Medical College of Wisconsin
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Abhay Chauhan PhD
Associate Professor
Department of School of Pharmacy Administration
Division of Administration

Health Research Center
8701 Watertown Plank Rd
Milwaukee, WI 53226

07/0 - 09/4 Ph.D. Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad, India/HS Gour University
08/92 - 06/96 Bachelors in Pharmacy (B.Pharm), Dr. Hari Singh Gour University, Sagar, India. (FPGEC certificate by N
01/97 - 12/98 Masters in Pharmacy (M. Pharm) Dr. Hari Singh Gour University, Sagar, India

06/11 - 12/16 Director of Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology, Assistant Professor, School of Pharmacy. Master of Pharmaceutical Product Development, Concordia University Wisconsin, Mequon, WI
01/17 - 06/19 Assistant Professor, School of Pharmacy, Medical College of Wisconsin.
07/19 - Present Associate Professor, School of Pharmacy, Medical College of Wisconsin
09/96 - 12/96 Lecturer in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Awadhesh Pratap Singh University, Rewa, India
02/99 - 06/99 Lecturer in Pharmaceutics, B.R. Nahata College of Pharmacy, Mandsaur, India

06/11 - 12/16 Director of Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology, School of Pharmacy, Concordia University Wisconsin, Mequon, WI

10/4 - 05/10 Head, Formulation Development, Dendritic Nanotechnologies, Inc, Mt. Pleasant, MI
06/10 - 12/14 Scientific Director/Senior Consultant, Nanosynthons LLC, Mount Pleasant, MI
01/15 - 03/18 Founder and CTO, Vivoform Inc., Milwaukee, WI
06/18 - Present Founder, CEO, Amruth Inc.
07/99 - 06/0 Scientist, Drug delivery, Transgene Biotech, Hyderabad, India

Issued By Issue DateExpiration
Intellectual property management World Intellectual Property

1991 - Present National Fellowship holder for securing high rank among 12th grade students in the country (<5 % students would receive this award). All India Council for Technical Education.
1996 - Present Junior Research Fellowship (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering- GATE-96). Qualifying in GATE is a mandatory requirement for seeking admission and/or financial assistance for premier doctoral and ma
2000 - Present Senior Research Fellowship by Council of Scientific and Industrial research, India (equivalent to NIH). Based on National Aptitude Screening Test for financial assistance to pursue PhD.
2005 - Present Certified course on intellectual property management from world intellectual property organization (WIPO), Geneva.
2007 - Present Team member to prepare nanomaterial classification roadmap. 'Periodic Patterns, Relationships, and Categories of Well-Defined Nanoscale Building Blocks'. National Science Foundation Workshop.
2014 - Present Article containing my research area and picture in Wisconsin Biz (2014) and other news articles.
2015 - Present Contributed to the nanotechnology white paper article by Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL).
2019 - Present Published a book on Pharmaceutical Applications of Dendrimers, Elsevier.

2012 - Present Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin
2013 - Present New York Academy of Science

Journal Review
• European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Bio- pharmaceutics
• ACS Omega
• Journal of Biomaterials Science
• European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
• Journal of Drug Targeting
• Journal of Colloid Science and Biotechnology
• PLOS one, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry
• Drug Development of Industrial Pharmacy
• Journal of Nanoparticle research
• Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerface
• Journal of Nanoparticle research
• Drug Delivery Journal
• Nanoscale advances, RSC
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
• Appreciation letter from the Editor of the Nanomedicine journal for my role as a reviewer (2014)
• Received 'Certificate of Reviewing' In recognition of the reviews done for from The Editors of Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine, Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2018)
• Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
• Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine

• PRTS (French equivalent of NIH) 2013
• National Science Foundation, Poland 2014
• NIH Reviewer, Special Emphasis Panel/Scientific Review Group 2014/05 ZCA1 SRLB-U (C1) B
• NIH Reviewer, ETTN M50 SBIR; June 2014 cycle
• NIH Reviewer, ETTN M50 SBIR; October 2014 cycle
• NIH Reviewer, ETTN M50 SBIR; February 2015 cycle
• NIH Reviewer, SBIR-ETTN- C55; November 2019 cycle
• NIH Reviewer, ETTN-D50 SBIR; June 2016 cycle.
• NIH Reviewer, ETTN-D50 SBIR; October 2016 cycle
• NIH Reviewer, ETTN-D-50 SBIR; March 2018 cycle
• NIH Reviewer, ETTN-D-50 SBIR; June 2018 cycle
• NIH Reviewer, ETTN-D-50 SBIR; November 2018 cycle
• NIH Reviewer, ETTN M50 SBIR; October 2015 cycle

