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Amy Heffelfinger PhD
Department of Neurology
Division of Pediatric Neuropsychology

Children’s Wisconsin - Milwaukee Hospital
8915 W Connell Court
Milwaukee, WI 53226

09/1988 - 05/1992 BS, Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, IN
09/1992 - 08/1997 PhD, Washington University, St. Louis, MO
09/1997 - 05/1999 MPE, Washington University, St. Louis, MO

09/1996 - 08/1997 Internship, Child Neuropsychology/Pediatric Psychology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
09/1997 - 09/2000 Fellowship, Child Neuropsychology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO
09/2003 - 06/2005 Clinical Research Scholars Program, K30 program to support clinical research, NIH

09/1998 - 08/2000 Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, Religion, and Social Science, Fontbonne University, St. Louis, MO
10/2000 - 2007 Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology, Division of Neuropsychology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
02/2002 - Present Adjunct Faculty, Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
02/2005 - Present Adjunct Faculty, Department of Psychology, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI
12/2005 - Present Secondary Appointment, Department of Neurosurgery, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
08/2007 - 06/30/2017 Associate Professor, Department of Neurology, Division of Neuropsychology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
09/2007 - Present Secondary Appointment, Department of Pediatrics, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
07/01/2017 - Present Professor, Neurology, Medical College of Wisconsin

10/2004 - 08/2008 Assistant Director, Training in Neuropsychology
09/2008 - Present Director, Training in Neuropsychology

10/2000 - 01/01/2018 Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital, 9200 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53226
10/2000 - Present Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, 9000 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53201-1997

Number Issue DateExpiration
Wisconsin License Board Certified in Clinical Neuropsychology (ABCN/ABPP)
Missouri License (inactive)

05/1992 - Present Summa Cum-Laude, Valparaiso University
01/1999 - Present Rita G. Rudel Foundation Award , Developmental Neuropsychology (peer review, one awarded every two years based on proposed research)
09/1999 - Present Individual National Research Service Award, National Institute of Mental Health
06/2003 - 05/2007 National Institute of Health’s Loan Repayment Program , Pediatric Researchers (competitive award based on commitment to clinical research)
09/2003 - Present Medical College of Wisconsin Clinical Research Scholar, NIH funded K30 program
2019 - Present Vitality Award, Medical College of Wisconsin

Peer Review
The MacArthur Three-City Outcome Study
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Psychopathology and Development
Role & Effort:
10/1997 - 10/1999
Preschool Depressive Syndromes
National Institute of Mental Health
Role & Effort:
Joan Luby
04/1998 - 04/2003
Memory and Cortisol in Depressed Preschool Children
National Institute of Mental Health
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
09/1999 - 09/2000
Direct Funds:
Psychiatric Disorders in Adults with Diabetes Mellitus
National Institute of Mental Health
Role & Effort:
Patrick Lustman
10/1999 - 10/2004
Longitudinal Twin Studies of Early Emotional Development
National Institute of Mental Health
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
H. Hill Goldsmith and Self
04/2002 - 04/2008
Direct Funds:
Validation of Preschool Depressive Syndromes
National Institute of Mental Health
Role & Effort:
Joan Luby
12/2002 - 11/2007
Psychopathology, Cortisol, and Memory in Young Children
National Institute of Mental Health
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
04/2003 - 04/2007
Direct Funds:
Secondary Conditions and Adaptation in Spina Bifida
AUCD/Center for Disease Control
Role & Effort:
Kathy Sawin
10/2003 - 10/2007
Non-Peer Review
Visual Attention in Children Prenatally Exposed to Cocaine
Scientific Research Society
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
1995 - 1997
Direct Funds:
Executive Functioning in Preschool Children with Externalizing Disorders
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Psychopathology and Development
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
10/1997 - 10/1998
Direct Funds:
Frontal EEG Asymmetry and Executive Functioning in ADHD Preschool Children
Rita G. Rudel Foundation
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
01/1999 - 12/2000
Direct Funds:
CollaboratoThe Efficacy of Risperidone in Preschool Children with Autism and Severe Pervasive Developmental Disorders Not Otherwise Specifiedr
Janssen Pharmaceutical Company
Role & Effort:
Joan Luby
06/1999 - 06/2002
Neuropsychological Correlates in Preschool Psychopathology
Medical College of Wisconsin Young Investigator Award
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
12/2003 - 06/2006
Direct Funds:
Functional MRI to Document Recovery Following Pediatric TBI: A Pilot Study
Medical College of Wisconsin’s General Clinical Research Center
Role & Effort:
Kelly S. Tieves, DO, MS
10/2005 - 01/2008
Direct Funds:
Identification of Attention and Executive Impairment in Early Neurological Injury
Medical College of Wisconsin’s Clinical Research Training Award
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
01/2006 - 01/2008
Direct Funds:
Identification of Attention and Executive Impairment in Early Neurological Injury
Medical College of Wisconsin’s General Clinical Research Center
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
01/2006 - 12/2008

