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Mary Beth Phelan MD, RDMS
Department of Emergency Medicine

Froedtert & Medical College Pavilion
9200 W Wisconsin Ave
Milwaukee, WI 53226

1984 B.S., Marymount College, Tarrytown, NY
1988 M.D., Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

1988 - 1992 Internship/Residency, Emergency Medicine, Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Chicago, IL
1993 - 1994 Emergency Medicine Ultrasonography Research Fellowship, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
1994 - Present Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer (RDMS), American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers, USA

1992 - 2003 Assistant Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
2003 - Present Associate Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
2005 - Present Affiliate Faculty, Injury Research Center, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

1996 - Present Director, Emergency Medicine Ultrasound Program, Department of Emergency Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

1990 - 1992 Part-time Staff, Emergency Department, Sherman Hospital, Elgin, IL
1992 - 1996 Milwaukee County Medical Center Staff, Milwaukee, WI
1996 - Present Senior Attending Staff, Department of Emergency Medicine, Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital, Milwaukee, WI

1991 - 1996 Milwaukee County Medical Center, 8700 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53226
1996 - Present Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital, 9200 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53226

Board Certified
Issue DateExpiration
American Board of Emergency Medicine
Issued By Issue DateExpiration
ACLS Provider
ATLS Provider
ACLS Instructor
ACLS Course Director(Evanston Hospital)
American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers
Fellow and Full Voting Member of FAAEM

Number Issue DateExpiration
State of Illinois
D.E.A. Registration
State of Wisconsin Medical License

1992 Thomas Mulroy Award for Excellence in Emergency Medicine
2008 Wisconsin Coalition Against Domestic Violence Award as "Early Champion Of Health Care Responses to Domestic Violence"
2009 Resident Research Advisor Award, Department of Emergency Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin

1989 - Present American College of Emergency Physicians (Section Memberships - Injury Prevention & Control;Emergency Ultrasound)
1994 - Present Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM)
1994 - Present Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Ultrasound Task Force (Member)
1995 - Present American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM)
1995 - Present Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers (SDMS)
1995 - 2011 General AIUM Member - 1995-2011
2003 - Present Wisconsin Medical Society-State of Wisconsin and Milwaukee County
2006 - Present American Academy of Emergency Medicine
2006 - Present Society for Advancement of Violence and Injury Research (SAVIR)
2008 American Public Health Association
2008 - Present Milwaukee Academy of Medicine
2009 - Present Society for Simulation in Health Care
04/18/2011 - Present Senior AIUM Member

Journal Review
2002 - Present Academic Emergency Medicine

1984 - 1985 Junior Academy of Medicine, Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Member
1996 - 1999 Horizon Healthcare Domestic Violence Guidelines Work Group - Member, Milwaukee, WI
1997 - Present Family Peace Project and Interdisciplinary Faculty Network - Member, Waukesha, WI

06/1998 - 07/1998 Emergency Medicine Ultrasound: Harbor UCLA Medical Center, Department of Emergency Medicine. Reviewed a proposal for credentialing of emergency medicine MDs for use of ultrasound in the emergency department. Proposal reviewed, suggestions made, and proposal accepted by the Harbor UCLA Medical Center Credentialing Committee in October 1998.