Peer Review
Dendrimer-resveratrol formulation for effective anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities via dermal application
2. Therapeutic Accelerated Program
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
2017 - Present
Direct Funds:
Dendrimer-resveratrol formulation for effective anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities via dermal application
Therapeutic Accelerated Program
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator.
2018 - Present
Direct Funds:
Non-Peer Review
Develop dendrimer-based nanomedicine.
In Recognition of Outstanding Scientific Activities and Works of Excellence in Dendrimer Based Nanomedicine by Dow Chemical Foundation and Dr. Donald A. Tomalia Family Trust
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
2018 - Present
Direct Funds:
Peer Review
Drugs for targeting vascular malformations
Role & Effort:
Ramani Ramachandran
1. Reduce the chance of acute nerve injury exacerbating to destructive injury and improve nerve regeneration
DOD grant
Role & Effort:
Co- Principal Investigator
Dr. Ji-Geng
Direct Funds:
2. Innovative Sustained Calcitonin Release for Enhanced Peripheral Nerve Regeneration
DOD grant
Role & Effort:
Co- Principal Investigator
Dr. Ji-Geng Yan
Direct Funds:
4. U.S.-India Science and Technology Endowment Fund along with partner in India.
Role & Effort:
Co- Principle Investigator
Dr. Umesh Patil
Direct Funds:
Peer Review
Dendritic Polymers with Enhanced Amplification and Interior Functionality
Army Research laboratory (ARL) Grant
Role & Effort:
Team Member/Co-Investigator.
2004 - Present
Direct Funds:
Combined Targeted Dendrimer Diagnostic-Therapeutic
NIH-SBIR, Small Business Innovation Research program
Role & Effort:
Team Member/Co-Investigator
2006 - Present
Direct Funds:
Perchlorate Remediation Using New Nanoscale Dendritic Polymer Technology
Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP)
Role & Effort:
Team Member/Co-Investigator
2008 - Present
Direct Funds:
6. PAMAM Dendrimer Nanotechnology Enabled Formulations of Resveratrol Intended for Anti-oxidant and Anti-cancer Applications
Concordia Intramural Research Grant
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator. $5,000
2012 - Present
Direct Funds:
Dendrimer nanotechnology-based nasal delivery of a novel drug to treat the negative symptoms of schizophrenia
Concordia Intramural Research Grant
Role & Effort:
Co-Principal Investigator
Prpf. Dan Sem
2014 - Present
Direct Funds:
7. A Brain Tumor Stem Cell Model for the Evaluation of Novel Metallodrugs to Treat Glioblastoma
Thomas A and Lorraine M. Rosenberg Award
Role & Effort:
Co-Principal Investigator.
Prof. Christopher Chitambar
2014 - Present
Direct Funds:
Dendrimer Nanotechnology based advanced Formulations.
National Science Foundation- I Corp subaward
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator. $2500
2015 - Present
Direct Funds:
A Study to Identify Molecules (similar toRR505) that Targets Dual Specific Phosphatase5 (DUSP5)
NIH-Vascular Interventions/Innovations and Therapeutic Advances (VITA
Role & Effort:
Prof. Ramani Ramachandran
Direct Funds:
Dendrimer-based MRI Contrast Agents.
United States Small Business Administration Congressional Earmark Program
Role & Effort:
Team Member/Co-Investigator. $265,000
Direct Funds:
5. Development of an experimental approach for studying Ayurvedic concept of tridosha in yeast and rat models
MP Council of Science and Technology
Role & Effort:
Co-Principal Investigator
Yogesh Katare
Direct Funds:
Non-Peer Review
To develop sterile compounding lab for Pharmaceutics course sequence
West Foundation Grant
Role & Effort:
Co- Principal Investigator. $50,000
2018 - Present
Direct Funds:

