Medical College of Wisconsin
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William L. Berger MD
Associate Professor
Department of Medicine
Division of Gastroenterology

VA Medical Center
5000 W National Ave
Milwaukee, WI 53295

08/25/1973 - 05/23/1977 B.S., University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
06/09/1977 - 05/18/1980 M.D., Kansas City V.A.M.C., Kansas City, MO
06/09/1977 - 05/18/1980 M.D., University of Kansas School of Medicine, Kansas City, KS
07/01/1980 - 06/30/1982 Flexible Internship & Internal Medicine Residency, Louisiana State University School of Medicine and Overton Brooks V.A.M.C., Shreveport, LA
01/01/1983 - 06/30/1984 Internal Medicine Residency, University of Illinois - Chicago Medical School and West Side V.A.M.C., Chicago, IL
11/01/1987 - 01/01/1989 Fellowship in Gastroenterology, University of Missouri - Columbia School of Medicine and Harry S. Truman V.A.M.C., Columbia, MO

09/10/1991 - 09/14/2000 Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
09/14/2000 - Present Associate Professor of Medicine (Clinician Educator Path), Division of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
Assistant in Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Illinois - Chicago Medical School, Chicago, IL

1984 - 1986 Admitting Staff, Baptist Medical Center, Kansas City, MO
1984 - 1986 Admitting Staff, Research Medical Center, Kansas City, MO
1984 - 1986 Admitting Staff, Menorah Medical Center, Kansas City, MO
1989 - 1991 Admitting Staff, Heartland Hospitals, St. Joseph, MO
1991 - Present Admitting Staff, Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital, Milwaukee, WI
1991 - 1997 Admitting Staff, John L. Doyne Hospital, Milwaukee, WI
1992 - Present Staff Physician, Zablocki V.A.M.C., Milwaukee, WI
1992 - Present Consulting Staff, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

07/01/1981 - 06/30/1982 Fee Basis Physician, ER, Overton Brooks V.A.M.C., Shreveport, LA
07/01/1982 - 12/31/1982 Emergency Physician, Emergency Medicorp, P.A., Overland Park, KS
07/01/1984 - 09/30/1986 Adult (Internal) Medicine Staff, Prime Health (HMO, Kansas City, MO
03/01/1989 - 07/10/1991 Private Practice (GI), St. Joseph Gastroenterology, Inc,, St. Joseph, MO
08/05/1991 - 09/06/1991 Locum Tenens, (GI), Aroostook Medical Center, Presque Isle, ME

Board Certified
Issue DateExpiration
Internal Medicine,American Board of Internal Medicine
Gastroenterology, American Board of Internal Medicine
Issued By Issue DateExpiration
AHA Advanced Cardiac Life Support Certification
Gastroenterology Consultation and Endoscopy Privileges
Conscious Sedation Certification

Number Issue DateExpiration
L#015923 R#012766

1997 - Present Addis Costello Internist of the Year Award, WI Soc. Internal Medicine
1998 - Present Fellow, American College of Physicians

1984 - 1986 Kansas Medical Society - Johnson County Medical Society
1986 - Present American College of Physicians - American Society of Internal Medicine
1986 - 1991 Missouri Patient Care Review Foundation
1989 - 1991 Missouri Medical Society - Buchanan County Medical Society
1991 - Present Milwaukee Gastroenterological Society
1992 - 2003 American Gastroenterological Association
1992 - Present American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
1996 - 2003 Milwaukee Academy of Medicine

Journal Review
1998 - Present Endoscopy (Munich)
2000 - 2002 Journal of Palliative Care Medicine

