
06/1984 Promotion Committee Citation for Excellence, UW Medical School |
06/1987 William Bleckwenn Jr Award Clinical Promise, UW Madison |
07/2002 Teacher of the Year, Anesthesia Resident Class 2002, MCW |
11/2010 Louis Goldstein Award best clinical Poster Scoliosis Research Meeting, Kyoto Japan |
05/2011 Clinical Center Excellence Jane B Pettit Pain Center, American Pain Society |
01/2013 Top Doctors M Magazine |
11/2018 Top Doctors M Magazine |
04/2019 Top Doctors, M Magazine |
01/2020 Top Doctors, Top Anesthesiologist M Magazine |
1987 - Present AMA |
1987 - Present ASA |
1994 - Present Society Pediatric Anesthesia |
1996 - Present Wisconsin State Medical Society |
1998 - Present Milwaukee Society anesthesia |
1999 - Present American Pain Society |
1999 - Present American Academy Medical Acupuncture |
2010 - Present PAC/ASA |
Journal Review |
1995 - Present Anesthesiology |
1995 - Present Anesthesia Analgesia |
2005 - Present J Comp Medicine |
2006 - Present Pediatrics |
2007 - Present Pediatric Anesthesia |
2007 - Present J Pediatric Anesthesia |
2011 - Present Wisconsin Medical Journal |
04/22/2021 - Present International Journal of Environmental Research adn Public Health |
RESEARCH GRANTS/AWARDS/CONTRACTS/PROJECTS: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International |
Rusy LM, Hainsworth KR., Nelson TJ., Czarnecki ML., Tassone JC., Thometz JT., Lyon RM., Berens RJ., Weisman SJ, Gabapentin Use in Pediatric Spinal Fusion Patients: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Controlled Trial, Scoliosis research Meeting, Kyoto, Japan, 09/2010 |
National |
Desflurane, the ideal anesthetic?, Grand rounds, Boston Children's Hospital, 06/1993 |
The Grown-up Preemie-Effects of Anesthesia on Former Preterm Infants, Grand Rounds, Boston Children's, 12/1993 |
abstract-Acetaminophen Levels After Rectal Administration in Children, American Academy Pediatrics, Phoenix, arizona, 02/1995 |
A Double Blind Comparison of Fentanyl Oralet Versus Midazolam or Placebo for Premedication in Pediatric Patients Undergoing Tonsillectomy, IARS, Denver, CO, 03/1997 |
Pediatric Fibromyalgia-Low Impact Exercise Workout-Fighting Fibromyalgia., ASA, San Diego, CA, 10/1997 |
Acupuncture in a Toddler with Feeding Aversion, American Academy Medical Acupuncture Meeting, Baltimore, MD, 04/27/2007 |
Rusy LM, Peterson, SJ., Who is taking what? What to do when controlled substances are involved., PBLS, Society Pediatric Pain Medicine Meeting, Austin Texas, 03/2017 |
Kyle Morgan, Lynn Rusy, Pain pathways., Pediatric Palliative Oncology Symposium., St.Jude Hospital, Memphis TN, 09/2019 |
Rusy, Epidural blood patch in cancer patients, Society Pediatric anesthesia, PBLD, Bahamas, 10/2020 |
Lynn Rusy, Lower Extremity acupuncture points, clinical pediatric acupuncture, Society Pediatric Pain Medicine, Virtual, 04/23/2021 |
Regional |
Fibromyalgia in Children, Midwest Regional American Juvenile Arthritis Organization, Arlington Heights, Illinois, 08/1999 |
Pediatric Fibromyalgia, Watertown Memorial Hospital Grand Rounds, Watertown Wisconsin, 10/2000 |
Rusy, A Navani, Treatment of Tremors in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome-A Case Report., MARC, Milwaukee, WI, 03/2001 |
Acupuncture and Cognitive Behavioral Therapies for Chronic Pain and Illness, Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America, Wisconsin Dells, 01/2005 |
Rusy, Acupuncture in Pediatric Pain Problems, Best Practices, Wisconsin Dells, 03/2009 |
