Medical College of Wisconsin
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Publications indexed to the term Community Participation

1Foundations of Community Engagement: A Series for Effective Community-Engaged Research. (Johnston B, Ruffalo L, Nelson D, O'Connor S, Young S) MedEdPORTAL 2023;19:11350       1 Citation
1A time for me: A virtual program to engage African American caregivers. (Keller AO, Norris NC, Easter B, Garr A, Morgan G, Dicks-Williams R, Galambos C) J Women Aging 2023;35(4):369-382       2 Citations
1A Model for Improving Health Care Quality for Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Patients. (Ding JM, Ehrenfeld JM, Edmiston EK, Eckstrand K, Beach LB) Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf 2020 Jan;46(1):37-43       28 Citations
3Engaging African American Women in Community-Based Health Promotion Programs: Key-Informant Recommendations. (Holt JM, Johnson TS, Zabler B) J Community Health Nurs 2018;35(3):137-147       2 Citations
1Setting up a clinical trial for a novel disease: a case study of the Doxycycline for the Treatment of Nodding Syndrome Trial - challenges, enablers and lessons learned. (Anguzu R, Akun PR, Ogwang R, Shour AR, Sekibira R, Ningwa A, Nakamya P, Abbo C, Mwaka AD, Opar B, Idro R) Glob Health Action 2018;11(1):1431362       13 Citations
1Obese Employee Participation Patterns in a Wellness Program. (Fink JT, Smith DR, Singh M, Ihrke DM, Cisler RA) Popul Health Manag 2016 Apr;19(2):132-5       4 Citations
1Retaining traditionally hard to reach participants: Lessons learned from three childhood obesity studies. (Buscemi J, Blumstein L, Kong A, Stolley MR, Schiffer L, Odoms-Young A, Bittner C, Fitzgibbon ML) Contemp Clin Trials 2015 May;42:98-104       23 Citations
1Deliberations and recommendations of the Pediatric Emergency Mass Critical Care Task Force: executive summary. (Kissoon N, Task Force for Pediatric Emergency Mass Critical Care) Pediatr Crit Care Med 2011 Nov;12(6 Suppl):S103-8       29 Citations
1Disease maps as context for community mapping: a methodological approach for linking confidential health information with local geographical knowledge for community health research. (Beyer KM, Comstock S, Seagren R) J Community Health 2010 Dec;35(6):635-44       19 Citations
1The random dialing survey as a tool for community consultation for research involving the emergency medicine exception from informed consent. (Bulger EM, Schmidt TA, Cook AJ, Brasel KJ, Griffiths DE, Kudenchuk PJ, Davis D, Bardarson B, Idris AH, Aufderheide TP, ROC Investigators) Ann Emerg Med 2009 Mar;53(3):341-50, 350.e1-2       43 Citations
1Partnerships to address social determinants of health. (Lucey P, Maurana CA) Nurs Econ 2007;25(3):179-82       4 Citations
1Development of a church-based cancer education curriculum using CBPR. (Beck B, Young S, Ahmed S, Wolff M) J Health Care Poor Underserved 2007 Feb;18(1):28-34       13 Citations
1Internet-based health information consumer skills intervention for people living with HIV/AIDS. (Kalichman SC, Cherry C, Cain D, Pope H, Kalichman M, Eaton L, Weinhardt L, Benotsch EG) J Consult Clin Psychol 2006 Jun;74(3):545-54       77 Citations
1Overcoming barriers to effective community-based participatory research in US medical schools. (Ahmed SM, Beck B, Maurana CA, Newton G) Educ Health (Abingdon) 2004 Jul;17(2):141-51       108 Citations
1The community initiative on depression: report from a multiphase work site depression intervention. (Charbonneau A, Bruning W, Titus-Howard T, Ellerbeck E, Whittle J, Hall S, Campbell J, Lewis SC, Munro S) J Occup Environ Med 2005 Jan;47(1):60-7       19 Citations
2Leadership in a public housing community. (Wolff M, Young S, Beck B, Maurana CA, Murphy M, Holifield J, Aitch C) J Health Commun 2004;9(2):119-26       11 Citations
1HIV, sex, and social change: applying ESID principles to HIV prevention research. (Fernández MI, Bowen GS, Gay CL, Mattson TR, Bital E, Kelly JA) Am J Community Psychol 2003 Dec;32(3-4):333-44       18 Citations
1Knowledge transfer, policymaking and community empowerment: a consensus model approach for providing public mental health and substance abuse services. (Broner N, Franczak M, Dye C, McAllister W) Psychiatr Q 2001;72(1):79-102       40 Citations
1The Health Action Fund: a community-based approach to enhancing health. (Maurana CA, Clark MA) J Health Commun 2000;5(3):243-54       6 Citations
1Building effective community-academic partnerships to improve health: a qualitative study of perspectives from communities. (Wolff M, Maurana CA) Acad Med 2001 Feb;76(2):166-72       77 Citations
1Behavior changes & disease prevention: MCW research shows effectiveness of HIV/AIDS risk reduction interventions. Medical College of Wisconsin. (Kelly JA) WMJ 2000;99(1):41-3, 47       3 Citations
1Building effective partnerships with Wisconsin communities. (Maurana CA) WMJ 2000;99(1):31-2       3 Citations
1Medical students as ambassadors to Wisconsin communities. (Maurana CA, Young SA, Basarich JR) Acad Med 2000 May;75(5):534    
1"Lifepoint": a case study in using social science community identification data to guide the implementation of a needle exchange program. (Somlai AM, Kelly JA, Otto-Salaj L, Nelson D) AIDS Educ Prev 1999 Jun;11(3):187-202       10 Citations
1The awesome Asthma School Days Program: educating children, inspiring a community. (Meurer JR, McKenzie S, Mischler E, Subichin S, Malloy M, George V) J Sch Health 1999 Feb;69(2):63-8       19 Citations
2Cost-effectiveness of a community-level HIV risk reduction intervention. (Pinkerton SD, Holtgrave DR, DiFranceisco WJ, Stevenson LY, Kelly JA) Am J Public Health 1998 Aug;88(8):1239-42       81 Citations
2HIV risk behavior reduction following intervention with key opinion leaders of population: an experimental analysis. (Kelly JA, St Lawrence JS, Diaz YE, Stevenson LY, Hauth AC, Brasfield TL, Kalichman SC, Smith JE, Andrew ME) Am J Public Health 1991 Feb;81(2):168-71       548 Citations