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Perceptions of chronic stress & mental well being of African American women who experienced perinatal loss and pregnancy subsequent to loss JOGNN 51(4), Supplement, S86-S87




This study explored perceived stressors and mental health complexities of African American women before, during, and after a perinatal loss and during a subsequent pregnancy. There is limited research examining multiple oppressions of African American women and their association with mental health and birth outcomes. There is even less research that explores African American women’s lived experiences of perinatal loss and pregnancy subsequent to that loss. The findings from this study will help improve and promote the health of African American women and their newborns. This research will help empower nurses by educating them on mental health complexities and perinatal loss in African American women. Through education, nurses may feel more prepared to assist patients who are navigating their loss journey.

Author List

Antilla, J. & Johnson, T


Teresa Johnson PhD Associate Professor in the Nursing department at University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

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