Samuel S. Blumenthal MD
Samuel S. Blumenthal MD
Department of Medicine
Division of Nephrology
Department of Medicine
Division of Nephrology
Froedtert Hospital |
9200 W Wisconsin Ave |
Milwaukee, WI 53226 |
06/1973 - Present B.A., Columbia University, New York, NY |
06/1977 - Present M.D., New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY |
07/1977 - 06/1978 Medical Internship, Westchester County Medical Center, Valhalla, NY |
07/1978 - 06/1980 Medical Residency, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI |
07/1980 - 06/1983 Nephrology Fellowship, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI |
07/1999 - 08/2002 Masters of Business Administration, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI |
07/1983 - 06/1990 Assistant Professor, Medicine, Nephrology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI |
07/1990 - Present Associate Professor, Medicine, Nephrology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI |
09/2008 - Present Professor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI |
07/1983 - 06/1995 Attending Staff, Department of Medicine, John L. Doyne Hospital, Milwaukee, WI |
07/1983 - 07/1986 Staff Physician Renal Section, Medicine, Nephrology, Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI |
07/1983 - Present Attending Staff, Department of Medicine, Nephrology, Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital, Milwaukee, WI |
07/1986 - 07/2016 Assistant Chief Renal Section, Zablocki VA Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI |
07/1991 - 12/2018 Chairman, Human Studies Subcommittee (VA), Zablocki VA Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI |
01/1999 - 07/15/2001 Medical Director, Stella Jones Dialysis Unit, Milwaukee, WI |
01/1999 - 01/2005 Associate Medical Director of Dialysis, Froedtert Medical Lutheran Hospital, Milwaukee, WI |
07/2001 - Present Medical Director, Shorewood Dialysis Unit, Milwaukee, WI |
07/2015 - 12/2018 Chief Renal Section, Zablocki VA Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI |
Board Certified | Issue Date | Expiration |
American Board of Internal Medicine Certified | 09/1980 | None |
ABIM - Nephrology Certified | 11/1982 | None |
Licensure | Number | Issue Date | Expiration |
Wisconsin License | 21615 | 11/01/1978 | 10/31/2013 |
07/1981 - 06/1982 National Kidney Foundation of Wisconsin Fellowship, Medical College of Wisconsin |
07/1982 - 06/1983 National Kidney Foundation Fellowship, Medical College of Wisconsin |
07/1983 - 06/1985 Associate Investigator of the Veterans Administration, Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center |
07/1985 - 06/1988 Research Associate of the Veterans Administration, Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center |
2002 - 2003 Best Teaching Service for the 2002/2003 Academic Year, Medical College of Wisconsin |
2003 - 2004 Best Teaching Service for the 2003/2004 Academic Year, Medical College of Wisconsin |
2009 - 2010 MCW Outstanding Medical Student Teachers, Medical College of Wisconsin |
American Society of Nephrology (1982-Present) |
International Society of Nephrology (1982-Present) |
American Federation of Clinical Research (1982-2003) |
American College of Physicians (1980 – Present) |
Member, Executive Committee Collaborative Study Group (1995-present) |
Member, NAVIGATOR U.S. Steering Committee (2003-2009) |
Books, Chapters, and Reviews |
1. Petering, D.H., Dughish, M., Huang, S., Krezoski, S., Krull, D., Lewand, D., Munoz, A., Ren, L., Venkatesh, S., Blumenthal, S., and Shaw C.F. III: Cellular metallothionein: properties of apometallothionein and the comparative toxicity of CD2+ and Cd-metallothionein, In Metallothionein IV. Klaassen, C., Editor, Birkhauser Verlag, Basal, pp. 459-468, 1998. |
2. Abstracts (Presented at meetings or not subsequently published in full) |
