Christine M. Everett PhD, PAC
Chief, Director, Professor
Institution: Medical College of Wisconsin
Department: Health Sciences Education
Division: Physician Associate Studies
Program: Physician Associate Studies
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Research Areas of Interest
Administrative Claims, HealthcareElectronic Health RecordsHealth Services ResearchOutcome Assessment (Health Care)Outcome and Process Assessment (Health Care)Patient Care TeamPhysician AssistantsPopulation HealthPublications (50)
Impact of primary care usual provider type and provider interdependence on outcomes for patients with diabetes: a cohort study
(Everett, Christine; Christy, Jacob; Batchelder, Heather; Morgan, Perri A; Docherty, Sharron; Smith, Valerie A; Anderson, John B Jr; Viera, Anthony; Jackson, George L) BJM Open Quality Everett C, Christy J, Batchelder H, et alImpact of primary care usual provider type and provider interdependence on outcomes for patients with diabetes: a cohort studyBMJ Open Quality 2023;12:e002229. doi: 10.1136/bmjoq-2022-002229 06/13/2023 Remembering Ruth Milligan Ballweg, MPA, PA-C Emeritus. (Everett CM, Strand de Oliveira J, Quella A, Hooker RS, Bushardt RL) JAAPA 2023 May 01;36(5):10-11 PMID: 37043722 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85153900358 04/13/2023 When is caring sharing? Primary care provider interdependence and continuity of care. (Everett CM, Christy J, Morgan PA, Docherty SL, Smith VA, Anderson JB Jr, Viera A, Jackson GL) JAAPA 2023 Jan 01;36(1):32-40 PMID: 36484712 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85144636411 12/10/2022 3 CitationsA Cross-Sectional, Mixed-Methods Analysis to Identify the Relative Importance of Factors Students and Providers Evaluate When Making a Job Choice (Gillette C, Ostermann J, Garvick S, Momen J, Everett C, Boles G, Crandall S) Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 11/01/2022 Teaming up in primary care: Membership boundaries, interdependence, and coordination. (Everett CM, Docherty SL, Matheson E, Morgan PA, Price A, Christy J, Michener L, Smith VA, Anderson JB Jr, Viera A, Jackson GL) JAAPA 2022 Feb 01;35(2):1-10 PMID: 34985006 PMCID: PMC9869344 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85123878695 01/06/2022 8 CitationsCross-sectional analysis of US scope of practice laws and employed physician assistants (Valentin VL, Najmabadi S, Everett CM) BMJ Open Quality Valentin VL, Najmabadi S, Everett CCross-sectional analysis of US scope of practice laws and employed physician assistantsBMJ Open 2021;11:e043972. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-043972 05/01/2021 Emerging practices in onboarding programs for PAs: Strategies for onboarding. (Anglin L, Sanchez M, Butterfield R, Rana R, Everett CM, Morgan P) JAAPA 2021 Jan 01;34(1):32-38 PMID: 33332832 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85098675683 12/18/2020 11 CitationsState Scope of Practice Laws: An Analysis of Physician Assistant Programs and Graduates. (Valentin VL, Najmabadi S, Jones J, Everett CM) J Physician Assist Educ 2020 Dec;31(4):179-184 PMID: 33136717 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85096815770 11/03/2020 4 CitationsEmerging practices in onboarding programs for PAs: Program content. (Sanchez M, Anglin L, Rana R, Butterfield R, Everett CM, Morgan P) JAAPA 2020 Sep;33(9):38-42 PMID: 32841977 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85089930312 08/26/2020 12 CitationsPA job availability in primary care during 2014 and 2016. (Rana R, Blazar M, Jones Q, Butterfield R, Everett CM, Morgan P) JAAPA 2020 Jul;33(7):38-43 PMID: 32590532 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85087321154 06/27/2020 2 CitationsUtilization and Costs by Primary Care Provider Type: Are There Differences Among Diabetic Patients of Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, and Physician Assistants? (Smith VA, Morgan PA, Edelman D, Woolson SL, Berkowitz TSZ, Van Houtven CH, Hendrix CC, Everett CM, White BS, Jackson GL) Med Care 2020 Aug;58(8):681-688 PMID: 32265355 PMCID: PMC7375947 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85083593057 04/09/2020 21 CitationsEmerging practices in onboarding programs for PAs and NPs. (Morgan PA, Sanchez M, Anglin L, Rana R, Butterfield R, Everett CM.) JAAPA 03/01/2020 Why the science of healthcare delivery matters to practicing PAs. (Everett CM, Jackson GL, Morgan P) JAAPA 2020 Mar;33(3):51-53 PMID: 32097217 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85089005451 02/26/2020 5 CitationsEmerging practices in onboarding programs for PAs and NPs. (Morgan P, Sanchez M, Anglin L, Rana R, Butterfield R, Everett CM) JAAPA 2020 Mar;33(3):40-46 PMID: 32097215 