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Publications indexed to the term Atropine Derivatives

2Gastrointestinal motor and myoelectric correlates of motion sickness. (Lang IM, Sarna SK, Shaker R) Am J Physiol 1999 Sep;277(3):G642-52       44 Citations
1Muscarinic and ganglionic blocking properties of atropine compounds in vivo and in vitro: time dependence and heart rate effects. (Vicenzi MN, Woehlck HJ, Boban M, McCallum B, Atlee JL, Bosnjak ZJ) Can J Physiol Pharmacol 1995 Apr;73(4):483-90       7 Citations
2Anesthetics and automaticity of dominant and latent atrial pacemakers in chronically instrumented dogs. III. Automaticity after sinoatrial node excision. (Vicenzi MN, Woehlck HJ, Bajic J, Sokolyk SM, Bosnjak ZJ, Atlee JL 3rd) Anesthesiology 1995 Feb;82(2):469-78       2 Citations