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Publications with animal in the title

1Disagreement with Gallistel: The need for increased scrutiny of animal research (Kelly JA) American Psychologist May 1982;37(5):596-598    
1Psychological Research and the Rights of Animals. Disagreement With Miller (Kelly JA) American Psychologist July 1986;41(7):839-841       11 Citations
1Psychological Research and the Rights of Animals. Disagreement With Miller () American Psychologist July 1986;41(7):839-841       11 Citations
1A lavage method for dynamic intraarticular monitoring of animal joints in situ: quantification and release kinetics of histamine after selective synovial mast cell activation by diverse secretagogues. (Malone DG, Verbsky JW, Dolan PW) J Lab Clin Med 1991 Sep;118(3):269-79       2 Citations
3Performance on multiple choice/short answer tests is not a sufficient criterion for evaluating the educational value of live animal laboratories in the teaching of physiology. (Dawson CA, Cowley AW Jr, Spurr GB, Osborn JL, Raff H, Forster HV, Harder DR, Liard JF, Lombard JH, Stekiel WJ) Am J Physiol 1991 Dec;261(6 Pt 3):S34-5       4 Citations
1Expression in animal cells of the 5-HT1A receptor by a vaccinia virus vector system. (Ho BY, Karschin A, Raymond JR, Branchek T, Lester HA, Davidson N) FEBS Lett 1992 Apr 27;301(3):303-6       14 Citations
1An angiographic method for in vivo study of arteries of the circle of Willis in small animals. (Harder DR, Schulte ML, Clough AV, Dawson CA) Am J Physiol 1992 Nov;263(5 Pt 2):H1616-22       9 Citations
1Transgenic animals as tools in hypertension research. (Lang JA, Sinclair NL, Burson JM, Sigmund CD) Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 1994 Feb;205(2):106-18       4 Citations
2Fusion rate and biomechanical stiffness of hydroxylapatite versus autogenous bone grafts for anterior discectomy. An in vivo animal study. (Pintar FA, Maiman DJ, Hollowell JP, Yoganandan N, Droese KW, Reinartz JM, Cuddy B) Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 1994 Nov 15;19(22):2524-8       55 Citations
1Kainic acid decreases hippocampal neuronal number and increases dopamine receptor binding in the nucleus accumbens: an animal model of schizophrenia. (Bardgett ME, Jackson JL, Taylor GT, Csernansky JG) Behav Brain Res 1995 Oct;70(2):153-64       43 Citations
1Transgenic animals in the study of blood pressure regulation and hypertension. (Thompson MW, Merrill DC, Yang G, Robillard JE, Sigmund CD) Am J Physiol 1995 Nov;269(5 Pt 1):E793-803       18 Citations
1Retinol is sequestered in the bone marrow of vitamin A deficient animals (Twining SS, Schulte DP, Wilson PM) Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 15 February 1996;37(3)    
1Transgenic animal models as tools for studying renal developmental physiology. (Davisson RL, Sigmund CD) Pediatr Nephrol 1996 Dec;10(6):798-803       1 Citation
1Laparoscopic assisted fusion of the lumbosacral spine. A biomechanical and histologic analysis of the open versus laparoscopic technique in an animal model. (Riley LH 3rd, Eck JC, Yoshida H, Toth JM, Nguyen C, Lim TH, McGrady LM) Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 1997 Jun 15;22(12):1407-12       18 Citations
1Thermal effects of laser stapedectomy in an animal model: CO2 versus KTP. (Kodali S, Harvey SA, Prieto TE) Laryngoscope 1997 Nov;107(11 Pt 1):1445-50       17 Citations
1Animal rights. (Cowley AW Jr, Schafer JA, Navar LG) Science 1997 Oct 24;278(5338):557; author reply 560    
