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Publications indexed to the term Colorectal Neoplasms

1Association of clonal hematopoiesis and mosaic chromosomal alterations with solid malignancy incidence and mortality. (Desai P, Zhou Y, Grenet J, Handelman SK, Crispino CM, Tarbay LN, Whitsel EA, Roboz G, Barac A, Honigberg M, Bick A, Anderson G, Wactawski-Wende J, Jakubek Swartzlander YA, Bacon J, Wong J, Ma X, Scheet P, Li Z, Kasi P, Prentice R, Auer P, Manson JE, Reiner A, Simon M) Cancer 2024 Nov 15;130(22):3879-3887       2 Citations
1Clinical and biological landscape of constitutional mismatch-repair deficiency syndrome: an International Replication Repair Deficiency Consortium cohort study. (Ercan AB, Aronson M, Fernandez NR, Chang Y, Levine A, Liu ZA, Negm L, Edwards M, Bianchi V, Stengs L, Chung J, Al-Battashi A, Reschke A, Lion A, Ahmad A, Lassaletta A, Reddy AT, Al-Darraji AF, Shah AC, Van Damme A, Bendel A, Rashid A, Margol AS, Kelly BL, Pencheva B, Heald B, Lemieux-Anglin B, Crooks B, Koschmann C, Gilpin C, Porter CC, Gass D, Samuel D, Ziegler DS, Blumenthal DT, Kuo DJ, Hamideh D, Basel D, Khuong-Quang DA, Stearns D, Opocher E, Carceller F, Baris Feldman H, Toledano H, Winer I, Scheers I, Fedorakova I, Su JM, Vengoechea J, Sterba J, Knipstein J, Hansford JR, Gonzales-Santos JR, Bhatia K, Bielamowicz KJ, Minhas K, Nichols KE, Cole KA, Penney L, Hjort MA, Sabel M, Gil-da-Costa MJ, Murray MJ, Miller M, Blundell ML, Massimino M, Al-Hussaini M, Al-Jadiry MF, Comito MA, Osborn M, Link MP, Zapotocky M, Ghalibafian M, Shaheen N, Mushtaq N, Waespe N, Hijiya N, Fuentes-Bolanos N, Ahmad O, Chamdine O, Roy P, Pichurin PN, Nyman P, Pearlman R, Auer RC, Sukumaran RK, Kebudi R, Dvir R, Raphael R, Elhasid R, McGee RB, Chami R, Noss R, Tanaka R, Raskin S, Sen S, Lindhorst S, Perreault S, Caspi S, Riaz S, Constantini S, Albert S, Chaleff S, Bielack S, Chiaravalli S, Cramer SL, Roy S, Cahn S, Penna S, Hamid SA, Ghafoor T, Imam U, Larouche V, Magimairajan Issai V, Foulkes WD, Lee YY, Nathan PC, Maruvka YE, Greer MC, Durno C, Shlien A, Ertl-Wagner B, Villani A, Malkin D, Hawkins C, Bouffet E, Das A, Tabori U) Lancet Oncol 2024 May;25(5):668-682       20 Citations
1Efficacy and Safety of Trifluridine/Tipiracil-Containing Combinations in Colorectal Cancer and Other Advanced Solid Tumors: A Systematic Review. (Shitara K, Falcone A, Fakih MG, George B, Sundar R, Ranjan S, Van Cutsem E) Oncologist 2024 May 03;29(5):e601-e615       2 Citations
1Preoperative CA 19-9 Predicts Disease Progression in Colorectal Peritoneal Metastases Treated with Cytoreductive Surgery and Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy: An Analysis from the US HIPEC Collaborative. (Fackche NT, Schmocker RK, Nudotor R, Kubi B, Cloyd JM, Grotz TE, Fournier KF, Dineen SP, Veerapong J, Baumgartner JM, Clarke CN, Patel SH, Wilson GC, Lambert LA, Pokrzywa C, Abbott DE, Lee B, Staley CA, Zaidi MY, Johnston FM, Greer JB) Ann Surg Oncol 2024 May;31(5):3314-3324    
1Liver transplantation as an alternative for the treatment of non-resectable liver colorectal cancer: Advancing the therapeutic algorithm. (Rawashdeh B, Bell R, Hakeem A, Prasad R) Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int 2024 Apr;23(2):154-159       1 Citation
1Cationic micelle delivery of a multi-epitope vaccine candidate derived from tumor-associated antigens, causing regression in established CT26 colorectal tumors in mice. (Sabzehei F, Taromchi AH, Ramazani A, Nedaei K, Feizi A, Arsang-Jang S, Danafar H) J Biomed Mater Res A 2024 May;112(5):733-742       2 Citations
1Evaluation of the Rothman Index in Predicting Readmission after Colorectal Resection. (Peterson KJ, O'Donnell CM, Eastwood DC, Szabo A, Hu KY, Ridolfi TJ, Ludwig KA, Peterson CY) Am J Med Qual 2023 Nov 01;38(6):287-293       1 Citation
1PD-1 and PD-L1 inhibitors in cold colorectal cancer: challenges and strategies. (Lin KX, Istl AC, Quan D, Skaro A, Tang E, Zheng X) Cancer Immunol Immunother 2023 Dec;72(12):3875-3893       27 Citations
1Neighborhood-Level Socioeconomic Disadvantage Predicts Outcomes in Cytoreductive Surgery and Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy for Peritoneal Malignancy. (Winicki NM, Radomski SN, Florissi IS, Cloyd JM, Gutta G, Grotz TE, Scally CP, Fournier KF, Dineen SP, Powers BD, Veerapong J, Baumgartner JM, Clarke CN, Kothari AN, Maduekwe UN, Patel SH, Wilson GC, Schwartz P, Varley PR, Raoof M, Lee B, Malik I, Johnston FM, Greer JB) Ann Surg Oncol 2023 Nov;30(12):7840-7847       6 Citations
1Operative management and outcomes of colorectal injuries after gunshot wounds in the deployed military setting versus civilian trauma centers. (Dilday J, Owattanapanich N, Benjamin ER, Biswas S, Shackelford S, Demetriades D) J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2023 Aug 01;95(2S Suppl 1):S60-S65       2 Citations
1Multi-Institutional Review From the Pediatric Colorectal and Pelvic Learning Consortium of Minor Spinal Cord Dysraphism in the Setting of Anorectal Malformations: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Outcomes. (Garvey EM, Fuller M, Frischer J, Calkins CM, Rentea RM, Ralls M, Wood R, Rollins MD, Avansino J, Reeder RW, Durham MM, Pediatric Colorectal and Pelvic Learning Consortium (PCPLC)) J Pediatr Surg 2023 Aug;58(8):1582-1587    
2Pathologic, immunologic, and clinical analysis of the microsatellite instability phenotype in endometrial carcinoma. (Mackinnon AC Jr, Johnson CM, Robin A, Christiansen L, Hanbazazh M, Summey RM, Chandrashaker D, Harada S, Bradley WH) Hum Pathol 2023 Sep;139:80-90       1 Citation
1Effects of prior therapies on outcomes with trifluridine/tipiracil in patients with metastatic gastric/gastroesophageal junction cancer in a randomized phase III trial (TAGS). (Shitara K, George B, Taieb J, Sundar R, Fakih MG, Makris L, Benhadji KA, Ghidini M) J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 2023 Sep;149(11):9361-9374    
1Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy in the detroit research on cancer survivors (ROCS) cohort. (Sreeram K, Seaton R, Greenwald MK, Kamgar M, Assad H, Baird T, Schwartz AG, Ruterbusch J, Simon MS) Cancer Causes Control 2023 May;34(5):459-468       4 Citations
