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Publications indexed to the term Ryanodine

1Ryanodine-induced vasoconstriction of the gerbil spiral modiolar artery depends on the Ca2+ sensitivity but not on Ca2+ sparks or BK channels. (Krishnamoorthy G, Reimann K, Wangemann P) BMC Physiol 2016 Nov 02;16(1):6       3 Citations
1Protein methylation activates reconstituted ryanodine receptor-ca release channels from coronary artery myocytes. (Chen YF, Zhang AY, Zou AP, Campbell WB, Li PL) J Vasc Res 2004;41(3):229-40       20 Citations
2Cyclic ADP-ribose contributes to contraction and Ca2+ release by M1 muscarinic receptor activation in coronary arterial smooth muscle. (Ge ZD, Zhang DX, Chen YF, Yi FX, Zou AP, Campbell WB, Li PL) J Vasc Res 2003;40(1):28-36       48 Citations
1Calcium-induced calcium release and cyclic ADP-ribose-mediated signaling in the myocytes from small coronary arteries. (Zhang DX, Harrison MD, Li PL) Microvasc Res 2002 Sep;64(2):339-48       12 Citations
1Effect of nitric oxide on calcium-induced calcium release in coronary arterial smooth muscle. (Li N, Zou AP, Ge ZD, Campbell WB, Li PL) Gen Pharmacol 2000 Jul;35(1):37-45       17 Citations
1Multiple modes of calcium-induced calcium release in sympathetic neurons I: attenuation of endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ accumulation at low [Ca2+](i) during weak depolarization. (Albrecht MA, Colegrove SL, Hongpaisan J, Pivovarova NB, Andrews SB, Friel DD) J Gen Physiol 2001 Jul;118(1):83-100       43 Citations
1Inhibition of cADP-ribose formation produces vasodilation in bovine coronary arteries. (Geiger J, Zou AP, Campbell WB, Li PL) Hypertension 2000 Jan;35(1 Pt 2):397-402       51 Citations
1Hypoxic contraction of isolated rabbit mesenteric veins. Contribution of endothelium and attenuation by volatile anesthetics. (Stadnicka A, Stekiel TA, Hogan QH, Bosnjak ZJ, Kampine JP) Anesthesiology 1995 Feb;82(2):550-8       7 Citations