1Experimental animal models in the study of GVL reactions (Truitt RL, Johnson BD, Korngold R, Townsend R, Blazar BR) Allogeneic Immunotherapy for Malignant Diseases 1 January 2000:39-74       1 Citation
1Effects of the oxidant potassium permanganate on the expression of gill metallothionein mRNA and its relationship to sublethal whole animal endpoints in channel catfish. (Schlenk D, Colley WC, El-Alfy A, Kirby R, Griffin BR) Toxicol Sci 2000 Mar;54(1):177-82       19 Citations
1Contrast agent-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of skeletal muscle damage in animal models of muscular dystrophy. (Straub V, Donahue KM, Allamand V, Davisson RL, Kim YR, Campbell KP) Magn Reson Med 2000 Oct;44(4):655-9       56 Citations
1Child Neck Strength Characteristics Using An Animal Model (Pintar F, Mayer R) SAE Technical Papers 1 November 2000;2000-November(November)       4 Citations
1Helical cone beam micro-CT for small animal imaging (Hu J, Johnson R, Molthen R, Haworth S, Dawson C) Annals of Biomedical Engineering 2000;28(SUPPL. 1)    
1Evaluation of work of breathing in spontaneously breathing animals during partial liquid ventilation. (Heulitt MJ, Holt SJ, Wilson S, Simpson P) Respir Care 2002 Jan;47(1):39-47    
1Automatic tuned MRI RF coil for multinuclear imaging of small animals at 3T. (Muftuler LT, Gulsen G, Sezen KD, Nalcioglu O) J Magn Reson 2002 Mar;155(1):39-44       24 Citations
1A double end-cap birdcage RF coil for small animal whole body imaging. (Gulsen G, Muftuler LT, Nalcioglu O) J Magn Reson 2002 Jun;156(2):309-12       7 Citations
1Correction of a large animal model of type I Glanzmann's thrombasthenia by nonmyeloablative bone marrow transplantation. (Niemeyer GP, Boudreaux MK, Goodman-Martin SA, Monroe CM, Wilcox DA, Lothrop CD Jr) Exp Hematol 2003 Dec;31(12):1357-62       21 Citations
1Long-term clinical and molecular follow-up of large animals receiving retrovirally transduced stem and progenitor cells: no progression to clonal hematopoiesis or leukemia. (Kiem HP, Sellers S, Thomasson B, Morris JC, Tisdale JF, Horn PA, Hematti P, Adler R, Kuramoto K, Calmels B, Bonifacino A, Hu J, von Kalle C, Schmidt M, Sorrentino B, Nienhuis A, Blau CA, Andrews RG, Donahue RE, Dunbar CE) Mol Ther 2004 Mar;9(3):389-95       85 Citations
1Factor V Leiden polymorphism modifies sepsis outcome: evidence from animal studies. (Weiler H, Kerlin B, Lytle MC) Crit Care Med 2004 May;32(5 Suppl):S233-8       33 Citations
1The natural history of untreated penetrating diaphragm injury: an animal model. (Gamblin TC, Wall CE Jr, Morgan JH 3rd, Erickson DJ, Dalton ML, Ashley DW) J Trauma 2004 Nov;57(5):989-92       14 Citations
1Distinct cortical pathways for processing tool versus animal sounds. (Lewis JW, Brefczynski JA, Phinney RE, Janik JJ, DeYoe EA) J Neurosci 2005 May 25;25(21):5148-58       245 Citations
1Characterization of pain and pharmacologic responses in an animal model of lumbar adhesive arachnoiditis. (Kroin JS, Buvanendran A, Cochran E, Tuman KJ) Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 2005 Aug 15;30(16):1828-31       15 Citations
1Of mice and men: use of animal models to identify possible interventions for the prevention of autoimmune type 1 diabetes in humans. (Serreze DV, Chen YG) Trends Immunol 2005 Nov;26(11):603-7       21 Citations
1Improved excitation light rejection enhances small-animal fluorescent optical imaging. (Hwang K, Houston JP, Rasmussen JC, Joshi A, Ke S, Li C, Sevick-Muraca EM) Mol Imaging 2005;4(3):194-204       35 Citations