1. Chauhan, A. S. (2011). Dendrimer Nanodevice: Drug Delivery Platform for Advanced Diagnosis and Therapy. International conference on imbibing pharmaceutical knowledge to the professionals, Hyderabad, India (invited talk).
2. Chauhan, A. S. (2011). Dendrimer Nanotechnology. International Workshop on Dendrimer Based Drug Delivery, Lucknow, India (Plenary Lecture).
4. Chauhan, A. S. (2012). Dendrimer Nanotechnology. Pfizer Animal Healthcare, Mumbai, (Invited talk).
5. Chauhan, A. S. (2012). Nanotechnology: Ayurvedic Perspective. 5th world Ayurveda Congress, Bhopal, (Plenary Lecture).
6. Chauhan, A. S. (2012). Recent Developments in Nanoscience and Diagnosity. Indian Science Congress, Bhubaneswar, India (Plenary Lecture).
7. Chauhan
8. Chauhan, A.S. (2015) Multifunctional dendrimers for enhanced bioavailability. International Dendrimer Symposium (IDS 9), Montreal (Invited talk).
9. Chauhan, A.S. (2018). Smart delivery system for active ingredients. Current Trends and Advances in Formulations for Cosmetic Applications. June 25-26, 2018 at Prof. M.L. Schroff Memorial Conference Hall, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, U.T.D., Sagar (Keynote lecture).
10. Chauhan, A. S. (2019). Multifunctional Dendrimer Nanotechnology for Drug Delivery. EMN polymers, Hawaii
11. Chauhan, A.S. (2019) Dendrimers and its Applications. Truba Institute of Pharmacy, Bhopal (Invited Lecture).
12. Singh, M.K., Kuncha, M., Laksham Nayak, V., Sarma, A.V., Jerald Mahesh Kumar, M., Sistla, R., Chauhan, A.S. Synthesis and Characterization of Dendrimer Nanotechnology Based Dual-Targeting System for Targeting and Treatment of Glioblastoma. American Chemical Society, IICT, Hyderabad, Feb 7, 2019.
13. Singh, M.K., Kuncha, M., Laksham Nayak, V., Sarma, A.V., Jerald Mahesh Kumar, M., Sistla, R., Chauhan, A.S . Multifunctional hybrid dendrimer with dual-ligands : a next generation dendritic platform for drug delivery . IDS 11, Portugal. July 2019.
3. Chauhan, A. S. (2011). Dendrimer Nanodevice: A Drug Delivery Platform for Advanced Diagnosis and Therapy. 26th MP Young Scientist Congress, Jabalpur, India (Key-Note Lecture).
1. Chauhan A.S., Svenson, S., Reyna, L., and Tomalia, D.A. (2007) Priostar® Dendrimers as Excipients for Enhanced Drug Solubilization and Controlled Release. ENATBIO, Detroit, USA.
2. Chauhan, A. S., Diwan, P.V., Jain, N.K., and Tomalia D.A. (2008). Simple, Terminal Functionalized Poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) Dendrimers Exhibit In Vivo Activity as Nanoscale Anti-inflammatory Agents. Annual American Academy of Nanomedicine Conference, Washington DC (invited
1. Chauhan, A.S. (2018) 'Dendrimer technology for cosmetic application' Universal Beauty Products, Inc., Glendale Heights, IL.
2. Chauhan, A.S. (2019) 'Engineering of "critical nanoscale design parameters" (CNDPs) in PAMAM dendrimer nanoparticles for drug delivery applications' Research publication series, MCW.
3. Chauhan, A.S. (2019) 'Engineering of "critical nanoscale design parameters" (CNDPs) in PAMAM dendrimer nanoparticles for drug delivery applications' Digital board, MCW.
4. Chauhan, A.S. (2019) Multi-Step Targeted Teaching In Pharmaceutical Drug Delivery Courses. MTSR Retreat, Milwaukee.
1. Chauhan, A. S. (2012). Dendrimer Nanotechnology: An Overview. Aurora Healthcare, Milwaukee.
2. Chauhan, A. S. (2012). Novel Drug Formulations. Drug Development Workshop. Clinical & Translational Science Institute. (Plenary Lecture).
3. Chauhan, A. S. (2018). 'Teaching with Technology' at MCW School of Pharmacy Teaching Certificate.
4. Chauhan, A. S. (2018). 'Slow Release of Calcitonin for Nerve Regeneration' at Plastic Surgery department, MCW.
5. Chauhan, A. S. (2019). Green anti-aging formulation. 4th Annual UWM Innovators Expo
6. Chauhan, A. S. (2019). Dendrimers for Drug Delivery. Lunch and Learn, MCW.