PHELAN MB: "ANGEL Online Course." Accessed in MCW Todd Wehr Library. Medical College of Wisconsin. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 11/06/2007
PHELAN MB, Radtke J: "Ultrasound Experience (2.5 hours)." Presentation to Chinese Delegation. STAR Center, Medical College of Wisconsin. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 11/06/2007
PHELAN MB, Treat R: "Assessment of Ultrasound Skills in Emergency Medicine Senior Residents Using the UltraSim Simulator." 8th Annual International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare. San Diego, California, 01/13/2008 - 01/16/2008
Ambuel B, PHELAN MB (Panelist), Melzer-Lange M, Kramer A: Health care responds: the prevention and treatment of intimate partner violence. Panel on "IPV (Intimate Partner Violence) prevention and the emergency department." 13th International Conference on Violence, Abuse, and Trauma, San Diego, CA, 09/12/2008 - 09/15/2008
Ambuel B, PHELAN MB (Keynote Panelist), Hamberger LK, Melzer-Lange M: "Academic-Community Collaboration for Change: Process, Ethics, Barriers, and Solutions." 14th International Conference on Violence, Abuse, and Trauma, San Diego, California, 09/21/2009 - 09/26/2009
Hamberger LK, PHELAN MB, Melzer-Lange M, Witzack B: Can health care really change? Academic-community collaboration for change. Case studies panel discussion (PHELAN MB, Panelist: "ED standardization in City of Milwaukee hospitals to improve the response to intimate partner violence") at 14th International Conference on Violence, Abuse, and Trauma, San Diego, CA, 09/23/2009 - 09/26/2009
Mateer JM, PHELAN MB(Co-Coordinator/Presenter/Hands-On Trainer), Valley VT: "Emergency Medicine Ultrasonography: A Hands-On Course for Academic Emergency Physicians." Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) Annual Meeting. Washington, DC, 05/09/1994 - 05/12/1994
Mateer JM, Valley VT, PHELAN MB(Co-Coordinator/Presenter/Hands-On Trainer): "Emergency Medicine Ultrasonography: A Hands-On Course for Academic Emergency Physicians." Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) Annua, Texas, 05/18/1995 - 05/19/1995
Mateer JM, PHELAN MB(Invited Hands-On Instructor): "Transvaginal Ultrasonography Skills Lab." American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) 2001 Scientific Assembly. Chicago, Illinois, 10/15/2001 - 10/18/2001
PHELAN MB(Faculty Instructor), Mateer J, Heilenbach T: Concurrent Ultrasound Workshop held at Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) Midwest Regional Meeting. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 09/10/2004
PHELAN MB: "Screening for Intimate Partner Violence in Medical Settings." Scientific Meeting on the Health Implications of Violence Against Women. University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, 06/06/2006 - 06/08/2006
PHELAN, MB, Hamberger K, Ambuel B: "Domestic Violence." 2007 National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence. San Francisco, California, 03/15/2007 - 03/17/2007
Witzack B, PHELAN MB, Kramer A, Kessler C, Pitre C: Building a community-wide healthcare response to intimate partner violence. Poster presentation at the American Public Health Association 2008 Annual Meeting and Exposition, San Diego, California, 10/26/2008 - 10/27/2008
Leib M, Treat R, PHELAN MB: Limited transabdominal ultrasound versus standard handheld Doppler for assessment of fetal cardiac activity: a comparison of physician satisfaction. Poster presentation at the American In, San Diego, California, 03/24/2010 - 03/27/2010
PHELAN MB: Assessment of ultrasound skills in emergency medicine senior residents using the UltraSim Simulator. Poster presentation at the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) 2010 Annual Convention, San Diego, California, 03/24/2010 - 03/27/2010
PHELAN MB: Effectiveness of an ultrasound simulator in teaching and evaluating transvaginal sonography skills in obstetrics and gynecology residents. Poster presentation at the 2011 American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine Annual Convention, New York, New York, 04/14/2011 - 04/17/2011
PHELAN MB: "Limited Sonography Uses in the Emergency Department." Northwestern University, Grand Rounds for Residents and Faculty. Evanston Hospital, Evanston, Illinois, 09/30/1995
PHELAN MB: "Domestic Violence in the Emergency Department." CME Program for Physicians and Nursing Staff, Ripon Medical Center. Ripon, Wisconsin, 08/13/1996
PHELAN MB: "Ultrasound Use in the Trauma Patient." Northwestern University, Grand Rounds for Residents and Faculty. Evanston Hospital, Evanston, Illinois, 11/18/1997
PHELAN MB: "Ultrasound-Guided Vascular Access." Northwestern University, Grand Rounds for Residents and Faculty. Evanston Hospital, Evanston, Illinois, 12/02/2003
PHELAN MB, Mateer J, Heilenbach T: Faculty Instructor, Concurrent Ultrasound Workshop held at Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) Midwest Regional Meeting. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 09/10/2004
PHELAN MB: Reinvent the Revolution Workshops. Invited presenter at Wisconsin Coalition Against Domestic Violence Conference. Madison, Wisconsin, 11/12/2008 - 11/14/2008
PHELAN MB: "Ultrasound in Undifferentiated Shock." Invited presentation at the 1st Annual ResuscitatED 2009, Medical College of Wisconsin/Children's Hospital and Health System. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 06/19/2009
PHELAN MB: "Intimate Partner Violence." Invited presentation at the Wisconsin State Emergency Nurses Association Symposium: Current Concoctions in Emergency Care. Green Bay, 10/13/2010 - 10/14/2010
PHELAN MB: "Domestic Violence and the Emergency Physician." University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Criminal Justice. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 03/1994
PHELAN MB: "Domestic Violence and the Emergency Physician." University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Criminal Justice. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 11/21/1994
PHELAN MB: "Partner Violence Identification, Intervention, and Prevention in Health Care." Practitioner Panel, Brookfield, Wisconsin, 06/06/1997
PHELAN MB: "Domestic Violence." Pediatric Grand Rounds. Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 02/20/1998
PHELAN MB, Melzer-Lange MD: "Family Violence: Research and Education Issues for Physicians, Medical Students, and Other Health Care Professionals." Injury Control Seminar. Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 02/25/1998 - 02/25/2998
Hamberger LK, PHELAN MB: "Integrating Domestic Violence into Medical Education: Assembling the Pieces of the Puzzle." Group Presenter at Statewide Conference:, Building Bridges: Many Models of Health Care and Domestic Abuse Services Working Together. Wisconsin Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Wisconsin Nurses Association,, Wisconsin State Medical Society. Milwaukee, 09/25/1998
Melzer-Lange MD, PHELAN MB: "Developing Domestic Violence Resources: Pediatric and Emergency Medicine." Co-presenter at Statewide Conference:, Building Bridges: Many Models of Health Care and Domestic Abuse Services Working Together. Wisconsin Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Wisconsin Nurses Association, Wisconsin State Medical Society. Milwaukee, 09/25/1998
PHELAN MB: "Domestic Violence." Primary Care Conference. Columbia - St. Mary's Hospital. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 09/05/2000
PHELAN MB: "Domestic Violence in the Emergency Department." Sponsored by Elmbrook Hospital, Emergency Department. Brookfield, Wisconsin, 10/17/2000
Ambuel B, Hamberger LK, Melzer-Lange M, PHELAN MB, Rediske V:, "Teaching Medical Students and Residents How to Identify and Assist Victims of Domestic Violence." Regional Faculty Development Course. Sponsored by Medical College of Wisconsin. Milwaukee, 11/02/2001
PHELAN MB: "Abdominal applications of emergency ultrasound - FAST exam." Elmbrook Hospital, Brookfield, Wisconsin, 12/2001
PHELAN MB: "Emergency Medicine." Talk and tour of Emergency Department for Milwaukee school students enrolled in the MCW Apprenticeship in Medicine (AIM) Program. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 07/2002
PHELAN MB: "Emergency Medicine." Talk and tour of Emergency Department for Milwaukee school students enrolled in the MCW Apprenticeship in Medicine (AIM) Program. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 07/2003
PHELAN MB: "Domestic Violence." Trauma Control Integrated Selective Lecture Series. Medical College of Wisconsin Trauma/Critical Care Surgery. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 10/14/2003
PHELAN MB: "The Medical Impact of Domestic Violence: What EMS Personnel Should Know." Course on abuse and assault for Milwaukee County EMS Education Center paramedic students. Milwaukee County Emergency Medical Services. Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Annually, 01/2004 - 2010
PHELAN MB: "Geriatric Trauma." Flight For Life Trauma Nurse Specialist Course. Milwaukee Wisconsin; Annually, 02/2005 - 2008
PHELAN MB: "The Medical Impact of Domestic Violence: What EMS Personnel Should Know." Course on abuse and assault for Milwaukee County EMS Education Center paramedic students. Milwaukee County Emergency Medical Services. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 01/09/2006
Ambuel B, PHELAN MB, Hennis M, McCown P: "Health Care Can Change From Within." Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds Presentation. Department of Emergency Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 01/12/2006
Ambuel B, PHELAN MB, Hennis M, McCown P: "Health Care Can Change From Within." Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds Presentation. Department of Emergency Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 01/12/2006
PHELAN MB: "Intimate Partner Violence." Flight For Life Trauma Nurse Specialist Course. Milwaukee Wisconsin, 11/03/2006
PHELAN MB: "The Medical Impact of Domestic Violence: What EMS Personnel Should Know." Course on abuse and assault for Milwaukee County EMS Education Center paramedic students. Milwaukee County Emergency Medical Services. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 01/22/2007
PHELAN MB: "Intimate Partner Violence." Flight For Life Trauma Nurse Specialist Course. Milwaukee Wisconsin, 10/09/2008
PHELAN MB: "The Medical Impact of Domestic Violence: What EMS Personnel Should Know." Course on abuse and assault for Milwaukee County EMS Education Center paramedic students. Milwaukee County Emergency Medical Services. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 01/15/2009

