Chasity Brimeyer PhD
Chasity Brimeyer PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Anesthesiology
Division of Pediatric Anesthesiology
Associate Professor of Anesthesiology, Pediatric Psychologist
Department of Anesthesiology
Division of Pediatric Anesthesiology
Associate Professor of Anesthesiology, Pediatric Psychologist
Children’s Wisconsin - Milwaukee Hospital |
8915 W Connell Court |
Milwaukee, WI 53226 |
08/2001 - 05/2005 BS, Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, OK |
08/2006 - 05/2010 EdS, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA |
08/2006 - 05/2012 PhD, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA |
08/2011 - 08/2012 Psychology Resident, Department of Psychology and Neuropsychology, Division of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, Nationwide Children's Hospital, Columbus, OH |
09/2012 - 09/2014 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Psychology, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, TN |
2016 - 2017 Adjunct Faculty, Department of Distance Education, Division of Psychology, Indiana Institute of Technology, Fort Wayne, IN |
10/2017 - 07/2022 Assistant Professor, Anesthesiology, Pediatric Anesthesiology, The Medical College of Wisconsin, WI |
02/2020 - Present Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI |
07/2022 - Present Associate Professor, Anesthesiology, Pediatric Anesthesiology, Medical College of Wisconsin |
09/2014 - Present Jane B. Pettit Pain and Headache Center, Children's Wisconsin, 9000 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53226 |
2023 - Present Integrated Healing Program, Roger's Behavioral Health |
Licensure | Number | Issue Date | Expiration |
Wisconsin License | 3186-57 | 08/11/2014 | 09/30/2025 |
2001 - 2005 Presidential Honor Roll, Oral Roberts University |
2004 - 2005 Psi Chi Rho President, Oral Roberts University |
2005 Senior Psychology Student of the Year, Oral Roberts University |
2007 Recipient of School Psychology Department Scholarship, University of Iowa |
2008 Recipient of Winifred S. Scott Tuition Scholarship, University of Iowa |
2009 Recipient of Graduate Student Senate and Scholarly Presentation Award, University of Iowa |
2009 Recipient of Executive Council of Graduate and Professional Student Travel Award, University of Iowa |
2009 Recipient of Audrey Qualls Travel Award, University of Iowa |
2010 Audrey Qualls Travel Award, University of Iowa |
2011 Exceptional Graduate Student in College of Education, University of Iowa |
2021 Arthur B. Kohasky Leadership Award, Wauwatosa Public Library Foundation |
2005 - 2006 Association for Applied Behavioral Analysis |
2006 - Present Society of Pediatric Psychology |
2006 - 2012 National Association of School Psychologists |
2008 - 2009 Society of Child, Family, Policy and Practice |
2008 - 2009 Society of Behavioral Medicine |
2012 - 2014 Society of Behavioral Sleep Medicine |
2012 - 2014 American Academy of Sleep Medicine |
2014 - Present International Association for the Study of Pain |
2021 - Present US Association for the Study of Pain (Member) |
Journal Review |
2013 - Present Supportive Care in Cancer |
2017 - Present The Clinical Journal of Pain |
2020 - Present Clinical Practice of Pediatric Psychology: Special Issue, Sleep in Pediatric And Developmental Conditions |
2021 - Present International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health |
2021 - Present Clinical Practice of Pediatric Psychology |
2021 - Present Children |
2022 - Present Healthcare |
Ad-Hoc Reviewer |
2013 Translational Issues in Psychological Science: Special Issue, The Science of Sleep |
2013 Behavioral Sleep Medicine |
2014 Journal of Pediatric Psychology |
2014 SLEEP |
2014 Pediatric Blood & Cancer |
2014 Journal of Pediatrics |
2019 Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference Abstract Submission Review |
2022 Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference Abstract Reviewer |
2023 Canadian Journal of Pain |
2023 Behavioral Sciences |
2023 Wisconsin Medical Journal |
