Preetika Sinh MD
Preetika Sinh MD
Associate Professor
Department of Medicine
Division of Gastroenterology
Department of Medicine
Division of Gastroenterology
Hub for Collaborative Medicine |
8701 Watertown Plank Road |
Milwaukee, WI 53226 |
08/1999 - 03/2005 M.B.B.S., Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi, India |
08/2005 - 10/2005 Clinical and Research Observership, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN |
07/2006 - 07/2009 Resident, John H Stroger Jr. Hospital of Cook County, Chicago, IL |
09/2009 - 02/2011 Research Associate, Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Evanston, IL |
07/2011 - 06/2014 Fellow, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS |
07/2014 - 06/2015 Advanced fellow, Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD), Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH |
07/2015 - 06/2017 Associate, Department of Gastroenterology, Guthrie Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre, PA |
08/2017 - 07/2019 Assistant Professor, Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, OH, Division of Gastroenterology, Cleveland |
09/2019 - 06/2023 Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI |
07/2023 - Present Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI |
04/2022 - Present Associate Co-Chair of Research, Medicine, Gastroenterology, Medical College of Wisconsin |
Board Certified | Issue Date | Expiration |
American Board of Gastroenterology | 2014 | None |
08/2004 Best Young Science Award, International Geological Congress (medical geology section) - Florence, Italy |
05/2007 Student teaching award, Cook County Hospital - Chicago, IL |
02/2012 - 02/2013 Visiting IBD Fellow Award, Crohn's and Colitis Foundation - University of Pittsburgh, PA |
03/2019 - 03/2020 REACH-IBD Career Connect Program, Unique award granting direct mentorship for career development of junior faculty [Mentor: Dr. Ray Cross (Director IBD center University of Maryland)], Crohn's and Colitis Foundation |
10/2019 Faculty Development Award [Seed money for 'Assessment of cardiovascular disease in IBD patients'], Medical College of Wisconsin, Department of Medicine |
03/2022 - 05/2023 Women in IBD Leadership Award [Mentor: Dr. Gil Melmed, Director IBD Cedar Sinai, LA], Medical College of Wisconsin, Department of Medicine |
04/2022 Faculty Development Award [Travel award for Digestive Disease Week conference], Medical College of Wisconsin, Department of Medicine |
05/2024 Faculty Development Award [Travel award for Digestive Disease Week conference], Medical College of Wisconsin, Department of Medicine |
2011 - Present American Gastroenterology Association (Member) |
2011 - Present Crohn's and Colitis Foundation (Member) |
2019 - Present Milwaukee GI society (Member) |
2019 - Present American College of Gastroenterology (Member) |
Journal Review |
2018 - Present Gastroenterology |
2021 - Present American Journal of Gastroenterology |
2021 - Present Clinical Gastroenterology and Research |
2022 - Present Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine |
2022 - Present Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology |
Ad-Hoc Reviewer |
06/2021 - Present Invited abstract reviewer, American College of Gastroenterology Annual Meeting |
2015 - Present Member, Rising Educators Academics and Clinicians Helping (REACH)-IBD committee, Crohn's and Colitis Foundation |
2022 - Present Member, National FAB Gastroenterology Virtual Health Subcommittee, Veterans Affairs Health System |
RESEARCH GRANTS/AWARDS/CONTRACTS/PROJECTS: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
National |
Two-day mentorship program for GI Fellows in IBD, Chandler, Arizona, 11/2012 |
Optimizing Quality of Endoscopy in IBD, Thought Leaders Meeting, American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE), Chicago, IL, 03/2015 |
