Medical College of Wisconsin
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Donald A. Hackbarth Jr MD
Adjunct Professor
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Division of Education

Hub for Collaborative Medicine
8701 Watertown Plank Road
Milwaukee, WI 53226

09/1970 - 05/1973 University of Wisconsin, Waukesha and Milwaukee (Accepted to medical school at the end of 3rd year, no degree conferred), WI
08/1973 - 05/1977 M.D., Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

07/1977 - 06/1982 Resident, Orthopaedic Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin Affiliated Hospitals, Milwaukee, WI
07/1985 - 06/1986 Fellowship, Orthopaedic Oncology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL

07/1982 - 07/1983 Instructor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
07/1983 - 07/1986 Clinical Instructor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
07/1986 - 07/1993 Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
07/1993 - 11/1993 Associate Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
11/1993 - 05/2000 Associate Clinical Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
05/2000 - 07/2007 Associate Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
07/2007 - Present Professor of Clinical Orthopaedics, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI

05/2000 - Present Division Chief, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Musculoskeletal Oncology, Medical College of Wisconsin

05/2000 - Present Division Chief, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Musculoskeletal Oncology, Medical Collage of Wisconsin, 8701 Watertown Plank Road, Milwaukee, WI 53226

01/1998 - 12/1999 Chief of Orthopaedic Surgery, St. Luke’s Medical Center, 2900 W. Oklahoma Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53215

07/1982 - 05/1985 Memorial Hospital, Burlington, WI
07/1985 - 06/1986 Veteran’s Administration Medical Center, 1601 SW Archer Road, Gainesville, FL 32608
07/1986 - Present St. Joseph’s Hospital, 5000 W. Chamber’s Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53210
07/1986 - 06/1998 Clement J. Zablocki Veterans Affairs Medical Center, 5000 W. National Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53295
07/1986 - 06/1995 Doyne Hospital, 8700 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53226
07/1986 - Present Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, 9000 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53226
07/1986 - Present Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital, 9200 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53226
07/1987 - 12/1989 Columbia Hospital, 2025 E. Newport Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53211
11/1993 - Present St. Luke’s Medical Center, 2900 W. Oklahoma Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53201
11/1993 - Present West Allis Memorial Hospital, 8901 W. Lincoln Avenue, West Allis, WI 53227
07/1994 - 12/2006 St. Francis Hospital, 3237 S. 16th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53215
07/2000 - Present Surgicenter of Greater Milwaukee, 3223 S. 103rd Street, Milwaukee, WI 53227
07/2005 - Present Sargent Health Center Surgery Center, 840 N. 87th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53226
02/2010 - Present Elmbrook Memorial Hospital, 19333 W. North Ave, Brookfield, WI 53045-4198

Board Certified
Issue DateExpiration
American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery (Non-expiring Certificate)
Number Issue DateExpiration
Wisconsin License

06/1971 Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society
06/1982 Young Investigators Award, American Trauma Society
06/1987 Best Teaching Award, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin
06/1993 Best Teaching Award, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin
1996 - Present Top Doctors Award (awarded every 4 years), Milwaukee Magazine
06/1998 Alumnus of the Year, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin
06/2000 Cum Deo Award (Alumnus of the Year), CuLutheran High School Association of Greater Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
12/2005 Health Care Hero Award, Small Business Times, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
12/2005 - Present Best Doctors in America Award (awarded each year)
12/2006 America’s Top Surgeon Award
06/2007 Best Teaching Award, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin
2008 Ranked as the No. 1 physician for Inpatient Satisfaction, Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital

07/1982 - Present Wisconsin Orthopaedic Society
05/1985 - Present Christian Medical and Dental Association
02/1986 - Present American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery
07/1986 - 06/2005 American Medical Association
07/1986 - Present Milwaukee Orthopaedic Society
07/1986 - Present Wisconsin State Medical Society
05/1987 - Present Clinical Orthopaedic Society
07/1990 - Present American Association of Tissue Banks
03/1994 - Present American College of Surgeons
07/1998 - 06/2001 Pediatric Oncology Group
07/2001 - Present Children’s Oncology Group (Formally Pediatric Oncology Group)

