Diane S. Book MD
Diane S. Book MD
Department of Neurology
Division of Hospitalist
Department of Neurology
Division of Hospitalist
Froedtert Hospital |
9200 W Wisconsin Ave |
Milwaukee, WI 53226 |
08/1983 - 06/1987 BS - Mathematics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI |
08/1987 - 06/1991 MD, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI |
06/21/2013 - Present Lean Healthcare certificate, Univ Michigan |
10/2013 - 04/2014 Certificate Teaching PSQI, MCW |
07/1991 - 06/1995 Resident, Neurology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Affiliated Hospitals, Milwaukee, WI |
07/1995 - 06/1996 Fellow, Behavioral Neurology - Stroke/Dementia, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI |
10/01/2012 - 10/14/2012 Harvard Leadership Development for Physicians in Academic Health Ceneters, Harvard University |
06/16/2013 - 06/23/2013 LEAN Healthcare Certification, University Michigan |
06/2013 - 2013 Lean Healthcare certificate, Univ Michigan |
10/2013 - 04/2014 Cert Teaching Patient Safety and Quality, Facuty Development, MCW |
2015 - 2016 Dyad Leadership Training, Dyad Leadership Development, Froedtert and Medical College WI |
07/1995 - 06/1996 Instructor, Neurology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI |
07/1996 - 2006 Assistant Professor, Neurology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI |
07/2006 - Present Associate Professor, Neurology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI |
07/01/1996 - 11/2015 Director Stroke Program, NEurology, Comprehensive Stroke& Neurovascular Program, Froedtert and MCW |
07/07/2012 - 07/01/2015 Vice-Chair Neurology Quality and Patient Safety, MCW |
2012 - 2015 Patient Safety & Quality Officer (PSQO)MCW, MCW |
11/2015 - Present Medical Director Inpatient Neuroscience Service Line, Froedtert Hospital |
2015 - Present Neuroscience QPMC Medical Director, Neurosciences Service Line, Froedtert Hospital |
12/01/2020 - 01/01/2022 Stroke Program Medical Director, STroke Program, Community HEalth Division (FMF and FWB), Froedtert |
11/2002 - 06/2012 Grand Rounds Director, Department of Neurology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI |
12/1996 - 12/2015 Stroke and Neurovascular Medical Director, Stroke & Neurovascular Program, Froedtert & Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI |
06/2011 - Present Neurosciences QPMC Med Dir, Process Management Committee, Froedtert & Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI |
07/2012 - 12/2015 Patient Safety and Quality Officer, Neurology, MCW |
01/2013 - 11/2015 Stroke Process Mngt Director, Froedtert Health System- 3 hospitals |
11/2015 - Present Neurosciences Inpatient Director, Freodtert & MCW NEurosciences |
07/1995 - Present Froedtert Hospital, 9200 W. Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee, WI |
07/1995 - Present Courtesy Staff, Children’s Hospital Wisconsin, 9000 W. Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53226 |
07/1995 - Present Zablocki Veterans Affairs Medical Center, 5000 W. National Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53295 |
07/01/2018 - Present Staff Physician, Froedtert Menominee Falls |
07/01/2018 - Present Staff Physician, Froedtert South |
07/01/2018 - Present Froedtert West Bend |
Board Certified | Issue Date | Expiration |
American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology | 04/1996 | None |
Licensure | Number | Issue Date | Expiration |
Wisconsin License | 33447 | 10/1991 | None |
1991 Phi Kappa Phi |
1991 - 1995 Phi Beta Kappa |
1994 Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society |
1995 Dyke Award , Medical College of Wisconsin - Department of Neurology |
1995 - Present Scholastic Achievement Award, American Medical Women’s Association |
1996 Nominee, Intern of the Year, Medical College of Wisconsin |
2006 - 2015 Get With The Guidelines-Stroke Annual Performance Achievement Award
as director, American Heart Association |
2006 - 2020 American Heart ASsn Get with the Guidelines Gold Plus/Honor Roll Elite performance achievement for Stroke Program- maintained to date annually |
2006 - 2011 2005 Inpatient Press Ganey Patient Satisfaction Award, Froedtert Hospital |
2006 - Present 10 Year Stroke Center Network Member, National Stroke Association |
2007 - Present Premium Provider by United Healthcare |
2008 - Present Top Doctors, Milwaukee Magazine |
2008 - Present Best Doctors in America |
2008 TOP 20 physician performers |
2008 - 2023 Outstanding Medical Student Teacher Awards, annual, Medical College of Wisconsin |
2008 - 2009 Torbey Award for Excellence in Clinical Leadership with Community Partners, American Heart Association |
2011 Outstanding Faculty Service Award, Medical College of Wisconsin |
2011 - Present Milwaukee Super Doctors |
2015 - Present Best Poster:
Faculty Scholars Course, MCW
Dr Geoff Lamb, Course Director
, Froedtert & MCW |
04/2016 - 2016 Outstanding Physician Award for Alzheimer's Disease Community Engagement, Alzheimer's Association SE WI |
06/01/2018 - 2018 Distinguished Service Award, for Faculty service to Neurology Residents, MCW Neurology |
2018 - Present 2018 Exceptional WOMEN in MEdicine, Castle Connolly Med Ltd |
06/30/2020 - 07/07/2023 MCW Outstanding MEdical Student TEacher in Neurology, MCW CEC |
1996 - Present American Stroke Association (Stroke Council Member) |
1996 - Present American Medical Association (Member) |
1996 - Present American Academy of Neurology (Member) |
2006 - Present National Stroke Association |
Journal Review |
04/2007 - Present Cerebrovascular Diseases, Karger Publishers, 1 article per year |
09/2007 - Present American Stroke Association International Stroke Conference |
1996 - Present Physician/Clinic Member, Wisconsin Alzheimer's Institute member site, Wisconsin Alzheimer's Institute
University of Wisconsin
School of Medicine and Public Health |
1996 - Present Member, Stroke Council, American Heart Association |
1998 - 2003 Member, Operation Stroke, American Heart Association |
2001 - 2005 Member, Data Safety and Monitoring Board for the trial A Randomized Evaluation of Recurrent Stroke Comparing PFO Closure to Established Current Standard of Care Treatment (RESPECT) multicenter trial Trial, IDE #G990318, AGA Medical Corporation |
