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Sabina Diehr MD
Department of Family Medicine
Division of Residency

Town Hall Health Center
W180 N8000 Town Hall Road
Menomonee Falls, WI 53051

1984 BS, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
1988 MD, Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA

1988 - 1991 Family Practice Residency, Sacred Heart Hospital, Allentown, PA
1990 Smoking Cessation Trainer, National Cancer Institute
1992 - 1994 Fellow, Comprehensive Faculty Development Program, Department of Family & Community Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, 8701 Watertown Plank Road, Milwaukee, WI 53226
1994 - 1996 Advanced Fellow, Research Track; Faculty Development Program, Department of Family & Community Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, 8701 Watertown Plank Road, Milwaukee, WI 53226
1998 - 2001 Advanced Fellow, Education Track; Faculty Development Program, Department of Family & Community Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, 8701 Watertown Plank Road, Milwaukee, WI 53226
05/2001 Dermatology Fellowship: One Week Intensive Training, Department of Dermatology, University of Madison School of Medicine

1991 - 2001 Assistant Professor, Department of Family & Community Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, 8701 Watertown Plank Road, Milwaukee, WI 53226
2001 - Present Associate Professor (1994-2002 80% FTE; 2002-Present 70% FTE), Department of Family & Community Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

01/1999 - 2002 Medical Director, Family Medicine Clinic at Curative
1999 - Present Site Coordinator, M3 Family Medicine Clerkship at the Curative & Plank Road Family Medicine Clinics, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
1999 - 2008 Faculty Advisor, Family Medicine Student Association (FMSA)
2000 - 2008 Coordinator, WAFP Summer Externship for M1 students at MCW, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
2002 - Present Chair, DFCM Student Awards Committee, Department of Family & Community Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
2004 - 2008 Coordinator and Preceptor, DFCM combined Clinical & Research Summer Internship, Milwaukee, WI
2008 - 2012 Coordinator, DCM Summer Externship for M1 students at MCW, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
2013 - Present Coordinator, WAFP Summer Externship for M1 students at MCW, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

1991 - Present >50% of time in direct patient contact, including Obstetrics (until 2012) and minor surgery; excellent patient satisfaction and productivity, Froedtert Hospital, Milwaukee, WI
1994 - 1997 Associate Director - Shared leadership role in clinic development, daily management of staff and physicians and total quality improvement activities, Family Health Center - Froedtert East, Milwaukee, WI
1997 - 1998 Co-Director - Shared leadership role in clinic development, daily management of staff & physicians & total quality improvement activities; concept & implementation of a ‘Minor Surgery Clinic’, Family Medicine Clinic at Curative, Milwaukee, WI
05/2007 - 05/2010 Monthly primary care and minor surgery clinic, Health Care for the Homeless, Clinic at 2nd & Capitol, Milwaukee, WI

Board Certified
Issue DateExpiration
American Board of Family Practice
American Board of Family Practice; Diplomat re-certification
American Board of Family Practice; Diplomat re-certification
Number Issue DateExpiration

1989 - 1991 Radiology Awards, Sacred Heart Hospital, Allentown, PA
1991 Jerome Collier Family Practice Resident Award, Sacred Heart Hospital, Allentown, PA
1993 American Academy of Family Physicians Teaching Award, American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP)
1994 Gender Equity Award, American Medical Women’s Association; local chapter
1994 Clinical Teaching Award, MCW Department of Family & Community Medicine
1995 Nominated for Standing Ovation Award, MCW Student Assembly
1996 Clinical Continuum Mentorship Award; First Annual, Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW) Student Assembly
1997 Co-Recipient 1997 Published Paper of the Year Award, Selected by peer nomination and review process
1999 Top Doctors, Based on a survey of all active physicians on the AMA mailing list in Milwaukee County, rating whom they “would consider most desirable for care of a loved one.”
1999 Co-Recipient Innovative Educational Project of the Year Award, Selected by Faculty Committee based on peer nomination and review process for innovative projects
2001 Best Doctors 2001, Complied by Best Doctors, Inc., of Aiken, S.C.
2001 Co-Recipient Innovative Educational Project of the Year Award, Selected by Faculty Committee based on peer nomination and review process for innovative projects
2002 Milwaukee’s Best Family Doctors, Milwaukee Magazine, August 2002
2002 - 2003 America’s Top Family Doctors, Compiled by Consumers’ Research Council of America, Washington, DC
2003 - 2013 Best Doctors in America, Elected every year based on a nation-wide peer-reviewed survey
2004 Clinical Teaching Award, MCW Department of Family & Community Medicine
2005 FMIG Program of Excellence Award, American Academy of Family Physicians’ National Family Medicine Interest Group Network
2005 - 2006 Best Doctors in America, Based on a nation-wide peer-reviewed survey
2006 FMIG Excellence in Infrastructure Award, American Academy of Family Physicians’ National Family Medicine Interest Group Network
2006 - 2007 Best Doctors in America, Based on a nation-wide peer-reviewed survey
2007 Family Medicine Educator of the Year Award, Selected by peer nomination and voted by the Board of the WI Academy of Family Physicians
2007 - 2008 Best Doctors in America, Based on a nation-wide peer-reviewed survey
2007 - 2008 Best Doctors in America, Based on a nation-wide peer-reviewed survey
2008 - 2009 Best Doctors in America, Based on a nation-wide peer-reviewed survey
2009 - 2010 Best Doctors in America, Based on a nation-wide peer-reviewed survey
2010 - 2011 Best Doctors in America, Based on a nation-wide peer-reviewed survey
2011 T. Michael Bolger Standing Ovation Award, Selected by student nomination and presented by the Student Assembly in recognition of excellence in service to the Medical College of Wisconsin Students
2011 Educational Project of the Year Award, Selected by peer nomination and presented by the Department of Family & Community Medicine in recognition as a distinguished faculty leader of the Homeless Outreach in Medical Education (HOME) Project
2011 - 2012 Best Doctors in America, Based on a nation-wide peer-reviewed survey
2012 Scholarly Pathways Outstanding Advisor Award, Selected by students in recognition of excellence and commitment to medical student advising in the Pathways Program
2012 - 2013 Best Doctors in America, Based on a nation-wide peer-reviewed survey
2013 Award for earning one of the top 20 highest scores among physicians on a patient satisfaction survey for patient care in the Primary Care setting., Lee A. Biblo, Chief Medical Officer; MCP and Froedtert Hospital