3. Blumenthal, S., Piering, W.F., and Ortiz, M.: Importance of both inflow time and type of single needle device (SND) in minimizing recirculation in single needle hemodialysis (SNHD). ASAIO Abstracts, 10: 38, 1981. |
4. Blumenthal S., Ware, R., and Kleinman, J.: Na+-H+ exchange in ATP-depleted renal tubule cells. Clin. Res. 29: 775A, 1982. |
5. Blumenthal S., Ware, R., and Kleinman, J.: Passive Na+-H+ exchange in renal tubule cells. Kidney Int. 21: 233, 1982. |
6. Blumenthal, S., and Kleinman, J.: Membrane potential affects acid-base transport in renal tubule cells. Clin. Res. 30: 784A, 1982. |
7. Blumenthal S., and Kleinman, J.: Anion selectivity alters renal tubule cell Na+-H+ exchange. Kidney Int. 23: 229, 1983. |
8. Kochar, M.S., Kalbfleisch, J.H., Blumenthal, S.S., and Maierhofer, W.J.: Combined α and β blocker therapy is no better than α blocker alone in diuretic treated hypertensives. Kidney Int. 23: 171, 1983. |
9. Kochar, M.S., Kalbfleisch, J.H., Blumenthal, S.S., and Maierhofer, W.J.: α blocker alone as good as a combination of α- and β- blockers alone in diuretic treated hypertensives. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 1: 668, 1983. |
10. Blumenthal S., Ware, R., and Kleinman, J.: Role of Na+-H+ exchange in acid base disorders. Clin. Res. 31: 784A, 1983. |
11. Blumenthal S., and Kleinman, J.: Membrane potential and H+ transport in renal tubule cells. Fed. Proc. 42: 303, 1983. |
12. Blumenthal, S., Ortiz, M., Kleinman, J.G., and Piering, W.F.: Inflow time determines recirculation in single needle hemodialysis. Am. J. Kid. Diseases: Program and Abstracts of the National Kidney Foundation 13th Annual Scientific Meeting, 1983, p. 3. |
13. Blumenthal, S., Ware, R., and Kleinman, J.: Proximal tubule Na+-H+ exchange is decreased in metabolic alkalosis. Kidney Int. 29: 363, 1984. |
14. Blumenthal, S., Ware, R., and Kleinman, J.: Norepinephrine stimulates Na+-H+ exchange in proximal tubule cells. Clin. Res. 32: 442A, 1984. |
15. Blumenthal, S., Lewand, D., and Kleinman, J.: Differential effects of CO2 and pH on proximal tubule cells in culture. Clin. Res. 33: 850A, 1985. |
16. Blumenthal, S., Lewand, D., Cragoe, E., Jr., and Kleinman, J.: CO2 stimulates growth of proximal tubule cells in primary culture. Kidney Int. 29: 363, 1985. |
17. Blumenthal, S., Lewand, D., Reetz, K., Cragoe, E., and Kleinman, J.: Cell pH regulation by proximal tubule cells in primary culture. Fed. Proc. 45: 2055, 1986. |
18. Kleinman, J., Blumenthal, S., Reetz, K., and Cragoe, E., Jr.: Na+-H+ exchanger of medullary tubule cells in primary culture. Clin. Res. 34: 601A, 1986. |
19. Worcester, E.M., Beshensky, A.M., Altmann, C.L., and Blumenthal, S.S.: Immunoreactive nephrocalcin and crystal growth inhibitory activity are present in human cerebrospinal fluid. Clin. Res. 36: 853A, 1988. |
20. Blumenthal, S., Lewand, D., Kleinman, J., Krezoski, S., and Petering, D.: Inhibition of renal glucose uptake by cadmium: relation to cell ion contents and cell energy state. Clin. Res. 37: 485A, 1989. |
21. Blumenthal, S., Lewand, D., Kleinman, J., and Petering, D.: Cadmium inhibits Na+-glucose but not Na+-amino acid co-transport in cultured tubule cells. Kid. Int. 37: 477, 1990. |
22. Brandes, J.C., Piering, W.F., Beres, J.A., and Blumenthal, S.S.: Clinical outcome of CAPD predicted by urea and creatinine kinetics. J. Am. Soc. Neph. 1 (4): 384, 1990. |
23. Blumenthal, S., Lewand, D., Krezoski, S., and Petering, D.: Zinc exposure prevents effects of cadmiun on Na+-glucose co-transport. Clin. Res. 39: 389A, 1991. |
24. Blumenthal, S., Lewand, D., Tipnis, P., and Kleinman, J.: Effects of serum proteins on Na+-linked transport in cultured kidney cells. Clin. Res. 40: 146A, 1992. |
25. Blumenthal, S., Kleinman, J., and Lewand, D.: Effect of albumin on Na+ glucose cotransport in cultured kidney cells: Greater increase with apical exposure. Abstracts of the XIIIth International Congress of Nephrology, p. 113, 1993. Presented at the XIIth International Congress of Nephrology, Jerusalem, Israel, June 13-18, 1993. |