1Iron particle-enhanced visualization of inflammatory central nervous system lesions by high resolution: preliminary data in an animal model. (Linker RA, Kroner A, Horn T, Gold R, Mäurer M, Bendszus M) AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2006;27(6):1225-9       25 Citations
1Role of immune cells in animal models for inherited peripheral neuropathies. (Wang Ip C, Kroner A, Fischer S, Berghoff M, Kobsar I, Mäurer M, Martini R) Neuromolecular Med 2006;8(1-2):175-90       41 Citations
1Animal models. (Lomberk G) Pancreatology 2006;6(5):427-8    
1Simultaneous fluorometry and phosphorometry of Langendorff perfused rat heart: ex vivo animal studies. (Ranji M, Jaggard DL, Apreleva SV, Vinogradov SA, Chance B) Opt Lett 2006 Oct 15;31(20):2995-7       14 Citations
1Cancer immunotherapy using virally transduced dendritic cells: animal studies and human clinical trials. (Mossoba ME, Medin JA) Expert Rev Vaccines 2006 Oct;5(5):717-32       24 Citations
2Child neck strength characteristics using an animal model. (Pintar FA, Mayer RG, Yoganandan N, Sun E) Stapp Car Crash J 2000 Nov;44:77-83       4 Citations
1Effect of continuous and pulsatile flow left ventricular assist on pulsatility in a pediatric animal model of left ventricular dysfunction: pilot observations. (Pantalos GM, Giridharan G, Colyer J, Mitchell M, Speakman J, Lucci C, Johnson G, Gartner M, Koenig SC) ASAIO J 2007;53(3):385-91       22 Citations
1The Chlamydomonas genome reveals the evolution of key animal and plant functions. (Merchant SS, Prochnik SE, Vallon O, Harris EH, Karpowicz SJ, Witman GB, Terry A, Salamov A, Fritz-Laylin LK, Maréchal-Drouard L, Marshall WF, Qu LH, Nelson DR, Sanderfoot AA, Spalding MH, Kapitonov VV, Ren Q, Ferris P, Lindquist E, Shapiro H, Lucas SM, Grimwood J, Schmutz J, Cardol P, Cerutti H, Chanfreau G, Chen CL, Cognat V, Croft MT, Dent R, Dutcher S, Fernández E, Fukuzawa H, González-Ballester D, González-Halphen D, Hallmann A, Hanikenne M, Hippler M, Inwood W, Jabbari K, Kalanon M, Kuras R, Lefebvre PA, Lemaire SD, Lobanov AV, Lohr M, Manuell A, Meier I, Mets L, Mittag M, Mittelmeier T, Moroney JV, Moseley J, Napoli C, Nedelcu AM, Niyogi K, Novoselov SV, Paulsen IT, Pazour G, Purton S, Ral JP, Riaño-Pachón DM, Riekhof W, Rymarquis L, Schroda M, Stern D, Umen J, Willows R, Wilson N, Zimmer SL, Allmer J, Balk J, Bisova K, Chen CJ, Elias M, Gendler K, Hauser C, Lamb MR, Ledford H, Long JC, Minagawa J, Page MD, Pan J, Pootakham W, Roje S, Rose A, Stahlberg E, Terauchi AM, Yang P, Ball S, Bowler C, Dieckmann CL, Gladyshev VN, Green P, Jorgensen R, Mayfield S, Mueller-Roeber B, Rajamani S, Sayre RT, Brokstein P, Dubchak I, Goodstein D, Hornick L, Huang YW, Jhaveri J, Luo Y, Martínez D, Ngau WC, Otillar B, Poliakov A, Porter A, Szajkowski L, Werner G, Zhou K, Grigoriev IV, Rokhsar DS, Grossman AR) Science 2007 Oct 12;318(5848):245-50       2174 Citations
1Comparison of radiative transport, Monte Carlo, and diffusion forward models for small animal optical tomography (Rasmussen JC, Pan T, Joshi A, Wareing T, McGhee J, Sevick-Muraca EM) 2007 4th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro - Proceedings 2007:824-827       3 Citations
1Regional alterations in the endocannabinoid system in an animal model of depression: effects of concurrent antidepressant treatment. (Hill MN, Carrier EJ, McLaughlin RJ, Morrish AC, Meier SE, Hillard CJ, Gorzalka BB) J Neurochem 2008 Sep;106(6):2322-36       208 Citations
1Anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities of the aqueous extract of Acacia karroo stem bark in experimental animals. (Adedapo AA, Sofidiya MO, Masika PJ, Afolayan AJ) Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol 2008 Nov;103(5):397-400       23 Citations