Rusy, Acupuncture in Pediatric Pain Problems, Best Practices, Wisconsin Dells, 03/2009 |
Rusy, Nmamdi Otowa, Simple v. Exchange Transfusion in Sickle Cell Patients before major surgery, MARC, Chicago, Illinois, 03/2014 |
Local |
Pharmacological Management of Pain-Pediatric Pharmacology, Nursing Outreach, UW School Nursing, 06/1995 |
Third World Medicine, St. Luke's Hospital, Milwaukee Wi, 05/1997 |
Fibromyalgia in the Pediatric Population, Grand Rounds, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, 08/1997 |
Neuromuscular Blocking Agents, Operating Room Nurses Lecture Series, Children's Hospital Wisconsin, 11/1997 |
Management of Fibromyalgia in the Pediatric Population, National Multidisciplinary Pain Symposium Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 05/1998 |
Acupuncture, Orthopedic Grand Rounds, MCW, 03/1999 |
Acupuncture,, Children's Hospital Wisconsin grand rounds, Milwaukee WI, 08/1999 |
Pain Treatment Modalities, Pediatric Sports Mini Camp, Children's Hospital Wisconsin, 09/2000 |
Pediatric Acupuncture in Practice, American Academy Medical Acupuncture Meeting, Madison WI, 05/2003 |
Complementary Medicine in Pediatrics, Visiting Nurse Association Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, 12/2003 |
Acupuncture-To the Point, Combined Conference, ICU, Anesthesia, Surgery, Children's wisconsin, 05/2009 - 05/Present |
Acute and Chronic Pain in Children, AAPM board review Meeting, Madison WI, 08/2009 |
It Works, Acupuncture in Children. Family Workshop “The Healing Touch”, Maxishare Family Presentation, Children's Hospital wisconsin, 09/2010 |
Tran ST, Hainsworth KR, AKhan KA, Ladwig R, Rusy LM, Varadarajan J, Guastello AD, Davies WH, Weisman SJ, Stability of anxiety ratings and parent-child concordance in a pediatric chronic pain population, Midwest Regional Conference on Pediatric Health Psychology, Milwaukee, WI, 04/2012 |
Pediatric Acupuncture at CHW, Channel 4 TV interview, Milwaukee, WI, 09/2013 |
Rusy, Gallo, Hainsworth, Khan, Davies, Weisman, Child and parent health-related quality of life in families receiving treatment for pediatric chronic pain, Midwest regional Pediatric Psychology Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, 11/2013 |
Acupuncture in Pediatric Pain Management, Pediatric Rheumatology Grand Rounds, Children's Hospital WI, 03/2014 |
Management of the chronic pain patient for surgical procedures, Combined Conference Surgery, ICU, Anesthesia, Children's Hospital wisconsin, 04/2014 |
Rusy Hickman, Stucke, Anesthetic Management of Duchene’s Muscular Dystrophy for PSF, Case Conference, Froedtert Hospital, 01/2015 |
ABCs of Pain Management, Urology Rounds, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, 12/2018 |
Anesthesiology, Arrowhead Medical Career Day, Arrowhead High School, 10/2019 |
Rusy, Spinal Fusion Anesthesia Information, Virtual meeting with patients and families, Children's Wisconsin, virtual, 05/05/2021 |
International |
Acupuncture Workshop, Yearly at ASA, Varies, 10/2000 - Present |
No More Blood Patch in Cancer Patients, SPA-AAP, Bahamas, 02/2020 |
National |
Pediatric Fiberoptic Intubation Workshop, ASA, Dallas TX, 10/1999 |
A randomized, double blind, controlled trial of gabapentin use to decrease opioid consumption in the pediatric idiopathic spinal fusion patient, ASA, New Orleans, LA, 10/2009 |
