Medical College of Wisconsin
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Colleen Trevino PhD
Assoc Professor Clinical Dir Inpatient 2
Department of Surgery
Division of Trauma and Critical Care
Assistant Professor
Nurse Practitioner
Division of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery
Department of Surgery
Medical College of Wisconsin

Hub for Collaborative Medicine
8701 Watertown Plank Road
Milwaukee, WI 53226

09/1992 - 05/1997 B.S., Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI
01/1998 - 05/2001 M.S., University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI
05/2003 - 08/2011 Ph.D., University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI

2002 - Present Nurse Practitioner, Department of Surgery, Division of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin, 8701 Watertown Plank Road, Milwaukee, WI 53226
2011 - 2017 Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Surgery, Division of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin, 8701 Watertown Plank Road, Milwaukee, WI 53226
2017 - Present Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, Division of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin, 8701 Watertown Plank Road, Milwaukee, WI 53226

2012 - 2017 Assistant Director of Advanced Practice Providers for Acute Care Office of Advanced Practice, Medical College Physicians Group, Office of Clinical Affairs, Medical College of Wisconsin, 8701 Watertown Plank Road, Milwaukee, WI 53226
2012 - Present Co-Director of the Complex Abdominal Wound and Fistula Management Consulting Service, Medical College of Wisconsin, 8701 Watertown Plank Road, Milwaukee, WI 53226
2015 - 2017 Chief Advanced Practice Provider, Department of Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin, 8701 Watertown Plank Road, Milwaukee, WI 53226
2016 - 2018 Co-Director APP Critical Care Fellowship, Medical College of Wisconsin, 8701 Watertown Plank Road, Milwaukee, WI 53226
2018 - Present Director of Trauma Quality of Life Pilot Clinic, Medical College of Wisconsin, 8701 Watertown Plank Road, Milwaukee, WI 53226

1997 - 1999 Registered Nurse, Trauma, Emergency General Surgery, Plastic Surgery, and ENT Inpatient, Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital, 9200 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53226
1999 - 2009 Registered Nurse, Surgical Intensive Care Unit, Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital, 9200 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53226
2001 - 2002 Nurse Practitioner, Family Practice, WLG, LLC

07/2002 - Present Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital, 9200 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53226
07/2008 - Present Froedtert Surgery Center, LLC, 840 N. 87th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53226

Board Certified
Issue DateExpiration
American Nurses Credentialing Center Family Practice
Certified Wound Specialist
Issued By Issue DateExpiration
Online and Blended Learning
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
LEAN Training
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor

Number Issue DateExpiration
Wisconsin License RN
Wisconsin License APNP

05/1997 Cum Laude (BSN), Marquette University
05/1997 Certificate of Academic Achievement, Marquette University College of Nursing
05/2001 Magna Cum Laude (MSN), University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
06/2010 Outstanding Physician Extender, Department of Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin
10/2010 POET Award, Froedtert Hospital
08/2011 Summa Cum Laude (Ph.D.), University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
05/2013 Advanced Practice Nurse Award for Clinical Excellence, Medical College of Wisconsin
05/2019 APP Team of the Year, Medical College of Wisconsin

1997 - Present Sigma Theta Tau Delta Gamma Chapter
2000 - Present Metro Milwaukee Nurse Practitioners
2011 - 2015 International Association for the Study of Pain
2011 - 2015 American Pain Society
2012 - Present Clinical & Translational Science Institute of Southeast Wisconsin
2012 - 2015 Midwest Pain Society
2013 - 2018 American Nurses Association/Wisconsin Nurses Association
2013 - 2017 Society of Critical Care Medicine
2016 - 2018 American Association of Nurse Practitioners
2017 - Present Association for Academic Surgery
2018 - Present Society of Trauma Nurses
2019 - Present Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma
2019 - Present International Cannabinoid Research Society

Journal Review
05/2013 - Present Journal of Trauma Nursing
08/2013 - Present Journal of Pain Research