2023 Special Issue: Intersections of religion, faith, spirituality, and pediatric psychology, Clinical Journal of Pediatric Psychology |
2023 Adolescent |
2020 - 2021 Member, Medical and Public Health Advisory Board, Wauwatosa, WI School District |
03/01/2022 - 03/02/2022 Member, Interview Committee for the Chief of Pupil Services and Family Supports position, Wauwatosa School District |
04/2022 - Present Member, Strategic Planning Steering Committee, Wauwatosa School District |
04/2023 2023 Conference Poster Judge, Awards Committee, US Association for the Study of Pain |
04/2023 - Present Co-Chair, Sleep and Pain Special Interest Group, US Association for the Study of Pain |
RESEARCH GRANTS/AWARDS/CONTRACTS/PROJECTS: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
National |
Brimeyer, C., Impact of Preoperative Psychological Intervention on Postoperative Outcomes in Adolescents Undergoing Reconstructive Surgery for Pectus Excavatum, Psychosocial SIG, US Association for the Study of Pain Annual Scientific Conference, Cincinnati, OH, 05/19/2022 |
Regional |
Brimeyer, C. & Cowan, C., Pharmacological and Behavioral Management of Pediatric Headache, Invited Workshop presented as part of the Children's Hospital of Wisconsin Best Practices Conference, Wisconsin Dells, WI, 2016 |
Brimeyer, C., Peterson, S., & Weisman, S., Managing Pain and Somatic Symptoms in Primary Care, Invited symposium presented to the Children's Wisconsin Best Practices Annual Conference, Wisconsin Dells, WI, 2020 |
Local |
Brimeyer, C., School Re-Entry for Children with Cancer in Iowa, Invited talk presented as part of the Iowa School Nurse Research Consortium Meeting, Iowa City, IA, 2009 |
Brimeyer, C., & Wilgenbusch, T., Working with the Families of Children with Cancer, Invited talk presented as part of the University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Unit Educational Rounds, Iowa City, IA, 2009 |
Brimeyer, C., School Re-Entry Research for Children with Cancer in Iowa: Findings and Implications, Invited talk presented at the Iowa School Nurse Research Consortium Meeting, Iowa City, IA, 2010 |
Brimeyer, C., Introduction to Survey Research, Invited lecture presented to the University of Iowa Graduate Research in School Psychology Course, Iowa City, IA, 2010 |
Wilgenbusch, T., & Brimeyer, C., Pediatric Palliative Care: The Role of Pediatric Psychology, Invited talk for the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Conference of Pediatric Palliative Care: How it Benefits Patients, Families, and Care Providers, Iowa City, IA, 2010 |
Rusy, R., Brimeyer, C., Stoner, K., & Cowan, C., Pediatric Headache, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin's Resident Noon Lecture, Milwaukee, WI, 2015 |
Brimeyer, C., Introduction to Biofeedback, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin Psychology Graduate Student Practicum Didactics, Milwaukee, WI, 2015 - Present |
Czarnecki, M., & Brimeyer, C., The Placebo Conundrum: Maximizing the Placebo Effect Without Actually Administering a Placebo, Invited talk presented for the Children's Hospital of Wisconsin Nursing Grand Rounds, Milwaukee, WI, 2016 |
Brimeyer, C., School Refusal: Strategies for School Staff and Families, Invited talk presented for the Menomonee Falls School District Parent Education Series, Menomonee Falls, WI, 2017 |
Brimeyer, C., Psychosocial and Biological Treatment of Pediatric Headache, Invited lecture presented to the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Graduate Child Clinical Seminar, Milwaukee, WI, 2019 |
Brimeyer, C., Pain Dismissal, Invited lecture for the Medical College of Wisconsin's Psychiatry Fellow Noon Seminar, Milwaukee, WI, 2021 |
Brimeyer, C., Consulting with Schools, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Graduate Child Clinical Seminar, Milwaukee, WI, 2022 |
Brimeyer, C., Psychosocial Support for Chest Wall Reconstructive Surgery, Children's Wisconsin Surgical Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, 2022 |
