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Barbara A. Bresnahan MD
Department of Medicine
Division of Nephrology

The Hub for Collaborative Medicine
8701 Watertown Plank Road
Milwaukee, WI 53226

09/1972 - 06/1976 B.A. Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
09/1977 - 05/1981 M.D. St. Louis University Medical School, St. Louis, MO

07/1981 - 09/1984 Internship and Residency in Internal Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
07/1987 - 10/1990 Fellowship in Nephrology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

07/1989 - 10/1990 Instructor, Department of Medicine, Division of Nephrology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
10/1990 - 06/1998 Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Nephrology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
07/1998 - 06/2014 Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Nephrology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
07/2014 - Present Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Nephrology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

07/1994 - 07/2013 Member, Institutional Review Board, Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital and Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
01/2006 - 07/2013 Associate Chief for Clinical Nephrology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
03/2012 - 02/2014 Interim Medical Director, Kidney and Pancreas Transplant, Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital, Milwaukee, WI
12/2013 - Present Member, Nominating Committee, Department of Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

07/1985 - 05/1987 Medical Staff, South Chicago Community Hospital, Chicago, IL
07/1989 - Present Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital, Milwaukee, WI
07/1989 - 06/1995 Milwaukee County Medical Complex, Milwaukee, WI
01/1996 - 02/2008 Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI
03/1996 - 03/2003 Columbia Hospital, Milwaukee, WI

Number Issue DateExpiration
Wisconsin License

10/1988 - 10/1991 Individual National Research Service Award, Public Health Service
11/2009 - Present Best Doctors in America
07/2011 - Present Froedtert Hospital received high national ranking in five specialties, including nephrology in U.S. News & World Report's 2011-12 "Best Hospitals" list
American Society of Nephrology
American Society of Transplantation
National Kidney Foundation of Wisconsin

2005 - Present Abstract Reviewer - American Transplant Congress, 2005 Meeting
2005 - 2008 American Society of Transplantation-Kidney Pancreas Committee

1. "Evaluation of Endpoints: Renal Transplantation", A Northwest Regional Advisory Board on Renal Transplantation in the New Millennium, Rancho Mirage, CA USA, 09/13/2003 - Present
2. "Cardiovascular Outcomes in Patients with Post-Transplant Diabetes Mellitus", AST Symposium at American Diabetes Association, Washington, DC, USA, 06/09/2006 - Present
3. "Renal Benefit of Belatacept versus Cyclosporine in Kidney Transplant Recipients Is Not Impacted by Acute Rejection", AST-Annual Scientific Exchange, Orlando, FL USA, 12/05/2009 - Present
1. "The Effect of ACE Inhibition in Diabetic Nephropathy - What This Means for the Primary Care Physician", Holy Family Memorial Medical Center, Manitowoc, WI USA, 11/08/1994 - Present
2. "Extended Donor Pool: Renal Transplant Results with Older and Pediatric Donors", Folkert O. Belzer Conference on New Strategies in Transplantation, Oshkosh, WI USA, 04/24/1998 - Present
3. "Nephrology", The ACP Preparation for Recertification Course, Chicago, IL USA, 10/11/2003 - Present
Medical Grand Rounds - Clinical Format, Milwaukee, WI USA, 10/03/97 - Present
1. "Update on Diabetic Nephropathy", Medical College of Wisconsin, Department of Medicine - Grand Rounds, Milwaukee, WI USA, 06/02/1995 - Present
2. "41 year old African American male with a history of arthritis presents with LE edema x 7 days", Medical College of Wisconsin, Department of Medicine Clinicopathological Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 01/09/1997 - Present
3. "Hypertension and Diabetes", Novartis Hypertension Preceptorship, Pewaukee, WI USA, 08/05/1997 - Present
5. "The Importance of Blood Pressure Control in Diabetic Nephropathy", Columbia Hospital, Milwaukee, WI USA, 02/24/1998 - Present
6. "Slowing the Progression of Diabetic Nephropathy", 29th Annual Winter Refresher Course for Family Physicians, Waukesha, WI USA, 01/29/1999 - Present
