Medical College of Wisconsin
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Mario G. Gasparri MD
Department of Surgery
Division of Cardiothoracic

Froedtert West Clinics
9200 W Wisconsin Ave
Milwaukee, WI 53226

08/1985 - 05/1989 BS Biomedical Engineering - Cum Laude, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI
08/1989 - 05/1993 MD, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

07/1993 - 06/1996 Junior Resident - General Surgery, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI
07/1996 - 06/1997 Fellow - Surgical Intensive Care, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI
07/1997 - 06/1999 Chief Resident - General Surgery, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI
07/1999 - 06/2001 Fellow - Cardiothoracic Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

07/2001 - 06/2009 Assistant Professor, Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
10/2006 - Present Clinical Associate Professor, College of Health Science, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI
07/2009 - 07/2015 Associate Professor, Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
07/2015 - 01/2016 Professor, Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
05/2017 - Present Clinical Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine, Milwaukee, WI
07/2018 - Present Professor, Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

07/2005 - 05/2007 Associate Program Director, Thoracic Surgery Residency Program, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
05/2007 - Present Program Director, Thoracic Surgery Residency Program, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

06/2017 - 06/2018 Chief, Division of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery, SSM Health - St. Mary's Hospital, Madison, WI
07/2017 - 04/2018 Trauma Medical Director, SSM Health - St. Mary's Hospital, Madison, WI

07/2001 - Present Attending Staff, Clement J Zablocki VA Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI
07/2001 - Present Active Staff, Froedert Hospital, Milwaukee, WI
02/2002 - Present Courtesy Staff, Community Memorial Hospital, Menomonee Falls, WI
02/2005 - Present Active Staff, Waukesha Memorial Hospital, Waukesha, WI
07/2005 - 01/2016 Courtesy/Consulting Staff, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
05/2008 - 01/2016 Associate Staff, Columbia St Mary's Hospital, Milwaukee, WI
01/2016 - 06/2018 Active Staff, SSM Health - St. Mary's Hospital, Madison, WI
06/2017 - 06/2018 Active Staff, University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, Madison, WI

Issued By Issue DateExpiration
American Board of Surgery
American Board of Thoracic Surgery

Number Issue DateExpiration
Wisconsin License
Michigan License

1985 - 1989 Academic Scholarship, Marquette University
1988 Outstanding College Students of America Award
1989 Outstanding College Students of America Award
1989 Tau Beta Pi , Engineering Honors Society
1989 Cum Laude Graduate , Marquette University
1997 First Place - Henry Ford Hospital Fellowship Research Forum: “Adrenal Hypofunction in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit”
1999 Second Place - Henry Ford Hospital Research Forum: “Retrograde Jejunogastric Intussusception: A Case Report and Review of the Literature”
2001 MCWAH Housestaff Award for Excellence in Teaching
2002 Junior Medical Student “Outstanding Teacher”
2004 Milwaukee’s Best Doctors, Milwaukee Magazine
2007 - 2008 Best Doctors in America
2008 Milwaukee’s Best Doctors, Milwaukee Magazine
2009 - 2010 Best Doctors in America
2011 Milwaukee's Super Doctors
2011 - 2012 Best Doctors in America
2013 - 2014 Best Doctors in America
2013 Thoracic Surgery Residency Faculty Teaching Award
2015 - 2016 Best Doctors in America
2017 - 2018 Best Doctors in America
2018 Madison's Best Doctors, Madison Magazine

1996 - Present Society of Critical Care Medicine (Member)
2001 - 2009 American College of Surgeons (Associate Fellow)
2002 - Present American College of Surgeons Oncology Group (Member)
2004 - Present American College of Chest Physicians (Fellow)
2005 - Present Society of Thoracic Surgeons (Member)
2007 - Present Thoracic Surgery Directors Association (Member)
2008 - Present General Thoracic Surgical Club (Member)
2009 - Present American College of Surgeons (Fellow)
2010 - Present International Society for Minimally Invasive Cardiothoracic Surgery
2011 - Present Wisconsin Surgical Society
2011 - Present European Association of Cardiothoracic Surgery
2012 - Present Association of VA Surgeons

Journal Review
2000 - Present Journal of Trauma
2005 - 2015 American College of Chest Physicians Clinical Congress
2007 - Present The Annals of Thoracic Surgery
2008 - 2015 American College of Chest Physicians Clinical Congress
2010 - Present The Annals of Surgical Oncology
2012 - Present Diseases of the Esophagus

1994 - 1999 Member, Department of General Surgery Resident Education Committee
1997 - 1999 Member, Medical Education Director Search Committee, Henry Ford Hospital
1997 - 1999 Chairman, House Officer Council, Henry Ford Hospital
2002 - 2004 Member, Tobacco Prevention Research and Education Project (T-PREP) Committee
2002 - 2004 Member, Dept of Surgery Outcomes Interest and Research Group, Medical College of Wisconsin
2003 - 2007 Member, Dept of Surgery Clinical Research Initiative Steering Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
2004 - 2008 Member, Professionalism Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
2006 Team Leader, Internal Review of the MCWAH Plastic Surgery-Hand Surgery Fellowship Program, Medical College of Wisconsin
2007 - 2009 Member, Faculty Council, Medical College of Wisconsin
2009 Member, Internal Review of the MCWAH Pediatric Surgery Fellowship Program, Medical College of Wisconsin
2010 - 2016 Member, Froedtert Health Physician Preference Committee, Froedtert Hospital
2010 - 2012 Member, Resident Education and Evaluation Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
2010 - 2012 Member, Residency Curriculum Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
2011 - 2012 Member, Froedtert Hospital Trauma Program Operational Process Performance Committee, Froedtert Hospital
2012 Team Leader, Internal Review of the MCWAH Radiation Oncology Residency Program, Medical College of Wisconsin
2016 - 2018 St. Mary's Madison Trauma Surgery Program Steering Committee, St. Mary's Hospital
2016 - 2018 Member, St. Mary's Madison Trauma Surgery Program Review Committee, St. Mary's Hospital
2016 - 2018 Member, St. Mary's Madison Robot Surgery Steering Committee, St. Mary's Hospital

