Medical College of Wisconsin
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Publications indexed to the term Musculoskeletal Physiological Phenomena

1Do Head-Mounted Augmented Reality Devices Affect Muscle Activity and Eye Strain of Utility Workers Who Do Procedural Work? Studies of Operators and Manhole Workers. (Marklin RW Jr, Toll AM, Bauman EH, Simmins JJ, LaDisa JF Jr, Cooper R) Hum Factors 2022 Mar;64(2):305-323       18 Citations
1Number of Segments Within Musculoskeletal Foot Models Influences Ankle Kinematics and Strains of Ligaments and Muscles. (Kim H, Kipp K) J Orthop Res 2019 Oct;37(10):2231-2240       11 Citations
4Anticipatory Effects on Lower Extremity Neuromechanics During a Cutting Task. (Meinerz CM, Malloy P, Geiser CF, Kipp K) J Athl Train 2015 Sep;50(9):905-13       38 Citations
1Brain areas associated with force steadiness and intensity during isometric ankle dorsiflexion in men and women. (Yoon T, Vanden Noven ML, Nielson KA, Hunter SK) Exp Brain Res 2014 Oct;232(10):3133-45       32 Citations
1Reorganization of finger coordination patterns during adaptation to rotation and scaling of a newly learned sensorimotor transformation. (Liu X, Mosier KM, Mussa-Ivaldi FA, Casadio M, Scheidt RA) J Neurophysiol 2011 Jan;105(1):454-73       53 Citations
1A computational model of skeletal muscle metabolism linking cellular adaptations induced by altered loading states to metabolic responses during exercise. (Dash RK, Dibella JA 2nd, Cabrera ME) Biomed Eng Online 2007 Apr 20;6:14       30 Citations