1984 - 1986 Member, Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, PrimeHealth
1986 - 1990 Member, Missouri Patient Care Review Foundation (PRO)
1987 - 1991 Member, Associate Development Committee, ACP/Missouri Chapter
1988 Member, Ad Hoc Committee on Gastroenterology Laboratory Design, University of Missouri - Columbia Hospital and Clinics
1988 - 1990 Member, Missouri Patient Care Review Foundation (PRO), Quality Committee
1989 - 1991 Member, Utilization Review Committee, Heartland Hospital
1989 - 1991 Member, Quality Assurance Committee, Heartland Hospital
1990 - 1991 Member, Prof Consult Comm, Spiritual Health Service, Heartland Hospital
1990 - 1991 Member, Ad Hoc Committee, Physician Order Entry, Heartland Hospital
1991 Member, Membership Committee, Missouri ACP
1994 - 1998 Co-Chair, Health and Public Policy Committee, Wisconsin ACP (and ACP-ASIM) Council
1994 Testimony, Wisconsin Senate HHS&A Committee, Madison, WI, Wisconsin ACP (and ACP-ASIM) Council
1994 - Present Member, Wisconsin ACP (and ACP-ASIM) Council
1996 Delegate, ACP Leadership Day, Washington, D.C., Wisconsin ACP (and ACP-ASIM) Council
1996 - 1998 Member, Planning Committee, Wisconsin ACP Regional Meeting
1996 - 1998 Co-Chair, Socioeconomic Sessions, Wisconsin ACP Regional Meeting
2000 - 2006 Secretary/Treasurer & President, Milwaukee Gastroenterological Society
2005 - 2009 Incorporating Entity and Board Member, Milwaukee Gastroenterological Society
2009 - 2010 Screening Committee, Wisconsin Comprehensive Cancer Control Program

"Molecular Mechanisms of Carcinogenesis" Grand Rounds, Hopital Ste. Croix,Leogane, Haiti, 03/10/1993 - Present
"Research Experience at Hopital Ste. Croix Related to H. pylori" Conference Medicale et Scientifique International, Petionville, Haiti, 06/24/1998 - Present
"Internal Probes for Digital Imaging" American Association of Physicists in Medicine, Charlottesville, N.C., 08/12/1993 - Present
Site Visit and Consultation: Wilson-Cook, Winston-Salem NC, 02/17/1998 - Present
"Fine Points to Consider with PEG-J" ASGE Enteral Nutrition Special Interest Group, Washington, D.C., 05/22/2007 - Present
"Medical and Dietary Management of Inflammatory Bowel Disease" Northwest Missouri Dietetic Association, 01 23 1991, 01/23/1991 - Present
"Colon Cancer in Inflammatory Bowel Disease", Practical Issues in Gastroenterology III, Milwaukee, WI, 11/19/1992 - Present
"Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy: Indications, Patient Management" Practical Issues in Gastroenterology IV, Milwaukee WI, 11/18/1993 - Present
"The Risk of Colon Cancer: Individual Screening Needs" Practical Issues In Gastroenterology V, Milwaukee WI, 11/17/1994 - Present
Practical Issues In Gastroenterology VI, Milwaukee WI, 11/29/1995 - Present
"Percutaneous Feeding of Dysphagic Patients: Percutaneous Jejunal Feeding, Tube Placement” for Spectrum of Dysphagia: Role of Latest Technology in Diagnosis, & Management, Milwaukee, WI, 03/22/1996 - Present
“Molecular Causes of Colon Cancer”, American Cancer Society, 06/12/1996 - Present
Panelist: "Barrett's Esophagus: Therapeutic Options" Practical Issues In Gastroenterology VII, Milwaukee WI, 11/19/1998 - Present
"Enteral Feedings - NJ, GJ, and Other Tubes" and "Nutritional Support for Patients with Deglutitive Failure: NG, PEG, & GJT" Ultrathin Unsedated Transnasal Endoscopy, Milwaukee, WI, 10/29/1999 - 10/31/1999
"Haiti: Rural & Specialty Medical Care in a Third World Environment" Southern Wisconsin Intravenous Nurses Society, Wauwatosa, WI, 05/17/2000 - Present
"Care and Feeding of the G-J Tube" Southern Wisconsin Center Clinical Rounds, Union Grove, WI, 06/23/2000 - Present
"Gastroenterology Review, 2000" ACP-ASIM Recertification Course, Milwaukee, WI, 09/16/2000 - Present
“Irritable Bowel Syndrome”, MCW Mini-Medical School, 03/17/2004 - Present
"Colon Cancer: Does Screening Make a Difference?" An Update on Gastrointestinal Diseases, Milwaukee, WI, 10/28/2008 - Present
"Colorectal Cancer in 2009" State of the Gut: Update on Gastrointestinal Disorders, Milwaukee, WI, 11/06/2009 - Present
SMART Team Mentor: APC Protein, Nathan Hale High School, 2009 - 2010
"Chronic Diarrhea" State of the Gut: Update on Gastrointestinal Disorders, Milwaukee, WI, 10/15/2010 - Present
"PUD & GI Bleeding" & "GI Oncology" DDW Wrap-up, Milwaukee, WI, 10/16/2010 - Present
“Hopital Ste. Croix, Leogane, Haiti: Issues in Third World Health Care”, Churches, Clubs, Local Professional and Service Societies
Colon Cancer, Barretts Esophagus, Medicine in Haiti, Local TV, Newspaper