7. "Homocysteine and Coronary Artery Disease in Renal Transplant Recipients", Medical College of Wisconsin Transplant Conference, Milwaukee, WI USA, 04/26/1999 - Present
8. "Slowing the Progression of Diabetic Nephropathy", Medical College of Wisconsin Diabetes Nurse Educators, Milwaukee, WI USA, 08/08/2001 - Present
9. "Slowing the Progression of Diabetic Nephropathy", Medical College of Wisconsin Transplant Coordinators, Milwaukee, WI USA, 10/24/2001 - Present
10. "41 Year Old Man with Mediastinal Mass and Hypertension", Medical College of Wisconsin, Department of Medicine Clinicopathologic Conference, Milwaukee, WI USA, 09/12/2002 - Present
12. "Obesity and Kidney Disease", Medical College of Wisconsin, Department of Medicine/Grand Rounds, Milwaukee, WI USA, 09/18/2008 - Present
13. "Renal and Metabolic Benefits of Belatacept", Medical College of Wisconsin/ Transplant Conference, Milwaukee WI USA, 02/19/2010 - Present
14. "Results of the Phase III Belatacept Trial - 3 Year Results", Medical College of Wisconsin/ Transplant Conference, Milwaukee WI USA, 09/20/2011 - Present
11. "Diabetic Nephropathy", Fox Valley Nurse Practitioner's Educational Seminar, Milwaukee, WI
4. "A Patient with Lupus Nephritis", Medical College of Wisconsin, Department of Medicine

Medical Student Education
07/1992 - 06/1994 Clinical Advisor Junior and Senior Medical Student
Resident and Fellow Education
03/1989 - 05/1989 Introduction to Clinical Medicine
07/1989 - Present Nephrology Journal Club
07/1989 - Present Nephrology Research Conference
07/1989 - Present Clinical Inpatient Rotation in Nephrology, 3.5 - 4.5 months/year
01/1990 - 02/1991 Renal Pathology Course
03/1993 - 05/1993 Introduction to Clinical Medicine
03/1994 - Present Renal Pathology Course
07/1995 - Present Nephrology Case Conference
05/1996 - 03/1997 Clinical Inpatient Rotation in General Medicine, 1 month/year

Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. Melbye, S.W., Brant, B.A., Freedberg, I.M.: Epidermal nucleases. Br. J. Derm., 97:355, 1977.
2. Bresnahan, B.A., Roman, R.J., Bagchus, W.M., Lianos, E.A.: Mesangial cell immune injury: Effects of thromboxane receptor antagonism. J. Am. Soc. Neph. 1:1041, 1991.
3. Lianos, E.A., Bresnahan, B.A., Pan, C.: Mesangial cell immune injury: Synthesis, origin and role of eicosanoids. J. Clin. Invest. 88:623, 1991.
4. Bresnahan, B.A., Wu, S., Fenoy, F.J., Roman, R.J., Lianos, E.A.: Mesangial cell immune injury: Hemodynamic role of leukocyte and platelet-derived eicosanoids. J. Clin. Invest. 90:2304-2312, 1992.
5. Lianos, E.A., Bresnahan, B.A., Wu, S.: Pathophysiologic role of eicosanoids in mesangial cell immune injury. J. Lipid Mediators 6:333-342, 1993.
6. Wu, S., Bresnahan, B.A., Lianos, E.A.: Role of arachidonate 12- and 5- lipoxygenase pathways in mediating renal hemodynamic impairment in rat nephrotoxic serum nephritis. Kidney Int. 43:1280-1285, 1993.
7. Kelefiotis, D., Bresnahan, B.A., Stratidakis, I., Lianos, E.A.: Eicosanoid-induced growth and signaling events in rat glomerular mesangial cells. Prostaglandins 49: 269-283, 1995.
8. Bresnahan, B.A., LeBreton, G.C., Lianos, E.A.: Immunolocalization of authentic thromboxane A¬2/prostaglandin H¬2 receptor in the rat kidney. Kidney Int. 49:1207-1213, 1996.
9. Bresnahan, B.A., Kelefiotis, D., Stratidakis, J., Lianos, E.A.: PGF2-induced signaling events in glomerular mesangial cells. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 212:165-173, 1996.
10. Pan, C.G., Bresnahan, B.A., Albrightson, C.R., Griswold, D., Lianos, E.A.: Cytokine
11. inhibition preserves renal hemodynamic function following mesangial cell immune injury.
12. J. Invest. Med. 44:375-381, 1996.
13. Bresnahan, B.A. and Tamizuddin, A.: Acute Renal Failure. Grand Rounds at Froedtert Hospital. 4:2-3, 1997.
14. Bresnahan, B.A., Dufek, S., Wu, S., Lianos, E.A.: Charges in glomerular thromboxane A2 receptor expression and ligand binding following immune injury. Kidney Int. 55:139-147, 1999.
15. Lianos, E.A., Bresnahan, B.A.: Effect of thromboxane A2 inhibition and antagonism on prostaglandin and leukotriene synthesis in glomerular immune injury. J. Lab. Clin. Med. 134:478-482, 1999.
16. Hariharan, S., Johnson, C.P., Bresnahan, B.A., MacIntosh, M., Stablein, D.: Improved graft survival after renal transplantation in the United States, 1988 to 1996. N Engl J Med. 342:605-612, 2000.
17. Ahuja, M., Cohen, E.P., Dayer, A.M., Kampalath, B., Chang, C., Bresnahan, B.A., Hariharan, S.: Polyoma virus infection after renal transplantation: Use of immunostaining as a guide to diagnosis. Transplantation. 71:896-899, 2001.