Infant and Preschool Neuropsychological Development and Assessment, Wisconsin School Psychologist Association Fall 2001 Convention, Manitowoc, WI, 10/26/2001 - Present
Preschool Neuropsychology: What it means for learning and behavior, Mothers of Preschoolers: Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, Milwaukee, WI, 05/14/2002 - Present
Infant and Preschool Psychopathology, Academic & Diagnostic Services of Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI, 10/24/2002 - Present
Early Neuropsychological Development and Assessment, Stevens Point Area Public Schools Regional Meeting, Stevens Point, WI, 03/12/2004 - Present
Neuropsychology and Spina Bifida, Spina Bifida Regional Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, 10/12/2004 - Present
Clinical Research in Infant and Preschool Neuropsychological Development and Assessment, Midwest Neuropsychological Society, Madison, WI, 05/06/2005 - Present
Prevention and Intervention for Shaken Baby Syndrome, Guardian Angel Annual Training Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, 11/20/2005 - Present
Prevention and Intervention for Shaken Baby Syndrome, COA Daycare Provider Training Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, 04/17/2006 - Present
Prevention and Intervention for Shaken Baby Syndrome, Milwaukee Area Daycare Director’s Annual Training Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, 04/18/2006 - Present
Shaken Baby Syndrome: Education Regarding Outcomes and Prevention, Wisconsin’s Bureau of Regulation and Licensing Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, 09/08/2006 - Present
Assessing Early Cognition: Neuropsychology of Typical and Atypical Development, WNMD Women's Ministries 2007 Unlimited Faith Conference, Appleton, WI, 03/30/2007 - 03/31/2007
The Benefit of Neuropsychological Assessment for Individuals with Genetic Disorders, WI Genetics Exchange Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, 10/09/2009 - Present
The Role of Neuropsychology in Optimizing Intellectual, Academic, and Psychosocial Functioning for Children with NF1, WI Neurofibromatosis Association, Milwaukee, WI, 03/19/2010 - Present
Johnny isn’t the Same: Sequelae of TBI, CHW Annual Nursing Conference in Emergency Medicine, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin; Milwaukee, WI, 10/08/2010 - Present
The importance of neuropsychology in promoting positive cognitive and emotional outcomes from childhood brain tumors, Pediatric Neuro-Oncology Conference, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin; Milwaukee, WI, 03/26/2011 - Present
Nonverbal Learning and Executive Functioning Disabilities in Individuals with Spina Bifida, WI Spina Bifida Association, Milwaukee, WI, 03/26/2011 - Present

Medical College of Wisconsin
10/2004 - 01/2005 Alternate Voting Member, General Clinical Research Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
01/2005 - 2008 Full Voting Member, General Clinical Research Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
09/2008 - Present Full Voting Member, Clinical and Translational Science Institute, Pediatric Translational Research Unit Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
01/2011 - Present Member, Committee on Research Development, Department of Neurology, Medical College of Wisconsin
01/2011 - Present Member, Committee on Faculty Compensation, Department of Neurology, Medical College of Wisconsin
04/2010 - Present Planning Team, Annual Interdisciplinary Pediatric Behavioral Health Research Conference, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin

Graduate Student Education
06/2001 - Present Train psychology graduate students in neuropsychology
09/2002 - Present Introduce and educate undergraduate students from 5 various colleges on Child Development and Neuropsychology
Resident and Fellow Education
10/2000 - Present Supervise clinical activities for Pediatric Post-Doctoral Fellows, Co-Teach neuropsychology didactics, 3 division meetings/week Conduct P.I.N.T. Clinic Case Conference weekly

Medical Student Education
09/25/2003 - Present Marquette University, Stress Negatively Impacts Memory in Preschoolers: What are the Risks?