2003 - 2006 Member, SE Wisconsin Board of Directors, American Heart Association |
2004 - 2010 Member, Wisconsin Stroke Committee, WI Div of Public Health |
07/1998 - 2010 Member national advisory committee, Ischemic Stroke Benchmarking Project Clinical Coordinating Committee, University Health System Consortium |
2004 - 2016 Invited Examiner, Neurology, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology |
2005 - 2012 Member, Neurological Executive Committee, AGA Medical Corp |
RESEARCH GRANTS/AWARDS/CONTRACTS/PROJECTS: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
National |
Diane Book, Improving Stroke Care Quality: A clinician’s perspective, Comprehensive Stroke Programs for Univ Hospitals and Health Systems Consortium, Chicago, IL, 10/01/2004 |
UHC Stroke Benchmarking Findings and Conclusions, University Health System Consortium Conference, Chicago, IL, 05/24/2005 |
American Heart Association annual conference, invited symposium speaker, Stroke Care at a Crossroads: UHC Stroke Studies Report, International Stroke Conference, Chicago, IL, 02/09/2007 |
Stroke & Neurovascular Program, Quality of Care and Outcomes Research in Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke Conference, Washington, DC, 04/30/2008 - 05/02/2008 |
Dr Gabe Bonnell, Univ FLA, Abracadabra: Conjuring Understanding in CAA, ACGMA Stroke Fellows Confernece, Annual, virtual: EAstern US Fellows, 11/11/2021 - Present |
Dr Gabe Bonnell, Univ FLA, Abracadabra: COnjuruing Understanding in CAA, ACGME Stroke Fellows Conference, ANnual Lecture, Virtual/ EAStern US Fellows in ACMGE STroke programs, 10/13/2022 - Present |
Regional |
Evaluation and Treatment of Memory Loss in the Elderly, Wisconsin Geriatric Education Center Annual Course, La Crosse, WI, 04/22/1996 |
New Treatments in Stroke, Wisconsin Academy Family Physicians, Lake Geneva, WI, 08/15/1996 |
Newly Identified Non- Alzheimer’s Disease Dementias, MCW CME; Issues and Concerns in AD: Integration of research with practical approaches for dementia patients, 02/08/1997 |
Ischemic Stroke Update: Beyond an aspirin a day, WI Academy Family Practitioners 51’st Annual Scientific Assembly
CME, 06/18/1999 |
Stroke Chain of Survival and Recovery- The vital role of EMS, Annual Wisc. EMS Assoc. conference, 06/30/1999 |
Use of iv tPA for Ischemic Stroke: Case Studies, Kenosha Hospital and Medical Center Grand Rounds, CME, 03/02/2000 |
Cerebrovascular Disease: Pharmacologic Options in Management, CME, Wisconsin Neurological Society, 10/07/2000 |
Update in Treatment Options for Stroke: The continuum of care, Green Bay area neurologists, 10/15/2000 |
Stroke Quality Management, WI Assoc. for Hospital Quality Annual Conference, Madison, WI, 03/02/2001 |
Ischemic Stroke Update: Beyond an aspirin a day: Stroke management for the family practitioner, Considering the Brain’s Influence on Family Practice, Mid-America CME Seminar, 10/05/2001 |
Stroke Therapy Strategies, Breakfast with the expert, Wisconsin Neurological Society Annual Meeting, Wisconsin Dells, WI, 10/13/2001 |
Acute Brain Attack: Treatment and Prevention, Wisconsin Nurses Association Advanced Practice Nurse Forum: Pharmacology and Clinical Update, Lake Geneva, WI, 05/02/2003 |
UHC Stroke Benchmarking Findings and, University Health System Consortium conference, Chicago, IL, 04/26/2005 - Present |
Recommendations for the Establishment of Primary Stroke Centers, Annual Midwest Stroke and Neurovascular Symposium, Milwaukee, WI, 09/16/2006 |
VAScular Dementias: Horses and Zebras, Wisconsin ALzheimer Institute Annual Meeting, UW MAdison, WI, 11/08/2013 - 2013 |
ARe Uncommon Dementias Becoming More Common, Emerging Topics in Cognitive impairment, MCW, 03/2014 |
VAscualr Dementia: Horses and Zebras, WI APN Forum Annual Update, WI Dells, WI, 05/01/2014 - 05/03/2014 |
Modern Stroke Care, 45th Annual MCW Winter Refresher FAm Med, Waukesha, WI, 01/27/2015 - 01/30/2015 |
CADASIL and Atypical Dementias, MCW 18th Annual Alzheimer's Sympoium, MCW, 10/10/2015 - Present |
Diane Book, Ann HElms, Sue Fuhrman, STroke: Evaluation, Pre-emptive treatment, and Certification issues, Advances in Neurology for the Practicing Provider, OAk Creek, WI, 05/04/2018 - Present |
Most Difficult CAse Conference, Annual Update in Alzheimer's: WI Alz Institute FAll Meeting, MAdison, WI, 11/02/2019 - Present |
Local |
Acute Stroke Therapy, St. Michaels Medical Grand Rounds, 01/18/1996 - 1996 |
EMS Role in Acute Stroke, Mil. Co. EMS In-service, 05/22/1996 - 2000 |
Case studies in use of tPA/ Intro. to advances in stroke treatment, Internal Med faculty case conference, 10/15/1996 - 1996 |
New Therapy in Acute Stroke, Internal Medicine resident lecture series, 10/21/1996 |
An Update; Acute Therapy for Ischemic Stroke, CME program to Valley View Med Cr medical staff, 02/15/1997 |
Stroke in Young Adults: A practical approach for clinicians, CME Medical Grand Rounds, West Allis Mem. Hospital staff, 04/08/1997 |
Treatment of Stroke in the 90’s, Symposium for Retired Physicians
CME, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 05/28/1997 |
Fact and Fiction in Brain Attack: The Stroke Center experience with acute stroke management, Neurology Grand Rounds, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 08/01/1997 |
Dementia and Delirium, Wisconsin Board Review Course in Geriatric Medicine, Milwaukee, WI, 09/17/1997 |
Case Studies in Hyperacute Stroke Treatment, VAMC Dept Medicine Grand Rounds, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 09/26/1997 |
Controversies in Stroke Management, St. Mary’s Ozaukee Medical Grand Rounds, CME, 11/19/1997 |
Preclinical Syndromes in Alzheimer’s Disease, CME program, Early Interventions in Alzheimer’s disease- From Risk Factors to Treatments, 02/14/1998 |
Emergency Stroke Case Conference, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 03/17/1998 |
No more nihilism in stroke: Hyperacute Stroke Therapies, CME, MCW PM&R Grand Rounds, 03/26/1998 |
Hyperacute Therapy in Stroke CME, General Surgery Grand Rounds, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 05/20/1998 |
Use of IV TPA for Acute Stroke, MCW Neurology faculty In-service, Milwaukee, WI, 10/01/1998 |