1. Khopade, A. J., Chauhan, A.S., Nagaich, S., and Jain, N.K. (1999) Studies on PAMAM dendrimer - copper (II)-6-Mercaptopurine complex. Proceedings of the Controlled Release Society, 26, 769-770.
2. Khopade, S. A., Khopade, A. J., Chauhan, A.S., Tripathi, P., and Jain, N.K. (1999) A unimolecular reverse micellar dendrimer for oral delivery of 5-fluorouracil. Proceedings of the Controlled Release Society, 26, 953-954.
3. Tomalia D.A., Swanson, D.R., Reddy, P.V., Abdelhaddy, H., Chauhan, A.S. (2007) 5th international dendrimer symposium. Toulouse, France.
4. Svenson, S., Chauhan, A.S., Reyna, L.A. (2008) Poly(etherhydroxylamine) PEHAM Dendrimers for Enhanced Drug Solubilization. 7th International Symposium on Polymer Therapeutics, Valencia, Spain (invited talk).
5. Singh, M.K., Kuncha, M., Laksham Nayak, V., Sarma, A.V., Jerald Mahesh Kumar, M., Sistla, R., Chauhan, A.S. Synthesis and Characterization of Dendrimer Nanotechnology Based Dual-Targeting System for Targeting and Treatment of Glioblastoma. American Chemical Society, IICT, Hyderabad, Feb 7, 2019.
6. Singh, M.K., Kuncha, M., Laksham Nayak, V., Sarma, A.V., Jerald Mahesh Kumar, M., Sistla, R., Chauhan, A.S .Hybrid dendrimer- based supramolecular: A next generation dendrimer architecture for drug delivery. IDS 11, Portugal. July 2019. (POSTER)
8. Chauhan, A. S. (2013). Nanomedicines: Addressing the Scientific and Regulatory Gap. New York Academy of Sciences, (Discussion Forum).
2. Svenson, S., Chauhan, A.S., Reyna, L.A., Tomalia, D.A (2006) STARBURST® and Priostar™ Dendrimers for Enhanced Drug Solubilization. 232nd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
3. Svenson, S., Chauhan, A.S., Reyna, L., and Tomalia, D.A. (2006) Starburst® and Priostar™ dendrimers for Controlled drug delivery applications. Polymer, 47(2), 150-151.
4. Svenson, S., Chauhan, A.S., Reyna, L.A., Tomalia, D.A (2006) Dendrimers: A Platform for Custom-Designed Drug Delivery. Particles 2006, Orlando, FL (invited talk).
5. Svenson, S., Chauhan, A.S., Reyna, L.A., Tomalia, D.A. (2007) PEHAM Dendrimers for Drug Delivery Applications. 34th Annual Meeting of the Controlled Release Society, Long Beach, CA
6. Svenson, S., Chauhan, A.S., Zhuravel, M.A. (2008) Poly(etherhydroxylamine) PEHAM Dendrimer Nanoparticles for Combination Therapy and Diagnostic. 35th Annual Meeting of the Controlled Release Society (CRS).
7. Svenson, S., Chauhan, A.S., Reyna, L.A., Tomalia, D.A. (2007) PEHAM Dendrimers for Drug Delivery Applications. Proc. 34th Annual Meeting of the Controlled Release Society (CRS), 63.
1. Svenson, S., Chauhan, A.S., Reyna, L.A., Tomalia, D.A (2006) STARBURST® and Priostar™ Dendrimers for Controlled Drug Delivery Applications. 232nd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, (invited talk).

Pharmacy Student Education
1 - Present Pharmaceutical Drug Delivery I: Non-Sterile Products (PHAR 520), 4 credit course (2017). Three parts: Lecture, laboratory and calculation. Created and implemented as the course director.
2 - Present Pharmaceutical Drug Delivery II: Sterile Products (PHAR 521), 4 credit course (2017). Three parts: Lecture, laboratory and calculation. Created and implemented as the course director.
3 - Present Pharmaceutical Drug Delivery I: Non-Sterile Products (PHAR 520), 4 credit course (2018). Three parts: Lecture, laboratory and calculation. Course director and instructor.
4 - Present Pharmaceutical Drug Delivery II: Sterile Products (PHAR 521), 4 credit course (2018). Three parts: Lecture, laboratory and calculation. Course director and instructor.
5 - Present Independent Study (PHAR 699), 1.5 credit course. Dendrimers as Solubility Enhancers chapter in a book 'Pharmaceutical applications of Dendrimers', Elsevier (2018). Becka Anton
6 - Present Independent Study (PHAR 699), 1.5 credit course. Therapeutic Dendrimers chapter in a book 'Pharmaceutical applications of Dendrimers', Elsevier (2018). Dominika Krynicka
7 - Present Elective course (PHAR 676). 3 credit course. Advanced Drug Delivery Systems: Bench to Bedside (2018).
8 - Present Pharmaceutical Drug Delivery I: Non-Sterile Products (PHAR 520), 4 credit course (2019). Three parts: Lecture, laboratory and calculation. Course director and instructor.
9 - Present Pharmaceutical Drug Delivery II: Sterile Products (PHAR 521), 4 credit course (2019). Three parts: Lecture, laboratory and calculation. Course director and instructor.
10 - Present Elective course (PHAR 676). 3 credit course. Advanced Drug Delivery Systems: Bench to Bedside (2019).
11 - Present Independent Study (PHAR 699), 1.5 credit course. Advanced calcitonin formulation for nerve regeneration (2019: Session 3, 4, 5, 6, 2020: Session 7). Alexender Sperry.
12 - Present Independent Study (PHAR 699), 1.5 credit course. Advanced gallium - metformin formulations and dendrimer nanoparticles for GBM and other cancers. (2019: Session 3, 4). Roberto Flotte.
13 - Present Independent Study (PHAR 699), 1.5 credit course. Novel nasal formulation for dryness (2019: Session 5, 6). Princess Graff.
14 - Present Independent Study (PHAR 699), 1.5 credit course. Dendrimer based resveratrol, CBD topical formulations (2020: Session 3). Tarik Youssef.
15 - Present Independent Study (PHAR 699), 1.5 credit course. Combo Drug-Gene Delivery via Dendrimers for Pancreatic Cancer (2020: Session 3). Yen Young.
Graduate Student Education
1 - 2013 Pharmacology graduate program (Drug Discovery class). 3h class.
2 - 2014 Models of Disease and Drug Discovery, CTSI. 3h class
3 - 2015 Pharmacology graduate program (Drug Discovery class). 3h class
4 - 2017 Pharmacology graduate program (Drug Discovery class). 3h class
5 - 2019 Pharmacology graduate program (Drug Discovery class). 3h class
Course Director: Prof. John Imig
Course Director: Prof. John Imig
Course Director: Prof. John Imig
Course Director: Prof. Ramani Ramachandran
Course Director: Prof. John Imig

