Medical College of Wisconsin
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Casey Matthew Calkins MD
Department of Surgery
Division of Pediatric Surgery

Children's Corporate Center
999 N 92 St
Milwaukee, WI 53226

08/1987 - 05/1992 Bachelor of Science, University of California-San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, California 92093
08/1992 - 05/1996 Doctor of Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, 8701 Watertown Plank Road, Milwaukee Wisconsin 53226

07/1996 - 06/2003 General Surgery Residency, Department of Surgery, University of Colorado School of Medicine, 4200 East Ninth Avenue, Denver, CO 80262
07/2003 - 06/2005 Pediatric Surgery Fellowship, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Children's Mercy Hospital, 2401 Gillham Road, Kansas City, MO 64108

07/2003 - 07/2005 Instructor in Surgery, University of Missouri, Kansas City, MO
07/2005 - 07/2011 Assistant Professor of Surgery, (Pediatric Surgery) Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
07/2010 - Present Surgical Director of two Multidisciplinary Programs, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
07/2011 - Present Associate Professor of Surgery, (Pediatric Surgery) Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
07/2011 - Present Director of Fetal Concerns Program, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

07/2003 - 07/2005 Children's Mercy Hospital, Kansas City, MO
08/2005 - Present Bellin Hospital, Green Bay, WI
08/2005 - Present Froedtert Memorial Hospital, Milwaukee, WI
08/2005 - 08/2008 Waukesha Hospital, Waukesha, WI
08/2005 - Present Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
08/2005 - Present St. Joseph Hospital, Milwaukee, WI
08/2005 - Present Aurora Sinai Hospital, Milwaukee, WI
08/2005 - Present St Vincent Hospital, Green Bay, WI
08/2005 - Present St Mary's Hospital, Milwaukee, WI
08/2005 - Present Surgicenter of Greater Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI
12/2009 - Present Ministry Saint Joseph Hospital, Marshfield, WI

Board Certified
Issue DateExpiration
American Board of Surgery: General Surgery
American Board of Surgery: Pediatric Surgery
Issued By Issue DateExpiration
Committee on Trauma, ACS
American Heart Association
American Heart Association

Number Issue DateExpiration
State of Colorado Physician Training
Drug Enforcement Agency Number
Wisconsin Medical Examining Board – Doctor of Medicine and Surgery
Missouri State Board of Healing Arts – Doctor of Medicine License
Drug Enforcement BNDD (Missouri)

06/1995 Standing Ovation Award, Medical College of Wisconsin "given by thestudent body for excellence in mentoring and teaching"
06/1996 The Ben and Ella Wagner Memorial Award in Anatomy Medical College of Wisconsin "given for excellence in anatomical study".
06/1996 William H. Millman Memorial Award, Medical College of Wisconsin, "given to the senior student who is considered the outstanding candidate for the degree of doctor of medicine, selected by his or her classmates"
07/1996 Alpha Omega Alpha, President of Wisconsin Beta Chapter
06/2001 Shock Society Travel Award
06/2001 Ben Eiseman Surgical Resident Research Award for Outstanding Individual Research - Basic Science
07/2001 Peter Paul Rickham Prize, For Outstanding Resident Paper Presented at The XLVII Annual International Conference of the British Association of Paediatric Surgeons
11/2001 Resident Research Award, 35th Annual Meeting of the Association for Academic Surgery
06/2002 J. Culbert Owens Award for Clinical Excellence in Teaching and Patient Care, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center Department of Surgery
2002 - 2003 Outstanding Clinical Instructor, University of Colorado School of Medicine, given by Medical Student Council
2002 - 2003 Golden Apple Teacher of the Year, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center Department of Surgery
06/2003 Ben Eiseman Surgical Resident Research Award for Outstanding Individual Research - Clinical Paper.

1993 - 1996 American Medical Student Association (AMSA) (Former member)
1993 - 1994 American Medical Association (AMA) (Former member)
2000 - 2002 Shock Society (Former member)
2001 - 2005 American College of Surgeons (Candidate Group)
2005 - 2008 American College of Surgeons (Associate Fellow)
2006 - Present Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES
2007 - Present Association for Academic Surgery (AAS)
2007 - Present International Pediatric Endosurgery Group (IPEG)
2008 - Present American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) (Fellow)
2008 - Present American Pediatric Surgical Association (APSA)
2008 - Present American College of Surgeons (FACS) (Fellow)

2009 - Present Minimally Invasive Surgery
Journal Review
2005 American Journal of Physiology, Gastroenterology
2005 Critical Care
2007 - Present Journal of Pediatric Surgery
2008 - Present Journal of Surgical Research
2008 - Present Journal American College of Surgeons
2008 - Present Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine
2009 - Present Journal of Laparoscopic Advanced Surgical Techniques
2009 - Present Pediatrics

