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Publications indexed to the term Porifera

1[Research progress on active ingredients of animal-derived traditional Chinese medicine in treatment of allergic rhinitis]. (Chao X, Li H, Wang TS, Pan YS) Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi 2023 Sep;48(18):4884-4892       2 Citations
1Reactivity of acyclic (pentadienyl)iron(1+) cations: synthetic studies directed toward the frondosins. (Lee DW, Pandey RK, Lindeman S, Donaldson WA) Org Biomol Chem 2011 Oct 26;9(22):7742-7       6 Citations
1Secondary metabolites from three Florida sponges with antidepressant activity. (Kochanowska AJ, Rao KV, Childress S, El-Alfy A, Matsumoto RR, Kelly M, Stewart GS, Sufka KJ, Hamann MT) J Nat Prod 2008 Feb;71(2):186-9       69 Citations