2Dual blockage of both PD-L1 and CD47 enhances the therapeutic effect of oxaliplatin and FOLFOX in CT-26 mice tumor model. (Alimohammadi R, Mahmoodi Chalbatani G, Alimohammadi M, Ghaffari-Nazari H, Rahimi A, Mortaz E, Mossafa N, Boon L, Jalali SA) Sci Rep 2023 Feb 11;13(1):2472       9 Citations
1Pooled safety analysis from phase III studies of trifluridine/tipiracil in patients with metastatic gastric or gastroesophageal junction cancer and metastatic colorectal cancer. (Van Cutsem E, Hochster H, Shitara K, Mayer R, Ohtsu A, Falcone A, Yoshino T, Doi T, Ilson DH, Arkenau HT, George B, Benhadji KA, Makris L, Tabernero J) ESMO Open 2022 Dec;7(6):100633       5 Citations
1Tissue Displacement Versus Two Primary Colorectal Carcinomas? A Case Report on the Utility of Comparative Sequencing. (Hong ES, Messersmith WA, Hammad H, Cornish TC, Aisner DL) JCO Precis Oncol 2022 Oct;6:e2200252    
1Reconsideration of indications for third hepatectomy for colorectal liver metastases. (Kimura J, Sui K, Murokawa T, Tabuchi M, Sakamoto S, Iwata J, Iiyama T, Okabayashi T) J Surg Oncol 2022 Dec;126(7):1232-1241       1 Citation
1Does presence of a VACTERL anomaly predict an associated gynecologic anomaly in females with anorectal malformations?: A Pediatric Colorectal and Pelvic Learning Consortium Study. (Ahmad H, Wood RJ, Avansino JR, Calkins CM, Dickie BH, Durham MM, Frischer J, Fuller M, Ralls M, Reeder RW, Rentea RM, Rollins MD, Saadai P, Oelschlager AEA, Breech LL, Hewitt GD, Kluivers K, van Leeuwen KD, McCracken KA) J Pediatr Surg 2023 Mar;58(3):471-477       8 Citations
1A Systematic Review of Conversion to Resectability in Unresectable Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Chemotherapy Trials. (Chrabaszcz S, Rajeev R, Witmer HDD, Dhiman A, Klooster B, Gamblin TC, Banerjee A, Johnston FM, Turaga KK) Am J Clin Oncol 2022 Aug 01;45(8):366-372       2 Citations
1Operative and Nonoperative Outcomes of Emergency General Surgery Conditions: An Observational Study Using a Novel Instrumental Variable. (Kaufman EJ, Keele LJ, Wirtalla CJ, Rosen CB, Roberts SE, Mavroudis CL, Reilly PM, Holena DN, McHugh MD, Small D, Kelz RR) Ann Surg 2023 Jul 01;278(1):72-78       12 Citations
1Blockade of interleukin 10 potentiates antitumour immune function in human colorectal cancer liver metastases. (Sullivan KM, Jiang X, Guha P, Lausted C, Carter JA, Hsu C, Labadie KP, Kohli K, Kenerson HL, Daniel SK, Yan X, Meng C, Abbasi A, Chan M, Seo YD, Park JO, Crispe IN, Yeung RS, Kim TS, Gujral TS, Tian Q, Katz SC, Pillarisetty VG) Gut 2023 Feb;72(2):325-337       77 Citations
1Another Signal from DEBIRI. (Soulen MC, White SB) Ann Surg Oncol 2022 Sep;29(9):5357-5358    
1The presence of a neurodiverse disorder is associated with increased use of antegrade enema therapy in children with severe constipation: A study from the Pediatric Colorectal and Pelvic Learning Consortium (PCPLC). (Short SS, Reeder RW, Lewis KE, Dickie B, Grabowski J, Sepuha T, Durham MM, Frischer J, Badillo A, Calkins CM, Rentea RM, Ralls M, Wood RJ, Fuller MK, van Leeuwen K, Avansino JR, Austin K, Rollins MD) J Pediatr Surg 2022 Aug;57(8):1676-1680       4 Citations
3Palliative Cytoreductive Surgery With or Without Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy for Peritoneal Carcinomatosis: Is It Safe and Effective? (Strong EA, Livingston A, Gracz M, Peltier W, Tsai S, Christians K, Gamblin TC, Kersting K, Clarke CN) J Surg Res 2022 Oct;278:31-38       2 Citations
1Outcomes of Mixed Pathologic Response in Patients with Multiple Colorectal Liver Metastases Treated with Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy and Liver Resection. (Mason MC, Krasnodebski M, Hester CA, Kothari AN, Barker C, Nishioka Y, Chiang YJ, Newhook TE, Tzeng CD, Chun YS, Vauthey JN, Tran Cao HS) Ann Surg Oncol 2022 Aug;29(8):5156-5164       6 Citations
1Precision medicine-based therapies in advanced colorectal cancer: The University of California San Diego Molecular Tumor Board experience. (Louie BH, Kato S, Kim KH, Lim HJ, Lee S, Okamura R, Fanta PT, Kurzrock R) Mol Oncol 2022 Jul;16(13):2575-2584       10 Citations
1Identification of RAS mutant biomarkers for EGFR inhibitor sensitivity using a systems biochemical approach. (McFall T, Stites EC) Cell Rep 2021 Dec 14;37(11):110096       11 Citations
1PLEKHA7 signaling is necessary for the growth of mutant KRAS driven colorectal cancer. (Jeung HC, Puentes R, Aleshin A, Indarte M, Correa RG, Bankston LA, Layng FIAL, Ahmed Z, Wistuba I, Yao Y, Duenas DG, Zhang S, Meuillet EJ, Marassi F, Liddington RC, Kirkpatrick L, Powis G) Exp Cell Res 2021 Dec 15;409(2):112930       1 Citation
1Disparities in the Management of Peritoneal Surface Malignancies. (Marulanda K, Maduekwe UN) Surg Oncol Clin N Am 2022 Jan;31(1):29-41       3 Citations
1Aberrant Expression and Subcellular Localization of ECT2 Drives Colorectal Cancer Progression and Growth. (Cook DR, Kang M, Martin TD, Galanko JA, Loeza GH, Trembath DG, Justilien V, Pickering KA, Vincent DF, Jarosch A, Jurmeister P, Waters AM, Hibshman PS, Campbell AD, Ford CA, Keku TO, Yeh JJ, Lee MS, Cox AD, Fields AP, Sandler RS, Sansom OJ, Sers C, Schaefer A, Der CJ) Cancer Res 2022 Jan 01;82(1):90-104       22 Citations
1Escherichia coli and Colorectal Cancer: Unfolding the Enigmatic Relationship. (Nouri R, Hasani A, Shirazi KM, Alivand MR, Sepehri B, Sotoodeh S, Hemmati F, Rezaee MA) Curr Pharm Biotechnol 2022;23(10):1257-1268       19 Citations
1Impact of Hepatic Metastasectomy in the Multimodal Treatment of Metastatic Breast Cancer. (Ellis OV, Hornock SL, Bohan PMK, Dilday JC, Chang SC, Bader JO, Vreeland TJ, Nelson DW) J Surg Res 2021 Dec;268:650-659       5 Citations
1Perioperative and long-term functional outcomes of neonatal versus delayed primary endorectal pull-through for children with Hirschsprung disease: A pediatric colorectal and pelvic learning consortium study. (Kastenberg ZJ, Taylor MA, Durham MM, Calkins CM, Rentea RM, Wood RJ, Avansino JR, Levitt MA, van Leeuwen KD, Lewis KE, Reeder RW, Rollins MD) J Pediatr Surg 2021 Aug;56(8):1465-1469       14 Citations