1A whole-animal microplate assay for metabolic rate using zebrafish. (Makky K, Duvnjak P, Pramanik K, Ramchandran R, Mayer AN) J Biomol Screen 2008 Dec;13(10):960-7       17 Citations
1Dim nighttime illumination accelerates adjustment to timezone travel in an animal model. (Evans JA, Elliott JA, Gorman MR) Curr Biol 2009 Feb 24;19(4):R156-7       37 Citations
1Delivery of a read-through inducing compound, TC007, lessens the severity of a spinal muscular atrophy animal model. (Mattis VB, Ebert AD, Fosso MY, Chang CW, Lorson CL) Hum Mol Genet 2009 Oct 15;18(20):3906-13       81 Citations
3Rapid multiplex reverse transcription-PCR typing of influenza A and B virus, and subtyping of influenza A virus into H1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, N1 (human), N1 (animal), N2, and N7, including typing of novel swine origin influenza A (H1N1) virus, during the 2009 outbreak in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. (He J, Bose ME, Beck ET, Fan J, Tiwari S, Metallo J, Jurgens LA, Kehl SC, Ledeboer N, Kumar S, Weisburg W, Henrickson KJ) J Clin Microbiol 2009 Sep;47(9):2772-8       79 Citations
1Lack of evidence for a pathogenic role of T-lymphocytes in an animal model for Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease 1A. (Kohl B, Groh J, Wessig C, Wiendl H, Kroner A, Martini R) Neurobiol Dis 2010 Apr;38(1):78-84       12 Citations
1Optimization of static magnetic field homogeneity in the human and animal brain in vivo. (Koch KM, Rothman DL, de Graaf RA) Prog Nucl Magn Reson Spectrosc 2009 Feb 01;54(2):69-96       60 Citations
1Efficacy of footwear disinfection and shoe cover use in an animal research facility. (Allen KP, Csida T, Leming J, Murray K, Thulin J) Lab Anim (NY) 2010 Apr;39(4):107-11       10 Citations
1Improved animal model for vibration injury study (Yan JG, Zhang LL, Yan Y, Sanger JR, Jensen ES, Matloub HS) Scandinavian Journal of Laboratory Animal Science 2010;37(3):159-169       4 Citations
2Effect of animal facility construction on basal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal and renin-aldosterone activity in the rat. (Raff H, Bruder ED, Cullinan WE, Ziegler DR, Cohen EP) Endocrinology 2011 Apr;152(4):1218-21       25 Citations
1Review article: Effects of pepsin and alginate in an animal model of squamous cell carcinoma (Allen J, Tinling SP, Johnston N, Belafsky P) Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics April 2011;33(SUPPL. 1):21-28       5 Citations
1Effect of Thuja occidentalis and its polysaccharide on cell-mediated immune responses and cytokine levels of metastatic tumor-bearing animals. (Sunila ES, Hamsa TP, Kuttan G) Pharm Biol 2011 Oct;49(10):1065-73       30 Citations
1Exacerbated pulmonary arterial hypertension and right ventricular hypertrophy in animals with loss of function of extracellular superoxide dismutase. (Xu D, Guo H, Xu X, Lu Z, Fassett J, Hu X, Xu Y, Tang Q, Hu D, Somani A, Geurts AM, Ostertag E, Bache RJ, Weir EK, Chen Y) Hypertension 2011 Aug;58(2):303-9       63 Citations
1Immobilizing reporters for molecular imaging of the extracellular microenvironment in living animals. (Xia Z, Xing Y, Jeon J, Kim YP, Gall J, Dragulescu-Andrasi A, Gambhir SS, Rao J) ACS Chem Biol 2011 Oct 21;6(10):1117-26       17 Citations
3Laminin 332 deposition is diminished in irradiated skin in an animal model of combined radiation and wound skin injury. (Jourdan MM, Lopez A, Olasz EB, Duncan NE, Demara M, Kittipongdaja W, Fish BL, Mäder M, Schock A, Morrow NV, Semenenko VA, Baker JE, Moulder JE, Lazarova Z) Radiat Res 2011 Nov;176(5):636-48       27 Citations