18. Bresnahan, B.A., McBride, M., Cherikh, W.S., Hariharan, S.: Risk factors for renal allograft survival from pediatric cadaver donors: An analysis of United Network for Organ Sharing data. Transplantation. 72:256-261, 2001.
19. Hussain, S., Bresnahan, B.A., Cohen, E.P., Hariharan, S.: Rapid kidney allograft failure in patients with polyoma virus nephritis with prior treatment with anti-lymphocyte agents. Clin. Transplant. 16:43-47, 2002.
20. Bresnahan, B.A., Johnson, C.J., McIntosh, M.J., Stablein, D., Hariharan, S.: A comparison between recipients receiving matched kidney and those receiving mismatched kidney from the same cadaver donor. Am. J Transplant. 2:366-372, 2002.
21. Hariharan, S., McBride, M.A., Cherikh, W.S., Bresnahan, B.A., Johnson, C.P.: Post transplant renal function in the first year predicts long-term kidney transplant survival. Kidney Int. 62:311-318, 2002.
22. Khanna, A., Plummer, M., Bromberek, C., Bresnahan, B., Hariharan, S.: Expression of TGF- and Fibrogenic Genes in Transplant Recipients with Tacrolimus and Cyclosporin Nephrotoxicity. Kidney Int. 62:2257-2263, 2002.
23. Ganne, V., Siddiqi, N., Kampalath, B., Chang, C., Cohen, E.P., Bresnahan, B.A., Hariharan, S.: Humanized anti CD20 monoclonal antibody (Rituximab) treatment for post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder. Clin Transplant. 17:417-422, 2003.
24. Bresnahan, B., Pascual, M.: Understanding the impact of calcineurin inhibitor-based immunosuppression on renal allograft function and survival. Nephrology Updates 1: 1-7, May 2004.
25. Vasudev B, Hariharan S, Hussian SA, Zhu YR, Bresnahan BA, Cohen EP. BK Virus Nephritis: Risk Factors, timing and outcome in Renal Transplant Recipients. Kidney Int. 68:1834-1839, 2005.
26. Howard, A.D., Bresnhan, B.A.: Refining kidney transplant practice patterns for complete patient care. Graft 7:119-120, 2005.
27. Howard, A.D., Bresnhan, B.A.: Communication issues in ongoing care of kidney transplant patients. Graft 7:121-135, 2005.
28. Bresnahan, B.A.: Renal transplantation: Long-term renal function and the stable patient. Graft 7:156-167, 2005.
29. Cibrik, D., Meier-Kriesche, H., Bresnahan, B., Wu, Y.M., Klintmalm, G., Kew, C.E., Kuo, P.C., Whelchel, J., Cohen, D., Baliga, P., Akalin, E., Benedetti, E., Wright, F., Lieberman, B., Ulbricht, B., Jensik, S.: Renal function with cyclosporine C2 monitoring, enteric-coated mycophenolate sodium and basiliximab: a 12-month randomized trial in renal transplant recipients. Clin Transplant 21:192-201, 2007.
30. Saad, E.R., Bresnahan, B., Cohen E,P., Lu, N., Orentas, R, Vasudev, B, Hariharan, S.: Successful Treatment of BK Viremia Using Reduction in Immunosuppression without Anti-Viral Therapy. Transplantation. 85: 850-4, 2008.
31. Vincenti, F., Charpentier, B., Vanrenterghem, Y., Rostaing, L., Bresnahan, B., Darji, P., Massari, P., Mondragon-Ramirez, M.A., DiRusso, G., Garg, P., Chen-Sheng, L., Larsen, C.: A phase III study of belatacept-based immunosuppression regimens vs cyclosporine in renal transplant recipients (BENEFIT Study). Am. J Transplant. 10:535-546, 2010.
32. Larsen, C.P., Grinyo, J., Pestana, J.M., Vanrenterghem, Y., Vincenti, F., Breshahan, B., Campistol, J., Florman, S., del Carmen Rial, M., Rostaing, L., Block, A., Di Russo, G., Lin, C-S, Garg, P., Charpentier, P.: Belatacept-based regimens vs a cyclosporine-based regimen in kidney transplant recipients: 2-year results from the BENEFIT and BENEFIT-EXT studies. Transplantation. 90:1528-1535, 2010.
