4 | Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Facilitate Tip Cell Fusion Downstream of BMP-Mediated Venous Angiogenesis-Brief Report. (Eisa-Beygi S, Hu MM, Kumar SN, Jeffery BE, Collery RF, Vo NJ, Lamichanne BS, Yost HJ, Veldman MB, Link BA) Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2023 Jul;43(7):e231-e237 1 Citation |
1 | Longitudinal in vivo imaging of adult Danionella cerebrum using standard confocal microscopy. (Lam PY) Dis Model Mech 2022 Dec 01;15(12) 9 Citations |
1 | Identification of a Vitamin-D Receptor Antagonist, MeTC7, which Inhibits the Growth of Xenograft and Transgenic Tumors In Vivo. (Khazan N, Kim KK, Hansen JN, Singh NA, Moore T, Snyder CWA, Pandita R, Strawderman M, Fujihara M, Takamura Y, Jian Y, Battaglia N, Yano N, Teramoto Y, Arnold LA, Hopson R, Kishor K, Nayak S, Ojha D, Sharon A, Ashton JM, Wang J, Milano MT, Miyamoto H, Linehan DC, Gerber SA, Kawar N, Singh AP, Tabdanov ED, Dokholyan NV, Kakuta H, Jurutka PW, Schor NF, Rowswell-Turner RB, Singh RK, Moore RG) J Med Chem 2022 Apr 28;65(8):6039-6055 4 Citations |
1 | Ablation of mpeg+ Macrophages Exacerbates mfrp-Related Hyperopia. (Brandt ZJ, Collery RF, Besharse JC, Link BA) Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2021 Dec 01;62(15):13 1 Citation |
1 | Pig-to-baboon lung xenotransplantation: Extended survival with targeted genetic modifications and pharmacologic treatments. (Burdorf L, Laird CT, Harris DG, Connolly MR, Habibabady Z, Redding E, O'Neill NA, Cimeno A, Parsell D, Phelps C, Ayares D, Azimzadeh AM, Pierson RN 3rd) Am J Transplant 2022 Jan;22(1):28-45 23 Citations |
1 | Genetic disruption of zebrafish mab21l1 reveals a conserved role in eye development and affected pathways. (Seese SE, Deml B, Muheisen S, Sorokina E, Semina EV) Dev Dyn 2021 Aug;250(8):1056-1073 11 Citations |
2 | Core Hippo pathway components act as a brake on Yap and Taz in the development and maintenance of the biliary network. (Brandt ZJ, Echert AE, Bostrom JR, North PN, Link BA) Development 2020 Jun 22;147(12) 8 Citations |
1 | Diurnal Control of Blood Pressure Is Uncoupled From Sodium Excretion. (Johnston JG, Speed JS, Becker BK, Kasztan M, Soliman RH, Rhoads MK, Tao B, Jin C, Geurts AM, Hyndman KA, Pollock JS, Pollock DM) Hypertension 2020 Jun;75(6):1624-1634 24 Citations |
2 | A negative-feedback loop maintains optimal chemokine concentrations for directional cell migration. (Lau S, Feitzinger A, Venkiteswaran G, Wang J, Lewellis SW, Koplinski CA, Peterson FC, Volkman BF, Meier-Schellersheim M, Knaut H) Nat Cell Biol 2020 Mar;22(3):266-273 37 Citations |
1 | Cyp1 Inhibition Prevents Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiomyopathy in a Zebrafish Heart-Failure Model. (Lam PY, Kutchukian P, Anand R, Imbriglio J, Andrews C, Padilla H, Vohra A, Lane S, Parker DL Jr, Cornella Taracido I, Johns DG, Beerens M, MacRae CA, Caldwell JP, Sorota S, Asnani A, Peterson RT) Chembiochem 2020 Jul 01;21(13):1905-1910 18 Citations |
2 | Rats deficient in α-galactosidase A develop ocular manifestations of Fabry disease. (Miller JJ, Aoki K, Reid CA, Tiemeyer M, Dahms NM, Kassem IS) Sci Rep 2019 Jun 28;9(1):9392 9 Citations |