Medical College of Wisconsin
1991 - 2002 CME Liaison, Division of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, MCW
1993 - 1996 Member, Library Committee, Subcommittee on Library Journal Selection Process, MCW
1993 - 1996 Member, Nutrition Committee, FMLH
1993 - 1996 Library Committee, Subcommittee on FMLH Clinical Library, MCW
1994 - Present Member, Cancer Center, MCW
1995 - 1997 Member, Organizing Committee, Cancer Genetic Screening Program, MCW
1995 - 1996 Member, MasterChart Users Group, FMLH
1996 - 1998 Member, Ad Hoc Committee, GI Bleeding Guidelines, FMLH
1996 - 1998 Member, Clinical Guidelines /Outcomes Committee, MCW
1997 - 2003 Member, Multi-disciplinary Group on Tumors of the Colon,Rectum and Pelvis, FMLH
2000 - 2004 Member, Department of Medicine Residency Recruitment Committee, MCW
2000 - 2002 Member, Research Affairs Committee, MCW
2001 - 2003 Member, Nutrition Committee, FMLH
2001 Editor [Terminal], The Grapevine (Department of Medicine writings), MCW
2001 - 2004 Founding Chair, Institutions Review Board #3, FMLH/MCW
2002 Member, Ad Hoc Committee to Rewrite Standard Operating Procedures, Institutions Review Board #3, FMLH/MCW
2003 Member, Ad Hoc Committee to Evaluate Electronic IRB Vendors, Institutions Review Board #3, FMLH/MCW
2004 - 2006 Alternate Member, Institutions Review Board #1, #2, #3 and HRRC, FMLH/MCW
1997 - 2003 Member, Clinical Cancer Genetics Screening Program, Froedtert
1999 - 2003 Member, Medical Records Committee, Forms and Electronic Formats Subcommittee, Froedtert
2007 - Present Member, Colorectal Cancer Committee(s), VAMC

Medical Student Education
1991 - 1998 Junior Medicine Syllabus Discussions, Quarterly
1992 - 1999 GI Bleeding, ICU Monthly
1996 - 2010 Sophomore ICE / CER Clinical Preceptor
09/28/2009 - 09/29/2009 “Colon Cancer (CRCa): An Example of Everything” Introduction to Pathways (Cancer Theme Session for M-2, M-1 Students)
2010 - 2011 Curriculum design team: GI Oncology (section IVc?) for TBL Application
Resident and Fellow Education
1991 - Present GI Clinical Conference, Seminar, Journal Club, & CPC Mentor (Fellows)
1991 - Present GI Clinic, Consults, and Endoscopy (Students, Residents, & Fellows)
Continuing Medical Education
1996 CPC Discussant
02/12/1998 “Endoscopic Interventions in Palliative Care"”, Sheri Croen Memorial Palliative Care Lecturer
2005 CPC Discussant

Medical Student Education
2007 Zablocki VAMC, Attending, Med Team 4
Resident and Fellow Education
1991 FMLH/VAMC, “Iron Deficiency Anemia in a 24 yo Male” (Case Conference)
1992 FMLH/VAMC, “AIDS and the GI Tract” (Resident Conference)
1993 FMLH/VAMC, “Nausea/Vomiting in the Cancer Patient” (Oncology Conference)
1993 - Present FMLH/VAMC, “GI Neoplasia” (Resident Conference, recurring)
1994 FMLH/VAMC, “Evaluation of Abdominal Pain” (Resident Conference)
1996 FMLH/VAMC, “Reality Rounds” (Resident Conference)
1998 - Present FMLH/VAMC, “Enteral Nutrition” (Resident Conference, recurring)
1998 - 2004 FMLH/VAMC, “GI Bleeding” (Preparation for Internship Course; MS-3 Core Curriculum)
1998 FMLH/VAMC, “Mechanisms of Nausea” (Resident Conference)
2005 FMLH/VAMC, “Percutaneous Endoscopic Tubes” (MCW Geriatrics Research Conference)
2005 - 2006 FMLH/VAMC, Resident Board Review (GI section)
2005 - Present FMLH/VAMC, “Colorectal Cancer & the People Who Get It” (Resident/Intern Conference)
2006 FMLH/VAMC, Resident Board Review (GI section)
2007 - 2008 FMLH/VAMC, “Colorectal Cancer & the People Who Get It” (Resident/Intern Conference)
2009 - Present FMLH/VAMC, "GI Bleeding" (Upper & Lower)
2009 FMLH/VAMC, "Diverticular Disease and Colon Cancer"
2010 FMLH/VAMC, "Nutrition & Tubes"
2010 FMLH/VAMC, "GI Bleeding" (Upper & Lower)
Continuing Medical Education
04/07/2000 Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital, “Evaluation of Diarrhea”, Grand Rounds
06/15/2001 Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital, “Challenges of Research in the Developing World: A Case Study”, Grand Rounds
06/19/2006 VA Medicine Research Group, “Lessons Learned & Landmines Located”