Graduate Student Education
1 - Present Pharmacy Distant Education. Diploma in Pharmacy (1996 -1997), Awadhesh Pratap Singh University, Rewa, India. Created syllabus, course books, lab manuals and implemented the program.
2 - Present Pharmaceutical engineering (Lecture + laboratory). B. Pharm (1999). BR Nahata College of Pharmacy, Mandsaur, India.
3 - Present Pharmaceutics III: (PHAR 426), 4 credit course (2012). School of Pharmacy, Concordia University Wisconsin. Course Director: Kathie Valdivinos
4 - Present Pharmaceutics II: (PHAR 322), 4 credit course (2012). School of Pharmacy, Concordia University Wisconsin. Course Director: Armin Gehardt
5 - Present Pharmaceutics II: (PHAR 322), 4 credit course (2013). School of Pharmacy, Concordia University Wisconsin. Course Director: Armin Gehardt
6 - Present Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (PH521) 2 credit (2013). School of Pharmacy, Concordia University Wisconsin. Course Director: Christopher Cunningham
7 - Present Pharmaceutics II: (PHAR 322), 4 credit course (2014). School of Pharmacy, Concordia University Wisconsin. Course Director: Armin Gehardt
8 - Present Independent Study (PHAR 602), 3 credit course (2014). Evaluation of dendrimer nanotechnology for Brain delivery of some bioactives. Jonas Ricordo Munhoz. School of Pharmacy, Concordia University Wisconsin.
9 - Present Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (PH523) 2 credit (2014). School of Pharmacy, Concordia University Wisconsin. Course Director: Mickle Pickart.
10 - Present Pharmaceutics II: (PHAR 322), 4 credit course (2015). School of Pharmacy, Concordia University Wisconsin. Course Director: Armin Gehardt
11 - Present Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (PH523) 2 credit (2015). School of Pharmacy, Concordia University Wisconsin. Course Director: Prof. Mickle Pickart.
12 - Present Drug and Consumer Product Design (MPD 534), 3 credit course (2015). Formulation and Drug Delivery. Masters in Pharmaceutical/Chemical Development, Concordia University Wisconsin. Course Director: Armin Gehardt
13 - Present Pharmaceutics II: (PHAR 322), 4 credit course (2016). School of Pharmacy, Concordia University Wisconsin. Course Director: Nancy Stoehr
14 - Present Drug and Consumer Product Design (MPD 599) 3 credit course (2016) Formulation and Drug Delivery. Masters in Pharmaceutical/Chemical Development, Concordia University Wisconsin. Co-Course Director along with Armin Gerhardt
15 - Present Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (PH523) 2 credit (2016). School of Pharmacy, Concordia University Wisconsin. Course Director: Mickle Pickart.
16 - Present Drug and Consumer Product Design (MPD 599) 3 credit course (2017) Formulation and Drug Delivery. Masters in Pharmaceutical/Chemical Development, Concordia University Wisconsin. Course Director: Armin Gerhardt.
School of Pharmacy/Graduate Student Education