33. Vanrenterghem, Y., Bresnahan, B., Campistol, J., Durrbach, A., Grinyo, J., Neumayer, H.H., Lang, P., Larsen, C., Mancilla-Urrea, E., Pestana, JM., Block, A., Duan, T., Glicklich, A., Gujrathi, S., Vincenti, F.: Belatacept-Based Regimens Are Associated With Improved Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk Factors Compared With Cyclosporine in Kidney Transplant Recipients (BENEFIT and BENEFIT-EXT Studies. Transplantation. 91:976-983, 2011
34. Rostaing L, Neumayer HH, Reyes-Acevedo R, Bresnahan B, Florman S, Vitko S, Heifets M, Xing J, Thomas D, Vincenti F., Belatacept- versus Cyclosporine-based Immunosuppression in Renal Transplant Recipients with Pre-existing Diabetes. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2011 Nov; 6(11):2696-704
35. Vasudev M, Bresnahan BA, Cohen EP, Hari PN, Hariharan S, Vasudev BS., Percussion hemoglobinuria - a novel term for hand trauma-induced mechanical hemolysis: a case report. J Med Case Reports. 2011 Oct; 7;5(1):508.
36. Vincenti F, Larsen CP, Alberu J, Bresnahan B, Garcia VD, Kothari J, Lang P, Urrea EM, Massari P, Mondragon-Ramirez G, Reyes-Acevedo R, Rice K, Rostaing L, Steinberg S, Xing J, Agarwal M, Harler MB, Charpentier B., Three-Year Outcomes from BENEFIT, a Randomized, Active-Controlled, Parallel-Group Study in Adult Kidney Transplant Recipients. Am J Transplant. 2012 Jan, 12:210-14
37. Sood P, Senanayake S, Sujeet K, Medipalli R, Saad E, Vasudev B, Bresnahan BA, Johnson CP, Hariharan S. Lower Prevalence of BK Virus Infection in African-American Renal Transplant Recipients - A Prospective Study. Transplantation 2012 Feb,15;93(3):291-6.
38. Rostaing L, Vincenti F, Grinyó J, Rice KM, Bresnahan B, Steinberg S, Gang S, Gaite LE, Moal MC, Mondragón-Ramirez GA, Kothari J, Pupim L, Larsen CP. Long-term belatacept exposure maintains efficacy and safety at 5 years: results from the long-term extension of the BENEFIT study. Am J Transplant. 2013 Nov;13(11):2875-83. doi: 10.1111/ajt.12460. Epub 2013 Sep 18.
39. Kataria A, Cohen E, Saad E, Atallah E, Bresnahan B. Large Granular Lymphocytic Leukemia Presenting Late After Solid Organ Transplantation- A Case Series of Four Patients and Review of the Literature. Transplant Proc, 2014 Dec;46(10):3278-81. doi:10.1016/j.transproceed.2014.05.083. Epub 2014 Sep 18.
40. Florman S, Becker T, Bresnahan B, Chevaile-Ramos A, Grannas G, Muehlbacher F, O'Connell PJ, Meier,-Kriesche HU, Larsen CP. Efficacy and safety outcomes of extended criteria donor kidneys by subtype: Subgroup analysis of BENEFIT-EXT at 7 years after transplant. Am J Transplant. 2017 Jan, 17:180-190.
1. Brant, B., Melbye, S.W., Freedberg, I.M.: Human epidermal ribonucleases. Clin. Res. 24:261A, 1976.
2. Bresnahan, B.A., Lianos, E.A., Roman, R.J.: Effect of thromboxane (Tx) receptor antagonism on renal hemodynamic perturbations in anti-thymocyte serum nephritis (ATSN). Clin. Res. 37:486A, 1989.
3. Lianos, E.A., Bresnahan, B.A.: Glomerular leukotriene (LT) synthesis in anti-thymocyte serum nephritis (ATSN): Potential regulatory role of thomboxane (Tx).Clin. Res. 37:495A, 1989.
4. Bresnahan, B.A., Lianos, E.A.: Glomerular eicosanoid synthesis and interrelationship in mesangial cell immune injury. Clin. Res. 37:922A, 1989.
5. Bresnahan, B.A., Lianos, E.A.: A role of thromboxane (Tx) on glomerular leukotriene (LT) B4 synthesis in immune mesangial cell injury. Kidney Int. 37:346, 1990.
6. Lianos, E.A., Bresnahan, B.A.: Origin of leukotriene (LT) and HETE in glomerular epithelial (GE) and mesangial cell (MC) immune injury. Kidney Int. 37:421, 1990.
7. Pan, C., Bresnahan, B.A., Lianos, E.A.: Mesangial cell immune injury: Role of complement (C) in mediating eicosanoid synthesis and renal hemodynamic changes. Clin. Res. 38:849A, 1990.
8. Pan, C., Bresnahan, B.A., Lianos, E.A.: Mesangial cell immune injury: Role of complement in mediating eicosanoid synthesis and hemodynamic changes. J. Am.Soc. Neph. 1:447, 1990.
9. Bresnahan, B.A., Lianos, E.A.: Mesangial cell immune injury: Effects on glomerular eicosanoid synthesis and renal hemodynamics. Clin. Res. 39:183A, 1991.
