Medical College of Wisconsin
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Faculty with the term Disease Models, Animal in their profile

Said Audi PhDProfessorBiomedical EngineeringMarquette University
Xiaowen Bai PhDProfessorCell Biology, Neurobiology and AnatomyMedical College of Wisconsin
Kenneth Brockman PhDAssistant ProfessorMicrobiology and ImmunologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Matthew Budde PhDAssociate ProfessorNeurosurgeryMedical College of Wisconsin
Shyam S. Chaurasia PhDAssociate ProfessorOphthalmology and Visual SciencesMedical College of Wisconsin
Melinda R. Dwinell PhDProfessorPhysiologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Aron Geurts PhDProfessorPhysiologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Justin L. Grobe PhDProfessorPhysiologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Anne E. Kwitek PhDProfessorPhysiologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Pui Ying Lam PhDAssistant ProfessorCell Biology, Neurobiology and AnatomyMedical College of Wisconsin
Robert Lochhead PhDAssociate ProfessorMicrobiology and ImmunologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Nikki K. Lytle PhDAssistant ProfessorSurgeryMedical College of Wisconsin
Cara Lynn Mack MDChief, ProfessorPediatricsMedical College of Wisconsin
Kajana Satkunendrarajah PhDAssociate ProfessorNeurosurgeryMedical College of Wisconsin
Qizhen Shi MD, PhDProfessorPediatricsMedical College of Wisconsin
Curt Sigmund PhDChair, ProfessorPhysiologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Shirng-Wern TsaihResearch Scientist IIObstetrics and GynecologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Matthew B. Veldman PhDAssistant ProfessorCell Biology, Neurobiology and AnatomyMedical College of Wisconsin
Xue-Zhong Yu MDProfessorMicrobiology and ImmunologyMedical College of Wisconsin
Anthony E. Zamora PhDAssistant ProfessorMedicineMedical College of Wisconsin