Undergraduate Students
• Emily Dresen, CUW (2015)
MCW CTSI Start 500 program (2017)
• Enica Saffold
• Alexis Robinson Cooper
Summer Research
Graduate Students
MA Committees
2018 - Present 3. Jai Deo Pandey 'Mucoadhesive Microspheres of Antiallergic Agents for Nasal Delivery'. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University Uttar Pradesh, 2018.
MA Students Advised
Co-Supervisor 2019- 2023 (Supervisor Professor Stuart L Graham, Department of Clinical Medicine) (Paperwork in progress), Ophthalmology
MS Students Advised
- 2010 1. Hitesh Kulhari, India. 2010-2012, Bundelkhand University
• Dr. Rakesh K. Tekade, National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER) - Ahmedabad., Assistant Professor
PharmD Students
• Eric Newenhouse, CUW, Pharm D
• Brennin, Pharm D, O'Brien, CUW
• Hiwot Abebe, CUW, Pharm D
• Mitchelle Groth, CUW, Pharm D
• Jonas, Brazil exchange student, Munoz, CUW
Pharmacy Students
• Dominika Krynicka (2017-2020)
• Ryan Lindstrom (2017-2020)
• Jane Obradovich (2017-2020)
• Anamarie Tomaich (2018-2021)
• Jaclyn Utrie (2018-2021)
• Jacob Voyles (2018-2021)
• Amanda Walter (2018-2021)
• Michael Picciolo (2019-2022)
• Pham Le (2019-2022)
Scholarship Mentee
• Dominika Krynicka (2018)
• Becka Anton (2018)
• Alexendee Sperry (2019-20)
• Roberto Flotte (2019)
• Princess Graff (2019)
• Yen Troung (2020)
• Tarik Youssef ( 2020)
Scholarly Pathway Advisor
• Jane Obrodovich (2018-2019)
• Abdul Jamaleddin (2019-2020)
• Alexander Sperry (2019-2020)
• Anthony Suverdez (2019-2020)
• Glenn Hartle (2019-2020)
• Ly Huynh (2019-2020)
Resident Physician
Dr. Andrew Regent-Smith, Plastic surgery. Co-mentoring along with Prof. Ji- Geng Yan on the research project 'Innovative Sustained Calcitonin Release for Enhanced Peripheral Nerve Regeneration, Resident
Academic Mentee
• William Krombholz (2017-2020)

Research Programs
Established nanotechnology and formulation departments at Dendritic Nanotechnologies Inc (2004-2010, NanoSynthons Inc (2010- 2011) and Concordia University Wisconsin (2011- 2016).

Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. Reddy, N., Sujatha, P., Chauhan, A.S., Ramkrishna, S., and Diwan, P.V. (2003) A simple and sensitive reversed phase HPLC method for determination of celecoxib in rat plasma. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical sciences, 65(3), 260-263.
2. Sridevi, S., Chauhan, A.S., Jain, A., Chalasani, K.B and Diwan,P.V. (2003) Evaluation of in vitro and in vivo bioavailability of complexes of Gliquidone and Hydroxy propyl- cyclodextrin. Di- Pharmazie, 58(11), 807-10. PMID: 14664337
3. Chauhan, A. S., Sridevi, S., Chalasani, K. B., Jain, A., Jain, S.K., Jain N.K., and Diwan P.V. (2003) Dendrimer mediated transdermal Delivery: enhanced bioavailability of indomethacin. Journal of controlled release, 90,335-343. PMID: 12880700
4. Chauhan, A. S., Jain, N.K., and Diwan, P.V. (2004) Solubility Enhancement of Indomethacin using Dendrimer Complex and Bio-disposition Profile of these Complexes in Arthritic Rats. J. Drug Targeting, 12 (9-10), 575-583. PMID: 15621683
5. Asthana, A., Chauhan, A.S., Diwan, P.V., and Jain, N.K. (2005) PAMAM Dendritic Nanostructures for Controlled Site-specific Delivery of Acidic Anti-Inflammatory Active Ingredient. AAPS PharmSciTech., 6(3), art. no. 67.
6. Asthana, A., Chauhan, A.S., Diwan, P.V., and Jain, N.K. (2005) Poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) Dendritic Nanostructures for Controlled Site-specific Delivery of Acidic Anti-Inflammatory Active Ingredient. American Association of Pharmaceutical Science (AAPS) PharmSciTech, 6(3), E536-42. PMID: 16354015
7. Ramarao, P., Chalasani, K.B., Chauhan, A. S., Jain, A.K., Yandarpu, S. K., and Diwan, P.V. (2006) Controlled systemic delivery of indomethacin using membrane moderated, cream formulation based transdermal devices. Drug delivery, 13(3), 207-13. PMID: 16556573
8. Chauhan, A. S., Svenson, S., Reyna, L., Tomalia D.A. (2007) Solubility enhancement propensity of PAMAM nanoconstructs. Materials Matters- Nanomaterials issue, 2, 24-26. (Invited article).
9. Svenson, S., and Chauhan, A. S. (2008) Dendrimers for enhanced drug solubilization. Nanomedicine, 3(5), 679-702. PMID: 18817470
10. Chauhan, A. S., Diwan, P.V., Jain, N.K., and Tomalia D.A. (2009). Simple, Terminal Functionalized Poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) Dendrimers: In Vivo Active Macromolecular Anti-inflammatory Agents. Biomacromolecule, (5), 1195-202. PMID: 19348417
11. Chauhan, A. S., Jain, N.K., and Diwan, P.V., (2009). Pre-Clinical and Behavioral Toxicity Profile of PAMAM Dendrimer in Mice. Proceedings of The Royal Society A. doi: 10.1098/rspa.2009.0448.
12. Kulhari, H., Pooja, D., Prajapati, S.K., Chauhan, A. S. (2011) Performance evaluation of PAMAM dendrimer-based Simvastatin formulations. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 405(1-2), 203-209. PMID: 21145960
13. Yandrapu, S.K., Kanujia, P., Chalasani, K.B., Mangamoori, L., Kolapalli, R.V. Chauhan, A.S. (2013) Development and optimization of thiolated dendrimer as a viable mucoadhesive excipient for the controlled drug delivery: An acyclovir model formulation. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine. May;9(4): 514-22.. PMID:23117047
14. Kulhari, H., Kulhari, D.P., Prajapati, S.K., Chauhan, A. S. (2013) Optimization of carboxylate-terminated poly(amidoamine) dendrimer-mediated cisplatin formulation. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy Nov 18 ( Epub).
15. Kulhari, H., Kulhari, D.P., Singh, M.K., Chauhan, A. S. (2013) Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Studies of Poly(amidoamine) Dendrimer Based Simvastatin Oral Formulations for the Treatment of Hypercholesterolemia. Mol Pharm. Jul 1; 10(7):2528-33..
16. Tekade, R., Tekade, M., Kumar, M., Chauhan, A.S. (2015) Dendrimer-stabilized smart-nanoparticle (DSSN) platform for targeted delivery of hydrophobic antitumor therapeutics. Pharmaceutical Research. 32(3), 910-928.
17. Chauhan, A.S. (2015) Dendrimer Nanotechnology for Enhanced Formulation and Controlled Delivery of Resveratrol. : Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1348(1):134-40.
18. Tekade, R., Maheshwari, R., Sharma,P., Chauhan, A.S. (2015) siRNA Therapy, Challenges and Underlying Perspectives of Dendrimer as Delivery Vector. Current Pharmaceutical Design 21(31):4614-36.
19. Katare, Y.K., Daya, R.P., Sookram, C., Luckham,R.E., Bhandari, J., Chauhan, A.S *., Mishra, R.K.* (2015) Brain targeting of a water insoluble antipsychotic drug haloperidol via intranasal route using PAMAM dendrimer. Mol. Pharmaceutics (12 (9),3380-3388 Selected as Editor's choice from American Chemical Society. DOI: 0.1021/acs.molpharmaceut.5b00402.