10. Bresnahan, B.A., Fenoy, F.J., Roman, R.J. and Lianos, E.A.: Mesangial cell immune injury: Role of thromboxane in glomerular hemodynamics. J. Am. Soc. Neph. 2:425, 1991.
11. Bresnahan, B.A., Wu, S.H., Lianos, E.A.: Role of platelet and leukocyte-derived eicosanoids in mesangial cell immune injury. J. Am. Soc. Neph. 2: 426, 1991.
12. Wu, S.H., Bresnahan, B.A., Lianos, E.A.: Hemodynamic role of 12-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid and leukotrienes in nephrotoxic serum nephritis. J. Am. Soc. Neph. 3:459, 1992.
13. Pan, C.G., Bresnahan, B.A., Albrightson, C., Griswold, D., Lianos, E.A.: Mesangial cell immune injury: Pathophysiologic role of tumor necrosis factor. Clin.Res. 41:284A, 1993.
14. Kelefiotis, D., Bresnahan, B., Stratidakis, I., Lianos, E.A.: Eicosanoid-induced mesangial cell growth: Role of PLC and PKC activation. Clin. Res. 41:676A, 1993.
15. Pan, C.G., Bresnahan, B.A., Albrightson, C., Lianos, E.A.: Mesangial cell immune injury: Synthesis, origin and role of tumor necrosis factor. J. Am. Soc. Neph. 4:627, 1993.
16. Kelefiotis, D., Bresnahan, B., Stratidakis, I., Lianos, E.A.: Eicosanoid-induced mesangial cell growth: Role of PLC and PKC activation. J. Am. Soc. Neph. 4: 455, 1993.
17. Bresnahan, B.A., Lianos, E.A.: Mechanisms of PGF2-induced phospholipase C activation in mesangial cells. Clin. Res. 42:410A, 1994.
18. Pan, C.G., Bresnahan, B.A., Lianos, E.A.: Regulatory role of thromboxane in tumor necrosis factor synthesis in mesangial cell immune injury. Clin. Res. 42:398A, 1994.
19. Bresnahan, B.A., Lianos, E.A.: Mechanisms of PGF2-induced phospholipase C activation in mesangial cells. J. Am. Soc. Neph. 5:677, 1994.
20. Pan, C.G., Bresnahan, B.A., Lianos, E.A.: Regulatory interactions between tumor necrosis factor and eicosanoid in mesangial cell immune injury: Effects on renal hemodynamics. J. Am. Soc. Neph. 5:683, 1994.
21. Bresnahan, B.A., Lianos, E.A.: Localization of and changes in the glomerular thromboxane A2 receptor in glomerular immune injury. J. Am. Soc. Neph. 7:1645, 1996.
22. Bresnahan, B.A., Wu, S-H, Lianos, E.A.: Changes in glomerular TxA¬2 receptor expression and ligand binding in immune injury. J. Invest. Med. 45:325A, 1997.
23. Bresnahan, B.A., Wu, S-H, Lianos, E.A.: Changes in glomerular TxA¬2 receptor expression and ligand binding in immune injury. J. Am. Soc. Neph. 8:492A, 1997.
24. Bresnahan, B.A., McBride, M.A., Hariharan, S.: Risk factors for renal allograft survival from pediatric cadaver donors. Transplantation 65:160, 1998.
25. Khanna, A., Bresnahan, B.A., Plummer, M., Johnson, C., Roza, A., Adams, M., Hariharan, S.: Intra-renal expression of fibrogenic genes in renal allografts with tacrolimus and cyclosporine nephrotoxicity. Transplantation 67: S84, 1999.
26. Neuberg, M., Roza, A.M., Anderson, T., Bresnahan, B.A., Johnson, C.P., Adams, M.B., Hariharan, S.: Continuous IV 5' Fluorouracil (5-FU) for refractory squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in kidney transplant recipients. Transplantation 67: S166, 1999.
27. Ahuja, M., Jaffe, J.S., Bresnahan, B.A., Adams, M.B., Johnson, C.P., Roza, A.M., Hariharan, S.: Rapamycin (RAPA) lowers dose requirements of Cyclosporin (CSA) in renal transplant patients (RTX). Transplantation 67: S167, 1999.
28. Bresnahan, B.A., Cherikh, W.S., Cohen, E., Hariharan, S.: Pretransplant maintenance dialysis is associated with poorer kidney graft survival: analysis of UNOS data. Transplantation 67: S238, 1999.
29. Hariharan, S., Johnson, C.P., Bresnahan, B.A., Taranto, S., Stablein, D.: Improved renal allograft survival from 1988-1996: An analysis from United Network for Organ Sharing data. Transplantation 67: S269, 1999.