2012 - Present Chairman, AOTK Thoracic Surgery Expert Group

Peer Review
A Prospective Study of the Prognostic Significance of Occult Metastases in the Patient with Resectable Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma
American College of Surgery Oncology Group (ACOSOG Protocol Z0040)
Role & Effort:
Participating Investigator
2002 - Present
Phase II Trial Of Neoadjuvant Therapy With Concurrent Chemotherapy And High Dose Radiotherapy Followed By Surgical Resection And Consolidative Therapy For Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG 0229)
Role & Effort:
Participating Investigator
2004 - Present
A Pilot Study of Radiofrequency Ablation in High Risk Patients with Stage 1A Non-Small Lung Cancer
American College of Surgery Oncology Group (ACOSOG Z4033)
Role & Effort:
Participating Investigator
2006 - Present
Phase IIB Study to Assess the Efficacy of GSK 249553 as Adjuvant Therapy Given to MAGE-3-Positive Patients With Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer in Stage IB or II, Who Have Had Complete Surgical Resection
Role & Effort:
Participating Investigator
2007 - Present
A Phase III Randomized Trial Of Lobectomy Versus Sublobar Resection For Small (< 2 cm) Peripheral Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
The Cancer and Leukemia Group B (CALGB C14305)
Role & Effort:
Participating Investigator
2007 - Present
A Prospective, Randomized, Controlled Multicenter Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Safety and Effectiveness of the IBV Valve System for the Treatment of Severe Emphysema
Spiration, Inc
Role & Effort:
Participating Investigator
2009 - Present
A Randomized Phase III Study of Sublobar Resection (+/- Brachytherapy) versus Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy in High Risk Patients with Stage I Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)
American College of Surgery Oncology Group (ACOSOG Z4099)
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
2011 - Present
Self Expanding Metal Stents as a Bridge to Surgery in patients with Dysphagia Undergoing Neoadjuvant Therapy for Locally Advanced Esophageal Cancer
Medical College of Wisconsin
Role & Effort:
Participating Investigator
2012 - Present
EMPROVE Trial - A Prospective, Randomized, Controlled Multicenter Clinical Study to Evaluate the Safety and Effectiveness of the IBV® Valve System for the Single-Lobe Treatment of Severe Emphysema
Spiration, Inc
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
2013 - Present
Peer Review
The Effect of Resuscitation from Hemorrhagic Shock Using Banked Blood Versus Diaspirin Cross- Linked Hemoglobin on the Susceptibility to a Delayed Infectious Challenge.”
Henry Ford Hospital Department of Medical Education
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
1996 - 1997
Direct Funds:
A Phase II Study of Preoperative Chemoradiation and Celecoxib Followed by Surgery and Maintenance Celecoxib for Mediastinoscopy-Proven T1-3N2-3M0, Stage IIIA/B, Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Role & Effort:
Participating Investigator
2001 - 2004

