High-Speed Extraction and HPLC Fingerprinting of Medicinal Plants – II. Application to Harman Alkaloids of Genus Passiflora Pharm. Biol. 2003, 41, 100-106. http://dx.doi.org/10.1076/phbi.
Although the presence of harman alkaloids in the genus Passiflora has been established in a few species, their presence in the medicinally significant P. incarnata (passion flower) is still debatable. Powdered samples from 91 Passiflora species were subjected to accelerated speed extraction and analyzed for their content of five harman alkaloids by reversed-phase HPLC with photodiode array detection. The utilized analytical method was capable of detecting harman alkaloids in more than 50% of the analyzed samples at ppm levels. A library of HPLC chromatograms has also been generated as a tool for fingerprinting and authentication of the studied Passiflora species.
Author List
E.A. Abourashed J. Vanderplank I.A. KhanAuthor
Ehab A. Abourashed PhD Professor in the School of Pharmacy Administration department at Medical College of WisconsinView Online