1Survival Benefit for Individuals With Constitutional Mismatch Repair Deficiency Undergoing Surveillance. (Durno C, Ercan AB, Bianchi V, Edwards M, Aronson M, Galati M, Atenafu EG, Abebe-Campino G, Al-Battashi A, Alharbi M, Azad VF, Baris HN, Basel D, Bedgood R, Bendel A, Ben-Shachar S, Blumenthal DT, Blundell M, Bornhorst M, Bronsema A, Cairney E, Rhode S, Caspi S, Chamdin A, Chiaravalli S, Constantini S, Crooks B, Das A, Dvir R, Farah R, Foulkes WD, Frenkel Z, Gallinger B, Gardner S, Gass D, Ghalibafian M, Gilpin C, Goldberg Y, Goudie C, Hamid SA, Hampel H, Hansford JR, Harlos C, Hijiya N, Hsu S, Kamihara J, Kebudi R, Knipstein J, Koschmann C, Kratz C, Larouche V, Lassaletta A, Lindhorst S, Ling SC, Link MP, Loret De Mola R, Luiten R, Lurye M, Maciaszek JL, MagimairajanIssai V, Maher OM, Massimino M, McGee RB, Mushtaq N, Mason G, Newmark M, Nicholas G, Nichols KE, Nicolaides T, Opocher E, Osborn M, Oshrine B, Pearlman R, Pettee D, Rapp J, Rashid M, Reddy A, Reichman L, Remke M, Robbins G, Roy S, Sabel M, Samuel D, Scheers I, Schneider KW, Sen S, Stearns D, Sumerauer D, Swallow C, Taylor L, Thomas G, Toledano H, Tomboc P, Van Damme A, Winer I, Yalon M, Yen LY, Zapotocky M, Zelcer S, Ziegler DS, Zimmermann S, Hawkins C, Malkin D, Bouffet E, Villani A, Tabori U) J Clin Oncol 2021 Sep 01;39(25):2779-2790       60 Citations
1Cold versus hot endoscopic mucosal resection for large sessile colon polyps: a cost-effectiveness analysis. (Mehta D, Loutfy AH, Kushnir VM, Faulx AL, Smith ZL) Endoscopy 2022 Apr;54(4):367-375       15 Citations
1Prognostic and Therapeutic Implications of Tumor Biology, Including Gene Alterations, in Colorectal Liver Metastases. (Nishioka Y, Kawaguchi Y, Kothari AN, Odisio BC, Vauthey JN) J Gastrointest Surg 2021 Jun;25(6):1591-1600       5 Citations
1Black Raspberries Suppress Colorectal Cancer by Enhancing Smad4 Expression in Colonic Epithelium and Natural Killer Cells. (Huang YW, Lin CW, Pan P, Shan T, Echeveste CE, Mo YY, Wang HT, Aldakkak M, Tsai S, Oshima K, Yearsley M, Xiao J, Cao H, Sun C, Du M, Bai W, Yu J, Wang LS) Front Immunol 2020;11:570683       18 Citations
2Two-Stage Hepatectomy for Bilateral Colorectal Liver Metastases: A Multi-institutional Analysis. (Chavez MI, Gholami S, Kim BJ, Margonis GA, Ethun CG, Tsai S, Christians KK, Clarke C, Mogal H, Maithel SK, Pawlik TM, D'Angelica MI, Aloia TA, Eastwood D, Gamblin TC) Ann Surg Oncol 2021 Mar;28(3):1457-1465       19 Citations
1Discernment between candidate mechanisms for KRAS G13D colorectal cancer sensitivity to EGFR inhibitors. (McFall T, Schomburg NK, Rossman KL, Stites EC) Cell Commun Signal 2020 Nov 05;18(1):179       9 Citations
1Colorectal Dysplasia and Cancer in Pediatric-Onset Ulcerative Colitis Associated With Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis. (El-Matary W, Guthery SL, Amir AZ, DiGuglielmo M, Draijer LG, Furuya KN, Gupta N, Hochberg JT, Horslen S, Kerkar N, Koot BGP, Laborda TJ, Loomes KM, Mack C, Martinez M, Miethke A, Miloh T, Mogul D, Mohammed S, Moroz S, Ovchinsky N, Perito ER, Rao G, Ricciuto A, Sathya P, Schwarz KB, Shah U, Singh R, Soufi N, Valentino PL, Zizzo A, Deneau MR) Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2021 May;19(5):1067-1070.e2       11 Citations
1The Chicago Consensus on Peritoneal Surface Malignancies: Management of Colorectal Metastases. (Chicago Consensus Working Group) Ann Surg Oncol 2020 Jun;27(6):1761-1767       47 Citations
1The Chicago Consensus on peritoneal surface malignancies: Management of colorectal metastases. (Chicago Consensus Working Group) Cancer 2020 Jun 01;126(11):2534-2540       25 Citations
1What is the Optimal Preoperative Imaging Modality for Assessing Peritoneal Cancer Index? An Analysis From the United States HIPEC Collaborative. (Lee RM, Zaidi MY, Gamboa AC, Speegle S, Kimbrough CW, Cloyd JM, Leiting JL, Grotz TE, Lee AJ, Fournier KF, Powers BD, Dineen SP, Baumgartner J, Veerapong J, Clarke CN, Sussman JJ, Patel S, Hendrix RJ, Lambert LA, Vande Walle KA, Abbott DE, LaRocca CJ, Raoof M, Fackche N, Johnston FM, Staley CA, Maithel SK, Russell MC) Clin Colorectal Cancer 2020 Mar;19(1):e1-e7       15 Citations
1Binimetinib, encorafenib and cetuximab (BEACON Trial) combination therapy for patients with BRAF V600E-mutant metastatic colorectal cancer. (Shahjehan F, Kamatham S, Chandrasekharan C, Kasi PM) Drugs Today (Barc) 2019 Nov;55(11):683-693       11 Citations
1Barriers and Facilitators of Colorectal Cancer Screening Among a Hispanic Community in Michigan. (Gonzalez JJ, Wahab A, Samalik J, Ramirez E, Saint-Phard T, Gonzalez E, Adekolujo OS) J Racial Ethn Health Disparities 2020 Feb;7(1):137-143       8 Citations
1Preoperative Risk Score for Predicting Incomplete Cytoreduction: A 12-Institution Study from the US HIPEC Collaborative. (Zaidi MY, Lee RM, Gamboa AC, Speegle S, Cloyd JM, Kimbrough C, Grotz T, Leiting J, Fournier K, Lee AJ, Dineen S, Dessureault S, Kelly KJ, Kotha NV, Clarke C, Gamblin TC, Patel SH, Lee TC, Hendrix RJ, Lambert L, Ronnekleiv-Kelly S, Pokrzywa C, Blakely AM, Lee B, Johnston FM, Fackche N, Russell MC, Maithel SK, Staley CA 3rd) Ann Surg Oncol 2020 Jan;27(1):156-164       15 Citations
1Efficacy and Safety of Trifluridine/Tipiracil Treatment in Patients With Metastatic Gastric Cancer Who Had Undergone Gastrectomy: Subgroup Analyses of a Randomized Clinical Trial. (Ilson DH, Tabernero J, Prokharau A, Arkenau HT, Ghidini M, Fujitani K, Van Cutsem E, Thuss-Patience P, Beretta GD, Mansoor W, Zhavrid E, Alsina M, George B, Catenacci D, McGuigan S, Makris L, Doi T, Shitara K) JAMA Oncol 2020 Jan 01;6(1):e193531       20 Citations
1A systems mechanism for KRAS mutant allele-specific responses to targeted therapy. (McFall T, Diedrich JK, Mengistu M, Littlechild SL, Paskvan KV, Sisk-Hackworth L, Moresco JJ, Shaw AS, Stites EC) Sci Signal 2019 Sep 24;12(600)       40 Citations
1Feasibility of Integrating Panel-Based Pharmacogenomics Testing for Chemotherapy and Supportive Care in Patients With Colorectal Cancer. (Kasi PM, Koep T, Schnettler E, Shahjehan F, Kamatham V, Baldeo C, Hughes CL) Technol Cancer Res Treat 2019 Jan 01;18:1533033819873924       12 Citations
1Genomic Profiling of Blood-Derived Circulating Tumor DNA from Patients with Colorectal Cancer: Implications for Response and Resistance to Targeted Therapeutics. (Choi IS, Kato S, Fanta PT, Leichman L, Okamura R, Raymond VM, Lanman RB, Lippman SM, Kurzrock R) Mol Cancer Ther 2019 Oct;18(10):1852-1862       19 Citations
1Optimal Surveillance Frequency After CRS/HIPEC for Appendiceal and Colorectal Neoplasms: A Multi-institutional Analysis of the US HIPEC Collaborative. (Gamboa AC, Zaidi MY, Lee RM, Speegle S, Switchenko JM, Lipscomb J, Cloyd JM, Ahmed A, Grotz T, Leiting J, Fournier K, Lee AJ, Dineen S, Powers BD, Lowy AM, Kotha NV, Clarke C, Gamblin TC, Patel SH, Lee TC, Lambert L, Hendrix RJ, Abbott DE, Vande Walle K, Lafaro K, Lee B, Johnston FM, Greer J, Russell MC, Staley CA, Maithel SK) Ann Surg Oncol 2020 Jan;27(1):134-146       15 Citations