Peer Review
Adhesive SBO
Role & Effort:
Principle Investigator
Colleen M. Trevino
10/2015 - Present
Short Duration of antibiotics for Perforated Apendicitis
Role & Effort:
Principle Investigator
Colleen M. Trevino
09/2016 - Present
ACCUTE (AB103 Clinical Composite Endpoint Study in Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infections)
Atox Bio Ltd
Role & Effort:
Project Staff
Todd Neideen, MD
01/2017 - Present
Open-Abdomen Hospital Course
Role & Effort:
Collaborating Investigator
Panna Codner, MD
09/2017 - Present
Comprehensive Trauma Quality of Life Clinic
Role & Effort:
Principle Investigator
Colleen M. Trevino
03/2018 - Present
Opioid Prescribing Following Trauma
Role & Effort:
Principle Investigator
Colleen M. Trevino
06/2018 - Present
Division of Trauma Databank
Role & Effort:
Collaborating Investigator
Terri A. deRoon-Cassini, Ph.D.
08/2018 - Present
Oral Morphine Equivalent Clinically Significant Reduction
Role & Effort:
Principle Investigator
Colleen M. Trevino
08/2018 - Present
Delayed Primary Closure of the Open Abdomen with Negative Pressure Wound Therapy
Role & Effort:
Principle Investigator
Colleen M. Trevino
01/2020 - 01/2021
Ketamine as an Adjunct for Pain Control in Severely Injured Patients and Longitudinal Quality of Life Outcomes
Comprehensive Injury Center, Medical College of Wisconsin
Role & Effort:
Co-Principal Investigator
Dr. Thomas Carver
07/2020 - 07/2022
Direct Funds:
Peer Review
Longitudinal Pain Trajectories in the Traumatically Injured
Southwestern Wisconsin Research Consortium
Role & Effort:
Principle Investigator
Colleen M. Trevino
05/2012 - 05/2013
Direct Funds:
Predictive Equations in Patients with Enteric Fistula
Role & Effort:
Collaborating Investigator
Panna Codner, MD
04/2015 - 09/2018
Surgical Correlation of Small Bowel Obstruction
Role & Effort:
Collaborating Investigator
Travis Webb, MD
09/2015 - 01/2019
Enteric Fistula Management
Role & Effort:
Principle Investigator
Colleen M. Trevino
09/2015 - 01/2019
Secondary Analysis of Endocannabinoid and Pain in STAR Study
Medical College of Wisconsin Comprehensive Injury Center
Role & Effort:
Principle Investigator
Colleen M. Trevino
03/2018 - 06/2018
Direct Funds:

Colleen M. Trevino, Nursing Research and Trauma, The 5th Annual Trauma/Acute Care Surgery Symposium and the 3rd Annual Trauma Nursing Symposium, Havana, Cuba, 06/2018
Colleen M. Trevino, Eliere Carrera Gonzalez, Jasmine Garces-King, Kathleen Martin, Adam Fox, Christopher Dodgion, Susan Rihawi, Jessica Badillo, Stop the Bleed: Bleeding Control Basic Course, The 4th Annual Trauma Nursing Symposium, Havana, Cuba, 04/2019
Colleen M. Trevino, Non-invasive ventilation in the critical patient. Indications and precautions., The 4th Annual Trauma Nursing Symposium, Havana, Cuba, 04/2019
Colleen M. Trevino, Improving Quality by Streamlining Care, The 6th Annual Trauma/Acute Care Surgery Symposium, Havana, Cuba, 05/2019
Colleen M. Trevino, Case Series: Use of Neox Skin Substitute Product in Chronic Abdominal Wounds. Presentation., Amniox Medical Winter Symposium, Miami, FL, 01/2015
Colleen M. Trevino, Cost Effectiveness of a Fast Track Protocol for Urgent Laparoscopic Cholecystectomies and Appendectomies. Presentation., American Association of Nurse Practitioners Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, 06/2016
Colleen M. Trevino, Open Abdomen Protocol, Froedtert Hospital, Milwaukee, WI, 08/2010
Colleen M. Trevino, Impact of Trauma Research on Patients and Families., Southwestern Wisconsin Research Consortium Building Bridges Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 05/2013
Colleen M. Trevino, Complex Wounds: What are the Options?, Acute Care Surgery Symposium, Department of Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 04/2015
Colleen M. Trevino, SBO Protocol, PGY2 Surgical Curriculum, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 11/2015
Panna Codner and Colleen M. Trevino, Enterocutaneous and Enteroatmospheric Fistula, Acute Care Surgery Symposium, Department of Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 04/2017
Colleen M. Trevino, Terri deRoon-Cassini, and Cecilia Hillard, The Endocannabinoid System and Transition of Acute to Chronic Pain in the Traumatically Injured. Presentation., From the Community to the Battlefield: Learning and Training Together Comprehensive Injur, Milwaukee, WI, 12/2017
Colleen M. Trevino, Enterocutaneous Fistula Case Study, Acute Care Surgery Symposium, Department of Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 06/2018
Colleen M. Trevino, Advanced Practice Providers in Trauma Care, Acute Care Surgery Symposium, Department of Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 06/2018
Susan Arnsdorf, Tracy Richardson, Colleen M. Trevino, Small Bowel Obstructions, Acute Care Surgery Symposium, Department of Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 06/2019
Colleen M. Trevino, Fast Track for Appendicitis, Acute Care Surgery Symposium, Department of Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 06/2019