Ischemic Stroke Update: Beyond an aspirin a day, 1999 MCW Winter Refresher Course for Family Physicians, Milwaukee, WI, 01/30/1999 |
Update on Stroke Projects, MCW Neurology Grand Rounds CME, Milwaukee, WI, 04/09/1999 |
Acute Stroke at FMLH/Stroke Team, Vascular Surgery Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 05/26/1999 |
ACLS Acute Ischemic Stroke module, incoming interns, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 06/28/1999 |
Use of iv tPA for Ischemic Stroke: Case Studies, West Allis Memorial Hospital Medical Staff Grand Rounds, Milwaukee, WI, 11/02/1999 |
Implementing Stroke CQI: The Froedtert Stroke Experience, Stroke, Atrial Fibrillation and Anticoagulation:Outcomes and Economics Symposium, Milwaukee, WI, 11/19/1999 |
Ischemic Stroke Update: Beyond an aspirin a day: Stroke management for the clinician, St Michaels Family Practice Residency CME, Milwaukee, WI, 12/09/1999 |
ACLS Training: Stroke Module, MCW residents, 06/26/2000 - 06/26/2002 |
Update on Treatment of Stroke/SPARCL Study, Neurology In service MCW, 12/05/2000 |
tPA Workshop, Neurology MCW Grand Rounds CME, Milwaukee, WI, 02/02/2001 |
Hyperacute Stroke Cases, Grand Rounds, CME, St Mary’s, Milwaukee, 02/09/2001 |
Challenging Clinical Presentations and Discussion of AD and Non-AD Dementia, New Challenges in the Treatment and Management Of Alzheimer’s Disease
MCW Symposium, Milwaukee, WI, 02/10/2001 |
Stroke Mechanisms, Neuroradiology case conference, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 05/09/2001 |
Communication Skills Workshop, MCW Neurology Residency core competency curriculum, facilitator, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 09/11/2002 |
Ischemic Stroke Diagnosis and Management, Sinai Samaritan Medical Center primary care residency program, Milwaukee, WI, 09/12/2002 |
Internal Medicine Board Review of Neurology, MCW Internal Medicine residents, Milwaukee, WI, 11/07/2002 |
Stroke and Neurovascular Update, Stroke Quality Improvement: How are our patients doing? FMLH Staff In-service, Milwaukee, WI, 01/09/2003 |
Practice Parameters in Dementia, Neurology Residents and students, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 04/09/2003 |
Ischemic Stroke Update: Beyond an aspirin a day: Stroke management for the clinician, Grand Rounds St. Michael’s Hospital cme, Milwaukee, WI, 09/04/2003 |
Ethical Dilemmas in Neurology: A Dialogue, Grand Rounds for MCW Bioethics program, Milwaukee, WI, 11/12/2003 |
Stroke management for the clinician: Update on Evidence Based Practice, St. Luke’s Medical Center Grand Rounds, CME, sponsor Boehringer-Ingelheim, Milwaukee, WI, 03/04/2004 |
Tears and Tragedy: A Case Study in Neurology, Ethics Grand Rounds, MCW Bioethics, CME, Milwaukee, WI, 03/10/2004 |
Attaining a National reputation: How do I get it and Why should I care?, MCW Women’s Faculty Council , program moderator and speaker, with Drs. Deb Simpson and Jeanne Seagard, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 04/01/2004 |
Headaches, MCW Allergy Grand Rounds CME, Milwaukee, WI, 10/15/2004 |
AOA Society invited mentor for evening workshop to M2 students as supplement to ICE course, Neurological Exam Workshop, Milwaukee, WI, 02/09/2005 |
Acute Stroke: TPA and Beyond, Grand Rounds presentation for MCW General Surgery, Helfaer Auditorium cme, Milwaukee, WI, 03/09/2005 |
About Stroke: Warnings, Weapons, and Women, 2nd Annual Women’s Health Expo 2005, Milwaukee, WI, 03/12/2005 |
Headache Update, MCW Internal Medicine Resident Noon Conference, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 05/11/2005 |
Acute Stroke Management, Internal Medicine Resident Noon Conference, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 07/26/2005 |
MCW Internal Medicine M&M, Neurology faculty commentator for a stroke case M&M discussion, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, 08/03/2005 |
Stroke as a Medical Emergency: New treatments, MCW Symposium for Senior Physicians, Milwaukee, WI, 10/11/2005 |
Cryptogenic Stroke, MCW Cardiovascular Medicine Annual Symposium on Cardiac Stroke, 09/30/2006 |
The Neurological Aspects of Geriatric Care, MCW Geriatrics Student Interest Group and SIGN: Student Interest Group Neurology, invited speaker and panelist to luncheon meeting, Milwaukee, WI, 11/13/2006 |
Work, Life and Balance, Womens Faculty Council MCW
3 MCW faculty panelists for a 1 hour long presentation, 01/30/2007 |
Acute Stroke: Urgent Management Today, Grand Rounds presentation for MCW PM&R
CME, 03/02/2007 |
Integrated Grand Rounds MCW M1-M2, DR Book selected a stroke patient, presented the clinical background, introduced the scientific speakers from MCW basic science, and interviewed the patient, Milwaukee, WI, 03/25/2008 |
Ischemic Stroke Detection and Management, Community Memorial hospital medical staff Grand Rounds CME, 05/23/2008 |
Lessons from CADASIL and, Neurology Grand Rounds
CME, 10/17/2008 |
Care of Patients with Strokes, Full-day seminar, Diane Book MD, Invited guest speaker, Acute Stroke Therapy: What You Should Know, Waukesha County Technical College, 04/17/2009 |
Strokes striking at younger ages, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Interview, Milwaukee, WI, 02/25/2010 |
Ischemic Stroke Education Update, Community Memorial hospital medical staff Grand Rounds CME, 07/16/2010 |
Cerebral Vein Thrombosis, consultant and in session expertise, Internal Medicine Resident Noon Conference, 08/27/2010 |
Modern Stroke CAre: What Should You Expect?, MCW Women in SCience 2014 Lecture Series, Womens CLub, Mil., WI, 09/2014 |
Medical College of Wisconsin |
2003 - 2006 Member, Women’s Faculty Council, Medical College of Wisconsin |
2004 - 2006 Secretary, Women’s Faculty Council, Medical College of Wisconsin |
2004 - 2007 Alternate Representative for Neurology, Faculty Council, Medical College of Wisconsin |
2005 - 2006 Secretary, Women’s Faculty Council, Medical College of Wisconsin |
2007 - Present Representative for Neurology, Faculty Council, Medical College of Wisconsin |
2008 - 2010 Member, Continuing Medical Education, Medical College of Wisconsin |
04/30/2010 - 07/2010 Member, LCME Self Study Subcommittee on Faculty, Medical College of Wisconsin |
04/2010 - 12/2010 Member, Internal Review Committee, Neurology Department, Medical College of Wisconsin |
