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Publications indexed to the term Duodenal Diseases

1Pseudomelanosis Duodeni in a Child With Chronic Diarrhea. (Oduru O, Jo Gumm A, Sigurdsson L, Cook S, O'Connell DM) J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2023 Feb 01;76(2):e45       1 Citation
1Should we be concerned about jejunoileal atresia during repair of duodenal atresia? (St Peter SD, Little DC, Barsness KA, Copeland DR, Calkins CM, Yoder S, Rothenberg SS, Islam S, Tsao K, Ostlie DJ) J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A 2010 Nov;20(9):773-5       24 Citations
1Complete large bowel duplication with paraduodenal cyst: prenatal sonographic features. (Khanna PC, Gawand V, Nawale AJ, Deshmukh T, Merchant SA) Prenat Diagn 2004 Apr;24(4):312-4       8 Citations
1Mechanisms of the secretory and motor responses of the Brunner's gland region of the intestines to duodenal acidification. (Lang IM, Tansy MF) Pflugers Arch 1983 Feb;396(2):115-20       19 Citations