05/1997 - 05/1998 President Elect, Wisconsin Orthopaedic Society
05/1998 - 05/2000 President, Wisconsin Orthopaedic Society
05/2001 - 05/2005 Secretary –Treasurer, Wisconsin Orthopaedic Society
05/2010 - Present Member, Advisory Board, Blood Center of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Donor Network/Wisconsin Tissue Bank

01/1987 - Present Member, Board of Trustees, Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation, Edison, New Jersey
01/1990 - 01/1994 Chairman, Board of Trustees, Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation, Edison, New Jersey
01/1990 - Present Member, Board of Directors, Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation, Edison, New Jersey
01/1991 - 01/1993 Medical Director, Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation Edison, New Jersey
01/1991 - 01/2000 (representing the North Central Region), Admissions Committee, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery
01/2000 - Present Chairman, Audit Committee, Board of Directors, Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation. Edison, New Jersey
01/2007 - Present Vice Chairman, Board of Directors, Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation, Edison, New Jersey

Non-Peer Review
Biomechanical and Morphologic Analysis of Intra-articular Fracture Repair
Wisconsin Chapter of the Arthritis Foundation
Role & Effort:
Principal Investigator
Direct Funds:
Biomechanical Analysis of Intercalary Allografts with a 60 Degree Chevron Osteotomy, versus Modified Step-Cut Osteotomy in Cadaveric Long Bones
Intradepartmental Research Grant, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin
Role & Effort:
Principle Investigator
05/01/2004 - 05/01/2005
Direct Funds:

Hackbarth, Donald A., Moderator: Safety in Allograft Transplantation Symposium, Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation International Symposium, Edinburgh, Scotland, 09/16/2003
Hackbarth, Donald A., Bone Tumor – Clinical And Radiographic Characteristics Aid Diagnosis, Grand Rounds, General Hospital, Matagalpa Nicaragua, 01/13/2009
Hackbarth, Donald A., Supracondylar Humeral Fractures in Children – Current Treatment, Grand Rounds, General Hospital, Matagalpa, Nicaragua, 01/14/2010
Hackbarth, Donald A., Review of Adamantinoma: Histologic Findings, Diagnosis and Treatment, Musculoskeletal Pathology Review, University of Texas, San Antonio, Texas, 10/04/2006 - 10/06/2006
Hackbarth, Donald A., Diagnosis and Treatment of Metastases to Bone, Musculoskeletal Pathology Review, University of Texas, San Antonio, Texas, 10/04/2006 - 10/06/2006
Hackbarth, Donald A., Review of Chordoma: Histologic Findings, Diagnosis and Treatment, Musculoskeletal Pathology Review, University of Texas, San Antonio, Texas, 10/04/2006 - 10/06/2006
Hackbarth, Donald A., Review of Fracture Healing, Musculoskeletal Pathology Review, University of Texas, San Antonio, TX, 10/04/2006 - 10/06/2006
Hackbarth, Donald A., Review of the Three Most Common Soft Tissue Sarcomas and Their Treatment, Musculoskeletal Pathology Review, University of Texas, San Antonio, Texas, 10/04/2006 - 10/06/2006
Hackbarth, Donald A., Review of Osteosarcoma: Histologic Finding Diagnosis and Treatment, Musculoskeletal Pathology Review, University of Texas, San Antonio, Texas, 10/04/2006 - 10/06/2006
Hackbarth, Donald A., Growth Plate Histology and Function, Musculoskeletal Pathology Review, University of Texas, San Antonio, Texas, 10/04/2006 - 10/06/2006
Hackbarth, Donald A., Bone Allografts: History, Current State of the Art And Future Applications, Wisconsin Organ and Tissue Awareness Conference, Brookfield, Wisconsin, 10/15/1986
Hackbarth , Donald A., Tumors of the Distal Radius – Reconstructive Alternatives, Wisconsin Orthopaedic Society, Fall Meeting, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, 11/07/1986
Hackbarth, Donald A., Tumors of the Hand and Wrist, Regional Review in Hand Surgery, American Society for Surgery of the Hand, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 09/19/1987
Hackbarth, Donald A., Bone Transplantation: The Use of Allografts in Orthopaedic Surgery, Grand Rounds, St. Claire Hospital, Baraboo, Wisconsin, 10/22/1987
Hackbarth, Donald A., The Use of Allografts in Orthopaedic Surgery, Wisconsin State Medical Society Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 04/29/1988
Hackbarth, Donald A., Basic Science of Autografts and Allografts – Clinical Examples and Usage, Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation, Regional Course for Procurement Instruction, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 06/12/1989
Hackbarth, Donald A., Surgical Management of Foot and Ankle Tumors, Regional Foot and Ankle Review Course, American Foot and Ankle Society, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 10/14/1990
Hackbarth, Donald A., Cystic Lesions of Bone, First Annual Walter Blount Pediatric Orthopaedic Symposium, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, 10/11/1991
Hackbarth, Donald A., Cystic Lesions of Bone, South Bend Orthopaedic Association, South Bend, Indiana, 11/21/1991
Hackbarth, Donald A., Management of Metastatic Bone Disease, South Bend Orthopaedic Association, South Bend, Indiana, 11/21/1991
Hackbarth, Donald A., Orthopaedic Management of Metastatic Bone Disease, Wisconsin Medical Society Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 04/24/1992
Hackbarth, Donald A., Limb Salvage Update, Wisconsin Chapter, American College of Surgeons, Brookfield, Wisconsin, 11/14/1992
Hackbarth, Donald A., Diagnosis and Treatment of Hand Tumors, Regional Review Course in Hand Surgery, American Society for Surgery of the Hand, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 10/10/1993
Hackbarth, Donald A., Soft Tissue Sarcomas: Current Diagnosis and Treatment, Sheboygan Memorial Medical Center Cancer Conference, Sheboygan, Wisconsin, 10/19/1994
Hackbarth, Donald A., An Update on Musculoskeletal Oncology, Wisconsin Association of Orthopaedic Technicians Summer Symposium, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, 08/02/2002
Hackbarth, Donald A., Current Treatment of Soft Tissue Sarcomas, Wisconsin Orthopaedic Society Annual Meeting, Waukesha, WI, 06/10/2005
Hackbarth, Donald A., Diagnosis and Treatment of Musculoskeletal Sarcomas, Nursing In-Service, St. Luke’s Medical Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 08/03/1984
Hackbarth, Donald A., Oncologic Aspects of Orthopaedic Surgery, Southeastern Wisconsin Orthopaedic Club, Kenosha, Wisconsin, 11/20/1986
Hackbarth, Donald A., The History and Use of Allograft Bone By the Orthopaedic Surgeon, Milwaukee Area Blood Banker’s Annual Spring Seminar, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 04/09/1987
Hackbarth, Donald A., Tissue Banking, Grand Rounds, Community Memorial Hospital, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, 03/25/1988
Hackbarth, Donald A., Biology and Fate of Autografts and Allografts In Total Hip Reconstruction, Current Concepts in Total Hip Replacement Seminar, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 09/24/1988
Hackbarth, Donald A., Musculoskeletal Oncology – An Update, Wisconsin Society of Radiation Technologist District 1, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 10/26/1988
Hackbarth, Donald A., Use of Custom Implants In Orthopaedic Oncologic Surgery, District Sales Meeting Howmedica Corporation, Mequon, Wisconsin, 04/04/1990
Hackbarth, Donald A., Limb Salvage Surgery for Malignant Bone Tumors, Milwaukee Surgical Society, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 12/03/1991
Hackbarth, Donald A., Current Diagnosis and Treatment of Osteosarcoma, Wisconsin Nurses Conference, Brookfield, Wisconsin, 11/1993
Hackbarth, Donald A., Current Diagnosis and Treatment of Soft Tissue Sarcomas, Medical Grand Rounds, St. Luke’s Medical Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 05/05/1994
Hackbarth, Donald A., Current Surgical Management of Musculoskeletal Tumors, 5th Annual Nursing Fall Symposium, Aurora Healthcare System, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 11/09/1994
Hackbarth, Donald A., Enneking, William F., Musculoskeletal Cancer – Case Presentations, Schroeder Cancer Fall Symposium, St. Luke’s Medical Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 11/29/1995
Hackbarth, Donald A., Bone and Tissue Donation – The Forgotten Gift, Bone and Tissue Conference, Wisconsin Tissue Bank and Aurora Health Care, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 05/15/1998
Hackbarth, Donald A., Surgical Missions in Haiti, Wisconsin Association of Orthopedic Technicians Summer Symposium, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, 08/02/2002
Hackbarth, Donald A., An Update on Musculoskeletal Oncology, Wisconsin Association of Orthopedic Technicians Summer Symposium, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, 08/02/2002
Hackbarth, Donald A., Orthopaedic Experiences in the Third World, Milwaukee Orthopaedic Society, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 10/23/2007