Colleen M. Trevino, Timothy Geier, Cecilia Hillard, Karen Brasel, Terri A. deRoon-Cassini, Two Cluster Model for the Transition from Acute to Chronic Pain in Traumatically Injured Patients, Pan-American Trauma Society Annual Meeting, La Serena, Chile, 11/2019
Travis Webb, Colleen M. Trevino, Combining Classroom and Simulation-based Training to Improve Interprofessional Communication and Teamwork on an Inpatient Surgical Unit., Poster presentation, Association of American Medical Colleges Integrating Quality Meeting, Chicago, IL, 06/2012
Colleen M. Trevino, Predicators of Chronic Pain in Traumatically Injured Hospitalized Patients, Poster presentation, 2nd Place Best Poster Award, Midwest Pain Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 10/2012
Karina Katchko, Colleen M. Trevino, Travis Webb, Outcomes of a Fast-Track Pathway for Urgent Cholecystectomy, Academic Surgical Congress, San Diego, CA, 02/2014
Karina Katchko, Colleen M. Trevino, Travis Webb, Cost Effectiveness of a Fast Track Protocol for Urgent Laparoscopic Cholecystectomies and Appendectomies, Western Surgical Association, Palm Springs, CA, 11/2014
Colleen M. Trevino, Samuel Boateng, Nathan Kugler, Spontaneous Enteric Fistula Closure Rates Improve with Standardization of Treatment, Academic Surgical Congress Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, 02/2017
Jace Franco, Travis Webb, Colleen M. Trevino, Retrospective Analysis of Non-Specific Indicators of Intestinal Ischemia, and the Correlation to Surgical Intervention in Small Bowel Obstruction Patients, E-Poster, American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress, San Diego, CA, 10/2017
Tracy VandeWater, Travis Webb, Colleen M. Trevino, Implementation of an Adhesive Small Bowel Obstruction Protocol and the Impact on Patient Outcomes, E-Poster, American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress, San Diego, CA, 10/2017
Priscilla Ding, Christopher Dodgion, Tracy VandeWater, Nadeem Haddad, Mohamed Ray-Zack, Jacob Peschman, Travis Webb, Martin Zielinski, Colleen M. Trevino, Comparison of Two Water-Soluble Contrast Protocols for Small Bowel Obstruction, Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma, Orlando, FL, 01/2018
Colleen M. Trevino, Terri A. deRoon-Cassini, Cecilia Hillard, The Endocannabinoid System and Transition of Acute to Chronic Pain in the Traumatically Injured, Academic Surgical Congress Annual Meeting, Jacksonville, FL, 02/2018
Savo Bou Zein Eddine, Kelly A. Boyle, Christopher M. Dodgion, Colleen M. Trevino, Jeremy S. Juern, Thomas W. Carver, Christopher S. Davis, David J. Milia, Panna A. Codner, Jacob R. Peschman, Travis P. Webb, and Marc A. de Moya, Percent Change from Pre-Injury Blood Pressure is an Independent Predictor of Mortality in Elderly Trauma, Quickshot presentation, 77th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma and Clinical Congress of Acute Care Surgery and 4th World Trauma Congress, San Diego, CA, 09/26/2018 - 09/29/2018
Savo Bou Zein Eddine, Christopher Dodgion, Colleen M. Trevino, Marc A. de Moya, D. Dante Yeh, Short Duration of Antibiotics for Perforated Appendicitis: A Post-Hoc Analysis of the EAST Appendicitis (MUSTANG) Study, QuickShot presentation, The Wisconsin Surgical Society, Kohler, WI, 11/02/2018 - 11/03/2018
Savo Bou Zein Eddine, Christopher Dodgion, Colleen M. Trevino, Marc A. de Moya, D. Dante Yeh, Acute Gangrenous Appendicitis: Are Extended Antibiotics Necessary? A Post-Hoc Analysis of the EAST Appendicitis (MUSTANG) Study, Poster presentation, The Wisconsin Surgical Society, Kohler, WI, 11/02/2018 - 11/03/2018