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85080042298 02/26/2020 22 CitationsImplementation science: helping healthcare systems improve (Jackson GL, Cutrona SL, Kilbourne A, White BS, Everett CM, Damschroeder LJ.) JAAPA 01/01/2020 Impact Of Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, And Physician Assistants On Utilization And Costs For Complex Patients. (Morgan PA, Smith VA, Berkowitz TSZ, Edelman D, Van Houtven CH, Woolson SL, Hendrix CC, Everett CM, White BS, Jackson GL) Health Aff (Millwood) 2019 Jun;38(6):1028-1036 PMID: 31158006 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85067205059 06/04/2019 102 CitationsPrimary care provider type: Are there differences in patients' intermediate diabetes outcomes? (Everett CM, Morgan P, Smith VA, Woolson S, Edelman D, Hendrix CC, Berkowitz T, White B, Jackson GL) JAAPA 2019 Jun;32(6):36-42 PMID: 31136399 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85067296740 05/29/2019 20 CitationsIntermediate Diabetes Outcomes in Patients Managed by Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, or Physician Assistants: A Cohort Study. (Jackson GL, Smith VA, Edelman D, Woolson SL, Hendrix CC, Everett CM, Berkowitz TS, White BS, Morgan PA) Ann Intern Med 2018 Dec 18;169(12):825-835 PMID: 30458506 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85058737421 11/21/2018 40 CitationsInterpersonal continuity of primary care of veterans with diabetes: a cohort study using electronic health record data. (Everett CM, Morgan P, Smith VA, Woolson S, Edelman D, Hendrix CC, Berkowitz T, White B, Jackson GL) BMC Fam Pract 2018 Jul 30;19(1):132 PMID: 30060736 PMCID: PMC6066924 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85050919206 08/01/2018 11 CitationsPatient Preference in Primary Care Provider Type (Leach B, Gradison M, Morgan P, Everett C, Dill M, Strand de Oliveira J.) Healthcare 03/01/2018 Knowing your worth: Salary expectations and gender among matriculating physician assistant students. (Streilein AF, Leach B, Everett C, Morgan P.) Journal of Physician Assistant Education 03/01/2018 NP and PA Privileging in Acute Care Settings: Do Scope of Practice Laws Matter? (Pittman P, Leach B, Everett C, Han X, McElroy D.) Medical Care and Research Review 02/27/2018 A Program's Analysis of Communication Methods With Clinical Preceptors. (Hudak NM, Stouder A, Everett CM) J Physician Assist Educ 2018 Mar;29(1):39-42 PMID: 29461454 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85053867249 02/21/2018 9 CitationsJob Openings for Physician Assistants by Specialty, 2014. (Morgan P, Leach B, Himmerick K, Everett C.) Journal of the American Academy of Physicians Assistants 01/01/2018 Factors Associated With Having a Physician, Nurse Practitioner, or Physician Assistant as Primary Care Provider for Veterans With Diabetes Mellitus. (Morgan P, Everett CM, Smith VA, Woolson S, Edelman D, Hendrix CC, Berkowitz TSZ, White B, Jackson GL) Inquiry 2017 Jan 01;54:46958017712762 PMID: 28617196 PMCID: PMC5558456 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85023631213 06/16/2017 21 CitationsPrimary Care Multidisciplinary Teams in Practice: A Qualitative Study (Leach B, Morgan P Strand de Oliveira J, Hull S, Ostbye T, Everett C.) BMC Family Practice 06/09/2017 Diffusion of PA innovation: Risk-taking vs. safe bet. (Everett CM, Quella A) JAAPA 2017 Jun;30(6):43-45 PMID: 28538429 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85020624955 05/26/2017 3 CitationsResearch on the PA profession: The medical model shifts. (Dehn RW, Everett CM, Hooker RS) JAAPA 2017 May;30(5):33-42 PMID: 28441218 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85018682104 04/26/2017 7 CitationsScarcity of Primary Care Positions May Divert Physician Assistants into Specialty Practice. (Morgan P, Himmerick K, Leach B, Dieter P, Everett CM) MCRR 02/01/2017 Patient characteristics associated with primary care PA and APRN roles. (Everett CM, Morgan P, Jackson GL) JAAPA 2016 Dec;29(12):1-6 PMID: 27898563 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-85045217598 11/30/2016 3 CitationsDr Carek's Commentary on Training PAs and NPs. (Everett CM, Martinez-Bianchi V, Morgan P, Gradison M, Hills K, Weigle NJ, Dieter PM, Hull S, Strand de Oliveira J, Michener L) Fam Med 2016 Oct;48(9):742-743 PMID: 27740681 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-84990943377 10/16/2016 Primary care physician assistant and advance practice nurses roles: Patient healthcare utilization, unmet need, and satisfaction. (Everett CM, Morgan P, Jackson GL) Healthc (Amst) 2016 Dec;4(4):327-333 PMID: 27451337 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-84978852667 07/28/2016 23 CitationsPhysician assistants and advance practice nurse roles: patient healthcare