Do actions speak louder than words?; A comparison of three organizational practices for reducing racial/ethnic harassment and discrimination Military Psychology 13. Larsen, S. E., Nye, C. D., Ormerod, A. J., Ziebro, M., & Siebert, J. E. (2013). Do actions speak louder than words?; A comparison of three organizational practices for reducing racial/ethnic harassment and discrimination. Military Psychology, 25, 602-614
We assessed the effectiveness of three commonly suggested organizational practices for reducing racial/ethnic harassment and discrimination (REHD): training; resources for reporting REHD; and implementation actions taken by leadership to reduce REHD. In a sample of 39,475 U.S. military personnel, we conducted dominance analyses to examine the relative contributions of these practices to REHD. Implementation contributed more to the prediction of REHD than did training or resources. Moreover, implementation moderated the effect of resources and training. This suggests that active leadership effort to address REHD can be 1 of the most effective means of reducing such behavior.