1 | Gut microbiome-derived phenyl sulfate contributes to albuminuria in diabetic kidney disease. (Kikuchi K, Saigusa D, Kanemitsu Y, Matsumoto Y, Thanai P, Suzuki N, Mise K, Yamaguchi H, Nakamura T, Asaji K, Mukawa C, Tsukamoto H, Sato T, Oikawa Y, Iwasaki T, Oe Y, Tsukimi T, Fukuda NN, Ho HJ, Nanto-Hara F, Ogura J, Saito R, Nagao S, Ohsaki Y, Shimada S, Suzuki T, Toyohara T, Mishima E, Shima H, Akiyama Y, Akiyama Y, Ichijo M, Matsuhashi T, Matsuo A, Ogata Y, Yang CC, Suzuki C, Breeggemann MC, Heymann J, Shimizu M, Ogawa S, Takahashi N, Suzuki T, Owada Y, Kure S, Mano N, Soga T, Wada T, Kopp JB, Fukuda S, Hozawa A, Yamamoto M, Ito S, Wada J, Tomioka Y, Abe T) Nat Commun 2019 Apr 23;10(1):1835 224 Citations |
1 | Efficient Front-Rear Coupling in Neutrophil Chemotaxis by Dynamic Myosin II Localization. (Tsai TY, Collins SR, Chan CK, Hadjitheodorou A, Lam PY, Lou SS, Yang HW, Jorgensen J, Ellett F, Irimia D, Davidson MW, Fischer RS, Huttenlocher A, Meyer T, Ferrell JE Jr, Theriot JA) Dev Cell 2019 Apr 22;49(2):189-205.e6 50 Citations |
1 | Carbohydrate antigen expression and anti-pig antibodies in New World capuchin monkeys: Relevance to studies of xenotransplantation. (Li Q, Shaikh S, Iwase H, Long C, Lee W, Zhang Z, Wang Y, Ayares D, Cooper DKC, Hara H) Xenotransplantation 2019 May;26(3):e12498 41 Citations |
2 | Regeneration of the zebrafish retinal pigment epithelium after widespread genetic ablation. (Hanovice NJ, Leach LL, Slater K, Gabriel AE, Romanovicz D, Shao E, Collery R, Burton EA, Lathrop KL, Link BA, Gross JM) PLoS Genet 2019 Jan;15(1):e1007939 39 Citations |
1 | Characterization of Endothelial Cilia Distribution During Cerebral-Vascular Development in Zebrafish ( Danio rerio). (Eisa-Beygi S, Benslimane FM, El-Rass S, Prabhudesai S, Abdelrasoul MKA, Simpson PM, Yalcin HC, Burrows PE, Ramchandran R) Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2018 Dec;38(12):2806-2818 38 Citations |
1 | Kif17 phosphorylation regulates photoreceptor outer segment turnover. (Lewis TR, Kundinger SR, Link BA, Insinna C, Besharse JC) BMC Cell Biol 2018 Nov 20;19(1):25 27 Citations |
3 | Yap is required for scar formation but not myocyte proliferation during heart regeneration in zebrafish. (Flinn MA, Jeffery BE, O'Meara CC, Link BA) Cardiovasc Res 2019 Mar 01;115(3):570-577 28 Citations |
1 | A Recurrent De Novo Heterozygous COG4 Substitution Leads to Saul-Wilson Syndrome, Disrupted Vesicular Trafficking, and Altered Proteoglycan Glycosylation. (Ferreira CR, Xia ZJ, Clément A, Parry DA, Davids M, Taylan F, Sharma P, Turgeon CT, Blanco-Sánchez B, Ng BG, Logan CV, Wolfe LA, Solomon BD, Cho MT, Douglas G, Carvalho DR, Bratke H, Haug MG, Phillips JB, Wegner J, Tiemeyer M, Aoki K, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Scottish Genome Partnership, Nordgren A, Hammarsjö A, Duker AL, Rohena L, Hove HB, Ek J, Adams D, Tifft CJ, Onyekweli T, Weixel T, Macnamara E, Radtke K, Powis Z, Earl D, Gabriel M, Russi AHS, Brick L, Kozenko M, Tham E, Raymond KM, Phillips JA 3rd, Tiller GE, Wilson WG, Hamid R, Malicdan MCV, Nishimura G, Grigelioniene G, Jackson A, Westerfield M, Bober MB, Gahl WA, Freeze HH) Am J Hum Genet 2018 Oct 04;103(4):553-567 54 Citations |
