Medical College of Wisconsin
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Faculty with animal in the Committee Service section of their CV

John A. Auchampach PhDCVProfessorPharmacology and ToxicologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Ellis D. Avner MDCVProfessorPediatricsMedical College of Wisconsin
Joseph T. Barbieri PhDCVProfessorMicrobiology and ImmunologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Yi-Guang Chen PhDCVProfessorPediatricsMedical College of Wisconsin
Justin L. Grobe PhDCVProfessorPhysiologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Matthew R. Hodges PhDCVProfessorPhysiologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Bryon D. Johnson PhDCVAdjunct ProfessorMedicineMedical College of Wisconsin
Cheryl A. Maurana PhDCVInterim Provost, SVP Str Acad Ptnrshp, Dir, ProfInstitute for Health and EquityMedical College of Wisconsin
Jeffrey A. Medin PhDCVProfessorPediatricsMedical College of Wisconsin
Ravindra P. Misra PhDCVAssociate Provost, ProfessorBiochemistryMedical College of Wisconsin
Sandra L. Pfister PhDCVProfessorPharmacology and ToxicologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Hershel Raff PhDCVProfessorAcademic AffairsMedical College of Wisconsin
Nita H. Salzman MD, PhDCVDirector, ProfessorPediatricsMedical College of Wisconsin
Kathleen M. Schmainda PhDCVProfessorBiophysicsMedical College of Wisconsin
Sally S. Twining PhDCVAssistant Dean, ProfessorBiochemistryMedical College of Wisconsin
Sarah B. White MD, MS, FSIR, FCIRSECVAssociate Dean, Assistant Provost, ProfessorRadiologyMedical College of Wisconsin
David A. Wilcox PhDCVProfessorPediatricsMedical College of Wisconsin