Rusy, Craig Cummings, George Hoffman, Noli Pontes Ignii Consumere”-Anesthetic Considerations for Patients with Anterior Medaistinal Mass, ASA, San Francisco, CA, 10/2013 |
Rusy, Hainsworth, Simpson, Ali, Liu, Varadarajan, Weisman, Sensory Dysfunction in Adolescents with Co-Occurring Obesity and Chronic Pain., Obesity Society Meeting, Atlanta, GA, 11/2013 |
Rusy, Martin, A, Beyond Lidocaine…The Use of Compounded, Topical Therapies for Chronic Neuropathic Pain, SPA/AAP, Coloroado Springs, CO, 04/2016 |
Rusy, S. Peterson, Who is taking what? What to do when controlled substances involved. PBLD, SPPM, Austin TX, 02/2017 |
Acupuncture Workshop, Pediatric Pain Medicine, Austin TX, 03/2017 |
Rusy, Pain Pathways, 3rd annual Interdisciplinary Conference Pediatric Palliative Oncology Symposium, S, Memphis TNt. Jude, 09/2019 |
Lynn Rusy, Clinical Pediatric Acupuncture, Lower Extremity Points, Society Pediatric Pain Virtual Meeting, Virtual, 04/22/2021 |
Medical College of Wisconsin |
05/1994 - 05/1997 Member, Subcommittee on Educational Productivity, Anesthesia, MCW |
05/1994 - 12/1997 Clinical Education Task Force, Anesthesia, MCW |
Hospital |
05/1994 - 05/1997 member, Family Centered Task Force, Pediatrics, Children's Wisconsin |
05/1994 - 05/1997 member, Clinical Education Task Force, Anesthesia, Children's Wisconsin |
05/1995 - 12/2000 Pharmacy and Therapeutic Committee, Anesthesia, CW |
05/1996 - 05/1997 Member, EMLA Task Force, Anesthesia, CHW |
04/1998 - 05/2008 Member, Committee for improvement in patient and staff issues around CHW Surgical experiences,, Urology, CHW |
05/1998 - Present Member, Committee for improvement in patient and staff issues around CHW Surgical experiences, Orthopedics, CHW |
12/1999 - 06/2007 Member, Service Standards, Anesthesia, CHW |
03/2001 - 07/2001 Committee to develop guidelines for blood product ordering on Nissen Fundiloplication patients in Operating Room, Anesthesia, CHW |
01/2012 - 2017 Member, Operating Room Recycling, Anesthesia, CHW |
01/2012 - 01/2019 Member, LEAN at CHW Operating Room, Anesthesia, CHW |
Resident and Fellow Education |
05/1997 Neuraxial Opioids lecture to Residents |
11/1997 Core Curriculum Lecture Pediatric Induction Techniques |
02/1998 Invasive Procedures Workshop |
04/20/2022 Headache Mgmt for sport med staff |
Medical Student Education |
01/1994 - Present CHW, Daily supervision 3,4th year medical students rotating in operating room |
09/2019 CHW, Fellow Pain Management Case series |
09/25/2020 - Present CHW, Pectus pain mangement |
Graduate Student Education |
01/1994 - Present CHW Pain Center, Weekly supervision psychology graduate students in chronic pain clinic |
Resident and Fellow Education |
05/1992 - Present MCW Pain Clinic, yearly lecture to Pain Medicine Fellows on Acupuncture |
01/1994 - Present CHW, Daily instruction residents/fellow in operating room |
01/1994 - Present CHW, Participation monthly fellow journal clubs, lead 2per year |
01/1994 - Present CHW, Lecture Series Residents/Fellows |
01/1994 - Present CHW, Supervision/teaching Pediatric Anesthesia Fellows |
04/1997 CHW, Anesthesia Invasive Procedures Workshop |
05/2006 CHW, Gabapentin in Pediatric Pain Mgmt Journal Club |
06/2019 CHW, Fellow Advanced Pain Lecture |
07/2019 CHW, Acute Pain Lecture |
09/2019 CHW, Mock Oral |
09/2019 CHW, Fellow Chronic Pain |
02/2020 CHW, Acute Pain Lecture |
02/2020 CHW, Mock Oral Fellows |
07/2020 CW, Pectus Pain Management lecture |
10/2020 CW, Acute Pain lecture |
02/2021 CHW, Chronic pain lecture |