1Synergistic antitumor effect of anti-PD-L1 combined with oxaliplatin on a mouse tumor model. (Golchin S, Alimohammadi R, Rostami Nejad M, Jalali SA) J Cell Physiol 2019 Nov;234(11):19866-19874       27 Citations
3RAS Mutation Status Confers Prognostic Relevance in Patients Treated With Cytoreductive Surgery and Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy for Colorectal Cancer. (Morgan Z, Chow BE, Strong EA, Tsai S, Christians K, Mogal H, Gamblin TC, Clarke CN) J Surg Res 2019 Aug;240:130-135       14 Citations
1Pertuzumab plus trastuzumab for HER2-amplified metastatic colorectal cancer (MyPathway): an updated report from a multicentre, open-label, phase 2a, multiple basket study. (Meric-Bernstam F, Hurwitz H, Raghav KPS, McWilliams RR, Fakih M, VanderWalde A, Swanton C, Kurzrock R, Burris H, Sweeney C, Bose R, Spigel DR, Beattie MS, Blotner S, Stone A, Schulze K, Cuchelkar V, Hainsworth J) Lancet Oncol 2019 Apr;20(4):518-530       423 Citations
1Genetic variant predictors of gene expression provide new insight into risk of colorectal cancer. (Bien SA, Su YR, Conti DV, Harrison TA, Qu C, Guo X, Lu Y, Albanes D, Auer PL, Banbury BL, Berndt SI, Bézieau S, Brenner H, Buchanan DD, Caan BJ, Campbell PT, Carlson CS, Chan AT, Chang-Claude J, Chen S, Connolly CM, Easton DF, Feskens EJM, Gallinger S, Giles GG, Gunter MJ, Hampe J, Huyghe JR, Hoffmeister M, Hudson TJ, Jacobs EJ, Jenkins MA, Kampman E, Kang HM, Kühn T, Küry S, Lejbkowicz F, Le Marchand L, Milne RL, Li L, Li CI, Lindblom A, Lindor NM, Martín V, McNeil CE, Melas M, Moreno V, Newcomb PA, Offit K, Pharaoh PDP, Potter JD, Qu C, Riboli E, Rennert G, Sala N, Schafmayer C, Scacheri PC, Schmit SL, Severi G, Slattery ML, Smith JD, Trichopoulou A, Tumino R, Ulrich CM, van Duijnhoven FJB, Van Guelpen B, Weinstein SJ, White E, Wolk A, Woods MO, Wu AH, Abecasis GR, Casey G, Nickerson DA, Gruber SB, Hsu L, Zheng W, Peters U) Hum Genet 2019 Apr;138(4):307-326       37 Citations
1Surgical resectability of multisite metastatic colorectal cancer: Pushing the limits while appropriately selecting patients. (Bliss LA, Strong EA, Gamblin TC) J Surg Oncol 2019 Apr;119(5):623-628       6 Citations
1Functional Repair Assay for the Diagnosis of Constitutional Mismatch Repair Deficiency From Non-Neoplastic Tissue. (Shuen AY, Lanni S, Panigrahi GB, Edwards M, Yu L, Campbell BB, Mandel A, Zhang C, Zhukova N, Alharbi M, Bernstein M, Bowers DC, Carroll S, Cole KA, Constantini S, Crooks B, Dvir R, Farah R, Hijiya N, George B, Laetsch TW, Larouche V, Lindhorst S, Luiten RC, Magimairajan V, Mason G, Mason W, Mordechai O, Mushtaq N, Nicholas G, Oren M, Palma L, Pedroza LA, Ramdas J, Samuel D, Wolfe Schneider K, Seeley A, Semotiuk K, Shamvil A, Sumerauer D, Toledano H, Tomboc P, Wierman M, Van Damme A, Lee YY, Zapotocky M, Bouffet E, Durno C, Aronson M, Gallinger S, Foulkes WD, Malkin D, Tabori U, Pearson CE) J Clin Oncol 2019 Feb 20;37(6):461-470       27 Citations
1Cost-effectiveness of Maintenance Capecitabine and Bevacizumab for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer. (Sherman SK, Lange JJ, Dahdaleh FS, Rajeev R, Gamblin TC, Polite BN, Turaga KK) JAMA Oncol 2019 Feb 01;5(2):236-242       38 Citations
1MTORC1/2 Inhibition as a Therapeutic Strategy for PIK3CA Mutant Cancers. (Fricke SL, Payne SN, Favreau PF, Kratz JD, Pasch CA, Foley TM, Yueh AE, Van De Hey DR, Depke MG, Korkos DP, Sha GC, DeStefanis RA, Clipson L, Burkard ME, Lemmon KK, Parsons BM, Kenny PA, Matkowskyj KA, Newton MA, Skala MC, Deming DA) Mol Cancer Ther 2019 Feb;18(2):346-355       26 Citations
2Differential relationship between colorectal cancer and diabetes in a nationally representative sample of adults. (Restifo D, Williams JS, Garacci E, Walker RJ, Ozieh MN, Egede LE) J Diabetes Complications 2018 Sep;32(9):819-823       7 Citations
1Effect of Primary Tumor Side on Survival Outcomes in Untreated Patients With Metastatic Colorectal Cancer When Selective Internal Radiation Therapy Is Added to Chemotherapy: Combined Analysis of Two Randomized Controlled Studies. (Gibbs P, Heinemann V, Sharma NK, Taieb J, Ricke J, Peeters M, Findlay M, Robinson B, Jackson C, Strickland A, Gebski V, Van Buskirk M, Zhao H, van Hazel G, SIRFLOX and FOXFIRE Global Trial Investigators) Clin Colorectal Cancer 2018 Dec;17(4):e617-e629       57 Citations
4Vascular Interventional Radiology-Guided Photothermal Therapy of Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastasis with Theranostic Gold Nanorods. (Parchur AK, Sharma G, Jagtap JM, Gogineni VR, LaViolette PS, Flister MJ, White SB, Joshi A) ACS Nano 2018 Jul 24;12(7):6597-6611       109 Citations
1Safety and efficacy of synchronous robotic surgery for colorectal cancer with liver metastases. (Dwyer RH, Scheidt MJ, Marshall JS, Tsoraides SS) J Robot Surg 2018 Dec;12(4):603-606       35 Citations
1NKG2D Immunoligand rG7S-MICA Enhances NK Cell-mediated Immunosurveillance in Colorectal Carcinoma. (Wang T, Sun F, Wang Y, Jiang J, Pan M, Yuan M, Zhang H, Du X, Hezam K, Song K, Wang M, Zhang J) J Immunother 2018 Apr;41(3):109-117       14 Citations
4Elevated Venous Thromboembolism Risk Following Colectomy for IBD Is Equal to Those for Colorectal Cancer for Ninety Days After Surgery. (Ali F, Al-Kindi SG, Blank JJ, Peterson CY, Ludwig KA, Ridolfi TJ) Dis Colon Rectum 2018 Mar;61(3):375-381       48 Citations
1The timing of liver resection in patients with colorectal cancer and synchronous liver metastases: a population-based study of current practice and survival. (Vallance AE, van der Meulen J, Kuryba A, Charman SC, Botterill ID, Prasad KR, Hill J, Jayne DG, Walker K) Colorectal Dis 2018 Jun;20(6):486-495       36 Citations
1Beta-catenin cleavage enhances transcriptional activation. (Goretsky T, Bradford EM, Ye Q, Lamping OF, Vanagunas T, Moyer MP, Keller PC, Sinh P, Llovet JM, Gao T, She QB, Li L, Barrett TA) Sci Rep 2018 Jan 12;8(1):671       25 Citations
1Targeting the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway in cancer: Update on effectors and inhibitors. (Krishnamurthy N, Kurzrock R) Cancer Treat Rev 2018 Jan;62:50-60       807 Citations