1988 - Present American Academy of Family Physicians
1991 - Present Society for Teachers of Family Medicine
1991 - Present Wisconsin Academy of Family Physicians
1991 - Present Physicians for Social Responsibility - WI Chapter

Peer Review
"Predoctoral Grant"
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
Bower D
Direct Funds:
$494,504 (DIEHR S. 15% time in year 1. (12% Y2, 10% Y3))
Peer Review
"Palm Pilot as a Clinical Teaching Strategy"
Medical College of Wisconsin Learning Resource Grant
Role & Effort:
Co-Principal Investigator
Bower D, Niedfeldt M, DIEHR S, Beecher A, et al.
Direct Funds:
"Stress Kit: A Targeted Intervention to Reduce Relapse in Female Smokers"
Medical College of Wisconsin Tobacco Prevention Research
Role & Effort:
Principle Investigator
09/2000 - 06/2001
Direct Funds:
$9,465 (Project (T-PREP))
"Using Educational Prescriptions to Teach Evidence-Based Medicine at the Point-of-Care for M3 Clerkship Students"
MCW Learning Resource Grant #3302723
Role & Effort:
Co-Principal Investigator
Bower D, Romm F, Schubot D, DIEHR S
10/07/2004 - 04/30/2005
Direct Funds:
"Team-Based Learning in the M3 Family Medicine Clerkship"
MCW Learning Resource Grant
Role & Effort:
Co-Principal Investigator
Bower D, Bedinghaus J, Papin K, Havas N, DIEHR S, Young S
Direct Funds:
'HOME (Homeless Outreach in Medical Education) Project: Health Literacy Education & Basic Health Screening'
MCW Learning Resource Grant
Role & Effort:
Principle Investigator
Direct Funds:

DIEHR S, "Smoking Cessation.", 22nd Annual Winter Refresher Course for Family Medicine, Waukesha, WI, 01/30/1992
DIEHR S, "How to Help Your Patients Stop Smoking.", Lakeland Hospital Medical Society, Elkhorn, WI, 02/27/1992
DIEHR S, "Lead - New Approaches to an Old Problem.", State Medical Society of Wisconsin Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, 04/25/1992
DIEHR S, "Smoking Risks and Smoking Cessation - A Focus on Female Patients.", 23rd Annual Winter Refresher Course for Family Medicine, Waukesha, WI, 01/29/1993
DIEHR S, "Lung Cancer Workshop.", 24th Annual Winter Refresher Course for Family Medicine, Waukesha, WI, 01/27/1994
DIEHR S, "Lead Toxicity in Children.", Valley View Hospital, Plymouth, WI, 04/25/1995
DIEHR S, "Lead Toxicity in Children.", Teleconference, From the Medical College of Wisconsin to Watertown, WI, 06/29/1995
DIEHR S, "Lead Screening.", 26th Annual Winter Refresher Course for Family Medicine, Waukesha, WI, 01/31/1996
DIEHR S, Kuhlmann R, "Children's Health and Parenting.", Interactive Video Teleconference for the public, Medical College of Wisconsin, 04/03/1997
DIEHR S, Dermatology Procedures Workshop, 32nd Annual Winter Refresher Course for Family Medicine, Waukesha, WI, 01/31/2002
DIEHR S, Meurer L, "Handheld Computers in the Clinic: Practical Tips that Aid Patient Care and Student Teaching.", 33rd Annual Winter Refresher Course for Family Medicine, Waukesha, WI, 01/29/2003
O’Connor J, DIEHR S, "Preceptor Education: NNT and NNH; Interpreting Clinical Trials for your Practice.", 34th Annual Winter Refresher Course for Family Medicine, Waukesha, WI, 01/29/2004
DIEHR S, "Dermatologic Office Procedures for the Primary Care Providers." Two Workshops, 35th Annual Winter Refresher Course for Family Medicine, Waukesha, WI, 02/03/2005
DIEHR S., Taking Charge of your Fertility -- Options for Delaying Parenthood, 2013 Women Leaders Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 03/15/2013
DIEHR S, "Lead Toxicity.", Noon Conference, St. Michael Hospital, Milwaukee, WI, 11/25/1991
DIEHR S, "How to Help Your Patient Stop Smoking.", Noon Conference, St. Michael Hospital, Milwaukee, WI, 02/13/1992
DIEHR S, "Women and Smoking Risks.", The Women's Health Network of St. Francis Hospital, Milwaukee, WI, 04/16/1992
DIEHR S, "Update on the Risks of Smoking, Benefits of Quitting and New Treatment Options.", All Staff Conference, Waukesha Memorial Hospital, Waukesha, WI, 07/21/1992
DIEHR S, "Cardiovascular System - The Heart.", Concepts in Clinical Medicine Course, Milwaukee, WI, 09/17/1992
DIEHR S, "Update on Smoking Risks and Smoking Cessation.", Medical Grand Rounds, Columbia Hospital, Milwaukee, 02/23/1993
DIEHR S, "Practical Guidelines for Implementing Office-Based Smoking Cessation.", Family Medicine Clinic at Curative, Milwaukee, WI, 03/29/1993
DIEHR S, Martin L, "Medicine in India.", Physicians for Social Responsibility at MCW, Milwaukee, WI, 11/10/1993
Lindemann J, DIEHR S, Chicoye L, "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.", Grand Rounds, Department of Family & Community Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 02/16/1994
DIEHR S, "Lead Toxicity in Children.", Grand Rounds at West Allis Memorial Hospital, West Allis, WI, 10/07/1995
DIEHR S, Bower D, "The Mentoring Process: Both Sides of the Coin.", Women's Faculty Council, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 05/29/1997
DIEHR S, "Medical Stories as Teaching Tools.", Round Table Discussion, 2nd Annual Education Forum, Department of Family & Community Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 03/11/1999
Morzinski J, Bower D, DIEHR S, "A Prescription for Effective Mentoring in Academic Medicine.", Faculty Development Program of the Department of Family & Community Medicine Research Forum, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 10/25/1999
DIEHR S, "Balancing Family and Career.", American Medical Women’s Association-Sponsored Presentation for M1 – M4 Medical Students, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 02/11/2000
DIEHR S, Simpson D, Bedinghaus J, "Effective Clinical Teaching Methods.", St. Michael’s Family Practice Residency, Milwaukee, WI, 03/2000
DIEHR S, "Medicine in India and Nepal.", Wilderness Medical Society Student Interest Group, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 12/05/2000
DIEHR S, Bower D, Meurer L, Demonstrated InfoRetreiver, 1st Annual MCW Teaching with Technology Fair, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 09/17/2002
DIEHR S, "Alzheimer’s Disease & Dementia.", Lecture, DFCM Core/Coordinated Units in Residency Education (CURE) Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 09/15/2004
Mijal S, DIEHR S, Bower D, Bedinghaus J, Schubot D, Poindexter K, "Evidence-Based Medicine Online Course for Community Preceptors." Poster Presentation, Poster Session of Students’ Summer Research Program, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 09/2004
DIEHR S, et al, "The HOME Project." A service-learning project for the benefit of the Milwaukee homeless community and for MCW students, Winter Refresher Course for Family Practice. Display, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 02/02/2011 - 02/03/2011