Thoracic Stabilization, Chest Wall Reconstruction Symposium, Barcelona, Spain, 06/19/2010
Surgical Management of Flail Chest, the US Experience, Thoracic Trauma Technology, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 06/17/2011
Meet the Experts - Chest Wall Reconstruction, AO Davos Congress 2011, Davos, Switzerland, 12/06/2011
Rib Fixation - Minimally Invasive Techniques, Rib Fixation Colloquium, Park City, Utah, 03/20/2016
Always-Never Debate, Chest Wall Injury Symposium, Park City, Utah, 03/05/2017
Choice of Operation in High-Grade Penetrating Duodenal Injury: The Importance of Anatomic Location, American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, Waikoloa, HI, 09/25/1997
Adrenal Hypofunction in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit, American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, Waikoloa, HI, 09/27/1997
Physical Examination Plus Chest Radiography in Penetrating Periclavicular Trauma: The Appropriate Trigger for Angiography, American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, Boston, MA, 09/18/1999
Pulmonary Tractotomy Versus Lung Resection: Viable Options in Penetrating Lung Injury, American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, San Antonio, TX, 10/12/2000
Thoracotomizing, Surgical Management of Multiple Rib Fractures. Chest 2003 – Case Report Session, Orlando, FL, 10/28/2003
Surgical Management of Flail Chest, 28th Annual Educational Meeting of the Association of Physician Assistants in Cardiovascular Surgery, San Francisco, CA, 01/23/2009
Surgical Management of Flail Chest, 10th Annual Association of Physician Assistants in Cardiovascular Surgery Invasive Skills Workshop, Atlanta, GA, 06/11/2009
Thoracic Stabilization, 29th Annual Educational Meeting of the Association of Physician Assistants in Cardiovascular Surgery, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 01/22/2010
Adrenal Hypofunction in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit, The Detroit Surgical Association, Detroit, MI, 03/24/1997
Adrenal Hypofunction in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit, Resident Day Competition - American College of Surgeons, Michigan Chapter, Detroit, MI, 05/08/1997
Angiography in the Management of Penetrating Periclavicular Trauma, Resident Day Competition - American College of Surgeons, Michigan Chapter, Boyne, MI, 05/06/1999
Clearing the Cervical Spine in Victims of Blunt Assault to the Head and Neck: What is Necessary?, Midwest Surgical Association, Galena, IL, 08/15/1999
Stabilization of Rib Fractures Using Synthes Plates, American College of Surgeons 89th Annual Clinical Congress – Trauma Video Session, Chicago, IL, 10/22/2003 - 10/23/2003
Workup and Management of Pleural Effusions, 35th Annual Winter Refresher Course for Family Medicine, Waukesha, WI, 02/03/2005
Lung Volume Reduction Surgery, Victory Hospital Grand Rounds, Waukegan, IL, 03/30/2006
Lung Volume Reduction Surgery, Beloit Hospital Medical Grand Rounds, Beloit, WI, 04/19/2006
Surgical Management of Flail Chest, St. Vincent's Hospital, Green Bay, WI, 10/20/2006
Serum Proteomes from Two Cases of Lung Cancer Patients Were Compared to That from Healthy Volunteers: Identification of Potential Biomarkers, 21st Symposium of The Protein Society, Boston, MA, 07/24/2007
Surgical Management of Chest Wall Trauma: Rib Stabilization, Trauma Care Beyond the ED-EPIC Campus, Verona, WI, 12/01/2016
Drainage From the Abdominal Wound, Henry Ford Hospital Critical Care Grand Rounds, Detroit, MI, 05/28/1997
Two Trauma Question, Henry Ford Hospital Surgery Grand Rounds, Detroit, MI, 02/27/1999
Lung Resection Following Penetrating Trauma - Factors Relating to Outcome, Wisconsin Thoracic Society, Madison, WI, 04/08/2000
Locally Advanced Lung Cancer, 57th Annual Tri-State Thoracic Society Conference, Egg Harbor, WI, 09/07/2001
Approach to the Failed Laparoscopic Nissen, Medical College of Wisconsin Surgery Grand Rounds, Milwaukee, WI, 02/20/2002
Flail Chest Injuries – MCW Approach, 58th Annual Tri-State Thoracic Society Conference, Egg Harbor, WI, 09/06/2002
