Medical College of Wisconsin
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Addressing the disparities and the factors related to prolonged inpatient length of stay for solid tumor oncology patients during the COVID-19 pandemic: A narrative review J Radiol Oncol Kamaraju S, Mohan M, Wright T, Charlson J, Wiger W, et al, Hammons L1 and Power S3. Addressing the disparities and the factors related to prolonged inpatient length of stay for solid tumor oncology patients during the COVID-19 pandemic: A narrative review. J Radiol Oncol. 2021; 5: 046-053.



Author List

Kamaraju S, Mohan M, Wright T, Charlson J, Wiger W, Kwarteng J, Rezazadeh A, Hammons L and Power S


Jamila L. Kwarteng PhD Assistant Professor in the Institute for Health and Equity department at Medical College of Wisconsin

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