07/2007 - 2010 American Pediatric Surgery Association New Technology Committee member
08/2007 - Present SAGES, Pediatric Endosurgery Group member
10/2010 - Present American Pediatric Surgery Association Outcomes Committee member

CM Calkins, Pulmonary Malformations. Contemporary Advances and Issues in Pediatric Surgery, Lima, Peru, 09/2010
CM Calkins, Fetal Intervention. Contemporary Advances and Issues in Pediatric Surgery, Lima, Peru, 09/2010
CM Calkins, Colloids are Critical to Patient Management. Horizons in Surgery, Breckenridge, Colorado, 03/1999
CM Calkins, Optimal Abdominal Wound Closure. Horizons in Surgery, Breckenridge, Colorado, 03/2000
CM Calkins, Postoperative Surveillance following Resection of Colorectal Adenocarcinoma. Illinois Surgical Society. Vail, Colorado, 09/2000
CM Calkins, Pediatric Pedestrian Injuries. 18th Annual Midwest Trauma Symposium, Kansas City, Missouri, 05/2004
CM Calkins, Advances in Pediatric Minimally Invasive Surgery. Best Practices in Pediatrics, Fall 2006 Conference, Deerfield, Illinois, 09/2006
CM Calkins, The State of Perinatal Assessment and Fetal Intervention. Best Practices in Pediatrics, Winter 2009 Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin, 03/2009
CM Calkins, The Value of Testing to Determine Clinical Competence. Surgical Grand Rounds, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, 05/1997
CM Calkins, Surgery for Morbid Obesity is Valuable. Surgical Grand Rounds, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, 03/1998
CM Calkins, Fever = Friend. Surgical Grand Rounds, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, 10/1998
CM Calkins. The Merits of Postoperative Surveillance following Colorectal Surgery for Locally Confined Carcinoma, 11/1999
CM Calkins, Therapy to Prevent a First Variceal Bleed. Surgical Grand Rounds, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, 02/2000
Surgical Grand Rounds, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center and Horizons in Surgery, Breckenridge, Colorado, 03/2000
CM Calkins. Whipple: Your Only Hope. Surgical Grand Rounds. University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, 10/2000
CM Calkins, Cytokines & Lipids in The Systemic Inflammatory Response. Nutrition Services Group, The Children's Hospital of Denver, 01/2001
CM Calkins, Whipple: Your Only Hope. Horizons in Surgery, Breckenridge, Colorado, 03/2001
CM Calkins, Imaging for the Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis: Valuable.Surgical Grand Rounds, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, 05/2001
CM Calkins, The Futility of Surgical Intervention for Blunt Carotid Injury. Surgical Grand Rounds, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, 08/2001
CM Calkins, Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia Repair is Overrated. Surgical Grand Rounds, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, 02/2002
CM Calkins, The Futility of Surgical Intervention for Blunt Carotid Injury. Horizons in Surgery, Breckenridge, Colorado, 03/2002
CM Calkins, Nonoperative Options for Achalasia. Surgical Grand Rounds, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, 12/2002
CM Calkins, Anterior Mediastinal Masses in Children. Surgical Rounds at Children's Mercy Hospital, 10/2003
CM Calkins, What's New in Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. Pediatric Grand Rounds Children's Mercy Hospital, Kansas City, MO, 06/2005
CM Calkins, The Surgeon and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. Grayslake Medical Center, Condell, Illinois, 09/2005
CM Calkins, Chest Wall Deformities in Childhood. CME Lecture. Condell Medical Center Libertyville, Illinois, 12/2005
CM Calkins, The Surgeon and GERD. Combined Pediatric GI/Surgery Conference, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, 01/2006
CM Calkins, Intestinal Obstruction in the Infant. MCW Department of Surgery Resident lecture. Medical College of Wisconsin, 02/2006
CM Calkins, Case Studies - Common Congenital Malformations and MIS Postgraduate Course Current Diagnosis and Treatment of Common Congenital Anomalies: From Embryology to Outcome. In conjunction w/ 23rd Annual Me, 07/2006
CM Calkins. Current Concepts in Minimally Invasive Surgery in Neonates and Children. MCW Department of Surgery Grand Rounds. Medical College of Wisconsin, 10/2006
CM Calkins, Gastroschisis: A Surgeons Perspective. Fetal Anomalies Conference, The Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, 12/2006
CM Calkins, Minimally Invasive Surgery in Neonates and Children. St. Mary's Hospital Grand Rounds. St. Mary's Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI, 01/2007
CM Calkins, Pediatric Gastrostomy. Combined Surgery Gastroenterology Conference, The Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, 01/2007
CM Calkins, The Pathophysiology of Hirschsprungs Disease -A walk through aganglionosis. Pediatric Surgery Basic Science Conference, 07/2007
CM Calkins, Imperforate Anus. Combined Surgery Gastroenterology Conference, The Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, 09/2007
CM Calkins, Common Pediatric Surgical Problems. Grand Rounds, Kenosha Medical Center, 11/2007
CM Calkins, Fetal Intervention: From Harrison and Beyond. Basic Science Conference, 03/2008
CM Calkins, What's new in Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia.Combined Pediatric Surgery & Neonatology Conference, 07/2008
CM Calkins. Esophageal Atresia and Tracheoesophageal Fistula. Combined Surgery and Gastroenterology Conference, 09/2008
CM Calkins, Minimally Invasive Surgery in Neonates. Combined Pediatric Surgery & Neonatology Conference, 01/2009
CM Calkins. Hirschsprungs Disease. Combined Surgery and Gastroenterology Conference, 07/2009
CM Calkins, Gallstone Pancreatitis. Combined Surgery and Gastroenterology Conference, 09/2009
CM Calkins and TT Sato, CHAOS-A problem based learning excercise. Combined Pediatric Surgery & Neonatology Conference, 02/2010
CM Calkins, What's New in Hirschsprung's Disease. Combined Surgery and Gastroenterology Conference, 05/2010
CM Calkins, Anorectal malformations. Combined Surgery and Gastroenterology Conference, 09/2010

