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Daisy Sahoo PhD
Dean, Professor
Department of Medicine
Division of Endocrinology

Hub for Collaborative Medicine
8701 Watertown Plank Road
Milwaukee, WI 53226

09/1991 - 04/1995 B.Sc., University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON
01/1995 - 09/2000 Ph.D., University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB

10/2000 - 06/2002 Postdoctoral Fellow, Cell Biology/Pediatrics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
07/2002 - 02/2005 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Pharmacology, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY
02/2013 12th Annual FRET Workshop at the W.M. Keck Center for Cellular Imaging (5-day workshop)
10/2013 - 03/2014 MCW/UWM Leadership Academy
07/2016 - 04/2017 The Hedwig van Ameringen Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM) program
11/2017 Fellow, American Heart Association

02/2005 - 01/2007 Research Instructor, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY
02/2007 - 02/2013 Assistant Professor, Medicine, Endocrinology, Metabolism & Clinical Nutrition, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
02/2007 - Present Member, Cardiovascular Research Center
10/2007 - 06/2013 Assistant Professor (Secondary appointment), Pharmacology & Toxicology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
09/2012 - 06/2013 Assistant Professor (Secondary Appointment), Biochemistry, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
07/2013 - Present Associate Professor, Medicine, Endocrinology, Metabolism & Clinical Nutrition, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
07/2018 - Present Professor with Tenure, Department of Medicine (Division of Endocrinology and Molecular Medicine), Department of Biochemistry (secondary appointment), Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology (secondary appointment), Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

09/2014 - Present Vice Chair for Research, Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
01/2022 - Present Associate Director, Chicago Diabetes Research and Training Center, Enrichment Program, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL

1991 University of Ottawa Merit Scholarship
1991 Canada Scholarship, Government of Canada
1996 Bristol-Myers Squibb Young Scientist Award, Oral Presentation, Canadian Lipoprotein Conference
1996 75th Anniversary Graduate Student Award, Faculty of Medicine and Oral Health Sciences
1997 Walter Johns Tuition Scholarship, University of Alberta
1997 Studentship Award, Medical Research Council
1998 Graduate Student Poster Award, Canadian Society for Biochemistry, Molecular and Cell Biology Conference
1998 Walter Johns Tuition Scholarship, University of Alberta
1998 Roche/Novartis Trainee Poster Award, Canadian Lipoprotein Conference
1998 Studentship Award, Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research
1999 Walter Johns Tuition Scholarship, University of Alberta
2000 Celebration of Teaching and Excellence Award, University of Alberta
2003 American Heart Association Fellowship, American Heart Association
2004 Postdoctoral Oral Presentation Award, Canadian Lipoprotein Conference
2012 Faculty Service Pin, Research Affairs, Medical College of Wisconsin
2013 Department of Medicine McCarty Award for Research Excellence
2013 Faculty Service Pin, Women's Faculty Council, Medical College of Wisconsin
2016 MCW Outstanding Medical Student Teacher
2017 ATVB Special Recognition Award in Vascular Biology
2019 Society for Research Excellence, Medical College of Wisconsin
2019 MCW Outstanding Graduate School Educator
2019 MCW Outstanding Medical Student Teacher
2020 Richard G. Olds Award for Outstanding Mentorship, Department of Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
2020 Outstanding Medical Student Teacher (M1), Medical College of Wisconsin
2021 Women in Science Pioneer in Research Award, Medical College of Wisconsin
2022 ATVB Outstanding Mentorship of Women Award, American Heart Association

1997 - 2000 Canadian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Cell Biology
2004 - 2006 New York Academy of Sciences
2007 - Present Science Advisory Board
2007 - Present American Heart Association
2007 - Present ATVB Council of American Heart Association
2020 - Present American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB)

Editorial Board
01/2017 - Present Associate Editor, Biochemistry and Cell Biology
12/2020 - Present Review Editor, Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine (Atherosclerosis and Vascular Medicine section)
02/2021 - Present Associate Editor, Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine (Lipidology section)
10/2021 - Present Vascular Pharmacology
Journal Review
08/2007 - Present Biochemistry and Cell Biology
12/2007 - Present Journal of Membrane Biology
04/2010 - Present Biochemistry
04/2010 - Present Biochimica Biophysica Acta - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids
02/2013 - Present Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology (ATVB)
05/2013 - Present Journal of Lipid Research
01/2015 - Present PLoS One
05/2015 - Present DNA and Cell Biology
05/2015 - Present Protein Science
11/2015 - Present BMC Research Notes
07/2016 - Present Physiological Genomics
03/2017 - Present BMC Molecular Biology
07/2017 - Present Nitric Oxide
05/2018 - Present Lipids
10/2018 - Present Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal
05/2019 - Present American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology
08/2019 - Present Circulation Research
11/2019 - Present Journal of Molecular Medicine
05/2020 Communications Biology (Nature Group)
08/2020 Advances in Medicine
10/2020 - Present Annals in Translational Medicine
02/2021 - Present Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine
05/2021 - Present Journal of International Medical Research
08/2021 - Present Redox Biology
08/2021 - Present Molecular Medicine
05/2022 - Present American Physiological Society
05/2022 - Present Translational Research
06/2022 - Present Atherosclerosis

2007 - 2008 Member, Peer Review Committee, Phillip Morris Research Management Group
2009 - Present Member, Peer Review Committee (Lipoprotein & Lipid Metabolism, Lipids Clinical/Translational, and Lipids 2 Basic Science, Lipids 3 Basic Science), Peer Review Committee, American Heart Association, National Center
2009 Member, Peer Review Committee, American Heart Association, National Center (Lipoprotein & Lipid Metabolism & Nutrition)
07/2010 - 12/2012 Member, Early Career Committee, Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology (ATVB) Council of the American Heart Association
07/2010 - 06/2012 Member, Women's Leadership Committee (as a liaison of the ATVB Early Career Committee), Women's Leadership Committee
2010 Ad-hoc Reviewer, National Science Foundation
07/2011 - 06/2015 Member, Communication and Membership Committee, Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology (ATVB) Council of the American Heart Association
2011 - 2012 Judge, Early Career Investigator Awards, ATVB
07/2012 - 06/2018 Member, Women's Leadership Committee, Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology (ATVB) Council of the American Heart Association
2012 - Present Ad-hoc Reviewer, Atherosclerosis and Inflammation of the Cardiovascular System (AICS) Study section, NIH
2012 - 2018 Judge, ATVB Junior Women Investigator Award (poster competition at the ATVB meeting), American Heart Association
2012 - Present Ad-hoc Reviewer, Vascular Cell and Molecular Biology (VCMB) Study section, NIH
2012 - Present Judge, Junior Women Investigator Award, ATVB (poster competition at the ATVB meeting)
07/2014 - 06/2016 Member, Leadership Committee, Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology (ATVB) Council of the American Heart Association
07/2014 - 06/2016 Member, Nominating & Awards Committee, Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology (ATVB) Council of the American Heart Association
07/2014 - 06/2016 Chair, Women’s Leadership Committee, Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology (ATVB) Council of the American Heart Association
12/2014 - 11/2017 Member, Scientific Sessions Program (CSSP) Committee, Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology (ATVB) Council of the American Heart Association
2014 - Present Abstract Reviewer, ATVB Meeting, ATVB
2014 - 2015 Program Project Review Committee HLBP 1 Workgroup 019 (Program project grant), National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute
2014 - Present Abstract Reviewer, AHA Scientific Sessions
2015 Moderator, George L. Duff Memorial Lecture: Lipids, Lipid Mediators and Lipoprotein Metabolism session, AHA Scientific Sessions
2015 - Present Reviewer, Institute for Precision Cardiovascular Medicine Standing Review Panel (formerly known as Cardiovascular Genome-Phenome Study HDL Discovery Grant review panel), American Heart Association
07/2016 - 06/2018 Past Chair, Women's Leadership Committee, Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology (ATVB) Council of the American Heart Association
2016 - Present Special Emphasis Panel/Scientific Review Group 2016/10 ZRG1 VHN(02)M
2016 - Present Permanent Member, Program Project Parent Committee HLBP 1 Workgroup 019 (Program project grants), National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute's (NHLBI)
05/06/2017 - 05/07/2017 Chair and Organizer, 7th Annual HDL Workshop
05/06/2017 - 05/07/2017 Chair and Co-Organizer, 7th Annual HDL Workshop
07/2017 - 06/2019 Member, ATVB Irvine H. Page Young Investigator Award Selection Committee, ATVB Council of the American Heart Association, American Heart Association
2017 Ad-hoc reviewer, Netherlands Heart Foundation
2017 Ad-hoc reviewer, Austrian Science Foundation
07/2018 - 06/2024 Member, ATVB Irvine H. Page Young Investigator Award Selection Committee, ATVB Council of the American Heart Association
2018 Moderator, HDL session, Gordon Research Conference on Lipoprotein Metabolism
2018 Reviewer, Fellowships, Lipids & Thrombosis Peer Review Committee, American Heart Association
07/15/2019 - 07/18/2019 Member, Organizing Committee, Vasculata 2019
07/15/2019 - 07/18/2019 Member, Organizing Committee, Vasculata
2019 Abstract Reviewer, AHA Scientific Sessions
2019 Reviewer, Career Development Awards, Organ Basic Sciences, American Heart Association
07/2020 - 07/2022 Chair, ATVB Irvine H. Page Early Career Faculty Award Selection Committee, ATVB Council of the American Heart Association
07/2020 - 06/2022 Member, Leadership Committee, Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology (ATVB) Council of the American Heart Association
07/2020 - 06/2022 Liaison, ATVB Vascular Discovery Program Committee, ATVB Vascular Discovery Program Committee, Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology (ATVB) Council of the American Heart Association
2020 - Present Member, Organizing Committee, Chicago Diabetes Day
2020 Co-Vice Chair, Co-Chair of "Power Hour" Session, Gordon Research Conference (Lipoprotein Metabolism)
2022 Co-Chair, Gordon Research Conference (Lipoprotein Metabolism)
2022 Moderator, Gordon Research conference (Lipoprotein Metabolism)
2023 Co-Organizer, Power Hour, Gordon Research Conference on Atherosclerosis