26. Blumenthal, S., Ren, L., Lewand, D., and Petering, D.: Cadmium and other metals decrease sodium-dependent glucose uptake by decreasing SGLTI mRNA. Presented at the Midwest Section of the American Federation of Clinical Research, Chicago, IL, September 28-30, 1995. |
27. Blumenthal, S., Ren, L., Lewand, D., and Petering, D.: Cadmium-induced Fanconi syndrome: inhibition of transcription of specific transporter mRNA. J. Am. Soc. Neph. 7(9): 1838, 1996. Presented at the American Society of Nephrology 29th annual meeting, New Orleans, LA, November 3-6, 1996. |
28. Wilmer, W.A., Hebert,L.A., Lewis, E.J., Whittier, F., Cattran, D., Levey, A., Breyer, J., Spitalewitz, S., and Blumenthal, S.: Long-term follow-up of the eight patients with diabetic nephropathy who experienced remission of nephrotic syndrome during the captopril study. J. Am. Soc. Neph. 8: 120A, 1997. Presented at the American Society of Nephrology 30th annual meeting, November 2-5, 1997. |
29. Tabatabai, N.M., Blumenthal, S.S., Lewand, D.L., and Petering, D.H: Cadmium can differentially modulate the level of kidney sugar transporter mRNA. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 12: 806A, 2001. Presented at the American Society of Nephrology/ISN World Congress of Nephrology annual meeting, San Francisco, CA, October 13-17, 2001. |
30. Tabatabai, N.M., Blumenthal, S.S., Lewand, D.L., and Petering, D.H: Mouse kidney expresses mRNA of four sodium-glucose cotransporter (SGLT) isoforms: responses to cadmium. J. Am. Soc.Nephrol. 13:66A, 2002. Presented at the American Society of Nephrology/ISM World Congress of Nephrology annual meeting, Philadelphia, PA, October 31- November 5, 2002. |
31. Pohl, M.A., Blumenthal, S., Hunsicker, L.G., the Collaborative Study Group. Impact of achieved systolic blood pressure on renal function in type 2 diabetic nephropathy. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 13:644A, 2002. |
32. Tabatabai, N.M., Blumenthal, S.S., and Petering, D.H.: Quantitative analysis of high affinity sodium-glucose cotransporter (SGLT1) messenger RNA and its correlation with glucose uptake in cultured mouse kidney cells exposed to cadmium. Presented at the American Society of Nephrology 36th Annual Meeting & Scientific Exposition, San Diego, CA, November 12-17, 2003. |
33. Tabatabai, N.M., Blumenthal, S.S., Dolan, K., and Petering.: Role of transcription factor Sp1 in modulation of mouse kidney sodium-glucose co-transporter 1 (SGLT1) gene expression to metal cadmium. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 15:93A, 2004. Presented at the American Society of Nephrology 37th Annual Meeting & Scientific Exposition, St. Louis, MO, October 27-November 1, 2004. |
34. Reed, J., Keightly, G., Blumenthal, S., Bradley, C., LaBrecque, J., and Turner ,S.: The Control Study: Enhanced achievement of NKF-DOQI ™ bone metabolism and disease targets using cinacalcet HCL (Sensipar™). J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 15:280A, 2004. Presented at the American Society of Nephrology 37th Annual Meeting & Scientific Exposition, St. Louis, MO, October 27-November 1, 2004. |
35. Schulman, G., Agarwal, R., Acharya, M., Berl, T., Blumenthal, S., and Kopyt, N.: Kremezin® (AST-120) reduces indoxyl sulfate (IS), a profibrotic compound in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD): results from a multicenter, randomized, double-blind study. J. Am. Soc.Nephrol. 15:335A, 2004. Presented at the American Society of Nephrology 37th Annual Meeting & Scientific Exposition, St. Louis, MO, October 27-November 1, 2004. |
36. Tabatabai, N.M., Sharma, M., Blumenthal, S.S., Savin, V.J., McCarthy, E.T., and Petering D.H.: In Vivo messenger RNA expression of the kidney sodium-glucose cotransporters (SGLTs) in the diabetic Zucker rats. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 16:404A, 2005. Presented at the American Society of Nephrology 38th Annual Meeting & Scientific Exposition, Philadelphia, PA, November 8-13, 2005. |