CM Calkins, A Critical Analysis of Outcome in Children Sustaining Cardiac Arrest Following Blunt Trauma. XLVII Annual International Conference of the British Association of Paediatric Surgeons, London, England. (Podium presentation), 07/18/2001
CM Calkins, L-arginine attenuates Chemokine (CINC and MIP-2) Production in Endotoxin Induced Lung Injury. Society of University Surgeons-Resident Section. Toronto, Canada. (Podium presentation), 02/10/2000
CM Calkins, L-arginine stabilizes IkB-a and prevents chemokine production in LPS induced acute lung injury Shock Society, Snowbird, Utah. (Poster presentation), 06/05/2000
CM Calkins, Life Threatening Dog Attacks: A Devastating Combination of Penetrating and Blunt Injury. Annual meeting of the Surgical Section, The American Academy of Pediatrics, Chicago, Illinois. (Podium presentation), 10/28/2000
CM Calkins, TNF Receptor I mediates chemokine production and neutrophil accumulation in the lung following systemic LPS. Association for Academic Surgery. Tampa, Florida. (Podium presentation), 11/03/2000
CM Calkins, A Chemotactic Gradient Predicts Alveolar Neutrophil Accumulation Following Lipopolysaccharide. Society of University Surgeons- Resident Section. Chicago, Illinois. (Podium presentation), 02/07/2001
CM Calkins, Liver CXC chemokine production and PMN recruitment in-vivo are mediated by caspase-1 dependent cytokines. Shock Society, Marco Island, Florida. (Poster presentation), 06/12/2001
CM Calkins, Altered Neutrophil Function in the Neonate Protects Against Sepsis Induced Lung Injury. Annual meeting of the Surgical Section, The American Academy of Pediatrics. San Francisco, California. (Podium presentation), 10/21/2001
CM Calkins, Toll-like receptor 4 Mediates Pulmonary Neutrophil Sequestration in Response to Gram-Positive Bacterial Enterotoxin. 35th Annual Meeting of the Association for Academic Surgery, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. (Podium presentation), 11/16/2001
CM Calkins, Management of the Infected Pectus Bar. Annual meeting of the Surgical Section, The American Academy of Pediatrics. San Francisco, California. (Podium presentation), 10/10/2004
CM Calkins, The Futility of the HIDA Scan in the Assessment of Biliary Atresia (Poster). Annual meeting of the Surgical Section, The American Academy of Pediatrics. San Francisco, California. (Poster presentation), 10/10/2004
CM Calkins, Thoracoscopic Left Lower Lobectomy for an Intralobar Sequestration. 37th Annual meeting of the American Pediatric Surgical Association. Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. (Video Presentation), 05/21/2006
CM Calkins, Endoscopic Obliteration of a Recurrent Tracheoesophageal Fistula. American Pediatric Surgical Association, Orlando, Fl (Video Presentation), 05/2007

Medical College of Wisconsin
1992 - 1996 Class Representative to Admissions Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
1999 Liason Committee on Medical Education (LCME) Student Subcommittee Member, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center
2000 - 2001 Housestaff Representative for Department of Surgery, University of Colorado
2000 - 2001 Housestaff Representative to University of Colorado Health Sciences Medical Board
2000 - 2001 Housestaff Representative to University of Colorado Health Sciences Ethics Committee
02/2001 - Present Task Force on LCME Accreditation, MCW
2006 - 2009 Medical College of Wisconsin Medical Student Research Affairs Committee
07/2008 - Present AOA Selection Committee, MCW
03/2010 - Present CRI Clinical Effectiveness Task Force, MCW
09/2006 - 2009 CSG Business and Marketing Committee.
08/2007 - 2009 CSG Service Committee co-chair
09/2007 - 2009 Blue-Kids Way Service Committee
06/2008 - Present Professional Quality Advisory Committee
06/2010 - Present CSG Finance Committee
07/2010 - Present CHW Inpatient Executive Committee