3 | Temporal and Spatial Post-Transcriptional Regulation of Zebrafish tie1 mRNA by Long Noncoding RNA During Brain Vascular Assembly. (Chowdhury TA, Koceja C, Eisa-Beygi S, Kleinstiver BP, Kumar SN, Lin CW, Li K, Prabhudesai S, Joung JK, Ramchandran R) Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2018 Jul;38(7):1562-1575 18 Citations |
3 | Neuropathic pain in a Fabry disease rat model. (Miller JJ, Aoki K, Moehring F, Murphy CA, O'Hara CL, Tiemeyer M, Stucky CL, Dahms NM) JCI Insight 2018 Mar 22;3(6) 51 Citations |
1 | P- and E-selectin receptor antagonism prevents human leukocyte adhesion to activated porcine endothelial monolayers and attenuates porcine endothelial damage. (Laird CT, Hassanein W, O'Neill NA, French BM, Cheng X, Fogler WE, Magnani JL, Parsell D, Cimeno A, Phelps CJ, Ayares D, Burdorf L, Azimzadeh AM, Pierson RN 3rd) Xenotransplantation 2018 Mar;25(2):e12381 19 Citations |
1 | Determination of total plasma oxysterols by enzymatic hydrolysis, solid phase extraction and liquid chromatography coupled to mass-spectrometry. (Mendiara I, Domeño C, Nerín C, Geurts AM, Osada J, Martínez-Beamonte R) J Pharm Biomed Anal 2018 Feb 20;150:396-405 6 Citations |
1 | Cone myoid elongation involves unidirectional microtubule movement mediated by dynein-1. (Lewis TR, Zareba M, Link BA, Besharse JC) Mol Biol Cell 2018 Jan 15;29(2):180-190 10 Citations |
1 | Synthetic liver function is detectable in transgenic porcine livers perfused with human blood. (Cimeno A, French BM, Powell JM, Phelps C, Ayares D, O'Neill NA, Laird CT, Pierson RN 3rd, Azimzadeh AM, Barth RN, LaMattina JC) Xenotransplantation 2018 Jan;25(1) 12 Citations |
1 | Frequency of mononuclear diploid cardiomyocytes underlies natural variation in heart regeneration. (Patterson M, Barske L, Van Handel B, Rau CD, Gan P, Sharma A, Parikh S, Denholtz M, Huang Y, Yamaguchi Y, Shen H, Allayee H, Crump JG, Force TI, Lien CL, Makita T, Lusis AJ, Kumar SR, Sucov HM) Nat Genet 2017 Sep;49(9):1346-1353 238 Citations |
1 | Genetic Interference With Endothelial PPAR-γ (Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-γ) Augments Effects of Angiotensin II While Impairing Responses to Angiotensin 1-7. (De Silva TM, Hu C, Kinzenbaw DA, Modrick ML, Sigmund CD, Faraci FM) Hypertension 2017 Sep;70(3):559-565 16 Citations |
1 | Transgenic expression of human leukocyte antigen-E attenuates GalKO.hCD46 porcine lung xenograft injury. (Laird CT, Burdorf L, French BM, Kubicki N, Cheng X, Braileanu G, Sun W, O'Neill NA, Cimeno A, Parsell D, So E, Bähr A, Klymiuk N, Phelps CJ, Ayares D, Azimzadeh AM, Pierson RN) Xenotransplantation 2017 Mar;24(2) 40 Citations |
5 | Imaging the adult zebrafish cone mosaic using optical coherence tomography. (Huckenpahler AL, Wilk MA, Cooper RF, Moehring F, Link BA, Carroll J, Collery RF) Vis Neurosci 2016 Jan;33:E011 13 Citations |
