Medical College of Wisconsin
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Search results for 'Muscle, Striated'

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Terms in Profiles

  • 1 faculty with the term Diaphragm in their profile.
  • 1 faculty with the term Laryngeal Muscles in their profile.
  • 1 faculty with the term Myocardium in their profile.
  • 1 faculty with the term Rotator Cuff in their profile.
  • 1 faculty with the term Muscle, Skeletal in their profile.
  • 1 faculty with the term Muscle Fibers, Fast-Twitch in their profile.
  • 1 faculty with the term Muscle Fibers, Slow-Twitch in their profile.
  • 6 faculty with the term Myocytes, Cardiac in their profile.
  • 2 faculty with the term Esophageal Sphincter, Upper in their profile.
  • 2 faculty with the term Anatomy Category in their profile.
  • Publication Terms

  • 3 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Muscle, Striated.
  • 1 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Hamstring Muscles.
  • 1 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Gracilis Muscle.
  • 13 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Abdominal Muscles.
  • 5 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Facial Muscles.
  • 8 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Laryngeal Muscles.
  • 2 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Masticatory Muscles.
  • 136 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Myocardium.
  • 6 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Myofibrils.
  • 17 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Neck Muscles.
  • 2 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Muscle Spindles.
  • 16 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Oculomotor Muscles.
  • 1 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Palatal Muscles.
  • 5 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Papillary Muscles.
  • 4 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Pectoralis Muscles.
  • 18 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Pharyngeal Muscles.
  • 6 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Respiratory Muscles.
  • 11 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Sarcomeres.
  • 1 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Stapedius.
  • 4 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Psoas Muscles.
  • 6 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Rotator Cuff.
  • 159 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Muscle, Skeletal.
  • 26 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Muscle Fibers, Skeletal.
  • 82 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Myocytes, Cardiac.
  • 1 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Myoblasts, Cardiac.
  • 10 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Quadriceps Muscle.
  • 1 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Back Muscles.
  • 66 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Muscles.
  • 12 faculty who authored publications which are indexed to the term Musculoskeletal System.