1Pharmacologic ER stress induces non-alcoholic steatohepatitis in an animal model. (Lee JS, Zheng Z, Mendez R, Ha SW, Xie Y, Zhang K) Toxicol Lett 2012 May 20;211(1):29-38       122 Citations
1The "Refrige-a-RAT-or": an accurate, inexpensive, and clinically relevant small animal model of therapeutic hypothermia. (Lagina AT, Deogracias M, Reed K, Bazzi D, Chepuri R, Foster L, Sullivan JM) Acad Emerg Med 2012 Apr;19(4):402-8       5 Citations
1Ontogeny of mammalian metabolizing enzymes in humans and animals used in toxicological studies. (Saghir SA, Khan SA, McCoy AT) Crit Rev Toxicol 2012 May;42(5):323-57       49 Citations
1Traumatic brain injury and hemorrhagic shock: evaluation of different resuscitation strategies in a large animal model of combined insults. (Jin G, DeMoya MA, Duggan M, Knightly T, Mejaddam AY, Hwabejire J, Lu J, Smith WM, Kasotakis G, Velmahos GC, Socrate S, Alam HB) Shock 2012 Jul;38(1):49-56       89 Citations
1Update on animal models of diabetic retinopathy: from molecular approaches to mice and higher mammals. (Robinson R, Barathi VA, Chaurasia SS, Wong TY, Kern TS) Dis Model Mech 2012 Jul;5(4):444-56       230 Citations
1Exposure to ambient particulate matter induces a NASH-like phenotype and impairs hepatic glucose metabolism in an animal model. (Zheng Z, Xu X, Zhang X, Wang A, Zhang C, Hüttemann M, Grossman LI, Chen LC, Rajagopalan S, Sun Q, Zhang K) J Hepatol 2013 Jan;58(1):148-54       266 Citations
1Comparison of methods to control floor contamination in an animal research facility. (Allen KP, Csida T, Leming J, Murray K, Gauld SB, Thulin J) Lab Anim (NY) 2012 Oct;41(10):282-8       9 Citations
1Health consequences of circadian disruption in humans and animal models. (Evans JA, Davidson AJ) Prog Mol Biol Transl Sci 2013;119:283-323       233 Citations
4Diffusion tensor imaging of the spinal cord: insights from animal and human studies. (Vedantam A, Jirjis MB, Schmit BD, Wang MC, Ulmer JL, Kurpad SN) Neurosurgery 2014 Jan;74(1):1-8; discussion 8; quiz 8       81 Citations
2On the use of fluorescence lifetime imaging and dihydroethidium to detect superoxide in intact animals and ex vivo tissues: a reassessment. (Michalski R, Michalowski B, Sikora A, Zielonka J, Kalyanaraman B) Free Radic Biol Med 2014 Feb;67:278-84       53 Citations
1Selective vulnerability of hippocampal sub-fields to oxygen-glucose deprivation is a function of animal age. (Lalonde CC, Mielke JG) Brain Res 2014 Jan 16;1543:271-9       19 Citations
1Differential effects of fresh frozen plasma and normal saline on secondary brain damage in a large animal model of polytrauma, hemorrhage and traumatic brain injury. (Hwabejire JO, Imam AM, Jin G, Liu B, Li Y, Sillesen M, Jepsen CH, Lu J, deMoya MA, Alam HB) J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2013 Dec;75(6):968-74; discussion 974-5       22 Citations
1Early treatment with lyophilized plasma protects the brain in a large animal model of combined traumatic brain injury and hemorrhagic shock. (Imam AM, Jin G, Sillesen M, Duggan M, Jepsen CH, Hwabejire JO, Lu J, Liu B, DeMoya MA, Velmahos GC, Alam HB) J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2013 Dec;75(6):976-83       32 Citations
1Animal models for candidiasis. (Conti HR, Huppler AR, Whibley N, Gaffen SL) Curr Protoc Immunol 2014 Apr 02;105:19.6.1-19.6.17       96 Citations
1Extracorporeal fetal support: a new animal model with preservation of the placenta. (Salazar JH, Gabre-Kidan A, Ortega G, Scorpio D, Oldenburg G, Custis H, Ruben D, Albano M, Choo SS, Rhee DS, Fulton WB, Wang Q, Papandria D, Crino JP, Abdullah F) J Pediatr Surg 2014 Oct;49(10):1441-5    