Brimeyer, Chasity, The Role of Biofeedback in Addressing Perceived Somatic Symptom Dismissal, Psychiatry Fellows Noon Seminar, Milwaukee, 02/2023 |
Brimeyer, Chasity, School Avoidance, Medical College of Wisconsin Health Psychology Residency Didactic Seminar, Milwaukee, 2023 - 2024 |
Discussion on documentary, "Take Care of Maya", Child Clinical Seminar, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2023 |
Brimeyer, Chasity, Functional Neurological Disorders, Medical College of Wisconsin Health Psychology Residency Didactic Seminar, Milwaukee, 2023 - 2024 |
Brimeyer, Chasity, Functional Pain and Somatic Symptoms, Medical College of Wisconsin Pediatric Residency Conference, Milwaukee, 2023 - 2024 |
Brimeyer, C., The Role of Biofeedback in Addressing Perceived Somatic Symptom Dismissal, Medical College of Wisconsin Psychiatry Felllows Noon Seminar, Milwaukee, WI, - 2023 |
Brimeyer, C., Biofeedback, Pediatric Psychology Graduate Student Seminar, Milwaukee, WI, - 2022 |
Brimeyer, C., Introduction to Biofeedback, Didactics for Pediatric Psychology Graduate Students Didactics, Milwaukee, WI, - 2020 |
Brimeyer, C., Psychosocial Support for Surgery, Children's Wisconsin Surgery Clinic Didactics, Milwaukee, WI, - 2022 |
International |
Skillings, A., Young, N.D., LiaBraaten, B., Gremillion, M., Brimeyer, C., Czarnecki, M.L., Weisman, S.J., Hainsworth, K.R., Biopsychosocial Characteristics of Adolescents with Idiopathic Scoliosis and Moderate-Severe Pain Before Spinal Fusion: A Call to Action, International Association for the Study of Pain 2023, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 2023 |
National |
Lind, M.A., Brimeyer, C., Padilla, Y.C., Wacker, D.P., & Northup, J., The Evaluation of Negative Contrast Across Academic Tasks of High and Low Preference, Poster Presentation for the 33rd Annual Convention of the Association of Behavior Analysis, San Diego, CA, 2007 |
Brimeyer, C., Wilgenbusch, T., McCoy, T., Howarth, R., Conrad, A., & Richman, L.C., Quality of Life Related to Injury Circumstance and Time Elapsed Since Injury in Pediatric Burn Patients, Poster Presentation for the Midwest Conference on Pediatric Psychology, Kansas City, MS, 2009 |
Rickman, L., Engebretson, B., Kopelman, T., & Brimeyer, C., Inpatient Pediatric Psychology Consultation-Liaison Service: Evaluating the First Year of a New Service, Poster Presentation for the Midwest Conference on Pediatric Psychology, Kansas City, MS, 2009 |
Conrad, A.C., Brimeyer, C., Type and Frequency of Activities Engaged in At a Recreational Summer Oncology Camp, Poster Presentation for the Kansas Conference in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, Lawrence, KS, 2010 |
Wilgenbusch, T., Brimeyer, C., & Kimpton, C., Integrating Pediatric Psychology Services in a Burn Trauma Center, Poster Presentation for the Midwestern Burn Conference, Madison, WI, 2010 |
Brimeyer, C., Conrad, A.C., Napolus, P., & Richman, L.C., Internalizing/Externalizing Problems in Premature Children: Mediation of Language and Nonverbal Skills, Poster Presentation for the 118th Annual American Psychological Association Conference, San Diego, CA, 2010 |
Brimeyer, C., & McCarthy, A.M., School Re-Entry for Pediatric Cancer in Iowa: School Professionals' Experiences, Poster presentation for the National Association of School Psychology Conference, Chicago, IL, 2010 |
Conrad, A.L., & Brimeyer, C., Differences in Activities At Specialized Summer Camps for children with Cancer and Their Healthy Siblings, Poster Presentation for the National Conference of Pediatric Psychology, San Antonio, TX, 2010 |
Brimeyer, C., & Wilgenbusch, T., Correlation Between Health-Related Quality of Life and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Pediatric Burn Survivors, Poster Presentation for the 31st Annual Conference for the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Seattle, WA, 2010 |
Brimeyer, C., Meltzer, L.J., Russell, K., Biggs, S.N., Reynolds, A.C., & Crabtree, V.L., Further Validation of The Children's Report of Sleep Patterns (CRSP) Measure in Adolescents, Poster Presentation for the American Academy of Sleep Medicine Conference, Baltimore, MD, 2013 |