1Enrichment of colorectal cancer associations in functional regions: Insight for using epigenomics data in the analysis of whole genome sequence-imputed GWAS data. (Bien SA, Auer PL, Harrison TA, Qu C, Connolly CM, Greenside PG, Chen S, Berndt SI, Bézieau S, Kang HM, Huyghe J, Brenner H, Casey G, Chan AT, Hopper JL, Banbury BL, Chang-Claude J, Chanock SJ, Haile RW, Hoffmeister M, Fuchsberger C, Jenkins MA, Leal SM, Lemire M, Newcomb PA, Gallinger S, Potter JD, Schoen RE, Slattery ML, Smith JD, Le Marchand L, White E, Zanke BW, Abeçasis GR, Carlson CS, Peters U, Nickerson DA, Kundaje A, Hsu L, GECCO and CCFR) PLoS One 2017;12(11):e0186518       8 Citations
1Proteomic Features of Colorectal Cancer Identify Tumor Subtypes Independent of Oncogenic Mutations and Independently Predict Relapse-Free Survival. (Clarke CN, Lee MS, Wei W, Manyam G, Jiang ZQ, Lu Y, Morris J, Broom B, Menter D, Vilar-Sanchez E, Raghav K, Eng C, Chang GJ, Simon I, Bernards R, Overman M, Mills GB, Maru D, Kopetz S) Ann Surg Oncol 2017 Dec;24(13):4051-4058       26 Citations
1First-line selective internal radiotherapy plus chemotherapy versus chemotherapy alone in patients with liver metastases from colorectal cancer (FOXFIRE, SIRFLOX, and FOXFIRE-Global): a combined analysis of three multicentre, randomised, phase 3 trials. (Wasan HS, Gibbs P, Sharma NK, Taieb J, Heinemann V, Ricke J, Peeters M, Findlay M, Weaver A, Mills J, Wilson C, Adams R, Francis A, Moschandreas J, Virdee PS, Dutton P, Love S, Gebski V, Gray A, FOXFIRE trial investigators, SIRFLOX trial investigators, FOXFIRE-Global trial investigators, van Hazel G, Sharma RA) Lancet Oncol 2017 Sep;18(9):1159-1171       290 Citations
2Versican-Derived Matrikines Regulate Batf3-Dendritic Cell Differentiation and Promote T Cell Infiltration in Colorectal Cancer. (Hope C, Emmerich PB, Papadas A, Pagenkopf A, Matkowskyj KA, Van De Hey DR, Payne SN, Clipson L, Callander NS, Hematti P, Miyamoto S, Johnson MG, Deming DA, Asimakopoulos F) J Immunol 2017 Sep 01;199(5):1933-1941       84 Citations
1Biofunctionalized Hybrid Magnetic Gold Nanoparticles as Catalysts for Photothermal Ablation of Colorectal Liver Metastases. (White SB, Kim DH, Guo Y, Li W, Yang Y, Chen J, Gogineni VR, Larson AC) Radiology 2017 Dec;285(3):809-819       25 Citations
1AZD1775 induces toxicity through double-stranded DNA breaks independently of chemotherapeutic agents in p53-mutated colorectal cancer cells. (Webster PJ, Littlejohns AT, Gaunt HJ, Prasad KR, Beech DJ, Burke DA) Cell Cycle 2017;16(22):2176-2182       22 Citations
1Immune Microenvironment in Microsatellite-Instable Endometrial Cancers: Hereditary or Sporadic Origin Matters. (Pakish JB, Zhang Q, Chen Z, Liang H, Chisholm GB, Yuan Y, Mok SC, Broaddus RR, Lu KH, Yates MS) Clin Cancer Res 2017 Aug 01;23(15):4473-4481       106 Citations
2Housing Discrimination, Residential Racial Segregation, and Colorectal Cancer Survival in Southeastern Wisconsin. (Zhou Y, Bemanian A, Beyer KM) Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2017 Apr;26(4):561-568       67 Citations
1Embryonic Origin of Primary Colon Cancer Predicts Pathologic Response and Survival in Patients Undergoing Resection for Colon Cancer Liver Metastases. (Yamashita S, Brudvik KW, Kopetz SE, Maru D, Clarke CN, Passot G, Conrad C, Chun YS, Aloia TA, Vauthey JN) Ann Surg 2018 Mar;267(3):514-520       64 Citations
1Trends in gastrointestinal cancer incidence in Iran, 2001-2010: a joinpoint analysis. (Darabi M, Asadi Lari M, Motevalian SA, Motlagh A, Arsang-Jang S, Karimi Jaberi M) Epidemiol Health 2016;38:e2016056       35 Citations
1The Use of Robotic and Laparoscopic Surgical Stapling Devices During Minimally Invasive Colon and Rectal Surgery: A Comparison. (Holzmacher JL, Luka S, Aziz M, Amdur RL, Agarwal S, Obias V) J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A 2017 Feb;27(2):151-155       24 Citations
1The Impact of Advancing Age on Recurrence and Survival Following Major Hepatectomy for Colorectal Liver Metastases. (Bell R, Pandanaboyana S, Nisar S, Upasani V, Toogood G, Lodge JP, Prasad KR) J Gastrointest Surg 2017 Feb;21(2):266-274       6 Citations
1Obesity and colorectal liver metastases: Mechanisms and management. (Pathak S, Pandanaboyana S, Daniels I, Smart N, Prasad KR) Surg Oncol 2016 Sep;25(3):246-51       21 Citations
3Achieving low anastomotic leak rates utilizing clinical perfusion assessment. (Kream J, Ludwig KA, Ridolfi TJ, Peterson CY) Surgery 2016 Oct;160(4):960-967       21 Citations
1Heat shock protein 70-2 (HSP70-2) is a novel therapeutic target for colorectal cancer and is associated with tumor growth. (Jagadish N, Parashar D, Gupta N, Agarwal S, Suri V, Kumar R, Suri V, Sadasukhi TC, Gupta A, Ansari AS, Lohiya NK, Suri A) BMC Cancer 2016 Jul 29;16:561       52 Citations
1Single-stage resection and microwave ablation for bilobar colorectal liver metastases. (Philips P, Groeschl RT, Hanna EM, Swan RZ, Turaga KK, Martinie JB, Iannitti DA, Schmidt C, Gamblin TC, Martin RC) Br J Surg 2016 Jul;103(8):1048-54       31 Citations
1Characterization of CC-531 as a Rat Model of Colorectal Liver Metastases. (White SB, Procissi D, Chen J, Gogineni VR, Tyler P, Yang Y, Omary RA, Larson AC) PLoS One 2016;11(5):e0155334       14 Citations
1Phase I clinical trial of lenalidomide in combination with bevacizumab in patients with advanced cancer. (Said R, Kakadiaris E, Piha-Paul S, Fu S, Falchook G, Janku F, Wheler JJ, Zinner R, Hong DS, Kurzrock R, Tsimberidou AM) Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 2016 May;77(5):1097-102       5 Citations
4Breast and Colorectal Cancer Survival Disparities in Southeastern Wisconsin. (Beyer KM, Zhou Y, Matthews K, Hoormann K, Bemanian A, Laud PW, Nattinger AB) WMJ 2016 Feb;115(1):17-21       20 Citations
1Cysteinyl leukotriene 1 receptor influences intestinal polyp incidence in a gender-specific manner in the ApcMin/+ mouse model. (Savari S, Chandrashekar NK, Osman J, Douglas D, Bellamkonda K, Jönsson G, Juhas M, Greicius G, Pettersson S, Sjölander A) Carcinogenesis 2016 May;37(5):491-9       26 Citations
1High-Grade Neuroendocrine Colorectal Carcinomas: A Retrospective Study of 100 Patients. (Conte B, George B, Overman M, Estrella J, Jiang ZQ, Mehrvarz Sarshekeh A, Ferrarotto R, Hoff PM, Rashid A, Yao JC, Kopetz S, Dasari A) Clin Colorectal Cancer 2016 Jun;15(2):e1-7       40 Citations