1Microarray Determination of the Expression of Drug Transporters in Humans and Animal Species Used for the Investigation of Nasal Absorption. (Al-Ghabeish M, Scheetz T, Assem M, Donovan MD) Mol Pharm 2015 Aug 03;12(8):2742-54       20 Citations
1The NRF2 knockout rat: a new animal model to study endothelial dysfunction, oxidant stress, and microvascular rarefaction. (Priestley JR, Kautenburg KE, Casati MC, Endres BT, Geurts AM, Lombard JH) Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 2016 Feb 15;310(4):H478-87       57 Citations
1Animal models used in studying inflammatory bowel diseases (Swethakumar B, Paul M, Girish KS, Kemparaju K) Disorders of Gastrointestinal Systems and Clinical Manifestations 1 January 2016:67-88    
1Transcriptional signatures of unfolded protein response implicate the limitation of animal models in pathophysiological studies. (Zheng Z, Wang G, Li L, Tseng J, Sun F, Chen X, Chang L, Heng H, Zhang K) Environ Dis 2016;1(1):24-30    
1Evolution of an ancient protein function involved in organized multicellularity in animals. (Anderson DP, Whitney DS, Hanson-Smith V, Woznica A, Campodonico-Burnett W, Volkman BF, King N, Thornton JW, Prehoda KE) Elife 2016 Jan 07;5:e10147       55 Citations
1Correction: Evolution of an ancient protein function involved in organized multicellularity in animals. (Anderson DP, Whitney DS, Hanson-Smith V, Woznica A, Campodonico-Burnett W, Volkman BF, King N, Thornton JW, Prehoda KE) Elife 2016 Jan 21;5:e14311    
1Mitoapocynin Treatment Protects Against Neuroinflammation and Dopaminergic Neurodegeneration in a Preclinical Animal Model of Parkinson's Disease. (Ghosh A, Langley MR, Harischandra DS, Neal ML, Jin H, Anantharam V, Joseph J, Brenza T, Narasimhan B, Kanthasamy A, Kalyanaraman B, Kanthasamy AG) J Neuroimmune Pharmacol 2016 Jun;11(2):259-78       86 Citations
2Ndufc2 Gene Inhibition Is Associated With Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Increased Stroke Susceptibility in an Animal Model of Complex Human Disease. (Rubattu S, Di Castro S, Schulz H, Geurts AM, Cotugno M, Bianchi F, Maatz H, Hummel O, Falak S, Stanzione R, Marchitti S, Scarpino S, Giusti B, Kura A, Gensini GF, Peyvandi F, Mannucci PM, Rasura M, Sciarretta S, Dwinell MR, Hubner N, Volpe M) J Am Heart Assoc 2016 Feb 17;5(2)       46 Citations
1Development and Validation of a Small Animal Immobilizer and Positioning System for the Study of Delivery of Intracranial and Extracranial Radiotherapy Using the Gamma Knife System. (Awan MJ, Dorth J, Mani A, Kim H, Zheng Y, Mislmani M, Welford S, Yuan J, Wessels BW, Lo SS, Letterio J, Machtay M, Sloan A, Sohn JW) Technol Cancer Res Treat 2017 Apr;16(2):203-210       5 Citations
1Seeing through the smoke: Human and animal studies of cannabis use and endocannabinoid signalling in corticolimbic networks. (Silveira MM, Arnold JC, Laviolette SR, Hillard CJ, Celorrio M, Aymerich MS, Adams WK) Neurosci Biobehav Rev 2017 May;76(Pt B):380-395       28 Citations
3Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Acute Spinal Cord Injury: A Review of Animal and Human Studies. (Kaushal M, Shabani S, Budde M, Kurpad S) J Neurotrauma 2019 Aug 01;36(15):2279-2286       24 Citations
1Systemic Inflammation Impairs Mood Function by Disrupting the Resting-State Functional Network in a Rat Animal Model Induced by Lipopolysaccharide Challenge. (Zhu X, Ji MH, Li SM, Li B, Mei L, Yang JJ) Mediators Inflamm 2019;2019:6212934       3 Citations