Diet and Nutrition in IBD, MyIBD Learning, live webinar, 09/26/2022 |
How to Mitigate Risks with New Treatments, IBD Pro Webinar Series-Crohn's Colitis Professional, 09/2023 |
Hands-On Station, Clips Hemostasis-1, 13th Expert Strategies in Endoscopy, Gastrointestinal and Liver Disorders, Kansas City, MO, 03/2024 |
Regional |
Invited Panelist for 7th Annual Hot Topics, Primary Care Symposium, Guthrie Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre, PA, 03/2017 |
Risk of Cancer in IBD, 2nd Cleveland International Digestive Education and Science (IDEAS) Symposium, Case Western Reserve University - Cleveland, OH, 09/2018 |
Complementary and Alternative Therapies, 2023 MyIBD Learning, Minneapolis, MN, 03/11/2023 |
Local |
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and the Impact on Patients' Lives, Community Education Class, Froedtert and MCW, virtual, 10/26/2021 |
Is IBD therapy really forever?, Crohn's and Colitis Foundation: A Patient and Provider Point of Care Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 05/07/2022 |
Cardiovascular and Thrombotic Complications in IBD-The Jack Effect-Fact or Fiction, Crohn's and Colitis Conference: A Patient and Provider Point of Care, Milwaukee, WI, 05/20/2023 |
Positioning of Small Molecules in Treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease-Where do we Stand?, Crohn's and Colitis Conference: A Patient and Provider Point of Care, Milwaukee, WI, 04/27/2024 |
Medical College of Wisconsin |
07/2022 - Present Member, GI Fellowship Clinical Competency Committee, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Medicine |
Medical Student Education |
01/14/2020 Student Health Sciences open house |
Resident and Fellow Education |
2022 - Present Board Review Fellows Lectures: Dermatological Manifestations in IBD:
-Gastroenterology Board Review for GI Fellows: Dermatological Manifestations in IBD
-Acute Severe Ulcerative Colitis |
Medical Student Education |
01/2019 Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) Medical School, Cleveland, OH, Core Curriculum Lecture - Mechanisms of Maldigestion and Malabsorption |
Community/Lay Public |
2014 - 2015 Quarterly one-hour power point presentation and open discussion sessions for IBD patients and caregivers - Cleveland, OH |
Medical Students |
2020 - Present Maahum Mehdi, Research mentorship, Medical College of Wisconsin, Abstract presentation DOM retreat 3/2022, first author manuscript submitted |
2021 - Present Harini Shah, Research mentorship, Medical College of Wisconsin, Poster presentation at National Society meeting (SCCT 7/2022), abstract presentation at DOM Retreat 3/2022, oral presentation at DOM Retreat 3/2023, first author manuscript in preparation |
2022 - Present Malek Ayoub, Medical College of Wisconsin, Poster presentation at VA Research week 5/2022, published first author manuscript (Ayub et al IBD Journal Feb 2023) |
2023 - Present Omair Iqbal, Clinical research mentorship, Medical College of Wisconsin, Assessment of cardiovascular disease in IBD patient through local and national datasets. Oral and poster presentation-Department of Medicine research retreat 3/2024 and poster presentation-DDW 5/2024 |
2024 - Present Neemit Shah, Clinical research mentorship, Medical College of Wisconsin, Assessment of cardiovascular disease in IBD patient through national TriNetx datasets |
2024 - Present Annie Kleynerman, Translational research mentorship, Medical College of Wisconsin, In collaboration with Dr. Andreas Beyer-Vascular functional assessment in inflammatory bowel disease |
Clinical/Research Fellows |
2021 - Present Chau Nguyen, Medical College of Wisconsin, co-author of poster presentation at national society meeting (SCCT 7/2022) |
Residents |