Jacklynn Fitzgerald, Emily Belleau, Lauren Taubitz, Colleen M. Trevino, Karen Brasel, Christine Larson, Terri A. deRoon-Cassini, Neural Predictors of pain and PTSD following motor vehicle crash, ISTSS 34th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., 11/2018
Savo Bou Zein Eddine, Christopher M. Dodgion, Ryan T. DeAngelis, Hana A. Han, Travis Webb, Thomas Carver, Colleen M. Trevino, Panna Codner, Incisional surgical site infections in open abdomen: Does closure technique matter?, Western Surgical Association Annual Meeting, San Jose del Cabo, Mexico, 11/2018
Savo Bou Zein Eddine, Christopher M. Dodgion, Colleen M. Trevino, Marc A. de Moya, and Daniel D. Yeh, Complicated Appendicitis: Are Extended Antibiotics Necessary? A Post-Hoc Analysis of the EAST (MUSTANG) Study, QuickShot presentation, the 14th Annual Academic Surgical Congress, Houston, TX, 02/05/2019
Savo Bou Zein Eddine, Andrew Kamien, Ziyan Yin, Colleen M. Trevino, Rebecca Fritzshall, Allison Stachowiak, Aniko Szabo, Jeremy S. Juern, Jacob R. Peschman, Marc A de Moya, Panna A. Codner, Use of Indirect Calorimetry in a Cohort of Patients with Enterocutaneous Fistula, QuickShot presentation, the 14th Annual Academic Surgical Congress, Houston, TX, 02/06/2019
Colleen M. Trevino, Defining Clinically Relevant Opioid Sparing Effects of Ketamine in the Peri-Operative Period, The 14th Annual Academic Surgical Congress, Houston, TX, 02/06/2019
Colleen M. Trevino, Terri A. deRoon-Cassini, Pre-Hospital Pain Management and the Development of Chronic Pain in Traumatically Injured Patients, QuickShot presentation, the 15th Annual Academic Surgical Congress, Orlando, FL, 02/05/2020
William J. Peppard, Nathan Kugler, Janelle J. Juul, Colleen M. Trevino, Jasmeet Paul, Terri A. deRoon-Cassini, Chris Cunningham, Thomas Carver, Elderly trauma patients report less pain: Post-hoc analysis of two randomized controlled trials., The 49th Annual Meeting of the Society of Critical Care Medicine, Orlando, FL, 02/16/2020
Colleen M. Trevino, Chronic Pain at Four Months in Hospitalized Trauma Patients: Incidence and Life Interference, Poster presentation, Southwestern Wisconsin Research Consortium Building Bridges Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 05/2012
Roxanne Massoumi, Colleen M. Trevino, Travis Webb, Post-Operative Complications of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy for Acute Calculous Cholecystitis: A Comparison to the ACS NSQIP Risk Calculator and Tokyo Guidelines, Wisconsin Surgical Society Annual Meeting, Kohler, WI, 11/2015
Kristin Shields, Rebecca Fritzshall, Michelle Kozeniecki, Allison Hanson, Colleen M. Trevino, Panna Codner, Use of Indirect Calorimetry in a Cohort of Patients with Enterocutaneous Fistula, Wisconsin Surgical Society Annual Meeting, Kohler, WI, 11/2016
Samuel Boateng, Nathan Kugler, Colleen M. Trevino, Spontaneous Enteric Fistula Closure Rates Improve with Standardization of Treatment, Wisconsin Surgical Society Annual Meeting, Kohler, WI, 11/2017
Tracy VandeWater, Travis Webb, Colleen M. Trevino, Implementation of an Adhesive Small Bowel Obstruction Protocol and the Impact on Patient Outcomes, Poster presentation, Wisconsin Surgical Society Annual Meeting, Kohler, WI, 11/2017
Jace Franco, Travis Webb, Colleen M. Trevino, Retrospective Analysis of Non-Specific Indicators of Intestinal Ischemia, and the Correlation to Surgical Intervention in Small Bowel Obstruction Patients, Poster presentation, The Wisconsin Surgical Society Annual Meeting, Kohler, WI, 11/2017
Priscilla Ding, Christopher M. Dodgion, Tracy VandeWater, Nadeem Haddad, Mohamed Ray-Zack, Jacob R. Peschman, Travis Webb, Martin Zielinski, Colleen M. Trevino, Comparison of Two Water-Soluble Contrast Protocols for Small Bowel Obstruction, Wisconsin Surgical Society Annual Meeting, Kohler, WI, 11/2017