Medical Students
1994 Andrew Baniukiewicz, M-1, Summer Research Project, MCW
1995 Lyle Lawnicki, M-4, Gastroenterology Research Rotation, Preceptor, MCW
2008 - Present Three M-3 Students, One M-2 Student, GURU since M-1 year, MCW
Clinical/Research Fellows
1994 - 1995 Jerry Evans, M.D., PG-5, Gastroenterology Fellow, Research Mentor, MCW
2007 - Present Paula Sue Benes, MD, PM&R / SCI, Identified Clinical Research Mentor, MCW

01/1986 Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee Haiti Project Haitian Medical Mission: Mirebalais, Jeannette
03/1993 Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee Haiti Project Haitian Medical Mission: Mirebalais, Jeannette
1995 - 2008 Board Member, Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee Haiti Project
03/1996 Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee Haiti Project Haitian Medical Mission: Leogane (Hopital St. Croix)
08/1997 Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee Haiti Project Haitian Medical Mission: Research Consultant
1997 - 1998 Rector Search Committee, Trinity Church, Wauwatosa, WI
06/1998 Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee Haiti Project Haitian Medical Mission: Research Conference
02/1999 Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee Haiti Project Haitian Medical Mission: Mirebalais, Jeannette
03/1999 Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee Haiti Project Haitian Medical Mission: Leogane (Hopital St. Croix)
03/2001 Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee Haiti Project Haitian Medical Mission: Leogane (Hopital St. Croix)
2001 - 2002 AFS Parents (Rachasak “Win” Suwankumnoet, Thailand, 17yo)
2001 - Present Misc. Ad Hoc & Standing Committees, Trinity Church, Wauwatosa, WI
2001 - 2005 Vestry Member, Trinity Church, Wauwatosa, WI
2001 - Present Choir Member, Trinity Church, Wauwatosa, WI
2002 - 2005 Junior Warden, Trinity Church, Wauwatosa, WI
2003 - 2006 Education for Ministry, School of Theology, University of the South
2007 - 2010 Education for Ministry, School of Theology, University of the South
2007 - 2010 Member & Secretary, Trinity Church Foundation, Inc.

1980 FLEX (Louisiana)
1982 Advanced Trauma Life Support
1989 - Present Gastroenterology Consultation and Endoscopy Privileges
1989 Advanced Trauma Life Support
2003 MCW Conflict Resolution Training
2005 Human Interactions Workshop (T-Group) training
2005 - 2006 UWM / MCW Faculty Leadership Development Program

Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. Marshall JB, Berger WL. End Expiratory Pressure Best Approximates Intrinsic Lower Esophageal Sphincter Pressure. Digestive Diseases and Sciences 35(2): 267-270, 1990.
2. Berger WL, Shaker R, Dean R. Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastro-Jejunal Tube Placement. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 43(1):63-66, 1996.
3. Dean RS, Dua KS, Massey BT, Berger WL, Hogan WJ, Shaker R. A Comparative Study of Unsedated Transnasal Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and Conventional EGD. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 44(4):442-4, 1996.
4. Berger WL, Saeian K. Sigmoid Stiffener for Decompression Tube Placement in Colonic Pseudo-Obstruction. Endoscopy 32(1):54-7, 2000.
5. Rivera MT, Kugathasan S, Berger W, Werlin SL. Percutaneous Endoscopic Cecostomy of the Management of Chronic Constipation in Children. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 53(2):225-8, 2001.
6. Vasilopoulos S, Saeian K, Emmons J, Berger W, Abu-Hajir M, Seetharam B, Binion D. Terminal Ileal Resection is Associated with Elevated Plasma Homocysteine in Crohn's Disease. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology 33(2):132-6, 2001.
7. Berger WL, Kounev V, Otterson MF. Novel Method for Re-Colonoscopy after Percutaneous Cecostomy. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 67(6):1005-6, 2008.
Books, Chapters, and Reviews
1. Berger WL. Internal Probes in Digital Imaging. In: Hendee WR, Trueblood JH, eds. Digital Imaging. Madison, WI: Medical Physics Publishing; 1993: 403-420.
2. Berger WL, McGuire C. Transgastrostomal Endoscopic Jejunal Tube Placement (8.5' Video, 2000).
3. Berger WL. Upper GI Bleeding (Computer Course), University of Illinois - Chicago, 2002.
Editorials, Letters To Editor, Other
1. Berger WL. PEG/PEJ Tube Placement. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 46:473, 1997.
2. Berger WL. There's more to a PEG than Just Putting One In. Endoscopy 34(12):1004-6, 2002.
3. Berger WL. Invited on-line book review: Responsible Conduct of Research., 1/23/2003.
4. Berger WL. Health Care Costs. Annals of Internal Medicine 143(11):844, 2005.
5. Berger WL, Hogan WJ, Marn CS, Sudakoff GS. Finding the Ligament of Treitz (LoT)? Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 69(3 part 1):600, 2008.
6. Berger WL, Kwiatt JT, Stein DJ. Association of Colonoscopy and Death from Colorectal Cancer., 2 Feb 2009.
1. Berger WL, Dean RS. Gastrojejunoscopy per Gastrostomy: A Technique of Percutaneous Jejunal Tube Placement beyond the Ligament of Treitz without Fluoroscopy. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 39(2):249, 1993.
2. Berger WL, Shaker R, Dean RS, Werlin SL. Transgastrostomic Endoscopic Jejunal Feeding Tube for Aspiration with Esophageal Reflux. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 40(2):P16, 1994.
3. Berger WL, Shaker R, Dean RS, Werlin SL. Evaluation of a Technique for Endoscopic Jejunal Feeding Tube Placement at the Time of Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy Tube Placement. Dysphagia 9(4):267, 1994.
4. Berger WL, Franco J, Shaker R, Dean RS, Werlin SL. Improved Jejunal Feeding Tube Longevity with a Faster and More Reliable Method of Placement. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 41(4):360, 1995.
5. Berger WL, Saeian K. New Technique: Sigmoid Stiffener of Endoscopic Decompression Tube (DT) Placement in Ogilvie's. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 45(4):AB25, 1997.
6. Shaker R, Saeian K, Staff D, Townsend W, Dua K, Rassam P, Mehdi S, Rochling F Almagro U, Choi H, Lentz M, Berger W. A New Approach to Columnar-Lined "Barrett's" Esophagus. Gastroenterology 116(4): A308, 1999.
7. Berger WL, Saeian K. Re-Evaluation of Trans-Gastrostomic Endoscopy for PEJ Placement: Outcome Parameters. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. 59(5):P160, 2004.
8. White KT, Pepper MM, Walsh B, Hastings J, Miao H, Berger W. Predictors of Impact of Percutaneous Endoscopic Colostomy on Quality of Life Outcomes in Spinal Cord Injury Patients. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 61(5):AB148, 2005.
9. White KT, Pepper M, Berger W, Benes P, Walsh B, Hastings J, Berman J, Otterson MF. Impact of Spinal Cord Injury Bowel Dysfunction on Cost & Quality of Life. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 65(5):AB265, 2007.
10. Kounev V, Berger WL, Otterson MF. Novel Method for Re-Colonoscopy after Percutaneous Cecostomy. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 65(5):AB264, 2007.
11. Berger WL, White KT, Benes PS, Walsh B, Hastings J, Berman J, Sultana R, Hoffmann R, Otterson MF. Bowel Dysfunction in Spinal Cord Injury Correlates with Inpatient Utilization & Survival. Gastroenterology 134(4, Suppl. 1):A-327, 2008.
12. Fang T, Kwiatt J, Stein D, Berger W. Colonoscopy Completion and Colon Cancer Prevention. American Journal of Gastroenterology 104(3):S566, 2009.
13. Berger WL, Saeian K, Franco J, Kounev V. 10 year Outcome of PEG-J in 107 Patients. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 71(5):AB - xxx , 2011.