Crabtree, V.M., Brimeyer, C., Zhu, L., Srivastava, D., Wise, M.S., & Hudson, M., Sleep Complaints in Child Survivors of CNS Tumors, Poster Presentation for the American Academy of Sleep Medicine SLEEP Conference, Baltimore, MD, 2013 |
Brimeyer, C., Zhu, L., Srivastava, D., Wise, M.S., Hudson, M., & Crabtree, V.M., Sleep Complaints in Adolescent Brain Tumor Survivors, Poster Presentation for the National Conference of Pediatric Psychology, New Orleans, LA, 2013 |
Brimeyer, C., & McCarthy, A.M., Exploratory Investigation of Systemic Variables of School Re-Entry Success: The Adolescent with Cancer's Perspective, Poster Presentation for the National Conference of Pediatric Psychology, New Orleans, LA, 2013 |
Brimeyer, C., Conklin, H., Smith, M.N., Coan, Al, Yuan, Y., Ashford, J., Wise, M., Mandrell, B., Merchant, T., & Crabtree, V.M., Excessive Sleepiness and Neurocognitive Performance in Children with Craniopharyngioma, Poster Presentation for the American Academy of Sleep Medicine SLEEP Conference, Minneapolis, MN, 2014 |
Rudman, K., Defenderfer, E., Santos, M., Simpson, P., Brimeyer, C., Jastrowski Mano,K., Weisman, S., & Hainsworth, K.R., Parents of Youth with Chronic Pain: Does their Child's Co-Morbid Obesity Further Exacerbate Their Own Health-Related Quality of Life?, Poster presented at the 10th International Symposium on Pediatric Pain, Seattle, WA, 2015 |
Stoner, A.M., Anderson Khan, K., Brimeyer, C., Ladwig, R., Jastrowski Mano, K.E., Davies, W.H., Weisman, S.J., & Hainsworth, K., Weight-based Differences in School Functioning in a Pediatric Chronic Pain Population, Poster presented for the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, San Diego, CA, 2015 |
Brimeyer, C., Defenderfer, E.L., Anderson Khan, K., Ladwig, R., Erato, G., Weisman, S., & Hainsworth, K., The Interrelationships Between Obesity, Sleep, and Global Health in Children and Adolescents with Chronic Pain, Poster Presentation for the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, 2016 |
Kapke, T.L., Anderson Khan, K., Brimeyer, C., & Gerdes, A.C., Effects of Acculturation Risk Factors and Parental Psychopathology on Latino Adolescent Somatic Complaints, Poster Presentation for the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Portland, OR, 2016 |
Lang, A.C., Igler, E.C., Defenderfer, E., Uihlein, J.A., Davies, W.H., & Brimeyer, C., Reactions to Different Physician Pain Dismissal Topographies, Poster presented for the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Portland, OR, 2017 |
Davies, W.H., Brimeyer, C., Igler, E.C., Sejkora, E.K.D., Logan, D., Real Pain? Patterns and Clinical Implications of Provider Pain Dismissal in Adolescents and Emerging Adults, Symposium presented for the Society of PEdiatric Psychology Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, 2019 |
Zwick, S., Lang, A., Davies, W.H., Brimeyer, C., Drendel, A., & Igler, E., Impact of Provider Years of Experience on Reactions to a Standardized Pediatric Headache Presentation, Poster Presentation for the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Dallas, TX, 2020 |
Gremillion, M.L., Jarvis, J.E., Anderson Khan, K.J., Brimeyer, C., Weisman, S.J., & Hainsworth, K.R., The Importance of Weight and Racial/Ethnic Minority Status on Risk Stratification in Pediatric Chronic Pain, 13th International Symposium of Pediatric Pain, Virtual, 03/2022 |
Hainsworth, K., Brimeyer, C., Michlig, J., Richardson, P., Barber Garcia, B., Mauro, G., Weisman, S.J., Bandari, R., Validation of the Collaborative Health Outcomes Information Registry Body Map on a Large Sample of Youth with Chronic Pain, 13th International Symposium of Pediatric Pain, Virtual, 03/2022 |
LiaBraaten, B.M., Stolzman, S.C., Anderson Khan, K.J., Brimeyer, C., Brockman, T., Gremillion, M., Kapke, T.L., Linneman, N., Flynn, E., Weisman, S.J., & Hainsworth, K.J., Rate of Perceived Exertion - Pediatric Scale (REP - P): Preliminary Validation in Groups Varying by Chronic Pain and Weight, Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ, 04/2022 |