Resident and Fellow Education
07/2006 - Present Absite Review Instructor for MCW Surgery Residents(PGY1/2)
07/2008 - Present Thursday Morning Fellow Conference Board Review

Medical Students
06/2007 - 09/2007 Jarom Gilstrap, MS II, Mentorship in clinical project, MCW
04/2010 - Present Kevin Donlon, MSII, Pathway Advisor, MCW

Educational Programs
03/2003 Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS). Committee on Trauma, ACS. Denver Health Medical Center, Denver, Colorado.
09/2005 Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS). American Heart Association. The Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Wisconsin.
09/2005 Basic Life Support (BLS). American Heart Association. The Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Wisconsin.
11/11/2005 - 11/15/2005 Clinical Trials Methods Course. The American College of Surgeons. ACS Headquarters, Chicago, Illinois.
07/2007 Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS). Committee on Trauma, ACS. The Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
09/2007 - 03/2008 MCW/UWM Medical Leadership Course. University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Research Programs
05/1992 - 08/1992 Medical Student Summer Research Program. Cellular localization of a Helicobacter pylori cpn60 homolog: Hp54K.
03/1996 - 04/1996 Senior Medical Student Research Program. PRISM Score analysis in patients transported to Children's Hospital of Wisconsin.
07/1999 - 07/2001 Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma/NIH Surgical Research Fellow. Department of Surgery, University of Colorado Health Sciences.
12/1999 Multiple Organ Failure in the Injured Child. CM Calkins, DD Bensard, PJ Offner, EE Moore, and DA Partrick. Funded by the General Pediatric Clinical Research Center.
Clinical Programs
HIAA : Combined Gastroenterology and Surgery Long Term Follow-up and management of children with congenital disorders of the anorectum and colon.
CHW Fetal Treatment Program

Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. SH Phadnis, MH Parlow, M Levy, D Ilver, CM Caulkins (sic), JB Connors, BE Dunn. Surface localization of Helicobacter pylori urease and heat shock protein homolog requires bacterial autolysis. Infection and Immunity, 64: 905-912, 1996.
2. CM Calkins, EE Moore, CC Barnett, JB Haenel. Arteriovenous fistula presenting as airway hemorrhage following percutaneous tracheostomy. Journal of Trauma, 47(4): 774-776 1999.
3. CM Calkins, KK Christians, LL Sell. Cost analysis in the management of esophageal coins: endoscopy versus bougienage. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 34: 412-414, 1999.
4. CM Calkins, JP Franciosi, GL Kolesari. Human anatomical science and illustration: the origin of two inseparable disciplines. Clinical Anatomy, 12: 120-129, 1999.
5. RM Patten, CM Calkins, EE Moore. Isolated traumatic rupture of the cisterna chyli: CT diagnosis. Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography, 23: 701-702, 1999.
6. CM Calkins, EE Moore, S Huerd, R Patten. Isolated rupture of the cisterna chyli following blunt trauma. Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 35: 638-640, 2000.
7. DA Partrick, DD Bensard, EE Moore, CM Calkins, FM Karrer. Cervical Spine Trauma in the Injured Child: A Tragic Injury with Potential for Salvageable Outcome. Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 35: 1571-1575, 2000.
8. BJ Pomerantz, TN Robinson, JK Heimbach, CM Calkins, SA Miller, A Banerjee, AH Harken. Selective mitochondrial Katp channel opening controls human myocardial preconditioning: Too much of a good thing? Surgery, 128: 368-373, 2000.
9. JK Heimbach, Y Song, BJ Pomerantz, CM Calkins, X Meng and AH Harken. Thermotolerance is Independent of Heat Shock Protein 70. Surgical Forum, vol LI, 2000.
10. BJ Pomerantz, A Banerjee, CM Calkins, JK Heimbach, X Meng, AH Harken. The timing and duration of mitochondrial Katp channel opening determines human myocardial preconditioning. Surgical Forum, vol LI, 2000.9.
11. CM Calkins, EE Moore, JL Johnson, WR Smith. Removal of a migrated intrathoracic fixation pin by thoracoscopy. Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 71(1): 368-370 2001.
12. CM Calkins, DD Bensard, JK Heimbach, X Meng, BD Shames, EJ Pulido, RC McIntyre, Jr. L-arginine attenuates lipopolysaccaride induced lung chemokine production. American Journal of Physiology - Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology; 280(3): L400-408, 2001.
13. Y Song, L Ao, CM Calkins, CD Raeburn, AH Harken, X Meng. Differential cardiopulmonary recruitment of neutrophils during hemorrhagic shock: A role for ICAM-1? Shock, 16(6):444-448, 2001.
14. JK Heimbach, LL Reznikov, CM Calkins, TN Robinson, CA Dinarello, AH Harken, X Meng. TNF Receptor I is required for induction of macrophage heat shock protein 70. American Journal of Physiology Cell Physiology, 281: C241-247, 2001.
15. CM Calkins, DD Bensard, DA Partrick, and FM Karrer. Life Threatening Dog Attacks: A Devastating Combination of Penetrating and Blunt Injury. Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 36(8): 1115-1117, 2001.
16. CD Raeburn, CM Calkins, MA Zimmerman, Y Song, L Ao, A Banerjee, X Meng, AH Harken. VCAM-1 expression is obligatory for endotoxin induced myocardial neutrophil accumulation and contractile dysfunction. Surgery, 130(2): 319-325, 2001.
17. Y Song, L Ao, CD Raeburn, CM Calkins, E Abraham, AH Harken, X Meng. p55 TNF receptor mediates hemorrhage-induced acute lung injury independent of TNF- overproduction. American Journal of Physiology - Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology, 281(3): L677-684, 2001.
18. CM Calkins, JK Heimbach, DD Bensard, Y Song, CD Raeburn, X Meng, RC McIntyre. TNF Receptor I mediates chemokine production and neutrophil accumulation in the lung following systemic LPS. The Journal of Surgical Research, 101(2): 232-237, 2001.
19. CM Calkins, DD Bensard, DA Partrick, FM Karrer. A Critical Analysis of Outcome in Children Sustaining Cardiac Arrest Following Blunt Trauma. The Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 37(2): 180-184, 2002.
20. CD Raeburn, CM Calkins, Y Song, RC McIntyre, X Meng, AH Harken. Anti VCAM-1 therapy prevents lipopolysaccharide stimulated neutrophil accumulation in heart but not lung. Surgical Forum, vol LII, 2001.
21. MA Zimmerman, CH Selzman, SA Miller, CD Raeburn, CM Calkins, X Meng, AH Harken. TNF  is required for neointimal hyperplasia following mouse carotid injury. Surgical Forum, vol LII, 2001.
22. MA Zimmerman, CH Selzman, CD Raeburn, CM Calkins, K Barsness, AH Harken. Clinical Applications of Cardiovascular Angiogenesis. Journal of Cardiac Surgery, 16(6): 490-497, 2001.