Peer Review
The Selective Uptake and Hydrolysis of Cholesteryl Ester by SR-BI
NIH (R01HL058012) - Renewal
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
Daisy Sahoo, PhD
08/15/2015 - 03/31/2024
Direct Funds:
$1,000,000 (A1 submission = 17th percentile (payline is 16th percentile))
SR-BI and PCPE2: Novel partners in bidirectional cholesterol transport
NIH (R01HL138907-01)
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator (MPI with M. Sorci-Thomas)
09/01/2018 - 06/30/2022
Women in Science Pioneer in Research Award
Advancement for Women in Science and Medicine
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
2021 - Present
Direct Funds:
Investigating the novel roles of FFAR4 in foam cell formation and atherosclerosis
American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship
Role & Effort:
Dissertation Mentor for Gage Stuttgen
01/01/2022 - 12/31/2023
Direct Funds:
$32,553 (per year)
Non-nutritive sweeteners and drug transport at the placenta
American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship
Role & Effort:
Co-Mentor for Laura Danner/Sponsor on application
01/01/2022 - 12/31/2023
Direct Funds:
$32,553 (per year)
The role of hepatocyte tPA in hepatic VLDL production
NIH (R01HL163516-01)
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
04/01/2022 - 03/31/2027
Direct Funds:
$473,043 (Year 1 direct costs)
Investigating the novel roles of FFAR4 in foam cell formation and atherosclerosis
MCW Center for Immunology
Role & Effort:
10/01/2022 - 10/31/2023
Direct Funds:
$10,000 (total for 6 months)
Macrophage mitochondrial ROS disrupt cholesterol metabolism during atherosclerosis
Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin
Role & Effort:
01/01/2023 - 12/31/2023
Direct Funds:
Diabetes Research and Training Center (University of Chicago)
Role & Effort:
Co-Investigator and Site PI (PI: Raghu Mirmira and Graeme Bell)
04/01/2023 - 03/31/2028
Peer Review
Adiposity distribution and microRNAs in obesity pathogenesis
Role & Effort:
Kidambi, S.)
07/01/2018 - 06/30/2023
Understanding oxidized HDL’s role in atherogenesis
American Heart Association
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
Sahoo, D.
07/01/2018 - 06/30/2020
Regulation of cholesterol transport in adipocytes by SR-BI and PCPE2
Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31), NIH
Role & Effort:
Dissertation Mentor
04/01/2020 - 03/31/2024
Regulation of cholesterol transport in adipocytes by SR-BI and PCPE2
Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31), NIH
Role & Effort:
Dissertation Mentor
Trainee: Darcy Knaack
04/01/2020 - 03/31/2023
Identification of structural features of SR-BI that facilitate HDL-cholesterol clearance
Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F30), NIH
Role & Effort:
Dissertation Mentor
07/01/2020 - 06/30/2023
Identification of structural features of SR-BI that facilitate HDL-cholesterol clearance
Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F30), NIH
Role & Effort:
Dissertation Mentor
07/01/2020 - 06/30/2023
SR-BI-mediated HDL-cholesterol transport
NIH (R01HL154540) - *** This is the “A2” version of HL058012
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
Daisy Sahoo, PhD
07/01/2020 - 06/30/2024
Inhibition of pulmonary inflammation by novel immunomodulators
Role & Effort:
Co-Investigator (PI: Ming You, PhD)
07/01/2020 - 06/30/2024
Understanding the pro-atherogenic effects of modified HDL
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
Daisy Sahoo
04/01/2021 - 03/31/2025
Investigating the Novel Roles of FFAR4 in Foam Cell Formation and Atherosclerosis
Role & Effort:
Dissertation Mentor
Gage Stuttgen
07/01/2022 - 06/30/2025
The Role of Modified HDL in Atherogenesis
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
01/01/2024 - 12/31/2027
Peer Review
The Role of SR-BI in the Uptake and Hydrolysis of Cholesteryl Ester
American Heart Association
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
01/01/2006 - 04/14/2006
Direct Funds:
$260,000 (total for all years; had to relinquish due to NIH overlap)
The Selective Uptake and Hydrolysis of Cholesteryl Ester by SR-BI
NIH (R01HL058012)
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
04/01/2006 - 03/31/2010
Direct Funds:
$1,000,000 (total for years 1-4)
The influence of the structural organization of SR-BI on selective uptake of HDL-CE
American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship (10PRE2790023)
Role & Effort:
Dissertation Mentor
Trainee: Gabriella Papale
01/01/2010 - 12/31/2011
Direct Funds:
$26,000 (Per year)
The Selective Uptake and Hydrolysis of Cholesterol Ester by SR-BI
NIH (R01HL058012)
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
04/01/2010 - 08/17/2015
Direct Funds:
Biophysics of HDL Dysfunction
NIH (1R01HL112270-01A1)
Role & Effort:
Co-Investigator (20% effort)
Pritchard, Kirkwood, A.
07/16/2012 - 06/30/2016
Direct Funds:
$1,723,206 (total for years 1-4)
Productive complex formation between SR-BI and HDL
MCW Core Facilities
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
05/01/2013 - 04/30/2014
Direct Funds:
Interplay of gender, ethnicity and adiposity distribution on cardiovascular disease and infertility
Women's Health Research Program (MCW)
Role & Effort:
Co-Investigator (15% effort)
Kidambi, S
07/01/2013 - 06/30/2015
Direct Funds:
Characterization of interactions between HDL and SR-BI
American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship (14PRE18580022)
Role & Effort:
Dissertation Mentor
Trainee: Alexandra Chadwick
01/01/2014 - 12/31/2015
Direct Funds:
$26,000 (Per year)
Visceral and Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue Characteristics Among Lean and Obese Patients with and without Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes Research Training Center
Role & Effort:
Kidambi, Srividya
02/01/2014 - 01/31/2017
Direct Funds:
Biogenesis of HDL through cholesterol efflux and apoA-I structural reorganization
Role & Effort:
Sorci-Thomas, Mary G
04/15/2015 - 03/31/2019
Direct Funds:
$2,157,450 (1-4 years)
Biogenesis of HDL through cholesterol efflux and apoA-I structural reorganization
NIH (1RO1HL127649-01)
Role & Effort:
Co-Investigator (10% effort)
Sorci-Thomas, Mary G.
04/15/2015 - 03/31/2019
Direct Funds:
The Selective Uptake and Hydrolysis of Cholesteryl Ester by SR-BI
NIH (R01HL058012)
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
08/18/2015 - 06/30/2020
Direct Funds:
$1,000,000 (total for years 10-13)
Roles of subcutaneous adipose tissue and adiponectin on the pathogenicity of visceral adipose tissue
Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Changemaking Grants
Role & Effort:
Kidambi, S.
01/01/2016 - 12/31/2017
Direct Funds:
Impact of oxidative modification on HDL function
Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31HL134280), NIH
Role & Effort:
Dissertation Mentor Mentee: Rebecca Holme (married name: Schill)
09/01/2016 - 08/31/2019
Direct Funds:
$44,044 (Per year)
Regulation of cholesterol transport by structural features in SR-BI’s transmembrane domains
Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31HL138744), NIH
Role & Effort:
Dissertation Mentor - Sarah Proudfoot (married name, May)
07/01/2017 - 06/30/2020
Direct Funds:
$44,044 (per year)
Metabolic control of inflammation in atherosclerosis by macrophage scavenger receptors
MCW Cardiovascular Center/Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator and Pre-Program Project Grant Leader (and PI of Project 2)
Daisy Sahoo, PhD
07/01/2017 - 06/30/2019
Direct Funds:
Regulation of cholesterol transport by structural features in SR-BI’s transmembrane domains
American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship (17PRE33650013)
Role & Effort:
Dissertation Mentor - Trainee: Sarah Proudfoot (married name, May)
07/01/2017 - 06/30/2019
Direct Funds:
$26,844 (Relinquished due to overlap with F31 Pre-doctoral Fellowship )
Oxidized HDL: A role in beta cell function?
Diabetes Research Training Center (University of Chicago)
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
06/01/2019 - 06/30/2021
Direct Funds:
$30,000 (per year)
Chronic gammaherpesvirus infection in a dyslipidemic host: Adding fuel to the fire
American Heart Association
Role & Effort:
Co-Principal Investigator (MPI with Vera Tarakanova, PhD)
Sahoo, D., Tarakanova, V.
02/18/2020 - 01/31/2022
Direct Funds:
$275,000 (total for years 1-2)
Understanding the novel roles of FFAR4 in macrophage function
MCW Cardiovascular Center
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
09/01/2021 - 08/31/2022
Direct Funds:
$10,000 (for 1 year)
Non-Peer Review
Identification of Athero-protective Complexes
Raymond & Bernice Eschenberg Fund of the Greater Milwaukee Foundation
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
10/2009 - 09/2010
Direct Funds:

Sahoo, D., Narayanaswami, V., Kay, C. M. & Ryan, R. O., Spectroscopic studies of protein-lipid interactions of Manduca Sexta apolipophorin III, Canadian Lipoprotein Conference, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 09/1996
Sahoo, D. & Ryan, R. O., Elucidation of the lipid-bound conformation of apolipophorin III, Canadian Lipoprotein Conference, White Rock, British Columbia, Canada, 10/2000
Sahoo, D., Ho, S., Agnihotri, R., Francis, G. A. & Lehner, R., Apolipoprotein A-I/hepatocyte interactions: Effects on VLDL secretion, Canadian Lipoprotein Conference, Digby, Nova Scotia, Canada, 10/2001
Sahoo, D., Probing the Lipid-bound conformation of apolipophorin III, Department of Biochemistry, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada, 12/2001
Sahoo, D., Solving the structural mysteries of the HDL receptor…one domain at a time, Invited external speaker for the Molecular and Cell Biology Annual Retreat, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 10/28/2011
Sahoo, D., Scavenger receptor/HDL interactions: A love-hate relationship, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 02/19/2016 - Present
Sahoo, D., HDL and scavenger receptors: A love-hate relationship, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, 07/19/2016 - Present
Probing SR-BI/HDL interactions that facilitate cholesterol transport- Poster Presentation, International HDL Workshop of the International Atherosclerosis Society, Valencia, Spain, 09/25/2019 - 09/27/2019
Factors that impact HDL clearance via SR-BI, Great Wall International Congress of Cardiology, Beijing, China, 10/10/2019 - 10/13/2019
Sahoo, D., Francis, G. A., Drover, V. A., Ho, S., Agellon, L., Agnihotri, R. & Lehner, R., Apolipoprotein A-I induces high density lipoprotein formation and decreases very low density lipoprotein secretion from primary rat hepatocytes, American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, Chicago, Illinois, 11/2002
Sahoo, D., Scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) assembles into detergent-sensitive dimers and tetramers, Invited lecture, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 08/2004
Sahoo, D., Connelly, M. A., Pop, D., Darlington, Y. F. & Williams, D. L., Oligomerization of scavenger receptor class B type I, Invited talk; Southeast Lipid Research Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, 09/2004
Sahoo, D., New insights into the structure and function of scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI), Invited speaker for CHORI Research Seminar, Children’s Hospital of Oakland Research Institute, Oakland, California, 02/2006
Sahoo, D., Structural and functional insights into the role of scavenger receptor class B type I in cholesterol metabolism, Invited speaker for the Molecular Basis of Disease Seminar series, Medical University of Ohio, Toledo, Ohio, 03/2006
Sahoo, D., The structural organization of the HDL receptor and its influence on cholesterol transport, Invited speaker for the Department of Comparative Biosciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, 02/2010
Sahoo, D., The HDL Receptor: How Structural Ambiguities Affect Cholesterol Transport Efficiency, Cardiovascular Seminar Series, University of Kentucky, 10/14/2011
Sahoo, D., The HDL Receptor: How Structural Ambiguities Affect Cholesterol Transport Efficiency, Invited speaker for CHORI Research Seminar, Children's Hospital of Oakland Research Institute, Oakland, California, 10/18/2011
Sahoo, D., The HDL Receptor: How Structural Ambiguities Affect Cholesterol Transport Efficiency, Invited speaker for the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, California State University, Long Beach, California, 10/19/2011
Sahoo, D., Making decisions that shape your career, Invited Panelist, Networking Luncheon sponsored by the Women’s Leadership Committee of the Council on Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology (ATVB) of the American Heart Association, Scientific Sessions, Orlando, Florida, 11/14/2011
“The HDL Receptor: How Structural Ambiguities Affect Cholesterol Transport Efficiency”, Invited speaker for CHORI Research Seminar Series, Children’s Hospital of Oakland Research Institute, Oakland, California, 2011 - 11/01/2011
“The HDL Receptor: How Structural Ambiguities Affect Cholesterol Transport Efficiency”, ”. Invited speaker for the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, California State University Long Beach, Long Beach, California, 2011 - 11/02/2011
Sahoo, D., Succeeding at Every Stage: Insights from the Early Career Committee, Discussion Leader for “Negotiating a Start-up Package as a Career Scientist; Early Career Training Sessions sponsored by the Early Career Committee of the Council on Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology (ATVB) of the American Heart Association, Chicago, Illinois, 04/19/2012
Sahoo, D., Invited Discussion Leader (Apolipoprotein Structure and Function) and Mentor (“How to Succeed in Academia”) for students and postdoctoral fellows, Gordon Research Seminars, Lipoprotein Metabolism, Waterville Valley, NH, 06/16/2012 - 06/17/2012
Sahoo, D., BiFC-FRET: Progress on a novel method to visualize SR-BI oligomerization in vivo, Gordon Research Conference, Lipoprotein Metabolism, Waterville Valley, NH, 06/17/2012 - 06/22/2012
Sahoo, D., BiFC-FRET: Development of a novel method to visualize SR-BI oligomerization in vivo, 12th Annual FRET Microscopy Workshop, Charlottesville, VA, 03/11/2013 - 03/16/2013
Sahoo, D., New insights into removal of cholesterol via the SR-BI/HDL complex, Invitation to present a topic that fits the theme of “Evolving Concepts of HDL Function in Cardiometabolic Diseases and Beyond” - Kern Lipid Conference, Vail, CO, 08/04/2014 - 08/07/2014
Sahoo, D., The interaction of HDL with scavenger receptors: The good, the bad and the ugly, Invitation to speak at the Southeast Lipid Research Conference, Calloway Gardens, GA, 09/11/2014 - 09/13/2014
Sahoo, D., The interaction of HDL with scavenger receptors: The good, the bad and the ugly, Invitation to speak for the Department of Biochemistry seminar series, Boston University, Boston, MA, 10/28/2014
“Insights into the SR-BI/HDL complex: a key regulator of cholesterol flux”, 5th Annual HDL Workshop, San Francisco, 05/09/2015 - 05/10/2015
Sahoo, D., Understanding HDL/SR-BI interactions: One segment at a time, Invited Talk, Gordon Research Conference, Lipoprotein Metabolism, Waterville Valley, NH, 06/12/2016 - 06/17/2016
Sahoo, D, Managing Uncertainty: Key to Academic Success, Gordon Research Seminars, Lipoprotein Metabolism, Waterville Valley, NH, 06/09/2018 - 06/10/2018
Unraveling the mysteries of HDL – What works and what doesn’t, Department of Pathology & Translational Pathobiology, and Center f or Cardiovascular Diseases and Sciences., Louisiana State University, Shreveport, LA, 04/11/2019
Understanding the importance of HDL-cholesterol clearance – Lessons from Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, 9th Annual HDL Workshop, Boston, MA, 05/16/2019
Unraveling the mysteries of HDL – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, Endocrinology Grand Rounds, University of Wisconsin – Madison, Madison, WI, 01/23/2020
Sahoo, D., Title TBD, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, University of Nevada, 10/02/2020
Sahoo, D., Department of Medicine; Endocrine Seminar Series, University of Chicago, 11/02/2020
“Oxidized HDL and beta cell function”, Diabetes Day, University of Chicago, 2021 - 05/15/2021
“Discovering the structural basis of HDL’s dual impact on cardiovascular health”, Pennsylvania State University, 2023 - 01/24/2023
“HDL, Scavenger Receptors and Macrophages: A Multi-Pronged Approach to Reducing Cardiovascular Risk”, Department of Integrative Biology and Physiology, University of Minnesota, 2023 - 02/09/2023
Sahoo, D., New insights into the structure and function of scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) in the uptake of cholesteryl esters, Endocrinology Grand Rounds Lecture, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 02/2006
Sahoo, D., Structural and functional insights into the role of scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) in cholesterol metabolism, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 09/2007
Sahoo, D., Structural elements of the HDL receptor influence cholesterol transport and steroidogenesis, Endocrinology Grand Rounds Lecture, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 09/2009
Sahoo, D., Cholesterol transport is facilitated by key structural elements of the HDL receptor, Department of Biophysics, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 04/2010
Sahoo, D., It's complicated: assessing the structure-function relationships within the HDL receptor, Cardiovascular Center (Work-in-Progress Seminar Series), Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 12/2010
Sahoo, D, “Understanding SR-BI-mediated HDL-cholesterol transport: successes and challenges”, Invitation by the Department of Biochemistry, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 01/2012
Sahoo, D., Understanding the SR-BI/HDL complex: a key regulator of plasma cholesterol levels, Pediatric Surgery Multidisciplinary Seminar Series, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 01/2013
Sahoo, D., A scientific journey with the American Heart Association by our side, AHA Heart Walk to discuss the impact of AHA funding on my personal research program, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 06/27/2013
Sahoo, D., Cardiovascular disease: The #1 killer of women is just a heartbeat away, Women in Science (Community talk), Wisconsin Women's Club, 09/12/2013
Sahoo, D., Cardiovascular disease: The #1 killer of women is just a heartbeat away, St. John’s Community on the Lake (Community talk), 09/13/2013
Sahoo, D., The SR-BI/HDL complex: a key regulator of plasma cholesterol levels, Cardiovascular Research Center Lunch & Learn session, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 11/06/2013
Sahoo, D., The SR-BI/HDL complex: new insights into regulation of plasma cholesterol levels, Cardiology Grand Rounds, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 12/12/2013
Sahoo, D., New insights into HDL-cholesterol transport and function, Department of Physiology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 12/18/2013
Sahoo, D., SR-BI/HDL Interactions: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Concordia University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 10/22/2014
Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) Women’s Group (informal discussion about career paths and work/life balance), Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 2014 - 05/07/2014
Sahoo, D., Insights into the SR-BI/HDL complex: a key regulator of cholesterol flux, Spring Workshop on HDL, San Francisco, CA, 05/09/2015 - 05/10/2015
Sahoo, D, My leadership journey at MCW, UWM/MCW Leadership Academy, Milwaukee, WI, 04/05/2017
Sahoo, D, My leadership journey at MCW, UWM/MCW Leadership Academy, Milwaukee, WI, 03/14/2018
Sahoo, D., My Leadership Journey at MCW, UWM/MCW Leadership Academy, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 04/10/2019
Sahoo, D., Building research infrastructure in the Department of Medicine, Emergency Medicine Department Retreat, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 06/21/2019
Understanding your heart health: Basic steps lead to clinical success, Mini Medical School Event, Harry & Rose Samson Family Jewish Community Center, 11/21/2019
Sahoo, D., How to prepare and start your thesis or dissertation, Student Health Sciences Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 01/11/2020
Becoming a Resilient Scientist – Pandemic Edition, Trainees of the Cardiovascular Center, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 07/07/2020
“Unraveling the mysteries of HDL – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly”, Department of Physiology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 09/23/2020
“Unraveling the mysteries of HDL-cholesterol clearance”, Cardiology Grand Rounds, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 09/24/2020
“How to prepare and start your thesis or dissertation”., Student Health Sciences Conference,, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 2021 - 01/16/2021
Sahoo, D, “Unraveling the mysteries of HDL: The good, the bad and the ugly”, Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, , Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 2022 - 05/19/2022