Brimeyer, C., Czarnecki, M., Michlig, J., LiaBraaten, B., Lynch, C., YUan, K., Zhang, L., Weisman, S.J., & Hainsworth, K., Impact of Preoperative Psychological Intervention on Postoperative Outcomes in Adolescents Undergoing Reconstructive Surgery for Pectus Excavatum, US Association for the Study of Pain Annual Scientific Conference, Cincinnati, OH, 05/2022 |
Brimeyer, Chasity, Weisman, Steven J., Czarnecki, Michelle L., Hainsworth, Keri R., Impact of Mental/Behavioral Health Comorbidities on Patient Outcomes One Year Post-Pectus Repair Surgery, 2023 USASP Annual Scientific Meeting, Durham, North Carolina, 04/2023 |
Brimeyer, C., Weisman, S.J., Czarnecki, M.L., & Hainsworth, K.R., Incidence and Prevalence of Prolonged Pain and Opioid Prescription in Adolescents Undergoing Pectus Repair Surgery During the COVID-19 Pandemic, 2024 USASP Annual Scientific Meeting, Seattle, Washington, 04/2024 |
Mehta, A., Hainsworth, K.R., Simpson, P., Davies, H., Lee, H.J., Brimeyer, C., Czarnecki, M., LiaBraaten, B., Mauro, G., Weisman, S.J., Evaluating the feasibility and acceptability of a Texting + Qualtrics system to collect post-discharge data from pediatric surgery patients, International Anesthesia Research Society, Seattle, Washington |
Berridge, K., Mano Jastrowski, K., LisaBraaten, B., Gremillion, M., Brimeyer, C., Kapke, T., Khan Anderson, K., Weisman, S.J., Hainsworth, K.R., Clinical cut-points for the Child Activity Limitations Interview-9 in a large sample of youth with chronic pain, Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA |
Mehta, A., Davies, H., Lee, H., Brimeyer, C., Czarnecki, M., LiaBraaten, B., Weisman, S., & Hainsworth, K., Texting as a Method to Collect Post-Discharge Data After Major Pediatric Surgery: Lessons Learned, Poster Presentation for the 10th Annual Society of Pediatric Pain Medicine Conference, Austin, TX, - 2023 |
Kapke, T. L., Zhang, J., Yan, K., LiaBraaten, B. M., Flynn, E., Nehls, S., Anderson Khan, K., Brimeyer, C., Gremillion, M., Weisman, S., & Hainsworth, K., Patterns of healthcare utilization and psychosocial outcomes for youth with chronic pain: What do caregivers have to do with it?, Poster Presentation for the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, - 2023 |
Young, N., Skillings, A., LiaBraaten, B.M., Gremillion, M.,Brimeyer, C., Czarnecki, M.L., Weisman, S.J., & Hainsworth, K.R., Preoperative Pain and Functional Disability in Patients with Idiopathic Scoliosis: Potential Intervention Targets, Poster Presentation for the 10th Annual Society of Pediatric Pain Medicine Conference, Austin, TX, - 2023 |
Local |
Brimeyer, C., McCarthy, A.M., Systematic Literature Review of School Re-Entry for Children with Cancer: Characteristics, Roles, Barriers, and Facilitators to Implementation, Poster Presentation for the Eleventh Annual James F. Jakobsen Graduate Conference, Iowa City, IA, 2009 |
Brimeyer, C., The School Re-Entry Experience of the Adolescent with Cancer, Talk presented for the Nationwide Children's Hospital Psychology Grand Rounds, Columbus, OH, 2012 |
Brimeyer, C., I'm Not Talking! Conceptualizing and Addressing Resistance in Adolescents During Therapy, Talk presented for the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital Psychology Grand Rounds, Memphis, TN, 2013 |
Brimeyer, C., Chronic Pain and Sleep: Assessment and Intervention, Lecture presented for the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital Psychology Grand Rounds, Memphis, TN, 2014 |
Medical College of Wisconsin |
08/2021 - 2022 Member, Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, Pediatrics, Anesthesiology, Medical College of Wisconsin |
Graduate Student Education |
2010 University of Iowa Department of Pediatrics, Division of Psychology, Served as Graduate Teaching Assistant; Collaborated in course design, prepared and delivered lectures and grading, and gave individual academic support to students. |
2016 - 2017 Indiana Institute of Technology, Masters of Psychology Distance Education Program, Taught Psychopathology, Social Psychology, and APA Style for Psychology courses |