1 | Discovery and functional prioritization of Parkinson's disease candidate genes from large-scale whole exome sequencing. (Jansen IE, Ye H, Heetveld S, Lechler MC, Michels H, Seinstra RI, Lubbe SJ, Drouet V, Lesage S, Majounie E, Gibbs JR, Nalls MA, Ryten M, Botia JA, Vandrovcova J, Simon-Sanchez J, Castillo-Lizardo M, Rizzu P, Blauwendraat C, Chouhan AK, Li Y, Yogi P, Amin N, van Duijn CM, International Parkinson’s Disease Genetics Consortium (IPGDC), Morris HR, Brice A, Singleton AB, David DC, Nollen EA, Jain S, Shulman JM, Heutink P) Genome Biol 2017 Jan 30;18(1):22 85 Citations |
1 | Transplantation of hepatocytes from genetically engineered pigs into baboons. (Iwase H, Liu H, Schmelzer E, Ezzelarab M, Wijkstrom M, Hara H, Lee W, Singh J, Long C, Lagasse E, Gerlach JC, Cooper DKC, Gridelli B) Xenotransplantation 2017 Mar;24(2) 15 Citations |
1 | Human antibody recognition of xenogeneic antigens (NeuGc and Gal) on porcine heart valves: could genetically modified pig heart valves reduce structural valve deterioration? (Lee W, Long C, Ramsoondar J, Ayares D, Cooper DK, Manji RA, Hara H) Xenotransplantation 2016 Sep;23(5):370-80 37 Citations |
1 | Initial in vitro studies on tissues and cells from GTKO/CD46/NeuGcKO pigs. (Lee W, Hara H, Ezzelarab MB, Iwase H, Bottino R, Long C, Ramsoondar J, Ayares D, Cooper DK) Xenotransplantation 2016 Mar;23(2):137-50 44 Citations |
1 | The pathobiology of pig-to-primate xenotransplantation: a historical review. (Cooper DK, Ezzelarab MB, Hara H, Iwase H, Lee W, Wijkstrom M, Bottino R) Xenotransplantation 2016 Mar;23(2):83-105 112 Citations |
1 | The N17 domain mitigates nuclear toxicity in a novel zebrafish Huntington's disease model. (Veldman MB, Rios-Galdamez Y, Lu XH, Gu X, Qin W, Li S, Yang XW, Lin S) Mol Neurodegener 2015 Dec 09;10:67 38 Citations |
1 | Myosin Id is required for planar cell polarity in ciliated tracheal and ependymal epithelial cells. (Hegan PS, Ostertag E, Geurts AM, Mooseker MS) Cytoskeleton (Hoboken) 2015 Oct;72(10):503-16 30 Citations |
1 | Nerves Regulate Cardiomyocyte Proliferation and Heart Regeneration. (Mahmoud AI, O'Meara CC, Gemberling M, Zhao L, Bryant DM, Zheng R, Gannon JB, Cai L, Choi WY, Egnaczyk GF, Burns CE, Burns CG, MacRae CA, Poss KD, Lee RT) Dev Cell 2015 Aug 24;34(4):387-99 201 Citations |
1 | Xenograft bioprosthetic heart valves: Past, present and future. (Manji RA, Lee W, Cooper DKC) Int J Surg 2015 Nov;23(Pt B):280-284 138 Citations |
1 | MASH1/Ascl1a leads to GAP43 expression and axon regeneration in the adult CNS. (Williams RR, Venkatesh I, Pearse DD, Udvadia AJ, Bunge MB) PLoS One 2015;10(3):e0118918 39 Citations |
2 | Shroom3 contributes to the maintenance of the glomerular filtration barrier integrity. (Yeo NC, O'Meara CC, Bonomo JA, Veth KN, Tomar R, Flister MJ, Drummond IA, Bowden DW, Freedman BI, Lazar J, Link BA, Jacob HJ) Genome Res 2015 Jan;25(1):57-65 58 Citations |
1 | Transcriptional inhibition of etv2 expression is essential for embryonic cardiac development. (Schupp MO, Waas M, Chun CZ, Ramchandran R) Dev Biol 2014 Sep 01;393(1):71-83 15 Citations |
