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Publications indexed to the term Intestinal Fistula

1Lending a hand: The utility of hand-assisted laparoscopic surgery in diverticulitis with fistula. (Drezdzon MK, Calata JF, Peterson CY, Otterson MF, Ludwig KA, Ridolfi TJ) Surgery 2024 Mar;175(3):776-781    
2Enteric fistula: An overlooked but significant healthcare burden. (Hu KY, Peterson CY) Am J Surg 2021 Jan;221(1):25       1 Citation
1Enterocutaneous fistula after emergency general surgery: Mortality, readmission, and financial burden. (Hatchimonji JS, Passman J, Kaufman EJ, Sharoky CE, Ma LW, Scantling D, Xiong R, Holena DN) J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2020 Jul;89(1):167-172       8 Citations
2Enteric Fistula Treatment and Management: Results of an Institutional Inpatient Treatment Protocol. (Kugler NW, Boateng S, Webb TP, Trevino CM) WMJ 2019 Jul;118(2):75-79       3 Citations
1Creation of a novel risk score for surgical site infection and occurrence after ventral hernia repair. (Poruk KE, Hicks CW, Trent Magruder J, Rodriguez-Unda N, Burce KK, Azoury SC, Cornell P, Cooney CM, Eckhauser FE) Hernia 2017 Apr;21(2):261-269       10 Citations
1Endoscopically placed guidewire-assisted seton for an ileal pouch-pouch fistula. (Sinh P, Shen B) Gastrointest Endosc 2015 Sep;82(3):575-6       13 Citations
1Left-sided sigmoid diverticulitis presenting as right-sided thigh abscess. (Murphy PB, Belliveau P) Int Surg 2012;97(4):285-7       6 Citations
1Effect of insurance status on patients admitted for acute diverticulitis. (Mills AM, Holena DN, Kallan MJ, Carr BG, Reinke CE, Kelz RR) Colorectal Dis 2013 May;15(5):613-20       21 Citations
1Using the lymph fistula rat model to study incretin secretion. (Yoder SM, Kindel TL, Tso P) Vitam Horm 2010;84:221-49       11 Citations
1Colovesical fistula repair: is early Foley catheter removal safe? (de Moya MA, Zacharias N, Osbourne A, Butt MU, Alam HB, King DR, McGovern F, Velmahos GC) J Surg Res 2009 Oct;156(2):274-7       27 Citations
1Colonic adenocarcinoma in a 13-year-old with cystic fibrosis. (Ibele AR, Koplin SA, Slaughenhoupt BL, Kryger JV, Friedl A, Lund DP) J Pediatr Surg 2007 Oct;42(10):E1-3       12 Citations
1Crohn's disease presenting as necrotizing fasciitis: a case report. (Kiely JM, Brasel KJ, Graewin SJ, Nowak DM, Christians KK, Nirula R) Am Surg 2005 Oct;71(10):870-1       5 Citations
1Prognostic factors influencing outcome of surgery in acute pancreatitis. (Prasad KR, Sikora SS, Kaushik SP) Trop Gastroenterol 1995;16(1):4-13