1Metastatic Cancer to the Larynx: A Case Report and Update. (Zenga J, Mehrad M, Bradley JP) J Voice 2016 Nov;30(6):774.e9-774.e12       12 Citations
290Y Radioembolization of Colorectal Hepatic Metastases Using Glass Microspheres: Safety and Survival Outcomes from a 531-Patient Multicenter Study. (Hickey R, Lewandowski RJ, Prudhomme T, Ehrenwald E, Baigorri B, Critchfield J, Kallini J, Gabr A, Gorodetski B, Geschwind JF, Abbott A, Shridhar R, White SB, Rilling WS, Boyer B, Kauffman S, Kwan S, Padia SA, Gates VL, Mulcahy M, Kircher S, Nimeiri H, Benson AB, Salem R) J Nucl Med 2016 May;57(5):665-71       81 Citations
1A-kinase anchor protein 4 (AKAP4) a promising therapeutic target of colorectal cancer. (Jagadish N, Parashar D, Gupta N, Agarwal S, Purohit S, Kumar V, Sharma A, Fatima R, Topno AP, Shaha C, Suri A) J Exp Clin Cancer Res 2015 Nov 21;34:142       42 Citations
1Retreatment with anti-EGFR based therapies in metastatic colorectal cancer: impact of intervening time interval and prior anti-EGFR response. (Liu X, George GC, Tsimberidou AM, Naing A, Wheler JJ, Kopetz S, Fu S, Piha-Paul SA, Eng C, Falchook GS, Janku F, Garrett C, Karp D, Kurzrock R, Zinner R, Raghav K, Subbiah V, Hess K, Meric-Bernstam F, Hong DS, Overman MJ) BMC Cancer 2015 Oct 16;15:713       43 Citations
4Comparative Effectiveness of Hepatic Artery Based Therapies for Unresectable Colorectal Liver Metastases: A Meta-Analysis. (Zacharias AJ, Jayakrishnan TT, Rajeev R, Rilling WS, Thomas JP, George B, Johnston FM, Gamblin TC, Turaga KK) PLoS One 2015;10(10):e0139940       43 Citations
1Combined BRAF and MEK Inhibition With Dabrafenib and Trametinib in BRAF V600-Mutant Colorectal Cancer. (Corcoran RB, Atreya CE, Falchook GS, Kwak EL, Ryan DP, Bendell JC, Hamid O, Messersmith WA, Daud A, Kurzrock R, Pierobon M, Sun P, Cunningham E, Little S, Orford K, Motwani M, Bai Y, Patel K, Venook AP, Kopetz S) J Clin Oncol 2015 Dec 01;33(34):4023-31       442 Citations
1Mice deficient in Muc4 are resistant to experimental colitis and colitis-associated colorectal cancer. (Das S, Rachagani S, Sheinin Y, Smith LM, Gurumurthy CB, Roy HK, Batra SK) Oncogene 2016 May 19;35(20):2645-54       60 Citations
1Genetic Variants That Predispose to DNA Double-Strand Breaks in Lymphocytes From a Subset of Patients With Familial Colorectal Carcinomas. (Arora S, Yan H, Cho I, Fan HY, Luo B, Gai X, Bodian DL, Vockley JG, Zhou Y, Handorf EA, Egleston BL, Andrake MD, Nicolas E, Serebriiskii IG, Yen TJ, Hall MJ, Golemis EA, Enders GH) Gastroenterology 2015 Dec;149(7):1872-1883.e9       29 Citations
3Perceived Neighborhood Quality and Cancer Screening Behavior: Evidence from the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin. (Beyer KM, Malecki KM, Hoormann KA, Szabo A, Nattinger AB) J Community Health 2016 Feb;41(1):134-7       23 Citations
1Randomized controlled trial of irinotecan drug-eluting beads with simultaneous FOLFOX and bevacizumab for patients with unresectable colorectal liver-limited metastasis. (Martin RC 2nd, Scoggins CR, Schreeder M, Rilling WS, Laing CJ, Tatum CM, Kelly LR, Garcia-Monaco RD, Sharma VR, Crocenzi TS, Strasberg SM) Cancer 2015 Oct 15;121(20):3649-58       124 Citations
1Enhancing adherence in trials promoting change in diet and physical activity in individuals with a diagnosis of colorectal adenoma; a systematic review of behavioural intervention approaches. (McCahon D, Daley AJ, Jones J, Haslop R, Shajpal A, Taylor A, Wilson S, Dowswell G) BMC Cancer 2015 Jul 07;15:505       13 Citations
1Systemic neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio in colorectal cancer: the relationship to patient survival, tumour biology and local lymphocytic response to tumour. (Pine JK, Morris E, Hutchins GG, West NP, Jayne DG, Quirke P, Prasad KR) Br J Cancer 2015 Jul 14;113(2):204-11       99 Citations
1PD-1 Blockade in Tumors with Mismatch-Repair Deficiency. (Le DT, Uram JN, Wang H, Bartlett BR, Kemberling H, Eyring AD, Skora AD, Luber BS, Azad NS, Laheru D, Biedrzycki B, Donehower RC, Zaheer A, Fisher GA, Crocenzi TS, Lee JJ, Duffy SM, Goldberg RM, de la Chapelle A, Koshiji M, Bhaijee F, Huebner T, Hruban RH, Wood LD, Cuka N, Pardoll DM, Papadopoulos N, Kinzler KW, Zhou S, Cornish TC, Taube JM, Anders RA, Eshleman JR, Vogelstein B, Diaz LA Jr) N Engl J Med 2015 Jun 25;372(26):2509-20       7618 Citations
1An Unusual Combination: KRAS and BRAF Co-mutated Metastatic Colorectal Cancer. (Epperla N, George B) J Gastrointest Cancer 2016 Jun;47(2):206-9    
1Association of Perioperative Hypothermia During Colectomy With Surgical Site Infection. (Baucom RB, Phillips SE, Ehrenfeld JM, Muldoon RL, Poulose BK, Herline AJ, Wise PE, Geiger TM) JAMA Surg 2015 Jun;150(6):570-5       44 Citations
1Laparoscopic Simultaneous Resection of Colorectal Primary Tumor and Liver Metastases: Results of a Multicenter International Study. (Ferretti S, Tranchart H, Buell JF, Eretta C, Patriti A, Spampinato MG, Huh JW, Vigano L, Han HS, Ettorre GM, Jovine E, Gamblin TC, Belli G, Wakabayashi G, Gayet B, Dagher I) World J Surg 2015 Aug;39(8):2052-60       48 Citations
1Prognostic impact of hyponatraemia in patients with colorectal cancer. (Farid SG, Prasad KR) Colorectal Dis 2015 May;17(5):451       4 Citations
1A cost-effective analysis of fibrin sealants versus no sealant following open right hemihepatectomy for colorectal liver metastases. (Pandanaboyana S, Bell R, Shah N, Lodge JPA, Hidalgo E, Toogood GJ, Prasad KR) ANZ J Surg 2017 Jun;87(6):E11-E14       9 Citations
1Cost-utility analysis of operative versus non-operative treatment for colorectal liver metastases. (Roberts KJ, Sutton AJ, Prasad KR, Toogood GJ, Lodge JP) Br J Surg 2015 Mar;102(4):388-98       12 Citations
1Outcome after liver resection in patients presenting with simultaneous hepatopulmonary colorectal metastases. (Dave RV, Pathak S, White AD, Hidalgo E, Prasad KR, Lodge JP, Milton R, Toogood GJ) Br J Surg 2015 Feb;102(3):261-8       28 Citations
1Association between physician time-unlimited vs time-limited internal medicine board certification and ambulatory patient care quality. (Hayes J, Jackson JL, McNutt GM, Hertz BJ, Ryan JJ, Pawlikowski SA) JAMA 2014 Dec 10;312(22):2358-63       44 Citations