Medical College of Wisconsin
2005 - 2006 Coordinator, Medical College of Wisconsin mid-level Provider (PA/NP) monthly educational conferences, Medical College of Wisconsin
2009 - 2012 Chair, Credentialing Committee APP Workgroup MCW/FMLH, Medical College of Wisconsin
2009 - 2012 Chair, Advanced Practice Providers (APP) MCW Education Council, Medical College of Wisconsin
2010 - Present Member, 2NT Trauma Nurse Curriculum Development Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
2010 - Present Member, Trauma Program Educational Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
2011 - 2015 Chair, New Hire APP Orientation Committee Workgroup, Medical College of Wisconsin
2013 - 2018 Member, MCW Hospital Credentialing Committees, Medical College of Wisconsin
2015 - 2018 Member, Inpatient Quality and Safety Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
2018 - Present Member, Surgical Quality Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
2008 - 2013 Member, Moderate Procedural Sedation, Operative, and Other Invasive Procedures Committee and Preparation Team, Froedtert Hospital
2013 - 2015 Member, CAUTI Reduction Committee, Froedtert Hospital
2013 - Present Member, Skin Care Management Committee, ad hoc, Froedtert Hospital
2013 - 2018 Member, Froedtert Hospital Credentialing Committee, Froedtert Hospital
2014 - 2018 Member, Froedtert Health System Inpatient Platform Committee, Froedtert Hospital
2014 - Present Member, Froedtert Hospital Inpatient Leadership Council, Froedtert Hospital
2014 - 2018 Member, Froedtert Health Inpatient Quality and Safety Committee, Froedtert Hospital
2014 - Present Member, Froedtert Hospital Inpatient Leadership Executive Committee, Froedtert Hospital
2016 - Present Member, Medical College Physician Colon SSI workgroup, Froedtert Hospital
2017 - 2018 Member, Froedtert Health VTE Workgroup, Froedtert Hospital
2017 - Present Member, 2NT Nurse Accountable Care Team
2017 - 2018 Member, Froedtert Health Sepsis workgroup, Froedtert Hospital