Medical College of Wisconsin
2008 - 2013 Member, Women's Faculty Council, Medical College of Wisconsin
2009 - 2012 Member, Graduate Students Council Awards Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
2009 - 2010 Secretary, Women's Faculty Council, Medical College of Wisconsin
2010 - 2011 Chair-Elect, Women's Faculty Council, Medical College of Wisconsin
2010 - 2017 Member, Research Affairs Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
2010 - 2011 Representative of the Women's Faculty Council, Diversity Advisory Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
2011 - 2013 Member, Faculty Forward Task Force, Medical College of Wisconsin
2011 Member, Festival of Cultures Sub-Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
2011 - Present Member, Commencement Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
2011 - 2012 Judge, MCW Research Day, Medical College of Wisconsin
2011 - Present Member, Research Mentorship Program Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
2011 - 2012 Chair, Women's Faculty Council, Medical College of Wisconsin
2012 - 2013 Chair Emeritus, Women’s Faculty Council, Medical College of Wisconsin
2012 - 2015 Chair, Research Affairs Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
2012 - Present Member, Women’s Leadership Think Tank Task Force, Medical College of Wisconsin
2012 - 2015 Member, Course Evaluation Committee, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Medical College of Wisconsin
2013 - 2014 Member, CVC Search Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
2013 Executive Evaluation Committee, Interdisciplinary Graduate Program of the Biomedical Sciences, Medical College of Wisconsin
2013 Selection Committee Member, Community of Innovators Award, Medical College of Wisconsin
2013 CVC Work Group to develop White Pages for the Dean, Medical College of Wisconsin
2014 - Present Co-Leader, Atherosclerosis Affinity Group, Cardiovascular, Cardiovascular Center
2014 - Present Reviewer, Honors in Research Program, Medical College of Wisconsin
2014 - Present Department of Medicine Research Committee
2015 - Present Task Force, Faculty & Staff Engagement Surveys
2015 - 2016 Member, Department of Medicine alternate representative, Faculty Coucil
2015 - 2019 CTSI Mentoring Program
2015 - 2018 Member, Faculty Credentials Committee, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
2015 Reviewer, President’s Scholar Awards
2015 - Present Member, Search Committee for Chair of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
2015 Task Force, Faculty & Staff Engagement Surveys
2015 Reviewer, Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin (AHW) - Change making grants
2017 Blue Ribbon Task Force, Recruitment Strategies for the Cardiovascular Center’s T32 Postdoctoral Fellowship
2017 - 2018 Member, IDP Recruitment Committee, Interdisciplinary Graduate Program of the Biomedical Sciences
2017 Member, IDP Curriculum Re-Design Committee for IDP
2017 - Present Member, Program Evaluation Committee
2017 - 2018 Reviewer, Clinical & Translational Science Institute (CTSI) Scientific Review Committee for Pilot Awards, MCW
2017 - 2018 Reviewer, Therapeutic Accelerator Program (TAP) Grants, MCW
2017 - 2020 Member, Institutional Financial Advisory Committee
2018 Co-Chair, PrePPG and Pilot Awards Committee, Cardiovascular Center
2018 - Present Member, IDP Mentoring Committee, Interdisciplinary Graduate Program of the Biomedical Sciences, MCW
2018 - 2019 Co-Chair, Search Committee for Women’s Health Endowed Chair, Department of Medicine
2018 Member, Search Committee for Chair of Physiology, MCW
2018 - 2019 Vice-President, Faculty Council, MCW
2018 - Present Member, Faculty Governance Committee, MCW
2018 - 2019 Member, Search Committee for Chief of Division of Endocrinology and Molecular Medicine, MCW
2019 - Present Member, Internal Advisory Board, R38 Stimulating Access to Research in Residency (StARR), MCW
2019 - 2020 Senior Vice-President, Faculty Council, MCW
2019 - Present Reviewer, KL2 Awards, Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin (AHW)
2019 Member, MCW Nominating Committee, MCW
2019 - Present Reviewer, KL2 Awards, Clinical & Translational Science Institute (CTSI), MCW
2019 - 2020 Chair, Search Committee for Director of Comprehensive Injury Center, MCW
07/01/2020 - 06/30/2021 President, Faculty Council, MCW
2020 - Present Reviewer, Society of Research Excellence Awards
2020 - 2021 Chair, , Faculty Council Governance Committee
2020 Reviewer, Collaborative Research for Improved Health Grants, Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin (AHW)
2020 - 2021 Member, Curriculum Exploration Committee – Principle 4
2020 - Present Co-Chair, Research Culture Workgroup, MCW
2020 - 2021 Member, Board of Trustees, Medical College of Wisconsin
2020 - 2022 Member, COVID/Research Oversight Group
2020 - Present Member, Council of Collaboration, CTSI
2020 Member, Pilot Grant Program, Cancer Center
2020 - 2021 President, Faculty Council
2021 - 2022 Member, Integration of Basic and Clinical Sciences Group (for MCW Fusion curriculum re-design)
2021 - Present Member, Health Sciences University Transition (as Faculty Council Rep)
2021 - 2022 Member, Holistic Review of Promotion & Tenure – Evidence Workgroup
2021 Reviewer, MCW Distinguished Service Awards
2021 Member, Search Committee for Associate Director of CTSI and Director of the Clinical and Translational Research Center of the CTSI
2022 Member, Search Committee for Chair of Biophysics
2022 Member, Search Committee for Division Chief of Hematology and Oncology
2022 Member, Search Committee for Vice Chair for Research, Department of Anesthesiology
2022 - Present Member, Advisory Board, GlycOmics K12 Career Development Program for Glycoscience, Versiti and MCW
2023 Co-Chair, Faculty Search Committee for Center for Immunology and the Department of Microbiology & Immunology (early career faculty search)

Medical Student Education
08/2012 - Present Molecules to Cells (M1) - Lectures (5 hours total): Lipids in Membranes, Cholesterol, Phospholipids; Fatty Acid Metabolism; Triglyceride Catabolism/Ketogenesis; Integrated Fuel Metabolism
10/2013 - Present Cardiovascular Unit (M2) - Lectures (2 hours total): Biochemistry of Lipids and Lipoproteins
01/2015 - Present Physician Scientist Pathway (M1), Facilitator, small group discussions (3x1 hour)
08/2020 - Present Case-based Discussions – MCAAD Deficiency Basic Scientist Discussion leader (2 hours)
08/2020 - Present Case-based Discussions – Sickle Cell Disease Basic Scientist Discussion leader (2 hours)
Graduate Student Education
12/2007 - Present Advanced Systems Physiology/Endocrine Regulation - Lipoprotein Metabolism
Continuing Medical Education
2017 - Present Grant Writing Workshop

Medical Students
05/2012 - 08/2012 Brian Kenealy, M2 student, Medical College of Wisconsin, Medical College of Wisconsin, Recipient of NHLBI T35 Training Grant
05/2012 - 08/2012 Shuyan Wei, Medical Student Summer Resarch Program, Medical College of Wisconsin
06/2013 - 07/2013 James Miller, Medical Student Training Program for MD/PhD degree, Medical College of Wisconsin
05/28/2014 - 08/08/2014 Mona Lalehzari, M2 student, Medical College of Wisconsin, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/01/2016 - 07/27/2016 Hayley Powers, Medical Science Training Program for MD/PhD degree, Medical College of Wisconsin
Graduate Students
PhD Students Advised
03/2008 - 11/2012 Gabriella Papale Kartz, Deciphering the structural organization of scavenger receptor class B type I and its impact on cholesterol transport, Medical College of Wisconsin
05/2011 - 12/2015 Alexandra Chadwick, Complex Formation between High Density Lipoproteins and Scavenger Receptor BI: a Key Step in Regulation of Plasma Cholesterol Levels, Medical College of Wisconsin, American Heart Association Pre-doctoral Fellowship; Graduate Student Poster Award for the 2011 Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Research Poster Session; Graduate Student Poster Award for the 2014 Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Research Poster Session; Travel award, Protein Society July 2014; Invited talk: Cardiovascular Redox Symposium, Milwaukee 11/14/14; Finalist: Junior Investigator of Women Award (presented by the Women's Leadership Committee, ATVB Council) 5/15; Graduate Student Poster Award for the 2015 Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Research Poster Session; Outstanding Dissertation Award 5/16.
05/2013 - 02/2018 Rebecca Holme, High Density Lipoprotein Function During Reverse Cholesterol Transport”, Medical College of Wisconsin, ATVB Travel Merit Award; Invited talk, Gordon Research Series 6/16; Best Poster Award, Cardiovascular Center Retreat 5/16; NIH F31 Fellowship
05/2015 - Present Sarah Proudfoot, TBD, Medical College of Wisconsin, Recipient of (i) American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship (0.25th percentile) - This was relinquished in Sept. 2017 due to overlap NIH F31 Predoctoral Fellowship (ii) NIH F31 Predoctoral Fellowship
10/2016 - 12/2016 Andrew Becker, Rotation, Medical College of Wisconsin
01/2017 - 02/2017 Holly Haver, Rotation, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2017 - Present Darcy Knaack, SR-BI and PCPE2: Partners in Adipocyte cholesterol transport, Medical College of Wisconsin, (i) Guy Berst Fellowship (ii) NIH F31 Predoctoral Fellowship
PhD Committees
01/2009 - 06/2013 Lalitha Shrestha, Medical College of Wisconsin
03/2011 - 10/2012 Lily Du, Medical College of Wisconsin
02/2018 - Present Adam Pikrum, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2018 - Present Holly Haver, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/2018 - Present Carlie Aurubin, Medical College of Wisconsin
01/2020 - Present Kelsey Meacham, Medical College of Wisconsin
08/2010 - 10/2010 Prashant Sharma, Rotation, Medical College of Wisconsin
03/2011 - 05/2011 Sharaddha Nayak, Rotation, Medical College of Wisconsin
03/2013 - 05/2013 Moua Yang, Rotation, Medical College of Wisconsin
08/2019 - Present Laura Danner, MCW
08/2020 - Present Eugenia Wulff, MCW
08/2020 - Present Meng-Ming Hu, MCW
02/2022 - Present Alyssa Fernandez Gehant, MCW
08/2017 - 02/2018 Friedrich Seewald, MCW
07/2018 - Present Haley Powers, Structure/Function studies of SR-BI, Medical College of Wisconsin, (i) Women in Science Opportunities Fund (to support travel to the NMR Workshop in Madison, WI) (ii) NIH F30 Predoctoral Fellowship (pending NOA)
05/2020 - Present Demetra Korkos, MCW
2013 - Present Yi(Sherry)Zhang, PhD, Medicine/Endocrinology, Medical College of Wisconsin
2014 - Present Banani Banerjee, PhD, Medicine/GI-Hepatology, Medical College of Wisconsin
2019 - Present Muhammad (Bilal) Abid, MD, Medicine/Hematology/Oncology, Medical College of Wisconsin
2020 - Present Anjte Kroner-Milsch, PhD, Neurology, Medical College of Wisconsin

