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Publications indexed to the term Child, Hospitalized

2Inappropriate Use of Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters in Pediatrics: A Multisite Study. (Burek AG, Davis MB, Pechous B, Shaughnessy EE, Meier KA, Mooney S, Woodruff D, Bruner M, Piper L, Liegl M, Pan A, Brousseau DC, Ullman AJ) Hosp Pediatr 2024 Mar 01;14(3):180-188       2 Citations
1Association of Early Oseltamivir With Improved Outcomes in Hospitalized Children With Influenza, 2007-2020. (Walsh PS, Schnadower D, Zhang Y, Ramgopal S, Shah SS, Wilson PM) JAMA Pediatr 2022 Nov 01;176(11):e223261       22 Citations
1School and Work Absences After Critical Care Hospitalization for Pediatric Acute Respiratory Failure: A Secondary Analysis of a Cluster Randomized Trial. (Carlton EF, Donnelly JP, Prescott HC, Asaro LA, Barbaro RP, Watson RS, Curley MAQ, RESTORE Study Investigators) JAMA Netw Open 2021 Dec 01;4(12):e2140732       17 Citations
1Factorial Analysis Quantifies the Effects of Pediatric Discharge Bundle on Hospital Readmission. (Osorio SN, Gage S, Mallory L, Soung P, Satty A, Abramson EL, Provost L, Cooperberg D, IMPACT STUDY GROUP) Pediatrics 2021 Oct;148(4)       2 Citations
1Temporal and anatomic relationship between superficial and deep vein thromboses in hospitalized children. (Doan P, Cox A, Rao E, Branchford B) Thromb Res 2021 Apr;200:30-33    
1Rates of Venous Thromboembolism and Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections Among Types of Central Venous Access Devices in Critically Ill Children. (Patel N, Petersen TL, Simpson PM, Feng M, Hanson SJ) Crit Care Med 2020 Sep;48(9):1340-1348       27 Citations
3Nutritional Advancement in the Hospitalized Child After NPO: A Retrospective Cohort Study. (Burek AG, Liljestrom T, Porada K, Matschull L, Pan A, Havens PL, Goday PS) Hosp Pediatr 2020 Jan;10(1):90-94       1 Citation
3Parent Readiness for Hospital Discharge Scale: Psychometrics and Association With Postdischarge Outcomes. (Weiss ME, Lerret SM, Sawin KJ, Schiffman RF) J Pediatr Health Care 2020;34(1):30-37       29 Citations
1Pediatric issues in thrombosis and hemostasis: The how and why of venous thromboembolism risk stratification in hospitalized children. (Branchford BR, Betensky M, Goldenberg NA) Thromb Res 2018 Dec;172:190-193       22 Citations
4Development of a Self-Management Theory-Guided Discharge Intervention for Parents of Hospitalized Children. (Sawin KJ, Weiss ME, Johnson N, Gralton K, Malin S, Klingbeil C, Lerret SM, Thompson JJ, Zimmanck K, Kaul M, Schiffman RF) J Nurs Scholarsh 2017 Mar;49(2):202-213       11 Citations
4Discharge Teaching, Readiness for Discharge, and Post-discharge Outcomes in Parents of Hospitalized Children. (Weiss ME, Sawin KJ, Gralton K, Johnson N, Klingbeil C, Lerret S, Malin S, Yakusheva O, Schiffman R) J Pediatr Nurs 2017;34:58-64       124 Citations
2Screening Guidelines for Venous Thromboembolism Risk in Hospitalized Children Have Low Sensitivity for Central Venous Catheter-Associated Thrombosis. (Asfaw AB, Punzalan RC, Yan K, Hoffmann RG, Hanson SJ) Hosp Pediatr 2017 Jan;7(1):39-45       8 Citations
1Patterns of Hospital Use and Regionalization of Inpatient Pediatric Adenotonsillectomy. (Shay S, Shapiro NL, Bhattacharyya N) JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2016 Feb;142(2):122-6       8 Citations
1Attributed meanings and strategies to prevent challenging behaviors of hospitalized children with autism: two perspectives. (Johnson NL, Bekhet A, Robinson K, Rodriguez D) J Pediatr Health Care 2014;28(5):386-93       38 Citations
1Measuring nurses' impact on health care quality: progress, challenges, and future directions. (Beck SL, Weiss ME, Ryan-Wenger N, Donaldson NE, Aydin C, Towsley GL, Gardner W) Med Care 2013 Apr;51(4 Suppl 2):S15-22       23 Citations
1Evaluation of a coping kit for children with challenging behaviors in a pediatric hospital. (Drake J, Johnson N, Stoneck AV, Martinez DM, Massey M) Pediatr Nurs 2012;38(4):215-21       36 Citations
1Children with developmental disabilities at a pediatric hospital: staff education to prevent and manage challenging behaviors. (Johnson NL, Lashley J, Stonek AV, Bonjour A) J Pediatr Nurs 2012 Dec;27(6):742-9       37 Citations
1Discharge readiness: an integrative review focusing on discharge following pediatric hospitalization. (Lerret SM) J Spec Pediatr Nurs 2009 Oct;14(4):245-55       49 Citations
1Limitations in the agency for healthcare research and quality pediatric quality indicators result in flawed call for national benchmarks. (Scanlon MC, Harris JM, Levy F, Sedman A) Pediatrics 2008 Oct;122(4):903; author reply 903-4    
1Readiness for discharge in parents of hospitalized children. (Weiss M, Johnson NL, Malin S, Jerofke T, Lang C, Sherburne E) J Pediatr Nurs 2008 Aug;23(4):282-95       124 Citations
1Parental perception of quality of hospital care for children with sickle cell disease. (Kam J, Panepinto JA, Brandow AM, Brousseau DC) WMJ 2008 May;107(3):131-5       4 Citations
1Evaluation of the agency for healthcare research and quality pediatric quality indicators. (Scanlon MC, Harris JM 2nd, Levy F, Sedman A) Pediatrics 2008 Jun;121(6):e1723-31       73 Citations