Graduate Student Education
2013 - 2015 Facilitator/Presenter MCW Care Transitions Intersession M3 Clerkship Program

Graduate Student Education
09/2011 - 12/2011 University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Advanced Practice Nursing Critical Care Course

Medical Students
2013 - 2015 Karina Katchko, Research Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Presentation, publication
2014 - 2015 Roxanne Massoumi, Research Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Presentations, publication
2015 - 2018 Tracy VandeWater, Research Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Presentations, publication
2015 - 2019 Samuel Boateng, Research Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Presentation, publication
2017 - 2019 Nicholas Krueger, Research Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
Postdoctoral Researchers
07/2017 - 07/2018 Sarah Tybring, Critical Care Nurse Practitioner Fellow, Medical College of Wisconsin

Undergraduate Students
01/2011 - 06/2011 Benjamin Essig, Psychology Research Process, Marquette University, Publication
06/2011 - 08/2011 Caitlin Moore, Psychology Research Process, University of Wisconsin - Madison
2012 - 2013 Felicity Harl, Psychology Research Process, Marquette University, Presentation, publication
06/2018 - 08/2018 Nolan Wright, Psychology Research Process, CTSI 500 Student Mentorship Program
Graduate Students
Students Advised
01/2008 - 06/2008 Rebeccah Kluessendorf, Adult & Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Clinical Preceptor, 100 hours, Marquette University
09/2010 - 12/2010 Andrew Hanson, Adult Nurse Practitioner, 32 hours, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
03/2020 Samantha Little, Physician Assistant Resident, Veterans Affairs