10/2010 faculty committee member, MCWAH GME Faculty Retreat, Medical College of Wisconsin |
2020 - Present member, Neurology Faculty Mentorship Comm, Neurology, MCW |
2022 - Present member, Neurology Anniversary Planning Comm, Neurology, MCW |
Hospital |
07/1996 - 2015 Physician champion, Quality Management Performance Improvement Team-Stroke, Froedtert Hospital |
11/2001 - 2004 Member, Quality Management Liaison for Department of, Froedtert Hospital |
2015 - Present Medical Director, Neuroscience QPMC, Neuroscience Service Line, Froedtert |
01/01/2016 - Present member, Froedtert Inpatient Leadership COuncil, Neurosciences |
2018 - Present Physician leader, Acountable CAre Team- Neuroscience units, Neuroscience, Neurology, Froedtert |
Medical Student Education |
09/1998 - 06/2001 JMS Medicine Clerkship Lecture Series: Stroke Diagnosis and |
2019 - 2023 M2 Neurology/Psychiatry Course ; Dr Mondok Director; Annual 3 hour Course |
09/13/2022 - Present Problem BAsed Learning 3 hour module: Neurology cases |
10/05/2023 AMWA Networking Fall Event, faculty mentor |
Resident and Fellow Education |
1996 - 2004 Hyperacute Stroke Therapy |
07/01/2013 - 2015 Neurology residents: Quality and Safety course, monthly |
09/11/2013 - Present Psychiatry Resident Curriculum: Approach to a Neurological Patient
annual lecture |
09/28/2013 - Present Academic HAlf DAy Lecture annual: Stroke
annual lecture |
Medical Student Education |
09/2000 - 2003 Medical College of Wisconsin, Preparing for Internship :Stroke Prevention and Treatment |
07/2001 - 2008 Medical College of Wisconsin, Neurology/Psychiatry Clerkship: Stroke |
07/2004 - 2014 Medical College of Wisconsin, M2 Medical Pharmacology Course, Headache |
01/2007 - 2012 Medical College of Wisconsin, M3 Professionalism Course |
03/2009 - Present Medical College of Wisconsin
Kurt Pfeifer Director, Bench to Bedside M1 Course
annual teacher |
07/2009 - 2014 Medical College of Wisconsin, Master Clinician Pathway Planning Council |
01/17/2014 - Present MCW Curriculum Innovation: Neurosciences
Director Beth Krippendorf, Module- Vascular Anatomy Brain
Author and Lecturer, annual |
05/02/2023 - Present MCW Student Interest Group Neurology, OSCE Prep Neuro Exam |
Resident and Fellow Education |
2002 - 2010 Medical College of Wisconsin, Neurology Rotation Orientation |
2009 - 2015 Medical College of Wisconsin, Neurology Resident NEX Exam |
11/08/2011 - 2011 MCW Cardiology Fellows, Stroke MAnagement |
12/12/2012 - 2018 MCW PMR, resident lecture: Stroke |
2015 - Present MCW Neurology Residency, Stroke Mechanisms
annual lecture |
2015 - Present MCW Neurology residency, Vascular Anatomy and Syndromes:
The Mind of a Neurologist
annual lecture |
12/02/2016 - Present MCW Neurology, Teaching CQI through Projects
Mentor 2-4 resident projects annually |
08/19/2020 - 2023 MCWAH Neurology Residency, annual lecture: Neurodegenerative Cognitive Disorders |
12/14/2022 - Present MCWAH, Neurology Residents: STroke Certification JC |
Continuing Medical Education |
1997 - 2003 Door County Summer Institute: Neurology, provided formal lectures on Practice Parameters in Dementia , Headache Update, and Acute Stroke Management |
11/20/2013 MCW Psychiatry, Grand Rounds: CADASIL |
11/22/2013 - 2013 MCW Neurology, Grand Rounds: VAscular Dementia and CADASIL |
01/03/2014 - 2014 MCW Neurosciences, Interdisciplinary GR: Performance Excellence |
02/21/2014 MCW NEurology, Staff educ: What is a STroke Center? |
2022 - Present MCW Neurology, Grand Rounds: Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy and Related Disorders |
Community/Lay Public |
06/18/1996 - 06/1996 Channel 12 Health Digest |
07/14/1996 WOKY radio, David Doyle, Growing Older/ New Perspectives |
1996 - Present Froedtert Hospital, Milwaukee, WI, Froedtert Hospital Community Education Series |
08/13/1997 Mitchell Field Rotary, Brain Attack |
10/15/1997 FMLH Stroke Survivor Support Group, New Treatment in Acute Stroke |
03/26/1998 Genentech, Emergency Stroke Treatment |
04/28/1998 Milwaukee Internists Club, University Club, Milwaukee, WI, Hyperacute Stroke Treatments |
10/09/1998 AHA Stroke Council, Stroke Risk Factor Screening/Counseling |
10/11/1998 - Present Genentech, Regional Approaches to Acute Stroke Access and Use of TPA |
05/10/1999 - Present Ron Krauss interview, Brain Attack, WTKM Radio |
03/22/2000 - Present Froedtert Community Education Series: Mind, Body, Spirit, Stroke Prevention:Update |
05/13/2000 - Present Froedtert & MCW Stroke Center Stroke Health Fair, Stroke Risk Factors and Preventative Medicine |
05/24/2000 - Present WUWM, Interview |
07/12/2000 - Present Community education program, Village at Manor Park senior community, Memory Loss: When is it Alzheimer’s |
09/05/2000 - Present Infinity Group of emergency, Clinical Vignettes: Use of tpa for ischemic stroke |
11/30/2000 - Present Glaxo, Treat Early-Treat Often |
02/27/2001 - Present Metro Milwaukee Nurse Practioners Association, Ischemic Stroke Update: Beyond an aspirin a day: Stroke management for the clinician |
04/26/2001 - Present Channel 4 News, interview on Stroke in Women |
05/01/2001 - Present Channel 12, health segment interview on Stroke |
05/10/2001 - Present FMLH Stroke Health Fair, Stroke Prevention and Treatment |
10/11/2001 - Present Glaxo Smith Kline, Getting your patients to pain free; Advances in Migraine Therapy |
12/06/2001 - Present Boehringer-Ingelheim, Treatment of Recurrent Ischemic Stroke: Beyond an aspirin a day |
12/02/2002 - Present Boehringer-Ingelheim, Treatment of Recurrent Ischemic Stroke: Beyond an aspirin a day |
03/06/2003 - Present FMLH Community Education series, FMLH, Brain Attack: Stroke Recognition, Treatment, Prevention |
04/23/2003 - Present Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, Mini-Medical School: Stroke |
05/13/2003 - Present Channel 4 News, Live TV interview on Stroke |
05/21/2003 - Present WUWM local radio show, ½ hour interview, At Ten |
07/10/2003 - Present Wisconsin Club, Milwaukee, WI, Let’s Talk About Stroke: Stroke Overview |
10/06/2003 - Present Boehringer-Ingelheim, The Clinical Significance of Stroke Prevention |
12/08/2003 - Present Boehringer-Ingelheim, The Clinical Significance of Stroke Prevention |