Surgical Management of Flail Chest, Medical College of Wisconsin Surgery Grand Rounds, Milwaukee, WI, 01/22/2003
Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Sympathectomy for Hyperhidrosis, Medical College of Wisconsin Dermatology Grand Rounds, Milwaukee, WI, 07/23/2003
Difficult Decisions in Lung Cancer Management, 59th Annual Tri-State Thoracic Society Conference, Egg Harbor, WI, 09/05/2003
Thoracic Surgery Tests and Procedures, Marquette University Physician Assistant Program Lecture Series., Milwaukee, WI, 11/06/2003
Approach to the SICU Patient, Marquette University Physician Assistant Program Lecture Series, Milwaukee, WI, 11/13/2003
Thoracoscopy, Medical College of Wisconsin Pulmonary Medicine Grand Rounds, Milwaukee, WI, 10/15/2004
Pleural Disease, Marquette University Physician Assistant Program Lecture Series, Milwaukee, WI, 11/11/2004
Mediastinal Masses, Marquette University Physician Assistant Program Lecture Series, Milwaukee, WI, 11/18/2004
Thoracic Surgery Tests and Procedures, Marquette University Physician Assistant Program Lecture Series, Milwaukee, WI, 11/11/2005
Pleural Disease, Marquette University Physician Assistant Program Lecture Series, Milwaukee, WI, 11/11/2005
Lung Cancer, Marquette University Physician Assistant Program Lecture Series, Milwaukee, WI, 11/18/2005
Approach to the SICU Patient, Marquette University Physician Assistant Program Lecture Series, Milwaukee, WI, 11/18/2005
Surgical Management of End Stage Lung Disease, West Allis Memorial Hospital Medical Grand Rounds, West Allis, WI, 12/06/2005
Pleural Effusions, Froedtert Hospital Advanced Practice Nurses Continuing Education, Milwaukee, WI, 04/11/2006
Hyperhidrosis, Medical College of Wisconsin Small Stones Community Health Education Class, Milwaukee, WI, 04/11/2006
Pleural Effusions, Froedtert Hospital Advanced Practice Nurses Continuing Education, Milwaukee, WI, 05/09/2006
Hyperhidrosis, St. Mary's on the Lake All Staff Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 06/23/2006
Hyperhidrosis, Community Memorial Hospital Community Health Education Class, Menomonee Falls, WI, 10/31/2006
VATS Lobectomy – Is Less More?, Medical College of Wisconsin Surgery Grand Rounds, Milwaukee, WI, 11/29/2006
Hyperhidrosis, Medical College of Wisconsin Small Stones Community Health Education Class, Milwaukee, WI, 09/27/2007
Chest Tubes, Intensive Care Unit Nurses Continuing Education, Clement J Zablocki VA Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI, 10/09/2007
Hyperhidrosis, Columbia St Mary’s Hospital Medical Grand Rounds, Milwaukee, WI, 06/10/2008
Hyperhidrosis, Medical College of Wisconsin Small Stones Community Health Education Class, Milwaukee, WI, 09/30/2008
Hyperhidrosis, Marquette University Physician Assistant Program Lecture Series, Milwaukee, WI, 03/05/2009
Hyperhidrosis, Medical College of Wisconsin Small Stones Community Health Education Class, Milwaukee, WI, 10/13/2009
Surgical Management of Chest Wall Trauma, Medical College of Wisconsin Surgery Grand Rounds, 11/21/2009
Hyperhidrosis, Marquette University Physician Assistant Program, Milwaukee, WI, 04/15/2010
Approach to the ICU Patient, Marquette University Physician Assistant Program, Milwaukee, WI, 04/15/2010
Pulmonary Function Testing, Marquette University Physician Assistant Program, Milwaukee, WI, 09/01/2011
Approach to the ICU Patient, Marquette University Physician Assistant Program, Milwaukee, WI, 04/19/2012
Robotics in Surgery, Marquette University Physician Assistant Program, Milwaukee, WI, 04/11/2013
Lung Cancer, Marquette University Physician Assistant Program, Milwaukee, WI, 04/11/2013
Lung Cancer, Marquette University Physician Assistant Program, Milwaukee, WI, 04/11/2013
Robotics in Surgery, Marquette University Physician Assistant Program, Milwaukee, WI, 03/27/2014
Hyperhidrosis, St Mary’s Hospital – Madison T.I.C. Talks, Madison, WI, 02/20/2017
Esophagectomy, St Mary’s Hospital Nursing Grand Rounds, Madison, WI, 04/25/2017
Lung Cancer – A Surgeon’s Perspective, SSM Health - St Mary’s Hospital Grand Rounds, 10/05/2017

