Medical College of Wisconsin
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Treatment of Extraneural Metastases of Myxopapillary Ependymomas With Dose-Dense Temozolomide and Lapatinib. Cureus 2024 Aug;16(8):e67928



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Myxopapillary ependymomas (MPEs) are rare tumors of the central nervous system, and outcomes are generally worse with recurrent disease. These tumors can rarely metastasize outside the neuraxis. We present a case of a 35-year-old female with a history of MPEs who developed extraneural metastases 11 years after her initial gross total resection. Sites of metastases included multiple bilateral intrapulmonary and pleural-based masses with pleural effusion and a pelvic mass. The patient was treated with dose-dense TMZ and lapatinib and had a mixed radiographic response after 12 cycles of treatment. This is the first known case of extraneural metastases of MPEs to demonstrate a radiographic response to dose-dense TMZ and lapatinib. This case presentation discusses the need to establish optimal treatment of extraneural ependymal metastases, duration of treatment, and strategy for the management of recurrent diseases.

Author List

Riegel DC, Fonkem E, Connelly JM


Jennifer M. Connelly MD Professor in the Neurology department at Medical College of Wisconsin