Search results for 'TERM'
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Igor Shusterman MD Assistant Professor in the Emergency Medicine department at Medical College of WisconsinTerms in Profiles
5 faculty with the term Cancer Survivors in their profile.8 faculty with the term Brain Concussion in their profile.4 faculty with the term Crohn Disease in their profile.5 faculty with the term Curriculum in their profile.1 faculty with the term Hypothalamus in their profile.2 faculty with the term Infant, Premature in their profile.1 faculty with the term Obstetric Labor, Premature in their profile.1 faculty with the term Microbial Sensitivity Tests in their profile.1 faculty with the term Psychotherapy, Brief in their profile.2 faculty with the term Spinal Cord in their profile.2 faculty with the term Terminal Care in their profile.1 faculty with the term Tremor in their profile.2 faculty with the term Uveitis, Intermediate in their profile.1 faculty with the term Sequence Alignment in their profile.7 faculty with the term Sequence Analysis, DNA in their profile.6 faculty with the term Sequence Analysis, RNA in their profile.1 faculty with the term Presynaptic Terminals in their profile.1 faculty with the term Survivors in their profile.1 faculty with the term Muscle Fibers, Fast-Twitch in their profile.1 faculty with the term Terminally Ill in their profile.1 faculty with the term Patient Self-Determination Act in their profile.3 faculty with the term Needs Assessment in their profile.1 faculty with the term Terminology in their profile.2 faculty with the term Personal Autonomy in their profile.1 faculty with the term Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine in their profile.3 faculty with the term Premature Birth in their profile.1 faculty with the term Term Birth in their profile.1 faculty with the term Pituitary Gland, Intermediate in their profile.3 faculty with the term Genotyping Techniques in their profile.7 faculty with the term Social Determinants of Health in their profile.Free Text in Profiles
1 faculty with your search term in the Leadership Positions section of their profile.1 faculty with your search term in the Research Experience section of their profile.Free Text in CVs
1 faculty with your search term in the Administrative Appointments section of their CV.21 faculty with your search term in the Awards and Honors section of their CV.607 faculty with your search term in the Bibliography section of their CV.14 faculty with your search term in the Committee Service section of their CV.8 faculty with your search term in the Community Service Activities section of their CV.8 faculty with your search term in the Editorships/Editorial Boards/Journal Reviews section of their CV.2 faculty with your search term in the Education section of their CV.2 faculty with your search term in the Educational Administrative Appointments section of their CV.4 faculty with your search term in the Faculty Appointments section of their CV.3 faculty with your search term in the Hospital Staff Privileges section of their CV.5 faculty with your search term in the Hospital and Clinical Administrative Appointments section of their CV.1 faculty with your search term in the International Elected/Appointed Leadership and Committee Positions section of their CV.176 faculty with your search term in the Invited Lectures/Workshops/Presentations section of their CV.1 faculty with your search term in the Invited Media Appearances section of their CV.13 faculty with your search term in the Local/Regional Appointed Leadership and Committee Positions section of their CV.8 faculty with your search term in the Memberships in Honorary and Professional Societies section of their CV.33 faculty with your search term in the National Elected/Appointed Leadership and Committee Positions section of their CV.36 faculty with your search term in the Other section of their CV.167 faculty with your search term in the Peer Reviewed Workshops/Presentations section of their CV.6 faculty with your search term in the Postgraduate Training and Fellowship Appointments section of their CV.15 faculty with your search term in the Programmatic Developments section of their CV.2 faculty with your search term in the Research Administrative Appointments section of their CV.167 faculty with your search term in the Research Grants/Awards/Contracts/Projects section of their CV.3 faculty with your search term in the Specialty Boards and Certification section of their CV.16 faculty with your search term in the Students, Faculty, Residents, and Clinical/Research Fellows Mentored section of their CV.46 faculty with your search term in the Teaching Activities section of their CV.Publication Titles
814 faculty who authored publications which have your search term in the title.