Medical College of Wisconsin
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Publications indexed to the term Quinidine

1Effect of dehusked Garcinia kola seeds on the overall pharmacokinetics of quinine in healthy Nigerian volunteers. (Igbinoba SI, Onyeji CO, Akanmu MA, Soyinka JO, Pullela SS, Cook JM, Nathaniel TI) J Clin Pharmacol 2015 Mar;55(3):348-54       8 Citations
1An antibody from a patient with ranitidine-induced thrombocytopenia recognizes a site on glycoprotein IX that is a favored target for drug-induced antibodies. (Gentilini G, Curtis BR, Aster RH) Blood 1998 Oct 01;92(7):2359-65       51 Citations
1Electrocardiographic features of atrial tachycardias after operation for congenital heart disease. (Müller GI, Deal BJ, Strasburger JF, Benson DW Jr) Am J Cardiol 1993 Jan 01;71(1):122-4       22 Citations