Medical Students
06/2006 - 08/2006 SueMae Ooi, Results presented at MCW Summer Research Presentation and accepted for presentation at 2007 International Neuropsychological Society, Medical College of Wisconsin
Clinical/Research Fellows
09/2005 - 05/2007 Jennifer I. Koop, Clinical Research mentor for K30 Clinical Research Scholars Program, Medical College of Wisconsin
09/2003 - 08/2005 Jennifer I. Koop, Medical College of Wisconsin
09/2004 - 08/2006 Tanya M. Brown, Medical College of Wisconsin
09/2005 - 08/2007 Elizabeth Nelson, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2006 - 06/2008 Michael Zaccariello, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2008 - 07/2010 Kristin Phillips, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2009 - 06/2011 Frank Gallo, Medical College of Wisconsin
09/2001 - 09/2003 Kimberly Rennie, Supervisor for neuropsychological activities for hours to be eligible for licensure, Medical College of Wisconsin

Medical Students
2000 - Present 3 students per year, 27 total, Pediatric Neuropsychology Supervisor
Graduate Students
PhD Committees
06/2002 - 08/2004 Andrea Schwarte, Dissertation: An Evaluation of the Diagnostic Utility of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Measures Using Discriminant Function Analysis, Marquette University
08/2006 - 2010 Kara Lindstedt, Dissertation Co-Chair, Marquette University
09/2006 - 10/2008 Frank Gallo, Dissertation: Executive Functions in Young Children with Williams Syndrome, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee
09/2007 - 04/2009 Michael Gaffrey, Dissertation: Early Brain Growth In Developmental Disabilities: An Examination of Head Circumference, Diagnosis, and Early Skill Development, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee
07/2006 - 06/2008 Lisa Cox
07/2007 - 06/2009 Rebecca Torres
01/27/2000 - Present, Cortisol and Memory in Preschool Children: Stress Negatively Impacts Early Learning
07/23/2001 - Present, Preschool and Infant Neuropsychological Development and Assessment
07/26/2002 - Present, Preschoolers with Extremes in Emotions and Behaviors: Are They at Risk for Neuropsychological Difficulty?
08/07/2002 - Present, Preschoolers with Extremes in Emotions and Behaviors: Are They at Risk for Neuropsychological Difficulty?
10/01/2003 - Present, Neurodevelopmental Issues
08/07/2004 - Present, Preschoolers with Extremes in Emotions and Behaviors: Are They at Risk for Neuropsychological Difficulty?
10/16/2008 - Present, Attention Abilities in Young Children with Neurological Injury or Disorder

Educational Programs
2000 - Present Conduct weekly P.I.N.T. Clinic case conference involving a 15 week didactic overview of early neural and cognitive development and infant and preschool diagnoses
2000 - Present Developed the Preschool and Infant Neuropsychology Testing (P.I.N.T.) Clinic for specialized assessment of infants and preschoolers
2001 - 2007 Created a curriculum for our undergraduate practicum students in the Milwaukee Twin Project
09/2003 - Present Formalized a 4 rotation plan for our resident’s training, including a P.I.N.T. Clinic rotation and a Medical/Neurological Rotation
07/2004 - 05/2007 The Milwaukee Pediatric Neuropsychology Research Interest Group, developed, organize and conduct bi-weekly meetings
10/2010 - Present Co-Developed The Autism Clinic for specialized screening for autism spectrum disorders in young children

Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. Heffelfinger, A., Craft, S. & Shyken, J. 1997. Visual attention in children prenatally exposed to cocaine. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 3, 237-245.
2. Ablow, J., Measelle, J., Kraemer, H., Harrington, R., Luby, J., Smider, N., Dierker, L., Clark, V., Dubika, B., Heffelfinger, A., Essex, M., & Kupfer, D. 1999. The MacArthur Three-City Outcome Study: Evaluating Multi-Informant Measures of Young Children's Symptomatology.. Journal of Adolescent and Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 38, 1580-1591.
3. Heffelfinger, A. & Newcomer, J. 2001. Glucocorticoid effects on the development of memory throughout the lifespan. Development and Psychopathology, 13: 491-513.
4. Heffelfinger, A., Craft, S. White, D., & Shyken, J. 2002. Visual attention in preschool children prenatally exposed to cocaine: Implications for behavioral regulation. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 8: 12-21.
5. Luby, J.L., Heffelfinger A., Measelle, J.R., Ablow, J.C., Essex, M.J., Dierker, L., Harrington, R., Kraemer H.C., Kupfer, D. 2002. Differential Performance of the MacArthur HBQ and DISC-IV in Identification of DSM-IV Internalizing Psychopathology in Young Children. Journal of Adolescent and Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 41(4): 458-466.
6. Luby, J.L., Heffelfinger, A., Mrakotsky, C., Hessler, M., & Brown, K. 2002. Preschool Major Depressive Disorder (MDD): Validation for developmentally modified DSM-IV criteria. Journal of Adolescent and Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 41(8):928-937.
7. Luby, J.L., Heffelfinger, A., Mrakotsky, C., Brown, K., Hessler, M., Wallis, J., & Spitznagel, E. (2003) The Clinical Picture of Depression in Preschool Children. Journal of the American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry, 42(3):340 - 348.
8. Luby, J.L., Mrakotsky, C., Heffelfinger, A., Brown, K., Hessler, M., Spitznagel, E. (2003) Modification of DSM-IV Criteria for Depressed Preschool Children. American Journal of Psychiatry, 160:1169-1172.
9. Luby, J.L., Heffelfinger, A., Mrakotsky, C., Brown, K., Hessler, M., Spitznagel, E. (2003). Alterations in Stress Cortisol Reactivity in Depressed Preschoolers Relative to Psychiatric and No Disorder Comparison Groups. Archives of General Psychiatry, 60(12):1248-1255.
10. Luby, J.L., Heffelfinger, A., Koenig-McNaught, A.L., Brown, K., Spitznagel, E. (2004). The Preschool Feelings Checklist: A Brief and Sensitive Screening Measure for Depression in Young Children. Journal of the American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry.
11. Luby, J.L., Mrakotsky, C.M., Heffelfinger, A., Brown, K., & Spitznagel, E. (2004). Characteristics of depressed preschoolers with and without anhedonia: Evidence for a melancholic depressive sub-type in young children. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 161:1998-2004.
12. Luby, J.L., Mrakotsky, C.M., Stalets, M.M., Belden, A., Heffelfinger, A.K., Williams, M. and Spitznagel, E. (2006). Risperidone in Preschool Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders: An Investigation of Safety and Efficacy. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology.
13. Heffelfinger, A.K., Koop, J.I., Fastenau, P.S., Brei, T.J., Conant, L., Katzenstein, J., Cashin, S.E., and Sawin, K.J. (2008). The Relationship of Neuropsychological Factors to Functional Outcomes in Adolescents with Spina Bifida. The Journal of the International Neuropsychology Society.
14. Heffelfinger, A.K. and Koop, J.I. (2009). Preschool Neuropsychological Assessment: A Description of the Neuropsychological Assessment and Diagnostic Impressions in the P.I.N.T. Clinic after the First Five Years. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 23:512-76.
15. Koop, J.I. and Heffelfinger, A.K. (Reject/Resubmit). Perinatal Complications and Attention in Clinically Referred Preschool Children. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics.
16. Heffelfinger, A.K., Gallo, F., Koop, J.I., Lindstedt, K., Philips, K., Navarro, D., and Espy, K.A. (Submitted). Utility of attention and executive functioning tasks in a preschool neuropsychology clinic.
17. Miller, M., Heffelfinger A., Landsman, R., Scott, J.P. (2020). Empowering parents of children with sickle cell disease through education. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. Manuscript submitted for publication.