20. This article has been recommended in F1000Prime as being of special significance in its field by F1000 Faculty
21. Singh, M.K., Pooja, D.,Kulhari, H., Jain, S.K., Sistla, R., Chauhan, A. S. (2016) Poly (amidoamine) dendrimer-mediated hybrid formulation for combination therapy of ramipril and hydrochlorothiazide. Eur J Pharm Sci. 2016 Sep 8; 96:84-92. doi: 10.1016
22. Pentek T.J., Newenhouse E., O'Brien B., Chauhan A.S. (2017). Development of a Topical Resveratrol Formulation for Commercial Applications Using Dendrimer Nanotechnology. Molecules. 2017 Jan 14;22(1). pii: E137. doi: 10.3390/molecules22010137.
23. Chauhan A.S. (2018). Dendrimers for drug delivery. Molecules. Apr 18;23(4). pii: E938. doi: 10.3390/molecules23040938.
24. Chauhan A.S., Kaul, M. (2018). Engineering of "critical nanoscale design parameters" (CNDPs) in PAMAM dendrimer nanoparticles for drug delivery applications. Journal of Nanoparticle Research (Springer Nature). September 2018, 20:226.
25. Singh, M.K., Kuncha, M., Laksham Nayak, V., Sarma, A.V., Jerald Mahesh Kumar, M., Sistla, R., Chauhan,A.S. An innovative In-situ method of creating hybrid dendrimer nano-assembly: An efficient next generation dendritic platform for drug delivery. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine. Volume 21, October 2019, 102043.
26. PATENTS (Pending/Granted)
27. Chauhan, A.S., Chalasani, K.B., Sridevi, S., Sarath, Y., Rajashekhar, K., Charry, M., Diwan, P.V. and Ragahvan, K.V. Therapeutic / edible formulations comprising herbal ingredients and method for treating hyperglycemia. US Patent no - US6989160B2.
28. Chauhan, A.S., Diwan P.V., Jain N.K., and Ragahvan, K.V. Compositions and complexes containing a macromolecular polymer as potential anti-inflammatory agents. US20030180250A1.
29. Chauhan, A.S., Diwan P.V., Jain N.K., and Ragahvan, K.V. Compositions and complexes containing a macromolecular polymer as potential anti-inflammatory agents. USPTO- 20070014757A1.
30. Chauhan, A.S., Diwan P.V., Jain N.K., and Ragahvan, K.V. Macromolecular compounds as potential anti-inflammatory agents. WO2003080121A1.
31. Chauhan, A.S., Chalasani, K.B., Sridevi, S., Sarath, Y., Rajashekhar, K., Charry, M., Diwan, P.V. and Ragahvan, K.V. Therapeutic / edible formulations comprising herbal ingredients and method for treating hyperglycemia. PCT/IB2002/001151.
32. Chauhan,A.S., Diwan P.V., Jain N.K., and Ragahvan, K.V. Macromolecular compounds as potential anti-inflammatory agents. AU/ 2002249486.
33. Chauhan A. et al., Dendritic polymers with enhanced amplification and interior functionality. PCT/US2005/047635.
34. Chauhan Abhay et al., Dendritic polymers with enhanced amplification and interior functionality. US7985424B2.
35. Chauhan, A.S., and Svenson, S. Formulations containing hybrid dendrimers. PCT/US2007/014402.
36. Svenson, S., and Chauhan, A.S. PEHAM dendrimers as excipients. WO/2008/030591.
37. Svenson, S., and Chauhan, A.S. PEHAM dendrimers as excipients. US20090324742A1.
38. Chauhan Abhay et al., Dendritic polymer with enhanced extension and interior functionality. JP2013231034A.
39. Chauhan, A.S., Tomalia, D.A. Fluorescent dendrimer. US Provisional. 2008.
40. Hayes, R. T., Owen, J.D., Chauhan, A.S., Pulgam, V.R. PEHAM dendrimers for use in agriculture. PCT/US2010/054164.
41. Hayes, R. T., Owen, J.D., Chauhan, A.S., Pulgam, V.R. PEHAM dendrimers for use in agriculture. US9585387B1.
42. Chauhan, A.S., Gerhardt, A.G., Newenhouse, E. Dendrimer nanostructure-based resveratrol formulations. US9855223B2. January 2018.
43. Chauhan, A.S., Gerhardt, A.G., Newenhouse, E. Compositions comprising a dendrimer-resveratrol complex and methods for making and using the same.US10,406,119. September 10, 2019.
Books, Chapters, and Reviews
1. Chauhan, A.S. and Kulhari, H. (Editors) 'Pharmaceutical Applications of Dendrimers' for Elsevier. (2019).
2. Sharma, P., Maheswari, R., Tekade, M., Shrivastava,S., Tekade, K., Chauhan, A. 'Dendrimers for gene delivery' in Book "Dendrimers for Drug Delivery" 2018 Editors: Anil K. Sharma,A.K., Keservani, R.K. Tylor and Francis, Apple Academic Press, Ontario, Canada.
3. Chauhan, A.S. 'Transportation and bio interaction properties in nanomaterials across biological systems' in Book "Basic Fundamentals of Drug Delivery" Editor: Tekade, R. 2018 ISSN: 978-0-12-817909-3. Basic Fundamentals of Drug Delivery
4. Chauhan, A.S 'Dendrimers for drug delivery' in Book " Dendrimers: A Themed Issue in Honor of Professor Donald A. Tomalia on the Occasion of His 80th Birthday". Ed. Ashok Kakkar. ISBN 978-3-03897-378-2 (Pbk); ISBN 978-3-03897-379-9 (PDF)
5. (registering DOI).