Kralovich KA, Gasparri MG, Karmy-Jones RC, Choice of Operation in High-Grade Penetrating Duodenal Injury: The Importance of Anatomic Location., American Association for the Surgery of Trauma., Waikoloa, HI, 09/25/1997
Gasparri MG, Horst HM, Adrenal Hypofunction in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit, American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, Waikoloa, HI, 09/27/1997
Gasparri MG, Lorelli DA, Kralovich KA, Physical Examination Plus Chest Radiography in Penetrating Periclavicular Trauma: The Appropriate Trigger for Angiography, American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, Boston, MA, 09/18/1999
Gasparri MG, Karmy-Jones R, Kralovich KA, Patton JH, Pulmonary Tractotomy Versus Lung Resection: Viable Options in Penetrating Lung Injury, American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, San Antonio, TX, 10/12/2000
Gasparri MG, Haasler GB, Stabilization of Rib Fractures Using Synthes Plates, American College of Surgeons 89th Annual Clinical Congress – Trauma Video Session, Chicago, IL, 10/22/2003
Gasparri MG, Almassi GH, Haasler GB, Surgical Management of Multiple Rib Fractures, Chest 2003 – Case Report Session “Thoracotomizing”, Orlando, FL, 10/28/2003
Gasparri MG, Tisol WB, Masroor S, Impact of a Six-Year Integrated Thoracic Surgery Training Program at the Medical College of Wisconsin, Society of Thoracic Surgeons 47th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 01/31/2011
Tisol WB, Gasparri MG, Haasler GB, Pearlstein DP, Transcervical Endoscopic Esophageal Mobilization and Lymph Node Dissection using Endoscopic Vessel Harvesting Instrumentation during Transhiatal Esophagectomy, International Society for Minimally Invasive Cardiothoracic Surgery Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 06/09/2011
Murtaza G, Wyler von Ballmoos M, Tisol W, Pearlstein D, Masroor S, Haasler G, Gasparri MG, Robotic Giant Paraesophageal Hernia Repair, International Society for Minimally Invasive Cardiothoracic Surgery Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 06/09/2011
Dhakal B, Sukumaran S, Haasler G, Tisol W, Gasparri MG, Choong N, Surgery for Lung Cancer in Obese Patients, Riskier or not?, 14th World Conference on Lung Cancer, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 07/03/2011
Gore E, Gasparri MG, Devisetty K, Choong N, Tisol W, Haasler G, Pulmonary resection after high dose radiation therapy (>59 Gy) and concurrent chemotherapy for non-small cell lung cancer, 14th World Conference on Lung Cancer, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 07/07/2011
Gasparri MG, Murtaza G, Wyler von Ballmoos M, Wilcox T, Tisol W, Haasler G, Diaphragm Plication for Diaphragm Paralysis, Chest 2011, Honolulu, HI, 10/26/2011
Haring B, Murtaza G, Gasparri M, Wyler von Ballmoos M, Association of Cardiovascular Events and Apolipoprotein CIII - A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2011 (Poster Session), Orlando, FL, 11/16/2011
Gasparri M, Murtaza G, Tisol W, Haasler G, Robotic Giant Paraesophageal Hernia Repair, 13th World Congress of the International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus, Venice, Italy, 10/17/2012
Lee R, Enter D, Xiaoying, L, Feins, R, Hicks, G, Gasparri M, Takayama, H, Young, J, Calhoon, J, Crawford, F, Mokadam, N, Fann, J, Multi-Center, Coronary Artery Anastomosis Asessment: The Joint Council for Thoracic Surgery Education Tool is Reliable Among Raters, Society of Thoracic Surgeons 49th Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, 01/29/2013
Algahim MF, Tisol WB, Gasparri MG, Robotic-Assisted Laparoscopic Excision of Epiphrenic Diverticulum, Esophageal Myotomy, Dor Fundoplication American College of Surgeons 100th Annual Clinical Congress - Video Session, Washington, DC, 10/07/2013
Varghese TK, Gasparri MG, Mayberry JC, Long WB, Managing Thoracic Trauma: The Debate Continues, American College of Surgeons 100th Annual Clinical Congress - Panel Session, Washington, DC, 10/08/2013
Gasparri MG, Rib Stabilization - Acute Indications and Illustrative Cases, American College of Surgeons 102nd Annual Clinical Congress - Surgical Skills Course, Chicago, IL, 10/04/2015
Gasparri MG, Rib Fractures Chronic Nonunion – Surgical Indications and Bone Grafting, American College of Surgeons 103rd Annual Clinical Congress - Surgical Skills Course, Chicago, IL, 10/19/2016
Wakim B, Halligan B, Greene A, Kajdacsy-Balla A, Gasparri MG, Serum Proteomes from Two Cases of Lung Cancer Patients Were Compared to That from Healthy Volunteers: Identification of Potential Biomarkers, The 21st Symposium of The Protein Society (Poster Session), Boston, MA, 07/24/2007
Gasparri MG, Rib Stabilization, 23rd Annual Meeting of the General Thoracic Surgical Club – Video Session, Carlsbad, CA, 03/12/2010
Dua K, Gasparri MG, Unusual case of esophageal disruption treated with self expanding metal esophageal stents, 16th Annual American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Video Forum at Digestive Disease Week, San Diego, CA, 05/22/2012
Gould J, Gasparri MG, Minimally Invasive Approach GE Junction and Esophageal GIST, 53rd Annual Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract at Digestive Disease Week, San Diego, CA, 05/22/2012
Gasparri MG, Horst HM, Adrenal Hypofunction in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit, Resident Day Competition - American College of Surgeons, Michigan Chapter, Detroit, MI, 05/08/1997
Gasparri MG, Kralovich KA, Angiography in the Management of Penetrating Periclavicular Trauma, Resident Day Competition - American College of Surgeons, Michigan Chapter, Boyne, MI, 05/06/1999
Patton JH, Kralovich KA, Cuschieri J, Gasparri MG, Clearing the Cervical Spine in Victims of Blunt Assault to the Head and Neck: What is Necessary?, Midwest Surgical Association, Galena, IL, 08/15/1999
Gasparri MG, Haasler GB, Lung Resection Following Penetrating Trauma - Factors Relating to Outcome, Wisconsin Thoracic Society, Madison, WI, 04/08/2000
Gasparri MG, Haasler GB, Locally Advanced Lung Cancer, 57th Annual Tri-State Thoracic Society Conference, Egg Harbor, WI, 09/07/2001
Gasparri MG, Haasler GB, Flail Chest Injuries – MCW Approach, 58th Annual Tri-State Thoracic Society Conference, Egg Harbor, WI, 09/06/2002
Gasparri MG, Haasler GB, Difficult Decisions in Lung Cancer Management, 59th Annual Tri-State Thoracic Society Conference, Egg Harbor, WI, 09/05/2003
Tisol W, Gasparri MG, Pearlstein D, Haasler G, Transcervical endoscopic esophageal mobilization and lymph node dissection using endoscopic vessel harvesting instrumentation during transhiatal esophagectomy, Wisconsin Surgical Society, Kohler, WI, 11/04/2011
Gasparri MG, Thoracic Trauma - Chest Wall Fixation, 61st Annual American College of Surgeons Michigan Chapter Meeting, Petoskey, MI, 05/14/2014
Gasparri MG, Horst HM, Adrenal Hypofunction in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit, The Detroit Surgical Association, Detroit, MI, 03/24/1997