Hackbarth, Donald A., Skeletal Reconstructions Following Distal Radius Resections for Tumors, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Las Vegas, Nevada, 02/11/1989
Hackbarth, Donald A., Biology of Allografts, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery Symposium on Allograft Reconstruction and Total Joint Replacement, Chicago, Illinois, 05/05/1992
Hackbarth, Donald A., Bone Banking, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery Symposium on Allograft Reconstruction and Total Joint Replacement, Chicago, Illinois, 05/05/1992
Hackbarth, Donald A., The Three Most Common Adult Soft Tissue Sarcomas, Clinical Orthopaedic Society Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, 10/14/2005

Medical College of Wisconsin
1987 - 1989 Member, Curriculum and Evaluation Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
1987 - 1993 Member, Research Committee, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin
1989 - 1993 Member, Medical Service Plan Committee, Medical College of Wisconsin
1991 - 1994 Chairman, Bone and Tissue Committee, Wisconsin Southeastern Organ Procurement Organization (Wise), Medical College of Wisconsin and Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital
2002 - 2003 Member, Search Committee for Chairman Department of Surgery, Department of Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin
2002 - 2005 Member, Research Committee, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Medical College of Wisconsin
2008 - 2009 Member, Search Committee for Chairman Department of Neurosurgery, Department of Neurosurgery, Medical College of Wisconsin
1984 - 1985 Member, Tissue and Procedures Committee, Surgery, Memorial Hospital Burlington, WI
1988 - 1991 Member, Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital
1994 - 2000 Member, Organ and Tissue Transplant Committee, St. Luke’s Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI
1994 - 2000 Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, St. Luke’s Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI
1998 - 2000 Chief, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, St. Luke’s Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI
1998 - 2000 Member, Medical Executive Committee, St. Luke’s Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI
2006 - Present Member, Clinical Operations Steering Group, Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital
2006 - Present Orthopaedic Service Line Management Group, Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital

Medical Student Education
07/1986 - 11/1993 Orthopaedic Pathology Lectures: discussions on musculoskeletal histology, orthopaedic infections, fracture healing, musculoskeletal neoplasms including bone and soft tissue benign and malignant tumors given as lectures during the Medical College of Wisconsin sophomore pathology curriculum
07/2002 - 06/2005 Annual lectures on benign and malignant soft tissue tumors during the MCW M2 Pathology Course, Biochemistry M1 Course: Annual Lecture (clinical correlation): Parathyroid Diseases and the Effects on the Musculoskeletal System
02/11/2003 Lecture to the AOA Medical Student Association on Third world surgical missions
04/09/2003 Lecture to the Christian Medical Association on Surgical Missions
11/05/2008 Lecture to MCW AOA Medical Student Association: Medical and Surgical Volunteerism in the Third World
Continuing Medical Education
01/2001 - Present Weekly Musculoskeletal Oncology Tumor Boards