01/27/2004 - Present Froedtert & Medical College, Froedtert Community Ed Room, Stroke and You |
02/2004 - Present Channel 4 News, Rebound Headache |
04/04/2004 - Present Boehringer-Ingelheim, Stroke management for the clinician: Update |
09/07/2004 - Present GE Medical Systems, for TiP-TV, Understanding Stroke: What the Ultrasonographer should know |
09/13/2004 - Present Froedtert Hospital, What EMS Needs to Know About Stroke Care: Certified Primary Stroke Centers, D Book |
10/23/2004 - Present WGXX Interview, Stroke |
04/05/2005 - Present Spring Senior Interest Day sponsored by Pfizer, Inc., About Stroke: Warnings, Weapons |
04/06/2005 - Present Boerhinger Ingelheim, Stroke for Dinner: Roundtable |
05/16/2005 - Present Froedtert Hospital Community Conference Room, Stroke:Warnings and Weapons |
10/12/2005 - Present Boehringer-Ingelheim, Updates in the Treatment of Stroke |
01/2006 - Present WTMJ Radio, Every Day Health Interview |
09/28/2006 - Present Milwaukee African American Physicians group, Stroke Update: What you need to know |
06/14/2007 - Present Boehringer-Ingelheim, Trends in the Treatment of Recurrent Stroke |
07/17/2007 - Present West Bend Fire Dept, Stroke Update: What EMS needs to know |
10/22/2007 - Present Boehringer-Ingelheim, Trends in the Treatment of Recurrent Stroke |
01/18/2008 - Present Froedtert Community Health Center, Recognition and Emergency Management of Acute Stroke |
05/2008 - Present WMTJ Radio, Interviewed for "Healty Minute" Segment |
01/21/2009 - Present Froedtert Community Health Center, Recognition and Emergency Management of Acute Stroke |
03/17/2009 - Present Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Health, Brewing up a safeguard? |
05/04/2009 - Present WTMJ, Radio and television weekly interviews |
05/2009 - Present WTMJ, Interivewed for "Healty Minute" segment |
01/06/2010 - Present Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group, Vascular Dementia |
01/20/2010 - Present Froedtert Community Health Center, Recognition and Emergency Management of Acute Stroke |
05/2011 - Present WTMJ Radio, Every Day Health |
05/2011 - Present WTMJ TV, 4 Your Health |
02/17/2012 - Present Brookfield Academy Middle School, student neuroscience education |
01/07/2015 - Present Froedtert Hospital, Stroke and Dementia Relationship |
Medical Students |
1996 - Present, MCW M3 Neurology Outpatient Clinic Mentor, supervise a medical student in my own clinic, monthly, Medical College of Wisconsin |
1996 - Present, M2 Clinical Evaluation and Reasoning (formerly Introduction to Clinical Examination): Neurology Exam, annual half day seminar small group leader to MCW M2 students, Medical College of Wisconsin |
1996 - Present, Neurology Clerkship, M3 and M4 students; provide daily supervision and teaching of rotating students on Neurology service as attending, direct bedside teaching, formal observation and training, Medical College of Wisconsin |
09/1997 - 09/1999, M2 Bioethics Course small group facilitator, weekly semester course, MCW Bioethics curriculum, Medical College of Wisconsin |
2001 - 2002 Nathan Gabler, Medical College of Wisconsin |
2004 - 2005 Hermelinda Abcede, Medical College of Wisconsin |
2007 - 2008 Brian Myre, Medical College of Wisconsin |
2007 - 2008 Matthew Leach, Advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin |
2008 - 2009 Krupa Patel, Medical College of Wisconsin |
2008 - 2009 Kate Engerer, Medical College of Wisconsin |
08/25/2009 - Present Leah Rosenbaum, Medical College of Wisconsin |
2010 - 2011 Dylan Coss, Faculty advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin, MCW NeuroPathology Faculty appointment |
01/05/2011 - Present Luke Bodnar, Medical College of Wisconsin |
01/2011 - 2013 Jenna Reichel, Medical College of Wisconsin |
2011 - 2012 Eric Exner, M1 Mentor, MCW |
2012 - 2013 Lauren Splittberger, M3 ADvisor, MCW |
Clinical/Research Fellows |
07/2003 - Present DR Ann K Helms, STroke fellowship/faculty mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Recruited to MCW,Ascent to Chairperson, Neurology MCW |
07/01/2022 - 07/01/2023 Caitlin Moore, STroke Fellow Neurology, MCW, Trained her 1 year
Recruited to MCW Neurology faculty |
Residents |
1994 - 1997 Dr. Malgorzata Franczak, resident, Medical College of Wisconsin, Prof Neurology MCW |
Undergraduate Students |
07/19/2016 - Present Tim Corwin, clinical immersion, Froedtert, Completed MCW MD
Resident in Med Peds UT Houston 2022 |
01/04/2017 - Present Eileen Peterson, clincial immersion, Froedtert, med school appliocation |
Medical Students |
07/2006 - 08/2006, Alzheimer Disease Summer Externship |
2009 - 2010 Katherine Schuster, Advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin |
01/2015 - 06/2016 Anthony Declusin, M1 Clinical Apprenticeship |
03/29/2017 - Present Ruth MArks, clinical preceptor, Stanford Med School |
Graduate Students |
MS Students Advised |
07/01/1999 - 07/15/1999 Mrs. Ann Carlin, Clinical Advisor and preceptor, Marquette University, College of Nursing, provider Oncology |
07/01/2001 - 07/30/2001 Ms. Wende Fedder, Clinical Advisor and preceptor, Loyola University, College of International Business |
12/2010 - Present Megan Wertepny, Provided supervision and project support |
03/01/2017 - 06/01/2017 Amy Croatt, Nurse Practitioner Geriatric CAute CAre, Marquette Univ, graduation; provider in geriatrics |
Educational Programs |
Student |
01/23/2004 - 2004 Overview of Stroke, Froedtert Hospital sponsored symposium: Paramedic Preceptorship, facilitated and spoke at this half day program to paramedic trainees, Helfaer Aud, Froedtert |
2005 Emergency Medical Systems: Neuroscience Preceptorship, Course Director and speaker of 2 hour long lecture to paramedic trainees addressing Stroke Care for the EMS provider; annual course |
Resident |
2000 - 2014 Stroke & Neurovascular Case Conference |
2000 - 2014 Stroke & Neurovascular Case Conference and Journal Club Monthly presentation by neurovascular faculty; survey of all relevant professional journals |
2002 - 2015 Neurology Resident Orientation to Neurovascular |
Faculty |
05/09/1998 - 1998 Course Director and moderator, An Evidence-Based Debate on Controversial Issues in Stroke Management |