05/07/2021 CW, M+M Pulmonary Alv. Proteinosis |
05/08/2021 CHW, Acute pain management lecture |
05/2021 CHW, Morbidity and mortality lecture |
06/10/2021 Children's Wisconsin, Supervised M Velamati on lecture blood disorders |
06/10/2021 - Present Children's Wisconsin, Supervise Fellow MVelamati blood disorder lecture to residents |
Continuing Medical Education |
06/2009 CHW, Anesthesia/ICU/Surgery Combined Conference on Acupuncture Basics |
04/22/2021 Academy Pediatric Pain Virtual Meeting |
04/10/2022 - Present CW, Chronic Pain for Hospitalists grand rounds |
Community/Lay Public |
01/1994 - Present CHW, Instruction in Anesthesia of parametic students, RN, ICU residents |
09/2021 CHW, Spine fusion management education for patients |
Medical Students |
2014 - 2015 Kristina Parthum, Job Shadow, MCW |
Residents |
01/1995 - 01/1999 Anne Marie Manley, Mentor, MCW |
1998 - 2000 Kathy Kinghorn, Mentor, MCW |
2000 - 2003 Amanda McQueen, Mentor, MCW |
2003 - 2006 Katie Tuler, Mentor, MCW |
2008 - 2011 Danielle Claypool, Mentor, MCW |
2015 - 2017 Kim Jacobsen, Mentor, MCW |
2020 - 2022 Annie Lincoln, Mentor, MCW |
High School Students |
2017 Clare Ove, Job Shadow, CHW |
2019 Ashley Breitzman, job shadow, CHW |
2019 Emily Moe, Mentor, CHW |
2019 Megan Spyers, job shadow, CHW |
2019 Brooke Gile, job shadow, CHW |
Undergraduate Students |
2018 Alyssa Mcklosy, Staff, CHW |
Clinical/Research Fellows |
2008 - 2009 Danielle Claypool, Fellowship, CHW |
2011 - 2012 Danielle Claypool, Mentor |
2020 Nam Ward, Fellow, CHW |
09/2007 Med Star TV Syndication Interview on Pediatric acupuncture |
03/2009 Lake Country School Anesthesia Presentation to kindergarten class |
09/2009 Lake Country Elementary School Presentation to First Grade Class on Anesthesia |
2009 - 2015 Lake Country Congregational Church Bread of Life Meals monthly |
05/2012 - 05/2020 Girl Scout Leader Troop 2614, Hartland, Wisconsin |
03/2013 - 2013 Presentation on Career in Anesthesia to 12th grade class Pewaukee High School
02/2014 - Present Lake Country School Education Foundation, Evaluation for summer student scholarships, interview students yearly for awarding funds for summer programs
12/1998 Fibromyalgia/Pain Management
Children’s Hour Publication, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin
To the Point: Acupuncture Catches on with Children
Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel Newspaper
09/1999 Acupuncture
SuiGeneris, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin
10/1999 Advances Provide Pain Relief for Children
Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel Newspaper
12/1999 Acupuncture
The Picture of Health – Donor Report, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin
12/1999 Acupuncture
Children’s Hour Publication, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin
12/1999 Playing Through the Pain - Fibromyalgia Patient Report
Children’s Hour Publication, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin
02/2000 Pediatric Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
Milwaukee Television Station - WTMJ
05/2000 Getting Better, One Step at a Time – Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
Children’s Hour Publication, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin
01/2001 Milwaukee - City by the Waters, by Bob Uecker
Mentioned on acupuncture use in Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, page 311
Towery Publishing, Inc.