30. Khanna, A., Bresnahan, B., Plummer, M., Hariharan, S.: Expression of fibrogenic genes in renal allografts with post transplantation nephrotoxicity. J. Am. Soc. Neph. 10:705A, 1999.
31. Bresnahan, B.A., Stablein, D., Johnson, C.P., Taranto, S., Hariharan, S.: Improved short and long term renal allograft survival: Analysis of United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) data from 1988-1996. J. Am. Soc. Neph. 10:721A, 1999.
32. Ahuja, M., Bresnahan, B.A., Cohen, E.P., Dayer, A.M., Hariharan, S.: Polyoma virus infection in renal allografts: Association with immunosuppression, acute rejection, CMV infections and rapidly progressive allograft dysfunction. J. Am. Soc. Neph. 10:752A, 1999.
33. Khanna, A., Plummer, S., Bresnahan, B., Hariharan, S.: Expression of osteopontin and other fibrogenic genes in renal allografts with post transplantation nephrotoxicity. Transplantation 69:S220, 2000.
34. Siddiqi, N., Juckett, M., Orentas, R., Bresnahan, B., Hariharan, S.: Anti-CD 20 monoclonal antibody treatment for post-transplant B-cell lymphoma. Transplantation 69:S296, 2000.
35. Bresnahan, B., Hariharan, S., Johnson, C., Stablein, D., McIntosh, M., Taranto, S.: Renal transplant outcome for zero mismatched vs mate kidneys from the same donor. Transplantation 69:S305, 2000.
36. Ahuja, M., Kampalath, B., Chang, C., Bresnahan, B., Cohen, E., Hariharan, S.: Value of lymphocyte characterization in diagnosis of polyoma virus allograft infrection. Transplantation 69:S385, 2000.
37. Johnson, C.P., McBride, M, Cherikh, W.S., Tolleris, C.B., Bresnahan, B.A., Hariharan, S.: Renal Function in the First Year After Transplantation Predicts Long-term Survival. Am J Transplant 1:S146, 2001.
38. Khanna, A.K., Plummer, M.S., Bresnahan, B., and Hariharan, S.: An Analysis of Tissue Repair Genes in Nephrotoxicity and Acute Rejection in Renal Transplant Patients. Am J Transplant 1:S183, 2001.
39. Hussain, S., Bresnahan, B., Cohen, E. and Hariharan, S. Rapid Kidney Allograft Failure is Associated with Antilymphocyte Therapy in Patients with Polyoma Virus Interstitial Nephritis. Am J Transplant 1:S271, 2001.
40. Wesson, J.A., McMahon, E., Perry, B.W., Pierce B.M., Bresnahan, B.A.: Problems with serum creatinine determination. J. Am. Soc. Neph. 12:739A, 2001.
41. Bresnahan, B.A., McBride, M.A., Cherikh, W.A., Tolleris, C.B., Johnson, C.P., Hariharan, S.: Post-transplant renal function predicts long-term kidney transplant survival. J. Am. Soc. Neph. 12:878A, 2001.
42. Hussain, S., Bresnahan, B.A., Roza, A.M., Adams, M.B., Johnson, C.P. Hariharan, S.: Safety and efficacy of rapamycin and tacrolimus in denovo living donor transplantation. J. Am. Soc. Neph. 12:896A, 2001.
43. Ganne, V., Siddiqi, N., Cohen, E.P., Bresnahan, B.A., Hariharan, S.: Humanized anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody (Rituximab) therapy for post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder in solid organ transplant recipients. Am J Transplant 2:S151, 2002.
44. Khanna, A., Plummer, M.S., Bresnahan, B., Bromberek, C., Hariharan, S.: Molecular Analysis of Immune Function in Renal Transplant Patients treated with Tacrolimus and Rapamycin. Am J Transplant 2:S235, 2002.
45. Bresnahan, B.A., Johnson, C.P., Cherikh, W.S., Rosendale, J., Hariharan, S.: Improve long-term kidney survival: Impact of zero mismatch and preemptive transplantation: An analysis of UNOS data. Am J Transplant 2:S278, 2002.
46. Siddiqi, N., Johnson, C.P., Bresnahan, B.A., Adams, M.B., Roza, A.M., Zhu, Y.R., Hariharan, S.: Composite endpoint utilizing patient loss, graft loss and renal function at 1 year as a measure for kidney transplant outcome. Am J Transplant 2:S418, 2002.
47. Siddiqi, N., Johnson, C.P., McBride, M.A., Maghirang, J., Bresnahan, B.A., Hariharan, S.: Correlation between risk factors for renal dysfunction (serum creatinine>1.5 mg/dl or 2.0 mg.dl) at 1 year post-transplant and long term graft failure: An analysis of UNOS data. Am J Transplant 2:S468, 2002.
