Medical College of Wisconsin
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Alexis J. Gumm MD
Assistant Professor
Department of Pediatrics
Division of Gastroenterology

Children’s Wisconsin - Milwaukee Hospital
8915 W Connell Court
Milwaukee, WI 53226

2011 - Present Culver-Stockton College, Canton MO, Bachelor of Science - Biological Chemistry
08/2015 - 06/2018 Public Health - Pediatrics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
2015 - Present University of Illinois College of Medicine, Rockford, IL - Medical Degree
2015 - 2018 University of Wisconsin School of Medicine & Public Health, Madison, WI - Pediatrics
08/2018 - 06/2021 Pediatric Gastroenterology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
2018 - 2021 Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI - Pediatric Gastroenterology
08/2021 - 06/2022 Pediatric Hepatology Transplant, Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, MA
2021 - 2022 Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, MA - Pediatric Hepatology Transplant
- 08/2011 Biological Chemistry, Culver-Stockton College, Canton, MO
- 06/2015 Medical, University of Illinois College of Medicine, Rockford, IL

2022 - Present Assistant Professor, Pediatric Transplant Hepatologist & Gastroenterologist

08/2022 - Present Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
04/2023 - Present Children's Fox Valley

Board Certified
Issue DateExpiration
2021 - Present Pediatric Gastroenterology
2018 - Present Pediatrics
Number Issue DateExpiration
2015 - Present IHI
2017 - Present CITI
2017 - Present Wisconsin State License

05/2011 - Present Honors Program graduate, Culver-Stockton College
05/2011 - Present Summa Cum Laude graduate, Culver-Stockton College
01/2014 - 12/2015 University of Illinois College of Medicine in Rockford, Student Government President
10/2019 - Present Society in Pediatric Liver Transplantation (SPLIT) Annual Meeting Travel Award
03/2021 - Present Poster Winner, Is the Liver Vulnerable to Injury During Exercise in Patients s/p Fontan? A prospective pilot study, Department of Pediatrics Poster Session, Milwaukee, WI
04/2105 - Present University of Illinois Chancellor's Student Service and Leadership Award, a competitive
A competitive award to attend the SPLIT annual meeting as a trainee
Student organizations and campus activities
While demonstrating a commitment to the UIC community through participation in
Award given to an outstanding student leader who maintains high academic achievement

2015 - Present American Academy of Pediatrics
2016 - Present American Medical Association
2018 - Present North American Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology (Hepatology and Nutrition)
2019 - Present Society of Pediatric Liver Transplantation
2020 - Present American Society of Transplantation
2021 - Present American Association for the Study of Liver Disease
Dates: September 2020 - August 2021
Source: Digestive Disease Center
circulation? A Prospective Pilot Study"
Title: "Does High-Intensity Exercise cause Acute Liver Injury in Patients with Fontan
Direct Funds: $20 (000)

Poster Presentation:
2018 Perinatal and Early-Life Microbiota Changing Risk Factors May Impact Celiac Disease
Pediatric Academic Society, Toronto, Canada
Residency and Fellowship Academic Projects:
Advocacy Project:
2016 Does spanking have you frustrated?
UWSMPH Pediatrics Residency Morning Report Conference Series
Made a brochure for and wrote an article as the "no hit zone" piloted at American Family
Children's Hospital
Quality Improvement Projects:
2016 Irritable Bowel Syndrome
University of Wisconsin Health System
2018 - 2021 Post-Transplant Immunizations
Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
Checked vaccine titers on post-liver transplant patients and recommended certain vaccines
based on titers and specific criteria
2020 Fever & Liver Transplant Algorithm
Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
Principal investigator
Created an algorithm and EPIC order set for workup, diagnosis and treatment of liver transplant
patients with fevers to standardize care across the hepatology division
2020 Infant with Cholestasis Algorithm
Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
Principal Investigator
Created an EPIC order set for workup, diagnosis and treatment of infants with cholestasis to
standardize care across the hepatology division
2020 Acute Hepatitis and Jaundice Algorithm
Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
Principal Investigator
Created an EPIC order set for workup, diagnosis and treatment of patients with acute hepatitis
and jaundice to standardize care across the hepatology division
2020 Chronic Hepatitis Algorithm
Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
Principal Investigator
Primary Researcher
Made recommendations regarding proper tests for the diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome
Created an EPIC order set for workup, diagnosis and treatment of patients with chronic hepatitis
to standardize care across the hepatology division
Evidence Based Medicine Presentation
2016 To scope or not to scope. That is the question.
UWSMPH Pediatrics Residency Morning Report Conference Series
To determine when endoscopic biopsies are necessary or can be avoided in patients with
markedly elevated tissue transglutaminase levels.
Made recommendations to improve the positive predictive value of tissue transglutaminase.
Morbidity and Mortality Presentation
2017 Concern for Rejection
UWSMPH Pediatrics Residency Morning Report Conference Series
Discussed a M&M case regarding a patient with a small bowel transplant who presented with
concerns for rejection. She was put through unnecessary testing that put her at high risk for
morbidity and mortality.
Made recommendations to improve the planning of procedures and how to prevent this case
scenario from happening again.
Scholarly Project
UW Research Day
Pediatric Academic Society
Primary Researcher
Conclusion: This retrospective chart review was able to identify family history of CD and
animal exposure as specific early-life influencers that could predispose one to developing CD
2019 - 2021 Does High-Intensity Exercise cause Acute Liver Injury in Patients with Fontan Circulation? A
Prospective Pilot Study
Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
Principal Investigator
Conclusion: In patients post Fontan procedure, the liver receives less oxygen during exercise
and recovers slowly. In patients with normal systolic function, no clinical evidence of acute
liver injury was found with exercise. Further studies are needed to understand the impact of
exercise on liver injury and FALD
2021 - 2022 The Role of Cardiac MRI in Fontan-Associated Liver Disease
Boston Children's Hospital
Conclusion: This retrospective chart review compared cardiac MRI and abdominal ultrasound
finding in patients with clinically significant Fontan-associated liver disease (FALD) versus
Principal Investigator
those without clinically significant FALD. We found that liver surveillance is uncommon, but clinically significant abnormal abdominal ultrasound findings are common in patients with Fontan circulation. Lastly, increased IVC flow may be an important marker of FALD; however, larger prospective studies are warranted to identify those patients in need of early hepatology referral
Current Academic Projects:
Scholarly Project
2022 - Present Is High-Intensity Exercise Safe in Patients with Fontan Circulation? A Prospective Study
Children's Wisconsin
Evaluating the safety of exercise in patients with Fontan circulation (with and without heart
failure) and comparing the data to patients without Fontan circulation
National Consortiums
2022 - Present Severe Hepatitis in Pediatric Patients (SHIPP)
Children's Wisconsin
Site Investigator
Creating a national registry of cases of acute hepatitis among children who are < 18 years of age
in the United States
Quality Improvement Project
2022 - Present Post-Transplant Immunizations
Children's Wisconsin
Checking vaccine titers on post-liver transplant patients and recommending certain vaccines
based on titers and specific criteria
2021 - Present
10/2022 - Present
11/2022 - Present
2022 - Present
Poster Presentations:
2019 Live Vaccine Administration in Patients Post-Liver Transplant
Society of Pediatric Liver Transplantation, Houston, TX
2019 Liver Failure and X-Linked Imunodeficiency Type 47
Society of Pediatric Liver Transplantation, Houston, TX
North American Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition - Virtual
American Society for the Study of Liver Disease, Virtual Conference
North American Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
American Association for the Study of Liver Disease