Bower D, DIEHR S, Schubot D, "Faculty Evidence-based Skill Transfer from the Classroom to Clinic." Peer Paper, 37th Annual STFM Spring Conference, Toronto, Ontario, 05/12/2004 - 05/16/2004
DIEHR S, Bower D, Morzinski J, Olson D, "Byte-sized Interventions to Increase Evidence-based Medicine Teaching by Family Medicine Community Preceptors." Lecture-Discussions, 37th STFM Annual Spring Conference, Toronto, Ontario, 05/12/2004 - 05/16/2004
Havas NE, Bower D, Bedinghaus JM, DIEHR S, Papin K, "Family Medicine Academic Enrichment Elective for Medical Students." Poster Presentation, 43rd STFM Annual Spring Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, 04/24/2010 - 04/28/2010
Doohan N, O’Donovan E, DIEHR S, "Marginalized Women: Prisoners and Homeless." Workshop, WONCA (World Organization of Family Physicians) Triennial Meeting, Cancun, Mexico, 05/21/2010
Morzinski J, Simpson D, DIEHR S, Bower D, "Impact of a Structured Mentor Program on Junior Faculty Development." Platform Presentation, 26th Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Annual Spring Conference, San Diego, CA, 04/25/1993 - 04/28/1993
DIEHR S, "Advances in Smoking Cessation.", 27th Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Annual Spring Conference, Atlanta, GA, 05/1994
Marbella A, DIEHR S, "The Use of Native American Healers by Native American Patients in an Urban Family Medicine Setting.", Association for the Behavioral Sciences and Medical Education (ABSAME), Santa Fe, NM, 10/16/1994
DIEHR S, Simpson D, McLaughlin C, "Medical Story-Telling as a Clinical Teaching Tool.", 30th Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Annual Spring Conference, Boston, MA, 05/04/1997
Bower D, DIEHR S, Morzinski J, Simpson D, "Effective Mentoring in Academic Medicine." Platform Presentation, 30th Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Annual Spring Conference, Boston, MA, 05/05/1997 - 05/07/1997
DIEHR S, "Medical Story-Telling as a Clinical Teaching Tool.", 32nd Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Annual Spring Conference, Seattle, WA, 04/30/1999
Bower D, DIEHR S, Morzinski J, Simpson D, "A Prescription for Being an Effective Faculty Mentor." Platform Presentation, 32nd Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Annual Spring Conference, Seattle, WA, 04/30/1999
Beversdorf S, DIEHR S, "Storytelling and Patient Education.", 33rd Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Annual Spring Conference, Orlando, FL, 05/04/2000
Bower D, DIEHR S, et al., "Using Palm Pilots as a Medical Student Teaching Tool During Ambulatory Clerkships.", 33rd Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Annual Spring Conference, Orlando, FL, 05/05/2000
DIEHR S, Bower D, Wolkomir M, "Obstetrics - Do the Rewards Justify the Sacrifices? Do FP’s Who Practice OB Need a Break on Their Clinical Time? A Time Study Using PDA’s as a Data Collection Test.", 33rd Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Annual Spring Conference, Orlando, FL, 05/06/2000
Bower D, Bedinghaus J, DIEHR S, Niedfeldt M, Simpson D, Beecher A, Lawrence S, "Teaching in the Patient’s Presence (TIPP) Improves Ambulatory Patient Satisfaction.", 34th Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) 27th Annual Predoctoral Education Conference, Long Beach, CA, 02/01/2001 - 02/04/2001
Bedinghaus J, Bower D, Lawrence S, Simpson D, DIEHR S, "Real-Time Student Evaluation of Ambulatory Teaching Methods." Platform Presentation, 34th Annual Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Annual Spring Conference, Denver, CO, 04/28/2001 - 05/02/2001
DIEHR S, Beversdorf S, Candib L, Gilchrist V, Frey J, Ventres W, "Life Stories.", 34th Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Annual Spring Conference, Denver, CO, 04/28/2001
Morzinski J, DIEHR S, "Essential Faculty Development Features that Build Productive Colleagues.", 34th Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Annual Spring Conference, Denver, CO, 05/02/2001
Bower D, Goodell M, DIEHR S, "Family Medicine as Leaders of Evidence-Based Medicine Curriculum Initiatives." Lecture Discussion, 29th Annual Predoctoral Education Conference, Austin, TX, 01/30/2003 - 02/02/2003
Bower D, DIEHR S, Goodell ME, "How to Incorporate EBM into Medical School Curriculum.", 36th Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Annual Predoctoral Conference, Austin, TX, 01/31/2003 - 02/02/2003
DIEHR S, Bower D, Simpson D, Romm F, "Using PBL Methodology to Improve Knowledge & Teaching Skills about Evidence-Based Medicine." "Teach Faculty and Residents about EBM." Peer Sessions, 36th Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Annual Spring Conference, Atlanta, GA, 09/20/2003 - 09/24/2003
DIEHR S, "Evidence-Based Medicine Teaching Strategies at the Point-of-Care." Special Topic Breakfast, 36th Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Annual Spring Conference, Atlanta, GA, 09/20/2003 - 09/24/2003
DIEHR S, Nierenberg B, Harris D, Baxley E, "Scaling the Slippery Slope: The Teaching and Practice of How to Keep Our Balance." Lecture-Discussion, 37th Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Annual Spring Conference, Toronto, Ontario, 05/12/2004 - 05/16/2004
Bower D, DIEHR S, Schubot D, "Faculty Evidence-Based Skill Transfer from Classroom to Clinic.", 37th Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Annual Spring Conference, Toronto, Ontario, 05/12/2004 - 05/16/2004
McLaughlin C, Holloway R, DIEHR S, "Writing for Transformation: Reflecting, Redefining, and Re-Emerging." Workshop, 37th Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Annual Spring Conference, Toronto, Ontario, 05/12/2004 - 05/16/2004
DIEHR S, Bower D, Morzinski J, Olson D, "Byte-Sized Interventions to Increase Evidence-Based Medicine Teaching by Family Medicine Community Preceptors." Lecture-Discussion, 37th Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Annual Spring Conference, Toronto, Ontario, 05/12/2004 - 05/16/2004
DIEHR S, Bower D, Bedinghaus J, "Community Preceptors Learning to Teach EBM via an On-Line Course." Poster Presentation, 38th Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Annual Spring Conference, New Orleans, LA, 04/30/2005 - 05/04/2005
DIEHR S, Meurer L, "Family Practice Inquiries Network (FPIN) as a Faculty Development and EBM Teaching Tool." Peer Session, 38th Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Annual Spring Conference, New Orleans, LA, 05/01/2005
McLaughlin C, Holloway R, DIEHR S, "Conflict and Resolution, Mind and Heart Writing Your Life." Workshop, 38th Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Annual Spring Conference, New Orleans, LA, 05/02/2005
Bedinghaus J, DIEHR S, "A Doula for Your Career." Special Topic Breakfast, 39th Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Annual Spring Conference, San Francisco, CA, 04/26/2006 - 04/30/2006
Goodell ME, Simpson D, DIEHR S, "Developing and Disseminating Endurable Educational Products As a Form of Educational Scholarship." Lecture-Discussion, 39th Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Annual Spring Conference, San Francisco, CA, 04/26/2006 - 04/30/2006
DIEHR S, Stinson M, "Street Medicine: Medical Care for the Homeless." Special Topic Breakfast, 39th Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Annual Spring Conference, San Francisco, CA, 04/26/2006 - 04/30/2006
Bower D, DIEHR S, Bedinghaus J, "ANGEL and Demons: The Trials and Tribulations of Developing On-line Course Material.", 39th Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Annual Spring Conference, San Francisco, CA, 04/26/2006 - 04/30/2006
Simpson D. Facilitator/Coach for the STFM Faculty Development Series Workshop VII: Educational Scholarship, "What’s in Your ...", 40th Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Annual Spring Conference, Chicago, IL, 04/25/2007 - 04/29/2007
Bower D, Shropshire J, Papin K, Frank J, DIEHR S, "Teaching Core Concepts in Family Medicine Using the Electronic Health Record." Seminar, 34th Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Annual Predoctoral Education Conference, Portland, OR, 01/24/2008 - 01/27/2008
Bower D, Hulbert K, Morzinski J. Hughes P, Chandler T, Klehm D, Havas N, DIEHR S. Bedinghaus J, Nelson K, "Creating a Family Medicine Learning Community to Increase Family Medicine Career Choice for Medical Students." Lecture-Discussion, 37th Annual STFM Conference on Medical Student Education, Houston, TX, 01/21/2011
DIEHR S, Schaefer M, "The HOME (Homeless Outreach in Medical Education) Project." Peer Session, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Predoctoral Conference, Austin Texas, 01/2011
Morzinski J, Jerpbak C, Cochella S, DIEHR S, Steele D, "Using STFM as a Springboard to Career Success in Medical Student Education." Invited Seminar for STFM, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Conference on Medical Student Education, Long Beach CA, 02/04/2012
Spindler D, Meurer L, DIEHR S, Samyn M, Impact of Service Learning on Medical Students' Attitudes Towards Healthcare for the Homeless, 46th Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Annual Spring Conference, Baltimore, MD, 05/01/2013 - 05/05/2013
DIEHR S, Bower D, Morzinski j, Simpson D, "Seasons of a Mentee's Life; Comparison of Two Groups of Junior Faculty in a Structured Mentor Program." Poster Session, Association of American Medical Colleges' (AAMC) Central Group on Educational Affairs, Chicago, IL, 04/21/1994 - 04/24/1994
DIEHR S, Bragg D, "Medical Story-Telling: a Valuable Teaching Tool.", Association of American Medical Colleges' Central Group on Educational Affairs, Chicago, IL, 04/02/1998
DIEHR S, Bragg D, Meyers F, Csizmadia N, McLaughlin C, "Integrating Medical Story-Telling into Clinical Teaching.", 31st Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Annual Spring Conference, Chicago, IL, 04/25/1998
Rediske V, Bedinghaus J, Beecher A, Lawrence S, Niedfeldt M, DIEHR S, Bower D, Bertling C, Simpson D, "Web-Based Instruction to Enhance Clinical Teaching Skills of Community Preceptors.", Association of American Medical Colleges' Central Group on Educational Affairs, Rockford, IL, 03/2000
Bower D, Niedfeldt M, Simpson D, Bertling C, DIEHR S, Bedinghaus J, Lawrence S, Beecher A, "PDAs for Teaching and Evaluation in Ambulatory Education.", 11th Annual Meeting of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), Chicago, IL, 10/27/2000 - 11/01/2000
Bower D, DIEHR S, Havas N, Bedinghaus J, Papin K, "Team-Based Learning in a 4-Week Family Medicine Clerkship: A Teaching Method that Supports Clinical Competencies." Poster Presentation, Central Group on Educational Affairs (CGEA) Spring Meeting, Rochester, MN, 03/27/2009
Morzinski J, Simpson D, DIEHR S, Bower D, "A Study of Junior Faculty Development through Participation in a Structured Mentoring Program." Poster Presentation, 2nd Annual MCW Department of Family & Community Medicine Research Forum, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 05/20/1993
Bower D, Simpson DE, DIEHR S, Morzinski J, "Longitudinal Effects of a Formal Mentoring Program." Platform Presentation, 3rd Annual MCW Department of Family & Community Medicine Research Forum, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 06/07/1994
DIEHR S, Bevington M, "MCW Smoking Cessation Survey.", 3rd Annual MCW Department of Family & Community Medicine Research Forum, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 06/07/1994
DIEHR S, "Former Smokers: A Patient Profile.", 4th Annual MCW Department of Family & Community Medicine Research Forum, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 06/05/1995
DIEHR S, "Medical Story-Telling as a Clinical Teaching Tool." Poster Presentation, 6th Annual MCW Department of Family & Community Medicine Research Forum, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 06/09/1997
DIEHR S, "Medical Story-Telling as a Clinical Teaching Tool: Current use by Family Physicians." Poster Presentation, 7th Annual MCW Department of Family & Community Medicine Research Forum, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 06/01/1998
Beecher A, Bedinghaus J, Rediske V, Carle M, Niedfeldt M, Lawrence S, Wolkomir M, DIEHR S, Bower D, Simpson D, "Web-Based Instruction to Enhance Clinical Teaching Skills." Poster Presentation, 8th Annual MCW Department of Family & Community Medicine Research Forum, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 06/07/1999
DIEHR S, Bower D, Wolkomir M, "Obstetrics - Do the Rewards Justify the Sacrifices?" Poster Presentation, 8th Annual MCW Department of Family & Community Medicine Research Forum, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 06/07/1999
Niedfeldt M, Beecher A, Bedinghaus J, DIEHR S, Simpson D, "Effectiveness of a Clinical Teaching Workshop for Residents Teaching Medical Students in an Ambulatory Setting.", 9th Annual MCW Department of Family & Community Medicine Research Forum, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 06/05/2000
Bedinghaus J, DIEHR S, Bower D, Niedfeldt M, Beecher A, Lawrence S, Bertling C, Simpson D, "Effect of Clinical Teaching Method of Patient Satisfaction." Poster Presentation, 9th Annual MCW Department of Family & Community Medicine Research Forum, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 06/05/2000
Beversdorf S, DIEHR S, Young S, "Story Sessions – A New Old Way to Learn." Poster Presentation, 10th Annual MCW Department of Family & Community Medicine Research Forum, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 05/21/2001
DIEHR S, “Stress Kit: A Targeted Intervention to Reduce Relapse in Female Smokers." Poster Presentation, 10th Annual MCW Department of Family & Community Medicine Research Forum, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 05/21/2001
Bower D, Lawrence S, Beecher A, Niedfeldt M, DIEHR S, Bedinghaus J, Simpson D, "Who Teaches M3 Students?", 10th Annual MCW Department of Family and Community Medicine Research Forum, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 05/21/2001
Bower D, Schubot D, Marth J, Simpson D, Predoc Group (DIEHR S et al.), "Clinical Learning Experience for Third-Year Medical Students on a Family Medicine Clerkship: Use of a PDA Patient Log." Poster Presentation, 10th Annual MCW Department of Family & Community Medicine Research Forum, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 05/21/2001
Bedinghaus J, DIEHR S, Bower D, Niedfeldt M, Beecher A, Lawrence S, Bertling C, Simpson D, "Effect of Clinical Teaching Method on Patient Satisfaction.", Proceedings from the 2000 Wisconsin Primary Care Research Forum and 14th Annual WReN Meeting, Wisconsin Medical Journal 2001, Volume 100, No. 6 page 45., 2001
DIEHR S, Bower D, Simpson D, "Medical Student Application of Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) Search Skills in the Classroom and in Office-Based Patient Care in a Third-Year Family Medicine Clerkship.", 12th Annual Department of Family and Community Medicine Research Forum, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 06/09/2003
DIEHR S, Bower D, "Evidence-Based Medicine Step 5: Using Problem-Based Learning Methodology to Improve Knowledge & Teaching Skills about Evidence-Based Medicine.", 12th Annual Department of Family and Community Medicine Research Forum, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 06/09/2003
DIEHR S, Bower D, Bedinghaus J, "Community Preceptors Learning to Teach Via an On-Line Course.", 14th Annual Department of Family and Community Medicine Research Forum, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 06/13/2005
Bower D, Schubot D, Papin K, Havas N, DIEHR S, Bedinghaus J, "Family Medicine Clerkship Hand-Held Computer Student Experience Log Data to Assess Student Success in Seeing Common Diagnoses and Using EBM in Their Patient Care." Poster Presentation, 16th Annual Department of Family and Community Medicine Research Forum, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 06/2007
Papin K, Bower D, DIEHR S, Shropshire J, Frank J, "Teaching core Family Medicine principles in the context of an electronic health record: Faculty vs. student perception." Poster Presentation, 17th Annual Department of Family and Communuity Medicine Research Forum, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 06/02/2008
Schaffer M, et al, DIEHR S, "The HOME project: Homeless Outreach in Medical Education." Poster, Annual Research Forum of the Department of Family & Community Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 05/24/2010

