Medical College of Wisconsin
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Morel-Lavallée Lesions Current Trauma Reports Boyle, K.A. & Carver, T.W. Curr Trauma Rep (2018) 4: 289.




Purpose of Review

The Morel-Lavallée (ML) lesion is a traumatic, closed soft tissue degloving injury. They have an inconsistent presentation, and diagnosis is often delayed. This review describes the pathophysiology of this injury, emphasizes the clinical and radiographic presentation, and highlights current management strategies.

Recent Findings

Early studies reported ML lesions occur solely over the greater trochanter, and while this remains the most common site, ML lesions can occur throughout the body. Early operative debridement should be performed, as aspiration or observation has an unacceptably high failure rate. Sclerodesis is an option in chronic ML lesions. ML wounds can be closed unless active infection is present.


ML lesions are more frequently being recognized incidentally on imaging but are still under-diagnosed in trauma patients. The delay in diagnosis and unfamiliarity with treatment options can lead to poor outcomes and unnecessary complications.

Author List

Kelly A. Boyle, Thomas W. Carver


Thomas W. Carver MD Associate Professor in the Surgery department at Medical College of Wisconsin

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