1Selective Internal Radiation Therapy (SIRT) with yttrium-90 resin microspheres plus standard systemic chemotherapy regimen of FOLFOX versus FOLFOX alone as first-line treatment of non-resectable liver metastases from colorectal cancer: the SIRFLOX study. (Gibbs P, Gebski V, Van Buskirk M, Thurston K, Cade DN, Van Hazel GA, SIRFLOX Study Group) BMC Cancer 2014 Dec 01;14:897       54 Citations
1Transarterial chemoembolization for primary liver malignancies and colorectal liver metastasis. (Miura JT, Gamblin TC) Surg Oncol Clin N Am 2015 Jan;24(1):149-66       12 Citations
1Impact of margin status and neoadjuvant chemotherapy on survival, recurrence after liver resection for colorectal liver metastasis. (Pandanaboyana S, White A, Pathak S, Hidalgo EL, Toogood G, Lodge JP, Prasad KR) Ann Surg Oncol 2015 Jan;22(1):173-9       32 Citations
1Relationship between primary colorectal tumour and location of colorectal liver metastases. (Pathak S, Palkhi E, Dave R, White A, Pandanaboyana S, Prasad KR, Lodge JP, Toogood GJ) ANZ J Surg 2016 May;86(5):408-10       6 Citations
1Colorectal surgery after kidney transplantation: characteristics of early vs. late posttransplant interventions. (Lee JT, Dunn TB, Sirany AM, Melton GB, Madoff RD, Kwaan MR) J Gastrointest Surg 2014 Jul;18(7):1299-305       10 Citations
1Phase 1, open-label, dose-escalation, and pharmacokinetic study of STAT3 inhibitor OPB-31121 in subjects with advanced solid tumors. (Bendell JC, Hong DS, Burris HA 3rd, Naing A, Jones SF, Falchook G, Bricmont P, Elekes A, Rock EP, Kurzrock R) Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 2014 Jul;74(1):125-30       95 Citations
4Systematic review of outcomes of patients undergoing resection for colorectal liver metastases in the setting of extra hepatic disease. (Hwang M, Jayakrishnan TT, Green DE, George B, Thomas JP, Groeschl RT, Erickson B, Pappas SG, Gamblin TC, Turaga KK) Eur J Cancer 2014 Jul;50(10):1747-1757       78 Citations
1O-GlcNAcylation stabilizes β-catenin through direct competition with phosphorylation at threonine 41. (Olivier-Van Stichelen S, Dehennaut V, Buzy A, Zachayus JL, Guinez C, Mir AM, El Yazidi-Belkoura I, Copin MC, Boureme D, Loyaux D, Ferrara P, Lefebvre T) FASEB J 2014 Aug;28(8):3325-38       121 Citations
1Transarterial treatment of colorectal cancer liver metastases with irinotecan-loaded drug-eluting beads: technical recommendations. (Lencioni R, Aliberti C, de Baere T, Garcia-Monaco R, Narayanan G, O'Grady E, Rilling WS, Walker D, Martin RC) J Vasc Interv Radiol 2014 Mar;25(3):365-9       52 Citations
1Achieving a complete colonic evaluation in patients with incomplete colonoscopy is worth the effort. (Ridolfi TJ, Valente MA, Church JM) Dis Colon Rectum 2014 Mar;57(3):383-7       19 Citations
1Assessing PIK3CA and PTEN in early-phase trials with PI3K/AKT/mTOR inhibitors. (Janku F, Hong DS, Fu S, Piha-Paul SA, Naing A, Falchook GS, Tsimberidou AM, Stepanek VM, Moulder SL, Lee JJ, Luthra R, Zinner RG, Broaddus RR, Wheler JJ, Kurzrock R) Cell Rep 2014 Jan 30;6(2):377-87       206 Citations
1Nodular regenerative hyperplasia (NRH) complicating oxaliplatin chemotherapy in patients undergoing resection of colorectal liver metastases. (Morris-Stiff G, White AD, Gomez D, Cameron IC, Farid S, Toogood GJ, Lodge JP, Prasad KR) Eur J Surg Oncol 2014 Aug;40(8):1016-20       30 Citations
1Variation in referral practice for patients with colorectal cancer liver metastases. (Young AL, Adair R, Culverwell A, Guthrie JA, Botterill ID, Toogood GJ, Lodge JP, Prasad KR) Br J Surg 2013 Nov;100(12):1627-32       29 Citations
1The Vulnerable Elders Survey-13 predicts mortality in older adults with later-stage colorectal cancer receiving chemotherapy: a prospective pilot study. (Ramsdale E, Polite B, Hemmerich J, Bylow K, Kindler HL, Mohile S, Dale W) J Am Geriatr Soc 2013 Nov;61(11):2043-4       12 Citations
1The prevalence of laparoscopy and patient safety outcomes: an analysis of colorectal resections. (Peterson CY, Palazzi K, Parsons JK, Chang DC, Ramamoorthy SL) Surg Endosc 2014 Feb;28(2):608-16       14 Citations
1Target-based therapeutic matching in early-phase clinical trials in patients with advanced colorectal cancer and PIK3CA mutations. (Ganesan P, Janku F, Naing A, Hong DS, Tsimberidou AM, Falchook GS, Wheler JJ, Piha-Paul SA, Fu S, Stepanek VM, Lee JJ, Luthra R, Overman MJ, Kopetz ES, Wolff RA, Kurzrock R) Mol Cancer Ther 2013 Dec;12(12):2857-63       41 Citations
1Repeat liver resection after a hepatic or extended hepatic trisectionectomy for colorectal liver metastasis. (Ziff O, Rajput I, Adair R, Toogood GJ, Prasad KR, Lodge JP) HPB (Oxford) 2014 Mar;16(3):212-9       8 Citations
1Bevacizumab-based treatment in colorectal cancer with a NRAS Q61K mutation. (Janku F, Wheler JJ, Hong DS, Kurzrock R) Target Oncol 2013 Sep;8(3):183-188       6 Citations
1Endoscopic mis-sizing of polyps changes colorectal cancer surveillance recommendations. (Eichenseer PJ, Dhanekula R, Jakate S, Mobarhan S, Melson JE) Dis Colon Rectum 2013 Mar;56(3):315-21       64 Citations
1Fatty liver disease as a predictor of local recurrence following resection of colorectal liver metastases. (Hamady ZZ, Rees M, Welsh FK, Toogood GJ, Prasad KR, John TK, Lodge JP) Br J Surg 2013 May;100(6):820-6       53 Citations
1PDCD4/miR-21 dysregulation in inflammatory bowel disease-associated carcinogenesis. (Ludwig K, Fassan M, Mescoli C, Pizzi M, Balistreri M, Albertoni L, Pucciarelli S, Scarpa M, Sturniolo GC, Angriman I, Rugge M) Virchows Arch 2013 Jan;462(1):57-63       57 Citations
1Phase I study of the antiangiogenic antibody bevacizumab and the mTOR/hypoxia-inducible factor inhibitor temsirolimus combined with liposomal doxorubicin: tolerance and biological activity. (Moroney J, Fu S, Moulder S, Falchook G, Helgason T, Levenback C, Hong D, Naing A, Wheler J, Kurzrock R) Clin Cancer Res 2012 Oct 15;18(20):5796-805       77 Citations
1Repeat hepatic resection for colorectal liver metastases. (Adair RA, Young AL, Cockbain AJ, Malde D, Prasad KR, Lodge JP, Toogood GJ) Br J Surg 2012 Sep;99(9):1278-83       51 Citations
1KRASness and PIK3CAness in patients with advanced colorectal cancer: outcome after treatment with early-phase trials with targeted pathway inhibitors. (Garrido-Laguna I, Hong DS, Janku F, Nguyen LM, Falchook GS, Fu S, Wheler JJ, Luthra R, Naing A, Wang X, Kurzrock R) PLoS One 2012;7(5):e38033       46 Citations