Medical College of Wisconsin
1991 - 1994 Recruitment and Education Committee, Department of Family & Community Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
1993 Predoctoral Strategic Planning, Department of Family & Community Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
1994 Member, Ad hoc Committee for Service Standards for Patient Care, Medical College of Wisconsin
1994 Member, Ad hoc Student Evaluation Task Force of the CEC Subcommittee on Feedback, Medical College of Wisconsin
1994 - 1996 Utilization and Quality Management Committee, Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital
1995 Doyne Clinics QA Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
1996 - 1999 Dean's Appointee, Faculty Benefits and Career Development Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
1996 The Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) Faculty Committee: Sub-Committee on Self-Study, Medical College of Wisconsin
1997 - 2000 Member, 1997-2000 Primary Care Initiative Advisory Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
1997 Long-Range Planning Retreat, Department of Family & Community Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
1997 Participant in preparation for the Accreditation Council on Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) site visit for a family practice program accreditation, Department of Family & Community Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
1997 - 2000 Member, Women's Faculty Council, Medical College of Wisconsin
1998 Predoctoral Strategic Planning, Department of Family & Community Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
1999 Departmental Vision Statement, Department of Family & Community Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
1999 - 2002 Dean's Appointee - 2nd term, Faculty Benefits and Career Development Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
1999 - 2002 Chair, Family Medicine Clinic Monthly Physician/Administrative Meetings, Department of Family & Community Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
2000 Predoctoral Group: Vision/Goal/Objectives Statement, Department of Family & Community Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
2002 - Present Chair, DFCM Student Awards Committee, Department of Family & Community Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
2012 Elected to a 3-year term, Women’s Faculty Council, Medical College of Wisconsin
2013 Liaison from Women's Faculty Council. Elected to a 1-year term., Diverity and Inclusion Advisory Committee (DIAC), Medical College of Wisconsin