05/2002 Pain Killers Exclusively Yours
02/2007 Acupuncture Can be an Effective Option for Children
Health Link, Medical College of Wisconsin
06/2007 Ancient Art of Healing - Wauwatosa Now
Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers |
1. Dayer AM., Kapanci Y., Rademakers A., Rusy LM., DeMay J., Will JA. Increased Numbers of Neuroepithelial Bodies in Lungs of Fetal Rhesus Monkey Following Maternal Dexamethasone Treatment. Cell tissue Res 1985; 239: 703-705. |
2. Rusy LM., Houck CS., Sullivan LJ., Ohlms LA., Jones DT., McGill TJ., Berde CB. A Double Blind Evaluation of Ketorolac Tromethamine Versus Acetaminophen in the Pediatric Tonsillectomy Patient, Effects on Analgesia and Bleeding. Anesthesia and Analgesia 1995; 80:226-9. |
3. Houck CS., RT., Rusy LM., Burrows FJ. Wilder Pharmacokinetics of a higher dose of rectal acetaminophen in children. Anesthesiology 83:A1126, 1995. |
4. McNeely JK., Trentadue NC., Rusy LM., Farber NE. Culture of Bacteria from Lumbar and Caudal Epidural Catheters Used for Postoperative Analgesia in Children. Regional Anesthesia 1997;22(5):428-31. |
5. McNeely JK., Farber NE., Rusy LM., Hoffman GM. Epidural Analgesia Improves Outcome Following Pediatric Fundiloplication. Regional Anesthesia 1997;22(1)16-23. |
6. Rusy LM., Olsen D., Farber NE. Successful Use of Patient-Controlled Analgesia in Pediatric Patients Two and Three Years Old: Case Reports. The American Journal of Anesthesiology 1997;14(4),212-4. |
7. Rusy LM., Usaleva E. Paediatric Anaesthesia Review. World Anaesthesia 1998;8,1 -14. |
8. Rusy LM., Harvey SA., Beste DJ. Pediatric Fibromyalgia and Dizziness-Evaluation of Vestibular Function. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 1999;20(4):3 -7. |
9. Rusy LM., Weisman SJ. Complimentary Therapies for Acute Pediatric Pain Management. Clinics of North America 2000;47(3):13(1-10). |
10. Rusy LM., Troshynski T., Weisman SJ. Gabapentin in Phantom Limb Pain Management in Children and Young Adults. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 2001;21(1), 78-82. |
11. Rusy LM., Hoffman GM., Weisman SJ. Electroacupuncture Prophylaxis of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting Following Pediatric Tonsillectomy with or without Adenoidectomy. Anesthesiology 2002;96(2),300-305. |
12. Rusy, LM., Hoffman GM., Weisman SJ. Acupuncture for Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting Prophylaxis: Where's the Point? Anesthesiology 2002;97(4),1039. |
13. Rusy, LM., Weisman SJ. Acute Postoperative Pediatric Pain Management: Pearls from a busy Children's Hospital. Techniques in Regional Anesthesia and Pain Management 2002;6(2). |
14. Rusy, LM., Jacobsen RD., Weisman SJ. Treatment of Tremors in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome-A Case Report. Navani, A., Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 2003;25(4)386-340. |
15. Rusy LM. A Child with Feeding Aversion Corrected with Acupuncture-A Case Report. Medical Acupuncture, 2007;19(4)229-31. |
16. Rusy, LM., Hainsworth K., Nelson, T, Czarnecki, M., Tassone, C., Thometz J., Lyon R., Berens R., Weisman S. Gabapentin Use in Pediatric Spinal Fusion Patients: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Controlled Trial. Anesthesia and Analgesia, 2010;110(5)1393-1398. |