18. Loman, M., Vogt, E., Miller, L., Landsman, D., Duong, P., Kasten, J., DeFrancisco, D., Koop, J., & Heffelfinger, A. (in press). “How To” Operate a Pediatric Neuropsychology Practice During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Real Tips from One Practice’s Experience. Child Neuropsychology
19. Miller, LE, Kaseda, ET, Koop, JI, Mau, KA, & Heffelfinger, AK. (2020). Differential access to neuropsychological evaluation in in children with early brain insult or autism spectrum disorder: Impact of sociodemographic factors The Clinical Neuropsychologist.[Manuscript submitted for publication].
Books, Chapters, and Reviews
1. Heffelfinger, A.K. and Mrakotsky, C.M. (2006). Normative Cognitive Development during the Preschool Age in Handbook of Preschool Mental Health: Development, Disorders and Treatment. Ed. Luby, J.L. Guilford Press.
2. Mrakotsky, C.M. and Heffelfinger, A.K. (2006). Neuropsychological Assessment of Preschoolers in Handbook of Preschool Mental Health: Development, Disorders and Treatment. Ed. Luby, J.L. Guilford Press.
3. Heffelfinger, A.K. (2008). Never Ever Shake a Baby: Pass It On. In Pediatric Neuropsychology Case Studies. Ed. Niskala Apps, Newby, and Roberts. Springer.
4. AUTHORS. (in press). CHAPTER TITLE. In C. Block (Ed.), The Neuropsychology Roadmap: A Complete Training Guide (pp. TBA). Washington DC: APA Press.
1. Heffelfinger, A., Craft, S. & Sierles, H. (1995) Prenatal cocaine exposure and the development of cognition and language in young children. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 1 (2), 158. Presented at the 23rd Annual Meeting for the International Neuropsychological Society, Seattle, Washington.
2. Heffelfinger, A., Craft, S. & Shyken, J. (1995). Lateralized deficits in visual attention in infants prenatally exposed to cocaine. Presented at the 2nd Annual Meeting for the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, California.
3. Heffelfinger, A., Craft, S., White, D., & Shyken, J. (1997). Sustained attention in children prenatally exposed to cocaine. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 3 (1): 47. Paper presentation at the 25th Annual Meeting for the International Neuropsychological Society, Orlando, Florida.
4. Christ, S., White, D., & Heffelfinger, A. (1997). Young children with neurodevelopmental disorders: Prenatal cocaine exposure, phenylketonuria, and cerebral palsy. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 3 (1): 40. Presented at the 25th Annual Meeting for the International Neuropsychological Society, Orlando, Florida.
5. Heffelfinger, A., Luby, J., & Melbostad, H. (1999). Deficits in executive functioning in preschool children with externalizing disorders. Society for Research in Child Development. Presented at the Bi-annual meeting for the Society for Research in Child Development, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
6. Luby, J., Heffelfinger, A., & Mrakotsky, C. (1999). Stress cortisol reactivity in preschoolers with depressive symptoms versus controls. Presented at the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Chicago, Illinois.
7. Mrakotsky, C., Luby, J., & Heffelfinger, A. (1999). Face perception and emotion recognition in preschoolers with depressive symptoms. Presented at the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Chicago, Illinois.
8. Heffelfinger, A., Luby, J., & Mrakotsky, C. (1999). Salivary cortisol and verbal declarative memory in preschool children. Poster presentation at the German and Dutch Neuropsychological Association - Conference on Neuropsychology, Cologne, Germany.
9. Mrakotsky, C., Luby, J., & Heffelfinger, A. (1999). Influence of depressive symptoms and salivary cortisol on visual perception and affect recognition in preschool children. Poster presentation at the German and Dutch Neuropsychological Association - Conference on Neuropsychology, Cologne, Germany.
10. Heffelfinger, A., Luby, J., & Mrakotsky, C. (2000). The influence of increased salivary cortisol in response to stress on declarative memory in preschool children. Poster presentation at the 28th Annual Meeting for the International Neuropsychological Society, Denver, Colorado.
11. Mrakotsky, C., Luby, J., & Heffelfinger, A. (2000). Visual perception and affect recognition in preschool children: effects of depressive symptoms and salivary cortisol. Poster presentation at the 28th Annual Meeting for the International Neuropsychological Society, Denver, Colorado.