1Within-animal comparisons of novelty and cocaine neuronal ensemble overlap in the nucleus accumbens and prefrontal cortex. (Nawarawong NN, Olsen CM) Behav Brain Res 2020 Feb 03;379:112275       6 Citations
1Animal Models Demonstrate a Critical Role of Factor VIII in Par4-and Platelet-Mediated Pathology (Castillo M, Yang Q, McKinney D, Shi Q, Sood R) Blood 134 (Supplement_1): 1057;    
1Pharmacological prevention of surgery-accelerated metastasis in an animal model of osteosarcoma. (Kallis MP, Maloney C, Blank B, Soffer SZ, Symons M, Steinberg BM) J Transl Med 2020 Apr 30;18(1):183       9 Citations
3Optimized cardiac functional MRI of small-animal models of cancer radiation therapy. (Ibrahim EH, Baruah D, Budde M, Rubenstein J, Frei A, Schlaak R, Gore E, Bergom C) Magn Reson Imaging 2020 Nov;73:130-137       6 Citations
1Survival Rates and Biomarkers in a Large Animal Model of Traumatic Brain Injury Combined With Two Different Levels of Blood Loss. (Mayer AR, Dodd AB, Ling JM, Stephenson DD, Rannou-Latella JG, Vermillion MS, Mehos CJ, Johnson VE, Gigliotti AP, Dodd RJ, Chaudry IH, Meier TB, Smith DH, Bragin DE, Lai C, Wagner CL, Guedes VA, Gill JM, Kinsler R) Shock 2021 Apr 01;55(4):554-562       15 Citations
1Mir21 modulates inflammation and sensorimotor deficits in cervical myelopathy: data from humans and animal models. (Laliberte AM, Karadimas SK, Vidal PM, Satkunendrarajah K, Fehlings MG) Brain Commun 2021;3(1):fcaa234       28 Citations
2Cardiac Magnetic Resonance for Early Detection of Radiation Therapy-Induced Cardiotoxicity in a Small Animal Model (Ibrahim ESH, Baruah D, Croisille P, Stojanovska J, Rubenstein JC, Frei A, Schlaak RA, Lin CY, Pipke JL, Lemke A, Xu Z, Klaas A, Brehler M, Flister MJ, Laviolette PS, Gore EM, Bergom C) JACC: CardioOncology March 2021;3(1):113-130       15 Citations
1Detection of extracellular superoxide in isolated human immune cells and in an animal model of arterial hypertension using hydropropidine probe and HPLC analysis. (Kalinovic S, Stamm P, Oelze M, Steven S, Kröller-Schön S, Kvandova M, Zielonka J, Münzel T, Daiber A) Free Radic Biol Med 2021 May 20;168:214-225       10 Citations
3Cardiac Magnetic Resonance for Early Detection of Radiation Therapy-Induced Cardiotoxicity in a Small Animal Model. (Ibrahim EH, Baruah D, Croisille P, Stojanovska J, Rubenstein JC, Frei A, Schlaak RA, Lin CY, Pipke JL, Lemke A, Xu Z, Klaas A, Brehler M, Flister MJ, Laviolette PS, Gore EM, Bergom C) JACC CardioOncol 2021 Mar;3(1):113-130       15 Citations
1Reproducibility and Characterization of Head Kinematics During a Large Animal Acceleration Model of Traumatic Brain Injury. (Mayer AR, Ling JM, Dodd AB, Rannou-Latella JG, Stephenson DD, Dodd RJ, Mehos CJ, Patton DA, Cullen DK, Johnson VE, Pabbathi Reddy S, Robertson-Benta CR, Gigliotti AP, Meier TB, Vermillion MS, Smith DH, Kinsler R) Front Neurol 2021;12:658461       9 Citations
3Evaluation of Radiation-induced Pleural Effusions after Radiotherapy to Support Development of Animal Models of Radiation Pneumonitis. (Aqeel M, Medhora M, Gore E, Borkenhagen J, Klawikowski S, Eastwood D, Banerjee A, Jacobs ER) Health Phys 2021 Oct 01;121(4):434-443       3 Citations
1Innovations and advances in modelling and measuring pain in animals. (Sadler KE, Mogil JS, Stucky CL) Nat Rev Neurosci 2022 Feb;23(2):70-85       89 Citations
1Luseogliflozin, a sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitor, reverses cerebrovascular dysfunction and cognitive impairments in 18-mo-old diabetic animals. (Wang S, Jiao F, Border JJ, Fang X, Crumpler RF, Liu Y, Zhang H, Jefferson J, Guo Y, Elliott PS, Thomas KN, Strong LB, Urvina AH, Zheng B, Rijal A, Smith SV, Yu H, Roman RJ, Fan F) Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 2022 Feb 01;322(2):H246-H259       14 Citations