Clinical Programs |
2015 - Present Children's Wisconsin Headache Clinic
2018 - Present Perioperative Psychosocial Intervention for Patients Undergoing Chest Wall Correction Surgeries |
2022 - Present Member of Support Our Schools Wauwatosa, a local public school advocacy group for the Wauwatosa School District |
2022 - 2023 Volunteer and Leader for a Psychoeducational Group on Confidence for Third Grade Girls at a local school |
2022 - 2023 Sunbeam Kids, a non-profit organization that provides child-centered community volunteer opportunities |
Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers |
1. Lang, A.C., Igler, E.C., Defenderfer, E.K., Uihlein, J., Brimeyer, C., & Davies, W.H. (2018). Evaluating Differential Effects of Specific Pain Dismissal Interactions with Physicians. Clinical Journal of Pain, 34(7), 664-669. |
2. Brimeyer, C., Adams, L., Zhu, L., Srivastava, D., Wise, M., Hudson, M., & Crabtree, V.M. (2016). Sleep Complaints in Survivors of Pediatric Brain Tumors. Supportie Care in Cancer, 24(1), 23-31. |
3. Meltzer, L.J., Brimeyer, C., Russell, K., Avis, K.T., Biggs, s., Reynolds, A.C., & Crabtree, V.M. (2014). The Children's Report of Sleep Patterns: Validity and Reliability of the Sleep Hygiene Index and Sleep Disturbances Scale in Adolescents. Sleep Medicine, 15(12), 1500-1507. |
4. Lang, A.C., Igler, E., Linneman, N., Brimeyer, C., Drendel, A.L., & Davies, W.H. (Under Review). Benefits of Contextualizing Explanations of Headache Pain Within a BioPsychoSocial Model. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. |
5. Brimeyer, C., Czarnecki, M.L., LiaBraaten, B., Flynn, E., Weisman, S.J., Densmore, J.D., & Hainsworth, K.R. (In Press). A Preoperative Psychosocial Intervention for Youth Undergoing Pectus Repair: Development and Initial Patient/Caregiver Experiences, Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology. |
6. Mehta, A., Simpson, P.M., Davies, W.H., Lee, H.J., Brimeyer, C., Czarnecki, M., LiaBraaten, B., Maura, G., Weisman, S.J., & Hainsworth, K.R. Texting as a method to collect post-discharge data after major pediatric surgery: Observations and lessons learned. Children (under review). |
Books, Chapters, and Reviews |
1. Crabtree, V.M., & Brimeyer, C. (2014). Neoplasms and Sleep. In Sheldon, S. (Ed.). Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine. Elsevier. |
2. Brimeyer, C. (In Press). Psychosocial Interventions for Pain Management. In Czarnecki, M. & Turner, H.N. (Eds.). Core Curriculum for Pain Management Nursing, 4th Edition. Elsevier. |
Editorials, Letters To Editor, Other |
1. Young ND, Brimeyer CT. Postop spinal fusion pain and the continued neglect of biopsychosocial lens in pediatric orthopaedics. JPOSNA 2022;4(4). |
Abstracts |
1. Brimeyer, C., Conklin, H., Smith, M.N., Coan, A., Yuan, Y., Ashford, J., Wise, M., ... Crabtree, V.M. (2014). Excessive Sleepiness and Neurocognitive Performance in Children with Craniopgaryngioma. SLEEP 37: A317. |
2. Brimeyer, C., Meltzer, L.J., Russell, K., Biggs, S.N., Reynolds, A.C., & Crabtree, V.M. (2013). Further Validation of the Children's Report of Sleep Patterns (CRSP) Measure in Adolescents. SLEEP 36: A344. |
3. Crabtree, V.M., Brimeyer, C., Zhu, L., Srivastava, D., Wise, M.S., & Hudson, M. (2013). Sleep Complaints in Child Survivors of CNS Tumors. SLEEP 36: A362. |
4. Brimeyer, C., Czarnecki, M., Michlig, J., LiaBraaten, B., Lynch, C., Yan, K., Zhan, L., Hainsworth, K.R. Weisman, S., & Densmore, J. (2022). Impact of Preoperative Psychological Intervention on Postoperative Outcomes in Adolescents Undergoing Reconstructive Surgery for Pectus Excavatum. The Journal of Pain, 23(5), supplement, 54-55. |
5. Brimeyer, C., Weisman, S.J., Czarnecki, M.L., & Hainsworth, K.R. (2023). Impact Of Mental/Behavioral Health Comorbidities On Patient Outcomes One Year Post-Pectus Repair Surgery. The Journal of Pain, 24(4), 92 - 93. |
Database, Video, or Other Research/Clinical Contributions |
1. (2018). Video of pectus chest wall deformity correction, |