Graduate Student Education
1997 - 1998 Concordia University of Wisconsin, Department of Physical Therapy, Annual Lectures, Orthopaedic Oncology and Amputation Surgery, 3 hour session each year
11/11/2004 Mount Mary College, Occupational Therapy, The Role of the Occupational Therapist as Part of the Musculoskeletal Oncology Team
Resident and Fellow Education
2000 - Present Medical College of Wisconsin - Orthopaedic Surgery, Presenter – required core curriculum
2004 - Present Medical College of Wisconsin - Orthopaedic Surgery, Medical, pre-clinical and surgical preceptor and mentor in Musculoskeletal Oncology, a required PGY-3 rotation
Community/Lay Public
04/19/1994 Wisconsin Chapter, American Society of Plumbing Engineers, Pewaukee, Wisconsin, Operating Technology
10/15/1994 St. Luke’s Medical Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Foundation of Paget’s Disease of Bone and Related Disorders,
02/26/1996 Elm Grove Lutheran School, Elm Grove, Wisconsin, What Is An Orthopaedic Surgeon?
05/17/2003 Brookfield Lutheran Church Men’s Club, Brookfield, Wisconsin, Christian Missions to Haiti
10/08/2008 Christ the Life Lutheran Church Senior Group, Waukesha, Wisconsin, Medical and Surgical Missions

Medical Students
1989 - 1990, M3 Medical Student Ambulatory Clinical Rotation: Rotation involved teaching M3 students musculoskeletal physical diagnosis and treatment of basic musculoskeletal conditions in a classroom setting during their surgical rotation. Quarterly lectures were given on these topics, Medical College of Wisconsin
06/04/2001 - 08/03/2001 Christopher McAndrew, Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
09/17/2001 - 07/15/2002 Michael Brechbuhler, Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
07/15/2002 - 07/22/2003 Joseph Kroner, Mentor, Medical College of Wisconsin
2005 - 2006 Joseph Schwab, an M4 Student at MCW, I worked with Joe as his mentor on developing an educational project involving Musculoskeletal Oncology, using the Angel interactive educational Program to educate residents on specific tumor using a “Grand Rounds” style of education. We plan to continue to develop this programmed education style using Angel and expand Orthopaedic Musculoskeletal pathology education throughout the next 4 years, Medical College of Wisconsin
2009 Sara Lauck, Gina Mullooly, M4 Integrated Selective International Medical and Surgical Care, Matagalpa, Nicaragua, Medical College of Wisconsin
2010 Megan Schmitt, Steven Whiting, M4 Integrated Selective International Medical and Surgical Care, Matagalpa, Nicaragua, Medical College of Wisconsin
2001 - 2006 Matthew Gerlach, MD, Kenneth Lin, MD. Lawrence Maciolek, MD., John Zebrack, MD., Faculty Mentor and advisor, Medical College of Wisconsin
2005 - Present Sean Tracy, MD, PG-Y 5 Orthopaedic resident, Faculty Mentor and Co-investigator, Medical College of Wisconsin
2009 - Present Leah Rankine, MD PG-Y 2 Orthopaedic resident, Faculty Mentor and Co-Investigator, Medical College of Wisconsin

Medical Students
1989 - 1991 Three Students mentored during that period of time, Mentor, American Cancer Society Summer Clerkship for Medical Students, Medical College of Wisconsin