1 | Activation of α2A-containing nicotinic acetylcholine receptors mediates nicotine-induced motor output in embryonic zebrafish. (Menelaou E, Udvadia AJ, Tanguay RL, Svoboda KR) Eur J Neurosci 2014 Jul;40(1):2225-40 15 Citations |
1 | Germline transgenesis in rabbits by pronuclear microinjection of Sleeping Beauty transposons. (Ivics Z, Hiripi L, Hoffmann OI, Mátés L, Yau TY, Bashir S, Zidek V, Landa V, Geurts A, Pravenec M, Rülicke T, Bösze Z, Izsvák Z) Nat Protoc 2014 Apr;9(4):794-809 50 Citations |
1 | Germline transgenesis in rodents by pronuclear microinjection of Sleeping Beauty transposons. (Ivics Z, Mátés L, Yau TY, Landa V, Zidek V, Bashir S, Hoffmann OI, Hiripi L, Garrels W, Kues WA, Bösze Z, Geurts A, Pravenec M, Rülicke T, Izsvák Z) Nat Protoc 2014 Apr;9(4):773-93 56 Citations |
1 | Germline transgenesis in pigs by cytoplasmic microinjection of Sleeping Beauty transposons. (Ivics Z, Garrels W, Mátés L, Yau TY, Bashir S, Zidek V, Landa V, Geurts A, Pravenec M, Rülicke T, Kues WA, Izsvák Z) Nat Protoc 2014 Apr;9(4):810-27 66 Citations |
2 | Establishment of transgenic lines to monitor and manipulate Yap/Taz-Tead activity in zebrafish reveals both evolutionarily conserved and divergent functions of the Hippo pathway. (Miesfeld JB, Link BA) Mech Dev 2014 Aug;133:177-88 45 Citations |
1 | Mitochondrial DNA variant in COX1 subunit significantly alters energy metabolism of geographically divergent wild isolates in Caenorhabditis elegans. (Dingley SD, Polyak E, Ostrovsky J, Srinivasan S, Lee I, Rosenfeld AB, Tsukikawa M, Xiao R, Selak MA, Coon JJ, Hebert AS, Grimsrud PA, Kwon YJ, Pagliarini DJ, Gai X, Schurr TG, Hüttemann M, Nakamaru-Ogiso E, Falk MJ) J Mol Biol 2014 May 29;426(11):2199-216 32 Citations |
1 | The Microtubule Regulatory Protein Stathmin Is Required to Maintain the Integrity of Axonal Microtubules in Drosophila. (Duncan JE, Lytle NK, Zuniga A, Goldstein LS) PLoS One 2013;8(6):e68324 40 Citations |
1 | Rats are the smart choice: Rationale for a renewed focus on rats in behavioral genetics. (Parker CC, Chen H, Flagel SB, Geurts AM, Richards JB, Robinson TE, Solberg Woods LC, Palmer AA) Neuropharmacology 2014 Jan;76 Pt B(0 0):250-8 68 Citations |
1 | Characterization of porcine corneal endothelium for xenotransplantation. (Lee SE, Mehra R, Fujita M, Roh DS, Long C, Lee W, Funderburgh JL, Ayares DL, Cooper DK, Hara H) Semin Ophthalmol 2014 May;29(3):127-35 18 Citations |
1 | Specification of hepatopancreas progenitors in zebrafish by hnf1ba and wnt2bb. (Lancman JJ, Zvenigorodsky N, Gates KP, Zhang D, Solomon K, Humphrey RK, Kuo T, Setiawan L, Verkade H, Chi YI, Jhala US, Wright CV, Stainier DY, Dong PD) Development 2013 Jul;140(13):2669-79 25 Citations |
2 | Endothelial cell-specific chemotaxis receptor (ECSCR) enhances vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptor-2/kinase insert domain receptor (KDR) activation and promotes proteolysis of internalized KDR. (Kilari S, Remadevi I, Zhao B, Pan J, Miao R, Ramchandran R, North PE, You M, Rahimi N, Wilkinson GA) J Biol Chem 2013 Apr 12;288(15):10265-74 14 Citations |