04/05/1999 - 04/14/1999 Surgical Mission Trip to Honduras, Baptist Medical Missions International

Medical Student Education
Medical Student Lecture Series
Resident and Fellow Education
Incoming Housestaff Facilitator
Community/Lay Public
Community Lecturer - Small Stones Community Health Education Class Series

Medical Student Education
Society of Thoracic Surgery Meeting - Future Scholar Faculty Mentor
American College of Surgery Meeting - Medical Student Special Interest Session: Cardiothoracic Surgery in the Future
Medical Student Master Clinician Pathway Session Lecturer
Resident and Fellow Education
General Surgery Resident Lecture Series - PGY3, PGY-4 Core Curriculum
Medical College of Wisconsin, Site Director - Thoracic Surgery Rotation - General Surgery PGY-4
Program Director - Thoracic Surgery Integrated 6-year Training program

04/05/1999 - 04/14/1999 Surgical Mission Trip to Honduras, Baptist Medical Missions International

Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. Masroor S, Gasparri M. Integrated Thoracic Residency Program Applicants: The Best and the Brightest? - Invited commentary. Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 2011;92:1591-2
2. Karmy-Jones RC, Vallieres E, Kralovich K, Gasparri MG, et al: A Comparison of Rigid Versus Video Thoracoscopy in the Management of Chest Trauma. Injury 1998;29(9):655-659
3. Gasparri MG, Pipinos II, Bleza DA: Spontaneous Internal Drainage of a Pancreatic Pseudocyst. Journal of the American College of Surgeons 1999;189(6):625
4. Colwell EM, Encarnacion CO, Rein LE, Szabo A, Haasler G, Gasparri M, Tisol W, Johnstone D. Atrial fibrillation after transhiatal esophagectomy with transcervical endoscopic esophageal mobilization: one institution's experience. J Cardiothorac Surg. 2018 Jun 19;13(1):73. PMCID: PMC6007001
5. Pieracci FM, Majercik S, Ali-Osman F, Ang D, Doben A, Edwards JG, French B, Gasparri M, Marasco S, Minshall C, Sarani B, Tisol W, VanBoerum DH, White TW. Consensus statement: Surgical stabilization of rib fractures rib fracture colloquium clinical practice guidelines. Injury. 2017 Feb;48(2):307-321.
6. Obeid FN, Kralovich KA, Gasparri MG, et al: Sphincteroplasty as an Adjunct in Penetrating Duodenal Trauma. Journal of Trauma 1999;47(1):22-24
7. Gasparri MG, Pipinos II, Bleza DA, Shepard AD: Pylephlebitis Secondary to Intestinal Ischemia. Journal of the American College of Surgeons 2000;190(2):265
8. Dua KS, Hogan WJ, Aadam AA, Gasparri M. In-vivo oesophageal regeneration in a human being by use of a non-biological scaffold and extracellular matrix. Lancet. 2016 Jul 02;388(10039):55-61.
9. Gasparri MG, Pipinos II, Kralovich KA, Margolin DA: Retrograde Jejunogastric Intussusception. Southern Medical Journal 2000;93(5):499-500
10. Beyer AM, Freed JK, Durand MJ, Riedel M, Ait-Aissa K, Green P, Hockenberry JC, Morgan RG, Donato AJ, Peleg R, Gasparri M, Rokkas CK, Santos JH, Priel E, Gutterman DD. Critical Role for Telomerase in the Mechanism of Flow-Mediated Dilation in the Human Microcirculation. Circ Res. 2016 Mar 04;118(5):856-66. PMCID: PMC4772813
11. Gasparri MG, Kralovich KA, Pipinos II, Lorelli DA, Obeid FA: Physical Examination Plus Chest Radiography in Penetrating Periclavicular Trauma: The Appropriate Trigger for Angiography. Journal of Trauma 2000;49(6):1029-1033
12. Patton JH, Kralovich KA, Cuschieri J, Gasparri MG: Clearing the Cervical Spine in Victims of Blunt Assault to the Head and Neck: What is Necessary? American Surgeon 2000;66(4):326-331
13. Gasparri MG, Karmy-Jones R, Kralovich KA, Patton JH, Arbabi S: Pulmonary Tractotomy Versus Lung Resection: Viable Options in Penetrating Lung Injury. Journal of Trauma 2001;51(6):1092-1097
14. Rivers EP, Gasparri M, Saad GA, Mlynarek M, Fath J, Horst HM, Wortsman J: Adrenal Insufficiency in High-Risk Surgical ICU Patients. Chest 2001;119(3):889-896.
15. Gasparri MG, Nicolosi AC, Almassi GH: A Novel Approach to the Management of TracheoInnominate Artery Fistula. Annals of Thoracic Surgery 2004;77(4):1424-1426
16. Gasparri MG, Tisol BT, Haasler GB: Roux-En-Y for Debilitating Reflux Following Esophagectomy. American Surgeon, 2005;71(8):687-689
17. Lifchez SD, Gasparri MG, Sanger JR, LoGuidice JA, Godat DM, Tisol WB, Matloub HS: Serratus Anterior in vivo Contractile Force Study. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 2005;116(3):839-845
18. Gasparri MG, Tisol WB, Haasler, GB: Rib Stabilization: Lessons Learned. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 2010;36:435–440
19. Wyler von Ballmoos MC, Masroor S, Murtaza G, Franco J, Gasparri MG, Rubenstein JC. Epicardial Lymphoproliferative Disease Involving the Coronary Arteries. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2011:58;1825