2005 - 2006 Annual Midwest Stroke and Neurovascular Symposium |
Research Programs |
1996 - Present Stroke Quality and Outcomes research- continuous quality improvement efforts and clinical outcomes of the program have been disseminated in numerous abstract publications and presentations |
09/2002 - 2014 Neurological Emergencies Treatment Trials, MCW awarded NIH/NINDS grant as Clinical Hub site to rapidly recruit regional participation in clinical trials in neurological emergencies |
07/2006 - 2010 Froedtert & Medical College Office of Joint Quality pilot pivotal first ever data warehouse using Stroke and Neurovascular data |
Clinical Programs |
12/1996 - 2015 Medical Director, Froedtert & Medical College Stroke & Neurovascular Program |
1996 - 1997 Froedtert Anticoagulation Clinic- foundational medical director and clinician supervisor in collaboration with pharmacist Kristine Murphy Ph.D; Anticoag CLinic model became standard across enterprise |
2015 - Present Stroke Transitional CAre: developed and implemented new ambulatory care model for post hospital care of stroke patients |
03/01/2017 - Present Interdisciplinary Memory Assesssment Program; new model of ambulatory care delivery for memory concerns |
2017 - Present Hospital Whiteboard Communication: invented and developed new application of whiteboard; project adopted by hospital at large showed significant improvement HCAHPS 2019 |
Community Programs |
1996 - 2015 Stroke Screenings- stroke program coordinator conducts health and vascular risk factor screenings to community, various venues including health fairs, malls, senior health programs, and Small Stones |
1996 - Present Stroke Support Group- stroke program coordinator and social worker direct, schedule, advertise, and facilitate monthly patient support group with topical speakers at Froedtert |
2000 - Present Stroke Peer Visitor Program- patients served by Froedtert and Medical College Stroke Program |
1998 - 2003 American Stroke Association Milwaukee Metro Stroke Task Force member |
2000 - Present WAI- WI Alzheimer's Institute
UW Med SChool of Public Health
member site and physician participant |
2003 - 2008 Member Board of Directors, Metro Milwaukee American Heart Association- quarterly meetings with other community and health leaders to promote AHA fund raising and missions |
2004 - 2010 Member Wisconsin Stroke Committee,
• joint venture with Wisconsin Dept. of Health and Family Services and American Heart Assn.
• Monthly meetings and regional conferences with statewide health system providers to promote Healthy People in Wisconsin goals
Mohr JP et al., A Comparison of Warfarin and Aspirin for the Prevention of Recurrent Ischemic Stroke, NEJM, 2001;345, 1444-1451. (WARSS study) |
Albers GW et al, Aptiginel Hydrochloride in Acute Ischemic Stroke: A Randomized Controlled Trial, JAMA, 2001;286:2673-2682. (Cerestat Study) |
12 subsequent publications as of 7/2011 reporting specific sub analyses from the SRARCL trial, published in journals including: Neurology, Stroke, Atherosclerosis, Arch Neurology. Representative Samples here:
Goldstein LB et al. for the SPARCL Investigators, Hemorrhagic stroke in the Stroke Prevention by Aggressive Reduction in Cholesterol Levels study, Neurology, 2008; 70:2364-2370. (SPARCL study)
Chaturvedi S. et al for the SPARCL Investigators, Effect of atorvastatin in elderly patients with a recent stroke or transient attack. Neurology, 2008; e-pub 2008 Sept 3. (SPARCL study)
Callahan A. et al for the SPARCL Investigators, Risk of Stroke and Cardiovascular Events After Ischemic Stroke or TIA in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes or Metabolic Syndrome: Secondary Analysis of the SPARCL Trial, Arch Neurology, 2011; 68: 693-832
SPS3 Trial and the SPS3 Investigators
Benavente OR, NEJM 2012;367 (9):817-25
63 subsequent publications |
SPARCL Trial by Amarenco A. and SPARCL Investigators NEJM,, 2006;355:549-59
78 subsequent publications across Stroke, Neurology, and Cardiology journals |
Lyden, P et al., Clomethiazole Acute Stroke Study in ischemic stroke (CLASS-I): final results, Stroke, 2002; 33:122-128. (CLASS Study) |
RESPECT PFO Trial and RESPECT Investigators
Carroll JD NEJM 2013;368(12):1092-100
130 subsequent publications across Stroke and Cardiology journals |
Albers GW et al., Intravenous tissue-type plasminogen activator for treatment of acute stroke: the Standard Treatment with Alteplase to Reverse Stroke (STARS) Study. JAMA, 2000;283:1145-1150. |
Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers |
1. D. Tanne , D. Book, the t-PA Stroke Survey Group et al., Initial clinical experience with IV tissue plasminigen activator for acute ischemic stroke: A multicenter survey. Neurology, 1999, 53:2, 424-427. |
2. David Tanne, D.Book and the tPA Stroke Survey Group et al., Intravenous Tissue Plasminogen Activator for Acute Ischemic Stroke in Patients Aged 80 Years and Older: The tPA Stroke Survey Experience. Stroke, 2000; 31: 370-375. |
3. David Tanne, D. Book and The Multicenter rt-PA Acute Stroke Survey et al., Markers of Increased Risk of Intracerebral Hemorrhage After Intravenous Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator Therapy for Acute Ischemic Stroke in Clinical Practice, Circulation, 2002;105: 1679. |
4. Closure of Patent Foramen Ovale versus Medical Therapy after Cryptogenic Stroke, John D CArroll et al. for the RESPECT Investigators*, NEJM 2013; 368:1092-100. |
5. Medler, D.A., Binder, J.R., Sabsevitz, D.S., Book, D.S., . An fMRI investigation of semantic and phonological processing in left hemisphere stroke patients and age-matched controls. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2005, 129(suppl.). |
6. Lesion Correlates of Phonological Access Impairment: Voxel-Based Lesion-Symptom Mapping
Sara Berentsen, Benjamin Stengel, Megan Rozman, Diane S. Book, Jeffrey R. Binder
Society for the Neurobiology of Language, 2013
Language Imaging Laboratory, Department of Neurology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
7. Society for the Neurobiology of Language, 2013
Impaired Exception Word Reading in Aphasia: Lesion Localization
Sara Berentsen, Benjamin Stengel, Megan Rozman, Diane Book, Jeffrey Binder