Educational Programs
2007 First Course, January in Matagalpa, Nicaragua The course will commence with 2 Students and be offered once the first year. The number of students and number of course offerings will be expanded there
12/1986 Oncologic Aspects of Orthopaedic Surgery. MCW Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Grand Rounds
09/1987 Surgical Staging and Treatment of Sarcomas, MCW Radiation Oncology Grand Rounds
09/1987 Surgical Staging and Treatment of Sarcomas, MCW Radiation Oncology Grand Rounds
09/1988 Care of Cancer Patients MCW, Milwaukee Co. Medical Complex Orthopaedic Nurses Grand Rounds
01/1990 Bone and Tissue Transplantation MCW Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds
06/1990 Soft Tissue Sarcomas, MCW Medical Oncology Grand Rounds
04/1991 Osteosarcoma—Surgical Management, MCW Medical Oncology Grand Rounds
04/2007 Evaluation and Treatment of Patients with Soft Tissue Sarcomas, MCW Department of Surgery Medical Education Rounds
03/2009 Musculoskeletal Oncology – Current Management of Sarcoma Patients, MCW Pediatric Surgery Grand Rounds, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin
Clinical Programs
2000 The Musculoskeletal Oncology Program within the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery has been redeveloped

1990 - 1996 Board of Directors, Lutheran High School Association of Greater Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1991 - 2002 Planning Council, Christ the Life Lutheran Church, Waukesha, Wisconsin
1997 - 2002 Medical and Surgical Missions , Invited Orthopaedic Surgeon, Hospital of the Holy Cross, (Hopital Ste. Croix), Leogane, Haiti, Diagnostic and surgical treatments performed 7- 10 days yearly
1998 - 2000 Vice President, Christ the Life Lutheran Church, Waukesha Wisconsin
2000 - 2001 President, Christ the Life Lutheran Church, Waukesha, Wisconsin
2002 - 2003 Board of Elders, Christ the Life Lutheran Church, Waukesha, Wisconsin
07/15/2004 - 07/24/2994 M.O.S.T. (Mission Outreach Short-term): Invited Physician for Medical and Eyeglass Mission. Matagalpa, Nicaragua
2004 - 2009 Board of Directors, Harwood Place, a division of Lutheran Living Services, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin
01/2006 Missionary Ventures International, Managua and Matagalpa, Nicaragua. Initial trip to evaluate facilities and patient needs
2007 - Present Mission Committee, Brookfield Lutheran Church, Brookfield, Wisconsin
01/2009 MCW Integrated Selective for Medical Students, International Medical and Surgical Care
2009 - Present Board of Directors, Lutheran Living Services (The Lutheran Home and Harwood Place), Wauwatosa, Wisconsin