High School Students
06/2013 - 08/2013 Alexis Handley, Research Opportunity for Academic Development in Science (ROADS), Menomonee Falls High School
06/2018 - 08/2018 Lauryn Cross, Research Opportunity for Academic Development in Science (ROADS), Menomonee Falls High School
Undergraduate Students
05/2012 - 08/2012 Paula Dene Nesbeth, Summer Program for Undergraduate Research (SPUR), Grinnell College
05/2016 - 08/2016 Emma Allen, Summer Program for Undergraduate Research (SPUR), Ripon College
05/2016 - 08/2016 Jakara Griffin, Diversity Summer Health-related Research Education Program (DSHREP), Emory University
05/2019 - 08/2019 Maria Tischer, Summer Program for Undergraduate Research (SPUR), St. Olaf College
Medical Students
06/2013 - 06/2016 Daniel Hawkins, Pathways Student - Research Pathway
07/2021 - 08/2021 Damian Schmalzriedt, Rotation Students from the Medical Science Training Program (MSTP)
07/2022 - 08/2022 Guadalupe Valdivia, Rotation Students from the Medical Science Training Program (MSTP)
Graduate Students
04/2015 - Present Adam Kanack
04/2016 - Present Philip Lang
04/2020 - Present Gage Stuttgen, Role of GPCRs in atherosclerosis
PhD Students Advised
05/2015 - 09/2020 Sarah Proudfoot, Structural features of SR-BI that impact cholesterol transport functions, (i) American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship (0.25th percentile) – This was relinquished in Sept 2017 due to overlap with NIH F31 Predoctoral Fellowship (ii) NIH F31 Predoctoral Fellowship (iii) Graduate Student Poster Award, Cardiovascular Center Retreat, MCW, October 19, 2018 (iv) Poster Award, Vasculata, July 2019
03/2017 - 04/2017 Christa Winslow, Rotation, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
06/01/2019 - 06/30/2019 Julian Grosskopff, Medical Science Training Program
09/2019 - 11/2019 Gage Stuttgen, Rotation, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
11/2019 - 12/2019 Joseph Crecelius, Rotation, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
09/2021 - 11/2021 Nathan Witman, Graduate Studies - Rotation Students from the Interdisciplinary Program (IDP)
02/2022 - Present Jordan Bobek, “Role of oxidized HDL in atherosclerosis”
07/2022 - Present Emma Tillison, “Structure/function relationships of CD36”
Michael Donohue, Rotation Students from the Interdisciplinary Program (IDP) in the School of Graduate Studies
PhD Committees
02/2018 - Present Christa Winslow
2020 - Present Kristi Streeter, PhD, Marquette University/Physical
2020 - Present Mabruka Alfaidi, PhD, LSU-Shreveport (Asst. Professor)
2022 - Present Juliana Alvarez Argote, MD, Medicine/Hematology/Oncology (Assistant Professor)

Research Programs
09/01/2014 - Present Vice Chair for Research, Department of Medicine

10/27/2010 - 10/29/2010 Member of the Planning committee for the THRIVE Conference for Women in Medicine & Science, Lake Geneva, WI
2012 Guest speaker and ‘judge’ at presentation of Scientific Research Proposals for 11th Grade students at Kettle Moraine High School, Wales, Wisconsin
2013 Invited Speaker, St. Johns on the Lake Retirement Community (Community talk for educational and philanthropic purposes)
2013 Invited Speaker, Women in Science Program (program designed to highlight scientific research by female faculty at MCW; talks are given to community at large, primarily for philanthropic and educational purposes)
2013 - Present Member, Women in Science Advisory Board
2013 Guest speaker, Invited to speak about “Grant Writing” for 11th Grade students at Kettle Moraine High School, Wales, Wisconsin
10/16/2014 - 2014 Guest speaker, Heart 2 Heart Women’s Heart Awareness Event Sponsored by the Froedtert and MCW Cardiovascular Center Advisory Board
2014 Guest Speaker, Heart Walk Kick-off, West Bend, Wisconsin
2017 SMART Team Program Mentor (Students Modeling A Research Topic) Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE)’s Center for BioMolecular Modeling (CBM)
11/21/2019 Guest Speaker to educate about Heart Disease, Mini Medical School event, Harry & Rose Samson Family Jewish Community Center
2021 - 05/24/2021 Guest speaker, Invited to speak about “Exploring Careers in Science” for High School of Health Sciences (HS^2), Kettle Moraine High School Campus, Wales, Wisconsin
2022 - 10/06/2022 Guest speaker, Invited to speak about “Life as an Academic Scientist” for Waukesha West High School, Waukesha, Wisconsin

10/2013 - 03/2014 Participant of the MCW/UWM Leadership Academy
05/07/2014 MSTP Women’s Group - Informal discussion about career paths and work/life balance
05/2014 - Present Medical Science Training Program (MSTP) Women's Group (informal discussion about career paths and work/life balance) May 7, 2014; Medical College of Wisconsin
03/2015 - Present Reviewer, Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin - Changemaking grants
06/2015 - Present Reviewer, Presidents Scholar Awards, Medical College of Wisconsin

Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. Wang, J., SAHOO, D., Schieve, D., Gagne, S. M., Sykes, B. D. & Ryan, R. O. (1997) Multidimensional NMR studies of an exchangeable apolipoprotein and its interactions with lipids. Techniques in Protein Chemistry VIII, 427-438.
2. SAHOO, D., Narayanaswami, V., Kay, C. M. & Ryan, R. O. (1998) Fluorescence studies of exchangeable apolipoprotein-lipid interactions: Superficial association of apolipophorin III with lipoprotein surfaces. J. Biol. Chem. 273, 1403-1408. PMID:9430675.
3. Wang, J., SAHOO, D., Sykes, B. D. & Ryan, R. O. (1998) NMR evidence for a conformational adaptation of apolipophorin III upon lipid association. Biochem. Cell Biol. 76, 276-283. PMID: 9923696
4. SAHOO, D., Narayanaswami, V., Kay, C. M. & Ryan, R. O. (2000) Pyrene excimer fluorescence: A spatially sensitive probe to monitor lipid-induced helical rearrangement of apolipophorin III. Biochemistry 39, 6594-6601. PMID: 10828977
5. SAHOO, D., Weers, P. M. M., Ryan, R. O. & Narayanaswami, V. (2002) Lipid-triggered conformational switch of apolipophorin III helix bundle to an extended helix organization. J. Mol. Bol. 321, 201-214. PMID: 12144779.
6. Boucher, J., Ramsamy, T. A., Braschi, S., SAHOO, D., Neville, T. A. & Sparks, D. L. (2004) Apolipoprotein A-II regulates HDL stability and affects hepatic lipase association and activity. J. Lipid Res. 45, 849-858. PMID: 14967812
7. SAHOO, D., Trischuk, T. C., Chan, T., Drover, V. A., Ho, S., Chimini, G., Agellon, L. B., Agnihotri, R., Francis, G. A. & Lehner, R. (2004) ABCA1-dependent lipid efflux to apolipoprotein A-I mediates HDL particle formation and decreases VLDL secretion from primary rat and mouse hepatocytes. J. Lipid Res. 45, 1122-1131. PMID: 14993246.
8. Parathath, S., SAHOO, D., Darlington, Y. F., Peng, Y., Collins, H. L., Rothblat, G. H., Williams, D. L. & Connelly, M. A. (2004) Glycine 420 near the C-terminal transmembrane domain of SR-BI is critical for proper delivery and metabolism of HDL-cholesteryl ester. J. Biol. Chem. 279, 24976-24985. PMID: 15060063
9. Drover, V. A., Ajmal, M., Nassir, F., Davidson, N. O., Nauli, A. M., SAHOO, D., Tso, P. & Abumrad, N. A. (2005) CD36 deficiency impairs intestinal lipid secretion and clearance of chylomicrons from the blood. J. Clin. Invest. 115, 1290-1297. PMID: 15841205; PMCID: PMC1074677
10. SAHOO, D., Darlington, Y. F., Pop, D., Williams, D. L. & Connelly, M. A. (2007) Scavenger receptor class B type I assembles into detergent-sensitive dimers and tetramers. Biochem. Biophys. Acta 1771, 807-817. PMID: 16624615
11. SAHOO, D., Peng, Y., Smith, J. R., Darlington, Y. F & Connelly, M. A. (2007) Scavenger Receptor Class B, Type I (SR-BI) Homo-dimerizes via its C-terminal Region: Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer Analysis. Biochem. Biophys. Acta 1771, 818-29. PMID: 17556017; PMCID: PMC1993887
12. Drover, V.A., Nguyen, D. V., Bastie, C. C., Darlington, Y. F., Abumrad, N. A., Pessin, J. E., London, E., SAHOO, D., & Phillips, M.C. (2008) CD36 mediates both cellular uptake of very long chain fatty acids and their intestinal absorption in mice. J. Biol. Chem.. 283, 13108-13115. PMID: 18332148; PMCID: PMC2442355
13. Papale, G.A., Nicholson, K., Hanson, P.J., Pavlovic, M., Drover, V.A. & SAHOO, D. (2010) Hydrophobic regions in the extracellular domain of scavenger receptor BI play a key role in mediating HDL-cholesterol transport. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 496, 132-139. PMID: 20219439; PMCID: PMC2853188
14. Papale, G.A., Hanson, P.J. & SAHOO, D. (2011) Extracellular disulfide bonds support scavenger receptor BI-mediated cholesterol transport. Biochemistry. 50, 6245-6254. PMID: 21675794; PMCID: PMC3940413
15. Otis, J. P., SAHOO, D., Drover, V. A., Yen, C-L. E. & Carey, H. V. (2011) Cholesterol and lipoprotein dynamics in a hibernating mammal. PLoS ONE. 6, e29111. PMID: 22195001; PMCID: PMC3240636
16. Chadwick AC, Sahoo D. Functional genomics of the human high-density lipoprotein receptor scavenger receptor BI: an old dog with new tricks. Curr Opin Endocrinol Diabetes Obes. 2013 Apr;20(2):124-31. PMCID: PMC3967407
17. Kartz GA, Holme RL, Nicholson K, Sahoo D. SR-BI/CD36 chimeric receptors define extracellular subdomains of SR-BI critical for cholesterol transport. Biochemistry. 2014 Oct 07;53(39):6173-82. PMCID: PMC4188264
18. Chadwick AC, Sahoo D. Functional characterization of newly-discovered mutations in human SR-BI. PLoS One. 2012;7(9):e45660. PMCID: PMC3448639
19. Chadwick, A. C. & SAHOO, D. (2014) Acrolein impairs the athero-protective cholesterol transport functions of high density lipoproteins. PLoS ONE. In submission.
20. Chadwick, A. C., Jensen, D.R., Peterson, F.P., Volkman, B.F. & SAHOO, D. (2014) Expression, purification and reconstitution of the C-terminal transmembrane domain of scavenger receptor BI into detergent micelles for NMR analysis. Prot. Exp. Purif. In revision. PREP-14-396
21. Chadwick AC, Jensen DR, Peterson FC, Volkman BF, Sahoo D. Expression, purification and reconstitution of the C-terminal transmembrane domain of scavenger receptor BI into detergent micelles for NMR analysis. Protein Expr Purif. 2015 Mar;107:35-42. PMCID: PMC4270826
22. Chan CK, Seo EY, Chen JY, Lo D, McArdle A, Sinha R, Tevlin R, Seita J, Vincent-Tompkins J, Wearda T, Lu WJ, Senarath-Yapa K, Chung MT, Marecic O, Tran M, Yan KS, Upton R, Walmsley GG, Lee AS, Sahoo D, Kuo CJ, Weissman IL, Longaker MT. Identification and specification of the mouse skeletal stem cell. Cell. 2015 Jan 15;160(1-2):285-98. PMCID: PMC4297645
23. Pollard RD, Blesso CN, Zabalawi M, Fulp B, Gerelus M, Zhu X, Lyons EW, Nuradin N, Francone OL, Li XA, Sahoo D, Thomas MJ, Sorci-Thomas MG. Procollagen C-endopeptidase Enhancer Protein 2 (PCPE2) Reduces Atherosclerosis in Mice by Enhancing Scavenger Receptor Class B1 (SR-BI)-mediated High-density Lipoprotein (HDL)-Cholesteryl Ester Uptake. J Biol Chem. 2015 Jun 19;290(25):15496-15511. PMCID: PMC4505464
24. Chadwick AC, Holme RL, Chen Y, Thomas MJ, Sorci-Thomas MG, Silverstein RL, Pritchard KA Jr, Sahoo D. Acrolein impairs the cholesterol transport functions of high density lipoproteins. PLoS One. 2015;10(4):e0123138. PMCID: PMC4388475
25. Kropp EM, Oleson BJ, Broniowska KA, Bhattacharya S, Chadwick AC, Diers AR, Hu Q, Sahoo D, Hogg N, Boheler KR, Corbett JA, Gundry RL. Inhibition of an NAD⁺ salvage pathway provides efficient and selective toxicity to human pluripotent stem cells. Stem Cells Transl Med. 2015 May;4(5):483-93. PMCID: PMC4414215
26. Chen Y, Kennedy DJ, Ramakrishnan DP, Yang M, Huang W, Li Z, Xie Z, Chadwick AC, Sahoo D, Silverstein RL. Oxidized LDL-bound CD36 recruits an Na⁺/K⁺-ATPase-Lyn complex in macrophages that promotes atherosclerosis. Sci Signal. 2015 Sep 08;8(393):ra91. PMCID: PMC4852751
27. Korytowski W, Wawak K, Pabisz P, Schmitt JC, Chadwick AC, Sahoo D, Girotti AW. Impairment of Macrophage Cholesterol Efflux by Cholesterol Hydroperoxide Trafficking: Implications for Atherogenesis Under Oxidative Stress. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2015 Oct;35(10):2104-13. PMCID: PMC4601804
28. Holme RL, Miller JJ, Nicholson K, Sahoo D. Tryptophan 415 Is Critical for the Cholesterol Transport Functions of Scavenger Receptor BI. Biochemistry. 2016 Jan 12;55(1):103-13. PMCID: PMC5428993
29. Afolayan AJ, Alexander M, Holme RL, Michalkiewicz T, Rana U, Teng RJ, Zemanovic S, Sahoo D, Pritchard KA Jr, Konduri GG. Domain Mapping of Heat Shock Protein 70 Reveals That Glutamic Acid 446 and Arginine 447 Are Critical for Regulating Superoxide Dismutase 2 Function. J Biol Chem. 2017 Feb 10;292(6):2369-2378. PMCID: PMC5313107
30. Dong, L., Yuan, Y., Opansky, C., Aguilera-Barrantes, I., Wu, S., Yuan, R., Cao, Q., Chung Cheng, Y., SAHOO, D., SIlverstein, R.L. & Ren, B. (2017) Diet-induced obesity links ER positive breast cancer progression via LPA/PKD-1-CD36 signaling-mediated PMID: 28186980; PMCID: In process
31. Dong L, Yuan Y, Opansky C, Chen Y, Aguilera-Barrantes I, Wu S, Yuan R, Cao Q, Cheng YC, Sahoo D, Silverstein RL, Ren B. Diet-induced obesity links to ER positive breast cancer progression via LPA/PKD-1-CD36 signaling-mediated microvascular remodeling. Oncotarget. 2017 Apr 04;8(14):22550-22562. PMCID: PMC5410244
32. Chadwick AC, Jensen DR, Hanson PJ, Lange PT, Proudfoot SC, Peterson FC, Volkman BF, Sahoo D. NMR Structure of the C-Terminal Transmembrane Domain of the HDL Receptor, SR-BI, and a Functionally Relevant Leucine Zipper Motif. Structure. 2017 Mar 07;25(3):446-457. PMCID: PMC5575897
33. Reneau, J., Goldblatt, M., Gould, J., Kindel, T., Kastenmeier, A., Higgins, R., Rengel, L.R., Schoyer, K., Strawn, E., James, R., Obi, B., Moosreiner, A., Bosler, M., Nicholson, K., SAHOO, D., & Kidambi. (2017) Effect of adiposity and gender on tissue-specific adiponectin secretion. Scientific Reports In submission.
34. Lange PT, Schorl C, Sahoo D, Tarakanova VL. Liver X Receptors Suppress Activity of Cholesterol and Fatty Acid Synthesis Pathways To Oppose Gammaherpesvirus Replication. mBio. 2018 Jul 17;9(4). PMCID: PMC6050960
35. Reneau J, Goldblatt M, Gould J, Kindel T, Kastenmeier A, Higgins R, Rengel LR, Schoyer K, James R, Obi B, Moosreiner A, Nicholson K, Sahoo D, Kidambi S. Effect of adiposity on tissue-specific adiponectin secretion. PLoS One. 2018;13(6):e0198889. PMCID: PMC6010237