8. Pillay SB, Stengel BC, Humphries C, Book DS, Binder JR. Cerebral localization of impaired phonological retrieval during rhyme judgment. Ann Neurol. 2014 Nov;76(5):738-46. PMCID: PMC4214892 |
9. Binder JR, Pillay SB, Humphries CJ, Gross WL, Graves WW, Book DS. Surface errors without semantic impairment in acquired dyslexia: a voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping study. Brain. 2016 May;139(Pt 5):1517-26. PMCID: PMC5006249 |
10. Pillay SB, Binder JR, Humphries C, Gross WL, Book DS. Lesion localization of speech comprehension deficits in chronic aphasia. Neurology. 2017 Mar 07;88(10):970-975. PMCID: PMC5333516 |
11. Pillay SB, Gross WL, Graves WW, Humphries C, Book DS, Binder JR. The Neural Basis of Successful Word Reading in Aphasia. J Cogn Neurosci. 2018 Apr;30(4):514-525. PMCID: PMC9926535 |
12. Amarenco P, Bogousslavsky J, Callahan AS, Goldstein L, Hennerici M, Sillsen H, Welch MA, Zivin J, SPARCL Investigators. Design and baseline characteristics of the stroke prevention by aggressive reduction in cholesterol levels (SPARCL) study. Cerebrovasc Dis. 2003;16(4):389-95. |
13. Pillay SB, Gross WL, Heffernan J, Book DS, Binder JR. Semantic network activation facilitates oral word reading in chronic aphasia. Brain Lang. 2022 Oct;233:105164. PMCID: PMC9948519 |
14. Amarenco P, Bogousslavsky J, Callahan A 3rd, Goldstein LB, Hennerici M, Rudolph AE, Sillesen H, Simunovic L, Szarek M, Welch KM, Zivin JA, Stroke Prevention by Aggressive Reduction in Cholesterol Levels (SPARCL) Investigators. High-dose atorvastatin after stroke or transient ischemic attack. N Engl J Med. 2006 Aug 10;355(6):549-59. |
15. SPS3 Investigators, Benavente OR, Hart RG, McClure LA, Szychowski JM, Coffey CS, Pearce LA. Effects of clopidogrel added to aspirin in patients with recent lacunar stroke. N Engl J Med. 2012 Aug 30;367(9):817-25. PMCID: PMC4067036 |
16. Carroll JD, Saver JL, Thaler DE, Smalling RW, Berry S, MacDonald LA, Marks DS, Tirschwell DL, RESPECT Investigators. Closure of patent foramen ovale versus medical therapy after cryptogenic stroke. N Engl J Med. 2013 Mar 21;368(12):1092-100. |
Books, Chapters, and Reviews |
1. Book,Diane.: Chapter 50 Disorders of Brain Function. Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States. Carol Mattson Porth Ed.,6th edition, Lippincott -Williams & Wilkins, 2002. |
2. Book,Diane.: Chapter 37 Disorders of Brain Function. Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States. Carol Mattson Porth Ed.,6th edition, Lippincott -Williams & Wilkins, 2002. Awarded Book of the Year by the American Journal Of Nursing. |
3. Book,Diane.: Chapter 37 Disorders of Brain Function. Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States. Carol Mattson Porth Ed.,7th edition, Lippincott -Williams & Wilkins, 2004. |
4. Book, Diane, Muntz, Martin , JAradeh, Safwan, Neurology Chapter from Concise Textbook of Medicine for Students, 5th edition, Kesavan Kutty, Dario Torre, Jerome VanRuiswyk, Ralph Schapira, Mahendr S. Kochar, editors, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2009. |
5. VanRuiswyk, Ralph Schapira, Mahendr S. Kochar, editors, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2009. |
6. Book,Diane.: Chapter 37 Disorders of Brain Function. Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States. Carol Mattson Porth Ed.,8th edition, Lippincott -Williams & Wilkins, 2009. |
7. Essentials of PAthohysiology
Chapter 37:Disorders of Brain Function
9th Ed., 2013 |
Abstracts |
1. Wiseman RW, Stewart BC, Grenier DS (Book D), Miller EC, Miller JA. Characterization of c-Ha-ras proto-oncogene in chemically hepatomas of the B6C3F1 mouse. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. Neurology,Supp., 2004, 62:7, A463. |
2. Book DS, Binder JR, Frost JA, Forster H, Bellgowan PS, Bandettini PA .Assessment of Cerebrovascular Reserve with Functional MRI. Neurology supp.2, 1997; 48: A158. Abstract selected for Plenary Highlights Session at the American Academy of Neurology national meeting. |
3. Book DS, Carlin A, Sunstrom C, Bevington M, Barriers to Effective Implementation of a Clinical Pathway for Ischemic Stroke. Stroke, 1999;30:1, 272. |
4. Fedder,W., Book, DS., Sunstrom, C. Lessons Learned in the Process of Stroke Quality Management: Revised tools and strategies in a follow-up study. Stroke, 2001;32:1, 381. |
5. Book DS, Fedder WN, Sunstrom C, Can Ischemic Stroke Clinical Outcome Tools Really Improve Clinical Outcomes? J Stroke & Cerebrovasc Dis. , 2001;10:4, 195. |
6. Book DS et al., Safety and Efficiency: Partners in Promoting Quality Outcomes throughout the Ischemic Stroke Continuum, National Stroke Association North American Stroke Meeting Nurses Conference, 2001. |
7. Book DS, Fedder WN, Sunstrom C, Conti M, Bevington M , Which Matters More In Ischemic Stroke Quality Management: Pathway Compliance or the Overall QA Process?. Circulation, 106:16 Oct 2002. |
8. Fedder,W, Golembiewski, A, Conti, M, Book,DS, Torbey, M Are we any closer to adequate blood pressure control? National Stroke Association North American Stroke Meeting 2003, J Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases 2003 |
9. Book, DS, Binder, JR Assessment of Cerebral Vascular Reserve with FMRI in Patients with Hemodynamic TIA, Neurology,Supp., 2004, 62:7, A535. |
10. Helms A, Fedder W, Book D, Binder J, Worman D, Golembiewski A, Varelas P, Torbey M,. Predictors of IV rt-PA Administration within 1 hour of presentation of acute ischemic stroke. Neurology,Supp., 2004, 62:7, A463. |
11. Varelas, P, Book, D, Rand, S, Sinson, G, Clipping the Eagle's wings: Treatment of an unusual cause of transient cerebral ischemia. Neurology, 2005,64:2 of 2, 393-394. |
12. Fedder W., Conti M., Book D., Helms A., Torbey M., Primary Stroke Center Certification: Effective Strategies for Early Adopters. Poster American Heart Association International Stroke Conference, New Orleans, LA. , Special Interest Session, January 2005 |
13. Tirshwell, David, Book D and the RESPECT Trial Investigators et al., Antiplatelet vs. Anticoagulant Therapy Recommended as Best Medical Care in the Randomized Evaluation of Recurrent Stroke Comparing PFO Closure to Established Current Standard of Care Treatment (RESPECT) Trial, Poster International Stroke Conference, American Stroke Association, San Antonio, Tx, Feb. 2010. |