Clinical Programs
2008 EPIC Template Development General Surgery
2008 - 2009 Quality Project for NP staffing on the Weekends
2008 Policy Development for Procedural Sedation outside of the ICU Setting
2009 - 2011 Developed and reorganized the credentialing process for PAs and APNs at Froedtert Hospital using a service specific tool
2009 Developed and organized a new hire template for PAs and APNs at MCW
2009 Developed a Trauma Nursing Curriculum for inpatient staff nurses at Froedtert Hospital
2011 Developed a college-wide onboarding process for PAs and APNs at the Medical College of Wisconsin using a service specific model
2014 Co-Director of the Complex Abdominal Wound and Fistula Management Consulting Service
2015 Trauma Quality of Life Clinic

Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. Trevino C. Small bowel obstruction: the art of management. AACN Adv Crit Care. 2010;21(2):187-94.
2. Trevino CM. Predictors of chronic pain in traumatically injured hospitalized patients. The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; 2011. AAT 3510671.
3. Trevino CM, Webb T. Small bowel obstruction. Medical Topic. FIRST Consult Website. (2012). Available at:
4. Trevino CM, Essig B, deRoon-Cassini T, Brasel K. Chronic pain at 4 months in hospitalized trauma patients: incidence and life interference. J Trauma Nurs. 2012;19(3):154-9.
5. Trevino CM, deRoon-Cassini T, Brasel K. Does opiate use in traumatically injured individuals worsen pain and psychological outcomes? J Pain. 2013 Apr;14(4):424-30.
6. Trevino CM, Verhaalen A, Bruce ML, Webb T. Conversion of an enterocutaneous fistula associated with an open abdominal wound into a drain- controlled enterocutaneous fistula. Wounds. 2014 Feb;26(2):43-6.
7. Trevino C, Harl F, Deroon-Cassini T, Brasel K, Litwack K. Predictors of chronic pain in traumatically injured hospitalized adult patients. J Trauma Nurs. 2014;21(2):50-6.
8. Katchko K, Trevino CM, Bruce M, Verhaalan A, Webb T. Outcomes of a Fast-Track Pathway for Urgent Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. Journal of Surgical Research. 2014 Feb 1;186(2):495.
9. Trevino CM, Katchko KM, Verhaalen AL, Bruce ML, Webb TP. Cost Effectiveness of a Fast-Track Protocol for Urgent Laparoscopic Cholecystectomies and Appendectomies. World J Surg. 2016 Apr;40(4):856-62.
10. Trevino CM, deRoon-Cassini TA, Szabo A, Brasel K. Acute Longitudinal Pain Trajectories in the Traumatically Injured. SOJ Anesthesiology & Pain Management, 2015 2(3), 1-7. DOI:10.15226/2374-684X/2/3/00127
11. Massoumi RL, Trevino CM, Webb TP. Postoperative Complications of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy for Acute Cholecystitis: A Comparison to the ACS-NSQIP Risk Calculator and the Tokyo Guidelines. World J Surg. 2017 Apr;41(4):935-939.
12. Trevino CM, VandeWater T, Webb TP. Implementation of an adhesive small bowel obstruction protocol using low-osmolar water soluble contrast and the impact on patient outcomes. Am J Surg. 2019 Apr;217(4):689-693.
13. Bou Zein Eddine S, Boyle KA, Dodgion CM, Davis CS, Webb TP, Juern JS, Milia DJ, Carver TW, Beckman MA, Codner PA, Trevino C, de Moya MA. Observing pneumothoraces: The 35-millimeter rule is safe for both blunt and penetrating chest trauma. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2019 Apr;86(4):557-564.
14. Kugler NW, Boateng S, Webb TP, Trevino CM. Enteric Fistula Treatment and Management: Results of an Institutional Inpatient Treatment Protocol. WMJ. 2019 Jul;118(2):75-79.
15. Trevino CM, Cooros JC, Chesney SA, deRoon-Cassini T, Carver TW, Milia DJ. A Call to Follow-Up: Results Regarding Trauma Clinic Follow-Up Patterns. J Trauma Nurs. 2019;26(6):290-296.
16. David A, Dodgion C, Zein Eddine SB, Davila D, Webb TP, Trevino CM. Perforated appendicitis: Short duration antibiotics are noninferior to traditional long duration antibiotics. Surgery. 2020 Feb;167(2):475-477.
17. Bou Zein Eddine S, Dodgion CM, Qian S, Trevino C, De Moya MA, Yeh DD, EAST Appendicitis Research Group. Complicated Appendicitis: Are Extended Antibiotics Necessary? A Post Hoc Analysis of the EAST Appendicitis "MUSTANG" Study. J Surg Res. 2020 Mar;247:508-513.
18. Trevino C, Geier T, Timmer-Murillo SC, Shawlin M, Milia DJ, Codner P, deRoon-Cassini T. Feasibility of a trauma quality-of-life follow-up clinic. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2020 Jul;89(1):226-229.
19. Fitzgerald JM, Belleau EL, Ehret LE, Trevino C, Brasel KJ, Larson C, deRoon-Cassini T. DACC Resting State Functional Connectivity as a Predictor of Pain Symptoms Following Motor Vehicle Crash: A Preliminary Investigation. J Pain. 2021 Feb;22(2):171-179.
20. Morris RS, Murphy P, Boyle K, Somberg L, Webb T, Milia D, Tignanelli CJ, de Moya M, Trevino C. Bowel Ischemia Score Predicts Early Operation in Patients With Adhesive Small Bowel Obstruction. Am Surg. 2022 Feb;88(2):205-211. PMCID: PMC9057653
21. Karam BS, Patnaik R, Murphy P, deRoon-Cassini TA, Trevino C, Hemmila MR, Haines K, Puzio TJ, Charles A, Tignanelli C, Morris R. Improving mortality in older adult trauma patients: Are we doing better? J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2022 Feb 01;92(2):413-421.
22. Trevino CM, Geier T, Morris R, Cronn S, deRoon-Cassini T. Relationship Between Decreased Cortisol and Development of Chronic Pain in Traumatically Injured. J Surg Res. 2022 Feb;270:286-292. PMCID: PMC8712402