Hamberger LK, Melzer-Lange M, PHELAN MB, Ambuel B: "Shining the Light on Family Violence in the Academy: Developing a Vision for Family Violence Education in Medical School." 5th International Family Violence Conference. San Diego, California, 09/26/2000
Melzer-Lange M, PHELAN MB, Ambuel B, Hamberger LK: "Current Level of Family Violence Education for One Midwestern Medical School." 5th International Family Violence Conference. San Diego, California, 09/26/2000
PHELAN MB, Melzer-Lange M, Hamberger LK, Ambuel B: "Current Level of Family Violence Education in Residency Programs of One Midwestern Medical School." 5th International Family Violence Conference. San Diego, California, 09/26/2000
Ambuel B, Hamberger LK, Melzer-Lange M, PHELAN MB: "Strategies for Disseminating and Sustaining Family Violence Training in a Medical School." 5th International Family Violence Conference. San Diego, California, 09/26/2000
Patel D, Hamberger LK, Ambuel B, Melzer-Lange M, PHELAN MB: "Shining the Light on Family Violence in the Academy: Developing a Vision for Family Violence Education in Medical School." Violence Against Women International. Madison, Wisconsin, 09/29/2001
Hamberger LK, PHELAN MB, Zosel A: "Male Victims of Domestic Violence in an Emergency Department." American Psychological Association Meeting. San Francisco, California, 08/26/2001
PHELAN MB, Hamberger LK, Hare S, Edwards S: "Domestic Violence Among Male and Female Emergency Department Patients." American Psychological Association Meeting. Chicago, Illinois, 08/24/2002
Narayan R, PHELAN MB, Treat R, Vontver LA:, "Effectiveness of an ultrasound simulator in teaching and evaluating transvaginal sonography skills in Obstetrics and Gynecology residents.", Poster presentation at the Council on Resident Education in Obstetrics and Gynecology & Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics Annual Meeting. Lake Buena Vista, FL, 03/05/2008 - 03/08/2008
Narayan R, PHELAN MB, Treat R, Vontver LA:, "Teaching communication skills to obstetrics and gynecology residents using simulated patient encounters.", Poster presentation at the Council on Resident Education in Obstetrics and Gynecology & Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics Annual Meeting. Lake Buena Vista, FL, 03/11/2009 - 03/14/2009
Gedraitis J, PHELAN MB:, "An unusual presentation of a high-pressure injection injury involving a molten substance. Photograph poster presentation at the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 05/14/2009 - 05/17/2009