2020 - Present Jordan Hanrahan, MD, Research mentorship, Medical College of Wisconsin, Poster presentation at national society meeting (ACG 10/2021), first author manuscript submitted |
2022 - Present Paraj Patel, Clinical research memtoship, Medical College of Wisconsin, Assessment of cardiovascular disease in IBD patient through national VA and TriNetx datasets. Coauthor for editorial: Unraveling the mechanistic link between atherosclerosis and inflammatory bowel disease. Can we find a target? Trends Cardiovasc Med. 2023 Feb 08. Oral presentation DDW 5/2024. Poster presentation ACG 10/2023. Two manuscripts in preparation: Validation of ICD 10 code for IBD in VA datasets, Incidence of CV events in IBD patients-data from a large VA national dataset |
2024 - Present Saffia Bajwa, Clinical research mentorship, Medical College of Wisconsin, Assessment of cardiovascular disease in IBD patients through national VA and TriNetx datasets. Poster presentation-national AIBM meeting Florida 12/2023 and DOM Retreat 3/2024 |
Medical Students |
2019 - Present Harry Choi, Case Western University, published first author manuscript |
Residents |
2016 - 2020 Charumathi Subramanian, Guthrie Robert Packer Hospital, published first author manuscript of original research |
Research Programs |
2022 - Present Research development in the division as Co-Associate Chair of Clinical Research, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology |
Clinical Programs |
2021 - Present Veterans Affairs IBD center development - Clement J Zablocki Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
01/06/2021 - 03/31/2021 Clinical & Translational Science Institute (CTSI) of Southeast Wisconsin Methods in Grant Writing course |
09/15/2021 - 10/20/2021 Clinical & Translational Science Institute of Southeast Wisconsin (CTSI) Clinical Trialist Training 101 Seminar Series |
04/05/2023 - 05/03/2023 Clinical & Translational Science Institute of Southwest Wisconsin (CTSI) Teams Science Workshop |
2019 - Present Assessment of cardiovascular risk in inflammatory bowel disease patients through prospective assessment of heart risk by cardiovascular imaging techniques like CT scan. |
2019 - Present Assessment of Cardiovascular disease in inflammatory bowel disease patients through analysis of United Stated Veterans datasets. |
Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers |
1. Sinh P, Barrett TA, Yun L. Clostridium difficile Infection and Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Review. Gastroenterol Res Pract. 2011;2011:136064. PMCID: PMC3171158 |
2. Krishnan K, Komanduri S, Cluley J, Dirisina R, Sinh P, Ko JZ, Li L, Katzman RB, Barrett TA. Radiofrequency ablation for dysplasia in Barrett's esophagus restores β-catenin activation within esophageal progenitor cells. Dig Dis Sci. 2012 Feb;57(2):294-302. |
3. Sinh P, Sharma P. Gastric cardia cancer: how much is it from fat? Dig Dis Sci. 2012 Oct;57(10):2493-6. |
4. Goretsky T, Dirisina R, Sinh P, Mittal N, Managlia E, Williams DB, Posca D, Ryu H, Katzman RB, Barrett TA. p53 mediates TNF-induced epithelial cell apoptosis in IBD. Am J Pathol. 2012 Oct;181(4):1306-15. PMCID: PMC3463630 |
5. Gounaris E, Martin J, Ishihara Y, Khan MW, Lee G, Sinh P, Chen EZ, Angarone M, Weissleder R, Khazaie K, Barrett TA. Fluorescence endoscopy of cathepsin activity discriminates dysplasia from colitis. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2013 Jun;19(7):1339-45. PMCID: PMC4306589 |
6. Singh M, Gupta N, Gaddam S, Balasubramanian G, Wani S, Sinh P, Aghaie K, Higbee AD, Rastogi A, Kanakadandi V, Bansal A, Sharma P. Practice patterns among U.S. gastroenterologists regarding endoscopic management of Barrett's esophagus. Gastrointest Endosc. 2013 Nov;78(5):689-95. |
7. Sinh P, Shen B. Endoscopic evaluation of surgically altered bowel in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2015 Jun;21(6):1459-71. PMCID: PMC4450893 |