36. Proudfoot SC, Sahoo D. Proline residues in scavenger receptor-BI's C-terminal region support efficient cholesterol transport. Biochem J. 2019 Mar 22;476(6):951-963. PMCID: PMC6430181
37. Schill RL, Knaack DA, Powers HR, Chen Y, Yang M, Schill DJ, Silverstein RL, Sahoo D. Modification of HDL by reactive aldehydes alters select cardioprotective functions of HDL in macrophages. FEBS J. 2020 Feb;287(4):695-707. PMCID: PMC7002295
38. Sahoo D, Drover VA. The role of scavenger receptors in signaling, inflammation and atherosclerosis Biochemistry of Atherosclerosis. 2006:70-91.
39. Wang J, Sahoo D, Schieve D, Gagné SM, Sykes BD, Ryan RO. Multidimensional NMR studies of an exchangeable apolipoprotein and its interactions with lipids Techniques in Protein Chemistry. 1997;8(C):427-438.
40. Sahoo D, Narayanaswami V, Kay CM, Ryan RO. Fluorescence studies of protein-lipid interactions of apolipophorin III FASEB Journal. 1997;11(9).
41. Chen Y, Yang M, Huang W, Chen W, Zhao Y, Schulte ML, Volberding P, Gerbec Z, Zimmermann MT, Zeighami A, Demos W, Zhang J, Knaack DA, Smith BC, Cui W, Malarkannan S, Sodhi K, Shapiro JI, Xie Z, Sahoo D, Silverstein RL. Mitochondrial Metabolic Reprogramming by CD36 Signaling Drives Macrophage Inflammatory Responses. Circ Res. 2019 Dec 06;125(12):1087-1102. PMCID: PMC6921463
42. Rodriguez A, Trigatti BL, Mineo C, Knaack D, Wilkins JT, Sahoo D, Asztalos BF, Mora S, Cuchel M, Pownall HJ, Rosales C, Bernatchez P, Ribeiro Martins da Silva A, Getz GS, Barber JL, Shearer GC, Zivkovic AM, Tietge UJF, Sacks FM, Connelly MA, Oda MN, Davidson WS, Sorci-Thomas MG, Vaisar T, Ruotolo G, Vickers KC, Martel C. Proceedings of the Ninth HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein) Workshop: Focus on Cardiovascular Disease. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2019 Dec;39(12):2457-2467. PMCID: PMC6937204
43. 33. Chen, Y., Yang, M., Huang, W., Chen, W., Zhao, Y., Schulte, M.L., Volberding, P.J., Gerbec, Z., Zimmermann, M.T., Zeighami, A., Demos, W., Zhang, J., Knaack, D.A., Smith, B.C., Cui, W., Malarkannan, S., Sodhi, K., Shapiro, J.I., Xie, Z., SAHOO, D. & Silverstein, R.L. (2019). Mitochondrial metabolic reprogramming by CD36 signaling drives macrophage inflammatory responses. Circ. Res. 125:1087-1102. PMID: 31625810; PMCID: PMC6921463
44. May SC, Dron JS, Hegele RA, Sahoo D. Human variant of scavenger receptor BI (R174C) exhibits impaired cholesterol transport functions. J Lipid Res. 2021;62:100045. PMCID: PMC7985710
45. Aurubin CA, Knaack DA, Sahoo D, Tarakanova VL. Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptor Suppresses the Endogenous Cholesterol Synthesis Pathway To Oppose Gammaherpesvirus Replication in Primary Macrophages. J Virol. 2021 Aug 10;95(17):e0064921. PMCID: PMC8354329
46. Stuttgen GM, Sahoo D. FFAR4: A New Player in Cardiometabolic Disease? Endocrinology. 2021 Aug 01;162(8). PMCID: PMC8218936
47. Xu H, Thomas MJ, Kaul S, Kallinger R, Ouweneel AB, Maruko E, Oussaada SM, Jongejan A, Cense HA, Nieuwdorp M, Serlie MJ, Goldberg IJ, Civelek M, Parks BW, Lusis AJ, Knaack D, Schill RL, May SC, Reho JJ, Grobe JL, Gantner B, Sahoo D, Sorci-Thomas MG. Pcpe2, a Novel Extracellular Matrix Protein, Regulates Adipocyte SR-BI-Mediated High-Density Lipoprotein Uptake. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2021 Nov;41(11):2708-2725. PMCID: PMC8551036
48. May SC, Sahoo D. Now in 3D! Novel insights into CD36 structure and function Annals of Blood. December 2021;6.
49. Natarajan R, Moore K, Sahoo D, Nana-Sinkam P, Fowler AAB 3rd, Sime P, Sorci-Thomas M, Aikawa E, ATVB Council, friends, and colleagues. Shobha Ghosh (1958-2021). Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2022 Mar;42(3):239-240.
50. Powers HR, Sahoo D. SR-B1's Next Top Model: Structural Perspectives on the Functions of the HDL Receptor. Curr Atheroscler Rep. 2022 Apr;24(4):277-288. PMCID: PMC8809234
51. Powers HR, Jenjak SE, Volkman BF, Sahoo D. A Tale of Two Scavenger Receptors: Structure-Function Relationships of Purified SR-B1 and CD36. FASEB J. 2022 May;36 Suppl 1.
52. Knaack DA, Sorci-Thomas MG, Thomas MJ, Chen Y, Sahoo D. Regulation of Adipocyte Metabolic Homeostasis by SR-BI and PCPE2. FASEB J. 2022 May;36 Suppl 1.
53. Stuttgen GM, Sahoo D. Novel Roles of FFAR4 in Macrophage Foam Cell Formation FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. 1 May 2022;36.
54. Zhang J, Chang J, Beg MA, Huang W, Zhao Y, Dai W, Wu X, Cui W, Pillai SS, Lakhani HV, Sodhi K, Shapiro JI, Sahoo D, Zheng Z, Silverstein RL, Chen Y. Na/K-ATPase suppresses LPS-induced pro-inflammatory signaling through Lyn. iScience. 2022 Sep 16;25(9):104963. PMCID: PMC9442361
55. May SC, Sahoo D. A short amphipathic alpha helix in scavenger receptor BI facilitates bidirectional HDL-cholesterol transport. J Biol Chem. 2022 Sep;298(9):102333. PMCID: PMC9436806
56. Natarajan R, Moore K, Sahoo D, Nana-Sinkam P, Fowler AAB 3rd, Sime P, Sorci-Thomas M, Aikawa E, ATVB Council, friends, and colleagues. Shobha Ghosh (1958-2021). Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2022 Mar;42(3):239-240.
57. Pillai SS, Pereira DG, Zhang J, Huang W, Beg MA, Knaack DA, de Souza Goncalves B, Sahoo D, Silverstein RL, Shapiro JI, Sodhi K, Chen Y. Contribution of adipocyte Na/K-ATPase α1/CD36 signaling induced exosome secretion in response to oxidized LDL. Front Cardiovasc Med. 2023;10:1046495. PMCID: PMC10174328
58. Dai W, Zhang H, Lund H, Zhang Z, Castleberry M, Rodriguez M, Kuriakose G, Gupta S, Lewandowska M, Powers HR, Valmiki S, Zhu J, Shapiro AD, Hussain MM, López JA, Sorci-Thomas MG, Silverstein RL, Ginsberg HN, Sahoo D, Tabas I, Zheng Z. Intracellular tPA-PAI-1 interaction determines VLDL assembly in hepatocytes. Science. 2023 Sep;381(6661):eadh5207. PMCID: PMC10697821
59. Powers HR, Jenjak SE, Volkman BF, Sahoo D. Development and validation of a purification system for functional full-length human SR-B1 and CD36. J Biol Chem. 2023 Oct;299(10):105187. PMCID: PMC10509710
60. Knaack DA, Chang J, Thomas MJ, Sorci-Thomas MG, Chen Y, Sahoo D. Scavenger receptor class B type I is required for efficient glucose uptake and metabolic homeostasis in adipocytes. bioRxiv. 2023 Aug 22. PMCID: PMC10473602
61. Bobek JM, Stuttgen GM, Sahoo D. A comprehensive analysis of the role of native and modified HDL in ER stress in primary macrophages Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine. 2024;11.
62. Bobek JM, Stuttgen GM, Sahoo D. A comprehensive analysis of the role of native and modified HDL in ER stress in primary macrophages. Front Cardiovasc Med. 2024;11:1448607. PMCID: PMC11424405
Books, Chapters, and Reviews
1. SAHOO, D. & Drover, V. A. (2006) The role of scavenger receptors in signaling, inflammation and atherosclerosis in Advances in Biochemistry in Health & Disease book series, "Biochemistry of Atherosclerosis", ed. by S. Kaur Cheema, Springer, New York.
2. Chadwick, A. C. & SAHOO, D. (2013) Functional genomics of the human high-density lipoprotein receptor scavenger receptor BI: an old dog with new tricks. Curr. Opin. Endocrinol. Diabetes Obes. 20:124-131. PMID: 23403740; PMCID: PMC3967407
3. Yang, M., SAHOO, D. & Silverstein, R.L.: Atherothrombosis in “Hematology: Basic Principles and Practice”, 8th Edition. Ed. by Ronald Hoffman, MD, Edward J. Benz, Jr., MD, Leslie E. Silberstein, MD, Helen Heslop, MD, Jeffrey I. Weitz, MD. Elsevier Press. 202
4. Stuttgen, G.M. and SAHOO, D. (2021). FFAR4: A key player in cardiometabolic disease? Endocrinology. 162:1-12. PMID: 34043793; PMCID: PMC8218936 *** This review was highlighted in a commentary in Endocrinology
5. May, S.C. and SAHOO, D. (2021) Now in 3D! Novel Insights into CD36 Structure and Function. Ann. Blood.
6. Powers, H.R. and SAHOO, D. (2022) SR-B1’s next top model: Structural perspectives on the functions of the HDL receptor. Curr. Rep. Athero. 24:277-288. PMID: 35107765; PMCID: PMC8809234
7. Natarajan, R., Moore, K., SAHOO, D., Nana-Sinkam, P., Fowler III, A.A.(B.), Sime, P., Sorci-Thomas, M. and Aikawa, E. (2022). Shobha Ghosh (1958-2021). Arteriol. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 43:239-240.
1. SAHOO, D., Narayanaswami, V., Kay, C. M. & Ryan, R. O. (1997) Fluorescence studies of protein-lipid interactions of apolipophorin III. FASEB J. 11, A1324.
2. SAHOO, D., Narayanaswami, V., Kay, C. M. & Ryan, R. O. (1998) Excimer fluorescence study of lipid binding-induced conformational changes in apolipophorin III. Protein Sci. 7 (suppl.1), 370-T.
3. SAHOO, D., Naryanaswami, V., Fisher, C. A. & Ryan, R. O. (1999) Lipid-induced helix repositioning among exchangeable apolipoproteins. FASEB J. 13, A1570.
4. SAHOO, D., Francis, G. A., Drover, V. A., Ho, S., Agellon, L., Agnihotri, R. & Lehner, R. (2002) Apolipoprotein A-I induces high density lipoprotein formation and decreases very low density lipoprotein secretion from primary rat hepatocytes. Circulation 106, II-2.
5. SAHOO, D., Connelly, M. A., Pop, D., Darlington, Y. F. & Williams, D. L. (2004) Scavenger receptor class B type I assembles into detergent-sensitive dimers and tetramers. Arterioscle.r Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 24, e51-e136.
6. Connelly, M. A., Peng, Y., Smith, J. R., Darlington, Y. & SAHOO, D. (2006) Fluorescence resonance energy transfer analysis of scavenger receptor class B, type I (SR-BI) homo-oligomers. Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 26, e63.