Medical College of Wisconsin
1998 - Present Enhancing Medical Student and Resident Education in Partner Violence Identification, Intervention, and Prevention, Medical College of Wisconsin - Work Group Member / Co-Investigator
1999 - 2001 Faculty Assembly - Member, Department of Emergency Medicine
2004 - Present Healthier Wisconsin Partnership Program, Medical College of Wisconsin. Faculty Liaison for Department of Emergency Medicine
2004 - Present Medical College of Wisconsin Strategic Council for Public and Community Health. Member - Faculty Development
2004 - Present Medical College of Wisconsin Strategic Council for Public and Community Health (Faculty Development)
2006 - Present STAR Center Advisory Committee - Member, Department of Emergency Medicine
2006 - Present Simulation Interest Group (SIG). Co-chair - Multidisciplinary Group
2007 - Present STAR (Standardized Teaching and Assessment) Resource Center Advisory Committee. Faculty Representative for Department of Emergency Medicine
2008 - Present Emergency Medicine Resident Review Committee - Faculty Member
2008 - Present Emergency Medicine Research Committee - Faculty Member
2008 - Present Chair, Froedtert Hospital Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Task Force
2010 - Present Froedtert Hospital Working Group on Simulation

Medical Student Education
03/1993 - 04/1993 Co-leader of Small Group, Required M1 Medical Ethics Course: 8-week 2-3 hours/week
06/1993 Lecturer, M3 Workshop: "Medical Student Interface during a Code"
1993 - 1994 Co-Coordinator/Lecturer, Required M3 Didactic and Hands-On Wound Management Workshop. Coordination of six Emergency Medicine faculty to provide lectures for six 2-hour sessions every year
1994 Lecturer, Elective M4 Lecture. One lecture/month for 8 months. Topics: "Suicide and Behavioral Disorders"; "Toxicology"
1995 Lecturer/Technical Instructor, Required M3 Wound Management Workshop: 2-hour lab and lecture
1998 Lecturer/Technical Instructor, Required M3 Wound Management Workshop: 2-hour lab and lecture
11/2000 Invited Lecturer, MCW Emergency Medicine Interest Group and Physicians for Social Responsibility (EMIL/PSR). Topic: "Domestic Violence"
2002 - Present Lecturer (Emergency Medicine), Required M3 Clinical Procedures Rotation (CPR) Course. Provide 3-4 lectures/year. Topics: "Pulmonary Embolism" - Evaluation of patient with pulmonary embolism; Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), Part I. Acute MI
2002 - 2007 Lecturer (Trauma Surgery), Required M3 Clinical Procedures Rotation (CPR) Course. Provide 3 lectures/year. Topic: "Ultrasound Use in the Emergency Department."
2003 - 2005 Resource for Interview/Meeting, M4 Rotation Course sponsored by Firearm Injury Center, Medical College of Wisconsin: "Integrating Advocacy into Clinical Medicine". Emphasizes leadership and advocacy in medicine and community involvement
2004 - 2006 Ultrasound Instructor for Trauma Surgery Resuscitation Perioperative Medicine (RPM) Course. Didactic and hands-on sessions for medical student Ultrasound education sessions
2005 - Present Lecturer, M4 Trauma & Injury Control Selective Course sponsored by Injury Research Center: "Intimate Partner/Domestic Partner Violence". Emphasizes leadership and advocacy in medicine and community involvement. Biannual lecture on intimate partner violence.
Graduate Student Education
02/1993 Lecture for Bioethics Graduate Students, Medical College of Wisconsin, "History of Emergency Medicine and Ethical Issues Faced by Emergency Medicine Physicians"
Resident and Fellow Education
1992 - Present Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds Lectures: 1 hour / 3 lectures per year
08/1993 Lecture for Ultrasound Fellowship, "Ultrasonography of the Gallbladder and Biliary Tree"
08/1993 Lecture for Ultrasound Fellowship, "Ultrasound Uses in the Hypotensive and Dyspneic Patient"
1993 - 1995 3 core lectures/year for second year emergency medicine residents
1993 - 1994 Coordinator of Resident QA Grand Rounds. 8 sessions per year. Supervision of Senior Residents in mini-QA project. 8 one-hour presentations at Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds
1995 - Present Co-developer and teacher of ultrasound course for faculty/EM residents. Yearly 10-hour course (6 hours of didactic lecture, 4 hours of hands-on training).
1996 - 2000 Coordinator/Instructor for Lecture and Hands-On Session, "Limited Ultrasonography: Abdominal Applications" - each yearly session 4 hours. 1-hour lecture, 2-hour hands-on session
1996 - 2000 Coordinator and Instructor for Yearly Lecture and Hands-On Session, "Emergency Pelvic Sonography" - each yearly session 5 hours. 2-hour hands-on ultrasound lab with contracted ultrasound models
1996 - Present Coordinator and Instructor, Emergency Medicine Ultrasound Educational Program for Faculty and Residents. Faculty leader of ultrasound requirement. 2- to 4-week elective.
07/31/1999 EM1 Dog Lab: Hands-on teaching of multiple invasive procedures using anesthetized dogs as models
04/29/2000 "Assessment of the Trauma Patient." Department of Anesthesiology First Annual Trauma Workshop
11/01/2001 Coordinator and Instructor for Lecture and Hands-On Session - "Ultrasound Day!" - 5 hours
01/03/2002 Coordinator and Instructor for Lecture and Hands-On Session - "Ultrasound Abdominal Applications and Vascular Access" - 5 hours
05/01/2003 Coordinator and Instructor for Ultrasound Procedure Lab (Swine) - 3 hours
02/26/2004 Coordinator and Instructor for Ultrasound Didactic/Hands-on OB-GYN Exam Session - 4 hours
01/26/2006 Coordinator and Instructor for Ultrasound Didactic/Hands-on Trauma Session - 2 hours
2006 - Present Resident Ultrasound Exit Competency Assessment: Utilization of Ultrasound simulator, Trauma and AAA cases, Checklist with expected competencies
2006 - Present Online didactic Ultrasound course viewed by all incoming residents with online quizzes
05/14/2007 Invited Instructor to PGY 2 Residents - Department of Surgery Residency Curriculum. Instructor in the Education Section of Ultrasound/FAST Course. Didactic and hands-on ultrasound session for 2nd-year Surgery residents
11/01/2007 Coordinator and Instructor for Ultrasound Didactic/Hands-on OB-GYN Exam Session - 2 hours
07/2008 - Present Instructor for Ultrasound Orientation Course for EM1 residents. 4-hour didactic/hands-on session
07/2010 - Present NEW Case Based US Video Review. Optional 5th hour of Grand Rounds
Continuing Medical Education
02/1993 Continuing Education for Nursing Lecture, "Ophthalmologic Emergencies"
04/2008 Developed and taught Faculty CME Ultrasound Course
10/2008 Pediatric Emergency Medicine Faculty Development CME course (Four 3-hour sessions)
2008 - Present Emergency Medicine Faculty Ultrasound Re-Credentialing
Community/Lay Public
02/19/2002 PHELAN MB, Alexander C: "Family Violence: The Impact on Your Health." Small Stones™ Community Education Class. Froedtert Community Education Program.
2007 - Present Co-Founder and Co-Chair, Milwaukee County Healthcare Intimate Partner Violence Consortium. Funded through the Healthier Wisconsin Partnership Program