8. Sinh P, Gupta N, Rao DS, Wani S, Sharma P, Bansal A, Allen J, Ketover SR, Rastogi A. Community gastroenterologists can learn diminutive colon polyp histology characterization with narrow band imaging by a computer-based teaching module. Dig Endosc. 2015 Mar;27(3):374-80. |
9. Sinh P, Anaparthy R, Young PE, Gaddam S, Thota P, Balasubramanian G, Singh M, Higbee AD, Wani S, Gupta N, Rastogi A, Mathur SC, Bansal A, Horwhat JD, Cash BD, Falk GW, Lieberman DA, Vargo JJ, Sampliner RE, Sharma P. Clinical outcomes in patients with a diagnosis of "indefinite for dysplasia" in Barrett's esophagus: a multicenter cohort study. Endoscopy. 2015 Aug;47(8):669-74. |
10. Sinh P, Shen B. Endoscopically placed guidewire-assisted seton for an ileal pouch-pouch fistula. Gastrointest Endosc. 2015 Sep;82(3):575-6. |
11. Bradford EM, Ryu SH, Singh AP, Lee G, Goretsky T, Sinh P, Williams DB, Cloud AL, Gounaris E, Patel V, Lamping OF, Lynch EB, Moyer MP, De Plaen IG, Shealy DJ, Yang GY, Barrett TA. Epithelial TNF Receptor Signaling Promotes Mucosal Repair in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. J Immunol. 2017 Sep 01;199(5):1886-1897. PMCID: PMC5568528 |
12. Goretsky T, Bradford EM, Ye Q, Lamping OF, Vanagunas T, Moyer MP, Keller PC, Sinh P, Llovet JM, Gao T, She QB, Li L, Barrett TA. Beta-catenin cleavage enhances transcriptional activation. Sci Rep. 2018 Jan 12;8(1):671. PMCID: PMC5766502 |
13. Panhwar MS, Mansoor E, Al-Kindi SG, Sinh P, Katz J, Oliveira GH, Cooper GS, Ginwalla M. Risk of Myocardial Infarction in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Population-based National Study. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2019 May 04;25(6):1080-1087. |
14. Choi H, Bou-Abboud Matta C, Fu G, Trichonas G, Morgan ML, Yursky M, Katz J, Sinh P. Central Retinal Vein Occlusion: A Rare Ocular Complication of Inflammatory Bowel Disease-A Case Series. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2019 08 20;25(9):e110-e111 PMID: 31022727 Scopus ID: 2-s2.0-85071702287 04/26/2019 |
15. Weissman S, Sinh P, Mehta TI, Thaker RK, Derman A, Heiberger C, Qureshi N, Amrutiya V, Atoot A, Dave M, Tabibian JH. Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in inflammatory bowel disease: The role of chronic inflammation. World J Gastrointest Pathophysiol. 2020 Aug 12;11(5):104-113. PMCID: PMC7403753 |
16. Khoudari G, Mansoor E, Click B, Alkhayyat M, Saleh MA, Sinh P, Katz J, Cooper GS, Regueiro M. Rates of Intestinal Resection and Colectomy in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients After Initiation of Biologics: A Cohort Study. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2022 May;20(5):e974-e983. |
17. Sinh P, Cross R. Cardiovascular Risk Assessment and Impact of Medications on Cardiovascular Disease in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2021 Jun 15;27(7):1107-1115. |
18. Lee MT, Mahtta D, Chen L, Hussain A, Al Rifai M, Sinh P, Khalid U, Nasir K, Ballantyne CM, Petersen LA, Virani SS. Premature Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Risk Among Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Am J Med. 2021 Aug;134(8):1047-1051.e2. |
19. Sinh P, Tabibian JH, Biyani PS, Mehta K, Mansoor E, Loftus EV Jr, Dave M. Inflammatory Bowel Disease Does Not Impact Mortality but Increases Length of Hospitalization in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction. Dig Dis Sci. 2021 Dec;66(12):4169-4177. |
20. Mahtta D, Lee MT, Ramsey DJ, Akeroyd JM, Krittanawong C, Khan SU, Sinh P, Alam M, Garratt KN, Schofield RS, Ballantyne CM, Petersen LA, Virani SS. Significant Facility-Level Variation in Utilization of and Adherence with Secondary Prevention Therapies Among Patients with Premature Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease: Insights from the VITAL (Veterans wIth premaTure AtheroscLerosis) Registry7. Cardiovasc Drugs Ther. 2022 Feb;36(1):93-102. |