12. Davis, A. & Heffelfinger, A. (2003). Differentiating between diagnostic groups using adaptive functioning measures in preschool children. Poster presentation at the 31st Annual Meeting for the International Neuropsychological Society, Honolulu, Hawaii.
13. Heffelfinger, A., Mrakotsky, C., & Luby, J. (2004). The Modified Luria's Tapping Test: An effective measure to assess executive functioning in preschool children. Poster presentation at the 32nd Annual Meeting for the International Neuropsychological Society, Baltimore, Maryland.
14. Romain, J., Heffelfinger, A., & Conant, L. (2004). Treatment approaches in the syndrome of developmental amnesia. Poster presentation at the 32nd Annual Meeting for the International Neuropsychological Society, Baltimore, Maryland.
15. Heffelfinger, A. & Essex, M. (2005). Visual working memory ability is negatively impacted by stress-induced increases in cortisol. Poster presentation at Society for Research in Child Development 2005 Biennial Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia.
16. Koop, J.I. & Heffelfinger, A. (2005). Effects of Perinatal Complications versus Documented Neurological Insults on Cognitive Abilities in Preschool Children. Poster presentation at Society for Research in Child Development 2005 Biennial Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia.
17. Heffelfinger, A.K., Koop, J.I., Conant, L.L., Brei, T., Fastenau, P.S., & Sawin, K.J. (2006). Associations of Neuropsychological Functioning and Adolescent Activities with Adaptation Outcomes in Adolescents with Spina Bifida. Poster presentation at the 34th Annual Meeting for the International Neuropsychological Society, Boston, Massachusetts.
18. Koop, J.I., Heffelfinger, A.K., Kaufman, B.A., & Lew, S.M. (2006).Unshunted Compensated Hydrocephalus in Preschoolers: Neuropsychological and Clinical Outcomes. Poster presentation at the 34th Annual Meeting for the International Neuropsychological Society, Boston, Massachusetts.
19. Nelson, E.N. & Heffelfinger, A.K. (2006). Language Functioning Differentially Associated with Parent and Teacher Reports of Behavior Problems in Preschool Children. Poster presentation at the 34th Annual Meeting for the International Neuropsychological Society, Boston, Massachusetts.
20. Ooi, S.M., Lindstedt, K., Navarro, D., & Heffelfinger, A.K. (2007). Attention and Executive Impairment in Early Neurological Injury. Poster presentation at the 35th Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Portland, Oregon.
21. Phillips, K., Koop, J.I., & Heffelfinger, A.K. (2007). Clinical utility of the NEPSY Visual Attention Supplemental Indices. Poster presentation at the 35th Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Portland, Oregon.
22. Heffelfinger, A.K., Koop, J.I., Lindstedt, K., & Espy, K. (2007). Delayed Alternation: Clinical Application in 2-5 Year Olds. Poster presentation at the 35th Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Portland, Oregon.
23. Cox, L.R., Heffelfinger, A. K., Koop, J. I., Navarro, D. (2008). The relationship between child factors, family factors, and executive function in preschoolers. Poster presentation at the Midwest Neuropsychological Group Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
24. Gallo, F.J., Chaffin, M.J,, Heffelfinger, A., & Culbertson, J.L. (2009). Relations between CPTs and parent ratings of inattention and hyperactivity: The moderating effects of IQ. The Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society.
25. Torres, R., Heffelfinger, A., Navarro, D., Brindowski, K., Gagne, J., & Goldsmith, H. (2009). The relationship between performance on attention/executive functioning tests and parent report of externalizing behavior problems in three-year-old twins. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Atlanta.
26. Leiser, K, Kaugers, A., Heffelfinger, A., Koop, J., & Bird, E. (2011). The Parent-Child Relationship and Cognitive Outcome in Preschoolers with a Neurological Insult. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Boston.
27. Kaseda, E. T.*, Heffelfinger, A., Mau, K., Miller, L., Koop, J., Szabo, A., & Visotcky, A. (2020). Latent neuropsychological clusters in preschool-aged children. Poster accepted to be presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology, Washington DC.
28. Kaseda, E. T.*, Heffelfinger, A., Mau, K., Miller, L., Koop, J., Szabo, A., & Visotcky, A. (2021). Latent neuropsychological clusters in preschool-aged children. Poster to be presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology, Portland, OR.