utilization, unmet need, and satisfaction. (Everett CM, Morgan P, Jackson G) Heathcare 07/19/2016 Physician assistant specialty choice: Distribution, salaries, and comparison with physicians. (Morgan P, Everett CM, Humeniuk KM, Valentin VL) JAAPA 2016 Jul;29(7):46-52 PMID: 27306328 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-84974815482 06/17/2016 29 CitationsPhysician Assistant Job Satisfaction: A Narrative Review of Empirical Research. (Hooker RS, Kuilman L, Everett CM) J Physician Assist Educ 2015 Dec;26(4):176-86 PMID: 26599310 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-84965084794 11/26/2015 33 CitationsTime spent with patients by physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants in community health centers, 2006-2010. (Morgan P, Everett CM, Hing E) Healthc (Amst) 2014 Dec;2(4):232-7 PMID: 26250629 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-84919485018 08/08/2015 22 CitationsFacilitating Research in Physician Assistant Programs: Creating a Student-Level Longitudinal Database. (Morgan P, Humeniuk KM, Everett CM) J Physician Assist Educ 2015 Sep;26(3):130-5 PMID: 26244470 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-84946136116 08/06/2015 2 CitationsSkill mix, roles, and remuneration in the primary care workforce: who are the healthcare professionals of primary care teams across the world? (Freund T, Laurant M, Naccarella L, Everett CM, Hudon C.) International Journal of Nursing Studies 12/19/2014 Medication oversupply in patients with diabetes. (Thorpe CT, Johnson H, Dopp AL, Thorpe JM, Ronk K, Everett CM, Palta M, Mott DA, Chewning B, Schleiden L, Smith MA) Res Social Adm Pharm 2015;11(3):382-400 PMID: 25288448 PMCID: PMC4362914 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-84927961946 10/08/2014 9 CitationsNurse practitioners, physician assistants, and physicians in Community Health Centers, 2006-2010. (Morgan P, Everett CM, Hing E.) Heathcare 08/14/2014 The roles of primary care PAs and NPs caring for older adults with diabetes. (Everett CM, Thorpe CT, Palta M, Carayon P, Gilchrist VJ, Smith MA) JAAPA 2014 Apr;27(4):45-9 PMID: 24662258 PMCID: PMC4221794 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-84897065792 03/26/2014 12 CitationsPhysician assistant and nurse practitioners perform effective roles on teams caring for Medicare patients with diabetes. (Everett CM, Thorpe C, Carayon P, Palta M, Bartels C, Smith MA) Health Affairs 11/01/2013 Division of primary care services between physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners for older patients with diabetes. (Everett CM, Thorpe CT, Palta M, Carayon P, Gilchrist VJ, Smith MA) Med Care Res Rev 2013 Oct;70(5):531-41 PMID: 23868081 PMCID: PMC3902998 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-84885161168 07/23/2013 42 CitationsReceipt of monitoring of diabetes mellitus in older adults with comorbid dementia. (Thorpe CT, Thorpe JM, Kind AJ, Bartels CM, Everett CM, Smith MA) J Am Geriatr Soc 2012 Apr;60(4):644-51 PMID: 22428535 PMCID: PMC3325373 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-84862793456 03/21/2012 42 CitationsLipid testing in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and key cardiovascular-related comorbidities: a medicare analysis. (Bartels CM, Kind AJ, Thorpe CT, Everett CM, Cook RJ, McBride PE, Smith MA) Semin Arthritis Rheum 2012 Aug;42(1):9-16 PMID: 22424813 PMCID: PMC3404199 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-84864103185 03/20/2012 28 CitationsPredictive modeling the physician assistant supply: 2010-2025. (Hooker RS, Cawley JF, Everett CM) Public Health Rep 2011;126(5):708-16 PMID: 21886331 PMCID: PMC3151188 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-80155180018 09/03/2011 64 CitationsThe contributions of physician assistants in primary care systems. (Hooker RS, Everett CM) Health Soc Care Community 2012 Jan;20(1):20-31 PMID: 21851446 PMCID: PMC3903046 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-83555164927 08/20/2011 69 CitationsEffect of patient selection method on provider group performance estimates. (Thorpe CT, Flood GE, Kraft SA, Everett CM, Smith MA) Med Care 2011 Aug;49(8):780-5 PMID: 21617570 PMCID: PMC3137682 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-79961031441 05/28/2011 22 CitationsLow primary lipid screening in Medicare patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis. (Bartels C, Kind A, Everett CM, Mell M, McBride P, Smith MA) Arthritis & Rheumatism 01/18/2011 Physician assistants and nurse practitioners as a usual source of care. (Everett CM, Schumacher JR, Wright A, Smith MA) J Rural Health 2009;25(4):407-14 PMID: 19780923 PMCID: PMC2794129 SCOPUS ID: 2-s2.0-70349494071 09/29/2009 77 Citations Last update: 06/20/2023