1A phase I first-in-human trial of bardoxolone methyl in patients with advanced solid tumors and lymphomas. (Hong DS, Kurzrock R, Supko JG, He X, Naing A, Wheler J, Lawrence D, Eder JP, Meyer CJ, Ferguson DA, Mier J, Konopleva M, Konoplev S, Andreeff M, Kufe D, Lazarus H, Shapiro GI, Dezube BJ) Clin Cancer Res 2012 Jun 15;18(12):3396-406       204 Citations
1Outcomes in 144 patients with colorectal cancer treated in a phase I clinic: the MD Anderson Cancer Center experience. (Hong DS, Patel JC, Wheler J, Naing A, Garrido-Laguna I, Falchook G, Fu S, Tsimberidou AM, Kopetz S, Win S, Kurzrock R) Clin Colorectal Cancer 2012 Dec;11(4):297-303       8 Citations
1BRAF(V600) inhibitor GSK2118436 targeted inhibition of mutant BRAF in cancer patients does not impair overall immune competency. (Hong DS, Vence L, Falchook G, Radvanyi LG, Liu C, Goodman V, Legos JJ, Blackman S, Scarmadio A, Kurzrock R, Lizee G, Hwu P) Clin Cancer Res 2012 Apr 15;18(8):2326-35       95 Citations
1Synchronous resection of colorectal cancer and liver metastases: comparative views of colorectal and liver surgeons. (Qureshi MS, Goldsmith PJ, Maslekar S, Prasad KR, Botterill ID) Colorectal Dis 2012 Aug;14(8):e477-85       14 Citations
1Role of quantification of hepatic steatosis and future remnant volume in predicting hepatic dysfunction and complications after liver resection for colorectal metastases: a pilot study. (Young AL, Wilson D, Ward J, Biglands J, Guthrie JA, Prasad KR, Toogood GJ, Robinson PJ, Lodge JP) HPB (Oxford) 2012 Mar;14(3):194-200       5 Citations
1Survival benefit associated with surgical oophorectomy in patients with colorectal cancer metastatic to the ovary. (Garrett CR, George B, Viswanathan C, Bhadkamkar NA, Wen S, Baladandayuthapani V, You YN, Kopetz ES, Overman MJ, Kee BK, Eng C) Clin Colorectal Cancer 2012 Sep;11(3):191-4       23 Citations
1The hexosamine biosynthetic pathway and O-GlcNAcylation drive the expression of β-catenin and cell proliferation. (Olivier-Van Stichelen S, Guinez C, Mir AM, Perez-Cervera Y, Liu C, Michalski JC, Lefebvre T) Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2012 Feb 15;302(4):E417-24       58 Citations
1Genomic analysis identifies association of Fusobacterium with colorectal carcinoma. (Kostic AD, Gevers D, Pedamallu CS, Michaud M, Duke F, Earl AM, Ojesina AI, Jung J, Bass AJ, Tabernero J, Baselga J, Liu C, Shivdasani RA, Ogino S, Birren BW, Huttenhower C, Garrett WS, Meyerson M) Genome Res 2012 Feb;22(2):292-8       1532 Citations
2Monomeric and dimeric CXCL12 inhibit metastasis through distinct CXCR4 interactions and signaling pathways. (Drury LJ, Ziarek JJ, Gravel S, Veldkamp CT, Takekoshi T, Hwang ST, Heveker N, Volkman BF, Dwinell MB) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2011 Oct 25;108(43):17655-60       178 Citations
1[Signaling and metabolic predispositions linked to the colorectal cancer]. (Olivier S, Mir AM, Michalski JC, Lefebvre T) Med Sci (Paris) 2011 May;27(5):514-20       2 Citations
1Health outcomes after stopping conjugated equine estrogens among postmenopausal women with prior hysterectomy: a randomized controlled trial. (LaCroix AZ, Chlebowski RT, Manson JE, Aragaki AK, Johnson KC, Martin L, Margolis KL, Stefanick ML, Brzyski R, Curb JD, Howard BV, Lewis CE, Wactawski-Wende J, WHI Investigators) JAMA 2011 Apr 06;305(13):1305-14       510 Citations
1The challenge in treating the elderly colorectal cancer patient. (Ludwig KA) Ann Surg Oncol 2011 Jun;18(6):1520-1    
1Predictive and prognostic markers in colorectal cancer. (George B, Kopetz S) Curr Oncol Rep 2011 Jun;13(3):206-15       44 Citations
1Exploratory study of hepatic arterial infusion oxaliplatin with systemic 5-fluorouracil/bevacizumab in patients with refractory solid tumor and extensive liver metastases. (Camacho LH, Garcia S, Panchal AM, Lim J, Hong DS, Ng C, Madoff DC, Fu S, Gayed I, Kurzrock R) Clin Colorectal Cancer 2010 Dec;9(5):311-4       10 Citations
1Explaining place-based colorectal cancer health disparities: evidence from a rural context. (Beyer KM, Comstock S, Seagren R, Rushton G) Soc Sci Med 2011 Feb;72(3):373-82       31 Citations
1A first-in-human study of conatumumab in adult patients with advanced solid tumors. (Herbst RS, Kurzrock R, Hong DS, Valdivieso M, Hsu CP, Goyal L, Juan G, Hwang YC, Wong S, Hill JS, Friberg G, LoRusso PM) Clin Cancer Res 2010 Dec 01;16(23):5883-91       123 Citations
1CXCL12 chemokine expression and secretion regulates colorectal carcinoma cell anoikis through Bim-mediated intrinsic apoptosis. (Drury LJ, Wendt MK, Dwinell MB) PLoS One 2010 Sep 22;5(9):e12895       40 Citations
1Portal vein ligation accelerates tumor growth in ligated, but not contralateral lobes. (Sakai N, Clarke CN, Schuster R, Blanchard J, Tevar AD, Edwards MJ, Lentsch AB) World J Gastroenterol 2010 Aug 14;16(30):3816-26       11 Citations
1Higher physician density is associated with lower incidence of late-stage colorectal cancer. (Ananthakrishnan AN, Hoffmann RG, Saeian K) J Gen Intern Med 2010 Nov;25(11):1164-71       65 Citations
1A phase II study of oxaliplatin, 5-fluorouracil, leucovorin, and high-dose capecitabine in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer. (Lubner SJ, Loconte NK, Holen KD, Schelman W, Thomas JP, Jumonville A, Eickhoff JC, Seo S, Mulkerin DL) Clin Colorectal Cancer 2010 Jul;9(3):157-61       7 Citations
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1Surgical technique and systemic inflammation influences long-term disease-free survival following hepatic resection for colorectal metastasis. (Gomez D, Morris-Stiff G, Wyatt J, Toogood GJ, Lodge JP, Prasad KR) J Surg Oncol 2008 Oct 01;98(5):371-6       57 Citations
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1A critical appraisal of the role of neoadjuvant chemotherapy for colorectal liver metastases: a case-controlled study. (Malik HZ, Farid S, Al-Mukthar A, Anthoney A, Toogood GJ, Lodge JP, Prasad KR) Ann Surg Oncol 2007 Dec;14(12):3519-26       26 Citations
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1Elevated preoperative neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio predicts survival following hepatic resection for colorectal liver metastases. (Halazun KJ, Aldoori A, Malik HZ, Al-Mukhtar A, Prasad KR, Toogood GJ, Lodge JP) Eur J Surg Oncol 2008 Jan;34(1):55-60       379 Citations
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