7. Papale, G. A., Nicholson, K., Hanson, P., Pavlovic, M., Weibel, G., Drover, V. A., & SAHOO, D. (2009) Hydrophobic regions of the extracellular domain of scavenger receptor BI play a key role in HDL binding and mediating cholesterol transport functions. Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 29, e9-e130.
8. Papale, G. A., Hanson, P. J., Drover, V. A., & SAHOO, D. (2010) Disulfide bonds in the extracellular domain of SR-BI influence the selective uptake of cholesteryl esters from HDL. Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 30, e183-e321.
9. Papale, G. A., Nicholson, K., Drover, V. A. & SAHOO, D. (2011) SR-BI/CD36 chimeras reveal extracellular sub-domains of SR-BI that are critical for productive complex formation. Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. TBD
10. Zhang, H., SAHOO, D., Xu, H., Shi, Y., Horn, J. R., Sorci-Thomas, M. G. & Pritchard Jr., K. A. (2011) Biolayer interferometry, a new sensitive measure of HDL dysfunction. Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. TBD
11. Papale, G. A., Kumar, S. N. & SAHOO, D. (2012) BiFC-FRET: A novel tool for visualizing SR-BI oligomerization in vivo. Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 32:A169
12. Chadwick, A. C. & SAHOO, D. (2012) Functional analysis of novel mutations in human SR-BI. Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 32:A163
13. Kong, L., SAHOO, D., Sorci-Thomas, M., Zhang, H. & Pritchard, K. A. (2012) HDL binding rates for MPO: an index of functionality? Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 32:A325
14. Chadwick, A. C., Holme, R, Nesbeth, P-D. C, Pritchard, K.A. & SAHOO, D. (2013) Altered interaction of modified high density lipoproteins with scavenger receptor BI Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 33:A404
15. Chadwick, A. C., Holme, R, Nesbeth, P-D. C, Pritchard, K.A. & SAHOO, D. (2014) Acrolein impairs cholesterol transport and HDL function. Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 34:A447
16. Holme, R, Miller, J. & SAHOO, D. (2014) Tryptophan 415 of scavenger receptor BI is critical for mediating cholesterol transport functions. Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 34:A72
17. Pritchard Jr, K. A., SAHOO, D., Chadwick, A., Zaman, T., Zhang, H., Xu, H. & Sorci-Thomas, M.G. (2013) Biophysics of myeloperoxidase interactions with HDL: an index of functionality? Cardiology 128:40-40.
18. Rengel, L. R., Obi, B., Gould, J., Goldblatt, M., Kastenmeier, A., Wallace, J., Frelich, M., Nicholson, K., SAHOO, D. & Kidambi, S. (2014) Visceral adipose tissue secretion of adiponectin decreases with body mass index. Circulation. 130:A17843.
19. Chadwick, A. C., Holme, R.L., Chen, Y, Thomas, M.J., Sorci-Thomas, M.G., Silverstein, R.L., Pritchard, K.A., Jr., & SAHOO, D. (2014) Acrolein-modified high density lipoproteins promote atherogenisis. Protein Science. 23, S1:A03-241.
20. Chadwick, A.C., Jensen, D.R., Peterson, F.C., Volkman, B.F. & SAHOO, D. (2015) NMR Analyses of the structural and oligomeric properties of the C-terminal transmembrane domain of SR-BI in detergent micelles. Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 35, A104.
21. Home, R.L., Miller, J.J. & SAHOO, D. (2015) Scavenger receptor BI's cholesterol transport functions are dependent on its extracellular tryptophan residues. Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 35, A522.
22. Pollard, R.D., Blesso, C.N., Zabalawi, M., Fulp, B., Gerelus, M., Lyons, E.L., Zhu, X., Nuradin, N., Li, X-A., Francone, O.L., SAHOO, D. & Thomas, M.J. (2015) Procollagen C-endopeptidase enhancer protein 2 enhances SR-BI-medicated HDL cholesterol uptake and reduces atherosclerosis in mice. Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol.
23. Holme, R.L., Chadwick, A.C., Proudfoot, S.C., Chen, Y., Ramakrishnan, D.P., Silverstein, R.L. & SAHOO, D. (2016) Modification of HDL by reactive aldehydes impairs HDL's athero-protective functions. Arterislcer. Thromb. Vas. Biol. 36, A450.
24. Presented on behalf of the Women's Faculty Council at the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) meeting: Jennifer A.N. Apps, PhD, Amy Drendel, DO, MS, Alexandra Lerch-Gaggl, PhD, Gloria Halverson, MD, Elena Holak, MD, Karen Hulbert, MD, M. Susan Jay, MD, Judy E. Kim, MD, Sumana Koduri, MD, Vani Nilakantan, PhD, Julie Panepinto, MD, MSPH, Tara Sander, PhD, DAISY SAHOO, PhD, Sanjani Tipnis, MD (2009) Steps to Ensuring Equitable Compensation for Women
25. Presented on behalf of the Women's Faculty Council at the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) meeting: Jennifer A.N. Apps; Patricia Donohoue, MD; beth A. Drolet, MD; Kim Ellefson, Elizabeth H. Ellinas, MD; Valerie Flanary, MD; Veronica H. Flood, MD; Katie Kassulke; Judy E. Kim, MD; Candice S. Klug, PhD; Alexandra Lerch-Gaggl, PhD; Sheila Moore, MD; DAISY SAHOO, PhD; Leah Solberg-Woods, PhD; Niloofar Tabatabai, PhD; Denise Teves-Qualler, MD; Tracy S. Wang, MD; Dorothee Weihrauch, PhD. (2012) Back-up Care Advantage Program (BCAP): Moving Productivity Forward with Back-Up Care Solutions
26. Proudfoot, S.C., Chadwick, A.C., Allen, E. & SAHOO, D. (2017) The role of scavenger receptor BI’s transmembrane domains in cholesterol transport: A “locked dimer” strategy. Arterioslcer. Thromb. Vas. Biol. 37, A392.
27. Proudfoot, S.C., Chadwick, A.C., & SAHOO, D. (2018) Working out the kinks of SR-BI-mediated cholesterol transport. Arterioslcer. Thromb. Vas. Biol. 38, Volume TBD
28. Hao, X., Kaul, S., Proudfoot, S., Schill, R.L., Fatema, K., Thomas, M.J., Kallinger, R., Civelek, M., Haeusler, R.A., Remaley, A.T., Neufeld, E.B., Malide, D.A., SAHOO, D., & Sorci-Thomas, M.G. (2018) SR-BI and PCPE2 modulate lipid trafficking in adipocytes. Arterioslcer. Thromb. Vas. Biol. 38, Volume TBD
29. Proudfoot, S.C., Chadwick, A.C., and SAHOO D. (2018). Working out the kinks of SR-BI-mediated cholesterol transport. Arterioslcer. Thromb. Vas. Biol 38: A563.
30. Knaack, D.A., Schill, R.L., Chen, Y., Silverstein, R.L. and SAHOO, D (2019). The roles of SR-BI and CD36 in maintenance of macrophage cholesterol homeostasis. Arterioslcer. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 39, A335
31. Proudfoot, S.C., and SAHOO D. (2019). Dissection of a putative juxtamembrane domain in scavenger receptor BI. Arterioscler., Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 39, A563.
32. Chen, Y., Yang, M., Huang, W., Chen, W., Zhao, Y., Schulte, M.L., Volberding, P.J., Gerbec, Z., Zimmermann, M.T., Zeighami, A., Demos, W., Zhang, J., Knaack, D.A., Smith, B.C., Cui, W., Malarkannan, S., Sodhi, K., Shapiro, J.I., Xie, Z., SAHOO, D. & Silverstein, R.L. (2019). Mitochondrial metabolic reprogramming by CD36 signaling drives macrophage inflammatory responses. Circ. Res. 125:12.
33. Powers, H.R., Proudfoot, S.C., Feix, J. and SAHOO D. (2020). Utilizing nanodiscs to model membrane interactions with SR-BI. Arterioscler., Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 40, A116
34. Knaack, D.A., Xu, H., Proudfoot, S., Sorci-Thomas, M.G. and SAHOO D. (2020). Differentiation of murine ear mesenchymal stem cells into adipocytes: A novel system to study cholesterol transport. Arterioscler., Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 40, A206
35. Proudfoot, S.C., Hegele, R.A., and SAHOO, D. (2020). Burning (salt) bridges: Structural insights into a dysfunctional human variant of scavenger receptor-BI (R174C). Arterioscler., Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 40, A220
36. Knaack, D.A., Thomas, M.J., Sorci-Thomas, M.G. and SAHOO, D. SR-BI and PCPE2: Friends or foes in adipocyte cholesterol transport? (2021). FASEB J. 35(S1).
37. Powers, H.R., Jenjak, S., Volkman, B.V. and SAHOO, D. Developing a purification system to assess SR-BI structure and function. (2021). FASEB J. 35(S1).
38. Knaack, D.A., Sorci-Thomas, M.G Thomas, M.J., Chen, Y. and SAHOO, D. Coordination of metabolic functions by SR-BI and PCPE2 in adipocytes (2021). Arterioscler., Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 41, MP33.
39. Powers, H.R., Jenjak, S., Volkman, B.V. and SAHOO, D. Building a structurally sound system to understand SR-BI function. (2021). Arterioscler., Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 41, P115.
40. Stuttgen, G.M. and SAHOO, D. Novel roles of FFAR4 in macrophage foam cell formation (2022). FASEB J. 36(S1).
41. Knaack, D.A., Sorci-Thomas, M.G., Thomas, M.J., Chen, Y. and SAHOO, D. Regulation of adipocyte metabolic homeostasis by SR-BI and PCPE2 (2022). FASEB J. 36(S1).
42. Powers, H.R., Jenjak, S., Volkman, B.V. and SAHOO, D. A tale of two scavenger receptors: Structure-function relationships of purified SR-B1 and CD36. (2022). FASEB J. 36(S1).
43. Knaack, D.A., Sorci-Thomas, M.G Thomas, M.J., Chen, Y. and SAHOO, D. Investigating the roles of SR-BI and PCPE2 in regulation of adipocyte metabolic homeostasis (2022). Arterioscler., Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 41(S1).
44. Powers, H.R., Jenjak, S., Volkman, B.V. and SAHOO, D. Into the wormhole: Understanding SR-B1’s cholesterol transport functions through structural studies. (2022). Arterioscler., Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 42(S1).
45. Proudfoot, S.C., Chadwick, A.C., Allen, E. & SAHOO, D. (2017) The role of scavenger receptor BI’s transmembrane domains in cholesterol transport: A “locked dimer” strategy. Arterioslcer. Thromb. Vas. Biol. 37, A392.