Search results for 'Liver Diseases'
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Terms in Profiles
6 faculty with the term Liver Diseases in their profile.1 faculty with the term Liver Diseases, Alcoholic in their profile.1 faculty with the term Liver Diseases, Parasitic in their profile.3 faculty with the term Fatty Liver in their profile.1 faculty with the term Fatty Liver, Alcoholic in their profile.1 faculty with the term Hepatic Encephalopathy in their profile.1 faculty with the term Hepatitis in their profile.1 faculty with the term Hepatitis C in their profile.4 faculty with the term Carcinoma, Hepatocellular in their profile.1 faculty with the term Hepatomegaly in their profile.1 faculty with the term Hepatorenal Syndrome in their profile.3 faculty with the term Hypertension, Portal in their profile.1 faculty with the term Liver Abscess in their profile.1 faculty with the term Liver Abscess, Amebic in their profile.5 faculty with the term Liver Cirrhosis in their profile.1 faculty with the term Liver Cirrhosis, Alcoholic in their profile.2 faculty with the term Liver Cirrhosis, Biliary in their profile.1 faculty with the term Liver Diseases, Alcoholic in their profile.1 faculty with the term Liver Diseases, Parasitic in their profile.5 faculty with the term Liver Neoplasms in their profile.1 faculty with the term Liver Neoplasms, Experimental in their profile.2 faculty with the term Liver Failure in their profile.2 faculty with the term Liver Failure, Acute in their profile.1 faculty with the term Adenoma, Liver Cell in their profile.2 faculty with the term Hepatitis, Autoimmune in their profile.1 faculty with the term Liver Abscess, Pyogenic in their profile.3 faculty with the term End Stage Liver Disease in their profile.1 faculty with the term Acute-On-Chronic Liver Failure in their profile.2 faculty with the term Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in their profile.1 faculty with the term Digestive System Diseases in their profile.Free Text in CVs
10 faculty with your search term in the Bibliography section of their CV.1 faculty with your search term in the Community Service Activities section of their CV.9 faculty with your search term in the Invited Lectures/Workshops/Presentations section of their CV.5 faculty with your search term in the Memberships in Honorary and Professional Societies section of their CV.5 faculty with your search term in the National Elected/Appointed Leadership and Committee Positions section of their CV.1 faculty with your search term in the Other section of their CV.3 faculty with your search term in the Peer Reviewed Workshops/Presentations section of their CV.1 faculty with your search term in the Postgraduate Training and Fellowship Appointments section of their CV.1 faculty with your search term in the Programmatic Developments section of their CV.1 faculty with your search term in the Teaching Activities section of their CV.Publication Titles
4 faculty who authored publications which have your search term in the title.Publication Terms
60 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Liver Diseases.6 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Cholestasis, Intrahepatic.2 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Echinococcosis, Hepatic.9 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Esophageal and Gastric Varices.21 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Fatty Liver.2 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Fatty Liver, Alcoholic.7 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Budd-Chiari Syndrome.14 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Hepatic Veno-Occlusive Disease.14 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Hepatitis.4 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Hepatitis, Alcoholic.1 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Hepatitis, Chronic.7 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Hepatitis, Viral, Human.2 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Hepatolenticular Degeneration.75 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Carcinoma, Hepatocellular.7 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Hepatomegaly.5 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Hepatorenal Syndrome.17 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Hypertension, Portal.3 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Liver Abscess.49 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Liver Cirrhosis.3 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Liver Cirrhosis, Alcoholic.9 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Liver Cirrhosis, Biliary.2 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Liver Cirrhosis, Experimental.6 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Liver Diseases, Alcoholic.127 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Liver Neoplasms.13 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Liver Neoplasms, Experimental.1 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Reye Syndrome.5 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Alagille Syndrome.26 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Liver Failure.1 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Porphyria, Acute Intermittent.2 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Porphyria Cutanea Tarda.