14. David E Thaler, A, Diane S Book and The RESPECT Trial Investigators et al., Risk Profile of Subjects Enrolled in the Randomized Evaluation of Recurrent Stroke Comparing PFO Closure to Established Current Standard of Care Treatment (RESPECT) Trial Over the First Six Years of Enrollment, poster 62nd Annual Meeting of American Academy of Neurology, Toronto, CA., April 2010, abstract # 1445AAN10D1 |
15. Varelas PN, Sinson G, Rand S, Book D. Clipping the Eagle's wings: treatment of an unusual cause of transient cerebral ischemia. Neurology. 2005 Jan 25;64(2):393-4. |
16. Tanne D, Kasner SE, Demchuk AM, Koren-Morag N, Hanson S, Grond M, Levine SR. Markers of increased risk of intracerebral hemorrhage after intravenous recombinant tissue plasminogen activator therapy for acute ischemic stroke in clinical practice: the Multicenter rt-PA Stroke Survey. Circulation. 2002 Apr 09;105(14):1679-85. |
17. Tanne D, Bates VE, Verro P, Kasner SE, Binder JR, Patel SC, Mansbach HH, Daley S, Schultz LR, Karanjia PN, Scott P, Dayno JM, Vereczkey-Porter K, Benesch C, Book D, Coplin WM, Dulli D, Levine SR. Initial clinical experience with IV tissue plasminogen activator for acute ischemic stroke: a multicenter survey. The t-PA Stroke Survey Group. Neurology. 1999 Jul 22;53(2):424-7. |
18. Diane Book : “Shoring Up the Crack; Implementation of Coordinated Care After Stroke Hospitalization
Froedtert & MCW Faculty Scholars COurse POSTER
Dr Geoff Lamb, Director |
Peer Reviewed Educational Products |
1. Ischemic Stroke Quality Management Tools: standardized forms and guidelines for clinical use, serving as official medical record documentation and hospital staff reference.
Author: Diane S Book and Ischemic Stroke quality management team, Froedtert
Publication website: NIH/NINDS website in collaboration with the Brain Attack Coalition or by link from
1. Ischemic Stroke Standing Orders and Medical Guidelines
2. Ischemic Stroke Clinical Outcome Management Tool
3. Ischemic Stroke Diagnostic Summary Tool
4. Ischemic Stroke Mechanism and Treatment Flow/algorithm
5. Ischemic Stroke Scale Nursing Flow Sheet
2. GIM-026 Neurocognition for Master Clinicians: MCW Master Clinician Pathway core activity, created in pilot year of Pathways at MCW 2010. This ANGEL course module contains three lessons structured around three geriatric patient cases. This module's goal is to use patient cases in a format of small group on-line learning to increase your knowledge of neurological disease and history taking in elderly patients. Collaborators: Diane Book, MD, Neurology , Kathryn Denson, MD, Medicine (Geriatrics/Gerontology), Diane Brown, MS, Office Educational Services |
Non-Peer Reviewed Educational Products |
1. Book, Diane, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, contributor to approximately 8 newspaper articles by columnist John Fauber for Health/Science section feature stories. Example: April 18, 2005, Numbers tell why quick response to strokes vital |
2. Book, Diane, Stroke Guidelines and Standing Orders, published in Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals Hospital Protocol manual, for reference use with physicians nationally, 2003 |
3. Book, Diane, Stroke in the Young, PFO, and Migraine: An occult menage a trois?, Froedtert & Medical College Grand Rounds publication, Jan-March 2003, v. 10:1. |
4. MCW M3 Stroke Lecture,
Authors: Diane Book and Ann Helms
Slide set used by MCW Dept. Neurology rotating faculty for M3 Neurology Clerkship course, monthly lecture
2005 – present
5. Book, Diane Understanding and Preventing Subsequent Strokes, MCW Healthlink, Medical College of Wisconsin Electronic Newsletter, 23 July 2001, |
6. Book, Diane Latest Emergency Treatment of Strokes, MCW Healthlink, Medical College of Wisconsin Electronic Newsletter, 23 July 2001, |
7. Book, Diane, Froedtert Multidisciplinary Stroke Working Group, Stroke Guidelines and Standing Orders, published on the National Stroke Association website, 2003. |
8. Book, Diane Stroke Guidelines and Standing Orders, National Institutes of Health and Brain Attack Coalition linked website at; this national coalition of all major professional organizations related to stroke establishes guidelines for care of stroke and criteria for Stroke Center Certification by JCAHO; they selected the Stroke Quality Management Tools by Dr. Book for publication on their website, as a reference for other hospitals. |
9. Book, Diane Patient’s Daughter, a poem published in Auscult; Stories from within, copyright 2005, Medical College of Wisconsin, Medical Humanities Interest Group, Dr Richard L. Holloway Editor |
10. Book, Diane, Froedtert Forum- several (2-3) case based articles with discussions on stroke topics authored for this hospital newsletter used as direct mailer to community residents |
11. Book, Diane, Froedtert & Medical College Grand Rounds- several (2-3) case based articles with discussions on stroke topics authored for this institutional newsletter used as direct mailer to area physicians |
12. Book, Diane and MCW Neurology staff, The Neurotransmitter, Neurology Department Newsletter, departmental newsletter fully conceived, organized, implemented and edited by Dr. Book, issued quarterly 2005-2006
13. MCW Problem Solving Poster Symposium OCT 29, 2018
Poster 31
Inpatien Care Coordination Rounds (CCR) Optimization
Authors: Brittney Powers, Pamela Youssef, Diane Book, Katie Brown, Jennifer DeAngelo, Cathy Loughney, Emily McRoberts, Lynette Rossow
14. 2021-present
Froedtert & MCW Neurology Bulletin
TIPS for NIPPS (Neurology Inpatient Provider) Quarterly bullletin: clinical care updates, protocols, practice memoranda
Sole creator and Author/Editor |
Database, Video, or Other Research/Clinical Contributions |
1. Brain Attack, teaching videotape
Author: Diane Book, Andy Stonefield, Lotfi Hacein-bey
For GE Technologies, Ultrasound TiP-TV teaching series to GE employees and clients
Jan 2005
2. RESPECT Clinical Trial: PFO and Stroke
Authors: Drs Jeffrey Saver, Diane Book, Helmi Lutsep, RESPECT Team
Slide set for national distribution by RESPECT Study sponsor to referring physician audiences, AGA Medical Corp.
July 2005