Medical Student Education
1991 - Present Clinical preceptor for M3 students in their ambulatory and pediatric rotations: 1 student/month
1991 - 2004 Isaac Coggs Training Workshop for physical diagnosis skills. M1 & M2 Students
1993 - Present Preceptor for M-2 Physical Diagnosis course
1993 - 1997 Curriculum development and Lecture on 'Preventive Medicine Guidelines for Women' in Ambulatory Medicine Course. 2 hours; 6 months/year. M3 Students
1994 'Women in Medicine’ panel discussion member. Part of a 6-week lecture series for medical students at the Medical College of Wisconsin. April 4, 1994. M4 Students
1996 - Present Suture Workshop at yearly Procedures Fair - M1 Students
1997 - 2008 Instructor for teaching pelvic exams to M2 students. Lecture on the female genital exam February 10, 1998
1997 - 2000 Curriculum development and workshop on 'Clinical Prevention' in Ambulatory Medicine Course. 3 hours; 6 months/year. M3 Students
2000 - 2008 Problem Based Learning (PBL) Leader in required M3 Family Medicine clerkship: Participated in development of teaching cases; PBL Facilitator - 3 months/year
2000 - Present Clinical preceptor for students in their M3 Family Medicine rotation: 2-3 students/month
2000 - 2002 2-hour topic on Medical Story-Telling as part of “The Art of Medicine Through the Humanities” M4 elective
01/2004 - Present Participation in M3 “Intersession” on teaching EBM. First Intersession began January 2004
2004 Faculty Preceptor, DFCM Combined Clinical & Research Student Summer Training Program. M1 Students
2004 Attending physician in the M4 Master Clinician course
2006 - Present Group Leader for Medical Interviewing course. M1 Students
2008 - Present Team Based Learning (TBL): Participated in development of teaching format; development of Dermatology, Respiratory and Allery modules; TBL Facilitator - 10 months/year. M3 Students
2009 - Present Developed and continue to be Advisor / Coordinator for the 'Homeless Outreach in Medical Education (HOME) Project track within the Urban & Community Health Pathway. M1 Students
Resident and Fellow Education
1991 - 1993 Clinical preceptor at St. Mary's and St. Michael Family Practice Residencies. 2 half-days/week
1994 - 2002 Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics (ALSO) course instructor for breech delivery, postpartum hemorrhage, neonatal resuscitation, and intrapartum fetal surveillance. Residents 1994, 1995, 2000-2002
2003 - 2005 Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics (ALSO) course instructor for intrapartum fetal surveillance. Residents 2003 (May, Oct); 2005 (Oct)