Medical Students
1997 - Present 1 student/year, Discuss careers in medicine. Discuss senior schedule, mcw
2005 - 2006 Judy Radtke, Mentoring of Simulation Specialist from the MCW STAR (Standardized Patient Teaching and Assessment) Resource Center, MCW
Clinical/Research Fellows
06/01/2000 - 09/30/2000 Amy Elizabeth Zosel, Faculty Preceptor, Summer Research Fellowship, MCW
06/01/2001 - 09/01/2001 Shauna Edwards, Faculty Preceptor, Summer Research Fellowship, MCW
06/01/2001 - 09/30/2001 Suzanne Walczak Hare, Faculty Preceptor, Summer Research Fellowship, MCW
2008 Scott Hagen, Member of Mentoring Committee, MCW
1997 - Present 2 residents/year, Monitor academic progress. Review rotation evaluations (ED and non-ED). Monitor personal and professional adjustment to residency. Post-residency career guidance, MCW
2005 - 2006 Timothy Lipski, MD, Faculty Preceptor. ANGEL Research Project, MCW
2008 - 2009 Melissa Lieb, MD, Faculty Preceptor, Research Project, MCW
2008 - 2009 Jessica Gedraitis, MD, Faculty Preceptor, Case History Poster Presentation, MCW

Educational Programs
Coordinate and implement training of emergency medicine medical students residents and faculty, MCW
Research Programs
Collaborate with and mentor inter- and intra-departmental residents and faculty with respect to US research, MCW Ultrasound Program
Participate in and promoted US research projects, MCW Ultrasound Program
Clinical Programs
1999 Instructional Videotape Consultation.Resulted in development of video titled "Domestic Violence: An introduction for for health care professionals." Funded by a grant from Maxishare
Initial faculty credentialing and ongoing maintenance of US skills, MCW
Collaboration with the department of radiology to integrate US images into PACS, MCW
Implementation of protocols for the use of emergency ultrasound in the clinical setting, MCW

01/1999 Community Advisor for Milwaukee Academy of Medicine. Discussed proposal titled: Public health strategies for reducing family and intimate violence in Milwaukee County.

Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. Mateer JR, Valley V, Aiman J, PHELAN MB, Thoma B, Kefer M: Outcome analysis of a protocol including bedside endovaginal sonography in patients at risk for ectopic pregnancy. Ann Emerg Med 27(3):283-289, March 1996.
2. Ma OJ, PHELAN MB: Adult thermal epiglottitis. Ann Emerg Med 27(5):675, May 1996.
3. Mannenbach MS, Hargarten S, PHELAN MB, Shepherd D: Alcohol use among injured patients ages 12 to 18 years. Acad Emerg Med 4(1):40-44, January 1997.
4. Rubin JM, DeBehnke DJ, PHELAN MB: What's new in . . .emergency medicine. Wisconsin Medical Journal 96(2):41-43, February 1997.
5. PHELAN MB, Valley VT, Mateer JR: Pelvic Ultrasonography. In: Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America: The Use of Ultrasound in the Emergency Department. K. E. Nordenholz, M. A. Rubin, G. D. Kelen, eds. W. B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 15(4):789-824, November 1997.
6. Valley VT, Mateer JR, Aiman EJ, Thoma ME, PHELAN MB: Serum progesterone and endovaginal sonography by emergency physicians in the evaluation of ectopic pregnancy. Acad Emerg Med 5(4):309-313, April 1998.
7. Blaivas M, DeBehnke D, PHELAN MB: Potential errors in the diagnosis of pericardial effusion on trauma ultrasound for penetrating injuries. Acad Emerg Med 7(11):1261-1266, November 2000.
8. Blaivas M, DeBehnke D, Sierzenski PR, PHELAN MB: Tissue harmonic imaging improves organ visualization in trauma ultrasound when compared with standard ultrasound mode. Acad Emerg Med 9(1):48-53, January 2002.
9. PHELAN MB, Hamberger LK, Guse CE, Edwards S, Walczak S, Zosel A: Domestic violence among male and female patients seeking emergency medical services." Violence and Victims 20(2):187-206, April 2005.
10. PHELAN MB, Falimirski ME, Simpson DE, Czinner M, Hargarten SW: Competency-based strategies for injury control and prevention curricula in undergraduate medical education. Injury Prevention 13(1):6-9, February 13, 2007.
11. PHELAN MB: Screening for intimate partner violence in medical settings. Trauma, Violence & Abuse 8(2):199-213, April 2007.
12. PHELAN MB, Hamberger LK, Ambuel B, Wolff M: Screening for intimate partner violence in the health care setting. Family & Intimate Partner Violence Quarterly 1(4):339-372, Spring 2009.
13. Mateer JR, Valley VT, Aiman EJ, Phelan MB, Thoma ME, Kefer MP. Outcome analysis of a protocol including bedside endovaginal sonography in patients at risk for ectopic pregnancy. Ann Emerg Med. 1996 Mar;27(3):283-9.
14. Hamberger LK, Phelan MB. Domestic violence screening in medical and mental health care settings: Overcoming barriers to screening, identifying, and helping partner violence victims Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma. 27 November 2006;13(3-4):61-99.
15. Phelan MB. Screening for intimate partner violence in medical settings. Trauma Violence Abuse. 2007 Apr;8(2):199-213.
16. Ambuel B, Hamberger LK, Guse CE, Melzer-Lange M, Phelan MB, Kistner A. Healthcare Can Change from Within: Sustained Improvement in the Healthcare Response to Intimate Partner Violence Journal of Family Violence. November 2013;28(8):833-847.
17. Kummer T, Oh L, Phelan MB, Huang RD, Nomura JT, Adhikari S. Emergency and critical care applications for contrast-enhanced ultrasound. Am J Emerg Med. 2018 Jul;36(7):1287-1294.
18. Wong F, Franco Z, Phelan MB, Lam C, David A. Development of a pilot family medicine hand-carried ultrasound course. WMJ. 2013 Dec;112(6):257-61.
19. Hamberger LK, Ambuel B, Guse CE, Phelan MB, Melzer-Lange M, Kistner A. Effects of a Systems Change Model to Respond to Patients Experiencing Partner Violence in Primary Care Medical Settings Journal of Family Violence. August 2014;29(6):581-594.
20. Lewiss RE, Hoffmann B, Beaulieu Y, Phelan MB. Point-of-care ultrasound education: the increasing role of simulation and multimedia resources. J Ultrasound Med. 2014 Jan;33(1):27-32.
21. Hamberger LK, Phelan MB. Domestic violence screening in medical and mental health care settings: Overcoming barriers to screening, identifying, and helping partner violence victims Prevention of Intimate Partner Violence. 1 January 2013:61-100.
22. Phelan MB, Hamberger LK, Guse CE, Edwards S, Walczak S, Zosel A. Domestic violence among male and female patients seeking emergency medical services. Violence Vict. 2005 Apr;20(2):187-206.
23. Phelan MB, Falimirski ME, Simpson DE, Czinner ML, Hargarten SW. Competency-based strategies for injury control and prevention curriculums in undergraduate medical education. Inj Prev. 2007 Feb;13(1):6-9. PMCID: PMC2610567
24. Blaivas M, DeBehnke D, Phelan MB. Potential errors in the diagnosis of pericardial effusion on trauma ultrasound for penetrating injuries. Acad Emerg Med. 2000 Nov;7(11):1261-6.
25. Phelan MB, Valley VT, Mateer JR. Pelvic ultrasonography. Emerg Med Clin North Am. 1997 Nov;15(4):789-824.
26. Phelan MB, Valley VT, Mateer JR. Pelvic ultrasonography Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America. 1997;15(4):789-824.