37. Tabatabai, N.M., Kothinti, R., Blumenthal, S.S., and Petering, D.H.: Displacement of Zn+2 in zinc finger protein Sp1 and cadmium nephrotoxicity. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 17:121A, 2006. Presented at the American Society of Nephrology 39th Annual Meeting & Scientific Exposition, San Diego, CA, November 14-19, 2006. |
38. McCarthy, E.T., Falck, J.R., Blumenthal, S.S., and Sharma, M.: 20-Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (20-HETE) protects and maintains the glomerular protein permeability barrier. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 17:401A, 2006. Presented at the American Society of Nephrology 39th Annual Meeting & Scientific Exposition, San Diego, CA, November 14-19, 2006. |
39. Hussain, S.A., Mohyuddin, T., Lu, N., Piering, W.F., and Blumenthal, S.S.: Does frequency of physician-patient contact impact outcomes of end stage renal disease patients (ESRD) receiving dialysis. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 17:644A, 2006. Presented at the American Society of Nephrology 39th Annual Meeting & Scientific Exposition, San Diego, CA, November 14-19, 2006. |
40. Abboud, H., Liljenquist, S., Blumenthal, S., Ervin, W., Rendell, M., Aggarwal, S.K., Mitchell B., and Williams, M.: EXACT: Evaluating the effect of XL784 on albuminuria in a clinical trial of diabetic nephropathy. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 18:329A, 2007. Presented at the American Society of Nephrology 40th Annual Meeting & Scientific Exposition, San Francisco, CA, November 14-19, 2007. |
41. Petering, D.H., Dughish, M., Huang, S., Krezoski, S., Krull, D., Lewand, D., Munoz, A., Ren, L., Venkatesh, S., Blumenthal, S., and Shaw C.F. III: Cellular metallothionein: properties of apometallothionein and the comparative toxicity of CD2+ and Cd-metallothionein, In Metallothionein IV. Klaassen, C., Editor, Birkhauser Verlag, Basal, pp. 459-468, 1998. |
42. Abstracts (Presented at meetings or not subsequently published in full) |
43. Blumenthal, S., Piering, W.F., and Ortiz, M.: Importance of both inflow time and type of single needle device (SND) in minimizing recirculation in single needle hemodialysis (SNHD). ASAIO Abstracts, 10: 38, 1981. |
44. Blumenthal S., Ware, R., and Kleinman, J.: Na+-H+ exchange in ATP-depleted renal tubule cells. Clin. Res. 29: 775A, 1982. |
45. Blumenthal S., Ware, R., and Kleinman, J.: Passive Na+-H+ exchange in renal tubule cells. Kidney Int. 21: 233, 1982. |
46. Blumenthal, S., and Kleinman, J.: Membrane potential affects acid-base transport in renal tubule cells. Clin. Res. 30: 784A, 1982. |
47. Blumenthal S., and Kleinman, J.: Anion selectivity alters renal tubule cell Na+-H+ exchange. Kidney Int. 23: 229, 1983. |
48. Kochar, M.S., Kalbfleisch, J.H., Blumenthal, S.S., and Maierhofer, W.J.: Combined α and β blocker therapy is no better than α blocker alone in diuretic treated hypertensives. Kidney Int. 23: 171, 1983. |
49. Kochar, M.S., Kalbfleisch, J.H., Blumenthal, S.S., and Maierhofer, W.J.: α blocker alone as good as a combination of α- and β- blockers alone in diuretic treated hypertensives. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 1: 668, 1983. |
50. Blumenthal S., Ware, R., and Kleinman, J.: Role of Na+-H+ exchange in acid base disorders. Clin. Res. 31: 784A, 1983. |
51. Blumenthal S., and Kleinman, J.: Membrane potential and H+ transport in renal tubule cells. Fed. Proc. 42: 303, 1983. |
52. Blumenthal, S., Ortiz, M., Kleinman, J.G., and Piering, W.F.: Inflow time determines recirculation in single needle hemodialysis. Am. J. Kid. Diseases: Program and Abstracts of the National Kidney Foundation 13th Annual Scientific Meeting, 1983, p. 3. |
53. Blumenthal, S., Ware, R., and Kleinman, J.: Proximal tubule Na+-H+ exchange is decreased in metabolic alkalosis. Kidney Int. 29: 363, 1984. |