1 | Transgenic zebrafish expressing mutant human RETGC-1 exhibit aberrant cone and rod morphology. (Collery RF, Cederlund ML, Kennedy BN) Exp Eye Res 2013 Mar;108:120-8 9 Citations |
2 | Biobreeding rat islets exhibit reduced antioxidative defense and N-acetyl cysteine treatment delays type 1 diabetes. (Bogdani M, Henschel AM, Kansra S, Fuller JM, Geoffrey R, Jia S, Kaldunski ML, Pavletich S, Prosser S, Chen YG, Lernmark A, Hessner MJ) J Endocrinol 2013 Feb;216(2):111-23 24 Citations |
1 | Integrin α5/fibronectin1 and focal adhesion kinase are required for lens fiber morphogenesis in zebrafish. (Hayes JM, Hartsock A, Clark BS, Napier HR, Link BA, Gross JM) Mol Biol Cell 2012 Dec;23(24):4725-38 32 Citations |
1 | E2F7 and E2F8 promote angiogenesis through transcriptional activation of VEGFA in cooperation with HIF1. (Weijts BG, Bakker WJ, Cornelissen PW, Liang KH, Schaftenaar FH, Westendorp B, de Wolf CA, Paciejewska M, Scheele CL, Kent L, Leone G, Schulte-Merker S, de Bruin A) EMBO J 2012 Oct 03;31(19):3871-84 105 Citations |
1 | Identification of vascular and hematopoietic genes downstream of etsrp by deep sequencing in zebrafish. (Gomez G, Lee JH, Veldman MB, Lu J, Xiao X, Lin S) PLoS One 2012;7(3):e31658 24 Citations |
1 | Etsrp/Etv2 is directly regulated by Foxc1a/b in the zebrafish angioblast. (Veldman MB, Lin S) Circ Res 2012 Jan 20;110(2):220-9 44 Citations |
1 | Opposing roles of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels in neuronal control of regenerative patterning. (Zhang D, Chan JD, Nogi T, Marchant JS) J Neurosci 2011 Nov 02;31(44):15983-95 41 Citations |
1 | Generation of Rab-based transgenic lines for in vivo studies of endosome biology in zebrafish. (Clark BS, Winter M, Cohen AR, Link BA) Dev Dyn 2011 Nov;240(11):2452-65 75 Citations |
1 | The ciliopathy gene cc2d2a controls zebrafish photoreceptor outer segment development through a role in Rab8-dependent vesicle trafficking. (Bachmann-Gagescu R, Phelps IG, Stearns G, Link BA, Brockerhoff SE, Moens CB, Doherty D) Hum Mol Genet 2011 Oct 15;20(20):4041-55 93 Citations |
1 | Loss of Lrp2 in zebrafish disrupts pronephric tubular clearance but not forebrain development. (Kur E, Christa A, Veth KN, Gajera CR, Andrade-Navarro MA, Zhang J, Willer JR, Gregg RG, Abdelilah-Seyfried S, Bachmann S, Link BA, Hammes A, Willnow TE) Dev Dyn 2011 Jun;240(6):1567-77 36 Citations |
1 | synMuv B proteins antagonize germline fate in the intestine and ensure C. elegans survival. (Petrella LN, Wang W, Spike CA, Rechtsteiner A, Reinke V, Strome S) Development 2011 Mar;138(6):1069-79 68 Citations |
2 | Dynamic smad-mediated BMP signaling revealed through transgenic zebrafish. (Collery RF, Link BA) Dev Dyn 2011 Mar;240(3):712-22 74 Citations |
1 | In vivo development of dendritic orientation in wild-type and mislocalized retinal ganglion cells. (Choi JH, Law MY, Chien CB, Link BA, Wong RO) Neural Dev 2010 Nov 02;5:29 22 Citations |