23. CM Calkins, DD Bensard, BD Shames, EJ Pulido, E Abraham, N Fernandez, CA Dinarello, RC McIntyre. IL-1 Regulates in-vivo C-X-C Chemokine Induction and Neutrophil Sequestration. The Journal of Endotoxin Research, 8(1):59-67, 2002.
24. CD Raeburn, CM Calkins, MA Zimmerman, J Arya, KA Barsness, AH Harken. Toll-like receptors in surgical disease. Surgery, 131(5): 477-483, 2001.
25. CM Calkins, K Barsness, DD Bensard, A Vasquez-Torres, CD Raeburn, RC McIntyre. Toll-like receptor 4 Mediates Pulmonary Neutrophil Sequestration in Response to a Gram-Positive Bacterial Enterotoxin. The Journal of Surgical Research, 104(2):124-130, 2002.
26. CM Calkins, DD Bensard, DA Partrick, RC McIntyre, FM Karrer, CC Silliman. Altered Neutrophil Function in the Neonate Protects Against Sepsis Induced Lung Injury. The Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 37(7):1042-7, 2002.
27. CD Raeburn, CM Calkins, MA Zimmerman, Y Song, L Ao, A Banerjee, AH Harken, and X Meng. ICAM-1 AND VCAM-1 Mediate Endotoxemic Myocardial Dysfunction Independent of neutrophil accumulation. American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative, and Comparitive Physiology, 283(2): R477-486, 2002.
28. CD Raeburn, CA Dinarello, MA Zimmerman, CM Calkins, BJ Pomerantz, RC McIntyre, AH Harken, X Meng. Neutralization of Interleukin-18 Attenuates Lipopolysaccharide induced Myocardial Dysfunction. American Journal of Physiology- Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 283(2): H650-657, 2002.
29. TN Robinson, WL Biffl , EE Moore, JK Heimbach, CM Calkins, J Burch. Routine preoperative laboratory analyses are unnecessary before laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Surgical Endoscopy, 17(3): 438-41, 2003.
30. CM Calkins, DD Bensard, EE Moore, RC McIntyre, CC Silliman, AH Harken, WL Biffl, PJ Offner, The Injured Child is Resistant to Multiple Organ Failure: A Different Inflammatory Response? The Journal of Trauma, 53(6): 1058-1063, December, 2002. Summarized by Reuters Health, New York, Alison McCook: Hurt kids more resilient than adults with injury, January 20, 2003
31. TN Robinson, WL Biffl, EE Moore, JK Heimbach, CM Calkins, JM Burch. Predicting Failure of Outpatient Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. American Journal of Surgery, 184(6): 515-518, 2002.
32. KA Barsness, ES Cha, DD Bensard, CM Calkins, DA Partrick, FM Karrer, JD Strain. The Positive Predictive Value of Rib Fractures as an Indicator of Non-accidental Trauma in Children. The Journal of Trauma, 54(6): 1107-10, 2003.
33. KA Barsness, DD Bensard, DA Partrick, CM Calkins, RJ Hendrickson, RC McIntyre. Endotoxin induces an exaggerated interleukin-10 response in peritoneal macrophages of children compared with adults. The Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 39(6):912-5, 2004.
34. KA Barsness, DD Bensard, DA Partrick, CM Calkins, RJ Hendrickson, A Banerjee, RC McIntyre Jr. IL-1beta induces an exaggerated pro- and anti-inflammatory response in peritoneal macrophages of children compared with adults. Pediatric Surgery International, 20(4):238-42, 2004.
35. KA Barsness, DD Bensard, DA Partrick, R Hendrickson, M Koyle, CM Calkins, FM Karrer. Renovascular Injury: An Argument for Renal Preservation. The Journal of Trauma, 57(2):310-315, 2004.
36. CM Calkins, EE Moore, J Turner, C Cothren, JM Burch. Combined modality Treatment of Ruptured Pancreatitoduodenal Artery Aneuryms due to Celiac Artery Compression. Surgery, 136(5): 1088-9, 2004.
37. St. Peter SD, Little DC, Calkins CM, Sharp RJ, Ostlie DJ. Complete Bilateral Diaphragmatic Hernia with Agenesis of Pleura and Pericardium. Birth Defects Research Clinical and Molecular Teratology 2005 Sep;73(9):624-7.
38. Calkins CM, Shew SB, Sharp RJ, Ostlie DJ, Yoder SM, Gittes GK, Snyder CL, Guevel W, Holcomb GW 3rd. Management of postoperative infections after the minimally invasive pectus excavatum repair. The Journal of Pediatric Surgery 40(6):1004-7, 2005.
39. DC Little, SR Shah, SD St. Peter, CM Calkins, JP Murphy, JM Gatti, GK Gittes, RJ Sharp, WS Andrews, GW Holcomb, DJ Ostlie, CL Snyder. Urachal anomalies in Children: the Vanishing Relevance of Preoperative Voiding Cystourethrogram. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 40(12):1874-6, 2005.
40. DC Little, SD St Peter, CM Calkins, SR Shah, JP Murphy, JM Gatti, GK Gittes, RJ Sharp, WS Andrews, GW Holcomb III, DJ Ostlie, CL Snyder. Relative Value Units Correlate with Pediatric Surgeons' Operating Time: When Perceived Myth Becomes Reality. The Journal of Pediatric Surgery 41(1):234-8, 2006.
41. St. Peter SD, Little DC, Calkins CM, Murphy JP, Holcomb GW, Sharp RJ, Snyder CL, Ostlie DJ. A Simple and More Cost Effective Antibiotic Regimen for Perforated Appendicitis. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 41(5):1020-4, 2006.