21. Malek A, Shah H, Nguyen BC, Mehdi M, Nagavally S, Dawson A, Al-Kindi S, Virani S, Mohananey D, Sharma A, Sinh P. Coronary Artery Plaque Assessment in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 2023 Feb. PMID: 36827488
22. Ayoub M, Shah H, Nguyen BC, Mehdi M, Nagavally S, Dawson A, Al-Kindi S, Virani S, Mohananey D, Sharma A, Sinh P. Coronary Artery Plaque Assessment by CT Angiogram in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2023 Jun 01;29(6):e22-e24. PMCID: PMC10233393 |
23. Ford A, Chittajallu V, Abraham Perez J, Martin S, Alkhayyat M, Dave M, Ho EY, Sinh P, Nguyen V, Cooper G, Katz J, Cominelli F, Regueiro M, Mansoor E. Prevalence Rates of Pneumococcal Vaccination in IBD and 30-Day Clinical Outcomes in Patients With IBD and Pneumococcal Disease Stratified by Receipt of Pneumococcal Vaccination: A Multi-Network Study. Crohns Colitis 360. 2023 Oct;5(4):otad048. PMCID: PMC10708920 |
24. Naami R, Tashtish N, Neeland IJ, Katz J, Sinh P, Nasir K, Chittajallu V, Mansoor E, Rajagopalan S, Al-Kindi S. Coronary artery calcium scoring for cardiovascular risk assessment in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Am Heart J. 2023 Dec;266:120-127. |
25. Sinh P, Cross RK. Cardiovascular Comorbidities and Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Causes and Consequences. Gastroenterol Hepatol (N Y). 2024 Apr;20(4):204-215. PMCID: PMC11047149 |
26. Iqbal O, Shah H, Sosa A, Kulinski J, Cross RK, Sinh P. Coronary artery calcium score for cardiovascular risk assessment in inflammatory bowel disease - Data from first pilot prospective study. Dig Liver Dis. 2024 Nov;56(11):1965-1967. |
27. Patel, P, Sinh P. Editorial commentary: Unraveling the mechanistic link between atherosclerosis and inflammatory bowel disease. Can we find a target? Trends Cardiovasc Med. 2024 Apr;34(3):212-213. PMID: 36758847 |
28. Keluth Chavan A, Jha P, Perez JA, Harper E, Sinh P, Cooper G, Katz J, Cominelli F, Regueiro M, Mansoor E. Risk of Paradoxical Rheumatoid Arthritis in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients Exposed to Tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibitors: A Propensity-Matched Multicenter Study. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2024 Sep 11. |
Books, Chapters, and Reviews |
1. Sinh P, Fiocchi C, Achkar JP. Immune Based Therapies for Inflammatory Bowel Disease Immune Rebalancing: The Future of Immunosuppression. January 22, 2016:37-60. |
2. Molecular Mechanisms of Colitis-Induced cancer: Sinh P, Barrett, TA. Advanced therapy in Inflammatory bowel disease edited by Bayless TM, Hanauer SB. Third edition Volume 1, Chapter 16. |
3. Inpatient Management of Ulcerative Colitis: Sinh P. Recent progress in Hepatology and Gastroenterology, edited by: Dr Mamun Al Mahtab (Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Dhaka, Bangladesh), Dr S M Fazle Akbar (Department of Medical Sciences, Toshiba General Hospital, Tokyo, Japan) and Manoj Kumar (Department of Hepatology, Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences, New Delhi, India).
4. Managing Complex Cases in Gastroenterology. Sinh, P. Editors: W. Harley Sobin, Kia Saeian, Patrick Sanvanson. Crohn's Ileitis, 183-188; Managing Crohn's in a Patient with Prio MI, 193-196; Vaccinations in Newly Diagnosed IBD, 209-210; February 2024 |
Abstracts |
1. Sinh. P, Barrett. TA. W1311 5ASA, anti-TNF and azathioprine reduce number of activated stem and progenitor cells in Crohn’s disease: Gastroenterology, Vol. 138, Issue 5, S-696–S-697. Published in issue: May, 2010 |
2. Singh M, Sinh P, Gaddam S, Balasubramanian G, Higbee A, Rastogi A, Bansal A, Sharma P. Su1291 Practice Patterns Among Gastroenterologists for Management of Anti-Platelet Agents During Endoscopy. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, Vol. 75, Issue 4, AB281–AB282. Published in issue: April, 2012 |