48. Ganne, V., Zhu, Y.R., Bresnahan, B.A., Johnson, C.P., Siddiqi, N.A., Hariharan, S.: Impact of donor and recipient age on kidney transplant survival. J. Am. Soc. Neph. 13:187A, 2002.
49. Hussain, S.A., Bresnahan, B.A., Johnson, C.P., Zhu, Y.R., Dams, M.B., Hariharan, S.: Impact of potent immunosuppressive agents on nephrotoxicity while lowering acute rejection rates. J. Am. Soc. Neph. 13:369A, 2002.
50. Afzal, O., Hussain, S.A., Bresnahan, B.A., Zhu, Y.R., Hariharan, S.: Graft loss associated with polyoma virus nephritis. Am J Transplant 3: S372, 2003.
51. Siddiqi, N.A., Cherikh, W.S., Cheng, Y., McBride, M.A., Bresnahan, B.A., Hariharan, S.: Composite end point (CEP): A tool to evaluate transplant survival-An analysis of UNOS/OPTN data. Am J Transplant 3: S448, 2003.
52. Bresnahan, B.A. Cherikh, W.S., Cheng, Y., Siddiqi, N.A., Hariharan, S.: Short-term benefit of tacrolimus vs cyclosporine therapy after renal transplantation: An analysis of UNOS/OPTN database. Am J Transplant 3: S462, 2003.
53. Bresnahan, B., Cherikh, W., Cheng, Y., McBride, M., Siddiqi, N., Hariharan, S.: Effect of Immunosuppressants on Two Year Kidney Transplant Survival In The Recent Era. Am J Transplant 4: S345, 2004.
54. Cibrik, D., Jensik, S., Meier-Kriesche, H.-U., Bresnahan B, Lieberman, B.: Enteric-Coated Mycophenolate Sodium in Combination with Optimized Neoral Dosing, Basiliximab, and Steroids Results in Good Efficacy And Renal Function in Renal Transplant Recipients in the First 6 Months. Am J Transplant 4: S218, 2004.
55. Meier-Kriesche, H.-U., Cibrik, D., Bresnahan, B., Cohen, D., Lieberman, B.: Optimized Neoral C2 monitoring in combination with enteric-coated mycophenolic acid, basiliximab and steroids is effective, safe and tolerable: 12-month results of a multicenter, randomized, prospective trial. J. Am. Soc. Neph. 15: 299A, 2004.
56. Vasudev, B., Afzal, O., Hussain, S., Bresnahan, B., Cohen, E., Zhu, Y.R., Hariharan, S.: BK virus nephritis: Transplant variables, incidence, onset and outcomes in a single center. J. Am. Soc. Neph. 15: 753A, 2004.
57. Cibrik, D., Jensik, S., Bresnahan, B., Whelchel, J., Klintmalm, G.: Safety and efficacy of EC_MPS in combination with simulet and neoral in de novo renal transplant high-risk recipients. Am J Transplant 5: S190, 2005.
58. Vasudev, B., Cors, C., Cherikh, W.S., McBride, M.A., Bresnahan, B., Hariharan, S.: Improving long-term kidney transplant survival - An analysis of OPTN/UNOS database. Am J Transplant 5: S411, 2005.
59. Cibrik, D., Jensik, S. Bresnahan, B., Whelchel, J., Klintmalm, G., Ulbricht, B.: Enteric-coated mycophenolate sodium (EC-MPS) is effective and safe in de novo renal transplant high-risk recipients. Transplant Int 18: 168-9, 2005.
60. Vasudev, B.S., Bresnahan, B, Cherikh, W.S., McBride, M.A., Cors, C., Hariharan, S.: Measuring improvement in long term renal transplant survival by ratio of actual to maximum expected dialysis free time: 1988-2003, an analysis of OPTN/UNOS database. J. Am. Soc. Neph. 16: 686A, 2005.
61. Vasudev, B., Vasudev, M., Hariharan, Cohen, E., Hari, P, Bresnahan, B,.: Percussion hemoglobinuria. J. Am. Soc. Neph. 16: 782A, 2005.
62. Vasudev, B., Bresnahan, B., Cherikh, W., Cors, C., McBride, M., Hariharan, S.: Measuring improvement in long term renal transplant survival: 1988-2003. An analysis of the UNOS database. Am J Transplant. 6 sup 2: 646, 2006.
63. Saad, E., Bresnahan B., Cohen, E., Hussain, S., Vasudev, B., Orentas, R., Hariharan, S. Reduction in immunosuppression without use of antiviral therapy in the treatment of BK Virus infection after renal transplant. Am J Transplant. 6 sup 2: 938-9, 2006.
64. Medipalli, R., Vasudev, B., Zhu, YR., Saad, E., Bresnahan, B., Jurgens, L., Orentas, R., Hariharan, S. Impact of BK Virus Surveillance: A single center experience. Am J Transplant. 8: 5461, 2008.