27. Ma OJ, Phelan MB. Adult thermal epiglottitis. Ann Emerg Med. 1996 May;27(5):675.
28. Lenz TJ, Phelan MB, Grawey T. Determining a Need for Point-of-Care Ultrasound in Helicopter Emergency Medical Services Transport Air Medical Journal. 2021.
29. Lenz TJ, Phelan MB, Grawey T. Determining a Need for Point-of-Care Ultrasound in Helicopter Emergency Medical Services Transport. Air Med J. 2021;40(3):175-178.
30. Ambuel B, Phelan MB, Hamberger LK, Wolff M. Health care can change from within: A sustainable model for intimate partner violence intervention and prevention Trauma and Physical Health: Understanding the effects of extreme stress and of psychological harm. 1 January 2008:202-237.
31. Bhagat G, Phelan MB. Use of point of care ultrasound for detecting flail mitral valve leaflet Visual Journal of Emergency Medicine. October 2022;29.
32. Bhagat G, Phelan MB. Gamification of foreign body removal using tofu phantom model Visual Journal of Emergency Medicine. January 2024;34.
Books, Chapters, and Reviews
1. Hamberger LK, PHELAN MB. Domestic Violence Screening and Intervention in Medical and Mental Healthcare Settings. ISBN 0-8261-2535-2. Springer Publishing Company, Inc. October 2004. 352 pgs.
2. PHELAN MB, Hamberger LK, Ambuel B, Wolff M: "Screening for Intimate Partner Violence in the Health Care Setting." In: Intimate Partner Violence, Civic Research Institute, Inc., Kingston, New Jersey. Submitted March 2006.
3. Ambuel BA, PHELAN MB, Hamberger LK, Wolff M: Integrating Trauma Practice into Primary Care. In: Trauma and Physical Health. Banyard, Edwards, and Kendall-Tackett, eds. The Haworth Press, Binghamton, New York. In press, November 2008.
Editorials, Letters To Editor, Other
1. Ma OJ, PHELAN MB: Adult thermal epiglottitis. Letter to editor. Accepted for publication, Ann Emerg Med, November 1995.
2. PHELAN MB: Tips from the Emergency and Trauma Center: Heat illness. Vitality newsletter. Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital. Summer 1997.
Non-Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. Hamberger LK, PHELAN MB: Screening men for intimate partner violence in health care settings: some promises, challenges, and issues. Wisconsin Coalition Against Domestic Violence. 22(2):13-15, 2003.
1. Mannenbach M, Hargarten SW, PHELAN MB, Shepherd D: Ethanol use among injured patients aged 12 to 20 years. Acad Emerg Med I:A-13, 1994.
2. Mateer JR, Aiman EJ, Valley VT, Thoma ME, PHELAN MB: Serum progesterone levels and endovaginal sonographic evaluation of ectopic pregnancy. Acad Emerg Med I:A-84, 1994.
3. PHELAN MB: Current level of family violence education in residency programs. Submitted to the 5th International Conference on Family Violence, San Diego, California; September 2000.
4. PHELAN MB: Screening for intimate partner violence in medical settings. Invited Presenter at the Scientific Meeting on the Health Implications of Violence Against Women. Invited Presenter, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky; June 6-8, 2006.
5. PHELAN MB, Treat R: Assessment of ultrasound skills in emergency medicine senior residents using the UltraSim simulator. Abstract presented at the 8th Annual Society for Simulation in Healthcare International Meeting: Fostering Excellence through Innovation and Collaboration, San Diego, California; January 13-16, 2008.
6. Narayan R, PHELAN MB, Treat R, Vontver L: Effectiveness of an ultrasound simulator in teaching and evaluating transvaginal sonography skills in obstetrics and gynecology residents. Abstract poster presentation at the 2008 Council on Resident Education in Obstetrics and Gynecology (CREOG) and The Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics (APGO) Annual Meeting: Refocusing Our Educational Vision - Accountability, Cultural Sensitivity, and Competence, Disney's Contemporary Resort, Lake Buena Vista, Florida; March 5-8, 2008.
7. Witzack B, PHELAN MB, Kramer A, Kessler C, Pitre C: Building a community-wide healthcare response to intimate partner violence. Accepted for poster presentation at the American Public Health Association 2008 Annual Meeting and Exposition, San Diego, California; October 26-27, 2008.
8. Narayan R, PHELAN MB: Teaching communication skills to obstetrics and gynecology residents using simulated patient encounters. Accepted for oral presentation at the 2009 Council on Resident Education in Obstetrics and Gynecology (CREOG) and Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics (APGO) Annual Meeting: Partnering for Progress - Crossing Boundaries, Crossing Borders, San Diego, California; March 11-14, 2009.
9. Leib M, Treat R, PHELAN MB: Limited transabdominal ultrasound versus standard handheld Doppler for assessment of fetal cardiac activity: a comparison of physician satisfaction. Poster presentation at the 17th Annual Emergency Medicine Research Forum, Department of Emergency Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin; April 2, 2009.