3. Posca D, Hyunji Ryu, Elizabeth M, Goo L, Sinh P, Katzman. R, Doldo. P, Barrett TA. 177 Roles of TNFR signaling and NOX1 in epithelial β-catenin activation during colitis. Gastroenterology, Vol. 142, Issue 5, S-44. Published in issue: May, 2012 |
4. Parasa S, Sinh P, Singh M, Kanakadandi V, Giacchino M, Gupta N, Gaddam S, Rastogi A, Petrini JL, Sharma P. Tu1249 Wide Variations in Practice Patterns Regarding Management of Anti-Platelet Agents During Endoscopy: Results From a Nation-Wide Survey. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, Vol. 77, Issue 5, AB474. Published in issue: May, 2013 |
5. Sinh P, Kanakadandi V, Lee J, Gaddam S, Gupta N, Giacchino M, Rastogi A, Bansal A, Sharma P. 748 Impact of Weight Loss and Physical Activity on GERD Symptoms. Data From a Prospective Study. Gastroenterology, Vol. 144, Issue 5, S-135. Published in issue: May, 2013. Oral presentation at Digestive Disease Week |
6. Sinh P, Gupta N, Rao DS, Sharma P, Bansal A, Wani S, Rastogi A. 770 Impact of an Educational Training Session With Active Feedback on the Performance of Gastroenterology (GI) Fellows in Diminutive Polyp Histology Characterization Using Narrow Band Imaging (NBI). Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, Vol. 77, Issue 5, AB168
Published in issue: May, 2013. Oral presentation at Digestive Disease Week
7. Rastogi A, Gupta N, Sinh P, Sharma P, Wani S, Bansal A. 685 Prediction Time for Characterizing Diminutive (5mm) Polyp (DP) Histology With NBI During Colonoscopy Is a Marker for High Confidence (HC) Diagnosis and Accuracy Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, Vol. 79, Issue 5, AB163. Published in issue: May, 2014 |
8. Rastogi A, Gupta N, Sinh P, Sharma P, Wani S, Bansal A. Sa1169 Performance of Gastroenterology (GI) Trainees in Real-Time Characterization of Diminutive Polyp (DP) Histology With Narrow Band Imaging (NBI) - Results From a Prospective Trial. Gastroenterology, Vol. 146, Issue 5, S-218. Published in issue: May, 2014 |
9. Rastogi A, Gupta N, Sinh P, Sharma P, Wani S, Bansal A. 431 Gastroenterology (GI) Trainees Can Achieve the PIVI Benchmarks for Real-Time Characterization of the Histology of Diminutive (≤ 5mm) Polyps (DP) - a Prospective Study. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, Vol. 79, Issue 5, AB137. Published in issue: May, 2014 |
10. Chidi V, Shen Bo, Sinh P, Wu Xianrui. Su1222 Elevated alkaline phosphatase as a marker for the development of de novo primary sclerosing cholangitis after ileal pouch anal anastomosis. DDW, Washington DC, May 2015
11. Sinh P, Wu Xianrui, Shen Bo. Sa1490 Promising outcomes of needle knife therapy for distal bowel strictures in IBD and non-IBD patients. DDW, Washington DC, May 2015
12. Mansoor E, Maruggi C, Abou Saleh M, Sinh P, Dave M, Bordeaux J, Cooper GS, Katz J. Su1837 - Epidemiology and Risk Factors of Malignant Melanoma, Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Basal Cell Carcinoma of the Skin in Crohn's Disease in the United States Between 2012 and 2017: A Population Based Study. Gastroenterology, May 2018, Volume 154, Issue 6, S-601 - S-602 |
13. Mansoor E, Maruggi C, Abou Saleh M, Sinh P, Dave M, Bordeaux J, Cooper GS, Katz J. Su1847 - Epidemiology and Risk Factors of Malignant Melanoma, Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Basal Cell Carcinoma of the Skin in Ulcerative Colitis in the United States Between 2012 and 2017: Results from the Explorys Database Gastroenterology, May 2018, Volume 154, Issue 6, S-605 |
14. Elchert JA, Mansoor E, Sinh, P, Sclair, S, Cohen S, Katz J, Cooper GS. Prevalence of Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH) in Individuals With Crohn's Disease: A Population-Based National Study. American Journal of Gastroenterology, October 2018, Volume 113, p S476-S477 |