Medical Students
1993 - Present, Tag-along preceptor to M1 students. Average of 2 students/year, Medical College of Wisconsin
1993 - Present, Senior adviser to M-3 & M-4 students. Average of 5 students/year, Medical College of Wisconsin
1994 - Present, Mentor to M1 & M2 students in Clinical Continuum program, which includes the Mentor program and the Introduction to the Clinical Exam (ICE) Program. Average of 1 students/year, Medical College of Wisconsin
1999 - 2007, Facilitator; Story Exchange for M1 & M2 students in collaboration with The Center for Healthy Communities., Medical College of Wisconsin
2000 - 2008, Chair; MCW's FPSA Procedure's Fair M-1 & M-2., Medical College of Wisconsin
2001 - Present, Facilitator, American Medical Association-Medical Student Section, Career Day for M-1 & M-2, Medical College of Wisconsin
2007 - Present, Co-Sponsor & Faculty Mentor in Humanities Mentor track, Medical College of Wisconsin
2007 - Present, MCW Muses (Ceramics) - yearly exhibitor, Medical College of Wisconsin
2007 - Present, Faculty Mentor in Family Medicine Mentor track, Medical College of Wisconsin
1995 - 1997, Women's Faculty Council; Planning Committee -- welcoming dinner for new women faculty; networking dinner for women faculty & students, Medical College of Wisconsin
1995 - 1997, Mentor/Advisor for one junior Family Medicine faculty member in Group D of the Faculty Development Program. Department of Family & Community Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin

1992 - Present Volunteer Staff at Saturday Free Clinic (formerly Isaac Coggs Clinic) for the Uninsured. Approximately once/year
11/01/1994 Interview on Influenza Vaccine. Kathleen Dunn Show on Wisconsin Public Radio.
11/16/1995 WITI - TV 6: Expert Source Interview on Smoking Cessation.
04/29/1998 Presentation on Preventive Medicine Guidelines for Women. Alpha Phi Sorority. Milwaukee, WI.
11/15/2001 TV 6: Part of a 6-physician phone-bank answering viewer calls on pediatrics. 2 hours.
03/2005 Co-Founder of “Doctors Without Walls.” (DWW)
09/2005 Hurricane Katrina Red Cross Volunteer for refugees housed at the Tommy G. Thompson Youth Center in Milwaukee, WI. Staffing and evening on-call physician for the the on-site Immediate Medical Care Clinic.
11/14/2005 - 11/17/2005 Project “Healthy Neighbors” together with “Doctors Without Walls.” Helped to set up and provided four days of medical care at a homeless shelter in Santa Barbara, CA.
2005 Volunteer Physician for Community Outreach - American Medical Student Association Health Fair at Grand Avenue Mall in Milwaukee, February 12 and November 16, 2005.
01/21/2006 Milwaukee Rescue Mission. Participant in Health Fair.
04/21/2007 The American Cancer Society Sankofa Project cancer education forum. Free consultations.
04/2007 - 05/2010 Health Care for the Homeless; Clinic at 2nd & Capitol, Milwaukee. Provided primary care & minor surgery once/month
12/01/2007 AMSA Health Fair at Pick & Save. Provided free consultations.
2009 - Present Stand Down. Biannual Health Fair for Homeless Veterans. Milwaukee Armory. Twice/year
04/14/2012 Women’s Health Fair: free health screening event for the Milwaukee Women’s Center; organized and provided by the HOME Project with my supervision and participation
2013 "Empty Bowls" volunteer and donation of bowls in collaboration with the HOME Project.

1993 - 1995 American Cancer Society - Physician Education Subcommittee.
1994 Wellness Program Volunteer for MCW employees.
1995 Member of Program Planning and Advisory Committee guiding the development of the Medical College of Wisconsin CME program Detection and Management of Pediatric Lead Poisoning under a grant from the State of Wisconsin Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Health.
1996 Volunteer faculty at Student National Medical Association sponsored Health Fairs.
1996 - 1999 Wauwatosa Board of Health: Vice Chair. Focus on Health Committee member guiding the development of the CITY OF WAUWATOSA STRATEGIC PLAN 1999-2004; REPORT OF THE FOCUS ON HEALTH COMMITTEE.
2006 - Present Reviewer for MedEdPORTAL.

Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. Bower DJ, Bertling C, Simpson D, Niedfelt M, DIEHR S, Bedinghaus J, Lawrence S. Using Palm Pilots as a Medical Student Teaching Tool During a Primary Care Clerkship. Academic Medicine 75(5):541-2, May 2000.
2. Diehr S. Medical story-telling as a teaching tool in palliative care education. J Palliat Med. 1998;1(2):197-9.
3. Bower DJ, DIEHR S, Morzinski JA, Simpson DE. Support-Challenge-Vision: A Model for Faculty Mentoring. Medical Teacher, 1998;20(6):595-597.
4. Marbella AM, Harris MC, Diehr S, Ignace G, Ignace G. Use of Native American healers among Native American patients in an urban Native American health center. Arch Fam Med. 1998;7(2):182-5.
5. Morzinski JA, Diehr S, Bower DJ, Simpson DE. A descriptive, cross-sectional study of formal mentoring for faculty. Fam Med. 1996 Jun;28(6):434-8.
6. Rediske V, Simpson D, Beecher A, Carle M, Neidfelt M, Lawrence S, Wolkomir M, Bedinghaus J, DIEHR S, Bower DJ. Web-based Instruction to Enhance Clinical Teaching of Community Preceptors. Academic Medicine, 1999;74(5):103-104.
7. Morzinski JA, Simpson DE, Bower DJ, Diehr S. Faculty development through formal mentoring. Acad Med. 1994 Apr;69(4):267-9.
8. Abernethy H, Cho C, DeLanoy A, Khan O, Kerns JW, Knight K, Diehr S. Clinical inquiries. What nonpharmacological treatments are effective against common nongenital warts? J Fam Pract. 2006 Sep;55(9):801-2.
9. Diehr S, Hamp A, Jamieson B, Mendoza M. Clinical inquiries. Do topical antibiotics improve wound healing? J Fam Pract. 2007 Feb;56(2):140-4.
10. Diehr S, Ison D, Jamieson B, Oh R. Clinical inquiries. What is the best way to diagnose a suspected rotator cuff tear? J Fam Pract. 2006 Jul;55(7):621-4.
11. Diehr S, Mijal S, Nashelsky J. Raloxifene for prevention of osteoporotic fractures. Am Fam Physician. 2005 Jul 01;72(1):132-4.
12. Diehr S, Scoville C, Bercaw DM. Clinical inquiries. How effective is desmopressin for primary nocturnal enuresis? J Fam Pract. 2003 Jul;52(7):568-9.
13. Bedinghaus J, Leshan L, Diehr S. Coronary artery disease prevention: what's different for women? Am Fam Physician. 2001 Apr 01;63(7):1393-400, 1405-6.
Books, Chapters, and Reviews
1. Bower D, DIEHR S, Morzinski J, Simpson D. Mentoring Guidebook – Using Support, Challenge and Vision to Guide Colleagues towards Academic Success. First Edition. Center for Ambulatory Teaching Excellence, May 1999. Second Edition. Center for Ambulatory Teaching Excellence, September 1999. -- Peer reviewed and accepted by the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine for sale in their bookstore. STFM’s Top 10 in 6/2005.
Editorials, Letters To Editor, Other
1. Bedinghaus J, DIEHR S, Bower DJ, Niedfeldt M, Beecher A, Lawrence S, Bertling C, Simpson D. Effect of Clinical Teaching on Patient Satisfaction- Wisconsin Medical Journal.2001:100(6):45.
Peer Reviewed Educational Products
1. Sloane P. et al. Essentials of Family Medicine. 5th Edition. Contributor for Faculty and Student review questions; chapter 41. Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins. Philadelphia, PA 2008.
2. DIEHR S, McLaughlin C, Simpson D, editors. Family Medicine Stories: The Wizard in Us; A Clinical Teacher's Resource. Center for Ambulatory Teaching Excellence. Department of Family & Community Medicine, MCW 1997.
3. Meurer LN, Young SA, Meurer JR, Johnson SL, Gilbert IA, Diehr S, Urban and Community Health Pathway Planning Council. The urban and community health pathway: preparing socially responsive physicians through community-engaged learning. Am J Prev Med. 2011 Oct;41(4 Suppl 3):S228-36.
4. Meurer LN, Diehr S. Community-engaged scholarship: meeting scholarly project requirements while advancing community health. J Grad Med Educ. 2012 Sep;4(3):385-6. PMCID: PMC3444198
5. Ake T, Diehr S, Ruffalo L, Farias E, Fitzgerald A, Good SD, Howard LB, Kostelyna SP, Meurer LN. Needs Assessment for Creating a Patient-Centered, Community-Engaged Health Program for Homeless Pregnant Women. J Patient Cent Res Rev. 2018;5(1):36-44. PMCID: PMC6664343
6. Diehr S. With high spontaneous cure rates, communication and individualized treatment remain the comerstones Journal of Family Practice. September 2006;55(9):801.
7. Bower DJ, Diehr S, Morzinski JA, Simpson DE. Support-challenge-vision: A model for faculty mentoring Medical Teacher. November 1998;20(6):595-597.
8. Nelipovich S, Kotagiri N, Afreen E, Craft MA, Allen S, Davitt C, Ruffalo L, Diehr S. Impact Evaluation of Patient-Centered, Community-Engaged Health Modules for Homeless Pregnant Women. WMJ. 2022 Jul;121(2):99-105.
Database, Video, or Other Research/Clinical Contributions
1. Bower DJ, DIEHR S, Morzinski J, Simpson D. Effective Mentoring in Academic Medicine. 1997 addition to MCW DFCM website, listed under faculty development. Since 1997, this section of the MCW DFCM web site has had more than 125 visits per year."
2. Rediske V, Simpson DE, Beecher A, Carle M, Niedfelt M, Lawrence S, Wolkomir M, Bedinghaus J, DIEHR S, Bower DJ. Clinical Preceptor Modules. May 1999. Sites: July 1000; -- Local/Regional peer review by Wisconsin Area Health Education Consortium; accredited for CME. -- National peer review by The Society of Teachers of Family Medicine; accredited for CME. -- National peer review by the American Academy of Family Practice; accredited for CME. -- CME credit at the Medical College of Wisconsin.
3. Award-Winning Clinical Teachers Teach. Participated in scrip development, production and acting of video. -- Peer reviewed by the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine and accepted for their bookstore. -- Peer reviewed by APA; available for purchase. -- Peer review by Larry Greenberg accepted for publication in Archives of Pediatrics (8/2000).
4. DIEHR S, Bower DJ, Bedinghaus J. EBM On-line Course for Clinical Preceptors MedEdPORTAL; 2006. Available from:, ID = 9814