Medical College of Wisconsin
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Publications with Long-Term Care in the title

1Effectiveness of influenza vaccination in a long-term care setting. (Duthie EH Jr, Rabinovitch RA, Rose HD, Tsitouras P, Gambert SR) Wis Med J 1984 Feb;83(2):11-2       4 Citations
1Comparison of methods for calculation and depiction of incidence infection rates in long-term care facilities. (Schicker JM, Franson TR, Duthie EH Jr, LeClair SM) J Clin Epidemiol 1988;41(8):757-61       11 Citations
1Automated external defibrillators in long-term care facilities are cost-effective. (Foutz RA, Sayre MR) Prehosp Emerg Care 2000;4(4):314-7       21 Citations
1Advance care planning by proxy for residents of long-term care facilities who lack decision-making capacity. (Volicer L, Cantor MD, Derse AR, Edwards DM, Prudhomme AM, Gregory DC, Reagan JE, Tulsky JA, Fox E, National Ethics Committee Of The Veterans Health Administration) J Am Geriatr Soc 2002 Apr;50(4):761-7       50 Citations
1A comparative analysis of Medicaid long-term care policies and their effects on elderly dual enrollees. (Rice JB, Kasper JD, Pezzin LE) Health Econ 2009 Mar;18(3):275-90       15 Citations
1Long-Term Care of the Disabled Elderly: Do Children Increase Caregiving by Spouses? (Pezzin LE, Pollak RA, Schone BS) Rev Econ Househ 2009 Sep 01;7(3):323-339       26 Citations
1Long-term care facilities: important participants of the acute care facility social network? (Lee BY, Song Y, Bartsch SM, Kim DS, Singh A, Avery TR, Brown ST, Yilmaz SL, Wong KF, Potter MA, Burke DS, Platt R, Huang SS) PLoS One 2011;6(12):e29342       38 Citations
1Burden of Clostridium difficile infection in long-term care facilities in Monroe County, New York. (Pawar D, Tsay R, Nelson DS, Elumalai MK, Lessa FC, Clifford McDonald L, Dumyati G) Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2012 Nov;33(11):1107-12       48 Citations
1Serving All Who Served: Piloting an Online Tool to Support Cultural Competency with LGBT U.S. Military Veterans in Long-Term Care. (Donaldson W, Smith HM, Parrish BP) Clin Gerontol 2019;42(2):185-191       12 Citations
1Newborn Screening for Inherited Metabolic Disorders: Early Identification and Long-Term Care for Patients in the Plain Community, Wisconsin, 2011-2017. (Held PK, Rice GM, Kuhl A, Drilias N, Baker M, Deline J, Spicer G, Sandrock C, Seroogy CM, Schwoerer JS. ) Public Health Rep Public Health Rep. 2019 Nov/Dec;134(2_suppl):58S-63S. doi: 10.1177/0033354919878425. PubMed PMID: 31682555; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6832032.    
1Active Long-term Care Strategies in a Group Setting for Chronic Spine Pain in 3 United States Military Veterans: A Case Series. (Gliedt JA, Campbell NJ, Daniels CJ, Mardian AS) J Chiropr Med 2020 Sep;19(3):188-193       2 Citations
1Long-Term Care Resident Awareness and Interest in Spasticity Treatments. (Hacker ML, Putman MS, Gill CE, Turchan M, Hudson TS, Currie AD, Phibbs FT, Charles D) Geriatrics (Basel) 2021 Mar 03;6(1)    
1Development and Initial Validation of the Attitudes Towards Older Adult Sexuality in Long-term Care Scale (AOASLC). (Spalding RL, Katz E, Byers ES, Edelstein B) J Sex Res 2023 Jan;60(1):137-145       1 Citation