Refereed Journal Publications/Original Papers
1. Seale,K., Lange,T., Monson, D., Hackbarth, D.: Soft Tissue Tumors of the Foot and Ankle. Foot and Ankle 9(1): 19-27, 1988.
2. Smith, R., Janjan, N., Kretzschmer, S., Hackbarth, D.: The Effect of Radiation Therapy on von Willebrand Factor in Patients with Angiosarcoma. Radiotherapy and Oncology 16: 297-304, 1989.
3. McLean,T., Almassi, G., Hackbarth, D., Janjan, N., Potish, R.: Mediastinal Involvement by Myxoid Liposarcoma. Annals of Thoracic Surgery 47: 920-921, 1989.
4. Bridge, J., Neff, J., Borek, D., Hackbarth, D.: Primary Skeletal Ewing's Sarcoma in Down 's Syndrome. Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics 47(1): 61-68, 1990.
5. Janjan, N., Zellmer,D., Gillion, M., Hackbarth, D.: Comparison fo Dose Distribution by Means of Bolus versus Water Bath Techniques in Treatment of Cutaneous Sarcoma. Medical Dosimetry 15: 221-226, 1990.
6. Janjan, N., Anderson, T., Siegel, R., Hackbarth, D.: Angiosarcoma of the Forearm Definitively Treated by Hyper-fractionated Irradiation. American Journal of Clinical Oncology 13(6): 489-494, 1990.
7. Hackbarth, D.: Resections and Reconstructions for Tumors of the Distal Radius. Orthopaedic Clinics of North America 22(1): 49-64, 1991.
8. Quinn, S., Erickson, S., Dee, P., Walling, A., Hackbarth, D., Knudson G., Moseley, H.: MR Imaging in Fibromatosis: Results in 26 Patients with Pathologic Correlation. American Journal of Roentgenology 156: 539-542, 1991.
9. Stiehl, J., Hackbarth, D.: Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis of the Hip. Journal of Arthroplasty 6(suppl): 585-590, 1991.
10. Berkenstock, K., Janjan, N., Hackbarth, D., Merfeld, J., Gillion, M., Wilson, J.: Perioperative Wound Complications Following Brachytherapy Alone or in Combination with External Beam Irradiation in Advanced Soft Tissue Sarcoma of the Extremity. Endocurietherapy/Hyperthermia Oncology 8: 187-194, 1992.
11. Patel, N., Collier, D., Carrera, G., Hanel, D., Sanger, J., Matloub, H., Hackbarth, D.
12. Krasnow, A., Hellman, R., Isitman, A.: High-resolution Bone Scintigraphy of the Adult Wrist. Clinical Nuclear Medicine 17(6), 449-453, 1992
13. Stiehl, J., Harlow, M., Hackbarth, D.: Extensile Triradiate Approach for Complex Acetabular Reconstructions in Total Hip Arthroplasty. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 294: 162-169, 1993
14. Sanger, J., Kao, D., Hackbarth, D.: Peroneal nerve compression by lateral gastrocnemius flap. Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive &Aesthetic Surgery 62(8), e280-e282, 2009
15. King, D., Hackbarth, D., Kilian, C., Carrera, G.: Soft -tissue Sarcoma Metastases Identified on Abdomen and Pelvis CT Imaging. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 467. Accepted for publication 2009
Books, Chapters, and Reviews
1. An, H., Hackbarth, D.: Basic Science and Pathology. In Synopsis of Orthopaedics H. An, ed. Thieme, Verlag, New York, 1992.
2. Shidam, V., Acker, S., Vesole, D., Hackbarth, D.: Benign and Malignant Soft
3. Tissue Tumors. In E- Medicine- Web MD ( Orthopedic Neoplasms), 2004 (updated 2009)
4. Rao, N., Wong, S., Hackbarth, D., Panikkar, V., Shidham, V.: Post-radiation
5. Sarcoma. In E-Medicine-Web MD (Orthopedic Neoplasms), 2004 (updated 2009)
6. Jhala, N., Siegal, G., Hackbarth, D., Wong, S., Shidham, V.: Telangiectatic Osteosarcoma. In E-Medicine-Web MD (Orthopedic Neoplasms), 2004 (updated 2009)
1. Hackbarth, D., Cheung, H., Schwab, J., Lynch, K., Brewer, B.: Biochemical and Morphologic Analysis of Articular Cartilage Repair. Orthopaedic Transactions 65: 443, 1982.
2. Patel, N., Collier, B., Carrera, G., Hanel, D., Sanger, J., Matloub, H., Hackbarth, D., Krasnow, A., Hellman, R., Isitman, A.: High-resolution Bone Scintigraphy of the Adult Wrist. Clinical Nuclear Medicine 17(6), June 1982.
3. Lynch, K., Toth, J., Ho, K., Hackbarth, D.: Heterotopic Ossification in Calcium Pyrophosphate Ceramic Implants: Foreign Body Response or Biologic Phenomenon? A Histologic Study. American Journal of Clinical Pathology. March 1993.
4. Toth, J., Lynch, K., Hackbarth, D.: Osteogenesis by Subcutaneous Implantation of Calcium Phosphates--A Histologic Description. (Presented at the 39th meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society), Orthopaedic Transactions,
Peer Reviewed Educational Products
1. Kryzyda, E., Wilson S., Sugg, S., O' Shaunhnessy, I., Hackbarth, D.: Osteitis Fibrosa Cystica and Primary Hyperparathyroidism - A Classic Disease Revisited. American College of Surgeons. San Francisco, 2002.