1 | Dynamic Lkb1-TORC1 signaling as a possible mechanism for regulating the endoderm-intestine transition. (Marshall KE, Tomasini AJ, Makky K, N Kumar S, Mayer AN) Dev Dyn 2010 Nov;239(11):3000-12 9 Citations |
5 | Potential novel mechanism for Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome: deletion of a distant region containing regulatory elements of PITX2. (Volkmann BA, Zinkevich NS, Mustonen A, Schilter KF, Bosenko DV, Reis LM, Broeckel U, Link BA, Semina EV) Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2011 Mar;52(3):1450-9 44 Citations |
1 | Efficient mammalian germline transgenesis by cis-enhanced Sleeping Beauty transposition. (Carlson DF, Geurts AM, Garbe JR, Park CW, Rangel-Filho A, O'Grady SM, Jacob HJ, Steer CJ, Largaespada DA, Fahrenkrug SC) Transgenic Res 2011 Feb;20(1):29-45 25 Citations |
1 | Tuba1a gene expression is regulated by KLF6/7 and is necessary for CNS development and regeneration in zebrafish. (Veldman MB, Bemben MA, Goldman D) Mol Cell Neurosci 2010 Apr;43(4):370-83 54 Citations |
1 | Transcriptional regulatory regions of gap43 needed in developing and regenerating retinal ganglion cells. (Kusik BW, Hammond DR, Udvadia AJ) Dev Dyn 2010 Feb;239(2):482-95 32 Citations |
1 | Generation of gene-specific mutated rats using zinc-finger nucleases. (Geurts AM, Cost GJ, Rémy S, Cui X, Tesson L, Usal C, Ménoret S, Jacob HJ, Anegon I, Buelow R) Methods Mol Biol 2010;597:211-25 92 Citations |
1 | Lmx1b is essential for survival of periocular mesenchymal cells and influences Fgf-mediated retinal patterning in zebrafish. (McMahon C, Gestri G, Wilson SW, Link BA) Dev Biol 2009 Aug 15;332(2):287-98 51 Citations |
1 | Thrombophilia and fetal loss: Lessons from gene targeting in mice. (Sood R) Thromb Res 2009;123 Suppl 2:S79-84 7 Citations |
1 | Collective cell migration drives morphogenesis of the kidney nephron. (Vasilyev A, Liu Y, Mudumana S, Mangos S, Lam PY, Majumdar A, Zhao J, Poon KL, Kondrychyn I, Korzh V, Drummond IA) PLoS Biol 2009 Jan 06;7(1):e9 157 Citations |
1 | Analysis of IFT kinesins in developing zebrafish cone photoreceptor sensory cilia. (Insinna C, Luby-Phelps K, Link BA, Besharse JC) Methods Cell Biol 2009;93:219-34 8 Citations |
1 | Highly-restricted, cell-specific expression of the simian CMV-IE promoter in transgenic zebrafish with age and after heat shock. (Suhr ST, Ramachandran R, Fuller CL, Veldman MB, Byrd CA, Goldman D) Gene Expr Patterns 2009 Jan;9(1):54-64 5 Citations |
1 | Zebrafish as a developmental model organism for pediatric research. (Veldman MB, Lin S) Pediatr Res 2008 Nov;64(5):470-6 141 Citations |
1 | 3.6 kb genomic sequence from Takifugu capable of promoting axon growth-associated gene expression in developing and regenerating zebrafish neurons. (Udvadia AJ) Gene Expr Patterns 2008 Jul;8(6):382-388 35 Citations |
1 | Detection of mercury in aquatic environments using EPRE reporter zebrafish. (Kusik BW, Carvan MJ 3rd, Udvadia AJ) Mar Biotechnol (NY) 2008;10(6):750-7 41 Citations |