20. Gasparri MG, Tisol WB, Masroor S. Impact of a six-year integrated thoracic surgery training program at the Medical College of Wisconsin. Ann Thorac Surg. 2012 Feb;93(2):592-5; discussion 596-7.
21. Wyler von Ballmoos M, Murtaza G, Gasparri M, Masroor S. Reconstruction of the right atrium using an extracellular matrix patch in a patient with severe mediastinal aspergillosis. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2013;4(3):290-2. PMCID: PMC3604682
22. Dhakal B, Eastwood D, Sukumaran S, Hassler G, Tisol W, Gasparri M, Choong N, Santana-Davila R. Morbidities of lung cancer surgery in obese patients. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2013 Aug;146(2):379-84. PMCID: PMC4986510
23. Lebastchi AH, Tackett JJ, Argenziano M, Calhoon JH, Gasparri MG, Halkos ME, Hicks GL Jr, Iannettoni MD, Ikonomidis JS, McCarthy PM, Starnes SL, Tong BC, Yuh DD. First nationwide survey of US integrated 6-year cardiothoracic surgical residency program directors. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2014 Aug;148(2):408-15.e1. PMCID: PMC4336151
24. LoGiudice JA, Wyler von Ballmoos MC, Gasparri MG, Lao WW. When the Gastrointestinal Conduit for Total Esophageal Reconstruction Is Not an Option: Review of the Role of Skin Flaps and Report of Salvage With a Single-Stage Tubed Anterolateral Thigh Flap. Ann Plast Surg. 2016 Apr;76(4):463-7.
25. Colwell EM, Algahim MF, Rao A, Gasparri MG. Primary pulmonary leiomyosarcoma with invasion of the pulmonary vein-A case report. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2016;19:103-5. PMCID: PMC4756197
Books, Chapters, and Reviews
1. Self-Assessment Color Review of Cardiothoracic Critical Care. Karmy-Jones RC and Horst HM Eds. Lippincott-Raven Publishers, Philadelphia, PA 1998
2. Gasparri MG and Horst HM, Mechanical Ventilation of the Trauma Patient in Current Therapy of Trauma. Trunkey and Lewis Eds. Mosby, St. Louis, Missouri 1999.
3. Colour Review of General Critical Care. Horst HM and Karmy-Jones R Eds. Manson Publishing, London UK 2001
Editorials, Letters To Editor, Other
1. Masroor S, Gasparri M. Invited commentary. Ann Thorac Surg. 2011 Nov;92(5):1591-2.
2. Wolfe GI, Kaminski HJ, Aban IB, Minisman G, Kuo HC, Marx A, Ströbel P, Mazia C, Oger J, Cea JG, Heckmann JM, Evoli A, Nix W, Ciafaloni E, Antonini G, Witoonpanich R, King JO, Beydoun SR, Chalk CH, Barboi AC, Amato AA, Shaibani AI, Katirji B, Lecky BR, Buckley C, Vincent A, Dias-Tosta E, Yoshikawa H, Waddington-Cruz M, Pulley MT, Rivner MH, Kostera-Pruszczyk A, Pascuzzi RM, Jackson CE, Garcia Ramos GS, Verschuuren JJ, Massey JM, Kissel JT, Werneck LC, Benatar M, Barohn RJ, Tandan R, Mozaffar T, Conwit R, Odenkirchen J, Sonett JR, Jaretzki A 3rd, Newsom-Davis J, Cutter GR, MGTX Study Group. Randomized Trial of Thymectomy in Myasthenia Gravis. N Engl J Med. 2016 Aug 11;375(6):511-22. PMCID: PMC5189669
3. Wood DE, Nader DA, Springmeyer SC, Elstad MR, Coxson HO, Chan A, Rai NS, Mularski RA, Cooper CB, Wise RA, Jones PW, Mehta AC, Gonzalez X, Sterman DH, IBV Valve Trial Research Team. The IBV Valve trial: a multicenter, randomized, double-blind trial of endobronchial therapy for severe emphysema. J Bronchology Interv Pulmonol. 2014 Oct;21(4):288-97.
4. Lee R, Enter D, Lou X, Feins RH, Hicks GL, Gasparri M, Takayama H, Young JN, Calhoon JH, Crawford FA, Mokadam NA, Fann JI. The Joint Council on Thoracic Surgery Education coronary artery assessment tool has high interrater reliability. Ann Thorac Surg. 2013 Jun;95(6):2064-9; discussion 2069-70.
5. Wolfe GI, Kaminski HJ, Aban IB, Minisman G, Kuo HC, Marx A, Ströbel P, Mazia C, Oger J, Cea JG, Heckmann JM, Evoli A, Nix W, Ciafaloni E, Antonini G, Witoonpanich R, King JO, Beydoun SR, Chalk CH, Barboi AC, Amato AA, Shaibani AI, Katirji B, Lecky BRF, Buckley C, Vincent A, Dias-Tosta E, Yoshikawa H, Waddington-Cruz M, Pulley MT, Rivner MH, Kostera-Pruszczyk A, Pascuzzi RM, Jackson CE, Verschuuren JJGM, Massey JM, Kissel JT, Werneck LC, Benatar M, Barohn RJ, Tandan R, Mozaffar T, Silvestri NJ, Conwit R, Sonett JR, Jaretzki A 3rd, Newsom-Davis J, Cutter GR, MGTX Study Group. Long-term effect of thymectomy plus prednisone versus prednisone alone in patients with non-thymomatous myasthenia gravis: 2-year extension of the MGTX randomised trial. Lancet Neurol. 2019 Mar;18(3):259-268. PMCID: PMC6774753
6. Lyros O, Lamprecht AK, Nie L, Thieme R, Götzel K, Gasparri M, Haasler G, Rafiee P, Shaker R, Gockel I. Dickkopf-1 (DKK1) promotes tumor growth via Akt-phosphorylation and independently of Wnt-axis in Barrett's associated esophageal adenocarcinoma. Am J Cancer Res. 2019;9(2):330-346. PMCID: PMC6405970