65. Grinyo, J.M., Mondragon-Ramirez, G., Darji, P., Bresnahan, B., Pearson, T., Di Russo, G.B., Garg, P., Xing, J. Belatacept is associated with preservation of renal function and structure at 1 year compared to cyclosporine in kidney transplant patients (BENEFIT Study). Am J Transplant. 9: 258, 2009.
66. Vasudev, B.S., Bresnahan, B., Saad, E. Johnson, N., Hariharan, S.: A single center survey of post transplant cancer. J. Am. Soc. Neph. 20: A, 2009.
67. Sujeet, K., Saad, E., Vasudev, B., Bresnahan, B., Zhu, Y.R., Hariharan, S.: Improved long-term kidney transplant survival in patients with BKV nephritis. J. Am. Soc. Neph. 20: A, 2009.
68. Vasudev, B., Bresnahan, B., Johnson, N., Hariharan, S.: A single center analysis of risk factors and knowledge of post transplant cancer. J. Am. Soc. Neph. 20: A, 2009.
69. Grinyo, J., Mondragon-Ramirez, Darji, P., Bresnahan, B., Pearson, T., DiRusso, G., Garg, P., Xing, J.: Belatacept is associated with preservation of renal function and structure at 1 year vs cyclosporine in kidney transplant patients (BENEFIT Study). J. Am. Soc. Neph. 20: A, 2009.
70. Bresnahan, B., Vincinti, F. Grinyo, J., Charpentier, B., Russo, G., Garg, P, Larsen, C. : Renal benefit of belatacept vs cyclosporine in kidney transplant patients is not impacted by acute rejection (BENEFIT study). Am J Transplant. 10 Sup 2: 14, 2010.
71. Sujeet, K., Yong-Ran, Z., Vasudev, B., Saad, E., Bresnahan, B., Hariharan, S.: Improved long term graft survival in subjects with BK viral nephritis. Am J Transplant. 10: 171, 2010.
72. Russ, G., Agarwal, M., Becker, T., Bresnahan, B., Campistol, J.M., Darji, P., Duan, T., Garcia, V., Garg, P., DiRusso, G., Grinyo, J., Mondragon-Ramirez, G., Pearson, T., Medina-Pestana, M., Xing, J., Rial, M., Newman, J., Bourke, D., Dharane, P.: Belatacept Associated with Preserved Renal Function and Structure Compared with Cyclosporine (CSA) in Kidney Tranplant Patients. Immunol Cell Biol. 88: A12, 2010.
73. Florman, S., Bresnahan, B., Chan, L., Helderman, H., Dong, Y., Harler, M.B., Vincenti, F.: Three Year Outcomes in Black/African American Kidney Transplant Recipients from the BENEFIT and BENEFIT-EXT Studies. Am J Transplant 11(2):350, 2011.
74. Florman, S., Becker, T., Bresnahan, B., Chevaile-Ramon, A., DeCarvalho, D., Muehlbacher, F., O'Connell, P., Duan, T., Agarwal, M., Larsen, C.: Three-Year Outcomes by Donor Type in Phase III Studies of Belatacept vs Cyclosporine in Kidney Transplantation (BENEFIT and BENEFIT-EXT). Am J Transplant 11(2):100, 2011.
75. Grinyo J, Durrbach A, Rostaing L, Bresnahan B, Helderman J, Rice K, Vincenti F, Pupim L, Coffey M, Pestana J: Likelihood of Improving or Maintaining Renal Function over Five Years with Belatacept or CsA: Insights from the BENEFIT Long-Term Extension Study. Am J Transplant 13(5):182, April 2013.
76. Durrbach, A., Medina-Pestana, J., Rostaing, L., Bresnahan, B., Helderman, J., Rice, K., Vincenti, F., Pupim, L., Coffey, M., Grinyo, J.: Improving or Maintaining Renal Function with Belatacept: 5-Year Benefit Long-Term Extension Results. Am J Transplant 26(2):92, November 2013.
77. Grinyo J, Rostaing L, Bresnahan B, Rice K, Vincenti F, Munier S, Polinsky M, Meier-Kriesche U, Reyes-Acevedo R, Pestran JM.: Belatacept-treated patients had superior estimated glomerular filtration rate (GFR) vs cyclosporine-treated patients: Result from a mixed effects modeling analysis of BENEFIT. Transplant International 28:10, October 2015.
78. Vincinti F, Grinyo J, Bray R, Rostaing L, Bresnahan B, Rice K, Steinberg S, Gebel H, Polinsky M, Meier-Kriesche U, Munier S, Townsend R, Larsen C.: Belatacept-treated patients had superior graft survival vs cyclosporine-treated patients: Final results from BENEFIT. Am J Transplant 16:44, January 2016.