54. Blumenthal, S., Ware, R., and Kleinman, J.: Norepinephrine stimulates Na+-H+ exchange in proximal tubule cells. Clin. Res. 32: 442A, 1984. |
55. Blumenthal, S., Lewand, D., and Kleinman, J.: Differential effects of CO2 and pH on proximal tubule cells in culture. Clin. Res. 33: 850A, 1985. |
56. Blumenthal, S., Lewand, D., Cragoe, E., Jr., and Kleinman, J.: CO2 stimulates growth of proximal tubule cells in primary culture. Kidney Int. 29: 363, 1985. |
57. Blumenthal, S., Lewand, D., Reetz, K., Cragoe, E., and Kleinman, J.: Cell pH regulation by proximal tubule cells in primary culture. Fed. Proc. 45: 2055, 1986. |
58. Kleinman, J., Blumenthal, S., Reetz, K., and Cragoe, E., Jr.: Na+-H+ exchanger of medullary tubule cells in primary culture. Clin. Res. 34: 601A, 1986. |
59. Worcester, E.M., Beshensky, A.M., Altmann, C.L., and Blumenthal, S.S.: Immunoreactive nephrocalcin and crystal growth inhibitory activity are present in human cerebrospinal fluid. Clin. Res. 36: 853A, 1988. |
60. Blumenthal, S., Lewand, D., Kleinman, J., Krezoski, S., and Petering, D.: Inhibition of renal glucose uptake by cadmium: relation to cell ion contents and cell energy state. Clin. Res. 37: 485A, 1989. |
61. Blumenthal, S., Lewand, D., Kleinman, J., and Petering, D.: Cadmium inhibits Na+-glucose but not Na+-amino acid co-transport in cultured tubule cells. Kid. Int. 37: 477, 1990. |
62. Brandes, J.C., Piering, W.F., Beres, J.A., and Blumenthal, S.S.: Clinical outcome of CAPD predicted by urea and creatinine kinetics. J. Am. Soc. Neph. 1 (4): 384, 1990. |
63. Blumenthal, S., Lewand, D., Krezoski, S., and Petering, D.: Zinc exposure prevents effects of cadmiun on Na+-glucose co-transport. Clin. Res. 39: 389A, 1991. |
64. Blumenthal, S., Lewand, D., Tipnis, P., and Kleinman, J.: Effects of serum proteins on Na+-linked transport in cultured kidney cells. Clin. Res. 40: 146A, 1992. |
65. Blumenthal, S., Kleinman, J., and Lewand, D.: Effect of albumin on Na+ glucose cotransport in cultured kidney cells: Greater increase with apical exposure. Abstracts of the XIIIth International Congress of Nephrology, p. 113, 1993. Presented at the XIIth International Congress of Nephrology, Jerusalem, Israel, June 13-18, 1993. |
66. Blumenthal, S., Ren, L., Lewand, D., and Petering, D.: Cadmium and other metals decrease sodium-dependent glucose uptake by decreasing SGLTI mRNA. Presented at the Midwest Section of the American Federation of Clinical Research, Chicago, IL, September 28-30, 1995. |
67. Blumenthal, S., Ren, L., Lewand, D., and Petering, D.: Cadmium-induced Fanconi syndrome: inhibition of transcription of specific transporter mRNA. J. Am. Soc. Neph. 7(9): 1838, 1996. Presented at the American Society of Nephrology 29th annual meeting, New Orleans, LA, November 3-6, 1996. |
68. Wilmer, W.A., Hebert,L.A., Lewis, E.J., Whittier, F., Cattran, D., Levey, A., Breyer, J., Spitalewitz, S., and Blumenthal, S.: Long-term follow-up of the eight patients with diabetic nephropathy who experienced remission of nephrotic syndrome during the captopril study. J. Am. Soc. Neph. 8: 120A, 1997. Presented at the American Society of Nephrology 30th annual meeting, November 2-5, 1997. |
69. Tabatabai, N.M., Blumenthal, S.S., Lewand, D.L., and Petering, D.H: Cadmium can differentially modulate the level of kidney sugar transporter mRNA. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 12: 806A, 2001. Presented at the American Society of Nephrology/ISN World Congress of Nephrology annual meeting, San Francisco, CA, October 13-17, 2001. |
70. Tabatabai, N.M., Blumenthal, S.S., Lewand, D.L., and Petering, D.H: Mouse kidney expresses mRNA of four sodium-glucose cotransporter (SGLT) isoforms: responses to cadmium. J. Am. Soc.Nephrol. 13:66A, 2002. Presented at the American Society of Nephrology/ISM World Congress of Nephrology annual meeting, Philadelphia, PA, October 31- November 5, 2002. |