17. Rusy, LM, Weisman SJ, Hainsworth KR. Developing an in-patient acupuncture treatment in a pediatric hospital. J Complement Integr Med. 2013,10(2) 1-4. |
18. Lyon V., Rusy LM., Strikwerda MS. Case Report: Botulinum toxin for treatment of painful steroid atrophy. J Dermatological Surgery 2012 |
19. Hainsworth KR, Simpson PM, Ali O, Varadarajan J, Rusy LM, Weisman S. Obesity alters pain thresholds in adolescents with chronic pain, Manuscript in preparation CJP 2020 |
20. Seasonal variation in pediatric chronic pain clinic triage call volume. Jastrowski Mano KE, Gibler RC, Rusy LM, Ladwig RJ, Madormo CO, Hainsworth KE. Pain Management Nursing, 2017 10;18(5): 288-94 PMID:28778414 |
21. Outcomes Associated with PNCA vs. Continuous Opioid Infusion in the NICU: A Preliminary Randomized Controlled Trial. Czarnecki M, Hainsworth KE, Simpson P, Arca M, Uhing M, Grippel A, Varaqdarajan J, Rusy L, Weisman SJ. Submitted to Pediatric Anesthesia 11/17 |
22. Persistent Subcutaneous CSF leak after Removal of Epidural Catheter, Case Report. Rusy LM, Dziamski, AE, Amin, SJ, Weisman, SJ. Pediatric Anesthesia 2019; DOI 10.1111, 1-2. 2019. |
23. Current Diagnoses and Treatment of Myofascial Pain Syndrome. Peterson SJ, Rusy LM. Society Pediatric Pain Syndrome Newsletter, Winter Issue 2019 |
24. A Pilot Randomised Controlled Trial of Outcomes Associated with Parent/Nurse Controlled Analgesia vs. Continuous Opioid Infusion in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Pain Managemnt Nursing, Czarnecki M, Grippe A, Firary A, Weisman S, Hainsworth K, Shang L, Varadarajan J, Rusy LM, Simpson P, Arca M, Uning M 21(1); 77-80, 2/2020 |
25. Quantitative Sensory Testing in Adolescents with Co-occurring Chronic
Pain and Obesity: A Pilot study. K Hainsworth, P Simpson, O Ali, J Varadarajan, L Rusy, S Weisman. Children.Submitted for publication 4/2020 |
26. Opioids for Post Surgical Pain Management in Children with Developmental Delay: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Parent/Nurse Controlled Analgesia Compared with Intravenous PRN. Czarnecki ML, Hainsworth K, Simpson PM, Arca MJ, Uhimg MR, Varadarajan J, Rusy LM, Firary M, Weisman SJ. Pain Management Nursing 2020.21(1):72-80. |
27. Dayer AM., Kapanci Y., Rademakers A., Rusy LM., DeMay J., Will JA. Increased Numbers of Neuroepithelial Bodies in Lungs of Fetal Rhesus Monkey Following Maternal Dexamethasone Treatment. Cell tissue Res 1985; 239: 703-705. |
28. Rusy LM., Houck CS., Sullivan LJ., Ohlms LA., Jones DT., McGill TJ., Berde CB. A Double Blind Evaluation of Ketorolac Tromethamine Versus Acetaminophen in the Pediatric Tonsillectomy Patient, Effects on Analgesia and Bleeding. Anesthesia and Analgesia 1995; 80:226-9. |
29. Houck CS., RT., Rusy LM., Burrows FJ. Wilder Pharmacokinetics of a higher dose of rectal acetaminophen in children. Anesthesiology 83:A1126, 1995. |
30. McNeely JK., Trentadue NC., Rusy LM., Farber NE. Culture of Bacteria from Lumbar and Caudal Epidural Catheters Used for Postoperative Analgesia in Children. Regional Anesthesia 1997;22(5):428-31. |
31. McNeely JK., Farber NE., Rusy LM., Hoffman GM. Epidural Analgesia Improves Outcome Following Pediatric Fundiloplication. Regional Anesthesia 1997;22(1)16-23. |