15. Mansoor, E; Karb, D; Saleh, MA; Sinh, P; Katz, J; Cooper, G. Prevalence and Epidemiology of First Ever Occurrence of Ulcerative Colitis at Least 1 Month After Diagnosis of Celiac Disease in the United States: A Population-Based Study Between 2013 and 2018, American Journal of Gastroenterology: October 2018 - Volume 113 - Issue - p S417 |
16. Khoudari G, Saleh M, Mansoor E, Gad MM, Pooja L, Simons-Linares CR, Sinh P, Chahal P, Achkar, J-P. Tu1418 – The Epidemiology of Acute Pancreatitis in Ulcerative Colitis: A Population-Based Study from 2013-2018. Gastroenterology, May 2019, Volume 156, Issue 6, S-1030 – S-1031 |
17. Khan MZ, Singh AD, Khoudari G, Alkhayyat M, Delicce M, Abou-Saleh M, Cooper G, Sinh P, Cominelli F, Falck-Ytter Y, Linz C, Katz J, Regueiro M, Mansoor E. S823 Demographics and Clinical Characteristics of Crohn’s Disease Patients Switched to a Non-Anti-TNF Agent After Initial Primary Non-Response With Anti-TNF Agent: A National Database Study, The American Journal of Gastroenterology: October 2021 - Volume 116 - Issue - p S380-S381
18. Mansoor, Emad MD; Perez, Abe; Schlick, Kayla; Alkhayyat, Motasem; Tanner, Samuel; Kelly, Hannah; Abou-Saleh, Mohannad; Sinh, Preetika; Cominelli, Fabio; Katz, Jeffry; Regueiro, Miguel; Cooper, Gregory. S955 Differential Risk of Colorectal Cancer in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients Treated With Advanced Therapies, Immunomodulators, and 5-Aminosalicylates: A Multi-Research Network Study Utilizing the TrinetX Database, The American Journal of Gastroenterology: October 2021 - Volume 116 - Issue - p S457
19. Mehdi, M; Hanrahan, J; Walker, R; Nagavally, S; Kulinski, J; Virani, S; Katz, J; Mansoor, E; Cross, RK; Sinh, P. S791 Coronary Artery Calcium Score for Assessment of Cardiovascular Risk in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease, The American Journal of Gastroenterology: October 2021 - Volume 116 - Issue - p S367
20. Wagner T, Sinh P. S2024 Endoscopic Removal of Visually Obscured Metallic Foreign Bodies Using a Nasal Bridle Magnet, The American Journal of Gastroenterology: October 2021 - Volume 116 - Issue - p S879 |
21. Tanner S, Perez J, Martin SA, Kelly HM, Alkhayyat M, Saleh MA, Cooper GS, Sinh P, Al-Kindi S, Falck-Ytter YT, Regueiro MD, Katz J, Cominelli F, Mansoor E. Clinical Characteristics, Medication Utilization, and Clinical Outcomes of Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Heart Failure: A Multicenter Network Study. Gastroenterology, 2022 162(7)S-436. |
22. Sinh P, Sherman K, Rosenthal A, Agarwal D, Mansoor E, Al-Kindi S, Hou J, Cross RK, Virani S, Whittle J. Incidence of Cardiovascular Disease in Veterans with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Data from a large cohort of United States veterans from 2002 to 2015. Gastroenterology, 2022. 162(7)S-6 |
23. Malek A, Shah H, Nguyen BC, Mehdi M, Nagavally S, Dawson A, Al-Kindi S, Virani S, Mohananey D, Sharma A, Sinh P. Coronary Artery Plaque Assessment in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Poster Presentation. Society of Cardiovascular Commuted Tomography, Las Vegas 2022. |
24. Patel, Paraj; Sherman, Katherine; Bajwa, Saffia; Lorscheter, Julie; Veenendaal, Colleen; Whooley, Mary; Hoggatt, Katherine; Virani, Salim MD; Cohen-Mekelburg, Shirley; Mansoor, Emad; Cross, Raymond; Whittle, Jeffrey; Hou, Jason; Sinh, Preetika. Validation of ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Codes in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease in the National Veterans Affairs Healthcare System. The American Journal of Gastroenterology 118(10S):p S756, October 2023 |
25. Celaj, Stela; Chittajallu, Vibhu; Perez, Jaime; Cohen, Stanley; Sclair, Seth; Sinh, Preetika; Mansoor, Emad. Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis. The American Journal of Gastroenterology 118(10S):p S1119-S1120, October 2023 |