42. Little DC, St Peter SD, Calkins CM, Shah SR, Morrow SE, Murphy JP, Sharp RJ, Andrews WS, Holcomb GW, Ostlie DJ, Snyder CL. Esophageal Foreign Bodies in the Pediatric Population: our first 500 cases. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 41(5):914-8, 2006.
43. St Peter SD, Holcomb GW, Calkins CM, Murphy JP, Andrews WS, Sharp RJ, Snyder CL, Ostlie DJ. Open versus laparoscopic pyloromyotomy for pyloric stenosis: a prospective, randomized trial. Annals of Surgery 244(3):363-70, 2006.
44. Turaga KK, St Peter SD, Calkins CM, Holcomb GW, Ostlie DJ, Snyder CL. Hernia uterus inguinale: a proposed algorithm using the laparoscopic approach. Surgical laparoscopy Endoscopy and Percutaneous Techniques 16(5):366-7, 2006.
45. St Peter SD, Valusek PA, Calkins CM, Shew SB, Ostlie DJ, Holcomb GW. Use of esophagocrural sutures and minimal esophageal dissection reduces the incidence of postoperative transmigration of laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication wrap. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 42(1):25-30, 2007.
46. St. Peter, SD, Little DC, Calkins CM, Murphy JP, Holcomb GW, Sharp RJ, Snyder CL, Ostlie DJ. Does Routine Nasogastric Tube Placement after an Operation for Perforated Appendicitis Make a Difference? Journal of Surgical Research. (Submitted).
47. Calkins CM, St. Peter, SD, Balcom A, Murphy JP. Late abscess formation following indirect hernia repair utilizing silk suture. Pediatric Surgery International 23(4):346-52, 2007.
48. St. Peter, SD, Little DC, Calkins CM, Holcomb GW, Snyder CL, Ostlie DJ. The initial experience of antithrombin III in the management of neonates with necrotizing enterocolitis. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 42(4): 704-8, 2007.
49. St. Peter, SD, Calkins CM, Holcomb GW. The use of biosynthetic mesh to separate the anastamoses during the thoracoscopic repair of esophageal atresia and tracheoesophageal fistula. Journal of Laparoendoscopic and Advanced Surgical Techniques 17(3): 380-2, 2007.
50. Calkins, CM, Brown, SP, Oldham, KT. Training pediatric surgeons to care for children with special health care needs. Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine: An Interdisciplinary Approach 1(1): 75-80, 2008.
51. Calkins, CM. Contemporary outcomes research: tools of the trade. Seminars in Pediatric Surgery. 17(2):69-78, 2008.
52. Keckler SJ, St Peter SD, Calkins CM, Holcomb, GW 3rd. Occlusion of a recurrent tracheoesophageal fistula with surgisis. Journal of Laparoendoscopic and Advanced Surgical Techniques. 18(3):465-8, 2008.
53. St Peter SD, Calkins CM, Holcomb GW 3rd, Snyder CL, Ostlie DJ. Financial impact of in-house attending surgeon: a prospective study. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 2008 Jun;43(6):994-7.
54. Whitehouse JS, Gourlay DM, Masonbrink AR, Aiken JJ, Calkins CM, Sato TT, Arca MJ. Conservative management of giant omphalocele with topical povidone-iodine and its effect on thyroid function. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 2010 45(6): 1192-7.
55. St Peter SD, Little DC, Barsness KA, Copeland DR, Calkins CM, Yoder S, Rothenberg SS, Islam S, Tsao K, Ostlie DJ. Should we be concerned about Jejunoileal Atresia During Repair of Duodenal Atresia? Journal of Laparoendoscopic and Advanced Surgical Techniques. 2010 August.
56. Cassidy LD, Jensen JN, Durkee CT, Calkins CM, Sato TT, Tassone C, Kerschner J, Thielke RJ, Mitchell ME, Hoffman GM, Oldham KT. Creation and implementation of a prospective pediatric clinical outcomes registry. Accepted for publication, J Registry Manag, 2011.
Books, Chapters, and Reviews
1. CM Calkins, DA Partrick, FM. Karrer. Duodenal Atresia. In: emedicine Textbook of Pediatrics, Lincoln, NE. Updated January 2006
2. CM Calkins, DD Bensard, FM Karrer Gastrointestinal Foreign Bodies. In: emedicine Textbook of Pediatrics, Lincoln, NE. Updated February 2006
3. C Cothren, JK Heimbach, T Robinson, CM Calkins, AH Harken. Academic Surgical Mentoring. In: Surgical Research, WW Souba and D Wilmore, ed. Academic Press, San Diego, CA., 2000
4. DD Bensard, CM Calkins, DA Partrick. Common Systemic Diseases of the Neonate, Neonatal Surgery. In: Handbook of Neonatal Intensive Care (5th edition), GB Merenstein and SL Gardener, ed. Mosby Publishing, St. Louis, MO., 2001
5. CM Calkins. Esophageal Carcinoma, In: Surgical Secrets (5th edition), AH Harken and EE Moore, ed. Hanley and Belfus Publishing, Philadelphia, PA., 2004.
6. CM Calkins, GW Holcomb. Surgical Treatment of Empyema. In: Operative Pediatric Surgery (6th edition) L Spitz and AG Coran, ed. Hodder Arnold Publishers Ltd, London, England, 2006.