32. Rusy LM., Olsen D., Farber NE. Successful Use of Patient-Controlled Analgesia in Pediatric Patients Two and Three Years Old: Case Reports. The American Journal of Anesthesiology 1997;14(4),212-4. |
33. Rusy LM., Usaleva E. Paediatric Anaesthesia Review. World Anaesthesia 1998;8,1 -14. |
34. Rusy LM., Harvey SA., Beste DJ. Pediatric Fibromyalgia and Dizziness-Evaluation of Vestibular Function. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 1999;20(4):3 -7. |
35. Rusy LM., Weisman SJ. Complimentary Therapies for Acute Pediatric Pain Management. Clinics of North America 2000;47(3):13(1-10). |
36. Rusy LM., Troshynski T., Weisman SJ. Gabapentin in Phantom Limb Pain Management in Children and Young Adults. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 2001;21(1), 78-82. |
37. Rusy LM., Hoffman GM., Weisman SJ. Electroacupuncture Prophylaxis of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting Following Pediatric Tonsillectomy with or without Adenoidectomy. Anesthesiology 2002;96(2),300-305. |
38. Rusy, LM., Hoffman GM., Weisman SJ. Acupuncture for Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting Prophylaxis: Where's the Point? Anesthesiology 2002;97(4),1039. |
39. Rusy, LM., Weisman SJ. Acute Postoperative Pediatric Pain Management: Pearls from a busy Children's Hospital. Techniques in Regional Anesthesia and Pain Management 2002;6(2). |
40. Rusy, LM., Jacobsen RD., Weisman SJ. Treatment of Tremors in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome-A Case Report. Navani, A., Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 2003;25(4)386-340. |
41. Rusy LM. A Child with Feeding Aversion Corrected with Acupuncture-A Case Report. Medical Acupuncture, 2007;19(4)229-31. |
42. Rusy, LM., Hainsworth K., Nelson, T, Czarnecki, M., Tassone, C., Thometz J., Lyon R., Berens R., Weisman S. Gabapentin Use in Pediatric Spinal Fusion Patients: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Controlled Trial. Anesthesia and Analgesia, 2010;110(5)1393-1398. |
43. Rusy, LM, Weisman SJ, Hainsworth KR. Developing an in-patient acupuncture treatment in a pediatric hospital. J Complement Integr Med. 2013,10(2) 1-4. |
44. Lyon V., Rusy LM., Strikwerda MS. Case Report: Botulinum toxin for treatment of painful steroid atrophy. J Dermatological Surgery 2012 |
45. Hainsworth KR, Simpson PM, Ali O, Varadarajan J, Rusy LM, Weisman S. Obesity alters pain thresholds in adolescents with chronic pain, Manuscript in preparation CJP 2016 |
46. Seasonal variation in pediatric chronic pain clinic triage call volume. Jastrowski Mano KE, Gibler RC, Rusy LM, Ladwig RJ, Madormo CO, Hainsworth KE. Pain Management Nursing, 2017 10;18(5): 288-94 PMID:28778414 |
47. Persistent Subcutaneous CSF leak after Removal of Epidural Catheter, Case Report. Rusy LM, Dziamski, AE, Amin, SJ, Weisman, SJ. Pediatric Anesthesia 2019; DOI 10.1111, 1-2. 2019. |
48. Current Diagnoses and Treatment of Myofascial Pain Syndrome. Peterson SJ, Rusy LM. Society Pediatric Pain Syndrome Newsletter, Winter Issue 2019 |
49. A Pilot Randomised Controlled Trial of Outcomes Associated with Parent/Nurse Controlled Analgesia vs. Continuous Opioid Infusion in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Pain Managemnt Nursing, Czarnecki M, Grippe A, Firary A, Weisman S, Hainsworth K, Shang L, Varadarajan J, Rusy LM, Simpson P, Arca M, Uning M 21(1) ; 77-80,2/2020 |