26. Naleid, Nikolas; Perez, Jaime; Chittajallu, Vibhu; Islam, Bianca; Jin-Dominguez, Fangyuan; Nadeem, Ahmed; Sinh, Preetika; Katz, Jeffry; Nguyen, Vu; Regueiro, Miguel; Cooper, Gregory; Mansoor, Emad. Prevalence and Treatment of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor (ICI) Colitis in Patients with Gastrointestinal Malignancy: A Multi-Center Network Study. The American Journal of Gastroenterology 118(10S):p S163, October 2023. |
27. Bajwa, Saffia; Sinh, Preetika; Sherman, Katherine; Lorscheter, Julie; Patel, Paraj; Veenendaal, Colleen; Whooley, Mary; Hoggatt, Katherine; Virani, Salim; Cohen-Mekelburg, Shirley; Mansoor, Eman; Cross, Raymond; Whittle, Jeffrey; Hou, Jason. Validation of an Automated Data Collection Method of Inflammatory Bowel Disease Medications in the National Veterans Affairs Healthcare System. The American Journal of Gastroenterology 118(12S):p S31, December 2023 |
28. Patel, P; Iqbal, O; Mohananey, D; Bajwa, S, Khani, M, Luo, J; Stein, DJ; Hashash, JG; Mansoor, E; Cross, RK; Sinh, P. Biologics and Jak Inhibitors Decrease Major Cardiovascular Events (MACE) in IBD Patients. Data from a Large National Cohort. Is it the Mechanise of the Druge or Control of Disease? Gastroenteroly 166 (5) S-172, May 2024. |
29. Nadeem, A; Donohue, SR; Shah, FZ, Perez, J; Harper, E; Sinh, P; Cooper, GS; Nguyen, VQ; Katz, J; Cominelli, F; Regueiro, MD; Mansoor, E. Increased Psychiatric Comorbidities and Risk of Suicide in Patients with Active Inflammatory Bowel Disease 6-12 Months After Initial Diagnosis: A Multi-Network Propensity-Matched Cohort Study. Gastroenterology 166 (5) S-844-S-845, May 2024. |
30. Donohue, SR; Nadeem, A; Perez, J; Harper, E, Sinh, P; Cooper, GS, Nguyen, VQ; Katz, J; Cominelli, F; Masoor, E. Increased Psychotropic Medication Use in Patients with Active Inflammatory Bowel Disease 6-12 Months After Initial Diagnosis: A Propensity-Score Matched Multi-Network Study. Gastroenterology 166 (5) S-851-S-852, May 2024. |
31. Chavan, AK; Jha, P, Perez, J; Harper, E; Sinh, P; Cooper, GS; Nguyen VQ; Katz, J; Cominelli, F; Regueiro, MD; Mansoor, E. Paradoxical Risk of Rheumatoid Arthritis in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients Exposed to Tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibitors: A Propensity Matched Multi-Network Study. Gastroenterology 166 (5) S-506-S-507, May 2024. |
32. Hanauer, SB; Torres, EA; Swaminath, A; Lee, TC; Rabizadeh, S; Check, MS; Barrett, T; Chapman, C; Arai, R; Hashash, JG; Butnariu, M; Meister, T; Kinnucan, JA; Yen, EF; Stein, DJ; Sinh, P; Ziring, D; Sharposhnikov, R; Qazi, T; Yarur, A; Han, PA; Abraham, BP. Precision Dosing Test for Optimizing Adalimumab in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Real-World Evidence Study. Gastroenterology 166 (5) S-832, May 2024. |
33. Jha, P; Perez, J; Harper, E; Chavan, AK; Sinh, P; Cooper, GS; Katz, J; Cominelli, F; Regueiro, MD; Mansoor, E. Rates of Escalation to Advanced Therapy in Patients with Ulcerative Proctitis at Six Months, Once Year, and Two Years Post Diagnosis. Gastroenterology 166 (5) S-1138-S-1139, May 2024. |
34. Kaya, G; Sleiman, J; Perez, J; Harper, E; Sinh, P; Regueiro, MD; Mansoor, E. Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events (MACE) and Venous Tromboembolism (VTE) Are Not Increased in Microscopic Colitis: A Propensity Matched Muti-Network Study. Gastroenterology 166 (5) S-1036-S-1037, May 2024. |
35. Iqbal, O; Patel, P, Mohananey, D; Bajwa, S; Khani, M; Luo, J; Stein, DJ; Hashash, JG; Mansoor, E; Cross, RK; Sinh, P. Anti TNF Medications but Not Jak Inhibitors are Associated with Increased Risk of Venous Thromboembolism. Data from a Large National Cohort. Is it the Mechanism of the Drug or the Disease? Gastroenterology 166 (5) S-1120, May 2024. |