7. CM Calkins, KT Oldham. Acquired Anorectal Disorders. In: Pediatric Surgery (5thh edition) GW Holcomb, et al, ed. Saunders Publishing, Philadelphia, PA, 2009.
8. CM Calkins, M Sood. Disorders of the small and large intestine. In: Rudolph's Pediatrics (22nd edition) C Rudolph, et al, ed. Mc Graw Hill Publishing, New York, New York, 2011.
9. CM Calkins, M Sood. Congenital anomalies of the anorectum. In: Rudolph's Pediatrics (22nd edition) C Rudolph, et al, ed. Mc Graw Hill Publishing, New York, New York, 2011.
10. CM Calkins, R Greenup. Infantile Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis. In: Rudolph's Pediatrics (22nd edition) C Rudolph, et al, ed. Mc Graw Hill Publishing, New York, New York, 2011.
11. CM Calkins, KT Oldham. Congenital Pyloric Stenosis and Duodenal Obstruction. In: Mastery of Surgery (6th edition) JE Fischer, et al, ed.
12. CM Calkins, KT Oldham. Long Term Outcomes in Pediatric Surgery. In: Newborn Surgery (3rd edition) Prem Puri, et al, ed. - pending publication
Editorials, Letters To Editor, Other
1. Lyons WS, Calkins, CM, Moore EE, Bensard DD, Partrick DA, McIntyre RC, Harken AH. To the editor: "Resistance" to the inflammatory response and multiple organ failure in children. The Journal of Trauma, 55(1): 182-184, 2003.
1. CM Calkins, JK Heimbach, X Meng, DD Bensard, BD Shames, L Ao, B Pomerantz, RC McIntyre. L-arginine stabilizes IB- and prevents chemokine production in LPS induced acute lung injury. Shock, 13 (suppl 1): 12, 2000.
2. JK Heimbach, X Meng, L Reznikov, CM Calkins, B Pomerantz, C Dinarello, AH Harken. TNFR-I is Required for Heat Stress Induction of Cytoprotective HSP70 in Macrophages. Shock, 13 (suppl 1): 61, 2000.
3. X Meng, L Ao, JK Heimbach, CM Calkins, RC McIntyre, AH Harken. A dominant role of p55 TNF- Receptor in Endotoxemic Myocardial Dysfunction. Shock, 13 (suppl 1): 26, 2000.
4. CM Calkins, X Meng, DD Bensard, CA Dinarello, RC McIntyre Liver CXC chemokine production and PMN recruitment in-vivo are mediated by caspase-1 dependent cytokines. Shock, 15 (suppl 1):92, 2000.
5. X Meng, Y Song, L Ao, CM Calkins, CD Raeburn, AH Harken. P55 TNF- Receptor Mediates Hemorrhage Induced Lung Neutrophil Accumulation Independent of ICAM-1. Shock, 15 (suppl 1):61, 2000.
6. CD Raeburn, CA Dinarello, MA Zimmerman, CM Calkins, X Meng, AH Harken. IL-18 Mediates Endotoxin Induced Cardiac Dysfunction. Shock, 15 (suppl 1):72, 2000.
7. Little D.C., St. Peter, S.D., Calkins C.M., Shah SR, Morrow SE, Holcomb, G.W., Ostlie D.J., Snyder, C.L. Balloon Extraction of Esophageal Foreign Bodies in the Pediatric Population: A sixteen Year, Single Institution Experience. 57th Annual Southwestern Surgical Congress, San Antonio, U.S., April , 2005.
8. Little D.C., Shah, S. R. St. Peter, S.D., Calkins C.M., Murphy J.P., Gatti J.M., Gittes G.K., Sharp R.J., Andrews, W.S., Holcomb, G.W., Ostlie D.J., Snyder C.L. Snyder, C.L. Urachal anomalies in Children- the Vanishing Relevance of Preoperative Voiding Cystourethrogram. 38th Annual Pacific Association of Pediatric Surgeons Vancouver, Canada, May, 2005.
9. St. Peter, S.D., Little D.C., Calkins C.M., Andrews, W.S., Murphy J.P., Sharp R.J., Holcomb, G.W., Snyder, C.L., Ostlie D.J., A Simple and More Cost Effective Antibiotic Regimen for the Treatment of Perforated Appendicitis. 37th Annual Meeting Canadian Association of Paediatric Surgeons, Quebec City, Canada, September, 2005.
10. Little D.C., St. Peter, S.D., Calkins C.M., Shah SR, Morrow SE, Holcomb, G.W., Ostlie D.J., Snyder, C.L. Balloon Extraction of Esophageal Foreign Bodies in the Pediatric Population: A sixteen Year, Single Institution Experience. 37th Annual Meeting Canadian Association of Paediatric Surgeons, Quebec City, Canada, September, 2005.
11. Little D.C., St. Peter, S.D., Calkins C.M., Shah SR, Holcomb, G.W., Snyder, C.L., Ostlie D.J., The Role of Antithrombin III in the Management of Neonates with Necrotizing Enterocolitis. American Academy of Pediatrics, Washington D.C., October, 2005.
12. Banfield, M., Wigton, T., Leuthner S., Calkins C. Gestational age at delivery and outcomes of fetuses with gastroschisis. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 195(6): S192, 2006. Presented at The 2007 Society of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, San Francisco, CA, 2007
13. Gilstrap J.N., Calkins C.M. Duration of Hospital Stay in Pediatric Spleen and /or Liver Injuries: Can APSA Mandated Guidelines for length of patient stay be safely reduced? Journal of Surgical Research 144(2): 339, Februrary 2008. Presented at The 2007 American Surgical Congress, San Francisco, CA, 2007
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