1Videoconferencing for Large Animal Trauma Experiments During COVID-19: A Cross-Continent Experience. (Ali-Mohamad N, Cau MF, Baylis JR, Semple H, Kastrup CJ, Beckett A) Mil Med 2022 Mar 01    
1Non-Linear Device Head Coupling and Temporal Delays in Large Animal Acceleration Models of Traumatic Brain Injury. (Mayer AR, Ling JM, Patton DA, Stephenson DD, Dodd AB, Dodd RJ, Rannou-Latella JG, Smith DH, Johnson VE, Cullen DK, Meier TB, Kinsler RE) Ann Biomed Eng 2022 Jun;50(6):728-739       2 Citations
1Open source timed pressure control hardware and software for delivery of air mediated distensions in animal models. (Patel T, Hendren J, Lee N, Mickle AD) HardwareX 2022 Apr;11:e00271    
1Non-Linear Device Head Coupling and Temporal Delays in Large Animal Acceleration Models of Traumatic Brain Injury (Mayer AR, Ling JM, Patton DA, Stephenson DD, Dodd AB, Dodd RJ, Rannou-Latella JG, Smith DH, Johnson VE, Cullen DK, Meier TB, Kinsler RE) Annals of Biomedical Engineering June 2022;50(6):728-739       2 Citations
1Measurement of Tetrahydrobiopterin in Animal Tissue Samples by HPLC with Electrochemical Detection—Protocol Optimization and Pitfalls (Vujacic-Mirski K, Oelze M, Kuntic I, Kuntic M, Kalinovic S, Li H, Zielonka J, Münzel T, Daiber A) Antioxidants June 2022;11(6)       4 Citations
1Measurement of Tetrahydrobiopterin in Animal Tissue Samples by HPLC with Electrochemical Detection-Protocol Optimization and Pitfalls. (Vujacic-Mirski K, Oelze M, Kuntic I, Kuntic M, Kalinovic S, Li H, Zielonka J, Münzel T, Daiber A) Antioxidants (Basel) 2022 Jun 16;11(6)       4 Citations
1The anorexic effect of DL-fenfluramine is dependent on animals' habituation to different food types. (Yi SS, Choi S) Front Integr Neurosci 2022;16:1010181    
3Developing small-diameter vascular grafts with human amniotic membrane: long-term evaluation of transplantation outcomes in a small animal model. (Wang B, Wang X, Kenneth A, Drena A, Pacheco A, Kalvin L, Ibrahim ES, Rossi PJ, Thatcher K, Lincoln J) Biofabrication 2023 Jan 30;15(2)       9 Citations
1An Assessment of Blood Vessel Remodeling of Nanofibrous Poly(ε-Caprolactone) Vascular Grafts in a Rat Animal Model (Horakova J, Blassova T, Tonar Z, McCarthy C, Strnadova K, Lukas D, Mikes P, Bowen P, Guillory R, Frost M, Goldman J) Journal of Functional Biomaterials February 2023;14(2)       2 Citations
1[Research progress on active ingredients of animal-derived traditional Chinese medicine in treatment of allergic rhinitis]. (Chao X, Li H, Wang TS, Pan YS) Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi 2023 Sep;48(18):4884-4892       2 Citations
1Mito-metformin protects against mitochondrial dysfunction and dopaminergic neuronal degeneration by activating upstream PKD1 signaling in cell culture and MitoPark animal models of Parkinson's disease. (Ay M, Charli A, Langley M, Jang A, Padhi P, Jin H, Anantharam V, Kalyanaraman B, Kanthasamy A, Kanthasamy AG) Front Neurosci 2024;18:1356703       3 Citations
2Matched-pair hybrid test paradigm for behind armor blunt trauma using an experimental animal model. (Yoganandan N, Shah A, Baisden J, Stemper B, Otterson M, Somberg L, Bass C, Salzar R, McMahon J, Chancey C, McEntire J) Trauma Surg Acute Care Open 2024;9(1):e001194    
2Behind Armor Blunt Trauma: Liver Injuries Using a Live Animal Model. (Yoganandan N, Shah A, Koser J, Stemper BD, Somberg L, Chancey VC, McEntire J) Mil Med 2024 Aug 19;189(Suppl 3):659-664