10. Gedraitis J, PHELAN MB: An unusual presentation of a high-pressure injection injury involving a molten substance. Poster presentation at the 17th Annual Emergency Medicine Research Forum, Department of Emergency Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin; April 2, 2009.
11. Ambuel B, Hamberger LK, Melzer M, PHELAN MB, Kistner A, Guse: Health care can change from within: improving the prevention and treatment of intimate partner violence (IPV). Accepted abstract at the Society for Teachers of Family Medicine Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado; April 9-May 3, 2009.
12. PHELAN MB, et al: Health care can change from within: a new model to improve treatment of intimate partner violence. Accepted abstract at the 2009 Academy on Violence and Abuse Biennial Scientific Assembly, Bloomington, Minnesota; April 24-25, 2009.
13. Gedraitis J, PHELAN MB: An unusual presentation of a high-pressure injection injury involving a molten substance. Abstract photograph presentation at the 2009 Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana; May 14-17, 2009.
14. Kessler C, PHELAN MB, Witzack B, Kramer A, Pitre C: Partnership to strengthen community-wide health care response to intimate partner violence. Poster presentation at the Fifth National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence, New Orleans, Louisiana; October 8-10, 2009.
15. Leib M, Treat R, PHELAN MB: Limited transabdominal ultrasound versus standard handheld Doppler ultrasound for assessment of fetal cardiac activity: a comparison of physician satisfaction. Poster presentation at the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) 2010 Annual Convention, San Diego, California; March 24-27, 2010. American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine Proceedings. J Ultrasound Med March 2010; 29(3):S89.
16. PHELAN MB: Assessment of ultrasound skills in emergency medicine senior residents using the UltraSim Simulator. Poster presentation at the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) 2010 Annual Convention, San Diego, California; March 24-27, 2010. J Ultrasound Med March 2010; 29(3):S92.
17. Narayan R, PHELAN MB, Treat R, Vontver L: Effectiveness of an ultrasound simulator in teaching and evaluating transvaginal sonography skills in obstetrics and gynecology residents. Accepted for poster presentation at the 2011 American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine Annual Convention, April 14-17, 2011, New York, New York.
Database, Video, or Other Research/Clinical Contributions
1. Ultrasound Videotaped Case Reviews, 1996. Ultrasound cases selected: Clinical scenarios for advanced emergency sonographers. Videos were presented at SAEM Ultrasound Course, Denver 1996
2. Chelmowski M, Autry A, Fullin K, Hamberger LK, PHELAN MB, Kubicki T (Guideline Work Group): "Domestic Violence." Guideline published by Horizon Healthcare, Inc. 1997. Guidelines were accepted by the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research's National Guideline Clearing House to appear on the World Wide Web, 1992.
3. "Domestic Violence: An Introduction for Health Care Professionals." Funded by a grant from Maxishare, Steven Lazoritz, Project Director. 1999. Invited consultant providing domestic violence data input and clinical scenarios in development of educational videotape that describes the epidemiology, detection, and treatment of domestic violence. Filmed in video tape answering questions about domestic violence as well as appropriate physician behaviors when encountering victims of domestic violence. Video tape is shown regionally to paramedics and patients.
4. Ambuel B, Hamberger LK, Melzer M, PHELAN MB, editors: "Violence Across the Life Span." 1999. A comprehensive curriculum available to all MCW faculty (see Family Medicine website Author of two curricular Modules: "Domestic Violence in the Emergency Department"; "Evaluation of the Patient Who has been Sexually Assaulted"
5. PHELAN MB: "Focused Emergency Ultrasound Evaluation of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm." August 2001. Soon to be available on the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) website (
6. PHELAN MB: "Topics in Ultrasonography." June 2003. An audio self-study program for radiologists, obstetricians and gynecologists, and sonographers. Provided expert commentary for "Topics in Ultrasonography"
7. Timothy Lipski, MD, PHELAN MB: MCW ANGEL Course - Introduction to Emergency Ultrasound 2005. A basic self-study emergency medicine ultrasound course. On-line lectures, quizzes, and suggested reading materials. Utilized by all incoming emergency medicine residents. Has been utilized for outside faculty who wish to learn the basics of emergency ultrasound.
8. PHELAN MB: "Domestic Violence in the Emergency Department." Invited guest on American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) Live 911 Emergency Talk Radio on the Health Radio Network. November 5, 2010. Live discussion with host Dr. Leigh Vinocur on the scope of domestic violence, signs of an abusive relationship, what can be done to help yourself or a loved one if in an abusive relationship.