7. Criner GJ, Delage A, Voelker K, Hogarth DK, Majid A, Zgoda M, Lazarus DR, Casal R, Benzaquen SB, Holladay RC, Wellikoff A, Calero K, Rumbak MJ, Branca PR, Abu-Hijleh M, Mallea JM, Kalhan R, Sachdeva A, Kinsey CM, Lamb CR, Reed MF, Abouzgheib WB, Kaplan PV, Marrujo GX, Johnstone DW, Gasparri MG, Meade AA, Hergott CA, Reddy C, Mularski RA, Case AH, Makani SS, Shepherd RW, Chen B, Holt GE, Martel S. Improving Lung Function in Severe Heterogenous Emphysema with the Spiration Valve System (EMPROVE). A Multicenter, Open-Label Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2019 Dec 01;200(11):1354-1362. PMCID: PMC6884033
8. Edwards JG, Clarke P, Pieracci FM, Bemelman M, Black EA, Doben A, Gasparri M, Gross R, Jun W, Long WB, Lottenberg L, Majercik S, Marasco S, Mayberry J, Sarani B, Schulz-Drost S, Van Boerum D, Whitbeck S, White T, Chest Wall Injury Society collaborators. Taxonomy of multiple rib fractures: Results of the chest wall injury society international consensus survey. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2020 Feb;88(2):e40-e45.
9. Sarani B, Shiroff A, Pieracci FM, Gasparri M, White T, Whitbeck S, Gross R. Use of the Internet to Facilitate an Annual Scientific Meeting: A Report of the First Virtual Chest Wall Injury Society Summit. J Surg Educ. 2021;78(3):889-895. PMCID: PMC7523529
10. Pieracci FM, Schubl S, Gasparri M, Delaplain P, Kirsch J, Towe C, White TW, Whitbeck S, Doben AR. The Chest Wall Injury Society Recommendations for Reporting Studies of Surgical Stabilization of Rib Fractures. Injury. 2021 Jun;52(6):1241-1250.
11. Jain PV, Squires C, Gasparri M, Sheinin Y. Nivolumab induced pulmonary sarcoid-like granulomas with a concurrent pleural schwannoma: A pathologic-radiologic correlation of a rare condition mimicking metastatic melanoma. Ann Diagn Pathol. 2022 Apr;57:151880.
12. Mischler D, Schopper C, Gasparri M, Schulz-Drost S, Brace M, Gueorguiev B. Is intrathoracic rib plate fixation advantageous over extrathoracic plating? A biomechanical cadaveric study. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2022 Mar 01;92(3):574-580.
13. Doan J, Puchhalapalli K, Patel PJ, Gasparri M, Kurman JS, Benn BS. Bronchoscopic extraction of a migrated endovascular coil. Thorax. 2022 May;77(5):526-527.
14. Cardwell M, Lu MS, Melamed J, Astle J, Gasparri M, Johnstone DW. A Case of Unicentric Castleman Disease with Concomitant Myasthenia Gravis and Persistent Left Superior Vena Cava. Am J Case Rep. 2023 Feb 02;24:e938305. PMCID: PMC9901491
15. Matoska T, Banerjee A, Shreenivas A, Jurkowski L, Shukla ME, Gore EM, Linsky P, Gasparri M, George B, Johnstone C, Johnstone D, Puckett LL. Definitive Chemoradiation Associated with Improved Survival Outcomes in Patients with Synchronous Oligometastatic Esophageal Cancer. Cancers (Basel). 2023 Apr 28;15(9). PMCID: PMC10177457
16. Seadler BD, Smith-Roberts TQ, Hart J, Gasparri M, Rossi P, Joyce DL, Joyce LD. Percutaneous Dembitsky bridge utilizing a dual-lumen cannula JTCVS Techniques. April 2023;18:78-80.
17. Gasparri M, Gasparri M. Slipping rib syndrome and other causes of chest wall pain Rib Fracture Management: A Practical Manual. 3 September 2018:105-116.
1. Gasparri MG, Rivers E, Horst HM: Adrenal Hypofunction in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit. Journal of Trauma 43:206, 1997.
2. Kralovich KA, Gasparri MG, Karmy-Jones RC, Patton JH, Obeid FN: Choice of Operation in High-Grade Penetrating Duodenal Injury: The Importance of Anatomic Location. Journal of Trauma 43:194, 1997.
3. Velanovich V, Gasparri MG, Dekovich A, Webb W et al: Surgical Management Improves Symptoms and Quality of Life in Patients with Paraesophogeal Hernia. Gastroenterology 1999:116(4):A1366
4. Gasparri MG, Kralovich KA, Pipinos II, Lorelli DA, Obeid FA: Physical Examination Plus Chest Radiography in Penetrating Periclavicular Trauma: The Appropriate Trigger for Angiography. Journal of Trauma 1999;47(1):223
5. Gasparri MG, Karmy-Jones R, Kralovich KA, Patton JH: Pulmonary Tractotomy Versus Lung Resection: Viable Options in Penetrating Lung Injury. Journal of Trauma 2000;49(2):375
6. Gasparri MG, Almassi GH, Haasler GB: Surgical Management of Multiple Rib Fractures. Chest 2003:124(4 Supplement):295S
7. Tisol WB, Gasparri MG, Haasler GB, Pearlstein DP. Transcervical Endoscopic Esophageal Mobilization and Lymph Node Dissection using Endoscopic Vessel Harvesting Instrumentation during Transhiatal Esophagectomy. Innovations 2011:6(3):163
Peer Reviewed Educational Products
1. Choong N, Gasparri MG. Thymic Tumors. BMJ Point-of-Care 2010;
2. Gasparri MG, Choong N. Evaluation of Mediastinal Masses. BMJ Point-of-Care 2009;
3. American College of Surgeons SESAP 12 Audio Companion – Thoracic, Vol 12, #24. Oakstone Medical Publishing, Birmingham, AL 2005