2 | Progress and prospects in rat genetics: a community view. (Aitman TJ, Critser JK, Cuppen E, Dominiczak A, Fernandez-Suarez XM, Flint J, Gauguier D, Geurts AM, Gould M, Harris PC, Holmdahl R, Hubner N, Izsvák Z, Jacob HJ, Kuramoto T, Kwitek AE, Marrone A, Mashimo T, Moreno C, Mullins J, Mullins L, Olsson T, Pravenec M, Riley L, Saar K, Serikawa T, Shull JD, Szpirer C, Twigger SN, Voigt B, Worley K) Nat Genet 2008 May;40(5):516-22 240 Citations |
1 | Generation of rat mutants using a coat color-tagged Sleeping Beauty transposon system. (Lu B, Geurts AM, Poirier C, Petit DC, Harrison W, Overbeek PA, Bishop CE) Mamm Genome 2007 May;18(5):338-46 71 Citations |
2 | Efficient transgenic rat production by a lentiviral vector. (Michalkiewicz M, Michalkiewicz T, Geurts AM, Roman RJ, Slocum GR, Singer O, Weihrauch D, Greene AS, Kaldunski M, Verma IM, Jacob HJ, Cowley AW Jr) Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 2007 Jul;293(1):H881-94 36 Citations |
1 | Expression of Cre recombinase in early diploid trophoblast cells of the mouse placenta. (Wenzel PL, Leone G) Genesis 2007 Mar;45(3):129-34 61 Citations |
1 | Dynamic developmental elaboration of N-linked glycan complexity in the Drosophila melanogaster embryo. (Aoki K, Perlman M, Lim JM, Cantu R, Wells L, Tiemeyer M) J Biol Chem 2007 Mar 23;282(12):9127-42 235 Citations |
1 | Applying transgenic zebrafish technology to study the retina. (Collery RF, Cederlund ML, Smyth VA, Kennedy BN) Adv Exp Med Biol 2006;572:201-7 13 Citations |
1 | Human apoA-I expression in CETP transgenic rats leads to lower levels of apoC-I in HDL and to magnification of CETP-mediated lipoprotein changes. (Masson D, Pais de Barros JP, Zak Z, Gautier T, Le Guern N, Assem M, Chisholm JW, Paterniti JR Jr, Lagrost L) J Lipid Res 2006 Feb;47(2):356-65 6 Citations |
1 | Effect of peripheral axotomy on pain-related behavior and dorsal root ganglion neurons excitability in NPY transgenic rats. (Sapunar D, Modric-Jednacak K, Grkovic I, Michalkiewicz M, Hogan QH) Brain Res 2005 Nov 23;1063(1):48-58 15 Citations |
1 | dazed gene is necessary for late cell type development and retinal cell maintenance in the zebrafish retina. (Perkins BD, Nicholas CS, Baye LM, Link BA, Dowling JE) Dev Dyn 2005 Jun;233(2):680-94 17 Citations |
2 | Zebrafish pitx3 is necessary for normal lens and retinal development. (Shi X, Bosenko DV, Zinkevich NS, Foley S, Hyde DR, Semina EV, Vihtelic TS) Mech Dev 2005 Apr;122(4):513-27 64 Citations |
1 | Learning from failure: congestive heart failure in the postgenomic age. (Benjamin IJ, Schneider MD) J Clin Invest 2005 Mar;115(3):495-9 58 Citations |
1 | Construction and detection of fluorescent, germline transgenic zebrafish. (Linney E, Udvadia AJ) Methods Mol Biol 2004;254:271-88 20 Citations |
1 | Windows into development: historic, current, and future perspectives on transgenic zebrafish. (Udvadia AJ, Linney E) Dev Biol 2003 Apr 01;256(1):1-17 167 Citations |
1 | GAP-43 promoter elements in transgenic zebrafish reveal a difference in signals for axon growth during CNS development and regeneration. (Udvadia AJ, Köster RW, Skene JH) Development 2001 Apr;128(7):1175-82 109 Citations |
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