71. Pohl, M.A., Blumenthal, S., Hunsicker, L.G., the Collaborative Study Group. Impact of achieved systolic blood pressure on renal function in type 2 diabetic nephropathy. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 13:644A, 2002. |
72. Tabatabai, N.M., Blumenthal, S.S., and Petering, D.H.: Quantitative analysis of high affinity sodium-glucose cotransporter (SGLT1) messenger RNA and its correlation with glucose uptake in cultured mouse kidney cells exposed to cadmium. Presented at the American Society of Nephrology 36th Annual Meeting & Scientific Exposition, San Diego, CA, November 12-17, 2003. |
73. Tabatabai, N.M., Blumenthal, S.S., Dolan, K., and Petering.: Role of transcription factor Sp1 in modulation of mouse kidney sodium-glucose co-transporter 1 (SGLT1) gene expression to metal cadmium. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 15:93A, 2004. Presented at the American Society of Nephrology 37th Annual Meeting & Scientific Exposition, St. Louis, MO, October 27-November 1, 2004. |
74. Reed, J., Keightly, G., Blumenthal, S., Bradley, C., LaBrecque, J., and Turner ,S.: The Control Study: Enhanced achievement of NKF-DOQI ™ bone metabolism and disease targets using cinacalcet HCL (Sensipar™). J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 15:280A, 2004. Presented at the American Society of Nephrology 37th Annual Meeting & Scientific Exposition, St. Louis, MO, October 27-November 1, 2004. |
75. Schulman, G., Agarwal, R., Acharya, M., Berl, T., Blumenthal, S., and Kopyt, N.: Kremezin® (AST-120) reduces indoxyl sulfate (IS), a profibrotic compound in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD): results from a multicenter, randomized, double-blind study. J. Am. Soc.Nephrol. 15:335A, 2004. Presented at the American Society of Nephrology 37th Annual Meeting & Scientific Exposition, St. Louis, MO, October 27-November 1, 2004. |
76. Tabatabai, N.M., Sharma, M., Blumenthal, S.S., Savin, V.J., McCarthy, E.T., and Petering D.H.: In Vivo messenger RNA expression of the kidney sodium-glucose cotransporters (SGLTs) in the diabetic Zucker rats. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 16:404A, 2005. Presented at the American Society of Nephrology 38th Annual Meeting & Scientific Exposition, Philadelphia, PA, November 8-13, 2005. |
77. Tabatabai, N.M., Kothinti, R., Blumenthal, S.S., and Petering, D.H.: Displacement of Zn+2 in zinc finger protein Sp1 and cadmium nephrotoxicity. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 17:121A, 2006. Presented at the American Society of Nephrology 39th Annual Meeting & Scientific Exposition, San Diego, CA, November 14-19, 2006. |
78. McCarthy, E.T., Falck, J.R., Blumenthal, S.S., and Sharma, M.: 20-Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (20-HETE) protects and maintains the glomerular protein permeability barrier. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 17:401A, 2006. Presented at the American Society of Nephrology 39th Annual Meeting & Scientific Exposition, San Diego, CA, November 14-19, 2006. |
79. Hussain, S.A., Mohyuddin, T., Lu, N., Piering, W.F., and Blumenthal, S.S.: Does frequency of physician-patient contact impact outcomes of end stage renal disease patients (ESRD) receiving dialysis. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 17:644A, 2006. Presented at the American Society of Nephrology 39th Annual Meeting & Scientific Exposition, San Diego, CA, November 14-19, 2006. |
80. Abboud, H., Liljenquist, S., Blumenthal, S., Ervin, W., Rendell, M., Aggarwal, S.K., Mitchell B., and Williams, M.: EXACT: Evaluating the effect of XL784 on albuminuria in a clinical trial of diabetic nephropathy. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 18:329A, 2007. Presented at the American Society of Nephrology 40th Annual Meeting & Scientific Exposition, San Francisco, CA, November 14-19, 2007. |