50. Opioids for Postsurgical Pain Management in Children with Developmental Delay: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Parent/Nurse-Controlled Analgesia Compared with Intravenous PRN. Czarnecki, M.L., Hainsworth, K., Simpson, P.M., Arca, M.J., Uhing, M.R, Grippe, A., Varadarajan, J., Rusy, L., Firary, M., & Weisman, S.J. (2020). Pain Management Nursing. 21(1):72-80. |
51. Quantitative Sensory Testing in Adolescents with Co-occurring Chronic in Obesity: A Pilot study. K Hainsworth, P Simpson, O Ali, J Varadarajan, L Rusy, S Weisman. Children. 7:55, 10:3390. |
52. Considering Targeted Muscle Reinnervation in Pediatric Amputees: 2 Cases and the Special Challenges with Pediatric TMR. Brian Vial MD, Margaret Lieb MS, Haley Pysick BS, Patrick Hettinger MD, Lynn Rusy MD, Gwendolyn Hoben MD PhD Submitted for publication 3/2021 |
Books, Chapters, and Reviews |
1. Palmisano BW., Rusy LM. Anesthesia for Plastic Surgery. In: Gregory GA., eds. Pediatric Anesthesia. Fourth Edition Churchill Livingston Inc. 2002 |
2. Weisman, SJ, Rusy LM, Pain Management in Infants and Children. In: Mosby eds. Smith's Anesthesia for Infants and Children. Seventh Edition, Mosby. 2006. |
3. Rusy LM. Chapter 7: Clinical Management of Musculoskeletal Pain Syndromes. In: Springer. Eds. Handbook of Pediatric Chronic Pain: Current Science and Integrative Practice. 9/2009 |
4. Rusy LM. Yuan-Chi Lin et al. Acupuncture Pain Management/Point Location. Handbook. Chapter 19 Jun Yin Pericardium Meridian, Chapter 20 Shao Yang Jiao Meridian, Chapter 21 Shao Yang Gall Bladder Meridian, Chapter 22 Jun Yin Liver Meridian, Springer Science and Business. 2014. |
5. Palmisano BW., Rusy LM. Anesthesia for Plastic Surgery. In: Gregory GA., eds. Pediatric Anesthesia. Fourth Edition Churchill Livingston Inc. 2002 |
6. Weisman, SJ, Rusy LM, Pain Management in Infants and Children. In: Mosby eds. Smith's Anesthesia for Infants and Children. Seventh Edition, Mosby. 2006. |
7. Rusy LM. Chapter 7: Clinical Management of Musculoskeletal Pain Syndromes. In: Springer. Eds. Handbook of Pediatric Chronic Pain: Current Science and Integrative Practice. 9/2009 |
8. Rusy LM. Yuan-Chi Lin et al. Acupuncture Pain Management/Point Location. Handbook. Chapter 19 Jun Yin Pericardium Meridian, Chapter 20 Shao Yang Jiao Meridian, Chapter 21 Shao Yang Gall Bladder Meridian, Chapter 22 Jun Yin Liver Meridian, Springer Science and Business. 2014. |
Database, Video, or Other Research/Clinical Contributions |
1. Rusy LM. Institution of Use of R-Gel in Pediatric Pain Program, with recruitment of Reggie White to speak at gathering of pain patients and families, 07/1998. |
2. Rusy LM. Production of Pain Video-Low Impact Exercise Workout-Fighting Fibromyalgia, Maxishare, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Copyright 1996. |
3. Rusy LM. Production of Pain Video-Low Impact Exercise Workout-Fighting Fibromyalgia, Maxishare, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Copyright 1996. |
4. Rusy LM. Institution of Use of R-Gel in Pediatric Pain Program, with recruitment of Reggie White to speak at gathering of pain patients and families, 07/1998. |