23. Webb EK, Ward RT, Mathew AS, Price M, Weis CN, Trevino CM, deRoon-Cassini TA, Larson CL. The role of pain and socioenvironmental factors on posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in traumatically injured adults: A 1-year prospective study Journal of Traumatic Stress. 2022.
24. Webb EK, Ward RT, Mathew AS, Price M, Weis CN, Trevino CM, deRoon-Cassini TA, Larson CL. The role of pain and socioenvironmental factors on posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in traumatically injured adults: A 1-year prospective study. J Trauma Stress. 2022 Aug;35(4):1142-1153. PMCID: PMC9357124
25. Morris RS, Figueroa JF, Pokrzywa CJ, Barber JK, Temkin NR, Bergner C, Karam BS, Murphy P, Nelson LD, Laud P, Cooper Z, de Moya M, Trevino C, Tignanelli CJ, deRoon-Cassini TA. Predicting outcomes after traumatic brain injury: A novel hospital prediction model for a patient reported outcome. Am J Surg. 2022 Oct;224(4):1150-1155.
26. Trevino CM, Hillard CJ, Szabo A, deRoon-Cassini TA. Serum Concentrations of the Endocannabinoid, 2-Arachidonoylglycerol, in the Peri-Trauma Period Are Positively Associated with Chronic Pain Months Later. Biomedicines. 2022 Jul 05;10(7). PMCID: PMC9313032
27. Trevino CM, Shorey RC, Bergner C, Brandolino A, deRoon-Cassini T, France CR. Association of Gender, Race, Mechanism of Injury on Alcohol Use, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, and Depression in Trauma. J Trauma Nurs. 2022 Sep-Oct 01;29(5):228-234.
28. Tyson K, Karam BS, Peppard WJ, Morris R, Murphy P, Elegbede A, Schroeder M, Somberg L, Trevino CM. Optimizing discharge opioid prescribing in trauma patients: A quasi-experimental study. Surgery. 2023 Mar;173(3):794-798.
29. Baltes A, Horton DM, Malicki J, Trevino C, Agarwal S, Zarzaur BL, Brown RT. Pain management in trauma: the need for trauma-informed opioid prescribing guidelines Trauma Surgery and Acute Care Open. 10 February 2024;9(1).
30. Baltes A, Horton D, Trevino C, Quanbeck A, Deyo B, Nicholas C, Brown R. Feasibility of implementing a screening tool for risk of opioid misuse in a trauma surgical population Implementation Research and Practice. January-December 2024;5.
31. Biesboer EA, Al Tannir AH, Karam BS, Tyson K, Peppard WJ, Morris R, Murphy P, Elegbede A, de Moya MA, Trevino C. A Prescribing Guideline Decreases Postoperative Opioid Prescribing in Emergency General Surgery. J Surg Res. 2024 Jan;293:607-612.
32. Biesboer EA, Al Tannir AH, Karam BS, Tyson K, Peppard WJ, Morris R, Murphy P, Elegbede A, de Moya MA, Trevino C. A Prescribing Guideline Decreases Postoperative Opioid Prescribing in Emergency General Surgery. J Surg Res. 2024 Jan;293:607-612.
33. Geier TJ, Simske N, Melin S, Trevino C, Murphy P, Schroeder ME, Brandolino A, deRoon-Cassini T, Schramm AT. Psychiatric comorbidity in emergency general surgery patients: a prospective observational study. Trauma Surg Acute Care Open. 2023;8(1):e001117. PMCID: PMC10445363
34. Tchen S, Bhatt R, Peppard W, Szabo A, Dong H, Morris R, Trevino CM. Quantifying the impact of reduced opioid use in patients after emergency laparotomy. Surgery. 2023 Jun;173(6):1499-1507.
35. Timmer-Murillo SC, Schroeder ME, Trevino C, Geier TJ, Schramm AT, Brandolino AM, Hargarten S, Holena D, de Moya M, Milia D, deRoon-Cassini TA. Comprehensive Framework of Firearm Violence Survivor Care: A Review. JAMA Surg. 2023 May 01;158(5):541-547.
36. Cronn S, Trevino C, Jansen K. Use of Theory in Quality Innovations: Shift Change Protocol in the Emergency Department. J Nurs Care Qual. 2023 Apr-Jun 01;38(2):114-119.
37. Brandolino A, deRoon-Cassini TA, Biesboer EA, Tomas CW, Woolfolk M, Wakinekona NA, Subramanian M, Cheruvalath H, Schroeder ME, Trevino CM. Improved follow-up care for gun violence survivors in the Trauma Quality of Life Clinic. Trauma Surg Acute Care Open. 2024;9(1):e001199. PMCID: PMC10882323
38. Baltes A, Horton DM, Malicki J, Trevino C, Agarwal S Jr, Zarzaur BL, Brown RT. Pain management in trauma: the need for trauma-informed opioid prescribing guidelines. Trauma Surg Acute Care Open. 2024;9(1):e001294. PMCID: PMC10862252
39. Baltes A, Horton D, Trevino C, Quanbeck A, Deyo B, Nicholas C, Brown R. Feasibility of implementing a screening tool for risk of opioid misuse in a trauma surgical population. Implement Res Pract. 2024;5:26334895231226193. PMCID: PMC10838038
40. Al Tannir AH, Golestani S, Tentis M, Maring M, Biesboer EA, Dodgion C, Murphy PB, Holena DN, Trevino CM, Peschman JR, Carver TW, Milia DJ, Schellenberg M, de Moya MA, Morris RS. A collaborative multidisciplinary trauma program improvement team improves VTE chemoprophylaxis guideline compliance in non-operative stable TBI. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2024 Jul 01;97(1):119-124.
41. Biesboer EA, Brandolino A, Servi A, Laszkiewicz R, Herbst L, Cronn S, Cadman J, Trevino C, deRoon-Cassini T, Schroeder ME. A pilot project of a Post Discharge Care Team for firearm injury survivors decreases emergency department utilization, hospital readmission days, and cost. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2024 Jul 01;97(1):134-141. PMCID: PMC11486976
42. Campbell JT, Brandolino A, Prom JL, Karra H, Danso N, Biesboer EA, Trevino CM, Cronn SE, deRoon-Cassini TA, Schroeder ME. Analysis of social determinants of health on emergency department utilization by gunshot wound survivors after level 1 trauma center discharge. Trauma Surg Acute Care Open. 2024;9(1):e001283. PMCID: PMC11216043